The Secret Bases You Won't Be Able to Find in Project Zomboid.

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today I will show you two effective methods for creating hidden bases that can go unnoticed by enemy players this approach is applicable in both single player and multiplayer instances although the latter is very truly challenged not only does it provide a cool aesthetic for your base but it also serves the primary function of concealing it from looters in many multiplayer servers the safehouse system might be disabled which means any base you use for shelter or loot storage is vulnerable to rate by other groups this presents a security problem since looters often strike when you're offline or unable to defend your precious loot let's begin by putting ourselves in the shoes of a potential enemy Discovery in the area for supplies this scout is commonly an experienced player with knowledge in both PVE and PVP and they are likely to have companions usually you'll spot at least two players scouting the area diligently covering each room while there remaining causes of zombies and potential enemy players they will proceed methodically door flashing before entering each room to avoid being jump scared by potential zombie encounters and paying attention to suspicious noises upon reaching the main Factory area since they are experienced players they will take a good look around the entire place before diving into the learning spree ensuring their safety is Paramount they'll make sure there's no danger looking around once they are confident that the area is secure they proceed to collect all items they can find maybe they discover a couple of tools and nails without anything particularly great at this juncture the player faces a crucial decision whether to explore the upper floors or leave the building they will probably go upstairs where they'll exercise caution and take the time to thoroughly examine the entirety of the new floor prioritizing their safety above all else only when they are certain that going upwards does not pose any life-threatening risks they will resume the entire process once again method and clean searching for any valuable items within the buildings by this point you might be wondering where all this is leading well my friend the reason we have gone through this whole tour is because in this scenario you the looters have actually passed right by one of my bases multiple times did you notice anything strange or suspicious if you spotted the base at first glance congratulations my friend you have definitely got an Eagle Eye trade in real life but if you didn't I encourage you to re-watch this video up to this point and see if you managed to spot the base but let me tell you it is going to be a real challenge so we took a little detour with our lunar friend to demonstrate just how well these bases can remain hidden from side and what better way to prove it than by seeing it for yourself the route we took is the most common path a looter would follow we entered the building went through the main hallway checked every room for Loot and finally checked the factory area and here is where we are going to stay because right about us is the secret base I'm about to reveal to you won't stop till I wear the crown foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] as you can see I have constructed the base on the Upper Floor of the building using the isometric view of the game to ensure that no traces of player activity are visible the concept is quite simple by building wooden floors on levels without brick system floors not only can you expand your available space significantly but you can also hide it from any unwanted visitors since there are no accessible entrances leading to that area and the game doesn't allow you to look upwards the base remains perfectly concealed to enhance the concealment of the base I have plastered and painted the external walls with a tone that matches the building walls creating a seamless blend additionally I've utilized more challenging Vision angles to make it even harder to spot you might have noticed that I had another character set up a cheat drop for me to access the base there are various ways to achieve this in multiplayer you can use a fake account to permanently live a new new character in that base whose sole purpose is to take care of the base and set up cheat rocks a single player you can utilize the multiple character system that allows you to have several characters in a single save file if you are unfamiliar with how to do this I'll link to a comprehensive guide to be appearing on the upper right corner of your screen another important aspect to mention is that you'll need to have at least level 6 in carpentry to attempt accessing this type of basis this is because you'll likely need to construct a set of stairs to access the floor areas of the building now you might be thinking well any looter can just build a set of stairs and discover the base right and you wouldn't be entirely wrong however most looters wouldn't be carrying around 15 planks in their inventory just for the chance of finding a secret base as long as you don't leave any obvious clues that could lead others to your base you have nothing to worry about that is why it is crucial to make the building appear as if it hasn't been looted before leave a few tools on shelves and perhaps a couple of cans of food in the drawers this way when the enemy enters your building and you are not prepared to defend it it won't race any suspicions now let's move on to secret base number two which offers a different approach to hiding your base in plain sight particularly in a city like Louisville where there are numerous buildings and players are not familiar with all of them in this building the hidden base is right in front of you but inaccessible from this floor have you noticed it yet to access it you will need to proceed to the next floor throw yourself out of the window and voila we have arrived here's what I've done I concealed one of the apartments by removing the door and the door frame that led to the hallway and replace them with a level 3 wooden wall I then plaster the wall and cover the entire building with various materials and garbage to divert the attention of any potential looters from noticing the missing door I applied this technique throughout the entire building to maintain consistency in the Aesthetics and prevent any suspicions observations by looters this concept is quite straightforward where there used to be a main door there is now a wall that obscures any evidence of a hidden base additionally you'll need to build a balcony just below the window you'll be using to access the base serving as both a platform for accessing the base and your exit route as you can see with the game's isometric view it is possible to construct structures outside of the building in a way that they remain invisible to other players this game Dynamic allows you to take full advantage while building our secret base for instance take this door facing north it will remain hidden from other players line upside unless they are standing directly in front of it at the same level however restature that will be constructing our base on upper level so there is no need to worry about that aspect with this approach to Base building is more about the how than they were you can construct both type of bases in almost any location as long as you find a spot that makes the basic requirements such as multiple stories and the right angle to effectively conceal your structures remember the key is to think creatively and utilize the game's mechanics to your advantage by understanding the isometric View and taking advantage of heating angles and clever construction techniques you can create secret bases that remain unseen by unsuspecting players now I'm curious to know what you think about these methods were you already familiar with them or did they come as a surprise would you consider building this type of bases or do you prefer other building approaches drop your thoughts in the comments below and I wish you the best of Vlogs while building your base and if you like the video please give it a like And subscribe to our channel for more projects on board guides and related content and as always happy surviving bye bye foreign
Channel: Bladiuss
Views: 131,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, video game, Base, project zomboid secret base, project zomboid base building, project zomboid base building guide, project zomboid base building mods, project zomboid mods, project zomboid loot, project zomboid hidden bases, project zomboid secret bases, project zomboid underground base, bladiuss, project zomboid hidden base locations 2023, project zomboid secret locations build 41, project zomboid secret bases build 41, project zomboid best mods for secret bases
Id: G1fZicCd-4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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