The Secret Technique for Juicy Smoked BBQ Ribs

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foreign [Music] I've been talking about this for a long time so guess what folks we're getting ready to smoke some ribs let's get it okay so look this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and light this and then we're gonna go ahead and pour the you know the pellets inside the back right just to show you how simple it is listen we're using the pellet grill right so listen all we got to do is hit power right I'm gonna change this to actual we're gonna just reduce this down since we're going to do ribs I'm gonna set it at 250 degrees just so you know Kingsford 100 hardwood pellets are made with all natural 100 hardwood and as you can see it's my tool of choice and that flavor right there is fire all right baby we got our ribs here baby um what I like to do is pull the membrane off so I'd normally just I grab the skin on the end just like this and as I go I take it a b and I go down the rear all the way to the edge I'm actually I got to get in here so I pull it up once I raise it I stick my finger underneath grab one end and I go all the way to the bottom to the edge and once I get a good Edge like that I pull my rib and the whole membrane comes right off now I'm gonna take them over to AV he gonna trim it and I'll keep pulling the membrane off but AV I'm already starting to smell that Hickory funding pellets and Hickory is outstanding with pork ribs okay so look let me ask you this we have our show ribs because look they didn't already really cut the flap off I'm gonna go ahead and just trim this just a little bit yeah you know what I mean just a little bit it ain't much hey Pat so listen you got you did a great job pulling the membrane off you know I use the bottom of like a spoon or something like that right I should use pair of knives look actually you got the hands for it I'm gonna stay out your way so look we're gonna go ahead and use this uh binder yeah you guys can use any kind of binder you want you guys can use uh as you can see we're using uh what is this mustard you can use W sauce that's enough right there that's enough for the whole thing yeah now I want you guys to notice he just put it on but I'm gonna be using this hand I'm gonna be keeping this you know I want to keep this one dry right right and then all of our extra meat after we cut that off I'll save that yeah and you know what I saved that for like a later date yeah you know what I mean so when I get enough of those we going to show you guys you know what to do right uh this right here like again is just for the help that you know whatever type of rub or seasoning that we're putting on here that's just to make it go now I'm gonna be using my B series right look this is from the level up right so I'm gonna take this off and I want you guys to pay attention to the color right that's what I like this is how you know when everything is seasoned properly right so I'm gonna start from here and I'm gonna work my way down again I'm gonna put that out there so you guys can see it and here we go you don't have to be scared with it nope I don't put as much as I do on the back side right you know what I mean that I do on the front right so I just go like that nice yeah that's it nice give it a little Pat yeah we got it bind it we let that soak and sit up I'm gonna take a look back in my background oh we got 245 we almost there now I'm gonna just lift this up like this because we want to get it all you know I mean I don't know how many people that uh do ribs and they are a lot of people forget about this right here right then we don't worry about what gets on the bottom because look check this out little heads up folks when it's like that you can take it here we go now this is what you call coverage folks yeah if you're not putting this much rub and it's your favorite rub so they're right off the back you're saying this is going to be the best ribs ever just put it here give it a little pack and he go with where the key is check it out we got this aluminum pan right here I'll take them right here and I just sit them here and the salts and all of that that work inside will work work his way down into the meat bring a little bit of the moisture out and watch them start to get tacky and you know go from there you did that all right that's all you you did that you did that maybe yours is fine and pretty man but I always kept the full amount on which requires a little bit more so I just cut this skirt off so I come right down and just leave about an inch a little bit of an inch on this meat here I season throw on the grill and oftentimes it's used in my baked beans or barbecue spaghetti then I come back across here just like you did it's very similar but and I just lift up and you want to cut where you see the white separating from the red and you just lose all of that but the only difference is that now I like yours they be for like Backyard Barbecue but to get a full slab you just have to watch it a little bit more it's cut like this and I just go up under here like this then I pull up on it and just pull it and then that gives you really smooth smooth Rip but it's it's no wrong or right way it's just your preference then I take it like that okay nothing wrong with that so go ahead and uh Slide the ring them up here you know what so your hands can yeah go ahead and do it since I got that dry one okay man so look we already up the chip we'll open this up time to lay these babies and let them let them let them take a nap for a minute huh all right so now we talk about this right here yeah I'm gonna put them in and I'm gonna put them in at an angle like this I got you right then I'm gonna do something just give me a minute folks I want to show you something this is a nice slab right yeah you know I mean big baby and then right here these are the bigger media ribs you know what I mean but we're a little bit on the short side I put it over here look I want to pay I want you guys to pay attention to this right here I'm gonna take them and I'm gonna push them in just like this right the way you set them up is the way they're gonna cook right so we got to put them like this because sometimes they Bend and do all of that right it's really about the way you put them on right if you guys pay attention I'll do this right then I kind of like push these are the ones that you didn't cut off yeah I'm just getting them nice and tight right just like that just the way they'll cook and you also got space in between them because they gotta breathe I really want your ribs really touching that's perfect man with these Hickory Chip pellets going on with Joe your amazing seasoning we're gonna have some good eating in about three three and a half hours my brother yeah I think we're gonna take these to about four ah we want to make these special low and slow baby lowest slow wow all right look now that we got to you know the lid closed we want to build our heat back up to 250 degrees listen we're not going to open them up we're not going to look at them no more look the grill is going to do all of the work the Kings was going to infuse it with that flavor and we're going to come back and I'll show you what we do at an hour and 20 minutes and also it'd be these King Hickory pellets y'all you can use them on all grills okay so look this is what we're gonna do it's been an hour and 20 minutes right yeah we're gonna open this we haven't looked at it no nothing right we're going to introduce a new word to everybody we're going to use a word like Spritz right Spritz is let me show you right here that's one of these you get yourself a bottle look this is just an apple juice one part and I do one part of uh water that's all it's just the moisture just to keep them going right right listen we're in the backyard we're going to make these as pretty as we can so let's go ahead and open these up and let me show you about when it's hot and how the ribs pull I'm ready baby I'm ready okay Pat so look I'm gonna go ahead and just rotate them sometime I pick this one up move it over here what's that three-car Molly right or something like that we get moving around right let's just go ahead and just turn them that way just and then that's your perfect stop it right there so we can show them yeah if you guys look right there you can see the way the meat is starting to pull this way you can see that little bit of the bone so we turn it you know I mean we just shut it up like that so we want to get this part to start doing the exact same guy over here so let's get those turned we just and I want you guys to take a look at that color that's what that good seasoning is that's what they do it's got great color there's a lot of you know it's really really good and using these Kinks for the Hickory pellets man just the flavor the combination together man it's just lovely yes right now we in the backyard man I'd like to go ahead and do you know go ahead and do it do your thing A B all right so I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with a little moisture oh yeah look at that right there yeah waking them up we don't have to really worry about back down this way because remember that fatty area back there look at that it's gonna cook off it's gonna cook down a little bit more right and it's going to keep that part more right but you look down here this is more of the thin saw right or when you left it to keep these little small ones all right so I like to keep these a little wet there you go right yeah same thing with these right here I really want you guys to take a look at that color I know I keep talking about it man and then that flavor can you smell it I can smell it bro I can smell it and I smell the Hickory yes I mean believe it or not you're smelling the Hickory and they're cooking at a good good consistent temperature you know we came out man I looked at that thermostat baby shoes rocking 249 250 all day long that's because we got a Pit Master out here baby yeah baby all right brother we got like another hour hour and 20 minutes hour and 30 minutes and then we're gonna open this baby up and we're gonna show y'all some complete Magic okay fam hey so look I know your name yeah it's Pat Neely the barbecue team right so look you know just act like we're doing it for the competition yeah we really care about how they look right you know I mean we know the flavors there we know we put the Hickory right so you go ahead and do that thing and I'm gonna go ahead why are you putting down here you know your brown sugar you know I just I guess I'll just explain it you know what I mean uh so the reason you're putting this down here look this is gonna give it like a little bit of a sweet taste and then we're gonna put the ribs on there you know that's gonna be meat side down right so now you can go ahead and cut the uh another pass yeah butter patch you know what I mean and then for those you guys that'd be doing them competition and stuff like that you know we got that parquet you know that that squeeze butter this right here works now I like to use the the patch on the bottom I guess the same way you do right and then we're going to do this on the top and the butter and and this uh brown sugar y'all is also going to kind of caramelize those ribs man um this is a little trick that's going to really bring out the flavor and along with those Hickory charcoal pellets right we're in business look at that door man look at the color bro man you talking about smoke and then listen you can smell it you got that hint of that Hickory yep so I'm gonna go ahead and push this in just a little bit more we just put this down just like that yes Bingo yes now we could have kept cooking them bringing them around yeah not even did this process right here but we finna makeup we're gonna make a show real you know I mean there's some grilling TV right here baby yeah there you go hey I didn't want to say nothing all right go ahead with that brown sugar all right come across the top and just like that since we got the camera fall and everything look you went that way now I'm going to go ahead and just oh that's nice brother that's it no here go the real man yeah yeah we want to get to use a little bit more tender right yeah so we're gonna take a little bit of this apple juice this is uh two parts apple juice one part water right I know you guys be asking they'll be asking like hey what does that mean two-part I'm like I don't care it's either two tables tablespoons of this one tablespoon of that or it could be cups one gallon it is so look I just put a little bit of this like this it's gonna all run down the you know to the center yeah and then with that heat we're gonna get a little steam yeah and it's going oh and then just for good measure yeah you go don't tell nobody give a little something across the top right and you know maybe I really like like a tight fall wrap okay like I've you know I really wrap them tight that's crucial no air in them at all because they already have that hickory smoke flavor in them it's already there just like that right they're not trying to you know let that bone holes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean and all that's done perfect now listen we're not free to bore you guys you guys saw it you know I mean maybe we do a little b-roll or something like that but you got to trust me and don't don't forget this part this is where we probably should have said already got the smoke flavor and really want to like touch bases on this when you smoking is only your protein is only going to take so much smoke you know what I mean after a while that's gonna be over with you know what I mean so I figured like after a couple of hours of this this being inside of the uh the Pele Grill Kingsford you know Hickory pellets that flavor is already in that meat and I know it is because listen I can smell it right now there's something about when I bend it I don't know if it released something yeah I know y'all probably think I'm making up stuff but no you're not and you know one other thing y'all is like meat is always like a human as soon as you start to run and sweat your pores open up so as soon as we put these ribs on is when the pores open up and that's when we want really the Hickory flavor going in and all the smoke from pellet grill [Music] [Music] I'm going to keep these on for about another hour okay folks look we didn't let another hour go by here yeah we're gonna go ahead and take these out all right I'll let you do the honors yeah y'all ready for some magic oh and look how they sitting in that juice that's what really makes them tender when they sit in there like that and then you gotta let them know too it's a fine line between mushy meat right or you don't fall off the bone and all of that right so these right here you want to keep a little bit of the Integrity you can see some of the pool pack and then when I look at the edges if you look they should be black a little bit like this a little dark color right but we're not done yet folks let's go ahead I'm gonna move this there you go wait let's let us get all of these out [Music] three great ribs Pat I'm gonna let you talk about because he wants to do a dry rib a dry a dry rub reel right so these are ready to go right as it's resting she could open it up like that right there yeah yeah yeah let's open it up on the back side here so listen it's up to you if you want to go back in there just a little bit longer you can but for me I'm gonna be using you know my barbecue sauce right here yeah I'm gonna just pour a little bit of this on the top I'm gonna have you do that do the honors yeah I mean because look I'm gonna go back to the inside and let this barbecue he show it out y'all a b is showing out and I'm just brushing there you go look at that and you want it evenly there you go so y'all check this out our Memphis dry rib is taking the same dry seasoning and you put it on at the end just like ab and I did the barbecue sauce but with our dry seasoning and then they'd be gonna kind of Pat it in there put this back in there yeah yeah let the Hickory pillars do his thing yes well I'll say about 15 minutes yes get this barbecue sauce to set yes along with it you know what I'm gonna walk these in myself I was gonna say you could have just settle right on over there but we're going to the grill for about another 15 minutes 15 minutes see you soon thank you [Music] man bro these ribs have turned out fire I mean I'm so proud of them AB you know what I like to do first of all y'all let me tell you these Kingsford Hickory pellet chips man got these ribs on fire so it'd be I know you got your sauce this is my brother's sauce I'm gonna go Memphis Style you do you these yours over here unless you want one of my you won't want something with my dry rub on it you can you can go ahead and do that hey look cheers bro cheers fire bro yeah you know what I mean I can't say enough I love the flavor that's been put in here you know from the pellets you know what I mean and then the rubs too yeah I like it dry and I like it wet okay check this out listen I'm not going to overtalk it you know how I do usually when I get to the end of my videos we like to eat and do all of that so check it out you know this part right here we out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 956,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, The Secret Technique for Juicy Smoked BBQ Ribs, smoked bbq ribs, smoked ribs, kingsford ribs, smoked ribs recipe, smoked ribs electric smoker, bbq smoked ribs, bbq ribs, electric smoked ribs, smoked ribs for beginners, best smoked ribs, pork ribs recipe, barbecue ribs, pork ribs, savory smoked ribs, pork ribs for beginners, smoked pork ribs, bbq pork ribs, bbq ribs recipe, juicy smoked ribs, how to smoke pork ribs, barbecue, bbq
Id: gRtwb-amJwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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