The Sad Truth About Tears of the Kingdom

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okay I've been hearing a lot of good things about the memories in this game and how cool it is to pull the master sword so we're gonna do all of that right now first I should probably unlock this Tower good evening seems we meet again eh sorry the sky view Tower is out of order and maintenance is proving tricky what's wrong attract all the terminal Parts nothing's broken I wonder if something to do with the tower itself is broken structure looks pretty good to me yep that's a nice erect Tower well I can tell you this we probably need to use these floating platforms to get up oh god oh hello sorry didn't mean to joke the rocket just went flying give it a little poke oh hang on I see the problem wait no no stop stop stop going so high do this way I guess get out of the way all right now the top can open hello I fixed it yeah press the button now let me know if that works I feel like Verizon tech support stop waiting on the phone be like all right if you could just reboot the router now okay is the is the light flashing blue well there's the forest I could have told you that okay so uh whoops I went I went to the wrong Tower but I did need that Tower anyway so kind of glad I got that out of the way like there's one of the hieroglyphs but I don't I don't really know the story yet or what significance is but we're gonna do all of them we're gonna do all of them in order I'm gonna make sure I do them in order speaking of doing things in order there's a nice Shrine we're gonna pop into and I'm pretty sure that's the stable we have to go to to talk to input so it's a win-win Shrine anakawak paddy whack give the dog a bone uplifting device well they're all uplifting because I'm gonna cheese this oh look at that if you stand the candle up you can make the hot air balloon fly I don't know if a candle from like Bed Bath and Beyond is gonna make a uh a hot air balloon fly I think I just need to uh make that hit the button that was easy I probably gotta use one of these flip that up here we go oh I'm burning it there all right slowly but surely I now realize I could have rode on the one with the little ball I now have to manually climb this ladder I beat this one up here no way one you know I probably didn't need both of these one of them is probably for a treasure chest give me something good in there now remember it's not the size of the ball that matters it's the difficulty of the puzzle oh my God a mop hang on new favorite weapon Link's gonna throw hands like he works at the Waffle House all right where's input cause I gotta start this Quest officially lady impa where are you you tell me I heard that y'all everyone heard we went missing nobody cared like oh she's still gone that's unfortunate well let me know when she gets back but I encourage you to go speak to lady impa who is over there doing who knows what all right the geoglyph quest is about to begin there you are what a surprise it is to see you here after all this time link let me guess you heard we went missing oh my God everybody during the upheaval huge pictures appeared out of nowhere images that sprawled across fields and Hills how were they able to tell though if nobody was using these towers because they were deactivated how'd they get the overhead view oh there's the explanation she took a hot air balloon wind struck and completely sheared the balloon off the base I've racked my brain for ways to reattach okay watch this I'm about to blow your mind oh he fixed my balloon thank you I'm racking my brain and all she's like is oh no I should fixed it would you mind doing one final thing for me light a fire lady there's a torch right here how lazy are you foreign away we go here's the first geoglyph which I'm pretty sure is just uh an unknown Pusher Pusher I mean uh uh that's weird I see that too I believe this geoglyph is one such image but even from this Vantage its meaning is no clearer to me it looks like a Pokemon in a wheelchair oh hidden somewhere in the geoglyph is a tear okay this looks like a tear over here maybe it's under this rock or it's a korok core Rock maybe up there I like the the head because if it's a dragon the tier would be by the eye that's crying wait a second oh found it [Music] whoa whoa that's cool why is it pulsating okay we're gonna watch some memories now oh yeah it must be nice to fall into a nice sunny field shrimp what oh dear hey wake up you can eat that shrimp oh there he is the king goat Daddy [Music] where am I you're in the past every time traveled I'm sorry it's okay my name is Sonia you should introduce himself as goat Daddy and could we ask what your name is I I am the daughter of King Rome of Hyrule Zelda what an unexpected answer we are the king and queen who founded Hyrule after all or at least we were the last time I checked ooh founded Hyrule yeah so I'm a little bit after that just like a little bit my name is raru king raru of Hyrule I think it was a big speculation that time travel was going to be a part of this and I guess we kind of just proved it now that's cool oh gone I was gonna say drink it up all right we got one I don't know how many there are but I know there's not that many so hopefully we can knock out all of this oh link you look distracted what's wrong you didn't just see that I solved the mystery this whole time it was red herring did it ever turn out to be red herring in A Pup Named Scooby-Doo because I feel like you know they always accused him and that's what a red herring is the Geo Cliffs the literature the dragon's tears now a vision of a lost princess what if all these are connected or what if you're smoking that Hyrule herb all right let us continue to find geoglyphs they may contain further clues that lead to Princess Zelda you know according to the literature there is something to do with geographs and the Forgotten Temple so we have another Temple that's coming up which I think is the last Temple right let's find the dragon's tears let's make this Dragon cry and this next one is like all the way up in the mountains or something I can't see over here this is like right below me though I have to go in here oh wait this is the Forgotten Temple okay so whatever I have to do leads to here good to know I feel like this is gonna be the only one that's a pain in the ass because it's in the snow right now where is that puddle you're probably on a peak right would it be on the peak of peak since I'm playing Peak right now I consider that the utmost Peak oh here it is I wasn't seeing that until I got up close all right show me potato salad nice as I thought this is not the world I know yeah no definitely looks better now time's so far back in the past it's it's come Legend So it's true this is really the era of hyrule's founding your presence here is just as strange to us Zelda but if you like Sonia have a secret Stone and are able to manipulate time then your story makes sense I want to know how this is going to affect the timeline oh I believed her right away you needed the secret Stone as proof rauru I can feel your light power within her as well as my time power additionally I sense that we share a blood connection in any case Zelda you had said that you needed to return to your error as soon as you possibly could in my time something terrible is happening [Music] I need to get back there but how do I do that I don't even know how I got here in the first place you see you fell into a hole that turns out was a rip in the universe it's like you guys ever see that movie Palm Springs to Andy Samberg which is actually a pretty great movie it's one of those infinite time Loop situations you might have heard about that I might have heard about I'm sure an answer will come to you hey a while I wonder mineral she may have some idea of how to get you back to your era minaroo you said inaroo Miner who stupid and like us my older sister has a secret Stone all right so that's two tiers I think there's twelve I'm gonna return to the Forgotten Temple because I don't know if I was supposed to watch like a cut scene or something because on the map it's still a thing I'm just trying to check it out one more time maybe I have to examine something yeah just blow up the rocks didn't work oh wait hold up that wasn't even the entrance this is the entrance oh here's uh here's Kato Kato whatever his name is I'll link I'm so pleased that you've come here as well imagine I skipped all this we're gonna head deeper into the temple I don't really know how far in we have to go we gotta find impa though oh this Shrine here it's gonna make it so easy to come back oh nip is right there too perfect building blocks oh do we get Auto build here I know that's like the only thing that I'm missing maybe oh I get it yeah I can make it work I can fix her I like Puzzles like this these are fun easy all right it feels a lot like that Splatoon 3 puzzle I had to do only I had to destroy the blocks to make it fit and this one's just gonna right in there oh that's satisfying that is a satisfying fit I'm just telling me that still ain't right all right my brain just didn't want to solve this one even though I feel like I tried every single combination apparently it did not so uh that was fun I'll link thanks again for your help with the balloon I believe there is something related to the geoglyphs somewhere in this Temple don't worry I'll find it whatever the hell it is how far in do we have to go we have to do the entire Temple now whoa down here ah this must be where we have to go okay it's showing us all the geoglyphs now and the last one looks like the master sword is this where we pull the master sword lady input let's head down we must investigate up close piggybacking on my work they're upon the walls are those not geoglyphs yeah that's the one we saw that's the Reshiram in the wheelchair oh this is a map all right number three has got to be close to this Tower sorry Sky Islands not today oh there's one it's a Nintendo switch this one is like right here right here let's go investigate all right this one will be easy it's right here oh it turns out this tears people that are still crying about themes although we should have gotten more than just dark and light they really fumbled the bag there it is quite an interesting device it is but can it run crisis definitely not from this area actually it can run crisis that said I believe there may be a way to get the travel functionality working here I'd like to Tinker with it a bit would it be okay if I borrow it yes whatever you need I really appreciate your help then I'll hold on to it just give it back make sure you charge it so you really believe my story that I came from the future I never doubted you for a moment do you know of a way we could help to return Zelda back to her time I suspect it was the power of your secret stone that allowed you to travel through time ears are the key to time travel secret Stones amplify the power their owners possess I am able to separate my spirit from my body raru can repel or destroy evil with his power of light and Sonia she can control time as for you I can sense both light and time Powers a little light in time power cocktail secret Stone seems to amplify your time power ultimately the secret Stone only amplifies your power it doesn't suddenly Grant you Mastery and control that's still up to you that means if you don't already know how to get yourself home there are stories about the secret stones and a forbidden act called draconification to swallow a secret stone is to become an immortal Dragon You Gotta Eat the stones blessed with eternal life interesting another way to reach the future though not a very quick one so you think these stories could hint at a solution to our dilemmas like you pour the milk first do you pour the tears first but there is still more to those Tales to become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself that is why it is Forbidden Legend of Zelda like a dragon I thought maybe this could lead to a solution some way to transcend time mineral's voice actor sounds familiar you have to sacrifice your heart and mind sacrifice what makes you you I'm sorry I wish I could help more I mean that's uh at least we know like why where we started there's still hope I think the answer the answer to this problem lies in study and learning more about the nature of your power nerd I'm sure Sonia would be happy to help you he's let me figure this out but we have to study first let's hit the books okay all right so that's three down nine to go oh fortunately for me the next one was just right here under the sky island that I already had a shrine at this one uh kind of looks like the Needler gun from Halo oh this one is Ganondorf in it Ganondorf is jacked put this Ganondorf in Street Fighter I will bow down before me speaking I do love that they also cast Matt Mercer as a Ganondorf falling what is that what are those they're ugly it's more than we thought it's a sword Stones bill is here too many yo he's gonna do a tri-beam this is our Tien vodaf cell he could do that you could stop a bunch of worms [Music] my first time [Music] oh my yo what the that's so cool that blast wiped out all the molduga how is that possible he was all tri-beam gonna brought more worms so brute force will not be enough the secret Stone of the Sona how can you see that how interesting all right the next one is somewhere out in the Gerudo desert like I don't know out here or something I'll find you're probably gonna get real sweaty is there is there a shrine at the karakar bazaar and I just didn't do it I was here I must have like marked it off and I was like yeah I'll do that at some point and I just never did a sliding device we're gonna go sandboarding cool what if I just like you know rewound it I think that's the move here you think like this is just all I have to do you know what it probably was okay that is um it's quicksand what do they want me to do with this oh I see gotta make a Star Wars sand speeder all right now if I could just control the damn thing oh and we can get out of here oh there he is that's that's another Pokemon that one's a Groudon all right let's see uh how the story continues I actually like getting oh they're in church I'll show you my deepest apologies sorry I tried to invade you for taking so long to accept your repeated invitations it is our desire to be accepted into the protective Embrace of your kingdom to serve it Faithfully a welcome appeal Ganondorf I will accept your vow of fealty to the kingdom of Hyrule his eye on all the stones I understand that a single male is born to the Gerudo every 100 years that's probably gonna flip away such an appeal from you a hero to his people and a king by birth well it is truly reassuring it is my honor when your zonai ancestors first descended upon these lands long long ago they must have seemed to be gods and now you rule as king and have taken a hyrulean woman as your wife your majesty has certainly risen above your admirable lineage most impressive [Music] it is unfortunate that the noble zonai no longer graced this world with their presence what are you trying to say all except you and your sister that he's like and I'm about to eradicate The Zone I complete and if something were to happen to me both my kingdom and the peace it brings these will endure for generations to come you just took a weird turn he's like thanks for the invitation uh by the way your actions today are appreciated Ganondorf I look forward to your future endeavors you may leave your majesty by the way it's kind of weird how you were the only Zone I left I mean if something were to happen to you that would suck right I believe that man's heart holds many dark Ambitions yeah what gave that away just his name [Music] well aware of his evil nature for that reason and others I want him close it will be easier to keep an eye on him there is nothing to worry about okay nope nothing to worry about definitely won't become the Demon King all right there's a korok here free him from his Rock prison oh he's got a cool Autumn face and imp is here checking up on me well if it isn't link so you're investigating the geoglyphs too then how diligent of you oh that's it okay your watch look look over here look are you watching this I don't think she's watching oh now we're just flexing our time powers are you well you seem a bit distracted I apologize I keep getting lost in my thoughts thinking about how I can return home there's nothing even in the cup with your power over time if I were able to learn that kind of control I might be one step closer to my era the secret to think of it like drawing out the object's memory you ask the object where it was how it arrived where it is now and then you coax it back to that original Moment In Time drawing out the object's memory I'm sure it will become almost like second nature and you will be able to find your way home but Zelda there is more on your mind than just that huh you of course do want to get back to your time I don't know it's kind of nice here peaceful except for like trying to kill you guys right close to the truth how did you know oh [Laughter] I do not believe it is possible to keep anything secret from Sonia [Music] but listen you can focus your attention on returning home no no you're just trying to get rid of me after all you possess more than power over time you have a sacred power that can dispel evil both of these Powers will help you protect your own era and I have a feeling we're gonna need her back to take Ganondorf down and of course you must make it home safe to put Link's mind at ease link that is not a name I have heard finally somebody doesn't know who I am he had been originally appointed for my Protection hearing you speak so highly of Link I find myself wanting to meet him as well yeah I would also like to meet him he must be quite the brave courageous Knight what a picture Zelda paints of him speaking of which did you guys hear that apparently their green lighting a Legend of Zelda movie with illumination like it's actually happening so so long after IGN made that corny ass trailer for April Fool's Day and ever since I was like oh God I wish a Legend of Zelda movie was real all right I know where this one is because I've seen it before because it's just a sword oh here you are getting little tinglies in my hands looks like I'm so tired of watching movies so once back in like I don't know how to be like 2013 they were doing some kind of Pixar marathon in a movie theater and it was like watch four Pixar movies in a row and by the fourth movie I was just like I I didn't get out of here and like the last one I think was Wally no the last one was Ratatouille all right Zelda we are alone as Europe what was it you wanted to discuss with me in private oh there's tension trusting [Music] oh my I'm surprised to hear you say such a thing like well that's a shame I could stop time quite out of character for the Zelda I know but then you are a puppet of Ganondorf did you really think we hadn't realized your deceit ah there's a clone please be a yoga Clan member you take your makeup off at the end of a long day oh oh did he just like right in front of us okay so Ganondorf is here oh God he's doing the creepy laugh God I'm gonna see that in my nightmares it just it like happened out of nowhere and I couldn't stop it and now I can't unsee it that's a Metroid with a crown next time on Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom Queen Sonia is dead now it didn't look like you stabbed her it looks like he just gave her a good back shot finally it is mine [Applause] uh oh the batteries ran out oh that's evil power now oh it's growing kind of gross got like a heartbeat [Music] oh that Mercer really did a good job oh damn what's he doing [Music] oh yeah this is sick [Music] the Andrew is a pedicure though yo he's got the Akuma hair is this like his Super Saiyan 3 probably not he still got eyebrows I don't know if you ask me this is probably the most menacing we've ever seen Ganondorf you just summoned monsters with the flick of a wrist this is where they all came from [Music] Sonia get him to God like power you had in your hands do you now see the potential you Squad I really I want to see these two go at it right now she is merely the first victim of your arrogance you tried to control me Arrow and you will die knowing that you failed [Music] princess no throw hands get them or the Hooves throw hooves [Music] let's see yo let's go Delta's like hang on I got a street pass [Laughter] damn that was a good cutscene the story is just getting more and more intense so I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next all right where is this thing I am definitely high enough up is that it that is it that is that is the Millennium Falcon we just received word that the Lost free Village in the garudu desert has fallen uh oh this is winning the SE Army will overwhelm us this is going to be the uh the imprisoning War I understand we heard so much about our only hope is for me to defeat the demon king The Demon King he is not someone you can stop by yourself oh yeah watch this I heard four times that he did it by himself well not by himself he's like all right but I'll make the ultimate sacrifice you have the Gerudo Goron Zora and Rito leaders as well as Zelda and of course You Can Count On Me [Music] there's something I'd like to show you all show us his Pokemon card collection like what I'm not Trading oh these are the stones that he gives the uh Sages stand with me I need all your Aid all right everyone gets one and don't lose it because I don't have any extras [Music] oh this is the Forgotten Temple do I wonder if I have to collect the sages and I have to get Zelda and do something else and I have to go to the Forgotten Temple and stand on those stones seems like what this is alluding to we're getting close I only have three more left all right next one I'm gonna somehow make it over there all right time to start working smarter and not harder oh this is a steep one I mean it only makes sense for it to be at the top right the geoglyphs they like change it's kind of creepy it's got like the the wet part in the middle and like the drier edges like a freshly scraped knee there we go all right show us something cool we're coming up to this imprisoning war Sonia raru saying goodbye to his wife one last time because he knows what he must do before you face The Demon King tomorrow there is something I must tell you I came I came to this era after finding a man Underground when I witnessed what the secret Stone did to Ganondorf at that moment I know for sure what we found underground that was him now Zelda's talking about the skeleton that we found underground which is Ganondorf which we all knew continues to live on all the way until my time it was real crusty down there [Music] yeah he'll survive but yeah Zelda you see this is a Canon event so don't stop him from doing what he must do [Music] we've all seen across the spider-verse right maybe so but it is my duty to try it was my hubris that set us on this path I must atone from my error in judgment and above all else I remain the king of Hyrule as with any leader it is my duty to safeguard and protect me I like as a character even if at risk my life he's pretty badass and Noble and if it proves impossible for us to defeat Ganondorf we rely on your knight and that legendary sword he carries our last line of defense will be link honestly link is your only line of defense remember that was a future where you never appeared in this world you are here now Zelda I believe there is a reason you were sent to us it has to mean something [Music] say it say damn it Cliffhangers all right here we go two more and then uh we'll go pull that master sword oh wait I gotta visit uh a statue first and pray so I have to finish getting the rest of my uh my stamina Wheels the next one it's a it's a sword it's actually it's the master sword here's the korok so that means the thing's probably all the way at the top I do like that there's a korok in each one haha you found me yep bye now me and the boys the side quest boys just finished recording a very very hectic episode of four Swords so if you haven't checked us out over uh on side quest yet that's my group Channel that I talk about all the time and I'm very proud of it and we have a lot of fun and if you like content kind of like this but multiple people yelling at each other you should check us out especially if you like Zelda stuff because we're playing four Swords and uh four Swords is definitely more chaotic than I remember okay here's the next one and I think we have one more and uh apparently we're going to pull the master sword in what is the coolest way to pull the master sword oh wait there's a dragon here I'm debating if I do like just a filler episode of me just doing stuff before I go do all the final stuff maybe maybe we'll do some more searching through the depths and we'll fight some bleach we'll do a nice filler episode he managed to restrain him somehow do we not get to see the fight [Music] what do you think I'm not sure you'll be able to stop him oh thanks for the vote of confidence watch this it's like that Meme where it's just like a picture of Super Saiyan 3 Goku and it's like you're nuanced writing and logic watch this all right is that uh what is that just a little blowing orb gonna power up your time Stone touch it oh learning how to reverse time are we [Music] there it is that's how it got there or well it was taken away from me but Zelda has it oh the master sword [Music] you're telling me that link is safe [Music] you traveled through time to find me and recover your strength [Music] Zelda I believe there is a reason you were sent to us it has to mean something [Music] what does it mean this is building up to something hype and I have avoided spoilers something only I can do we will finally stop him [Applause] [Music] to become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself become an immortal dragon is held to become a dragon forever changed what is about to happen they are dragon's tears you must find me we're almost there I'm coming I'm coming for you one to go what's that is that Zelda or she riding it like oh my God it's stuck in his head I'm about to pull the master sword out of a goddamn dragon [Music] okay so that must be the 12th geoglyph that I have to go to all right before we go there I want to make sure I have enough stamina because I ain't trying to fall off no dragon give me that stamina vessel uh please Mrs statue thank you I think I need one more yeah we need one more good thing I've been grinding shrines enshrined in no all right I'm getting hyped we gotta go over there that's it little pixel right there on the the head that's it how did the sword get in the dragon's head anyway man I hope I don't have to fight anything when I get up there because I have no Hearts no food was that Shrine always there I don't think I need to do the shrine oh I don't all right here we go this puddle is not like any other puddle this puddle will set us free oh wait is that the temple that that's the Temple of Time that floated up into the sky was that the sword that seals the darkness the blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me the sword will continue to gain strength if bathed in sacred power did I not see the Deku Tree the more powerful this comes after all you possess more than power over time it's that one can dispel evil I didn't get every single memory but I got all the geoglyphs come in a mortal dragon one blessed with eternal life I'm counting on you [Music] here would you like to try out the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom I'm in the game what's what's happened to the sword I will restore the master sword for you I will pour my sacred power into it it will be the weapon that defeats the Demon King it's got chills she's gonna use the stone on it to become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself this is your calling you must you must become Dragon Zelda she ate it that's not gonna Digest like these Edibles ain't [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is sick protect them all oh [Music] has she been up there this entire time oh I feel like if you jumped on this Dragon you might have just stumbled upon the master sword at some point because this Dragon didn't just spawn now I've passed by this thing like a couple times that's gonna be a Nutty way to find it you're just like running around the map and you just end up on like the dragon's head and you're like oh that's the master sword and she's just been flying around since the beginning of Hyrule right now the question is how the hell am I getting up there I'm gonna just jump off like this sky island and hope I make it all right link time to begin your final descent oh I see you I we we could probably reach that come on no no no no no link now it's time for your final descent where the hell did the dragon go I marked it but I don't think it's there oh my God does this thing leave it loops around Hyrule doesn't it so it's funny that I saw the memory of the Deku Tree because I was like huh I didn't do that and it turns out that one's probably the most important because doing that Quest gives you like a Tracker to know where this goddamn light dragon is they don't tell you that I gotta run around the dark because I don't think I have any light up fruits like what am I doing I gotta go over there I gotta Ascend and I gotta get the hell out of here it says korok Grove my God I thought that said Cora grave for a second I was gonna say no one tortures and kills these Clorox but me all right we made it surprisingly now I should be right in the middle of Hyrule Forest so I can actually probably Ascend out of here right we can we can send out of here right okay this isn't what I need to ascend from where's the where's the pillar oh wait wait this is where I have to go found it walking around blindly in the dark paid off all right we out of here not spending another second in this God forsaken hell hole now we should be in the middle of the forest we made it and there's our old boy how you doing Mr tree long time no see oh my tummy hurts please get me a Tums I'm gonna go inside you and fix it don't worry if this isn't your tummy is it all right ooh gross all right here we go whoa don't don't hit the wall [Music] s I'm gonna go back into the depths this is different though to help an old friend oh me uh I don't think so I don't think so yeah I'm getting my revenge die die oh my god did I kill it I killed it Phantom Ganon what uh okay wow okay I don't really have much of anything at all but what I can tell you is this I am going to beat ganon's ass with a mop okay my mop is broken he moves kind of slow well you know what I probably can do I can throw stuff at him and throw it let's throw a shock through that didn't really do much of anything damn keep forgetting to take out my shield oh God he's like he's glooming all over the place all right he really does two things he charges at you in swings and then he uh does like a spinny attack come on just die die ow okay you're gonna die though for real all right your tummy's all better now wow the power of Tums sure is strong and fast acting too oh my tummy feels all better I must apologize I'm still quite groggy thank you for getting rid of that better out than in I always say Have You Been by the way it's been a while last time we spoke that was when you were here with the princess to retrieve the master sword yeah so about that I kind of need to do that again sword would seem that you no longer wield it where is it gone I just gave it to you you lost it again hang on I'll track it for you here it is oh it seems it's moving all right the Light Dragons right here we're gonna cut it off I know exactly where you are because I back traced it you done goofed all right we made it Mount this dragon and uh where's the sword oh it's like right in the middle of your skull all right here we go come on link come on Yank It Out nope sorry if it's gonna hurt a little bit I guess yeah this is why you need the stamina because you gotta hang in there I'm sorry Zelda this is gonna hurt me a lot more than it hurts you come on pull it out [Music] yeah oh that feels better that might have been the coolest way in the history of the franchise to pull the master sword uh did I not take it out still oh it's Tangled Up in the hair we might have to cut it out dude this is so cool one final yank oh just got chills it's back pretty clean too not an ounce of blood [Music] link uh yeah the master sword your sword she's the key to destroying the Demon King she the master sword is Sandy I'm well yeah I guess if we count by a long Slumber will heal these Grievous wounds and when you two next place The Demon King you will have my strength to help you through her link I pray thought reaches you in the future it just shouts like down from the head of the Dragon he's like I got it so my question is what happens to Zelda now I mean we're probably gonna get an answer to that but does she just continue to fly around they did say you know once you become a dragon's no turning back You Lose Yourself next to the ride I was like I'm gonna go do dragon stuff and now we have the master sword which means it's time to go kick ganon's ass we'll see you next time oh
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 198,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choctopus, tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom all cutscenes, tears of the kingdom all bosses, tears of the kingdom all abilities, tears of the kingdom amiibo, tears of the kingdom amiibo rewards, tears of the kingdom amiibo unlocks, tears of the kingdom all korok seeds, tears of the kingdom all korok seeds reward, tears of the kingdom full game, tears of the kingdom full playthrough, zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom speedrun
Id: gEkXNzc5J8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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