The Secret to Creating a Realistic Mockup! - Photoshop Tutorial

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[Music] in a recent video we talked about how to create a mock-up with complex 3d shapes when you have a lot of sites a lot of folds and how to overall go around wrapping your design around it but a lot of you in the comments also ask me mish what do i do if i have a round object like a bottom well in that video we used perspective warp and perspective warp is great if you have sides which are flat but with a round object things get a little different and that's what this video is all about we'll not only learn how to wrap our designs around around objects but also we'll learn how to add shine and reflection and all of the elements that you already have in this photo back in along with the flexibility of the mock-up to change anything you like at any point of time and that too absolutely easily so without any further ado let's get started [Music] before we get started this video is brought to you by envato elements if you're looking for world-class high quality ready-made mock-ups or even if you're looking for images to create the mock-up envado elements is one of the best places to do that because everything is unlimited you can download as much as you want as many as you want and that too with a license and it is not just limited to all of these templates you have everything you have fonts you have add-ons photoshop actions presets brushes you have stock photos stock videos if you look at graphics you have backgrounds textures sound effects music video templates like after effects templates that you can apply for animations like this and if you just look at graphic templates you have everything you need for ui ux logos scene generators it is just unlimited by the way it's free to check out their catalog also if you're interested there might be some offers discounts for more details check the links in the description let's go ahead and get back to the video back in the magical world of photoshop and if you wish to follow along i have something that's going to make your process easier you're not only able to download this sample image but also the complete starting pst so that you have the selection of the complete object and the cap and the body separately so that you can go ahead and get started with the interesting stuff and not waste time with the mundane ones the first step is understanding that this my friend is a reflective surface and because it's a reflective surface it's also reflecting off some colors from its surroundings now when we add our design we don't want these colors like red and yellow that it's reflecting off to mingle with our design they're like bad company we want to keep it away so let's neutralize them so to do that completely from the object make a selection of the object i've already done that you can use the pen tool in this case i highly recommend using the pen tool press p for the pen tool and then you can slowly and gradually create a point click and drag to create a curve and then you can continue from here i highly recommend watching this guide if you don't know how to use the pen tool i can guarantee you that by the end of it you'll master it you'll absolutely understand everything that there is to it now you would need some practice but by the end of it if you practice a little more along with it i can guarantee you that you'll be a master so to load the selection that i had already made i'm going to go to select load selection and object is the one that we're going to choose hit okay now with the selection active we're going to create a hue saturation adjustment layer and take the saturation all the way to the left hand side now all the colors are gone and every color we add will not mingle with any color that's already there now this is optional this my friend is a mock-up so you do have the option to adjust it anytime you like if you have a plain design and if you don't mind a little bit of color you can always bring it back to normal just keep it right there this my friend is an adjustment layer and therefore adjustable later let us name this layer desaturate so that we know what it's doing the next layer that we're going to make with the same selection to activate the same selection you can hold the controller command and click on the mask there you go let's create a curves adjustment layer and we're not going to do anything right now this is just for additional lighting adjustment now let's create the wrapping paper for just the body we can do the cap separately now think of wrapping paper as a digital wrapping paper and the reason why we are creating it is because if we want to change the design all we have to do is to change the content of the wrapping paper and that would automatically apply with all the blend modes all the settings and all the adjustments all right and we're going to create a rectangle a little wider than the body because the paper needs to be a little more to wrap around it right so let's draw in this rectangle i think that's fine let's go ahead and decrease the opacity and then we can adjust it let's bring it to the center and if you really want to center it i can recommend this press ctrl or command r to bring in the rulers and from the rulers you can drag in the guides right here to the bottle on the other side as well now take the rectangular marquee tool and create a selection within it now with that selection active and the body selected select the move tool right there and then at the top center it according to the selection then you can also center it vertically as well but we don't want to do that we just wanted to center it horizontally press ctrl or command d and there you have it while you're in the rectangle tool you want to make sure that we don't have any stroke and you can change the color to whatever you like right let's keep it at the color and once it's over everything over the whole body right click on it and then choose convert to smart object now here comes the warping you can change the blend mode of this layer from normal to linear burn because it works very well with reflective objects and metallic objects and then you can press ctrl or command t right click on it and then choose warp all right now since the paper is wrapping in we need to first bring the points closer to the bottle now to maintain that everything is on a straight line you can also drag in some more guides just like this you can drag in one more guide for the bottom area as well just like this all right and now you can drag in this point inside now when you're trying to select the point it might accidentally select the guide and for it you can also select the point from a little far away that's not an issue place it right here there you go similarly do the same with all the points now keep in mind we are only concerned about adding design on the bottom part of the flask at the top part it's curving a little and that gets very very complicated if you want you can adjust the points that we can bring it in you can split it you can just curve in the warp in any which way you want but to be able to do that you need to create the wrapping paper in a completely different shape and it cannot be a rectangle because if you have a look right here at the top at the neck the circumference is different as opposed to the bottom part of the bottom and therefore since the circumference is different we cannot have the same amount of wrapping paper right it would be a different shape and that can get really really complicated so for now let's keep it simple in photoshop however if you're working with extremely complex shapes it makes way more sense for you to just use 3d objects and trust me it's much easier as well and apps like adobe dimension make it extremely easy for you to create mockups in 3d if you want a video on that let me know in the comments in this case all you have to do is to adjust the handles and the points according to the shape that's it you need to make sure that everything is straight and nice similarly let's do the same right here as well let's bring the point closer let's bring it closer right here as well now as you're adjusting the handles make sure that in your quest to adjust the handles you don't bend the frame all right keep everything straight according to the shape of the object now this area needs to curve properly too and for it we're going to use these handles right here now if you want to take the guides away if you want to hide the guides press ctrl colon all right and now i can easily work with handles similarly let's do the same right here as well we might have to adjust and refine it later and for that we're going to add a test design don't worry about it now just make sure that it's covering all of the flask i'm gonna decrease the opacity and now zoom in and make sure that it's covering everything if it's a little outside that's fine just make sure everything is covered right here it's not you're gonna take care of that just make sure with the sides everything is covered extend it a little bit now let's adjust the position first of all let's apply it by pressing enter or return now press ctrl or command d and take it up so that all of the body is covered all right there you go the body is covered till this point everything is nice now increase back in the opacity and there's one more step to it you might already have guessed it and that is mask it out we already have a mask right there so hold the alt k the option key and click and drag the mask to the body and there you have it it looks like something is wrong and that there's something that's missing and that my friend is shine don't worry about it we're going to add it later now let's test the design so double click on the thumbnail right here and just to test it we can create a solid color adjustment layer let's keep it red and then let's add a text box right in here so right there full of it lorem ipsum and we can increase the size to let's say 14. how about 16. that's nicer and let's just copy it and fill the entire thing now you can color it whatever you want i'm just going to select all and select maybe yellow a bright yellow right there i like this color ffcc 0 0 hit ok and press ctrl or command s now let's close it and analyze the design here let's see if it aligns well so if we zoom in it is aligning pretty darn well but we can make some adjustments now if you press control or command t it's going to give us a warning so we have to first unlink it that's what it's saying and then press ctrl or command d right click on it and then choose warp and then you can adjust it accordingly so if it's not aligning properly you can do it but in this case it's aligning pretty darn well so you can adjust the design elements like this it's aligning pretty well i like it you can bring things closer like that and there you go most of it is pretty cool right here it's not aligning well as you can see the line now don't worry about the design right now we're gonna take care of the lighting later just adjust it the way you want once you're happy with how the design is warping hit enter or return that is how we adjust it now i know this design is looking weird and right here it is just erasing and that is why we have the lighting adjustment here so let's open up the lighting adjustment and for the dark areas let's bring them up there you go we have the designs coming back in there you go but for the bright areas we do want to bring them down so let's do that so for every design you can adjust it and that's why we have it right there also keep in mind sometimes linear burn can be very harsh and if it's harsh for some designs you can also change it back to something like multiply which has a smoother gradient and it does create a better uh representation and you can make the adjustments to the lighting accordingly so if you wanted to make it darker you could do that there you go i feel this is okay and multiply works better in this case now this my friend was just a sample design you can take all of it away and save it controller command s now it's back to blank now let's worry about the cap right here we're just going to apply color and for it first of all let's select the cap i already have the selection let's go to select load selection you also have it so check the link in the description for the starting pst with all the selection choose cap hit ok we have the selection active then simply create a solid color adjustment layer if you wanted to add some designs here you can follow the same steps i'm just going to give it red you can change the color as well so you can name it change color cap or whatever so cap and let's change the blend mode to multiply now did you notice that all of the blend modes that we considered were darkening blend modes like multiply linear burn this my friend is the darken group and why did we consider the blend modes from the darken group because anything that we're gonna print on it will only darken in most cases at least think of it like printing on a white paper your printer doesn't print white right it only prints darker colors and any place that has bright areas or completely white it just leaves out those places and that is why we chose blend modes from the darkened group but that my friend creates two problems in this case number one it absolutely takes away the shine from this metallic surface and number two if you have a design that is black it's gonna be absolute black and not look realistic for example if you choose black as the color of the cap have a look it went absolutely black and this is just not right if you change the color of the body as well if you have a design or a logo if it's black and if you apply it it's completely black like it is just not real so how do you take care of that by adding shine to add shine make a copy of the original image so we're gonna go ahead and select the background layer and then press ctrl or command j place it at the very top and let's name this layer shine first of all let's convert this into a smart object so that whatever filter we apply we're going to change that later now in this layer all we want are the shine elements no color no dark areas none of that just the shine elements and how do we achieve that we will take the help of camera raw let's go to filter and then camera raw filter first of all let us take the saturation all the way to the left hand side we could also have desaturated it and now simply decrease the exposure there you go we just want the bright shine elements don't take it way too further that way we won't have any details in the dark areas and any black design you're gonna add especially in the dark areas it's gonna go absolutely black so let's keep it at about minus 4.15 that's all right and hold the shift key and click on auto whites now you have brought back the shine elements now you can adjust it further i think minus 3.8 is fine that way we have some details here as well hit okay we can adjust this later this my friend is a smart object now change the blend mode from normal to you guessed it we're going to choose a blend mode from the brightening group and that's going to be screen that's the best here now also we want the mask of just the object the bottle hold the alt k the option key and click and drag the mask right there and there you have it now of course you don't want opacity to be hundred you might wanna go ahead and decrease the opacity to about 60 that's fine and there you have it you also have the shine and there my friend you have your mock-up ready now in this case even if you choose black as the color of the cap it's gonna look realistic fantastic now if you want to add any design to it you already know what to do double click on the thumbnail of the body and then you can just add a text a logo whatever you wish so let's go ahead and create a brand new layer and let's add some text let's type in anything yay you already know who he is this is just fun to type in it's not that i support him or stuff it's just fun anyway so this is all right we're going to keep it in the center there you go control or command s and now when you get back to it there you have it and also if you do notice that this area looks a little stretched and that's going to happen in some cases you might want to go back right there press ctrl or command d right click on it and then choose warp and then adjust it hit enter or return the more you refine your mock-up the better so this my friend is your mock-up and you can add any design or color that you like according to your wish now if you want to change anything after you open the mock-up after anyone opens the mock-up is let's say you want to change the color of the cap just change the color to whatever you like from right here so blue green yellow you can just change it to whatever now if you want to change the body double click on the thumbnail of the body if you want to change the color just create a solid color adjustment layer on top of it you can also change the color of the rectangle right here double click on it and that way it's also possible so you can choose whatever you want so i'm just going to create a solid color adjustment layer and then you can type in any text you want you can bring in any design you want and then when you save it by pressing ctrl or command s it shows up right here as well i hope this video helped you let us do a quick little recap first of all we're just going to create a hue saturation adjustment layer just to desaturate it if we had colors it might mingle with your design but if it's not mingling you have the option to adjust it right over here now the next one is the lighting adjustments if the dark areas get too bright or too dark you can adjust it from right here you can also adjust the bright areas from right here according to your design requirements now on top this is the most essential thing you want to add a rectangular wrapping paper make it a little extra and then using warp warp it and then choose a blend mode from a darken group we chose multiply and don't forget to convert it into a smart object otherwise it won't be a mock-up and you will have the ability to change the design later in all of the cases don't forget to mask in the object and now when i look at it right here there's a teeny tiny mistake can you spot it take a look at it closely can you spot it now we have masked in the complete bottle instead of just the body right here so let's go ahead and delete the mask right here and then i have the selection for the body let's go to select load selection and let's just choose body there you go and now click on the mask button that's what we wanted now you can also create a mask for the cap and set it as a solid color adjustment layer with a multiply blend mode so you can change the color of that as well as part of the mock-up and then at the top to create shine we just decreased the exposure of the original image copy at the very top and increased the whites just to keep the shine elements and changed the blend mode to screen also masked in the complete object right here don't forget to adjust the opacity accordingly and that's how my friend we create a mock-up of round objects in photoshop i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell that you my friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixem perfect on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching thank you for your time i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] i keep falling for you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 545,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create mockup in photoshop, photoshop tutorial, adobe, graphic design tutorial, mockup design, bottle mockup, cup mockup, can mockup, product design, warp, smart objects, masking, add shine, create reflection, camera raw, piximperfect, unmesh dinda, mockup, mockup tutorial
Id: oTn4RhtHMLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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