I GOT THIS | Omeleto

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[Music] who's that [Music] say hi it would be hot okay okay let's go let's go purple balloon thank you [Music] doesn't it I'm gonna go over here with mommy you render your castle go play in your castle go go go go go Jennifer I know I never never really dated exactly and you probably don't see me the way that I see you but I think I've proven that I can be an excellent dad and I would like to raise Mira together so you marry me [Music] how do you know I'm not her father got my period a few days after I'm so sorry I just I just felt like you were the best person to take care of her who is who the father with who is the father I don't know how do you know after I got injured and I lost my scholarship and it looked like I wasn't gonna be able to finish school because I don't have parents that we're gonna help me you know I let my roommate talk me into making some money the way that she did you understand here's it you're saying yeah I only did it three times and apparently one time the condom broke just as you said happened with us I know I I know that's Reza [Music] I'll tell your dad uh he really he doesn't he doesn't need to know he already thinks I'm gonna be sittin on the couch so it's it's fine he didn't know is gonna propose I have this aunt and she lives three hours away and she wants me to come live with her and help me start over oh just you but she can even give me a job working as a receptionist and one of her nail salons so you would just take her I haven't agreed to anything I mean I just don't know what else to do maybe you could Lou nearby or come visit regularly that would be ideal Chris [Music] you sure this is right coffee shop he said he came here every morning yeah but that was three years ago I really don't want to face any of these guys again well fathers have a legal responsibility and right to know yeah but you think he's going to just pay child support without lying to go to court I don't know but you said all these guys have a lot of money and if that's a way to keep the two of you from having to move then I want to try it is a him oh my god that's him really Wow okay okay okay okay I'm gonna go are you sure yeah yeah I got this [Music] [Music] excuse me sorry I think I think they apparently gave you the wrong cop no it's got my name on it Kirk right my name is Kirk - this is Shelley [Music] excuse me hi you look so familiar to me yeah I know you are you yeah hi how are you how have you been I'm good I was actually just going to the restroom oh you are and let me hold your cup for you while you're in there since it's unsanitary sorry sorry [Music] all yours [Music] [Music] never getting stroke it in there Norris thanks again hey so I was thinking uh we should just stop for a minute because you know how's life it's good yeah yeah how have you been [Music] it's crazy how we ran into each other here so randomly I'm sorry Randy actually I'm I've got to go have a question where did you get this sweater actually I think it was a gift Wow yeah okay all right okay that's fine nice seeing you let's go I told you I got this yeah so this will work to get a sample from depending on how much was wrecked all materials left behind on it how many possible dad's are we talking three we don't have sandals from the others yet if we do to it once I could give you a discount you just pop this in the freezer for now that sounds like a good deal yeah I really think you should wait in the car what's the point exactly I'm gonna go in there I'm gonna grab the first thing I can find and then I'm gonna make an excuse to leave what and what if he catches you I'm not gonna be obvious about it it's gonna be fine so he thinks you're coming here okay just be cool I'll be okay so you took some time off but you held on to my number huh yeah yeah I was hoping you'd remember me yeah oh this is this is nice ah Thanks [Music] [Music] maybe you don't need to get that this better be good buddy I'm trying a while yeah great sorry yeah sorry to bother you from Maine in sand I just wanted to we're going unit to unit to check about a possible gas gas uh about a possible gas leak oh really yeah could be could be could be kind of dangerous so if I could just ask you a few questions sure sure so uh did you notice any suspicious sounds like a hissing or uh spewing I don't know what that second thing is Oh a spewing sound would be like nope okay great No [Music] if that's the front desk we didn't tell the front desk because we didn't want to cause a panic so they wouldn't know that I'm sorry my stomach really hurts and I don't feel well so I can we take a rain check I'll call you okay I'll call you well what about them know that you don't actually I think I think we're good yeah just yeah we're good the washcloth was inconclusive the toothbrush was really well rinsed and the tissues it's like he crumpled up clean ones and put them in the trash so you couldn't test him well saliva from the bite marks saved us but he was a negative with the other guy good news on the rectal front but he was also not a match I are you sure well they both came back 0% chance so yeah pretty sure so then it has to be Goran I was really hoping it wasn't gonna be him where we gonna find him [Music] are you sure you're up for this mm-hmm yeah be careful yeah totally excuse me are you the owner hi I'm Hank cluster Minh and I run a chain of smoothie bars and I was hoping to buy some supplements to put in them our customers love supplements so they tell us so he's hoping you could sample these and then make some recommendations you try them they're really good you're the owner of a chain of stores mm-hmm small chain yeah but but I would buy in bulk so could be pretty good business for you what's the name of your store oh you know actually we're not online we we don't believe in the internet it's part of our whole like all-natural thing you should try these though they're really good once tell me who you really are I don't I don't understand I just was hoping for some smoothie recommendations I mean a supplement recommendations real name Chris Eddie I knew you were full of [ __ ] not full of [ __ ] that's just that's my legal name and I don't use it for my smoothie business um can we help you yes I have questions about this product over here can someone help me do I know you no no I don't think so just question about this um why is it important that it be 100 percent way I might say that right is it way thank you for help that was quick thinking in there and grabbing the cigar that was so brave it just yeah I can't believe that guy's our dad father I know another negative what that can't be maybe forgot someone sounds like it was a busy month do should we test Mina I told you I got my period after maybe you thought it was a period but it was really spotting from being pregnant you know [Music] I'll do it while you wait no extra charge it's gotta be me right I'm thinking I had a breakup right before I met you so it's 50/50 Julia's worn on the guy that's what 50/50 means you just like you don't seem excited that it could be me no it's just that my head is spinning about what that could mean and and how we would make it work and where where would I live and figure it out we'd figure it out I guess look I I never should have let it happen that night we've been drinking I had two drinks I know exactly what I was doing I mean I'm sure you regretted it no I didn't sure I'm sure so who's this other guy that's not important no I might be I mean you know I don't know does he does he have a lot of money could he help I can't take mirror away from you I can't move her away from you no matter what she loves you I love her I know you can always stay with us no matter what for as long as you want you can always stay with us this is John one second [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 339,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lK_NK5cVkKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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