Flying around Hyrule but I CAN'T TOUCH GROUND

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I have a dream to be the first person to circumnavigate Hyrule in an aircraft but I have decided to turn this into a challenge and I have to follow a set of basic rules rule number one once I take off from the ground and start my journey my aircraft is not allowed to touch the ground at any point and if this does happen I fail rule number two I have to fly a designated route and if any point I'll go off track I will also fail the route will consist of the nine outer Skyview Towers the starting point will be Lookout Landing and from there I will follow this path through each region staying on the right hand side of each Skyview Tower going in a counterclockwise rotation around the map although there is one obstacle that is a requirement that I have to pass through which is the lightning storm above the Faron region once I'm through that I will make my way to the intersection point for the full complete circumnavigation which is the upper zoranian Skyview Tower then I must finally land safely back at Lookout Landing to fully complete the journey in order to start building an aircraft capable of making this journey possible I need materials but I have a problem I currently have a shortage of zonai components required to create test aircrafts and the only way to get more is to hunt down and Destroy many constructs for their charges when it comes to playing games I have integrity so 30 hours grinding nope foreign materials this is where we run into a massive problem no it is not my mental state that will be an issue later the problem is how in the world am I going to develop an aircraft capable of flying all the way around Hyrule without touching the ground honestly the easy part is making the actual aircraft as I can only use fans to create the aircraft because all the other zonai components they disappear after a period of time and as far as I know fans say just don't disappear so I started out with a few different designs and did some testing but I ultimately settled on a fairly simple aircraft I used a Zone icart 2 wood 4x4s for Symmetry and eight fans two for forward propulsion and six for Lift now comes the hard part trying to figure out how to have enough energy to fly around Hyrule I first started with a single small battery to see how long the aircraft would stay airborne and this was laughable it lasted the better part of 5 Seconds but I wasn't gonna give up so easily this is what I remembered that I picked up a big battery and a chest somewhere during my travels around Hyrule and this very well could be the solution to my problem so I did a quick test with just the big battery and the results let me tell you they were much better than I ever expected the big battery lasts almost 18 times longer than a small battery coming in at one minute 30 seconds of flight time and things they're starting to look up as my dream is becoming more plausible by the minute wrong this is what I would be saying if I could actually find a dispenser for these big batteries so now we run into another problem that puts my whole entire dream of circumnavigating Hyrule at a standstill no matter where I looked I could not find another big battery at this point I was desperate it and what do you do when you get desperate well the only solution is to find a sketchy online form after some short searching and a virus later I finally found my answer you can buy big batteries from forged constructs although there's a precondition you need maxed out energy cells and unfortunately for me I only have two of the eight which means if I do my math right I'm going to need 300 crystallized charges times six which would come out to 1800 crystallized charges there is no way I could physically achieve that in a short amount of time so that was entirely out of the question but with a bit more digging apparently level 3 flux constructs drop big batteries so I went and tested this Theory and to my amazement it dropped two big batteries on the first try I was ecstatic finally I have what I need and it was time to do a final test run to see if this challenge is possible so I pulled that two big batteries and fuse them together this will also save them in Auto build so now all I have to do is go in and select that fuse battery I just made in Auto build and oh my God is this expensive are you kidding me 200 200 zoneite for that this uh good thing I prepared for this earlier [Music] so after building a few of those batteries and making myself bankrupt I managed to fit nine on the main deck before all my few slots were taken up and with that it was time for one final test flight [Music] [Music] [Music] now my goal is to see how far I can make it with just the big batteries alone most of the test was uneventful other than getting swarmed by some Barracuda although I almost had a date with death on the Zora Ridgeline out of nowhere a deranged Sky debris came inches from taking out my aircraft making it almost slap to the ground okay maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration it was a few feet from crushing me but note to self avoid them like the plague for the final run finally the last battery gave out at Terrytown which I thought was a huge success but this is still nowhere near completing the full Journey now you might be questioning how are you going to complete the rest of the journey without touching the ground because there's no way you can attach more batteries midair well this took me a while to figure out myself and honestly I couldn't believe I didn't think of this sooner let me tell you a little bit about large zonai charges these bad boys they are the ticket to my success if I use just a single one it gives me around 20 seconds of flight time so hopefully this will be enough to make my journey successful and with that it was time for the final run to make sure I did not cheat at all during this challenge I live stream the whole entire journey to my Discord Channel I auto built an aircraft and attached eight batteries instead of nine this time so the aircraft didn't struggle to take off the ground I'd calculated that eight big batteries should be just enough to at least get me to Terry town before I had to start using large Zone charges I did my final flight check and it was time for liftoff the first leg of Zora's domain was underway although one minute in and already I came very close to losing this challenge Oh my days okay I need some good karma right now if I get hit by one of those it's over yet again a deranged Sky debris fell directly in front of me I had a feeling the sky debris it was just out to get me for whatever reason as if it had some sort of weird Vendetta against me I could just feel its murderous intent I didn't understand it this was the second time and it probably won't be the last time this happens as I continued forward one of my Discord members Neptune pointed something out that terrified me something I had miscalculated oh no don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't tell me that please when I designed my aircraft I made one fatal design flaw I used wood 4x4s which at the time I thought was an easy fix to a very big issue I was having when building my craft which was symmetry but I overlooked something that should have been blatantly obvious what happens to Wood when it gets very hot well it shouldn't take an aerospace engineer to figure this one out it burns and what is directly in my path a super hot volcanic region that makes wood spontaneously combust this is not what I wanted to hear at all because the next leg after Tarrytown was Death Mountain I could not believe I made such an easily fixed mistake I could have stopped this challenge right here and now and made some quick modifications but I was way too hard-headed to stop now especially after using a pile of materials especially zonite so the only thing I could hope for now was gaining enough altitude to bypass the extreme heat of this region and after about 12 minutes I finally reached Terrytown and just like had previously calculated my last big battery disappeared and it was finally time to start using the large zonai charges at this point I was increasing my altitude in hopes to not burn up in a blazing ball of fire I swung around the acola Skyview Tower and it was time to start heading for Death Mountain to say I was nervous would be an understatement I did not want this challenge to fail so early on and as I made my way deeper and deeper into the region nothing happened I later found out that I was worried about nothing because this region is no longer active and Neptune was trolling me and with that the first major milestone in my journey to circumnavigate Hyrule was complete and the next few minutes they were uneventful I made my way closer to the Thai flow ruined Skyview Tower which was the next checkpoint and I went right past it no issues now it was time to head straight for the cold Heber region but as I was making my way into the region something a bit unexpected happened the gravity it just changed out of nowhere and I was now ascending at a rapid rate unable to move forward this scared me is I did not know if I was going to stop or keep going thankfully it did stop and I was able to continue forward and although there was actually a good thing that came out of me gaining this much altitude I should now be high enough that deranged Sky debris should not be an issue and the rest of my journey should be pretty much smooth sailing also I want to say one thing using large zonai charges was working like a dream and pretty energy efficient at that even more so than small batteries I was happily enjoying my time chatting with my Discord members I even jokingly suggested that maybe I should fly past the king glioc that I found in my own time but ultimately I was not willing to do something so stupid when I was already this far into the journey I continued on and passed both of the towers in the Hebrew region I did fly near that gliague but not close enough for it to spot me thankfully but I was not ready for what happened next just as I was getting lined up to make the long flight for the gruda highlands the unthinkable happened signaling the demise that was about to ensue oh no no no no no you you're joking right now right you are you are actually I bet you could only imagine just how devastated I was I thought I had a perfectly calculated run but my biggest fear had come true I was a failure a game mechanic 30 minutes in brought the dream of this challenge to its knees I was now starting to question if this was even possible anymore foreign with this run considered a failure I was still not willing to give up I made it this far so I might as well complete the circumnavigation even if I did fail the challenge I auto built a new aircraft and made my way back up into the skies above continuing for the grudo highlands determined to at least complete my dream forging my path ahead I arrived at the desert flying by both Skyview Towers and making my way down past the Lomi Labyrinth now I was flying straight for what was supposed to be the hardest part of the journey the eye of the storm and the Faron region although I did realize something I was a bit too high up to actually fly through the storm instead if I would have stayed on the same trajectory I would have flown right over the top of it so in my Infinite Wisdom I had come up with a technique to lose altitude very fast by pressing B on the controller while still on the aircraft this would allow link to fall with the craft and then recontrol it once enough altitude was lost this was an ingenious strategy that I had tested out multiple times but this time I made a massive mistake when I let go I was still pushing forward on the joystick and ran right off the edge of the aircraft this was the lowest of lows and in my head there was no way anything could get worse from this point forward I made my way down to the aircraft to take off once again and hopefully continue the rest of my journey and just when I thought nothing else could go wrong this happens [Music] what what oh no oh no this is bad this is [Music] oh my God that just did not happen that did not just happened at this point the game it was trying to break my spirits as if I hadn't already failed enough oh and the cherry on top my moderator Craig he was just straight up flaming me in Discord chat if anybody is wondering I am now looking for a new moderator so on a spiteful rage I was bound and determined to destroy the Lionel that had stolen my last bit of Hope only to get slapped around like a toddler with no gaming skills as I quietly raged myself I remembered one foolproof way to always defeat a Lionel flurry rush until you win and with a successful dispatch it was finally time to go find some building materials and make a new aircraft to complete the circumnavigation once back up in the air I backtracked a little ways to where my aircraft had fallen before and I started to gain altitude to fly directly into the storm at this point I was running fully on hopium trying not to lose my faith foreign Into the Storm I went with the goal of at least making it to the other side and my amazement I was not struck down by a bolt of lightning and made it safely through not even a scratch other than my pride in dwindling mental state finally things were maybe starting to look up because all I have to do now is fly around the last three towers in order to complete this long journey and head back to Lookout Landing the last League was finally underway and without any issues at all I went around the first Tower and then the second tower on top of Mount laneru and finally the last Tower in zoro's domain the end was in sight with only five minutes left to go until I reached Lookout Landing Once I arrived in the airspace above I plummeted down into the middle of the Central Square completing the circumnavigation but failing this challenge entirely and we've finally finally made it to look out Landing after after the the pain and suffering I was really disheartened at this point yeah yippee let's go this yippee it was not the sound of success but the sound of utter failure this was not a joyful moment for me but a feeling of relief that this nightmare was finally over my perfectly calculated run was no more than a mere disaster that sucked out all of my emotions leaving this blank husk although I guess I cannot consider it a total failure as I did become the first person to circumnavigate Hyrule in an aircraft Amelia Earhart Style [Music] although Emilia Earhart didn't come back [Music] [Music]
Channel: Teejaytrisket
Views: 575,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, tearsofthekingdom, challenge
Id: qKxlEdn43D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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