The BEST Upcoming Jobs

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this video I'm going to share with you guys a list of the best jobs in 2024 in the age of AI and just FYI these are pretty underrated jobs like they will not have the sexiest titles see I told you the names are not going to be like sexy names but what they do have is one high growth opportunity and two not only are they Recession Proof and AI proof but actually take advantage of AI and other fundamental Technologies so you'll be like the guy or girl selling internet stuff when the internet first came out it's very hip to be on the internet right now little competition and all growth and no they are not going to be your generic jobs or me just telling you that you should become an AI engineer AI researcher AI something which of course is important and we will touch on these but there is so much more out there that may actually prove to be even better than working on AI itself plus I'm also going to show you how you can refine this list to find the best jobs that suit you a portion of this video is sponsored by nid recently I somehow found myself being part of of this business Meetup thing in order to not be that awkward person sitting there by herself I started chatting with the guy next to me and you know small talk so it was like what do you do what do you do and he said hold on I literally wrote this down he does 3D surgery molds for people's faces that need jaw surgery using Ai and 3D printing like you know how some people have like overbites or underbites or like some misalignment in their jaw so they scan people's jaw then use AI to determine what is the correct surgery to perform that is the least invasive and the most optimal for what their problem is then they create a sort of 3D mold to guide the surgeon and you stick the mold like inside the mouth of the patient and the surgeon just needs the cut around it not only does it help surgeons come up with more optimal ways of doing surgery it also stabilizes their hand so they're able to perform surgeries five times faster and with better results it sounds so Niche right but there's actually a huge market for this also he didn't like directly say this but somebody else that I was talking to was just kind of like oh yeah that guy yeah he makes like 500k base easy and he also runs his own side hustle Consulting other hospitals and surgeons about how to do this no cool Millions coming in but you know what he used to be a sculptor he says he really loves sculpting and he's been doing that for his entire life he's had some successes but overall it's pretty difficult being a sculptor by career your income is not stable you're working really long hours and often times you don't even have creative freedom so he decided to change his career into something that had more growth opportunities still had to do with using his hands and sculpting in some way hopefully and made a lot more money he said yeah if this was a few years back it would have been a no-brainer it was going to be Tech it was the Golden Age of tech and the best jobs were all in Tech money was flowing these days not so much company's now hiring a lot of Specialists and contractors and Freelancers which in combination with AI is much better Roi a slowing global economy and just like changing Trends so instead he explained to me which I kind of like made a framework out of a five-step process to find the best jobs which usually have like slightly cryptic names and are just very underrated step one identify the fundamental technology trends that are going on step two identify the fastest growing Industries and how these fundamental Technologies are changing them step three take a look at your own skill sets and your strengths step four determine which jobs are the most suitable for you specifically step five do a deeper dive into those most suitable roles as device which fits under the tongue will change everything there are two fundamental technologies that are undeniable in 2023 the first one is of course artificial intelligence ever since Chachi PT got released in November of 2022 the world has been paying attention to Ai and the floodgates had opened Google quickly released Bard their large language model and llama from meta got leaked in February I'm making Meats now smoking these meats here then in March open AI stepped up again and released gp4 and then it was like week after week after week there was like crazy AI developments like Google deep mind that discovered millions of new materials with deep learning aeling medical diagnosis more accurately reading medical charts and a lot of drug development toward a latter half of 2023 AI images and videos especially were taking the spotlight open a gpts and multimodality functions made the model even more unbelievably powerful and we ended the year with Google's Gemini announcement which is a tad deceptive but still represents huge ambition and is kind of foreshadowing what's to come in 2024 now second field that saw huge strides especially in combination with AI is the field of Robotics there were a lot of conferences that showcased really cool developments in robotics Tesla released their robot de Optimist Gen 2 breakthroughs in tiny robot surgery and have you guys seen this video sir there's no one there yeah that's the police stopping an autonomous vehicle on the road in Beijing where I'm at these little guys are running around everywhere they're fully autonomous electrical Vehicles there's also Technologies like Quantum Computing that has taken big strides forward but I would say these two and especially a AI is an undeniable technology that is going to change the world anyways so the question is how are these base Technologies impacting different Industries this will help us figure out what the best drops are let me explain Healthcare is one of the fastest growing Industries the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that 1.9 million jobs will open a Mackenzie report suggests that there's an acceleration of value-based care continued Innovation and increased use of technology such as AI robotics as well as strengthening profitability so the future healthcare industry is looking strong the government and private companies traditionally in the healthcare industry and technology companies like Nvidia are heavily investing in things like drug Discovery and better Diagnostics and better Healthcare now let's take a look at the current fastest growing jobs in the healthcare industry this is from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and within the healthcare industry there's nurse practitioners medical and Health Service Manager Physicians assistants epidemiologist physical therapist assistance occupational therapy assistance home health and personal AIDS so as you can see Healthcare dominates this list now here comes the really cool interesting part let us put on our thinking caps how are these Technologies like Ai and Robotics affecting industry Trends and transforming the jobs that are currently there in healthcare so here are just some of them AI is going to help a lot with personalized care like physical therapist assistants physician assistants medical and Health Services managers with AI being so much better and information processing being so much better remote Healthcare tella health is going to become even more prominent and as I mentioned earlier robotic surgery and basic Research into discovering new drugs so now we'll take this a step further doing a quick search on job boards like indeed searching keywords related to for example Ai and Healthcare remote work and those fast growing jobs what do those people do like combining all of these together searching for keywords related to these things here is a global AI associate based in Washington DC hybrid remote see I told you the names are not going to be like sexy names kind of like Niche names but it says here engage with colleagues were many backgrounds including the balma industry regular agencies like things in the healthcare industry gain exposure to these conducting research majorly here stay up to date on the application of AI to the drug device and diagnostic industry including the areas of process Excellence clinical development post Market safety monitoring and medical Communications like a big part of your job would literally be to keep an eye up on all the new applications of AI in the healthcare industry that is such a niche role but there is so much potential for growth here there's an Health Information Technician which is based in La Healthcare engineer project engineer this one here is called the health sector technology practice leader its core a role is intended to provide health facility technology visioning and Consulting for our health sector clients we will provide solutions for our clients that enhance the patient experience improv care delivery reduce cost and ultimately improve patient outcome so for this world it's quite clear that AI is going to be playing a big part of this and how you're going to be doing this providing the health facility technology visioning and Consulting etc etc there are a lot of these different roles if you search through the JW boards welcome to computer coding class which replaces our last educational fad mindfulness education has been and will continue being one of the fastest growing fields and it's one of the fields that has already seen one of the biggest impacts from AI so I'm sure you've heard about all the kids using chat to write their essays and stuff like you can't stop them from doing that but how do we properly integrate that using AI personalized tutors online education that's right I had artificial intelligence write a course about artificial intelligence and something super cool is expanding education in developing countries so current fast growing jobs include a variety of teacher roles tutors Preschool teachers in particular and instructional coordinators and there's just so many startups and companies already working on these like KH Academy for example that have their own personalized tutor now go going on indeed again and putting in keywords related to AI education tutors personalized learning and what teachers do there are so many jobs that pop up especially if you look at the amount of money they're already being paid $75 to $100 an hour part-time here's another one learning designer for languages from du lingo already being paid a lot of money and this one actually explicitly says leverage generative AI for creating content that is fun accessible and targets Learners at specific proficiency levels jobs like these that use generative AI they don't even require you to have any technical knowledge here is basically saying you just need a linguistic background and language knowledge and ideally experience in educational and edtech Fields as well sustainable energy there has been a lot of breakthroughs in 2023 for sustainable energy on the fastest growing applications list wind turbine service technicians is on top as well as solar photov voltaic installers and also trending our sustainability Consultants who are people who help companies and the government figure out what are ways that they can practically Implement green strategies and practices there's jobs on indid as well honestly I have like no idea what this means sustainability utilities specialist but looking at the core duties here I see a lot of uh presentations analytical stuff Outreach programs develop and manage data pipelines and brings today's best practices from artificial intelligence machine learning and data science to bear on campus sustainability opportunities to generate new insights into familiar challenges so clearly see that there is an AI component to this as well okay so I cannot just skip over detect SL AI industry even though we all clearly know that this is an industry that is absolutely booming with opportunities and unlike other fields if you have these skills in Ai and ml you're able to apply them to any other fields out there you can roughly split the jobs as like research level stuff and application Level stuff you can do stuff in all the things that we listed above you can also work on marketing you can improve how Healthcare diagnosis individualized learning and like literally almost anything the world is your oyster here common roles would be your AI researcher your AI Engineers machine learning Engineers mlops data scientists data analysts basically anything that has like some word that's related to Industry like healthcare or marketing sustainability entertainment and the last word of the role is engineer analyst scientist or developer that is a role that will have opportunity for you one big Trend that I want to point out that people are talking about a lot in terms of how cool it is is but they're not really thinking as much about the application of it and that is AI content creation specifically AI generated videos there are so many applications of this of course there's your social media content creation which is what I do but there's also educational content creating of courses advertisements like marketing campaigns you don't need to go and shoot really expensive advertising campaigns anymore you can actually generate a lot of these you can try it out for yourself and get started learning how to use AI videos by using nid who is the sponsor of this portion of the video thank you nid so nid is a platform that allows you to create videos just from text prompts for example I want to generate a quick ad for my bakery my prompt is create an advertisement for a small family-owned locally sourced Bakery make the video like a story describing how the wheat is milled into flour then dough is created and shaped by hands with a female American Voice with inspiring and gentle music I can select my workflow to be a YouTube short and then I can use a female voice clear American add subtitles and use I talk normally continue and generate the video and voila in the heart of our town There's a family a family that wakes up Before Dawn while the world is still hushed and the sky painted in soft Hues of Twilight they're not just any family they are Artisans creators Bakers imagine a field of golden wheat swaying gently in the yeah isn't that insane okay this this is literally completely generated by NV video I did not have any script or any of the videos if you don't like the video you can click regenerate and then it would regenerate another video in this case I do like the video a lot uh but I can also make some small edits over here like for example uh right now it this is how it ends home the taste of our Bakery so it just ends like that and I want to have a call to action to my Bakery website so I can do something like end with a CTA to visit tiny generate want to taste the magic for yourself visit us at tiny and start your own delicious Journey today yay and I was able to add that perfectly something else that I want to do is to add the logo as it's doing the call to action so I can go here and then click on the last block here and and write upload media so let's choose this one and I can click replace over here so this is just the logo that I generated from mid journey and we add apply changes want to taste the magic for yourself visit us at tiny and start your own delicious Journey today yay you can also go to the edit script option and you can edit the script as well um in this case I quite like it so I'm not going to change it but yeah there's actually a lot of little micro edits that you can do as as well uh after you're happy with it you can click export to export video make sure there's no watermarks and click continue in the heart of our town There's a family a family that and there you go done you can download it or just post to all your favorite social medias this literally took me less than 2 minutes to do and you can generate so many of these make your edits and ab test them on platforms like IG Facebook or Google ads to get the best advertisement at a fraction of the time and cost you can play around with nid AI for free and you can create up to four videos for free with a watermark but if you're serious about video creation I want to publish videos without a watermark you can also upgrade to a paid plan which starts at $20 a month with the premium version there will be no watermarks and you get access to millions of royalty-free stock footage clips and a human sounding voiceover that would have cost you hundreds of dollars if you sourc them individually not to mention the hours you would spend creating the voiceover and the editing those shorts that you see on YouTube Tik Tok or IG they look effortless right but as a content creator I can assure you that I took countless takes and edits to make it seem effortless you can try out in video with this link also linked in description now back to the video there are a lot more growing industries that I can talk about but I don't want this video to be like 2 hours long so the final kind of big category I just want to very quickly address is what I call like physical things recently I ran across this super fascinating video in which he's showing this machine sorting potatoes that are yellow potatoes or red potatoes and this is B based upon computer vision which is part of AI these applications in machinery and other manual jobs are so underrated more more people just want to do white collar things even though the trades are one of the most in demand and safest jobs out there in conclusion we have a big list now of the best jobs but just because they're amazing jobs doesn't mean that they might be suitable to you personally so I want to walk you through an exercise to figure out which of these jobs would be most suitable for you so first thing to think about is what degrees and skills do you have I'll use myself as an example so I have a master's degree in computer science I've worked both in software engineering and data science and I also have a bachelor's degree in Pharmacology so I have some familiarity on pharmaceutical Industries and the healthcare industry as well so computer stuff and Drug stuff I also have three years of experience now in content creation making educational videos hopefully that are also entertaining next question which fields are you interested in for me I'm interested in education and entertainment like social media content stuff final question is what kind of skills would you be willing to learn for me I'm interested in learning learning about different languages as well as how to have like a more how how do you say like uh traditional understanding of how Education Works I'm also interested in learning about more traditional media as well like script writing movies like TV series things like that and now all you got to do is take that as a screen and then go through all the jobs that we listed earlier and see which of these things are most suitable towards you let me know in the comments which jobs sound like they could be interesting to you now the final step after you have that narrow down list is to dig deeper into figuring out what are qualifications do the hours and like the way of working do they match what you want to do please do your research into these rules and make sure that you're talking to the hiring manager a lot these are jobs that are underrated and not widely publicized so you can't depend on just like searching up other people's experiences to figure out what the role entails and how good of a fit it is it's not your generic entrylevel data scientist or engineer kind of role but it can hold even more potential all right so I hope this is a useful video I really want to know what your thoughts are and other jobs that you identify as well other people in the comments may also be interested in these roles too sharing is caring all right thank you all so much and I'll see you guys in the next video or live stream
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 95,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FJuvH-LTZmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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