17 JOBS OF THE FUTURE (and jobs that have no future)

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you should totally be nighty i.t is the best job ever the most in demand job in 2030 tick tocker 100 hey guys welcome to silicon valley girl today we're going to talk about top 17 jobs of the future we're going to start with job number 17 and go all the way to job number one and at the end of the video i'm also going to talk about jobs that have no future for this video i'm going to use the numbers provided by u.s bureau of labor statistics and some additional data from insider and other publications so if you are thinking about being relevant in 10 years so make sure you watch this video up to the very end to learn about the fastest growing occupations and to learn about the jobs that might not be too relevant by 2030. in this video you'll also get insights about how fast demand for some jobs is growing and you will also learn what kind of education you need to become one of those specialists that are in high demand let's get right into it in order to create this video we took the jobs and ranked them by how fast the demand for them is going to grow in the next 10 years i'm going to start with three professions that are relatively new so we don't have enough data for them to make any forecasts but if you're interested in those niches please pay attention to these professions number 17 is a lawyer who specializes on internet basically what happens if i quote this or can i use this material in this video or somebody mentioned me in the article can i sue them this is what these professionals do number 16 managers of individual health care programs now let me explain a little here sometimes you go to a doctor and say hi i have a headache and they would just prescribe you whatever they prescribe for headaches and you go back home the holistic approach is when a doctor actually takes your blood and finds out that you know there are some vitamins that you need to take and also gives you advice regarding your lifestyle maybe you should exercise more maybe you should change your diet so this holistic approach is becoming more and more in demand it allows us to become healthier humans and also allows us to save money number 15 esg specialists now esg is environmental social and corporate governance basically these people monitor what's the company's impact on the environment how can it damage the environment and they take actions for example in 2020 google said that it's going to hire 20 000 specialists like that in the next five years pricewaterhouse said it's going to create 100 000 jobs for esg specialists definitely something to look into data journalist data journalists make around 58 000 a year apart from having journalistic skills you need to be able to work with excel spreadsheets and apps that help you visualize big data i also found a free course on google that you can take it's called data journalism data journalists work with big data and present it in a way that is easy to understand for regular people so the example is they take a lot of data about how people invest and create graphs and tables that are easy to understand for everyone these people work at banks they work at media companies they work with governments and pricewaterhouse says that businesses that work with data journalists generate 10 percent more profit year over year qa testing so a qa tester is someone who looks at the website and pretends to be a user and starts clicking different buttons and when some button doesn't work or something unpredictable happens he creates a report a bug report that he sends over to the developer's team and they fix this bug i've recently seen a lot of online courses that teach you this job and you can learn it in several months it is predicted that demand for qa testers is going to grow by 22 in 2030 compared to 2020 and in year 2020 there were 2 million vacancies from companies looking for qa testers so i would say if you're dreaming of it this would be the easiest first step in jit because it's easy to learn and it's also a quite high paying job on average people make 110 000 a year here in the us working as a qa tester of course ideally it's great to have some i.t background but you can have bachelors in something completely different like arts or economics and then take a course which lasts several months and become a qa tester quick ad right here this video is brought to you by render forest if you've ever watched my videos and thought how does marina create these animations like how do they work does she do that herself the answer is no there is actually a tool called render forest that i highly recommend render forest is all-in-one branding platform with a small investment you will have access to valuable resources and tools that will help you boost your online presence high quality videos with animations logos graphics and more in one place even if you don't have design experience you will be able to create professional looking content within minutes usually you need a lot of specific skills to create animation or motion titles and most of the times you will just look for a professional who would charge you a lot of money with render force you can create eye-catching animations for your website with their marketing tools you can not only create broadcast quality videos but also iconic logos and professional websites because you watch this video you get 20 off any package that you choose the promo link with a discount code is included in the description below thank you so much guys and highly recommend a render forest market analytics now people who do this job research the market for example if i'm researching the auto market what kinds of cars are people buying what's the percentage of people owning an electric vehicle versus a gas vehicle how many people are leasing what's the trend are people gonna lease more cars or maybe people are going to buy more cars this is what market analytics do you need professional education bachelors in economics or marketing or business these specialists make around 69 000 a year and it's predicted that demand for them is going to grow by 22 in the next 10 years number 11 cooks and chefs the demand for this common job is expected to increase by 26 in 10 years and we're not talking just about chefs we're talking about the whole industry because there are many people in the kitchen there are people there are assistance to chefs for example and when we take the whole market right now we have 2 million jobs in the u.s on average if you're an assistant to a chef you make around 28 000 a year cyber security specialist now a cyber security specialist analyzes a platform or a website and looks into potential leaks from which your website could be accessed data could be stolen systems could be ruined etc of course you need professional education you need at least a bachelor's degree in computer science the demand for these professionals is going to grow by 33 percent by 2030. and they make around 100 2 000 a year number nine home health and personal care aids these people help those with disabilities or chronic diseases or the elderly who find it difficult to cope on their own they work in nursing homes hospices or privately the demand for them will increase by 34 the median salary in the us is about 61 500 the demand for this professionals is going to grow by 39 in the next 10 years because we're becoming healthier we're doing more sports and this profession is a fitness trainer right now there are 300 000 job openings posted in the u.s in the fitness market it is predicted that in 2030 we're going to have 420 000 new jobs each year on this market the average salary is 40 000 a year and you need a special training to become a fitness instructor but very often this training lasts for several months so no need to do bachelor's and master's in fitness education nurses the demand for nurses is going to grow by 45 you need at least two years of training and a special exam to become a registered nurse and on average nurses make 123 thousand dollars in the u.s now this is interesting agents and business managers for celebrities let me explain how the industry works if you think about the us almost every actor makeup artist production company stylist works with an agency in fact 70 of all actors are represented by top three agencies that are located in los angeles wme caa and uta these agencies employ thousands of agents what does an agent do they work with a certain actor or a talent and they match actors and talents with brand deals with different opportunities and yes a lot of bloggers creators tick talkers are working with agencies and it's really exciting how this industry is also moving into this digital slash creator world they're also standalone agents the agents make money by taking commission and it ranges from 10 to 20 percent and when i was talking to industry representatives they also told me that the biggest money maker for an agency is when they put together a movie because they represent makeup artists who work for that movie they represent screenwriters actors production companies and when they match everyone together they create a movie and they take a percentage of whatever the budget is in order to become an agent or a business manager you don't need specific education but you need to have relationships and connections in this creative world and the best path is to start working as an assistant in a bigger agency and then either grow as an agent there or start something on your own again everything depends on your communication and negotiation skills the average salary of an agent is around 116 000 a year it is expected that demand for agents is going to grow by 46 percent by 2030 probably because of the amount of creative people that is rising overall and because there is so much money going into ads with creative people versus 10 years ago when almost all the ad revenue was on tv solar panel installer basically a person who installs solar panels it is expected that demand for these specialists is going to grow by 52 percent by 2030 compared to 2020. the average salary is 47 000 a year and in order to become a solar installer you need special education in engineering ushers lobby attendants and ticket takers yes exactly this is job number four growing by 62 this is just crazy this sounds a bit crazy to me as a person who thinks that a lot of jobs are going to be automated but the reality is we have a growing number of elite hotels we have a growing number of public events conferences and we need people to help us navigate on those events there are more and more business offices we works and we need receptionists there we need real people in order to become one of those people you don't really need special education you need to be friendly you need to be willing to help the average salary though is not too high it's around 26 000 a year but it's something that is definitely growing in demand according to u.s bureau of labor and statistics okay we're approaching top three jobs that are going to see the most growth by 2030. number three is wind turbine service technician as stated by the american wind energy association there are more than 65 000 onshore wind turbines in the u.s and every year this number increases so we need technicians who oversee the operations who can fix problems if they appear this is why the demand for wind tax is going to grow by 68 by 2030. of course you need education in the field of the electric power industry in the us there are for example specific technical colleges to help you with that also employees are more likely to hire a technician who has other certificates basically someone who completed additional courses like electrical safety first aid or climbing training the median salary is 56 000 a year number two motion designers and vr professionals now let me explain what motion designer does sometimes you watch video and it's all animation you look at the metaverse and everything is like digital you're in a digital room or somebody's wearing a digital dress this is basically what those people do they create either 3d objects if it's a virtual designer or animation if it's a motion designer and motion designers are in high demand among youtubers they're in high demand in production companies demand for these specialists is going to grow by 70 percent by 2030 and this is easy to explain we see how meta is going into the vr space we see more and more vr's applications we see a lot of things going digital the average salary is around 62 thousand dollars in the us right now i have actually found several bachelor programs teaching you motion design and vr but basically what you need to do is you need to be able to work with photoshop and other tools and portfolio is one of the most important aspects of this job so a lot of specialists just ended up taking professional courses and then doing a lot of practical tasks like being a contractor for a certain company just to build their portfolio demand for these specialists has already grown by 74 in the past four years companies need machine learning engineers and artificial intelligence specialists artificial intelligence is almost everywhere these days you know translation accounting finance genetics big data people who know how to teach a machine to do things and how to make a machine learn by doing make around hundred thousand dollars a year of course you need special education and machine learning ideally bachelors and masters okay and as promised at the end of this video we're talking about top seven jobs that have no future unfortunately number seven is a pharmacist and according to u.s bureau of labor statistics the demand for these professionals is going to fall by 15 by 2030 and yes i could definitely imagine a robot giving me my prescription and a pharmacist actually managing several robots number six florists the demand is going to fall by 20 by 2030. number five watch repairers the demand is going to fall by 25 in 10 years yeah that's predictable like i normally use my phone to check my time or like a digital watch that is repaired by a company that sells it yeah interesting call center operators is number four i don't know guys if you've experienced this by experience almost every week when somebody calls me and it's not a real person it's a pre-recorded voice that actually reacts to my prompts the ai artificial intelligence is not yet there and i can actually tell it's not a real human but i can definitely see how these jobs are going to be replaced by robots and it's predicted that demand for call center operators is going to fall by 18 number three engravers the demand is going to fall by 30 percent number two parking assistant there is actually a robot on the market already called stan it was created by a french company called stanley robotics and uh a parks cars by itself and number one is a transcriber you already see how youtube is so good with creating subtitles for these videos there's also a website called rap.com where most of the things happen automatically but basically computer technology is helping us convert audio into text and even translate it into another language so the demand for a human transcriber is going to fall by 36 percent by 2030. thank you guys so much for watching this video up to the very end i hope it was useful and entertaining for you and i hope that you share this video with anyone who's thinking about a new job or is thinking about changing careers in order to stay relevant in the next 10 years thank you guys so much for watching this video to the very end i will see you very soon in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Silicon Valley Girl
Views: 8,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silicon valley girl, marina mogilko, linguamarina, professions of the future, education, work of the future, worlds best jobs, top 10 most needed jobs in the future, highest paying jobs, professional jobs, future of jobs, demanding jobs, jobs in demand, most demanding job in the world, future demanding jobs, jobs in 2020, future jobs, future jobs in demand, highest demanding jobs in the world, high paying careers, jobs of the future
Id: R1vlDEh817k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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