Why Your Golf Swing Needs THIS Unexpected Key Move

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in this video I'm going to teach you just one move which can help you develop a perfect Ding and obviously give you better shots on the golf course so I've given a lot of lessons recently both kind of in person and online and lots of my students have needed one thing that's very very similar in their goaling and as soon as we added this move in and we introduce this to their go swing everything changed they start to it further more solid more consistent and gener with a better shape I'm going to teach you that move today and I'm going to teach you that in three pretty simple steps so what did they all need in their go sings well on the way down they all needed more speed in their arms they all needed to actually accelerate their arms independently of their body now like I said they all thought that was the wrong thing to do they were all trying to kind of from the top rotate the body use the body almost Square the club face with the body and that's not necessarily the case so this is the first little exercise love you to do and then we're going to explain why it's kind of so important i' would love you to take something like this this is an alignment stick you can use anything that's similar sort of shape and size as this and I'm going to place this pretty much under my trail arm and you can see that as I stand upright it's pretty much horizontal now when I take a set up to this golf ball I've got myself a s iron here my lead arm is not in contact with this alignment stick there's a gap and it's probably 6 to 8 inches so if I suddenly go from here to my impact position what is that relationship like well it's pretty similar my lead arm is here the alignment stick is there there is still probably about 6 to 8 Ines gap between it so there's my impact now watch what happens when I sort of take a set when I make a back swing my lead arm hits that alignment stick okay so if it's hitting that alignment stick on the way back what have I got to do in the down swing I've got to move it off that alignment stick because we need that perfect impact so do this little exercise with me just stand up take your posture place your lead arm down as if you've got a golf club take your Trail hand put one finger on your bicep and one fing finger on your sort of chest area there now if I keep that relationship the same so I don't change what my lead arm is doing relative to my chest and I turn my shoulders through 90° into a back swing where do I end up here now does that look like the end of a back swing it doesn't it looks like my body's made a full turn but this isn't where the hands and arms would be so in a back swing what do we have we have body turn but we also have to have some swinging of the arms the arms have to do something independently of the body so if my arms in the back sing are moving up and across my chest what have they got to do in the douncing they've got to do the opposite they've got to move down and off my chest and the reason that's so important is look what happens if I grab a golf club and I don't have that move if I take a setup I'm going to make my back swing where I've got shoulder turn and arm swing and if I keep my arm pinned onto my chest and I rotate my body doesn't matter how much I turn my body my shoulders are pretty much much square to the Target there my hipss are open my weight's on my lead side I can't get that Golf Club to the ball how do I get that Golf Club to the ball well look I need to use some of my hands and arms I need to use them but if I use them at this point in the GOL swing look where the clubs coming from very steep very choppy very across the ball and going to get very cramped so we have to use the hands and the arms in the dcing that's the first thing hopefully I've explained why the second thing would be if we're going to use them when we use them important because that little demonstration showed us that if we use them late we're not going to get great results so we've done the first drill which is kind of a li stick have a go with that one this is your second exercise and this is the one which is really kind of a bit of a opening eye opening experience for many I'm going to take a set up to this 79 and I'm going to place this bag kind of in line with my toes so in there and the end of the bag is around about a club head width away from me and obviously that's a that's a 79 so this is the drill I've had my students doing recently and it say it's given some fantastic results take a setup move up to the top sorry before I do this this is an impact bag you might have to get a little creative you use a cushion a pillow a bag full of old clothes or sheets or something that you don't mind kind of hitting so we're going to take a setup we're going to make a back swing and I want you to from here hold your knees hold your hips hold your chest hold your shoulders do not move them at all and simply use your hands and your arms to smack the golf club into this bag now that isn't a gol sync clearly because I'm hitting a bag I'm not hitting the ball but what it's teaching me and what it will teach you is to show to kind of understand what the hands and the arms are doing relative to the chest my chest isn't moving but my hands and my arms are now you might look at this and lots of people have said to me when I've done this in the past is this not just casting and throwing the golf club okay because clearly my wrists have sort of lost their angle the golf has gone down to the ground this looks like a very strange position but what about if I did that so arms down to the bag and as I did that I actually rotated my body well look what happens if I do this and the bag's a little bit in the way but from here if I just rotate my body guess what we're in a pretty perfect impact position so the only reason that that drill looks a little strange and a little odd and it looks like a weird movement to do is because we're doing it as an isolated move we're moving the arms down towards the ground without turning the body but let me show you down to the bag and this time I'm going to go down to the bag and add my body turn we get a perfect impa position because the arms have moved relative to the chest and we said right at the start that's essentially in the Ging but the timing was good so it wasn't turn arms down which so many of you will be doing the arms are moving too late it wasn't arms down body doing nothing it was arms down as the body rotates and look at the shape of my ding as I do that absolutely perfect and if we do that again but this time bring our alignment stick back in what do we see lead arm is not in contact lead arm is clearly in contact when I hit the bag my lead arm moves back away from the alignment stick and as I do this and add my turn there's my impact lead arm is away from the alignment stick and that goes right back to what we showed you at the start that that is the perfect impact position so not only am I hitting the bag but I'm hitting it with Force because what we know in the goal swing is that the hands should be traveling at their fastest point at around about this part of the golfing so your hands will be from the top accelerating to here which is what we just tried to do with that bag and then they are slowing down and when they're slowing down that allows the club head to release and square up so your first exercise is the L stick under the arm second little exercise is the impact bag third exercise is actually to go and blend it into a swing so I've got this ball teed up much easier to hit shots when it's teed up I'm going to get myself comfortable I've got got a seven iron and here's what I'm going to do I'm going to do three rehearsals into the bag and on the fourth one I'm simply going to add body turn and collect the ball hit the bag one two three same movement but a body turn and I'm very happy with the direction the contact not so much but hey it's a drill when you're doing drills contact might be a little bit if you might hit some ropey shots but that's absolutely fine you are learning new movements you're learning new IDE is but my swing shape was good I'm going to do that once more because I feel like I can get a a slightly better strike than that I'd like to hope I can anyway so here hands down there's one two three add some turn and that was a much better shot okay Direction was still as good but you can see the direction of the shot as well so I was able to hit a shot which had solid strike it had a pretty neutral path it had a pretty neutral face and I had a pretty neutral ball flight and I did it because I was using my arms correctly relative to my chest so if you're struggling with impact you're struggling with your down swing many of my students needed more use of the arms early in the ding and it blew their mind they thought that's not the correct thing to do they were actually trying to the opposite you might be the case it depends on how like uh
Channel: ChrisRyanGolf
Views: 69,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, golf drill, chris ryan golf, danny maude, golf lesson, golf downswing, downswing lesson, perfect golf downswing, golf downswing tips, over the top, in to out, shallow the club, how to shallow golf club, on plane, beginner golf, lower handicap, play better golf, improve at golf, how to hit irons, hit irons solid, golf impact position, impact drills, downswing drill, stop slicing, stop cutting across the ball, simple swing, straight shots, hit down, fix
Id: S2HUTfPc5k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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