The Secret Place | Brian Guerin | The Breaking Point | Chapter 3

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I'm excited for the next speaker that you have a chance to encounter excited to introduce him because he's a dear friend of mine he's a Jesus lover the founder of bridal glory international and what I would consider to be and many others a prophet in our generation this man heaven has opened up to and jesus walks with him in a way that reveals itself with great signs wonders and miracles all around the world as he travels preaching the gospel today I'm excited to introduce you to Brian Garrett I'm really excited to come to you guys today and to me talk about one of the and I believe the greatest ability given to mankind and what that is it's the ability to be with Jesus you see to me all of life revolves around the secret place being with him learning his voice knowing him and just in that being transformed into it's like there's no other way see a lot of people want to learn steps go to classes hit conferences certain books may teach me the way there's no other way to truly become like Jesus reflect him in the earth outside of being with him you see and I thank God personally that he made it so simple you know because I'm a bit wired that way early on he begin to show me just be with me just love me you know many of you even listening you I know where you're in different places spiritually don't even worry about that whatever you may know scripturally how to pray posture yourselves I encourage you just to be with just to devote their lives to and look within your schedule and see what you can kind of wedge out if we willing and do away with to then impart Jesus to be with him enough before on the shoe destiny will come alive your life will be transformed you personally will not even realize it before people within your circle will you just start to walk around life and wonder why people are just addicted to even being around he was Jesus at home you see and I feel like presence even now he's the love of my life he is life you see it comes to a point where being with him is always in the other won't wake up it's his voice you know you come to a place you don't really care what he has to say just speak to Jesus your voice is everything it is life you see these aren't Christian cliches this is not just some verses we know he is the manna that came to heaven from heaven continues to come down from heaven every day and his very voice his presence one gaze of his eyes towards you his substance and life that you've never known and what happened was I continued to be drawn into this and I share this with you to be encouraged in the addiction increase you see and then I started to realize I'm more in his likeness and people in my sphere begin to be transformed and there's a popular some popular teachings warm out today that Jesus paid it all which he did the scriptural truths for that but that you no longer need to pursue and pray he sovereignly set it all up accomplished all things through the cross which he has but also I'm pretty sure in Hebrews the Bible says God is a rewarder of those who currently seek Him diligently seek Him and I noticed that definition varies from person to person but I'll encourage you guys set your own standard and that is of Jesus you see Bible says clear and mark Jesus got done well before the Sun he's the perfect role model in this life as you know the Son of God and the Christian to truly walk out this side of heaven so Jesus is the role model got up well before this just an hour before well well before to be with the father went to a solitude place and he lived off the life we did nothing without first seeing the father show him you see him if we don't have a life that's dwelt within this place of abiding in him they'll bang through him you're just doing it on your own you see you're not in Zechariah 4 you're in your own might it's strength my mother's spirit and so at whatever state you are in life will encourage you guys in the presence the voice of God is where everything should flow from be founded a poem rest upon and flow through and you know sometimes you can get busy in life in veer from that but always come back to that one place the first love in Jesus Christ knowing his voice and the second one will pray for you guys I do want to share this one story that happened in either Colombia Brazil I was preaching some years ago it's very powerful and I believe it's gonna come upon you right now when we get to get ready to pray I was getting ready to speak in a meeting and I go into this prophetic dream where I see myself on the corner of a bed begin to throw Mantle's on the corner of the bed one after the other female mantle and coat a male even one after the other and then I come out of the dream and I go God what is this about immediately the Spirit of God spoke to me so these are Mantle's of intimacy you see so many people want I feel his presence so many people want metals of power and miracles in as-salat the words of knowledge revelation but I tell you the greatest of all is intimacy when it closed you consumes you it drives you it is the reason you wake up coffee Heather things float you see so I knew the direction to go in this meeting we opened it up and did not even preach there's such a rich presence bodies are flying all over the place that the mantle of intimacy begin to rest of young people we see it meeting after meeting region after region and how this looks is you begin this hunger within is the spirit that draws us to the Father this hunger like never before grips you to know him grips you to be with him you begin to feel that yielding you know nudge of the Holy Spirit that you need to heal to stronger day by day and then in that place stamina comes where as before an hour would go by and it seemed like a day a day now goes by and it seems like an hour you see there's a supernatural grace that will come upon you to be with him be transformed into his likeness this also comes in many forms of dreams and visions at moments people who begin to speak to you through mysterious ways signs and wonders to the top-three manifestations of God's voice and Joel to our dreams visions and signs and wonders so this is going to come upon your life as well pay attention to it but as I close and you ready to pray for you guys I just want to encourage you the Bible says even in James draw near to God and He will draw near to you you see there's an initiation needed upon our part people aren't recognizing this often in those days but there's a diligence needed God's eyes run to and fro throughout the earth to see a heart that is fully after him you know like I said earlier he's a rewarder diligently seek Him the verses are all throughout old and new Testament and so I want to courage you guys to this is not legalism this is love pursuit you see in Revelation chapter 2 Jesus rebukes the church and says return to your first love in in how does he say do that do the works you did at first those works tied into love this pursuit diligent upon our heart upon our part in an alignment under his ways so when I Curtis is not legalism this is love and pursuit and diligence it's going to come upon you in a new way a new grace and stamina to be with him I never before and so even now I mean she never want as the viewer's posture yourself before heaven I'm gonna release an impartation stillness will become easy just to zone into Jesus be with him just you and him as hours go by and his voice is illuminated within your life his presence becomes more tangible and then you come out of that place making way less mistakes it's just Isaac after Isaac after Isaac you don't produce the issue is it not enough spirit Martha doing doing doing doing doing you know you just marry you sit at his feet get the voice of God and then you walk out it's all exactly appointed by having destinies fulfill Verity so just wherever you're at right now being a posture before having to just receive I'm gonna pray God I thank you for each and every one each viewer and listener right now you're touching their heart I thank you for your glory even gotta thank you for your presence at pond the viewers be transformed right now by the Spirit of God I pray for a supernatural release into your life impartation divine stillness come easy the secret place come alive and thank you for supernatural stamina to be with you that grace upon their lives such an ease and rest the fluidity of your voice within their life God I ask you for the spirit for wisdom and revelation to follow even now I pray for release of dreams and visions upon the listeners the sphere of the Lord in the latter days signs and wonders be loosed within your life tied in with the voice of God revelation understanding and the glory of God in Jesus you
Channel: Burning Ones
Views: 26,516
Rating: 4.9701862 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Kingdom, Revelation, The Breaking Point, Secret Place, God, Prayer, Christian, Pursuit
Id: 9M_0x4zZx_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2015
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