Top 15 Robot SCPS

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censored beeps in this video are classified names or locations that are withheld from public hearing and are therefore edited for legal reasons from the SCP agency an association with the SCP website secure contain protect this video contains and settling content and is not suitable for viewers who suffer from arachnophobia viewer discretion advised this video contains disturbing content flashing lights and sudden loud noises pathetic insect discretion advised the SCP foundation is a secret organization of scientists who are devoted to collecting and containing all supernatural objects and creatures in the world for the sake of protecting the rest of mankind from them SCP stands for special containment procedures and their unofficial motto secure contain protect items contained by SCP are classified as one of the following safe euclid and cater most keator items also pose an enormous threat to humanity the foundation often uses d-class personnel to handle an experiment extremely hazardous objects and anomalies these people tend to be prison inmates convicted of violent crimes especially those on death row in this case the category we are documenting is the top 15 robot SCP SCP 6 5 8 object class euclid each instance of scp-682 misrule Banach device size and weight varies widely specimens as small as 5 millimeters or as large as 20 meters have been observed the bottom half of each specimen contains four spider-like highly flexible legs and a single eye appearance and structure of upper half is different in every SCP 65 8 SCP 6 5 8 remain active at all times despite appearing to lack any power source while behavior varies between instances when otherwise unoccupied most tend to explore their surroundings as cps 6 v 8 are capable of running at varying speeds climbing up even flat vertical walls and swimming a CP 6 v 8 are capable of reproduction achieved through impregnating other machines machine in this case is essentially defined as any complex man-made mechanism this includes items as disparate as wristwatches typewriters personal computers motor vehicles and though rarely other SCP 65 8 impregnation is carried out via a poorly understood process that requires only momentary physical contact as a result of the process an embryo will appear inside the machine hereafter referred to as host the embryo initially appears to be a featureless lump of plastic and metal measuring 1 millimeter but develops and grows quickly within its host as an embryo expands it connects and incorporates increasingly more of its hosts internal mechanisms into its own structure the embryo partially takes on the task of maintaining the functions of its host whose users usually fail to notice anything is a mess and believe that the host machine is working no less effectively than usual however visibly minor glitches and anomalies as well as external deformation tend to appear towards the end of the gestation the embryo will also break down some of the host machines internal components both for the purpose of constructing its own body and for weakening the host structural integrity in preparation for birth at the end of the gestation cycle the embryo now developed into a mature SCP 65 8 exits is host by ripping it apart the new SCP 65 8 immediately assumes the behavior typical for other SCP 65 8 instances size form and behavior of the new SCP 65 8 depends on the host machine any small instance of [Music] scp-693 a simple low-tech means such as tying with strings or duct tape or weighing down the lid boxes with external mechanisms or electronic locks are avoided for this purpose boxes with mechanisms accessible from the inside must not be used larger instances of scp-682 stride as soon as possible unless exposure is necessary for sake of experimentation every instance of scp-693 meters from all electronic devices as well as all notably complex mechanical machinery device is affected by SCP 658 when not used for experimentation are destroyed machinery affected by SCP 658 must not be connected to an electrical outlet for any amount of time [Music] SCP 301 for object class euclid SCP 301 for is the sapient hexapod robotic construct of unknown origin the entity possesses a rare antenna of a design beyond current understanding it appears similar to human designs however near the tip of the antenna is a large crystal of unknown composition that seems to be fractured in half sampling proves the crystal structure to be similar to that of diamond according to the SCP 301 ford is broken and previously could broadcast information faster than light but this has not been confirmed analysis of replications of the antenna for foundation use is being considered the frontmost segment of SCP 301 4 is considered the head of the entity sticking out of the head is a small square screen the entity uses this to communicate due to extreme length and density of the material sampling the internal imaging is proven difficult the tests that have been performed show similarities to carbon nanotubes although a much more advanced design SCP 301 4 appears to take in information that is in form of wireless internet networking the entity requires roughly 500 megabytes of data per 24 hours to preserve normal function the information that SCP 301 4 consumes is memorized and permanently stored it has learned from internet access human language and grammar to a high degree however the entity performs to type in sort incomplete sentences because according to the entity it is more comfortable to speak as since it is similar to the original language upon consumption of data there is an estimate 56 percent chance of the data gains temporary anta memetic properties SCP 301 for claims at his digestion problems the majority of safety of beans who knows the content begin to forget it and suffer extreme difficulty trying to remember the data if shown again in rare cases digitally stored version of this content will be completely deleted this effect will last anytime from 16 hours to a few months in emergency situations SCP 301 4 can consume stored content SCP 301 for claims that data that reveals more important or interesting information is more tasty and that uninteresting data is bland and tasteless SCP 301 for refuses to consume data that is the repeat of previous information or very similar to previous information claiming it to be disgusting if SCP 301 for does not receive its required information and may begin to attempt to forcefully consume information breaking through information firewalls with relative ease when this occurs the rate of nmuk events increased to 90 percent as well as the duration appearing infinite if the entity has not been fed for an extended amount of time information that SCP 301 4 has consumed may begin to reappear however this information will still be an emic SCP 301 for stored in containment cell at site 15 it has given access to controlled Wi-Fi content for 3 hours a day at least for level 4 foundation IT specialist controlled the exact contents of the data packets sent to SCP 301 for any information packets being sent to it or analyzed for any information that is important and it could cause issues of lost every week SCP 301 4 is interviewed to regain potential loss information stories do not contain any important information related to science history culture or any other well-known concept in case and anta mimetic event occurs at least two guards armed with light explosive weaponry remain near SCP 301 4 and it's cell at all times personnel are not allowed to communicate with SCP 301 4 unless given permission by the current lead researcher on duty SCP 301 4 is given a psychological evaluation by the current lead researcher and any requests for extra equipment capable of sending and receiving signals is denied without review SCP 301 4 was recovered after several hundred residents of United Kingdom reported weak internet connection in their local area when civilian Internet Service Providers investigated they discovered SCP 301 for Foundation agents in the area took over and discovered it was attempting to construct a form of communication array but was lacking the needed tools and parts anity was forcefully contained damage and internet outages were later blamed on a severe storm and amnesty DEQ's were properly distributed greetings scp-303 lling and why is that who are your friends ah this is the first time you've divulged this information to us sp30 one for what [Music] SCP 278 object class safe SCP 278 is a large mechanical robot made of steel iron and banyan would strongly resembling an arachnid the average length of SCP to 78 is about 54 feet from the abdomen to the tip of the furthest lake and the highest part of the main body sits about 27 feet off the ground a control panel of levers and pedals are positioned on it though SCP 278 lacks any electronics CPU or wiring beyond the presence of a few dozen car batteries the complex motions of multi Peter locomotion are fully automated through a complex network of looping tethers compound police belts and hydraulic pistons the oldest functioning component of SCP 278 is a type of processing transmission relying on multiple rotating perforated drums and coils providing different instructional input for commands of motion the human operator working the controls essentially shifts gears to readjust the configuration of position of the control drums and coils which guide the rhythm of motion to the legs essential for moving SCP 278 those personnel at its control report that the ease of piloting SCP 278 appears inconsistently simple in comparison to the complexity of the mechanisms involved in the lack of any electronic guidance though the finer details that control SCP 278 are not fully understood researchers are perplexed by the autonomy SCP 278 displays where no human input is presented it is not known how SCP 278 is capable of moving and performing complex tasks on its own without an operator the most impressive of which is a construction of an elaborate web made from nylon tether similar to bungee cord with high tensile strength without any input into its controls s ap 278 constructs its web in any dimly lit large open area preferring high 90-degree tri-corner roosts spanning 300 cubic meters on the 2nd of september 2008 s CP 278 escaped confinement when SCP breached its own containment disabling the facility in england during the night SCP 278 had traveled to liverpool where it was found poised vertically upside down on the side of a building known as concourse house SCP personnel posing as the theatrical group introduced SCP 278 to citizens as leper insists the showcase of the theatrical production SCP 205a object class safe SCP 205 8 is a bipedal humanoid robot 2.7 meters tall weighing 424 kilograms constructor from high-strength polymer impregnated with carbon nanotubes and interlaced with reinforced fibers and epoxy speakers beneath its face produce a heavily distorted voice SCP 205 8 contains a retractable chest cavity containing a bowl-shaped opening 11 centimeters in diameter it autonomously seeks out small objects and places them into the opening when the chest cavity is pressed back into place a sheath of galvanized steel comes down over the bowl at which point the object vanishes when SCP 205 8 is given a GPS tracking device the place within its chest cavity the device continues to transmit but upon SCP 2 all fives 8:00 departure the device's signal did not change location and it has to date continue transmitting from the point of disappearance the means by which SCP 205 8 disposed of objects placed within a chest cavity cannot be determined with the exception of the steel sheath coming down around the object there appears to be no activity taking place within the chest cavity personnel who have examined the cavity report nothing to indicate that objects are in any way transported or incinerated or pulverized although four individuals have reported a brief sensation of warmth and numbness when touching the interior of SCP 205 8sc p2o5 8 has shown a tendency to steal objects discreetly when confronted SCP 205 8 denies the theft or attempted theft demonstrating a clear attempt at subterfuge regular inspections of SCP 205 aids containment chambers have recovered several items stolen from personnel and one instance SCP 2 o58 was observed placing several metallic objects including jewelry nails electric tape credit cards and bullet shell casings into its chest cavity in this instance none of the stolen items were recovered additionally SCP 205 a 2 offers life advice in the form of incoherent often belligerent or criminal suggestions in exchange for u.s. quarters or any small metallic object content of these suggestions often involve sensitive information related to foundation personnel it has come in contact with advice delivered in this fashion becomes more personalized with each suggestion offered indicating SCP 205 8 gauges of reaction of the individual and adjust further responses as a result SCP 205 8 is kept locked in containment chamber 44 were not in use SCP 205 8 is not allowed to wander the complex on its own and may be physically restrained if not compliant containment chambers kept empty and is not allowed to hoard items of any kind as subject to tendency to acquire objects independently SCP 205 8 was discovered in a reinforced shipping container twenty two point fifty four kilometers off the coast of Washington the containment was heavily degraded and Paul's beginning to cover the exposed surface the remaining of a logo are visible on one end with the name stuff and something incorporated the container showed no signs have haven't been open nor were the remains of any shipwreck we found in the vicinity do you have any information on scp-682 well 682 goes through a lot of d-class yeah babies are cheap fast plentiful and fun to make why not put them to use instead of wasting valuable full-grown Class D personnel you are getting fat you could lose some weight happy but after losing your legs and replacing them with cybernetic prosthesis they give rummy they are fun excuse me company even though their company's name okay we're talking if you know that YouTube could get a high likelihood of successfully embezzling Foundation funds for your own personal use if you think a containment reach for me it will allow for additional funding in containment I only ask that I be given a link for descent in return divide the city view server as CP d1 167 object class Euclid as CP 1 167 is an otamatone approximately 20 centimeters tall consisting of a control unit attached to an articulated arm in a flat base the subjects components are of unknown manufacturer and utilize an advanced power source that is not required recharging at any point during containment a CP 1 167 was discovered by spelunkers and delivered to local authorities who passed it on the foundation personnel site 1 1 6 7 - 1 has been established at the discovery location as CP 1 1 6 7 is capable of limited locomotion by pushing at the ground with the base of its arm to gradually propel the control unit forward at which point it will adopt heading towards 23.5 6 South 68 point 16 West changing direction only to avoid obstacles as CP 1 1 16 to size speech but does not respond to questions it continually repeats the following messages in 124 languages including 8 dead languages and 15 which have not been identified well cast alert break away their initial entry and seek reinforcements all right if a person nearby speaks approximately five full sentences of a specific language as CP one one six seven will use that language exclusively until the person leaves the immediate area when placed on site one one six seven - to the location it was heading for it scanned and revealed several anomalous objects this included a mechanical hand with similar construction to scp-1162-j [Music] one one six seven and any related objects are stored in a chamber on-site each one is kept in a locked case equipped with security camera the site is staffed by two security personnel at all times disguised as forest rangers exploration is temporarily suspended any anomalous material or items found at the site are studied and cleared by dr. Stenson before being brought into contact with scp-1162-j class Euclid scp-106 3 is a humanoid automaton which appears to be constructed entirely out of wood with highly articulated joints made of wooden ball bearings of various sizes it is 2 meters tall 103 kilograms and resembles a bearded Caucasian man its lower left arm does not terminate in a hand what instead flattens and broadens to form an axe blade although this blade is made of wood it is razor sharp and is almost metallic in its mechanical properties when in range state scp-106 3 is able to sever human heads or limbs in a single blow and it chopped through over 30 centimeters of granite with no damage to the blade its power source is unknown as are the methods by which it's able to see hear and think radiograph ultrasonic imaging all indicate that it is solid wood with the exception of the aforementioned cosmetic accessories scp-106 3 is not able to speak but can write in several dialects of German as well as in French psychological examinations have revealed a generally affable personality characterized by mood swings and overall low intelligence scp-106 3 or first two itself as friar Schwarz Wald or Lord of the Black Forest and has described itself as a genuine aristocrat and Noble by the king himself scp-106 3 has not been able to provide more specific information as to which King this was but has expressed scorn at the suggestion that it was Wilhelm the first of prussia describing him as an upstart and late comer these attitudes and other statements made by scp-106 3 indicate that it was created no later than the mid 19th century which is in accordance with its style of clothing scp-106 3 has stated that as two purposes in existence the first purpose is to protect the trees and other plant life of the black forest region of Germany at any cost the second purpose is to protect Germany from english-speaking invaders scp-106 3 is kept in a habitat simulating a temperature confers forest environment bordered by 60 centimeter thick unpolished granite walls covered in live moss scp-106 3 is highly reluctant to damage objects which are supporting live plants all personnel who enter scp-106 3 containment for any purpose carry live potted plants in plain view guards carry flamethrowers as well as potted plants it is forbidden to speak English within 30 meters of scp-106 3 containment as scp-106 3 becomes hostile towards individuals human is heard speaking English the vegetation and macro fauna and scp-106 trees habitat are maintained according to schedule 106 3 and 6 climate and scp-106 3 habitat is maintained according to schedule 106 3 cx-5 after each simulated rainfall scp-106 3 is provided with a playing towel made of a hundred percent natural unbleached undyed 5 so that it may dry its non water-resistant components scp-106 three first came to the foundation's intention as a result of sadistically anomalous number of missing persons reporting from village of Roz Walt Germany in 1945 foundation personnel surveyed the region while disguised as a search party and were attacked by scp-106 three when they began to prepare a campfire subject was quickly subdued and captured with no casualties scp-1508 object class neutralized scp-1508 was a humanoid entity composed of cardboard paper and plastic its appearance was similar to that of a robot it was fully autonomous and moved with a humanoid gait the words dr. Wonder tame in 2003 have been printed on the back of its body in black ink when unrestrained scp-1508 would attempt to assist the nearby human subject with any chores or menial activities being performed scp-1508 appeared to prefer working with the younger subjects although it did not work with them exclusively due to the composition of its body in the limited range of movements that it could perform scp-1508 spent up to three days attempting to perform the same task although scp-1508 did not appear to require any form of nourishment analysis of its movements during this period indicated that it could still experience symptoms of exhaustion dehydration and movements consistent with human subjects who had broken limbs or pulled muscles if the subject was performing a menial non physical activity ie homework scp-1508 would sit with them drawing or writing with crayon art and writings produced by scp-1508 were usually crude and simplistic when writing scp-1508 would suddenly cease and be unable to move blasting for a period of three days analysis had shown that directly before these incidents scp-1508 writing had become dramatically more clear and drawings were recognizable scp-1508 was discovered on 18th of september 2003 from a suburban home in Fort Lauderdale Florida a child had obtained scp-1508 through unknown means and the parents had contacted the authorities foundation personnel intercepted and suppressed reports of its effect the child was unable to explain where he had obtained scp-1508 and was administered a class cecum mystic with the other witnesses on 17th of february 2006 scp-1508 was noted to begin imitating maintenance personnel who had entered its containment chamber over the course of two hours it swept the floors washed the walls and polished the security door interior security personnel restrained scp-1508 and containment procedures have been modified to reflect this development the 25th of May 2006 personnel noted that scp-1508 had not moved in over 128 hours when researchers were dispatched to investigate they found several notations written in crayon around scp-1508 with the object itself being non-responsive after testing confirmed the cessation of anomalous properties scp-1508 was reclassified as neutralized on 18th of July 2006 SCP 33 82 object class euclid SCP 33 82 is humanoid appearance for the height of 3.6 meters and a weight of 900 kilograms it's able to speak English and speaks in a way almost similar to an old computer making various noises as it attempts to find a response and then speaking in a low Russian accent it seems to be docile unless provoked or attacked SCP 3 3 to 4 or higher are insulted attacked or otherwise provoked this being caused by a protection program within it recognizing level 4 or higher as top priority members most cases have ended in the aggressor of the situation becoming either detained with injury or termination on both of its arms or what appears to be a type of weaponry at the foundation of yet to identify when questioned about this SCP 3380 to claims that they are broken ever since it was first discovered by the foundation SCP 33 82 seems to run on a charge the life of said charge is about six days after which it must be recharged at a charging station which has been installed into the interior of its containment cell it is seen to obtain a respect for both the facility and the foundation and is willing to aid them in exchange that it be allowed to roam around on the surface with an escort SCP 33 82 is kept within the secure containment cell in the research sector due to the nature of it and the powered possesses blast doors have been installed a terminal has been placed in the adjacent room and may only be accessed by level 3 or higher terminal is used to program new orders into the SCP SCP 33 82 is not let out of its containment unless given clearance by a level 3 or higher the only valid reason is to help when the facility is under attack or a mass breach has occurred when the SCP is let out to level 3 or higher grants at orders after which they must accompany it along with three other armed guards until all of its orders are carried out any experiments carried out to take place with level 4 or higher nearby as it seems it will respond to most commands given from them SCP 33 82 was first discovered outside of sight its left arm was seemingly ripped from its body at the time its original armor being less than what it has currently equipped consisting of only a flat metal plate over its chest and a dented metal helmet it was retrieved by a mobile task force and brought on site good morning has a t-33 to status say a few questions for you you don't mind saying do you know why you follow foundation personnel orders well Club the seal tipping pages of the I wish to and do you know anything about those dangers that we secured to that same some must move succeed to a mocha want skillets but do you know about the the large-scale threats and how do you know about them bad saying my mother still got lots of garlic in destroyed many no because the private no I mean obviously thank you for me to use your creator money [Applause] [Music] do you know if there are any other instances of yourself saying I am you will do you know what this company is located at thank you let me backtrack the moment you said this private military told you about various anomalous threats did they tell you of any anomalies that aren't currently contained on any foundation locations sang-soo chief Oh mo fo fum alright that'll be all for now are you still busy already done we're finished here for that baby Thanks okay so I'm gonna try and attach this to you three 382 for you phone people succeed what uncontained Yggdrasil more wonderful mind telling us how you know about that somebody broke a fish together [Music] into the action start this off this one more alright I'm gonna end this interview now and try and fix this arm and maybe see the status scp-1678 jecht class safe scp-1678 grade bipedal Adama non of unknown manufacturer that is apparently capable of indefinite operation with no detectable external power source or need for fuel scp-1678 proximate only one meter in height and appears to have been built for law enforcement or military application and is equipped with high-strength armor plating capable of withstanding small arms fire into mountain machine guns fed from a hopper located on spat under normal circumstances scp-1678 and harmless left to its own devices it will wander its containment area listlessly and does not pose a danger to any personnel scp-1678 m p-- to deactivate or disassemble it will otherwise not resist any attempts to inspect or observe it attempts to discern more about its internal configuration have not been successfully to date whenever scp-1678 sixth - a specimen of geese it will become highly aggressive and attempt to kill the specimen by any means possible SCP 1675 is a single-minded efficient end exhibits possible intelligence and its ability to operate tactically when need arises periodically and while attacking such specimens scp-1678 honorable speech from a speaker located near its head generally consisting of anti avian propaganda and french scp-1678 - any attempts to communicate thus far SCP 1675 is stored in a reinforced containment cell at site 15 scp-1678 10w30 mortar oil every 90 days but otherwise does not require fuel or maintenance of any kind experimentation with scp-1678 and permission from at least two level three senior researchers experimentation involving use of live ammunition requires additional permission from one level for site director and prior notification of site 15 security staff such experimentation is also performed in a separate armored testing chamber scp-1678 time of discovery scp-1678 killed over all specimens over a twenty seven hectare area scp-1678 by the responding foundation containment team and all witnesses were - administered class-a amnestics SCP 2412 object class safe SCP 2412 is a fully functional humanoid automaton that resembles an adult human female SCP 2412 is composed of many complex clockwork and steam-powered systems including but not limited to rotational systems made of clockwork with the functionality of joint rotation and limb movement in general a large complex mass of Clockwork systems in the cardial area of the chest that often emits dense clouds of steam and lastly a steam-powered engine located on the rear side of SCP 2412 accompanied by a field gauge that currently reads 98 percent this engine is believed to provide SCP 2412 with energy to function but this cannot be proven as no attempts to breach the engine to examine its insides have proven successful SCP 2412 is capable of vocalization and is able to speak all known languages as well as some others the object is also capable of basic motor skills such as walking and using its hands as a means to take hold of objects SCP 2412 is capable of answering with extreme accuracy any type of question these include but are not limited to questions regarding the future scientific theories currently unconfirmed or misunderstood and laws of nature that are not currently understood it is currently unknown where SCP 2412 gets its information and would pose a question about this it will respond with warning logic error SCP 2412 is kept in a standard safe humanoid containment chamber fitted with a five number keypad lock the use of SCP 2412 is strictly disallowed outside of approved testing if a researcher has the intent to ask SCP 2412 a question about the future they must fill out application 24 12 - f7o and turn it in to the site administrator if said application is approved one guard with a copy of the application is posted inside the containment chamber while the researcher is asking questions SCP 2412 was discovered in an abandoned Factory in South Carolina factory had been abandoned for at least 150 years dating no further back in the year 1825 [Music] hello scpt four one two we would like to ask some questions they're fully beginner do you have any questions no oh let's get started when were you made in 1866 how were you made running logic Ellen why were you made mankind needs God my time fears germs mankind's paranormal creates foundation created by these we made for years Elsa Samaritan children Buffalo Tina these were men collaborated to create a machine where were you made country American provinces of Germany state south city projects to do you look Nathan all talk no how did you get to our timeline logic well is the American provinces of Germany United States of America as well as when we will steam engine events appeals you said earlier about war what war was this and which faction was victorious the war between Germany's colonies and Germany Germany's colonists wanted to be independent the German colonies came like a choice and created the American provinces of Germany okay then next question are you siient what are you capable of feeling emotions yes okay what makes you happy question lastly what do you fear SCP 2:04 5 object class euclid SCP 2 0 4 5 is a sapien humanoid otamatone which can generate blackstrap molasses from a flask shape protrusion on its back and then control the motion of that molasses it is 92 centimeters tall and made of wood porcelain cloth silver and iron and responds to the name Jeffrey it is capable of speech but is of low intelligence every Tuesday SCP 2 0 4 5 will generate 2 litres of blackstrap molasses from its flask and telekinetically direct the molasses into the bucket in the absence of a calendar SCP to 0 4 5 will decide apparently at random that a given day feels like Tuesday this will also occur a personnel repeatedly miss inform scp-2059 to s Day occurs in which case it'll attribute the misinformation to memory lapse or a simple error as CP - 0 4 5 claims to have been made by a woman who it refers to only as miss and who it is unable to describe in useful terms it claims to have resided in her home and to have generated molasses for her on a weekly basis until the day was unable to find her it continued generating molasses and at which point it began to search for her and to telekinetically carry the molasses with it in the absence of a bucket as CP - 0 4 5 will continue generating molasses until it decides that it is generated enough as CP - 0 4 5 is contained within a standard humanoid class containment cell with a calendar on the wall indicating the days of the week and an empty 2-liter bucket every Tuesday as CP 2 0 4 5 fills the bucket with blackstrap molasses when the bucket is filled 1 class 3 operative enters its containment approaches as CP - 0 4 5 and speaks the phrase that's enough molasses Jeffrey thank you personnel then remove the filled bucket and replace it with a fresh bucket contingent on scp-2059 personnel may then kiss SCP to 0 for 5 on its forehead due to the difficulties resulting from scp-2059 ability to comprehend that it now has an SCP designation rather than a name personnel are authorized to address scp-2059 dr as it is shown again no Jeffrey she hasn't oh well it's not Tuesday so it's not molasses making time but it's almost 2 is a right you just have to wait a little while and then I can make molasses for you no Jeffrey that's not necessary the night zosky some questions about myths actually oh alright mrs. very kind to me yes George yes you tell me what she looked like she was big bigger than me and oh I'm sorry did you want more yes please whatever you can remember she she could walk around I'm reversed she walked around all huh sometimes she'd be in one room and sometimes she'd be in another room and sometimes she walked from one room to another sometimes he came to get the molasses from me and sometimes I brought to her while she was doing things I see Jeffrey could you maybe tell me about mrs. face yes you had one what she definitely had a face yes and here I remember that oh and lips lips are for caiman kisses when I'm good am I being good yeah Jeffrey you're being good can you tell me about mrs. hair what color was it hair has a collar yes was it black a white to a brown maybe yellow orange I I don't know I don't know this I'm sorry I'm sorry I came bad I don't want to be bad no Jeffrey you'll know being bad okay knife can I have a kiss then when we're done with the questions all right all right good Jeffrey could tell me what color miss was um I don't understand what you mean her skin Oh skin yes yes she had skin she absolutely had skin I know that and I couldn't see all of all the time because she wore clothing cults are important right yes but I meant all right you remember dr. Mitchell's who's here to talk to you the other day yes she's nice and true my board she looked donk yes a behalf of skin is light pink it my skin is slightly different see it is it is wow I never noticed that can you tell me if I miss his skin was like pink brown another color I'm really really sorry I don't know I really don't honest I didn't know it was important um eyes please she had eyes I remember now there's a she have two of them and they were on her face like yours they were white with a little depth of color in them just like yours I remember I'm being good yes SCP 2040 object class evylyn SCP 2040 is a humanoid robot composed primarily of iron glass and plastic its design is very simplistic possessing an electronic system which is technologically inferior to modern equivalents however SCP 2040 exhibits functionality not possible with this structure SCP 2040 possesses a complex AI that is almost indistinguishable from a human intelligence and a seemingly limitless power source that has not yet required any obvious refueling when questioned SCP 2040 claims that it is powered by nuclear energy and refuses to elaborate further SCP 2040 also claims to be in possession of other anomalous abilities such as an ion ray weapon and the ability to light jump between planets SCP 2040 has so far been unwilling to demonstrate these abilities claiming that using them without necessity violates its programming SCP 2040 is also fluent several languages both known and but seems to prefer talking in English often SCP 2040 will repeat a phrase it prefers to as its primary message and ask for response though SCP 2040 is often overbearing and requesting a response it has shown a willingness to wait indefinitely if told that a response is still being formulated special care must be taken to ensure that a response is not accidentally given SCP 2040 usually refuses to communicate about topics other than its primary mission but can be distracted when questioned about its journey to earth or previous missions in these cases SCP 2040 will recite narratives about locations it has visited and creatures that it is encountered these narratives are all structured in a similar fashion usually they begin with SCP 2048 landing on a planet and being hampered by some adversity SCP 2040 must then overcome the obstacle to leave the planet and continue its mission though these narratives supposedly contain information about various alien species and civilizations they do not contain any useful information about the origins of SCP 2040 or any context to its primary message for a complete list of recorded narratives please see document 2040 - B s AP 2040 is kept in a modified human containment cell the cells designed to block wireless transmissions personnel interact with SCP 2040 at least once a day interactions focus on keeping SCP 2040 compliant when speaking to SCP 2040 every interaction is prefaced with the words I am not responding to your primary message if SCP 2040 attempts to breach containment personnel repeat the following phrase until the situation is resolved we are formulating a response to your primary message I'm not responding to your primary message I will have to respond to your primary message for the duration of this interaction we're just like to ask you some questions Stacia employees can you explain your primary message tell us some information about who sent it to prevent a messenger from affecting a response it is against protocol for a messenger to reveal classified information about a primary message and the primary message senders all inquiries must be a connects directly to the sender BC in that case can tell us anything about yourself such as how you built high function I cannot explain my design or action it is classified however it is publicly available information I underwent operates specifically for this mission I am now one of the few entities that could safely inhabit the restricted zone restricted zone he tell me more than this restricted then my emotion circuits shall surprise that you acquired that however my emotion circuits shall surprise that you exist at all with all the state requirements it was not that life cannot exist here until very recently on site they said the requirements thereby we're much less strict outside this out life is much more plentiful and varied your ignorance about the universe reminds me of the other centers which I encountered after crash-landing on their home planet didn't know about night time that was dictated to prevent a messenger from affecting a response it is against protocol for a messenger to reveal classified information about a primary message of the primary messages senators all inquiries must be a connects directly to the center but how is that connected to a primary message to prevent a messenger from effecting a response it is against protocol for a messenger to reveal classified information on a primary message of the primary messages senders all inquiries must be a connects directly to the sender find something that finally getting similar its best interviews of a human I have a statement to make what is that please inform your leaders bypasses differently in the restricted zone their fear I am able to wake all in the spots however I cannot wait forever I need your help as CP 2 7 8 5 object class Euclid as CP to 785 has 1.2 meters tall and is fully capable of movement and speech its appearance varies from instance to instance when not in the process of an SCP - 75 - 1 event it has been reported to be polite to foundation staff often offering to help when it feel it is needed SCP 275 - a is a set of three gears colored a light shade of green it appears to be the source of SCP 275 s anomalous properties apparently rotating itself using an unknown energy source to power it direct analysis is impossible since it is always sealed within a chamber with an SCP to 785 locked in a way not yet understood long distance analysis has confirmed that it is made up entirely of organic material once a year on January 17th starting at 0 for 1 to SCP 275 will enter an SCP 275 - 1 event this event occurs in four stages in the collection stage it will move around and find suitable material in the general vicinity while in this trance state it will disregard personnel these materials are usually various metals types of rocks strips of cloth and more recently electronic devices in the construction stage it will use said materials to construct the base frame of a similarly shaped otamatone it will often deploy various tools from within itself that has either been unable or unwilling to deploy outside of an SCP - 785 - one event in the transfer stage it will often take SCP - 75 - out of its chest cavity and put it into the automation approximately 8 seconds later as CP - 7 8 5 will cease animation and the automation will animate itself for all intents and purposes this new automation is now SCP 275 as the previous instance of it as seized anomalous properties in the finalization it will transfer internal parts such as gear systems and tools used in construction from the previous instance to itself when it has reached a hundred percent completion it will resume its former behavior the current instance of scp-274 is kept within a standard Euclid class containment cell it does not require sustenance and no materials containing metal of any kind are allowed within its cell the outer layer of its cell is lined with a layer of lead that is inspected by weekly for damages as CP 275 came to the foundation's attention when the denizens of the village of reported a monstrosity made out of metal stealing their belongings that was captured by the foundation and brought to area reported where it remained until construction of site 17 and 1963 when it was then moved there at the request of the project supervisor you notice that should not have to speak my language I am able to sneak yours thank God could you please tell me how you learn to speak our language your people speak it all the time I decided it was easier for your people if I learned your language okay how are us images are they fun I am doing well today my friend I thank you for asking well it's my pleasure now could you please give me some insight on why you undergo at CP to 785 one minutes I'm sorry not long that time could you please describe it to me I believe you refer to it as Prell browser vine oh are you saying that you are not transform a bigger part three cycles ago I perceived you a slightly more Ward skin than usual I had assumed you were transformed no no that was just a an F oh no no that wasn't that wasn't a transformation they'd assume you've made yourself a launch noted to make herself more attractive to your beers are you saying that you undergo scp-217 five monuments in order to become more attractive unfortunately I cannot feel loved I profound transformations to make myself better well could you please elaborate as you must know I have had a lot of years I lost count a long time ago they have cut over these seven tenths now your people keep meeting new machines and these machines are far better than I for example I have cars that can magically will cross live in little time I am unable to compete with that so transform do it myself better in that way I can so service you people so you are compelled to service us it's what wanted me to do the man who created you correct don't like to think of as my father he made me so I can have a child I believe who could carry on his legacy I feel like I owe it to him for bringing me into this world are you referring to [Music] yes my friend it's a trick a diversion that apportioning us you know you could have survived he knew what he was doing back that I still get to miss it Thank You scp-217 five it looks like we're going to have drama I'm afraid we're out of time do you have any final words yes I would like to thank you for your hospitality without your people to assist I'm like to go it's a SCP 69 object class safe SCP 69 is a humanoid item Adhan 1.7 meters tall and weighing 500 kilograms SCP 6 to 9 s body has been constructed out of ornate brass replications of human body parts its components require daily maintenance which only it can perform the words mr. brass from little misters by dr. entertainment has been embossed into SCP 69s back the designation appears as 8 in document scp-990 as CP 6 to 9 body has been constructed in such a way that every portion of its removal and interchangeable these parts can be removed without causing any damage although it expresses minor discomfort when these parts are being removed additionally the parts have been removed can be reassembled in the new airings testing has shown that the number of ways SCP 6 to 9 can be theoretically rearranged is approximately 70 3.4 billion different combinations it is capable of controlling these new constructions on its body but express extreme discomfort from these are areas of its body SCP 69 was recovered from a facility believed to have been controlled by the Church of the broken God it was recovered in a raid on this church property after reports of suspicious activity in the area were confirmed it was located in the central antechamber as church members attempted to integrate it into several other objects his believe that SCP 69 was being held at this facility due to the church members believing it was a portion of their God interviews with SCP 69 have confirmed this SCP 69 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell SCP 629 has only taken apart during routine testing once per day SCP 69 is provided with materials it uses to maintain itself as of current regulations on misters SCP 69 is contained in halls of site can you tell us more about how the church can't require disappearances me video What did he say to take me there why did this person take you to the same church [Music] semental it's time for me to move on you said previously that I had a negative reaction [Music] it was at this point that they attempted to integrate you into the other objects I believe that will be all security if you would wait yes thank you [Music] scp-1370 object class safe scp-1370 is a self-aware artificial being constructed from various electrical devices and tools it stands approximately one meter in height and is capable of moving its articulated joints despite the lack of any power source our motors scp-1370 communicates in a voice via speaker mounted in its chest its head as a voltmeter soldered upside down to a neck joint giving the appearance of a friendly smile but containing no active sensory devices however scp-1370 will react to visual and audible stimuli and its ability to do so is hampered when the head is covered or otherwise restrained its design appears to give more importance to aesthetic concern rather than function as evidenced by a poor center of gravity that hampers its ability to balance and walk it is therefore believed that scp-1370 was created as an art object and later imbued with anomalous properties rather than design with those in mind it can currently speak fluent American English French and Latin and is capable of learning new languages other faucets of its intellectual capacity have not been clearly outlined as scp-1370 is invariably hostile in all interactions with any being or object it interprets to be sapient this includes but is not limited to animals foundation personnel civilians audio-visual equipment and security cameras if scp-1370 encounters an object that believes to be sapient it will tend to engage the object in combat while introducing itself with a variety of elaborate titles which appear to be selected at random examples include Doombot 2000 Robo Lord the destructor Prime Minister sinister and Darth clock he'll flex scp-1370 will often include variations to these titles based on responses it receives from personnel foundation staff have successfully introduced pathetic on the gargle most and pester bot to its lexicon scp-1370 is locked in a fireproof glass display case stored in gallery 27 the ethics committee recommends that any long-term storage case contain enough space for scp-1370 to move freely level 2 personnel and higher may remove scp-1370 from its case at their discretion but will face disciplinary action for failing to secure it properly afterward many tests of scp-1370 combat prowess have been run each confirming that scp-1370 lacks the physical aptitude to cause damage to any living being a test was exposed on scp-1370 to a common house plant with a speaker hidden in the plant spot after scp-1370 was provoked verbally it attempted to fold and twist the leaves of the plant within its grasp before incapacitating itself seventeen master of all doing I shall be The Herald the Lord is nothing [Music] at last I am unleashed upon this earth so deserving of destruction all shall be rent within my pincers all shall be trampled beneath my feet I am Shiva Tron Despoiler of mirth come on who dares all souls will burn you will feel the sharp sting of my wrath identify yourself so that I may sing damnation upon you as you die I am a spotless philodendron I sent me money Sharma farts cause he leaves these leaves upon your mockery smells your doom I have arrived you will be crushed between my dishes [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the video why not lick the bell icon and subscribe to see more content from us at tat stock adios and now let's see the creators of this video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 543,816
Rating: 4.8696332 out of 5
Keywords: Top 15 Robot SCPS, SCP-629, SCP-1508, SCP-1370, SCP-1063, SCP-278, SCP-658, SCP-1675, SCP 2040, SCP-2045, SCP-2058, SCP-2412, SCP-2785, SCP-3014, SCP-3382, SCP-1167, SCP Foundation, Mr Brass, Little Misters, Pesterbot
Id: ualKUR7c8E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 12sec (4092 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
Reddit Comments

A new tats scp?! It isn't even my birthday!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hairyhalflingfoot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tats always does a great job of presenting the SCPs. They came a long way from those old Creepypasta top 10s they used to make.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadspace123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit they’re back!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imaginary_num6er πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pesterbot is number one. I approve.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theesherm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love these guys. Some of the voices they use in the videos are so great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LukaDye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
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