How To Learn Things FAST

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you can use Neuroscience to hack your brain to study way faster as a child I absolutely hated school have you ever experienced that feeling when you're not paying attention and then a teacher calls on you for a question you just like don't know what the teacher asks so your choices are either say something random or ask a teacher to repeat themselves neither which are good choices to do but I always did well in school though I really did get so good at self-studying that I was able to learn like an entire semester's worth of work in like 3 days so in this video I'm going to share with you guys the Neuroscience behind the mechanisms that allow us to learn how we can actually hack these mechanisms and how to use AI tools to really enhance these effects a portion of this video is sponsored by HubSpot when most people think of memory they imagine something like a bookshelf where you can take them out remember things and then put it back in the same spot just the way it was but that is completely wrong because memory is not static it's more like a busy City where memories like construction sites are constantly being built renovated and demolished the city's layout keeps changing there's new connections and tunnels that are being formed and the flow of traffic adapts to these different changes so this is a really good model of a life cycle of a memory so first living in our meat suit we're exposed to lots and lots of sensory information sights smells sounds touch taste most of this information is actually filtered out automatically so you never even became aware of them but if you concentrate on certain things that information is passed on to your short-term memory within the short-term memory you're able to remember around seven plus or minus two different things you have to think about that thing rehearse it in your brain if that information lasts up to 30 seconds and it's still there congratulations it goes into long-term memory but like we said earlier in longterm memory it's not like it's a bookshelf where things are static it's that bustling City that memory is interacting with all the other memories it could be reconstructed it could be overwritten but assuming that it's accessible we can then retrieve that memory back into short-term memory where we can do stuff with it so this is a simplified version of how the memory process works now going back to our problem of not being able to concentrate on things that is at that beginning stage where the sensory information is coming in and concentration is how you're able to filter the right information to get it into short-term memory you need to help your brain filter out irrelevant things and direct its attention on the right things Studies have shown three common ways that you can do this so one of the best research mechanisms to be able to filter out relevant information and to focus more is by increasing your physiological arousal not to what you think physiological arousal is when your body is in a more alert State you're more awake you're more attented you're more energized the most obvious thing you can do to increase your physiological arousal is to go drink a cup of coffee works great but something else that can enhance us even more is motion moving your body automatically makes you feel more energized my preferred method is absorbing through audio methods and then just kind of like pacing up and down audiobooks are obviously great but not all content comes as an audio form so I like using this app called speechify which is able to convert text into audio form in this way I'm able to pace and just like move around while I'm focusing on the audio stuff does this mean that I don't have to go back and actually read things anymore uh absolutely not but I find that it's really helpful at least going through a first pass of trying to learn information next I want to talk about the second way that you can kind of energize yourself and that is by inducing p have you ever experienced the fact that suddenly when there's a deadline coming up your concentration level is amazing like laser focused that's because you're sending yourself into a very physiologically arout state where you can suddenly concentrate very well so luckily in school you generally have those deadlines but for those of us who are self-studying you kind of need to set like artificial deadlines for yourself something that keeps you accountable like maybe a presentation or just having a study group and the Third Way is by generating an emotional response like if you can find a reason why you should care about what you're studying that would help because you're emotionally invested in what you're studying I try to incorporate stories into my study material so you see brains are designed to be able to focus better on stories because that's the way that we perceive the world around us so if you're able to connect what you're learning to stories you'll be able to focus a lot better from turning content into stories one of my favorite AI apps is called character. a we're able to create a character based upon some sort of context for example we can make that person into Abraham Lincoln where the great Gods be where your Japanese teacher something like that so you're able to have those conversations and have those stories and it makes learning a lot more fun and you can concentrate a lot better oh this is taking too long I got to stop procrastinating the next issue that people have is the tendency to procrastinate and not have motivation I un proudly say that I am the queen of procrastination long live the queen so to understand procrastination we need to talk about dopamine I go into into more detail about how dopamine Works where you can check out in that video but what I want to talk about here is that dopamine is responsible for motivation there's a couple things that you can do to get over procrastination the first one is going to be by regenerating your dopamine there's a lot of ways that you can do this you can kind of just like wait it out and you will at some point have enough motivation you can freak out because you have a deadline coming up which will suddenly spike your dopamine and you'll have the motivation one of my favorite techniques is by doing something that you really really don't want to do for me that's usually like taking cold showers like the wor worst activity I can think of so when I think about taking a cold shower my dopamine actually dips way down because I really don't want to do it but if I actually get myself to do it there would be a corresponding Spike of dopamine afterwards because the terrible activity is over that would give me a motivation to start working on stuff my second method is by decreasing the amount of motivation that you need in order to get started on a project you know that terrible feeling when you're just looking at a blank paper with your cursor blinking that is what is called the cold start proc problem this is such a game-changing application of AI I usually just use Chap jbt and whatever it is I'm trying to write whether that be an essay or like code or something like that I just input it into chat GPT and have it give me like the first draft of something I generally go back in and change a lot of what chat gbt gives me but it helps lower that barrier of motivation that I need and once I actually have something on the page I just feel a lot better like it's a lot easier to start tweaking it and working on it by the way how many of you guys are like wow these things you've been talking about I have problems with all of them it's okay I have problems with all of them myself so after I get through these other points that can help you study way faster I'm going to show you my complete process of self-studying where I use all of these techniques together as we can see AI tools like chat BT are a huge game changer to help you study way faster and be way more productive HubSpot kindly sponsoring this portion of this video has a whole bunch of resources designed to help you unlock the full potential of Chachi BT and make you super productive it's very well laid out out and gives you a lot of ways on how you can incorporate chat PT into your studies your work and your life for example using chat PT to consolidate a bunch of different Learning Materials like articles tutorials and resources so you can directly ask questions to extract relevant pieces of information as opposed to having to like flip through and read through all of them we're keeping you up to date in industry news different updates you care about time management as well and task prioritization which if you're like me and you have like 10 different things that you should be doing at all times and then getting over one freaking out and doing none of them my favorite section from the bundle is this nice little flowchart which tells you when it's appropriate to use chbt and when it's not so the best part of all of this is that this bundle of resources is absolutely free you can download it using this link over here also linked in description thank you hubso for kindly sponsoring this portion of the video and providing these awesome resources for free the next thing that makes yourself studying a lot slower than it should be is the inability to remember stuff so you end up having to relearn things over and over again generally what people talk about when they're explaining how to remember things better they refer to this forgetting curve which is basically once you learn something the information that you're retaining decreases over time which you can combat by revisiting that information periodically so you forget less you check out tools like enky as well as Quizlet and they both have like AI integration so it can help you make flash cards quicker and you can use them more efficiently which is great if you're learning stuff like biology but what if you're learning more technical subjects like math or computer science something like that so that's why I want to bring back the memory model that I talked about earlier when we talked about concentration we were talking about that beginning mechanism filtering out irrelevant information and focusing on the right things to go into short-term memory so the first thing you can do so that you can actually hold it in your brain for over 30 seconds and be able to rehearse that information so like get it deeply ingrained in long-term memory is by using different methods to learn the same thing for example you can read a book that talks about how rest apis work you can also make a rest API or use a rest API yourself you can also watch a video about how rest API Works a tutorial about it you get my point so lots of different ways learning the same thing by encoding that information in many different ways you're able to make more connections associated with that information like the rest API and strengthen that memory so that it's like a fortified castle that is resistant to people trying to demolish it the procedure is actually quite simple first you arrange things into different groups of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do if you have to go somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step otherwise you are pretty well set after the procedure is completed one arranges the materials into different groups again then they can be put into their appropriate places so you probably did not remember most of what it is that I said but if I told you that this passage was about doing laundry and I'll read you the first couple of sentences again the procedure is actually quite simple first you arrange things into different groups of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do see it like makes sense right when I tell you that it's about doing laundry this is one of my favorite Studies by Bransford and Johnson memories are associated with other memories and other things that we know so if you can associate a new piece of information with something that you already know a memory that you already have your ability to remember things will dramatically increase a way that I like to do this is by doing mind maps like for example if I'm doing like a web development project I would associate all the different parts parts of web development like the front end the back end the database and the Frameworks and tools in order to build a website I tools make mind mapping a lot easier but unfortunately Chachi BT is not really good at this it is really bad at drawing pictures that have words in them so other AI tools like chat mine for example are specialized in creating mind maps so they can be really helpful everybody's a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid if you think you're stupid because you can't understand understand things it may be that you're just not learning the correct way for example if you told me that I have to read textbooks to learn things I would either lose my mind fall asleep or do both but if I'm pacing around listening to the audio version of the information at 2.5 to 3x the speed and then revising it really quickly I feel like super Tina you may have heard this idea that people are divided into three different types of Learners visual Learners audio Learners and kinesthetic Learners apparently this has been debunked in more recent years but the researchers all conclude that it is true that different people learn better by doing different things AI is such a wonderful tool for this because you're no longer bound to however the information is being presented like you can use speechify to translate text into audio form you can use a video to create Concepts into educational videos which brings me to my method of self-studying really really quickly but before I do that I just want to address like one more issue that people have that waste a lot of time which is spending a lot of time coming up with a study plan and the right resources so honestly there's no perfect study plan but um what I love to do is I actually like using chat gbt and asking chat gbt to come up with a study plan for me and also link some of the resources there I might like change the resources I might start changing like text information into other information and things like that but it saves so much time because you don't have to agonize over what your study plan should be to begin with now finally I want to share with you guys my full mechanism for how I study very very quickly so the first step is a got to give myself dopamine boost because I am like such a big problem with procrastination and I swear to God I spend like 80% of the time procrastinating so that's where the cold shower is com in so I generally either use audio forms of content or I translate text into audio forms and I'll just like literally walk around just like for hours absorbing that information and I usually play at 2.5 and 3 times the speed not trying to understand everything but just like understanding enough of what's Happening then I would come back and review that information which is so much faster like I'm able just to go through it one more time and the information just like goes into my brain I actually have this habit of having like tutorials open like for example I was learning how to use l chain I actually just played a l chain tutorial on audio form and just walked around and then I kind of understood like how it worked if I'm not able to understand certain Concepts I would usually change them into video form into audio form or into mind maps that helps a lot and I also tend to learn by doing I would just start working on the project and then whatever issue that I may have it's easier for me to reverse engineer it and just like figure it out as I'm going it's a lot faster than me trying to understand everything first and then doing the project if I'm trying to learn a language I try to get over my embarrassment and just speak that [Music] language and finally to boost my ability to remember things if it's like information that I have to root memorize I would use the inky Quizlet flash card method but there's one more thing that I haven't talked about that I love doing this is something that's called State dependent learning we just did this really funny study where they had three groups of students the first group of students would just be like studying in their normal stage and the second group of students were studying while they were drunk then when they had to do their final exams students that were sober studying some of them did exam sober and some of them did exam drunk while the drunk students some of them did their exams sober and some of them did their exams drunk the results were very interesting so not the part in which if you're sober and then you're also sober when you take the exam like that is obviously like the best no surprises there but what was really interesting was students that studied drunk actually performed better when they also took the exam drunk as opposed to the students that were studying drunk and took the exams sober this is because when you're encoding information into your memory it also matters like the context your environment and your physical situation in which you're encoding that information so when you're trying to take that information out of your memory again by having a similar like physical state like drunkenness as well as like physical environments and things like that that you're able to get that information out easier so I generally tend to study and like in similar kind of environments and in similar States so when I am trying to like remember that information in the future um it it helps all right so I hope this was a helpful video for you let me know in the comments what you think you can change now that you've watched this video that will boost your self- studying also let me know if you're also someone that basically has all the problems like me so I don't feel alone all I'll see you in the next video or live stream
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 268,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZsMJBw4faJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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