The SCP Foundation: Starter Guide & Welcome Tour

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hello everyone glad you could make it this evening congratulations on finding your way here in one piece welcome to scenic site 98 one of the few abandoned properties once belonging to the secure contain protect foundation and the base of operations for their news socialize communicate and publicize initiative his facility used to operate as a low-risk anomalous object volton information substation but a rather nasty incident left it completely inoperable a few years back now it's been granted new life for the purpose of introducing fresh new hearts and minds to approved areas of the foundation as part of the new public relations program it took a lot of strings being pulled and by that I mean a convenient barrage of leakers whistleblowers and youtubers but the foundation has finally decided to introduce us formally to their world and as part of an arrangement to make up for all my break-ins and containment obstruction acts I'm now serving as your first official tour guide supervised by the company selected for social media outreach Amino apps Amino is a community gathering super center offering communication grounds for all types of people and their interests and they're proud to be working with the foundations who offer at cpme know their latest space to contain all discussion of anomalies oddities and things they're now officially able to acknowledge do in fact exists no matter who you are or what you're into Amina has a community for you and that now includes our own little group of Future II class personnel he is free electronic poles blogs quizzes images and more are available to SCP Amino members for the purpose of finding discussing and interacting over all mineral foundation topics you can use it to get to know your peers in the program share creations about anomalies in containment or provide descriptive stories about the items that are never allowed to be seen due to their odd or forbidden nature as part of the new social media initiative for the foundation they'd like to know what is particularly interesting to the general public in order to restrict any further access I meant I meant in order to provide greater insight for curious minds therefore I've been tasked with collecting data at the end of our journey through the Amino app about your interests I set up a post on my account in the app that will allow anyone who joins to comment with feedback on something new they've learned about the foundation that they particularly enjoy something that they are highly highly interested in will be seeing in learning plenty tonight and I'm sure something is going to catch your eye so let me know and seriously if you come across something that holds your attention too much please do replied my post you might have encountered a rogue anomaly and we'll need to begin quarantine immediately whether it's a staff member in item or trivia about the foundation be sure to share its participate in the post or data collection on SCP foundation to me now just click the link in the description or pin you to comment and follow the prompts to download amino for free on iOS or Android or you can download amino by searching your out store then searching for SCP foundation once you're in remember you can find me there by searching my username night minds let me know what SCP item you especially enjoyed seeing your contribution will have great ramifications on making sure that general populace stays well informed now let's get orientation started with our new friendly neighborhood monster catching organization shall we we've all heard about the items that belong to the secure contain protect foundation by now in the whole run of how the documents actually flow all those numbers descriptions where it was found what it will do how it can kill you the caterers and euclid's and what-have-yous but how much do you really know about this organization do you even know the origins of this fine establishment well have a seat and open your minds because it's time to really meet your favorite shadow operatives and get acquainted with secure contain protect foundation otherwise known as the SCP has been around for much much longer than you or most people have been alive although the unfortunate leaking of information concerning their existence is cited as beginning on four Chan's paranormal board knowing simply as X in 2007 a user known online as the USS walrus or moto 42 posted the first document ticket from the foundation scare concerning item number 173 the statue well we don't have record of the original post that day it was made archives were established on January 16 2008 showing off the text which laid the groundwork for all future authors of foundation data theft cut-and-dry to the point info on the subject its description and how to make sure you aren't killed by a-- just like MIT doctors ordered in the wake of the original document Lakes popularity on the X board several viewers came together to also engage in violations of the Foundation's attempts to keep the public safe submitting their own findings on items and facility care this eventually led to the creation of a wiki in early 2008 on the site edit this but moved from its first home to another host wiki Don on July 19 2008 where it resides to this day to their credit at least 72 percent of the information found on the wiki site can be confirmed as related to foundation facts while the rest will not be commented on nor will the nature of any aspects of the site be officially recognized as part of the 72% truth or fiction the foundation is however happy to let you look over the layout according to the public unsanctioned wiki site as many of you are already aware items beings and the indescribable entries in foundation archives are listed under classifications most befitting of them the current run of classes pertaining to objects are safe you cleared cater Tommy all it Tommy Oh fell meal Tommy OH for me it's Tommy oh and many foundation members personal favorite neutralized here is also a final class a truly rare type with a name befitting its scarcity esoteric how does the foundation to sign on a classification by doing what they do best putting it inside a box locking it up and seeing what happens this is known as the aptly named locked box test if you lock it in a box leave it alone and nothing bad is going to happen it is most likely safe we like safe according to public foundation records there are 1629 items currently marked safe this is a good number if you lock it in a box leave it alone and it's not certain what will happen it is probably a you cleared it is not fun if you know about a Euclid but leagues happen the danger of the public knowing about a you clear is purely a case-by-case basis public foundation records currently lists 1979 items as you clearance rumor is there's currently an office potluck planned for the moment the foundation reaches that nice round 2,000 mark if you're locking in a box because it has killed will kill wants to kill and then demonstrates an ability to escape set box for the purpose of killing it is definitely a cater you will probably die before you learn about a cater we do not like Gators not even other caters like Gators the result of caters meaning each other has often resulted in our favorite category however neutralized demonstrating that yes in the world of the foundation two wrongs do in fact make a right public records indicate there are currently 728 caters and containment this number is too high if it actually is the box then it's most likely a Thommy all we're still not entirely sure what that means either but it's most likely a term 8 specifically for the time the foundation actually found shot injures cat the current number of thaw meal objects listed in containment is 75 word around site 19 is that item 76 is currently undergoing study so it's exact nature is unknown but its allegedly a physical manifestation of disappointment and broken promises in the form of a video game researchers attempting to find out more have experienced halted progress due to consistent server and console crashes it should be stable enough to make a report in a year if it's in a box of its own making and you don't even know how to describe what kind of box it just made its esoteric which is simply to say it defies any other label that we try to put on it like teenagers on the internet insist is their own description ironically this is also an act of labeling teenagers good job for a great example of an esoteric item please look up SCP 2505 if you don't need to put it in a box or want to put in a display case as a result of good fortune it is neutralized neutralized is good the public records of neutralized objects result in a current count of 131 this number is too low for more information on being neutralized kindly ask any d-class personnel you meet on our tour oh that's right we've got people here too it's time to go over our next category list classes because like all functioning societies the foundation has an extremely rigid class system in place first up let's go over some generalizations which are good for general introductions generally everything here has a security level because of does depending on your rank in the foundation and your ability to handle world-shattering secrets you'll be issued a security clearance from zero to five level zero security is primarily what you all were given when this initiative was designed but being realistic about things resulted in admitting that you're all at least a level two by now level zero official use only is granted to non-essential personnel who have no need to see information about anything actually done here this is the janitors clearance badge and the starting point for all stories about secretaries who suddenly discover the quaint little science lab they work for has a dark secrets level one security clearance is for everything confidential which means we can fighting you to stay out of the way of people who do the actual work even though you're aware of what they're up to this is the badge given to janitors who work on the other side of the big secret vault or behind the Banksy painting at the end of the hallway next to the bathroom level two security clearance restricted now we're talking this is what you're after at least the Starr restricted access is granted to researchers field agents and containment specialists if you're one of the men in black you've got level two but if you're the manager of the goons out in the field delivering amnestic flashes it means that your level three secrets senior security and research teams get this badge because they're given the fat skinny on the data pertaining to anomalies their sources how to catch and contain them in what to do as a plan of action project heads and their assistants emergency response team leaders and all mobile task force operatives are granted level three this is what it means to graduate from being a Robin to a Nightwing in the SCP comic book universe level four top secret top administration of facility sites and major strategy initiatives across the foundation as a whole get level for site directors security directors mobile Task Force commanders and people whose names you aren't even allowed to hear are granted level four in continuation of our previous analogy level four is Batman now for the big one level five Tomeo only someone as intimidating as a top security keator is granted level 5 these are the people who know the most horrible things about reality and our chances of survival that you can imagine and the things that you don't want to unlimited access to all data and secrets with full power of decision-making and strategy and all the burden that brings with it these are Batman's Raiders now aside from security clearance the foundation has classifications for personnel based on what they're allowed to do when it comes to encountering what's held in containment and the data about it these are classes a through E Class A is exactly as awesome as it sounds essential foundation members so important that they're too good to be exposed to any forms of anomalies they could potentially know everything about an item a containment or a threat to the universe but they're not allowed to be anywhere near it for their own safety and absolute too important to lose you kind of situation top council members and those in positions of government with access to the foundation are among this class Class B here those deemed essential to foundation operations on a lower scale and as such are only granted access to objects entities and anomalies that have made it through quarantine and safety checks they would be Class A if they were either a fraction more indispensable or if they weren't absolutely needed in the room and looking directly on anomalies whenever something goes wrong in containment Class B personnel is the first to be evacuated assuming there aren't any Class eight batch carriers on site Class C this is where it gets a tiny bit dicey Class C members have unfortunately been lost before and some have stories about times the anomalies in containment were not as harmless as they seemed Class C is allowed direct access to anything that's been studied well enough to determine that it's not immediately dangerous or wants to eat you however their presence is more or less what helps actually figure that out for good the best work is done to keep C class safe but they are the very line between dangerous field work and indispensable assets to the foundation it's not easy being C Class and now for D class that were special friends who make sure C class members survive much longer the job of D class is extremely important and without it nothing would really ever be learned or get done in the foundation Class D personnel are the frontline heroes who were sent to deal with everything seen as a first contact experiment and second contact third contact earth contact and on and on until they learn enough to be satisfied d-class comes mostly from the large pool of prison inmates convicted of heinous crimes particularly death row the foundation considers it a chance at redemption and an honor granting t class citizens new life with a purpose to society finally we have our class II you guys specially recruited through YouTube and our friends enemy now remember to sign up and find me on the SCP foundation site to let me know what's most appealing to you about this orientation video the foundation really sincerely wants to know what's attractive to you about the things I'm saying eClass remember it just means electronic and exciting our final classification info stop comes around to the title system what are you called and what do you do here really how did you get into this facility explain yourself use this phrase whenever you encounter somebody that you don't know and you'll be sure to hear one of the following containment specialist these are the trapper heroes responsible for putting new Christmas presents under our tree containment team members do exactly what the title implies they're the ones called on to take care of cases of anomaly activity containing the item in question before dragging it kicking and screaming into the warm arms of foundation care where the securing aspect of SCP comes into play and on-site containment specialists take over engineers techs scientists and cold-hearted employees design all manner of plants are making sure that what's been caught stays exactly where it's been tied up while also granting access to it for further study after all the foundation needs a path for the next area friends the researchers researchers are the brains of the foundation who take over after the brawn has wrangled a new thing that should not be purged from the greatest scientific teams the world has to offer researchers are pulled from every single field in existence when it comes to the sciences including theoretical items ever wonder where some students of degrees that apply to nothing substantial in a capitalist society end up only the foundation has open jobs available for them where there 8.5 by 11 inch pieces of paper actually make back the money that went into obtaining them never say they aren't miracle workers security officers without the security officers ready to lay their lives insanities on the line there wouldn't be a successful operation the cards at foundation facilities are tasked with making sure that all physical and info property is secured from any form of threat or theft obviously the info security department needs work which is how the SCP came to the point of meeting the social outreach program but they can assure you that about a half of the previous administration is now sitting in d-class providing service in a way that can't fail them again congratulations on your promotion boys go to the SCP proud tactical response officers these are much more competent and careful than the previous IT department highly trained heavily armed and provided with the most responsible performance enhancing hormones and serums the foundation has ever produced these men and women are the mighty fists of the SCP sent to tackle the most dangerous anomalies and show enemy groups of interest exactly who the foundation is and that they are indeed the most capable hands were containment of world ending threats tactical response officers are selected from top-secret assignment military teams of world governments in all fields of outstanding physical and strategic performance what is lacking in a candidate is made up for inside the foundation resulting in the world's first and only true super soldier program in reality field agents these men in black are cooler than alien hunters because they hunt everything field agents are the first to arrive at the scene of oddities in the wild mainly because they manage the find on today's before anybody else does and make reports that lead to action within the foundation they are the eyes ears and first action hands of the SA P hidden in every country's hierarchy of service work and crisis response groups as well as companies dealing in fields that may encounter anomalies and a higher rate than others you will never know a field agent if you meet one and field agents rarely find each other outside assigned foundation partnerships and team arrangements field agents are extremely important and deal with first contact circumstances with their authority ends the moment a situation is de-escalated to a point when only the foundation and humans who need quarantine are aware of anomalies from their containment teams are contacted from the closest site equipped to deal with the situation in the event that a situation encountered by field agent cannot be the escalated under their resources and training mobile task forces will need to be called in ahead of or alongside containment teams mobile task forces are the SWAT teams or Navy SEAL units of the foundation here's where you'll find tactical response officers in their natural habitat as well as multi talented researchers veteran field agents who've been promoted after years of dealing with anomalies and specialists recruited for the occasion public facing records and foundation archives indicate a list of 45 task force's each has their own logo or callsign and are allowed a code phrase for identification here is mobile task force epsilon six known as the village idiots who deal with investigation containment and cleanup of activity found in rural and suburban territories now let's stop it off with the bigwigs site directors in oh five Council members a site director can be found at every major foundation facility they are the principal of the school CEO of the company captain of the force etc nothing happens in the building they're unaware of so as you can imagine they have Class B badges and level 4 security clearance now rio5 Council this is the committee consisting of the highest-ranking directors of the foundation they have complete and total access to all information under the Foundation's umbrella and this is the supreme direction board of the entire enterprise global invisible and wielding absolute power the o5 are level 5 class-a members with their identities being referred to only by a callsign oh five one two oh five thirteen research on the o-5 Council beyond these facts is forbidden though there have been rumors at the open so as you can see even the hierarchy of the foundation is as scary and mysterious as the entities found in containment in fact one of the most mysterious aspects of the chain of command is the position between Saint directors le o-5 Council known as the administrator the administrator is okay now you probably see what I mean let's move on shall we the SCP foundation is underground that's not meant literally but if you're asking about it that way yeah about 8 out of every 10 foundation facilities are quite literally underground deep inside the earth or sometimes the ocean to prevent items from being accessed or escaping secure being secure and nothing is more secure than hidden and buried under thousands of tons of rock and metal or water found throughout the foundation our sites and areas each with their own sectors and units the distinction between a site and an area is this your site is what's known as a covert facility meaning that the building housing the site or its entrance can be seen or known to the public but it's covered up by a facade fake companies government branches schools that nobody gets into but still has a pretty great football team that sort of thing hidden in plain sight you see why would the Foundation choose to have sites like that if they're capable of building areas which are completely out of sight because anomalies can show up anywhere and often among civilization places where mobile task forces can be launched quickly and quietly need to be within areas of society it's easier to be two streets down from a monster attack and capable of rushing over in the disguise of police cars than to send a helicopter from an ocean based bunker sometimes an ocean bunker or something equally secret it's necessary however which is why areas exist an SCP foundation area is far from cities towns and villages because they contain the most dangerous items in the organization's care the kind of threat contained in the walls of an area is so severe that all foundation areas have been armed with nuclear warheads built into the structure to ensure complete and total destruction of anomalies that have breached containment and things like them it is a extreme failsafe measure but it's necessary for the survival of this planet as stated each site or area has its own set of sectors and units a sector is simply a section set up for a distinct purpose containment research archives and that sort of thing a unit is a self-contained cell that holds foundation anomalies inside which is designed to seal itself in case of breach or catastrophic site failure think of these as the quarantine zones or display shelves where a set of items were beings in facility care like the employee break room or the d-class living quarters neither of which look like a prison we assure you it is not site 18s fault that the architect used the same blueprints for both units than was due to an info hazard leak anyway who wants to hear about the labels for all the spots in a facility I knew I do an armed facility is exactly as it sounds heavily armed and ready to pick a fight above ground or suppress a containment breach below containment facilities are naturally for containment and can have any assortment of sub tanks for things in containment like the following bio which is the code for biohazardous anomalies and biologically based creatures dim which is for extra dimensional entities tears in this dimension that cannot be moved anything with a capability to access other dimensions and anomalies that concern space-time um is humanoid the code for containment facilities or units dealing with sentient sapient human human-like or anthropomorphic beings capable of understanding communication and obeying instructions the boys at the foundation had quite a tough time figuring out whether I belonged in bio dim or humanoid before we ended up reaching our current service arrangement otherwise I'd be broadcasting live from one of the cells and could describe it to you shout out to dr. J for being a true friend seriously and we only want to hear who recognized the value I could offer if I wasn't tied to a wall oh yeah site codes protected aka the prefix Ted is for protected areas where anomalies and their influence will never be allowed severe measures are taken to make sure that protected zones are kept as clean of evil as a baby's nursery that's the prefix selection Ted like a teddy get it this is for provisional which are built around anomalies that can't be moved as you can imagine these are annoying the put up and can be painfully expensive but it can be difficult to move entire masses of land you know that's why the foundation prefers finding a new classification for items in this site's neutralized rel is reliquary where you can find artifacts and objects of religious or historical significance like George Washington's wooden tensors why is that in there wouldn't you like to know snow is we're so rich also known as the broom closet yeah just kidding it's where anything safe that's also meant to be in facility care precautions are still taken for the protection of these items but they don't need a laser matrix the key that men and most don't even need clothes to touch finally we have a leftover tag this is an observation post just a tiny foundation facility located close to but not strictly in the same vicinity as a site these are typically used to keep an eye on locals and the communications for foundation info leaks monitor or investigate anomalies of a complicated nature that require a long-term presence and keep an eye on groups of interest many of which despise the foundation that hatred is often be a troll let's take a look at the peers and polluters in this field then shall we twenty five groups of interest can be found on public record and there is varied in their makeup intention competency and disposition towards the foundation as the items in containment the list consists of six companies five religions and at least nine enemies with to legitimate allies two weird pranksters / artist groups and three relationships best described as it's complicated the history of interaction with these groups is long and winding but we'll take a brief look at a figure that stand out in particular to give an idea of how hot or dangerous groups of interest can be in the world of the foundation Marshall Carter and dark limited this group is notorious to the foundation and a true adversary if ever there was one there an extremely private club based in London that's made up of the super rich and super powerful with government ties across the world the members are these secret shakers and movers of modern society who have a vested interest in the collection of everything rare and valuable including anomalous objects and they'll spare no expense in trying to get something that's useful to them MCD has been the cause of a lot of grief for the foundation instigating several containment breaches and even trying to blow new holes and foundation defenses through information leaks bribes threats extortion nothing is below them and they've even made moves to force knowledge of the foundation to go public and yes what you're thinking might be correct Marshall Carter and dark suit M very well might have led to the current circumstances that bring you and I together do you feel good about being in the know about the secrets now I hope you feel a little bit guilty I did it for fun they did it because they're terrible are we cool yet or aw cy is an artist collective with no structure or hierarchy that is all about anomalous objects and their consequences they seek to make art about anomalies steel anomalous artifacts or produce anomalous artifacts and put them onto playas are well the artistic examination of this world's anomalies is something that even some researchers can appreciate the spread of items that can be dangerous just through being seen as something the foundation cannot get behind and the proof of this group's inability to properly deal with their subjects has been recorded members of re cool yet have created public galleries and pieces that have led to death injury and damage to psychologies and lifestyles the reaction from many members as a result of these events has been to embrace the impact even if it resulted in harm especially because it resulted in harm in effect was made so was successful and the artists have taken pride in it this has done a lot more than just get them on the books at the SCP the Church of the broken God is a religion that insists artifacts within foundation care are actually pieces of a deity that was broken into hundreds of components upon creation of the universe if they collect the items and put them all back together they will not only resurrect this God but gain godhood themselves the Church of the broken God sees all foundation members as heretics and act with extreme violence towards personnel they have no regard for other anomalous items and will recklessly cause containment breaches to service distractions or punishments to the foundation for items and SCP foundation care are currently listed as pieces of the broken god Wilson's Wildlife Solutions is one of the few allies the foundation has they specialized in the containment and care of paranormal animals and regular creatures and have been working with the foundation since 2008 following a containment incident they're an ally but they are under foundation care because of incompetency as far as friends go in the world of the SCP the foundation is the biggest dog in the park there's not many allies to speak of so as you can see groups of interests are their very own interesting topic with plenty of variety in their makeup it's a shame that most of them hate the foundation and are always trying to steal extremely dangerous items or set them free and cause mayhem but no conflict at all makes for a boring story right speaking of stories as you might imagine the foundation has a very long and very crazy history and while much of it is written about by fan fiction authors some of it is true you can find the cannon history of the foundation and it's incidents within the addendum reports of many items as well as an entire category of Kenyan foundation tales on the public wiki if you're a heavy reader of more than just anomaly reports we recommend taking a look and now as our tour winds down unlike to point everyone over to something they can take with them or the knowledge of in any way there are over 3000 items listed in the foundation database but SCP 3301 is the only one that's just as fun as it is embarrassing to the organization SCP 3301 is called the foundation a game by cryogenics a division of dr. winter tain men it is described as an ornate silver box with a latch and silver key inside is a board game with several game pieces cards and an instruction manual it is in fact an SCP foundation board game now you too can be part of the action there are even scans of cards you can print out or use as a template to complete the collection does it actually reflect the kind of things found a containment when you play with the car it's like some sort of even more horrific version of yugioh we're not selling please feel free to check out and play the foundation and introduce it to your local tabletop circle today on behalf of the foundation and amino amps I would like to thank you for participating in these social eyes communicate and publicize initiative do remember to visit me on SCP foundation Amino by searching for the name night mind and let me and the foundation know what really interested you go ahead tell us follow the link in the video description or my pin comment find my post and tell me tell us tell us immensely tell us in detail tell us everything you felt about this experience me how you're feeling right now physically mentally emotionally everything in regards to me and the foundation and everything I said and how you feel about it type away type a storm let us know I really sincerely need it would be great if you did that please do that please now for what you're all eagerly wondering I'm sure is it possible for another tour like this to take place maybe digging deeper into a topic we perused maybe that all depends on what happens in all the conversations that will now happen 15 floors beneath us once you leave I guess but a deal is a deal right in the meantime if you care to see rundowns of all the SCP anomalies and containment I've covered I have not one not two but three videos you can watch specializing in crazy SCP items that nobody else brings up those links will be in the video description and might even appear in the YouTube sidebar there might has CP vault videos and they've been a ton of fun to make might have landed me here but hey I enjoyed the time span major thanks to all of you for coming thanks to me no apps were supervising me on behalf of the foundation as part of these social outreach initiative and thanks to my supporters on patreon who never stopped asking where I've been and if I'm okay hopefully this serves as the perfect answer and I will return to you immediately now stick around to see all their names which were also requested of me to hand over when I arrived and have been graciously plugged into the end of this welcome tour video sorry guys thanks for joining me the dark again this evening at site 98 once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like dr. bright and their sincere kindness and intelligence I hope to see you all again real soon so the sides [Music] you
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 129,407
Rating: 4.8804293 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, scp explained, what is scp, confinement, scp welcome, scp guide, night mind, nick nocturne, scp starter guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
Reddit Comments

I'm fine with the SCP Wiki and The Foundation getting more non-game related attention, but even this seems to focus entirely too much on the spookyscary stuff. That's not all that it is. As for everything that Nick got wrong:

Not to mention the weird versions of the Foundation names. No one calls it "The Secure Contain Protect Foundation" or "The SCP." No one calls 173 "The Statue" (it's The Sculpture, or in Cool War headcanon, UΕ›cisk).

He mentions the SCP Classes, and then somehow forgets Apollyon but leaves in Esoteric?? Esoteric is not a canon SCP class. Nick literally just looked at this page - - and copied them verbatim. Do a tiny bit of digging and you'd know that Apollyon is 100% legitimate, and part of what would be considered the "primary" canon (yes I'm aware that some people still cling to "there is no canon," but that's an argument for a different day). It doesn't matter if there are 1000 Apollyons or just one - it's enough of a legitimate class that Thaumiels are essentially described as "things that might possibly counter/work against Apollyons" in the old "box analogy."

Also...the Foundation does not actually lock things in boxes to see what happens for fuck's sake. It's an analogy. And no, Thaumiel is not what he said it was.

Thaumiel - "We can use this to help keep the other things inside their boxes." Apollyon - "Box? How the fuck would you put this in a box? Also, you call that a box?? Fuck you and fuck that box." Something along those lines.

And then there's the old "Nick inserting himself into canon" thing again. It's practically a trope at this point. "Class E - that's you guys!" etc., etc. There are people who will now think that Class E is actually what Nick said, because they come to him for information. This is what Class E actually is:

"Class E is a provisional classification applied to field agents and containment personnel that have been exposed to potentially dangerous effects during the course of securing and establishing initial containment over a newly-designated anomalous object, entity, or phenomenon. Class E personnel are to be quarantined as soon as possible, monitored, and screened for potentially harmful changes in behavior, personality, or physiology, and may only return to duty after being fully debriefed and cleared by psychiatric and medical staff."

Class E is not "You guys! The fans!" Just...he always has to make it about himself.

And then...O5s are not necessarily "the highest level of Directors." The entire idea is that we don't know who the O5s are. In any way. We have zero idea, as mid-to-low level grunts viewing the SCP files. That skittish little assistant researcher at Site 9 could be an O5. Bright could be an O5. One of the SCPs could be an O5. Brad Pitt could be an O5. We have no idea. There is no distinction of a line between Directors and O5s because a link in progress from Director to O5 is not a canon-established thing in any way.

And that's about as far as I got in the video before I had to stop. All of the bad/poorly researched information combined with the annoying record scratch "[REDACTED]" stingers got to be a bit too much. It feels like Nick's going from that quality slow burn type of creepiness to "BOO! GOTCHA!" scares.

It's really disheartening. From what I saw skipping through to the end, the GoI section seemed fairly un-screw-up-able, but...honestly, for someone who's made a decent amount of videos on the site, how does he not do more than basic skimming of the main hub pages? He used to be better than this. I hope that future videos return to the level of quality that we used to get but...I just don't know any more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SalvadorZombie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This...isn't how the Foundation works. Oh god we're gonna have so many noobies making inaccurate pages now.

Fuck I thought we were finally getting passed this. The same sort of thing happened when leddit caught wind of the site and it was just starting to die down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NotchDidNothingWrong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.