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um hello hello okay register or nominate oh uh hello i'm sorry who am i speaking to please register or nominate no would you mind giving me your name i can only discuss the auction with registered bidders would you like to register or nominate i'm sorry who gave you my name i received a letter register or nominate what is this about tonight we're having hariko rouge served on thickly sliced warmed artisan loaf beans on toast oh i'm sorry hi baby where have you been i just called in last minute on a consult there any beans for me oh i don't know will we yeah yeah it's a good girl he didn't burn them again did he yeah oh look at here [Applause] cebu there you go well they could have got my name from the hospital website or a medical journal but it was just extremely disconcerting when it was hand delivered to my office so i thought a solicitor's letter would be the appropriate response what's wrong here four years ago what did you do i bought the secret so it's blackmail you're not being asked for anything you're invited to bid if you want to what was the secret i bought it for a reason amy jesus christ hugh who are these people the broker i used you're telling me to participate in this this is your 400 euro an hour council this is not a legal matter i'm not advising you to do anything i'm just telling you what i did perugin perry week second floor ah good morning good morning i'm meeting somebody upstairs follow me this way good morning dr mccarthy i didn't give you my name you gave me the lot number you should be arrested the secret market only deals in facts you're under no obligation to participate what is the secret no one knows it's encrypted the new selling it i have no idea so why do i need you if the subject bids it would attract the attention of other bitterest who might feel the content is valuable a broker allows you to bid anonymously winning an auction is easy winning at the lowest possible price is the art and how much does a secret cost whatever anyone's willing to pay if i were to act as your broker i would need a ceiling i figure i can't exceed how am i supposed to value something when i don't know what it is but you do know someone knows a fact about you and they've decided it's valuable i recommend a simple calculation if your secrets were to be known in the morning how would your life change for the better or as is more often the case with secrets for the worse then ask yourself how much would you pay to have everything returned to the way it was that figure plus a 20 contingency is a rough guide this is [ __ ] insane i have another meeting at 10. you trust me i delivered for him i'd be delighted to be your broker if you're happy with my fees and terms there's someone what's stopping them selling this secret next month and then the month after that it's against the rules and no one breaks the rules i'll call you once i have the auction details [Music] he's an excellent surgeon we should consider making him an offer hello have you got a pen here [Music] [Music] [Music] have you done the calculation yes i've got you a hundred thousand euros did you hear me i just said i got you 100 convince you to leave no your presence will almost certainly drive the price up i'm not leaving well you've been advised as soon as the bidding starts don't react in any way not a word not a sound not a gesture to see your reaction never win good evening ladies and gentlemen we have a full catalogue tonight so without further ado registered bidders and brokers may i ask you to test your lights no verbal bids accepted our first lot is one five six may i start the bidding at 5 000 euros i have five in several places may i say 10 10 15 20 25 25 for the first time and the second time and third and final time 25 000 sold [Applause] lot number four four one one where shall we start with this lot ladies and gentlemen who will give me 5 000 euros i have 5 000 euros may i say 10 10 15. 20 25 now and 30 35 may say 40 and 40 50 and 60. i have 60 thousand euros is there seventy in the room seventy now and eighty eighty thousand euro for lot four four one one may i say ninety thousand ninety and a hundred thousand no are there any further bids ladies and gentlemen then 90 000 euro for the first time and the second time and the third and final time 90 that 100 000 euros ladies and gentlemen are there any further bids 120 000 euros thank you silence please i have 120 000 euros silence please or you will be ejected may i have 140. bed are there any further [ __ ] don't hear me just be dissolved i warned you make them an offer i will find the money it's too late you said you'd win please just go in there and win the subject's in the room the price always goes up [Music] come in dr mccarthy yes what can i do for you my name is alistair pendle i'm one of the partners at pendle investment management whatever you're selling i'm not interested thank you i'm certain you will be on instruction from a client we purchased a secret of which you were the subject who's the client i'm not at liberty to say well what do you want my client wants to manage the encrypted file for you you will be held on an extremely safe server for an annual fee how much 50 000 euro per annum until such time as you instruct us to release the data unencrypted of course you still have a chance to keep your secret my client wants to spare you any potential damage to your reputation or your relationships you can be confident the secret will be completely safe this arrangement means it's in my client's financial interest to protect it to protect you see us as partners we're in this together what did you just say we're in this together tell your client i said uh no excuse me with a single phone call i can render your client's investment worthless what i can choose to reveal the secret myself i mean your client spent 120 000 euros buying something that i can just give away for free a bluff a gamble think of those around you if it's infidelity your family will be torn apart professional misconduct malpractice you will be struck off your name will be dragged to the press and the courts i want to keep my secret i'm gonna do your deal and your window of opportunity is now and only now i will buy that encrypted file from your client for the same amount that they paid and not ascent more now if he or she refuses i'll tell the world myself before you've left this office i come from nothing panda i know my way i'm entirely familiar with your predicament but i assure you all things have a season and a price i recommend a simple calculation if your secrets were to be revealed in the morning how would your life change for the better or as it's more often the case with secrets for the worse then ask yourself how much would you pay to have everything returned to the way it was that figure plus a 20 contingency is a useful guide i want some wine have we got any champagne what are we celebrating [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 107,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1-facD9iuyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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