The Secret List of (soon to be) Extinct Jobs ———sincerely, AI

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when I think of the biggest risk of AI I think that the biggest risk is the disruption to jobs in case you don't know who that is and juning is the globally recognized leader in AI the founder of founder and CEO of Landing AI General partner at AI fund chairman and co-founder of corsera and an adun professor at Stanford University's computer science department basically this guy knows his AI stuff yes there will be lots of impact on jobs as Andrew alluded to jobs that are transformed jobs that are lost artificial intelligence could replace Millions the tool says AI will replace 4.8 million American jobs but by the end of this video you will feel inspired this is a paper from the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with some people at open Ai and it analyzes the impact of AI automation on different jobs the specific goal of this paper is to look at the impacts of artificial intelligence specifically large language models on the US Labor Force whereas the previous wave of automation the most exposed jobs were often the lower wage jobs you know we put robots into factories with this current wave of automation is actually the higherway shops further to the right of the axis that seems to have more of their task exposed to AI ultimation let's take a deeper dive into the paper they basically take the jobs and a task associated with the job and then get both human Raiders as well as gp4 to assess what level of automation is affected so for example if you have acute care nurses the work activities they would do would include operating diagnostic or therapeutic medical instruments or equipment preparing medical supplies or equipment to use so they would give this information to train human Raiders as well GPT 4 and ask it how much will AI impact the things that these people do before I dive into these findings to really appreciate what it all means we first need to take a step back and look into the past where similar things have have occurred and what happened afterwards every business no matter how large and no matter how small will be on the internet in the year 2000 these groundbreaking Technologies they're called general purpose Technologies and they are characterized largely by four things widespread proliferation of usage continuous Improvement generation of complimentary Innovations where people take that technology and then build upon it and massive disruption to both the labor force and society as a whole let's look as examples the printing press before the printing press books articles things like that they were not widely available and they're considered very precious so they depended on a small number of people who would read and then tell everybody else uh what it is that was on the paper now with the invention of the printing press and specifically the glutenberg press in the mid-5th century all of this changed the way that it worked is that they would carve out individual letters and numbers and being able to rearrange them and dramatically increase the speed at which things can be printed this was a revolutionary Discovery and suddenly people had access to written text people started being able to read things to understand things to think things and this led to things like the Renaissance the reformation and countless revolutions so while this technology enabled a lot of new developments it also caused Great displacements in the labor force suddenly there was not really any need for scribes and manuscript copiers there wasn't any need for people who would decorate these books and parchment and vellum produc which is the skin of animals that people would write on because the printing press worked much better on paper before the steam engine was invented people were born they would Farm raise their animals get married and do all those things and eventually die all within a very small amount of space and if you're lucky you might have some hor drawn carriages or cows that were able to carry you to different places people were essentially bound to their location but around around the Turning of the century of the 18th century there was a guy called Nicholas Joseph cogno he built a steam powered contraption that allowed him to move at 2 mph this was very clunky and very expensive then in 1863 there was a Belgian inventor by the name of Ian lenois who made the first combustion engine that allowed him to travel 7 mph wow people tinkered around with it and finally it was James watt that perfected the steam engine and this was revolutionary because that was the foundation that was needed to start the Industrial Revolution and on the transportation side this led to the first gas-based engine which eventually evolve into the cars that you see all around you everywhere but at the same time there was massive disruption to the labor force the Advent of steam powered Machinery task like plowing and threshing became more efficient so there was less need for agricultureal workers before the railway existed goods were often transported via rivers and different canals requiring boatmen and watermen but now that there's a railway there's no need for that anymore a lot of Craftsmen and Artisans also lost their jobs with the rise of factories and mass production techniques so you probably get the point now there's something that's being invented that dramatically changes how it is that people live like all the things around them and with that there's a disruption to the current status quo including the labor market with the invention of electricity in the 18th and 19th century there is no more need for so much candl light people were able to stay up later during the night and come up with more things there's water and plumbing now and refrigerator so there's no more need for the Milkman or the ice cutter perhaps you watching this has gone through the time in which the internet didn't exist You've Got Mail finally now in the 21st century this new technology this new innovation is artificial intelligence and here are the jobs that the research believe will be the most highly impacted interpreters and translators at around 76% exposure survey researchers at 75% exposure poets lyricists and creative writers around 68.8% animal scientists at 66.7% and public relations specialists at 66.7% though this is on the conservative side it looks like there's also going to be a decline on web and digital interface designers blockchain engineers and mathematicians so traditionally pretty high paying jobs they also found that the importance of Science and critical thinking skills are strongly negatively associated with exposure so basically saying that occupations requiring these skills are less likely to be impacted by current large language models while on the other hand skills like programming and writing um show a strong positive association with exposure so implying that these occupations that involve these skills are more susceptible to being impacted by large language models so there you go those are the predictions and why these numbers are so big in terms of exposure the reason is because um it's not just the base technology of AI that's going to be impacting these jobs and these skill sets it's the fact that there's going to be a lot of Technologies like softwares and apps and stuff that are built on top of these AI technologies that will have massive impact in specific domains so in the beginning of this video I said that you will leave this video feeling inspired so how can you feel inspired knowing that there will be loss of jobs as you notice with these innovations that came about there were so many improvements in quality of life and new things that were being formed from these based Technologies these general purpose Technologies overall our quality of life has increased with each of these new technologies that have come out and with that new jobs that are formed with steam engines that are invented there's now Railway workers Engineers steamship workers and transport and Logistics with the of electricity electrical engineers electricians power plant operators and electrical tool manufacturers with the computer and the internet software Engineers data Engineers data scientists data analysts Ecommerce cyber security and my job right now content creator with AI there will be and in fact there already is a similar Trend prompt engineer AI developer in fact the title of Andrew ning's talk is opportunities in AI Andrew talks about all the different types of technologies that are being developed on top of AI traditionally speaking these Technologies were so expensive and so complex that only the biggest companies were able to use them but there's a long tale to this there's billion dooll Industries but there's also like $100 million Industries $10 million $1 million Industries and now people are empowered to develop for these industries as well for example someone might be running a small mom and pop pizza shop they can have an AI power tool that can take orders for them and in a year they could be saving a few thousand that might not sound like a lot of money but to that store that's significant now extrapolating that to the pizza stores around the country around the world that might not be a$1 billion industry but that could be a$ 1010 million industry where now people can improve their livelihoods I also want to make a note that these Transformations don't just happen by themselves and it doesn't happen overnight armar ra is a company that we built with the former CEO of Tinder and with my my team's expertise in Ai and her expertise in relationships were're able to build something pretty unique you are someone that can build something on top of the AI technology to improve one or more of these industries a large Japanese conglomerate called mitu they came to me and they said hey Andrew you should build the business to use AI to make ships more fuel efficient be someone that Embraces that change that uses that change cuz that technology it's not going to go away and that change is going to happen whether you like it or not so why not be proactive learn adapt and harness its powers for those interested in Humanities and maybe politics be that person who is going to be influencing policy makers on how these Technologies should be used in the end technology is just technology it is not good and it is not evil it is up to us to decide how it's going to be used and there is so much opportunity to be part of that all right I hope this video is helpful please leave in the comments what your thoughts are where you think you could be providing value what you want to learn how do you want to be part of this conversation and I will see you guys in next video or live stream
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 435,253
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Id: 9Z1rMgu2LV0
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Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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