The Secret Handshake | Father and Son Comedy/Drama/ Tear Jerker starring Kevin Sorbo and Amy Grant

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In a man's heart and in his dreams, there is and always has been, the Woods. The wild, the untamed. It is here, away from the noise and the never-ending ticking down of the clock of his life, that he discovers himself, his destiny, and whether or not he has what it takes... be a man at all. ♪ [music] Then again... A man can discover much from a pair of slippers, a good cup of coffee and five minutes of peace and quiet in the morning. And so describes the rythm, rhyme and oh so rare harmony of the middle-aged dad in middle America. Life in suburbia is an underrated adventure, even with the very predictable daily routine. Not only can I pretty much predict what I'm getting into from dawn to dusk, I rather count on it. [ugh] Have you seen the other straightener? We have more than one hair straightener? I called it first thing this morning, and Kristen took it again! I don't know what to tell you. [ ugh ] Mom! Mornings around here are a predictable, even comfortable choreography. There's always a hair issue by 6:30, a shoe crisis follows soon after... Did you take my other boot? Why would I take your boot? [ugh] [stomping sounds] Lunch money... Hi, daddy! Watcha doing? What do you need? Can I buy today? I just bought a fridge full of lunch fixins. I don't have time! [said together] Mom doesn't have any cash and she says to ask you. Also would you make her a latte? You know what? It's waiting for her-- but um, can you microwave it? You know she hates it cold. And here-- try to buy something organic for her. [ bus is coming! ] It's pizza day. but it's our routine. from the outside... Kisses for dad please. I can predict down to the second how it will go as it leads into the rest of a predictable day. Microwave my latte? You heard that? Have a glorious day, loves of my life. And you know what? I like that! [ gasp ] Dad? Then came that November morning when it all changed. [ sounds of kids laughing on the bus ] Look on the bright side... at least it didn't rain. [ sound of thunder overhead ] Have fun! This is my work. I edit books. Please note that I did not say I like to edit books. Sadly for me, I just happen to be pretty good at it, and I can't seem to ever finish any of my own masterpieces, so here we are. And he's running for his life through the streets of London with the nuclear codes [ Trent interrupts ] and the location of the dirty bomb. The ticking clock of course is that he knows that the next terrorist attack is at midnight. And uh... he's an interior designer... It's the perfect cover. Who would believe an interior designer in Chelsea is a sleeper agent-- and a Navy Seal? You know? Not me. Precisely! Most men don't know the difference between a duvet cover and a throw rug! [ laughing ] [ laughing ] So funny! [ laughing harder ] Bam! That's it! [ more laughing ] Best-seller list. Boom! Boom indeed! [ tired laughing ] Well, that has to be the worst pitch I have ever heard. Sit. Uh oh. [ door shuts ] Do you like your job, Roy? Carla, please. I've been with you since you started this littleprint shop. You were making fun of the authors in there. Well, that was terrible, Carla! They're the authors, Roy... not us. [sigh] When am I going to see your book? Oh, any day now. You know, when I hired you, this was going to be a training stop. Yeah, well then came 3 kids and a mortgage. Steinbeck had kids and a mortgage. Do we need to explore this any further? Nope. Good. You owe me three manuscripts. Get back to work. Yes, ma'am. Roy... finish your book. It's amazing what just finishing something does for our spirit. Yeah. You know, maybe next year when i finish cleaning the toilet paper out of my trees. Hey Dude! You rocked it! Best TP job in history! Message sent! How come you guys didn't come? Dude, I was just playing X-Box. I just forgot. I think she knows it was me. That was the point, dude! Listen man, take it from me... chicks respond to strength. But if she tells her dad it was me... Look. She's the one who threw you over for that dork who's taking her to the winter dance. I thought eighth graders couldn't go to winter dance. We can't. She's going with a ninth grader-- who doesn't even live in this neighborhood. Well, why don't we just TP his yard? He'd beat us into hamburger. No, Chad, it's exactly what you said we're sending a message. What message is that? She should've said no. I don't think she got that message, Sadler. Well, then it's time to take it up a notch. I don't think she got that message, Sadler. [ Argghhh ] I'm taking your car, the minivan's making that noise again. We are way overdue for service. Whoa! That's gotta be thirty rolls, easy. Thirty four...must have gone to Costco. You sure this is directed at Ashley? Oh, no doubt. It's kind of an honor, you know? I'm getting all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. You never TP'd a girl? I was uh... pretty cutting edge. I went candy and flowers and the occasional nice card. Do you know who's so smitten with our daughter? She says she doesn't know. I don't believe her. Ok. Taking the twins to dance-- picking them up, taking them over to play practice. Taking the twins to dance-- Make sure Kristen does her grammar, and Danielle has to practice piano. And Ashley has got to wash her hair tonight. And please don't order pizza. I have healthy stuff in the freezer. Thanks for doing this! Yep. See ya! Living the dream, babe. Living the dream... Hey, sweetie. Hey, dad. Why are boys so immature at this age? Were you? Well, I mean... I wanna say no, but... but I probably was. Sorry you had such a tough day. Well, it wasn't a total disaster. I got asked to be the color guard for the homecoming game. Really? Well, that's great! It's totally cool, and if I do good, they may ask me back for competition. Well, I am going to video every second of that baby. I'm so proud of you! Come here. Do me a favor. Stop growing up. I'm sorry about the yard, dad. Well, if I catch whoever did it... he'll be sorrier. [ ugh ] Oh, man! Really? Come on, Roy! You got one more! One more! I really don't! You gotta try one more! One more! Jerry take it! Jerry take it! You are never gonna get off that plateau unless you take it to failure. What do you call that? [ sigh ] So! The whole yard? Yeah, Yeah! There was like an aircraft carrier Well, what do you plan on doing about it? What do you mean? Exactly what I said... What are you gonna do about it? Cumon! He's just a sick little twerp pledging his twisted sick little love for my daughter. It's a whole lot more than that, Bucko! Your castle's been violated! I think this is stalking. Oh, come on, Jerry! I mean, I think if you ask me, it's time you get your shotgun down. I don't have a shotgun. What?? Don't have a shotgun? Three beautiful daughters and you don't have any firepower? What kind of man are you? Jerry, we live in the suburbs. Remember? Just say'n... you need a shotgun. How you doing, Charlie? Divorce is horrible... that's how. How 'bout you? Fine, I guess. Considering I'd rather be doing pretty much anything else on the earth for a living. Well, I'm doing great! How you doing, darling? Still got it, Jerry. And all settled back into our routine, when... [ phone rings ] Hey, honey! What's up? Are you in front of your computer? No, I'm on the runway in my stealth fighter. Yes, I'm in front of my computer. I just sent you an email. Open it. Ok. Click on the link. ♪[ trumpet sounds ] Oh no! Oh yeah! It's everywhere! And look at all the comments! This is a disaster Roy! I'm calling the cops! Wow! The writing is actually quite good. Roy?? I mean... yeah, this is bad, but it could have been a lot worse. I mean, it's not awful. It's actually kinda sweet in a twisted kind of way. IT'S CALLED HARASSMENT! [ knock knock knock ] Ash, honey... I don't want to talk to anyone! Come on, it's just me. The twins laughed at me! They're at play practice. Is mom? Yeah, it's just us. My life is over dad. Did you see it? Yeah... we got it pulled down. Yeah, until he puts up the next installment! Who's doing this, Ash? Brody Jenkins. Who is Brody Jenkins? Hello... We went out in the fifth grade? [laughing] Went out? You've never even been on a date. It's an expression. Why would he do this, dad? What could he possibly hope to gain? Uhhh, I umm... I did something like this at his age. What? Yeah... ♪ [ 80's music ] I was the new kid in school in the eighth grade. who couldn't do a thing about the daily butt-whooping I'd get everyday. I was desperate to get noticed. And I knew it wouldn't be for my dashing good looks... or athletic prowess. So I picked the coolest couple in school, and started writing a serial soap opera about them. ...with artwork. Them, teachers, the principal... who had a 60-inch waistline. and it got popular... [ kids laugh ] And what do you suppose happened? [ kids laugh ] A teacher caught me passing pages in class. ♪[ 80's music continues ] [ kids burst into laughter ] So, five licks with a paddle from the big-bellied principal, and little Roy gets suspended from school. You? Suspended from school? And what do you suppose happened after that? You were completely humiliated and moved to Africa. I was James Flippin Dean! I was the coolest little rebel in school. THE WRITER. What about the cool couple? Are you saying Brody Jenkins made me a star? I read the story, and it was pretty good, actually. It's better than half the books I edit. Maybe we should give him a deal. I would SO kill you if you do. Honey, if it had been anything ugly, I'd be in his living room right now. This thing will pass. He'll grow up. I promise. They all do. Hey. Thank you. Is this Brody kid the same one whose dad died a couple years ago? Yep. You know them? Not really. But this kid is out of control. He's been hanging out with those other two losers. How do you know this? Moms know everything. Jerry says I should get a shotgun. [ chuckle ] I think you should have a little man-to-man talk with this kid. And say what? Stay away from my daughter? Yes... This is a dad job, don'tcha think? Why don't you do it? I think he'd be more scared of you. Ok... Can it wait until the weekend? Please? I've never threatened a kid before, and I need to study up on it. So boys... Nicked'em from my mom's purse. Go for it. Um. Nah. Why not? I just don't. Do you? If I feel like it. But... I just don't, but you can. We're good. We're good. Some other time maybe, but... So, Tenderfoot, me and Chad been talking-- you're almost in, but the stakes have gone up. Right, Chad? Oh yeah! [ Announcer talking over the PA system ] Here you go, guys! Ah, thank you. Oh, I'm so nervous. You'll do great, just watch me. Thank you. Dad, were you in the marching band? No, baby, daddy played football. You played football? Yes, I played football. Sometimes... special teams-- when we were winning by like a 100 points... Your dad was a fine athlete, girls. How do you know? He told me! I'm gonna be a cheerleader just like mommy. Really? Your mom was the best cheerleader in her high school. How do you know? She told me! [ all in unison ] Shhh... they're about to start. ♪[ marching band drum beats ] ♪[ marching band drum beats ] ♪[ marching band drum beats ] [ crowd cheering ] [ crowd getting louder ] [ crowd jeering ] It's him again... He's in his underwear! Are you kidding me? ♪[ band plays loud ] [ crowd gets louder ] [ crowd erupts ] [ PA: We need the sheriff ] WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?? Now will you do something? Mrs. Jenkins? I'm Roy Roper. Is Brody here? Here's some coffee. Thank you. You didn't have to get up. You have a nice home. Thanks. I wish we could keep it. Uh, so... Brody isn't here then? No, sorry. Is he in jail? No. No... He oughta be. He's out. Out of jail. I never thought I'd say those words about my own kid. I was working last night when they called, so... I left my shift, went to get him woke up this morning... he's gone. It's not unusual these days. I'm so sorry, Mr. Roper. What can I do to make it up to your sweet girl? It's uh... it's Roy. And it's not up to you to make anything up to her. I'm losing him, Roy. We came here because this is such a family neighborhood, but now, working doubles, weekends... I got his brother and sister both in daycare, we're still not making it. It's like there's not enough me to go around. I'm sorry about your husband. Two years... Five months... Three days... I'm sure I could give you the hours if you want... I'm sorry, Karen... I really am. I'm all alone. I don't know how much longer I can hang on. I got a pretty good idea how this story's gonna turn out. I'm sorry. [ deep breath ] Buck up! Stan never let me feel sorry for myself. Why start now? It's uh... It's ok... Well, it's not ok. But I will make it up to Ashley. Hey um... Why don't I start with a gift card what's her favorite store? Karen, no. She doesn't need any more gift cards. Uh, you can give me one if you want... Sorry... it's a joke... umm I didn't know any of this. And I never met your husband... sorry about that. You would have liked Stan... everybody did. He would have dealt with this. Actually.... no. No... it never would have happened. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm not weak... I can work. We'll make it. But... What do I know about being a man? How could I know? How can anybody expect me to teach him? [ sigh ] Is it too late? Whoa! Streak the game? Snatched your daughter's flag... right there in front of the homecoming crowd? on my old football field? I hope you kicked the living brown out of him! No, no... not exactly. No?? What's the matter with you, Roy? I mean that little punk needs an attitude adjustment, like right now! It's not quite that simple... Not that simple? Look, some little twit messes with my daughter? and BAMO! It's GO TIME! I'm talking a double dose of Rocky and Balboa! Jerry, shut up! He's still telling a story You mean there's more? Yes, so I go to his house this morning... Oh good! Now we're talk'n. Turns out that the kid's dad died a couple years back. You talk'n about Stan Jenkins kid? Stan Jenkins died? Yep. Two years ago... He just dropped dead right there in his front yard... You know I coached that little worm in Little Guy football Hey... look... We're all men here, right? I mean, I give a pass on the TP-- but, running around in his tighty-whities? grabbing your daughters flag in front of God and everybody? And even Stanley would agree that deserves a kick IN THE [interrupts] AS I was saying! His mom asked for my help. With what? To teach him to, you know... how to become a man... [chuckles] Is that funny to you? I mean... you know? No! I don't know. Bro! Roy Ropers house is a house full of women. I mean... You are drowning in a sea of estrogen! He's got a male dog? Fixed. Fine! Then Capt. Macho, you do it! No! No! No! Look, don't start putting this off on me! I didn't have kids by choice. It's not my problem.... the question is, what are you gonna do about it? That's why I called this meeting! Don't look at me! My kids don't even live with me anymore! They barely talk to me when they come home for a visit on the weekend... Use me as an example of what NOT to be! Roy... You're over-thinking this thing. It's really simple... You know what I'd do? I'd take the kid down there to the sandpit. It's really simple... You know what I'd do? and if he tried to get out! [ ZZZAP! ] I'd hit with a tazer gun! That's what I'd do! You know it's amazing people don't want you to coach anymore? Jerry, you can't reach a kid like that! Spare me that Inner-Child garbage All a kid needs is to be told the rules. And when he steps outside the rules? Dirty! and Harry! I missed the School of HardKnocks lecture? Ok guys... you're right... HELP! All I have is girls, so what do I do? Well, how did your dad teach you? He didn't... He died too. ...about the same age as Stan. I didn't know that... Wow! Roy, I'm sorry. It's not a big deal now-- It was like thirty something years ago. It is... a big deal, Roy! Roy, look... You're a stand up guy, ok? Trying to do the right thing but this isn't your problem. You gotta daughter to protect. You need to go over there and tell that kids mother Suck it up! Tell her to send the kid to military school. --like my dad did me... ...and I think the results speak for themselves. [ sigh ] I don't know, Roy. How do you teach a boy to become a man? It turns out there's plenty of stuff on "becoming a man" out there, but I'm not so sure it matches up to our present reality here in Oak Pointe. For instance, here's a ritual in Ethiopia where the boy has to run across the backs of a dozen angry and hungry bulls as his initiation... Can't really see the Homeowners Association getting behind that. Then there's a tribe in South America where the boy crosses over by sticking his hands in gloves filled with hundreds of bullet ants, whose sting is twenty times more painful than a red wasp... or, of course, the one in Brazil who gives the Initiate a choice with frog poison-- drink it, or inject into the eyes. Hmm...that sounds like jail time for sure. Oh, here's one. The Pentecost Island Bungee Jumpers. Of course, they use vines, measured to the precise length so the Initiates nose touches the ground... unless, of course, the vine breaks... then I'll say his nose touches the ground... My best one yet. Its got spinach and kale in it, but you can't taste'em. What do we got? I'm leaning towards the Aboriginal Circumcision rite, which includes the introduction of a removable splinter. Like it. There needs to be pain. There's about a thousand books on 'recovering' manhood. We published a dozen ourselves. I edited two of 'em. What'd they say? Nothing memorable obviously. Giving him a book isn't gonna change anything, honey. Maybe Jerry's right. Is this really my problem? Really? The cops arrested him. He'll get some sort of counseling. This whole thing's gonna blow over. Why don't you go upstairs and tell Ashley that, Super Dad? Am I a disappointment to you? I'm disappointed... that you're disappointed. Makes me think it's me. Well, I always swore I wouldn't become one of those mid-life crisis guys. Well, that's a good thing. We can't afford a Porsche. Yeah, but I wanted to. I thought I'd be able to by now. I think... there's how we think life is gonna be... and there's how it really is. Does it feel like you missed something? And you settled? Do you? No... not with you. No. But... the rest of me... maybe. There's just something missing, Jolie. I've got everything I could ask for, but inside, I'm that pathetic guy living the life of quiet desperation. I guess this is a separate conversation from a punk kid terrorizing my daughter. Is it? Jolie, will you clean my paint brushes please? I got it. Got what? We're going camping... this weekend. Oh, no, we're not! We're playing golf this weekend... at The Pines. It took me three months to get a weekend tee-time down there, Roy! Look, we go golfing all the time. I stink, Charlie stinks, and, Jerry, you stink too! You just hit it farther. And, I'm so sick of playing poker. Hey, look. I'll bike. I'll hike. I'll ski. You know what? I'll paddle down a river. I'll even do a zip-line. But I DO NOT camp! I do hotels. I do NICE hotels. ...with a bar. We're taking the kid. Yeah, Roy, I gotta a lot going on this weekend. Yeah? Like what? I uh... Yeah that's what I thought, so you're in. And just where is this proposed back-to-nature experience that I will NOT be participating in? There are twenty parks in this state. Yeah... I've just heard too many stories as a kid. Of what? Deer, gophers? Try chainsaws and hockey masks! Oh, come on. Ah no, no, no... he got out the car and some psycho killed him-- and hung him on top of the roof like that. It was the Hook Man! Yeah the girl was in the car and all night she kept hearing the scratching on top of the car She didn't even get out. She just left the poor sap up there to die. Come on there's ten different versions of that story-- We are going camping this weekend, in a state park with bathrooms and park rangers and night lights if you want. And do what? We're gonna do some male bonding. Or, yeah... Because we're such positive role models. Roy, you have a tent? [ ugh ] My wife uses it for spray painting. It's destroyed. Roy, I don't have a tent. Couldn't we at least get a cabin? No! We are going outside! Oh this is great! We don't a tent. We don't have any gear! We don't have a clue what we're doing! Ah, yeah. This is gonna be a fine introduction to manhood. Why cant we just--- lift some weights and grill a steak? Come on, guys! We've been friends for what? Twenty years??? But I've never asked ANYTHING from either of you. But I've helped move you both three times at least, lent you money-- --even mowed your yards when you're out of town. Besides, what kind of men are we if we can't go camping in a state park??? Ok, Ok, fine. One night! But we're gonna need some gear. Gear? Ha! Ha! I'll show you gear, daddy! ♪ [ groovy music ] It's weird, really. But modern guys are the first ones in history to mostly not go through some sort of initiation ritual into manhood. All cultures throughout history, up to now, had something to symbolize the transition. They usually involved some kind of test, and wisdom coming from the old guys in the village... and always some pain. We don't really do that anymore. [ reading ] "...feeling the hard ground under our bare feet." You know it's gonna be like thirty degrees, right? So? Bare feet? It's figurative. Maybe he's right. Maybe this is what's missing with the girls. We should start camping! Get out under the stars, as a family. And... you know... look at... the stars and stuff. No hair straighteners, or outfits or iPods-- we just need to get our hands dirty! ♪[ Pop music coming from headphones ]♪ Might want to baby step this one. Yeah... There's an access road back here. It's like forty miles around. Uh oh. It's just a big looping trail-- It's like seven miles as the crow flies. And look, its got the best camping sites cause it follows the river! I don't think you wanna be improvising Big Boy! Hey, I GOT THIS! Hey, how's my sweet pea? Fine, dad. How's the situation? Whatever. He's still suspended from school. But how are you? Really? [ sigh ] Afraid to go out. I'm gonna deal with this. okay? Whatever. Daddy's got this one. baby. [ knocking on door ] Go away. [ loud knocking ] LEAVE ME ALONE!!! [ door opens ] Get up! Get dressed. Mom? Mom!!! I said. GET DRESSED! Mr. Roper? Mr. Harris? Coach Baird? Oh yeah. Brody Boy. Bring your boots. We're going on a little hike. Mom!!! ♪ [ road jam music ] Okay. I got the message. Ha! Ha! Jokes over. I learned my lesson. I won't do it again. Stop talking. This is illegal dude. This is kidnapping! Well. not when your mom is in on it. And she is. DUDE! Oh. by the way, she made us cookies. Cookies? Where are you taking me?? We're just going on a little camping trip Brody Boy! Just us DUDES! Just sit back and relax. Wanna cookie? ♪ [ road jam music ] Twelve more miles. I thought you said we were just going to the park? I found a better place. It backs right up to it. It's less than a mile from the parking lot. Besides. I wanna scare this little snot some more. [ car sputtering ] It's starting to work on me. Bucko. [ hearing wife's voice in his head ] "The mini-van's making that noise again..." Roy. what's going on? [ car is sputtering to a stop ] [ engine stops ] How do you like your camping trip so far? Might be your carb. Course that knocking could be your differential... or maybe a battery hose. or muffler bolt or muffler bearing... You have NO IDEA what your talking about. do you? No. I really don't. This is just great! It's after nine o'clock and we're here in Psycho Killer country! Why didn't we just stay in your neighborhood? We could have pitched a tent in your common ground! Give it up. Charlie! You're rear main seal is out. It's gushing oil. What does that mean? It means your minivan's toast. What do you know about it. kid? My dad taught me about cars. No chance we can fix it. huh? No. Ok. it looks like we're calling Triple A. Uh. I don't have a cell. Oh. I got like less than zero bars on this. I've got nothing too... Hey... That might be a house up there. You guys stay with Brody. and I'll go check it out. Oh. I don't think so. That is EXACTLY how the Hook Man started! Jerry. did you bring a gun? No. I didn't bring a gun! Mr. "We live in the suburbs" --wouldn't let me buy one. We're so gonna die. Let's go! I mean. what else are we gonna do? ♪ [ mysterious music ] Roy. I don't have a great feeling about this. Well. I don't have a great feeling about walking forty miles to get back home, Jerry. So. come on. Let's go. No. this is YOUR trip, Kemosabe. I ain't going up there and knocking on that door. Thanks a lot. guys. [ whispers ] He's gonna die... [ screen door screeches open ] [ knock knock ] [ vicious dogs growling ] Great! We got the Hook Man AND the Hounds from Hell! [ dogs barking ] Get DOWN! Who's out there??? Hi. I'm sorry to bother you, sir-- but our car broke down... [ dogs barking viciously ] Hold on! Let me put the dogs up! [ I said get down! ] Anyone else think we should run? Now? Where's your car at? It's uh.. It's down on the road-- and see we can't get any cell out here. Me neither. Uh. well is there any chance we can use your phone here? Don't got one. Don't need it. Ah... Y'all ain't from around here are ya? No. we just came up to do some camping. State parks down the road you missed it by a pretty fair piece. Yeah. we've kinda already been over that. We were looking for something a little more remote. What kinda camping y'all doing? [ Roy whispers ] You see the kid. we're here to show him how to grow up a little bit. Ohhhhhhhh!!!! You mean like an initiation? Little uh... Boys-to-Men action? Yeah. something like that. Why didn't you say so in the first place? I got just the spot for ya. It's right up the holler there. Yeah. but you see our car is broke... so... My brother has a wrecker service. I'll get him over here tomorrow-- once he sobers up. He'll tow you anywhere you wanna go. But I'll take you up there in uh... Shorty. Shorty? It's my party wagon! I rent it out ALL THE TIME!! Ok. well it looks like its... Shorty. You know. many would have questioned this decision. I know that. But our van broke down in the middle of nowhere. OOOOO-RAWWWWW! ♪ [ loud rock music ] ♪ What else were we gonna do? Thank you. Lord, for making me a man in these Tennessee woods! [ ha! ha! ha! ] If we live through this. I'm gonna let Jerry shoot you. In the face! We can't shoot him! He wouldn't let me buy the gun! IN - THE - FACE!!! Hey! Darren! Darren!!! It's Darrell! Can you tell us exactly where we're going again? Yeah. you're gonna love it! They got cabins up there-- you got running water. cable tv... plenty of room! That sounds like my kinda camping. Oh. thank God, a bed. You brought them up there in this?? Hey! Everybody loves Shorty. boys!! Let's crank it up!!! ♪ [ rock music blares loud ] Ok. so now what? Go down this road here 'bout a mile-- look for the tiki torches. Follow them. It'll take you right in. So you call that a road? Whatever. It'll get you there. How come there's not a sign? It's private. They don't want to advertise either. Only those who know. know... [ loudly clears throat ] There ya go. Thank you. Here. take that. Business card... Darrell's Party Planning... Really? You got six extensions. That I do. It don't mean nothing though. They all six go to my cell. When I can get one. Ha! Ha! Just the give the guard that card. and you'll be all good. There's a guard? Oh. it's first class. Ok. Thank you. You're welcome. ...ok. Let's go! Okay. I admit it. This isn't exactly how I envisioned hitting the trail. Well. there's a paradigm shifter. Can't believe nobody brought a gun. Yeah. like any of us really know how to use one. The Hook Man knows. The Hook Man don't need a gun. I know how. You didn't bring a gun? Not unless you put one in my backpack. Are you saying you own one? No. But I've shot'em. Have you? How long are we gonna be out here? As long as it takes. Takes to do what? Cross you over. You know. a little Boys-to-Man action, Brody. Oh no... Really? There's a few things we need to talk over. Brody. It wasn't my idea. alright? Any of it! They made me do it! And look what you get-- having others do your thinking for you. You should thank those two losers. You got a free camping trip out of this. Hey. y'all want some good news? Roy, I think I see a tiki torch up here. Yes! I think they got a bar too. --and a hot tub! I would kill for a hot tub! And how do you know Darrell? Ah. we just met'em. He sent us here. Cell phones and keys in the basket. Uh. Why? There's no cell up here anyway. Yeah. we know that, but why? Standard Operational Procedure. No photo. video, or communication devices allowed on a Man-Up Weekend. Do I smell steak? Ribeye. 200 lbs. flown in from Omaha. We're just about to eat. Roy. I say let's do this. Leave your backpacks too. Backpacks?? Hey. wait a minute there, Pard. You're unannounced quests here, Pard. Now. there's food, shelter, and good fellowship ahead, Or you can turn around and walk your rear end back inthe way you came. Ha... Ribeye... Yeah... [ tribal chanting ] [ chanting to a drum beat ] Okay. Roy. This is officially weird. You guys do this every weekend. Mr. Roper? [ primal scream ] [ new tribal chant ] Can you hear this? [ hollering ] Let me turn it up for ya! [ more hollering ] We reclaim the sacred Masculine for our divine mission! We summon the strength... of Mother Sky and Father Rock! Bring out your chickens! Chickens? You want me to cover the kids eyes. so he won't see those men's chickens? I think he's talking about REAL chickens. Hey. I gotta crazy idea. Let's bail! Like NOW! ...yeah. Hey. Pard. We're gonna stay at a Holiday Inn. Turn around. Join the circle. We really don't want to join the circle. [ chanting Man Up! ] [ loud whistle blows ] Interlopers. Brothers. Join us. Mr. Roper... yeah... RUN GUYS!!! Seize them! [ yelling ] [ gasping for breath ] I think we lost them. We're lost too! Where's Jerry? [ surprised scream ] Where's the kid? He's not with you?? No! He's not with me! Are you kidding me? They got Brody??? Ok! Stay here! Brody? Please don't tell me they caught him. Charlie. STOP IT! You want me to slap you??? Calm down... Calm down? We're gonna die!!! Look. Roy's gonna find the kid. He's gonna bring'em back. We're gonna get out of this... Roy doesn't know what he's doing anymore than you or I! He just talks a good game. [ muffled scream ] No. no, shhh.. shhh.. It's me! Brody! It's me. It's Mr. Roper! You hurt? What happened? You're faster than us old weezers. ...I fell. Where are the others? They're back this way... Come on we got to go! I'm not going anywhere with you! Brody. we can't stay here. I'm scared! Why did you bring me here? We're both scared. I wanna go home. We have to stay together. It's are ONLY hope! Alright. come on. Come on, let's move! I hear'em Jerry. Guys! Guys! I thought you guys were lost for sure. I still got a boy scout trick or two left in me. You were a boy scout? Don't get too excited. My merit badge was in public speaking. Public speaking? Oh. that's just great. Yeah. when the Hook Man comes you can give'em a SPEECH! Oh. come on. Before he slaughters all of us! What??? I'm just kidding Brody. What are we gonna do now? I'm working on it. ok? We got to the road... I think we came in over there. but... I'm all turned around. What if they come for us? No. they won't come for us tonight. They'll wait until the morning. Who are those guys? I dunno. Man Up... It's a big male bonding thing. They get together five times a year. What??? You know these guys??? No!!! They tried to recruit me after my divorce. first divorce. you never told us that. YOU NEVER ASKED! Alright. Tell you one thing. We're not going back that way. NO WAY! Ugh. Excuse me if I freak out a little bit! We have no sleeping bags. We have no food. We have no backpacks! We're either gonna freeze to death. starve to death, or pick up chickens SHHHHH! Be quiet! I DON'T CARE IF THEY HEAR ME! At least they got FIRE! Yeah. and they'll throw us on it after they tenderize us. So we'll die warm! ...I can make a fire. WITH WHAT??? They've got our backpacks. Roy!!! So we'll die warm! ...I can make a fire. CHARLIE. WILL YOU STOP SCREAMING!!! Make a choice! Go back to those guys and freeze to death! Or you can listen to me and we can make a go of it! OK??? Now you got me screaming! Alright. I need leaves and small twigs-- dry ones. You. Brody! You find me a rock with a little gray showing. Now! Go! Go get'em! You found it? Great! Hold on to that. Look. we're fine here. We're gonna be safe. You're gonna start a fire without a lighter? Yup. I'm gonna try. I haven't done this... since I was your age. And you know what? I think I actually pulled it off before. so... That's gonna start a fire? Patience. Patience. There we go! Whoa! Yeah... You the man. Roy Roper. You the man. Anybody wear a watch? No. It's about midnight maybe? Feels like we've been out here like a week already. [ animal growls in distance ] What was that??? I heard something... It's the woods. Charlie-- There's animals out here. Animals? Don't they hibernate or go south for the winter or something? ...NOT THE ZOMBIES!!! [ chuckles ] All right. guys. It's time to take inventory. What do we have in our pockets? Trail mix. Hand moisturizer... Moisturizer? Oh. and Halls Mentholyptus. Well. that's great. At least we won't starve to death. Jerry. what do ya got? I have a flashlight. and uh... my fantasy football roster... ...and got my Altoids. Sure! You might meet some chicks! Did you remember to bring your BRUT cologne? [ chuckles ] What about you? What do you got over there. Mr. Boy Scout? I coulda built us a house with what I've got in my backpack. but... flashlight... and uh. flint... army. and oh, waterproof matches. What??? Wanted to see if I could really do it. Oh. that's just great! We're up a flip'n creek with a bunch of whack-jobs probably out looking for us now with their night vision goggles... and AK's. and you're playing Jr. Forest Ranger games! I don't know what you're trying to prove with [ rustling in the woods interrupts them ] [ in a whisper voice ] Roy! What does that mean? Somebody's out there... Well. why don't you just say that? You looking for me? [ frightened scream ] Ok. I left one small detail out. Since I was a kid growing up around here when all the developments and suburbs were being built. there were always stories about some psycho killer on the run from the law. living up in our woods. IT'S THE HOOK MAN!!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! What are you doing out here? We're... lost. Really. We came camping for the weekend. We ran into some... trouble. Can we help you with something? Doubting that. Where are we? The woods. Hey. look pal, we're not trying to cause anybody any trouble out here. Don't move. You with those drumming boys? No! No! No! Sir. We really ARE lost. They took our backpacks. our phones... everything. So. do you live here? You might say that. Well then. I'm sorry. We'll just be moving on. In the dark? Lost? With nothing? There's a front coming in. You better build up your fire. Don't try to follow me. You do understand? Well. wasn't that nice of him to drop by and say hello? He's right. Let's gather some more firewood and build this up. Yeah. we'll cook faster. When he comes back to gut and fillet us! Charlie. can it. He's gone. There's four of us out here! Well three and half of us out here. He's gone. Oh. that's a comfort. [ fire crackles loud ] Mr. Roper. was there really a point to all this? Or was this one of those "scare the teen straight" kinda things? Let me ask you a question... Was there a point to embarrassing my daughter? I didn't mean to. Well. what did you mean to do? Get her attention? Because you got it. I'm sorry. ok? Well... I'm not the one who needs to hear that son. Did she do something to you to make you angry at her? No! No... It wasn't my idea. It was my friends. Friends? You mean the ones that are home all snugly in their bed and tummies full? Those friends you talk'n about? How you think they'd be doing out here with us tonight? They'd probably be freaking out. Like me. you mean. Yes sir. A lot like you. Hey... our work here is done. Let's go home now. Is there a Plan B? Yeah... Survive the night. Best as I can tell. we've got about a six or seven mile hike to get to the park. Try Twenty! [ Charlie yells ] No offense. pal. I don't believe you can make twenty miles a day. Their ain't no trails up here. You greenhorns hungry? YES! Yeah. Jerky! Beef Jerky! This is... beef jerky? Squirrel. There's such thing as squirrel jerky? Deer meats better. I killed one this morning. but hadn't had time to butcher it yet. Suit yourself. Here's some apples and berries. So. uh... No chance you have a phone? Now who would I call? [ yeah ] Why wouldn't you go to the State Park? We wanted to uh... find a place less crowded. Well. you did that. [ yeah ] Well you know what? We're gonna spend the night and in the morning head back the way we came in. I wouldn't recommend that. Seen some pretty strange things from those guys... I think they're a little upset with you. [ yeah ] You're a long way from the law. If you haven't picked up on that. You have any suggestions? [ yeah ] Get some rest. You gotta a couple pretty tough days ahead of you. Are you the Hook Man? I killed the Hook Man. son. [ chuckles ] [ yeah right... ] [ voice mail greeting ] "This is Roy Roper. Leave a message and I'll call you back." [ sigh ] Ok. Trailblazer. Third message. You were supposed to call me from the road. or when you got there. Check in. please, so I can sleep. Love you. Hope you're doing okay... Was that dad? Yeah. What did he say? It was his voicemail. Mommy? We can't sleep. Is dad ok? Of course he is. He's just camping... And it's twenty six degrees... and the wind has kicked in... And he hasn't camped since before we were married... And he hasn't called in eleven hours... Can we sleep with you? I wish you would. Why is he doing this again? Cause he's a good man. Thinks with his heart instead of his head sometimes. But your daddy... is a good man. So. let's all say a little prayer for him ok? Will you stay 'til morning? Wasn't planning on it. Look. I don't know where we are or how to get out of here. Thataway... 330 degrees... You do have a compass? Oh. sure. It's on my phone with... the chicken dancers. Do you have a compass? Stars. Stars are pretty good. Sun goes east to west. How hard is that? I always thought you were a story somebody made up. You better get some sleep. They're gonna need you tomorrow. You're the leader here of this outfit... I'm not so sure about that. I see a teenage boy. one guy so scared he's about to wet his pants. another guy who's so macho... he don't know what he don't know. My money's on you. I'm not sure I've got what it takes to get us out of here. I didn't know we were this far out. and without gear or food... My dad was the Eagle Scout. not me. I see... So you came to the wilderness to go camping... What are you doing up here. really? Teach that young one about being a man. I see. We had I had this big plan-- speeches. ceremony, I even wrote a script but I left it in the pack I mean. it was a good plan on paper... like most everything else in my life... You know what's funny? Not even sure how I know how to be a man. The Eagle Scout didn't tell you that? What did your dad tell you? Not much with words... At least that's what I remember from down there. So you really are the guy in the woods? You know. every boy, at some point wants to grow up and be you. You know that? How do you do this? Do what? Live HERE like this? How do you live like you live? You know you might say my situation was forced on me. Were you in trouble? You tell me. You musta heard something? Ever since I was a kid. there was always stories about some guy in the woods. Well. let's see. Escaped prisoner, escaped mental patient. wife killer... alien from Area 51... right wing survivalist. left wing Manson follower... Civil War ghost... what am I leaving out? The Hook Man! [ chuckles ] The Hook Man... Always liked the Hook Man. so... which one is it? [ sigh ] I was a soldier... in a BAD war... I wouldn't lie to protect some bad men who did some bad. bad things. My mom and daddy passed away... and I came home and had no home to come to. Then the bad men were looking for me. So I came to the only place that I knew they wouldn't follow. These woods... It's a lot like the jungle. I hated war. ...but I love the jungle. I can't tell you what to do with that boy. I don't have any script or ceremony... No kid in his right mind would want to hear what I've got to say. I'll move on in the spring. Why don't you just come back? To your world? A little too late for that. Tell that boy what you know. and watch his back. That's the only secret handshake there is... [ birds chirping ] [ sound of eggs frying n pan ] What the...? I smell bacon... Heaven smells like bacon. [ repeats ] There's no place like home... [ sounds of boots clicking together ] Dude! I am so hungry! Must not be that off the grid. Somebody's been to the market. I don't know if Kroger sells quail eggs... wild hogs. rainbow trout... but, More power to'em if they do. Cup of joe. son? Coffee? You have coffee??? [ yeah ] I've never had coffee before. It's an acquired taste. You might wanna try something tamer than what I have... No. sir. Suit yourself. Ain't like that half-caff. soy choy, pumpkin spice with sprinkles on it, is it? [ chuckles ] You wouldn't happen to have any light almond milk would you? Black and chewy buddy! That's all your Barista has for you today. Ah... that's good! I like this fish. This bacon's better than at least one of my marriages. This squirrel tastes like chicken. I wouldn't get too comfy... Gotta lot of miles ahead of you today. River's bout a half mile in that direction. Follow it upstream... till you come to the fork. Stay to the right. and when it splits, it'll take you up the ridge. There's a ranger station over that hill. You're not coming with us? We'll pay you! Anything you ask... I'm sorry... You have to help us. What do ya think I just did? Follow your leader here. Y'all stay together... You'll be fine. Here's some fresh water. Lemme help with that... If you run out... river's pretty clean. ...and some squirrel jerky. since you're so fond of that. Here's something for ya. Take this. I'll make another one. Please come with us. You can do this. You have to. Good luck. Alright men... Let's break camp and get going. I can edit and grammar- check manuscripts. mow my front yard, run without using the handrails on an elliptical trainer and drive a minivan. The list of what I can't do is sadly a lot longer. I can't dunk a basketball. saddle a horse without him biting me, or run a power tool any stronger than a cordless drill... But something inside really does stir the soul when your boots on the ground stomping through the woods. breathing air and hearing raw unprocessed sounds like you're the first guy ever to walk there. You have to wonder if this isn't what a man is designed to do. and at least part of what he's supposed to be. [ sound of gurgling water ] YES! YES! Fork in the River!!! Means we're getting close! Sweet! [ panting ] You know. that's not what he said. How far have we gone? Nowhere near twenty miles. I can tell you that. We've been walking all day. Roy! Wait! Wait! What are you saying? I don't know how far we've gone. It could be nineteen and a half miles. could be a lot less... Hey. how much daylight you think we got? Sun's below the mountains. so... an hour? maybe two... Why? Nooo! He can't help when it gets dark. Not his fault. I can't do another night out here. We might not have a choice. We're on our own now. We're gonna have to do... what we have to do. Charlie, right? Let's go! We gotta try! Let's move. Let's go. Brody! Ugh... No we're not going to make it. guys. ...yeah. I know. Need to build a shelter. See if I can uh... remember how to do this... Need to build a shelter. --find every branch leaf you can find so we can fill it in. and Brody and I will start a fire. Alright? Ok... Brody. how you doing, bud? Good. Well. why don't we get that thing going. Here ya go! Nah! I'm gonna need a flat rock and your flint. I'll go find you that rock. Alright. here ya go! Closer. Closer. Again now. There ya go! ♪ [ music & lyrics ] In your dreams you set sail. then you slide off the rail. You crash and you fall. tryin to understand it all. You're so lost. you just want off. Running from your truth. you got a lot to prove. Fist in each hand. you fight hard to be a man, You get knocked down. In every round. Some hands go to work. some just want to play... Some hands reach out and some just want to take. Some hands clinched tight. a fist is all they make. It's not something we can see. It's just between you and me. Whispered words won't help you understand. Not every boy becomes a man. Make a deal with doing right. don't bargain with mistakes. If you don't give up then you've got what it takes. Have a hand... someone can shake. There we go... GO! [ yells and laughter ] Yes! Yes! Mmmm! Man! I don't EVER remember fish tasting that good! It'd be good to have some of that chewable coffee for dessert. Ha! Ha! You talked to that woods guy for awhile. huh? Yeah. He's on the run. isn't he? Why do ya say that? I mean... He's gotta be on the run-- He wouldn't let a bunch of guys like us go off by ourselves? ...but it didn't. You know? It's actually pretty warm in there. I threw down some more pine needles. leaves. It's like a feather bed. I don't care if it's hard as a rock! Boys. I'm tired. My eyes are getting heavy. Well. there's space for each of us... Sorry, Brody, can't do anything about Jerry's snoring. At least my snoring don't stink! Did y'all hear him last night? I mean. NOBODY light a match inside there tonight-- cause we'll all go up like the Hindenberg! It's like a bunch of monkeys jumping up and down on a whoopee cushion! [ chuckles ] Hey guys. ummm... I wanna say something... I'm sorry about... all this. but... at least we'll have some stories to tell. You think we're getting close? Yeah. One good climb tomorrow... we'll be in the park. Roy... I wanna apologize too. Sorry about... ...what I said about you. Thank you. Hey... You think we need know? --do something about your... manhood plan? No. I think we've done it. [ chuckles ] Well. I'm glad to hear that! Cause I'm telling you. my feet hurt! My ankles hurt! My knees hurt! My back hurts! The back of my back hurts! [ laughter ] I tell ya what! Y'all better stuff some cotton in your ears... I'm going down! Hey. Brody, just remember this... Make a LOT of money! Don't hit girls. Say no to drugs. Later! Very deep isn't he? [ chuckles ] Say you're sorry to Mr. Ropers daughter. Matter of fact... Say you're sorry A LOT. This life thing will go easier. [ sighs ] I am sorry. Mr. Roper. I know. [ sighs ] It's a different looking sky out here. isn't it? There's Sirius. Orions over there... See his belt? Capricorn... The Bear... The Little Dipper. You know your stars? My dad did. He taught me some. There's one named for me out there... Somewhere... He bought it for me... when I was born. Your own star Huh. how cool is that? But sometimes I wonder... If he's up there... ... on my star. I wouldn't bet against it. Do you miss your dad. Mr. Roper? ... every day. Even when I don't think about him. I found him you know... the yard. I finished mowing the back. then I came around to the front where he was raking... ...and there he was. How old were you? I was your age. Did you cry? Not in front of anybody. I guess he wouldn't have liked that? I uh... I used to think that. 'Til I became a dad... Now. I think he would be just fine with it. [ sniffles ] ... I miss him. I didn't know your dad. Brody. But I think I know what he'd tell you after all this... He'd say you passed. That you have what it takes to be a man. Is that what your dad told you? He didn't get the chance either. So. I'm telling you for the both of them. ♪ [ happy music begins ] Aggghhh! I done told you.... I'm here picking up CAMPERS!!! Shorty??? Shorty!!! It's Shorty!!! [ loud obnoxious laughter ] Yeeehaaaaww! Shorty!!! [ delirious laughter ] Food! Food! Darrell. how did you know to come here? You called right? So... here I am. [ clears throat ] So... this is your gear? Yeah.. did you get those? No. No. No. These were here when I opened up. Curious... How long you guys up there? Good question... Two days. Oh... Two days? Yeah and two nights. Hmmm... and no backpacks... No. Ummm... It's a funny story... [ yeah ] Ok... [ yeah ] Come on. guys. Of all the male initiation rituals I came across. I think my favorite is the one from one of the Native American Tribes. The thirteen year old boy is led away from his village. and left to spend one long and difficult night in the woods. All alone. If he makes it through. at the first light of day. the boy sees at the edge of the forest. his warrior father, standing guard... As he had been. Watching over him. All through the night. I'm gonna go buy me a tent. Then I'm gonna go buy me a gun! Hey. Roper! [ loudly clears throat ] Yeah... You're gonna break me. Darrell. [ happy laughter ] Hey dad! Hello. princess! Can you take that? Thank you. Hello. girls! Wanna see Shorty? Ahhh... I missed you! I missed you too! And how was our little camping trip? I'll let you know in a second. I'm sorry. Is there any way. maybe... we could start over? And be friends? Sure. Have you seen Shorty?? How could I miss him? [ laughs ] I think it went pretty well. You... are kinda stinky! I'm kinda stinky! But you like it! I love it. I can't wait to hear this story. [ chuckles ] Thank you. Mr. Roper. Anytime. Really? Really. Now get outta here. I'm back. mom. No. mom, I'm back. It's been said. that in the heart of every man, there is anadventure to live, a battle to fight and a beauty to rescue. I used to think a guy with a minivan and a mortgage had to go to the woods to find those things. I go to the woods a lot now. but I figured something out. [ drink your smoothie!! ] Ewww. You put beets in it! There's an adventure. a battle and a beauty to rescue every single day in a man's life, no matter where he is... [ she stole my skirt!! ] As long as he knows that and does something about it. then he's got what it takes... to be a man. And. oh yeah... It's amazing what finishing something does for the soul. [ Bus is here. girls! Let's go! ] Kisses for dad. please. Have a glorious day. Loves of my life! ... to be continued. ♪ [ music ] ♪ [ music ]
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 449,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, The Secret Handshake Movie, The Secret Handshake Full Movie, The Secret Handshake, what it takes to be a man, Kevin Sorbo, J.J. Rodgers, Scott Baker, Howard Klausner, journey from child to manhood, family comedy movie, family movie, comedy movie, unexpected adventure
Id: 767aUxLf54I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 6sec (6006 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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