Granting Player Wishes With My Admin Powers - Gmod Star Wars RP Admin Trolling

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all right and whoop wait is this a trailer all right looking down here they're coming down quick detain the Leprechaun the leprechaun it's a fairly not leprechaun this video is sponsored by hellofresh if you're tired of going to the grocery store and buying a bunch of ingredients that end up going unused then consider checking out hellofresh it's a new year here in 2023 and if you set a New Year's goal of losing some weight or just eating healthier then hellofresh has got your back letting you control your time and budget with delicious recipes delivered straight to your door with over 35 weekly recipes you won't run out of options to pick for your meal kids from calorie smart meals to completely customized meals where you can swap proteins and sides you can even upgrade your proteins or add proteins to Veggie dishes hellofresh helps you save money on groceries and is generally 25 percent cheaper than takeout so you'll have great food at a reasonable price delivered straight to your 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we go I'm a little admin I'm a fairy god admin so I need to find somebody that really is their life is just so bad that they need a fairy god admin oh dude I think he saw me I forgot other people can use third person well I still don't really know the meaning of for one face uh just turn on your right shoulder to face whoever um called out the uh okay I'll I'll remember that serious RP Tinkerbell no no please thank you bro don't do this why are you scared why are you scared you scared me I wasn't doing anything hey what's wrong with me I'm a fairy god admin oh God are you scared I mean I'll Grant you a wish still if you want to wish I'm a fairy God oh God good admin it's more the hell aren't I I'm going to the hell how why would she tell you the hell no this is the hell I'm giving you a wish that's a good thing last time I checked very soon grabbed me and slapped me around and how many fairies have you met realistically come on man uh two and a half I don't know that one girl counted wait am I the half no no no no you're you're the two are you calling me fat you know all right you're just gonna sit here and tell the eternity wait okay okay I'm sorry for my transgression Mr fairy all right you gotta make one wish and I'll let you go all right what's your wish uh I could Grant almost okay this is anything oh almost anything yeah I definitely have some lines I will not Crush but I'm pretty lenient you know here can we get the chance to win real quick um okay but if you run I will find you okay can you can you teleport or yeah are you kind of just gonna no I'll teleport okay okay so what's your little wish little guy is it is use your imagination to think of anything your heart can muster dear God you sound like my school grade teacher before she threw herself out the window I'm still a new fairy this is all so new to me how do you how do you get born in the fairy Hood do you like Mommy and Daddy fairy or I'm not here to explain my life story to you okay do you want the goddamn wish or not okay okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay okay I'm sorry uh you know this is gonna be more up to you I just need a vehicle here choosing yeah okay um let me find something awesome thank you Mr fairy a medical stretcher thank you uh can you drive that I get on it I don't think it's supposed to work like that [Music] yeah that looks good yeah look at it go yeah yeah amazing thank you Mr fairy yeah hopefully I don't run into you again what is that supposed to mean you're making me feel so unwelcome our first encounter was not so memorable it wasn't it was obviously memorable because you remember it yeah man what did I do I remember I got shot afterwards yeah uh we were inside a reactor someone shot a 50 first and then they shot me I was a 21st don't remember the server maybe you shot me have you have I arrested you before uh everyone's reporting to this base so that's just most of you like I don't know oh heavenly father about Holy Spirit the child please don't let the Star Fairy Godmother all right you win you win you win all right I sucked I couldn't do it all right enjoy your stretcher I'm outstand wins again yeah yeah we'll just go on the fourth trip for him because that's that's something he shouldn't be doing us hello did somebody need a fairy god admin what the hell is with this guy look at it [Music] how's it going I'm littler than he is oh he's the baby man you're not a baby man dude oh I'm still here to Grant some wishes does anyone want to wish or something yeah yeah I'm here for a week I see you again can you can you can you grab me that I mean what is icy I don't I'm not even sure what IC is I can model you as an IEC do you have do you have the the copy the cup you probably don't I can't that's the best thing I can't put you into a real Battalion make me the boss bro if you if you can like model me as a boss okay well I need to find it okay let me see if I can find it he looks kind of scuffed though all right well I don't know if I can find the real Boss model so is this good enough hey now he's a woman oh made of rocks I can't even see what it is okay guys none of you can see I get it let me find a different one then oh I did it oh my God yeah I don't trust fairies man what is that excuse me excuse me sir can you use a corporate terminology please I don't remember what I said you're gonna have to remind me Mr Ferry I'm sorry all right I'm not grading you always we're just gonna throw you over the ship all right okay speech speech fairies went and assassinated my dog where'd the guy gave boss go they got pulled off by senior mud dude oh my savior my fairy Godmother hey I didn't say I was here to save you I told you they're bullying me bro wait are they mad I don't know why oh it's so [ __ ] kissing on the ice what are they doing over there are you talking about banning you or something dude no shot they banned me bro I'd be so sad should I go should we go over there what are they talking about yeah let's go over it let's go bust it in remember I'm your fairy god admin wait wait what if you give me admin privileges you know I'm not doing that for you I don't do that I don't even know how to do that dude I don't even know where they're at bro when it's stuck over here now I can return you I guess if you want to be in return I guess I gotta go train the ICS you know all right you better get to training loyal oh no he's [ __ ] idiot understood I murdered him oh yeah good job y'all no he's dead now oh man uh fairy wait what is he to me uh I I got with that guy see Yo oh yeah yeah yeah partner y'all you gotta teach me how to be a proper redneck who wants to be a republican yeah let's go let's do some training yeah y'all trying to do some training let's go do some training scenario does he Worship the Lord and Savior Donald J Trump that's what we do in the Empire you know it's like hey if you if you don't mind seeing him right in front of me for this training hey man so first things first I want you I want you to go ahead and do your faces but the faces you think this is Special Forces faces these are special oh hell yeah I'll give you I'll give you the baseball all right man so uh I want you to do Taco Bell uh usually put it in the chat for them you're perfect I want you to go ahead and change your name to uh PSC I'm gonna go ahead and promote you You're great like that uh so next part of training uh is uh combatives right don't you mister uh to take out your weapon and I want you to shoot not at him right I want you to shoot around him but if you hit him once you fail training all right babe I'm gonna shoot around now I'm gonna shoot around now watch this watch this can I use my special fire man can I use my just make sure you guys yeah yeah that's so impressive [Laughter] why am I so slow I'm gonna have to kill you if you keep trying me bro oh um I got direct orders from that General all that high command person to come in here and do that okay wait which command person it was like that General dude can you do you know his name I gotta go have a chat with him oh damn it I never actually looked at his name tag so you're just gonna take all orders from people you don't even know I know he was a high command clearly an admin I want you to go release loyal right now okay look at me that's probably the most admin thing I've ever done okay is she uh is this him should we hunt like did we hunt to have fairies oh uh [ __ ] it was General marker that told me to do it General who General Mark uh ran away which way yeah man got out he got Iran follow me follow me Mark Mark what am I doing I'm an admin Mark Mark could I have a chat with you please mark I could tell you're there mark could I please have a word just a quick word why disguise didn't work uh sure sure so why would why did you have the boss arrested uh I didn't have boss um you told that shock to go arrest boss while he was doing the training training he was doing training yeah there was a training going on in there and you were like you guys came in oh my God yeah you had to get arrested he still wants to do that fairy Kill Order what is the what is the fairy Kill Order Mark what is that what's that about I think you're asking the wrong time uh xc25 Mark where are you going where are you heading March what is this Ferry can you explain that to me some wishes man I'm just here trying to make people happy and you're trying to get them to kill the Pharisees you know you arrested loyal loyal's not done with you hey loyal you got oh hey what's up mama I found out the guy that put the command in to have you arrested do you want to deal with them yes I want to deal with him maybe you already know that's what the questions model you the guy's name Sue Mark General mark it was his orders and general Mark he put it in order to have all fairies killed and I'm a fairy your ass tarnation no way the size of wooden darnation bro we're gonna hit mission right now Perry bro come on Perry this is a big difference is training like this I was gonna give you a Smart Lock they'll never catch us uh-oh they they know they're talking oh see about the smart launch they know that guy knows oh oh no he told him oh he knows [Music] remember they can't see me guys because I'm your Fairy Godparent or admins yeah yeah they can't see anymore of course unprotected maybe if you asked him where uh Mark is he might tell you guys you should like ask him like hey uh um hi twister hey baby daddy girl Hey listen to me this is gonna be good yeah come on come on baby oh not the shot yeah I love it is oh my God I need you to go to the front part of the bridge oh wait hey hey hey sorry yeah if it's not Mark then I don't care oh God he's in Pittsburgh oh my God General [Music] dude inside the walls just dead [Applause] [Music] a loyal stuck Go to Loyal who's dead over there I see their butt I don't know all right you need out I need out I don't like this it's scary come in here I don't even under who's that guy let's bring this guy in here all right and whoop wait is this a traitor all right looking down here they're coming down son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's almost too late yes yes my son dragged me I can't fly don't drag me long why what the heck no we're stuck here hey hey Perry hey um so I have information that Mark is no longer on the [ __ ] I have a feeling he is on the Pandora why where's that and with that what you will it's the other ship it's the other ship outside of this ship it's the smaller ship all right boss you probably let's go get him let's go take him out oh my God the kill order's done all right now I am now in charge oh God take him back an IC trainer I think I backed the wrong horse here [Laughter] let's go get Mark we need a ship though we need a ship okay I could definitely whip one up I have I have fairy Powers what's a good ship I don't know what a good one is no no no that that [ __ ] again all right all right wait before before anything I had to rub my sacred oil what does that means that oh you do not want to whip that guy this is what don't let me rub the sacred oils I'm going inside this step I need to rub my oils I don't know if the right people are in that there you go all right I'm just gonna unspawn it yeah I don't know what happened there oh geez oh man look it's the fairy again here here's a new transport all right guys get in there wrong with [ __ ] wrong ship don't go back you're doing great [Laughter] flying that you suck oh yeah that was me it's a wide [ __ ] man is Mark still here for me for a reason he should be on bridge let's go let's go let's go to bridge all right they're reporting me in the comms dude I don't appreciate that is that him yeah yeah that's him all right wait is loyal here I should probably bring him I don't think boys here I think he dies totally meant to be here loyal's been here the whole time yeah I definitely wasn't going through the desert or anything all right Lloyd there he is that's him standing at the end so right there yeah I'm gonna throw it I'm gonna shoot it I'm gonna shoot it won't do that if you won't do it I guess I will I mean I'm just saying loyal oh my God loyal I'm alive I I I I I twitched I don't know what I did Mark's don't worry though I don't have any weapons Mark is dead yeah we did it I made sure he died [Music] trying to arrest you yeah I want my guns back oh um that guy was in me when I brought loyal and then he got slingshotted uh ring loyal and Squishy I would like you to know that I have permission don't eat me baby Hey where's the fairy [Music] [Music] your name actually matches you listen to me you're loyal you deserved better um [Music] sir I don't think I can kill him I think he's a mute again either and he wants to die you won't K2 do it you won't know the balls that son of a [ __ ] what happened I got arrested obviously why did you get a remote fairy uh because I'm a fairy and this server is clearly against that so you know here I am yeah I literally just jumped down just to see so who are you guys oh I've got one dude that told you about General Mark and arrested some people do you have some words for Mark I could bring him oh yes no I don't have any words for Mark well you better tell him because here he is oh give me a gun right these guys don't like you mark they wanted to talk [ __ ] so I'm using my magic no I never said that yeah there was that guy it was only that guy you get something to say man this is something just give me a gun loyal kill him there's mark I don't have the strength I don't have the strength power and I got the strength I'm killing then [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] get back here eat him he's bite size like a Snickers bar please please mark please it's a fairy knock leprechaun foreign [Music]
Channel: PixelCat
Views: 29,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny moments, pixelcatgamer, lets, play, gameplay, funny, Gmod, Reaction, admin, angry, trolling, troller, trolls, troll, trolled, silly, entire server, upset, star wars rp, darkrp, garrys mod, gmod 2, s&box, garry newman, gamer rage, angry kid
Id: F9YhqVOeGfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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