Faith Steps Toward Destiny

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hey guys welcome I want to share a quick teaching that I hope blesses you and releases a greater presence grace anointing if you will upon your lives to move forward and break out so to speak into the things I feel God has called you and many of us into that we don't often realize is waiting to be had and I've been sensing this for quite some time this year and even crossing many people in ministry that I feel this is sort of the case of things that the Lord's waiting on you and many people that run closely with me know I'm like one of the last condone errs if you will of you know jumping out in making things happen and that's by no means what I'm going to convey in this teaching but also I'm noticing there's you know there's waiting upon the Lord I'm one of the biggest advocates of waiting upon the Lord to do only what you see the father doing say only what you hear him saying that's the most pure highest role model that you can going to gauge your life after Jesus of course in that manner but often I'm noticing you know there's always you know extremes it can take you too far to lessen you can miss the balance of what God intends and so I'm noticing in that if we're not careful sometimes we wait so much when things have been decreed over our lives having to set things in motion and we're not putting legs to that which God's given us a grace to walk out and and I think it's beautifully painted in Joshua one through three I'm going to just skip around real quick and kind of paraphrase it but to hopefully set you guys free and courage you by no means again to jump ahead of God and produce Ishmael's none of that we want to do only Isaac's here but often it's we don't realize in destiny Isaac's here we're in the season for them that they're ready and gods not waiting on you and sometimes you have to put steps forth and forward into watching the things of having trigger and move forward so you can see it in Joshua Moses just passes Joshua chapter one and now that mantle if you will to call rest upon Joshua to move forward God says be strong and courageous for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them I was in verse 6 now 7 only be strong and very courageous see this is again he says it's over and over and over again to Joshua be strong courageous and this is kind of what I'm emphasizing here to be courageous go for it step out and watch God sometimes it is a faith walk and you step out and God starts to put substance under your feet and often we're waiting back for the substance to be there first before we step and it doesn't always work that way so you know I think the balance is good only be strong and very courageous be being careful to do according to the law that Moses my servant commanded you don't turn from a right hand to the left or to the left that you may have good success wherever you go this is the book of the law you know you shall I shall not depart for your mouth so forth and so on you go down to verse 9 have I not commanded you again guys we already be strong and courageous don't be frightened and do my do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go so it's crystal clear God's blessed him saying go be strong courageous I'm with you it couldn't be more validated here right so Joshua has this word now the word of the Lord many of you guys have been prophesied over a million times some only once or twice so I'm not at all but you feel like I've spoken to you and you God has he spoken promises over your lives and you feel they've been hemmed up and they have so to speak for years what come in a pass what's going on I'm waiting on the Lord and sometimes God's waiting upon you and we have these preset conceived ideas on how God's got to do it and if things don't fall in place how we figured we just aren't going to move and we then go to that other other extreme that seems like a safe point seems biblical and we're just waiting on the Lord we don't want to appreciate produce Ishmael's waiting for Isaacs and again I'm a major advocate of that but not so much so that the Isaacs now waiting on you and gods waiting on you and so Joshua has a clear command of the Lord but watch this he even starts taking taking steps not even commanded by the Lord Lord didn't telling this Lord said I'm with you let's go be strong and courageous you might do not be dismayed stick by the law I'm with you and but you watched Joshua even start to take steps towards the fulfillment of what God promised without God even commanding him and God was ok with that so sometimes where I'm getting at is well encourage you guys you have to start taking steps towards things and they they're risky at times it caused great faith sometimes you have nothing to step out on you're just stepping I often liken it to that old Indiana Jones movie an don't even know the title don't know if I've seen the whole thing I can just picture it where he goes step out on a false bridge of invisible one and then there steps under his feet often God will move in this manner and so Joshua says ok you got the word of the Lord now the promise of God with him I'll be with you as I was with Moses Joshua then he is okay commands the officers of the people passed through the midst of the camp and command the people prepare provisions for within three days you're to pass over the Jordan so he starts getting everything in motion okay the word of the Lord now I'm going to start taking steps going to the extent of getting all the communities that command the officers of the people sorry to get them ready get your provisions ready in three days we're going over he's committed now right and another thing this be if I want to point out to you guys you'll notice God doesn't even really exalt him before the people tell after he starts taking these steps the bridge then falls under his feet you'll see that chapter 3 so Joshua starts getting things in motion towards what he knows God promised him I'll fast forward the people say all right we're with you and they answered Joshua all that you have commanded us we will do and wherever you send us we'll go just as we obeyed Moses in all things so we will obey you only may the Lord God be with you as he was with Moses they're even in faith so to speak now God has not really truly exalted Joshua before the people they're all gone off a promise right now but they're stepping and moving towards that direction taking steps towards a lot of us want the validation before we step we want the proof before we want the bridge under us before we start walking and a lot of times you have to start moving first from what you know God spoke to you what you know you promised you but you don't always see it in place yet until you start walking then things start clicking doors opening things falling in place again not pushing your way into Ishmael's by any means but following God and accessing what's already been spoken and promised so then next step Joshua's are gone I commanded the people getting ready three days we're going to roll out the people even a farm says look we're with you we'll follow wherever you go just you know may God be with you as he was with Moses they still don't have any really credible supernatural experience anything you know to speak of chapter 2 Joshua goes to the next step Joshua the son of nun sent two men secretly from sytem as spies saying go view the land especially Jericho you don't find anywhere in here where God tells him to do that Joshua's just does it he just gets men I believe God Joshua could have went anywhere without spying out the land but he comforted him and God is okay with that sometimes you start taking steps even practical steps towards conquering what you know God spoke to you and things just start happening and falling in place again the will of God only not your own thing that you want God to bless I'm not for that at all but you see Joshua he sends out to spies even just double confirm and check it out we all know the story they run into Rahab camp out there she conveys the word that basically confirms to them that the city's theirs lets them out even tells them to hide for three days the pursuers pursuers don't count capture them come back convey the message to Joshua now watch this but again Joshua has a promise the Word of God commands the officers of the people get them ready starts taking steps towards it right he just has a promise to golf off the people don't have much to golf up they just said as God's with you as he was with Moses to him so he'd be with you we were with you so Joshua takes the next step sends out two spies to spy out the land getting things in order to access what God told him they go get good news bring it back then Joshua rose early in the morning they set out from Chatham and they came to the Jordan he and all the people of Israel Lodge there before they passed over at the end of the three days the officers went through the camp commanded the people you know let's head out verse five here it is chapter three then Joshua said to the people consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you and Joshua said to the priest take up the Ark of the Covenant pass on before the people so they took up the Ark of the Covenant and went before the people he's way in too deep now you follow me there's no going back at this point Joshua has went to the extent of we're in now even to the point again backtracking he just has a promise to go off of what God told him doesn't have anything tangible to go off of need nor do the people they're just trusting him and what God said how he'll be with him as he was with Moses so he gets the officers once again round up the people we're leaving in three days next step sends out to spies he's taking steps towards the thing he knows God promised him and that's what I'm sensing a lot of people aren't we're camping out on what God spoke to us we know he promised we've been prophesied over spoken things and then we're just sitting there we're not commanding the officers of the people it's too risky what if I get them ready and then something done there's failure a lot of times feel fear of failure causes this for us to kind of shell up and not move forward because these are faiths these are risk you were getting a lot of people out of their comfort zone ready commanding them things now you're sending in two spies checking out the land they come back now you're going as far as to say consecrate yourselves tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you did you say this happened for Moses but him you know he's he's kind of stepping out there and then he says even so much as T now he tells the priest take up the Ark of the Covenant go before the people they did so now it's too late now watch God God's watching all this God walked and give you a promise and watch what you do with it and if he sees you're faithful and full of faith enough risks to step out and start following what you know he spoke to you his will not yours then his eyes run to and fro and he sees it and he he'll jump on it because watch Joshua said to the people Josh's elbow-deep now he's too deep into it to teach to the point over time the Ark of the Covenant went for the people they obeyed verse 7 now the Lord you don't hear the Lord speak it's nothing I'll point out in between all these tasks and deeds and practical things stepping forward God speaks in chapter 1 for the promise and you don't even hear the Lord speak again all the way through chapter 1 2 into 3 and God's watching Joshua take all these steps and have faith in God get his people to where it's he said he's theirs he's to the point in the risk and the faith aspect of no return then God steps on the scene again and God said to Joshua the Lord said today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all of Israel that they may know that I as I was with Moses so I will be with you and here comes the heavenly validation now and when that steps on any scene and anybody's life in destiny it's forever marked and branded and you forever walk in a new authority and access point of destiny and it's a beautiful thing so even the Lord knew that people were going off of a trust aspect and their word but they didn't have anything substantial so the Lord said to Joshua I've been watching you you believe me you've even taken all these steps I don't even tell you to send the two spots forth you did good idea I like it I'm cool you could have done it or not I was going to give you the land but you had faith and you took steps and now you're to the point of no return you stepped off the cliff now into what you couldn't see I'm going to put something under you now then the Lord said to Joshua today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all of Israel that they may know before they were trusting now they will know that as I was with Moses so I'll be with you and I think it's a beautiful picture because so often our destiny I feel as hemmed up from for these very reasons we super spiritual eyes things at times while practical steps are very spiritual and noted by heaven their deeds and steps are recognized as faith before heaven and just want to encourage you guys again no by no means stepping out and jumping out of God producing Ishmael's and all that but also to encourage you I believe many people your destinies are waiting to explode the the promises God has God has given you a right there to be attained and accessed if you start taking practical steps towards that and risks faith movements in that in that manner like Joshua did and then the Lord came back on the scene said today I'll exalt you before the people that they may know not guess not just kind of trustingly you know give you some verbage but no because I'll exalt you before the people some hope that blesses you I encourage you to go forward and what you know God called you to do take practical steps you may not even have the means just step out as though you do and let in watch it and watch it form under your feet as you move forward and progress and let God exalt you before your sphere of influence for your destiny and the blesses you guys love you and we will catch you next time
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 17,117
Rating: 4.9706421 out of 5
Keywords: Teaching, Jesus, Brian Guerin, Faith, Destiny
Id: ypu8H_GQIqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2016
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