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today we learn what it's like to drive a car that's made out of jelly [Music] hello everybody I'm Kyle McKeon and welcome to jelly car worlds where we're in a world where our car is literally made out of jelly it's super squishy it can get through all kinds of weird obstacles and it seems awesome I've completed the tutorial and now we're moving on to the first like real level we must find the stop sign and as you can see I'm very squishy oh gosh I'm gonna get squeezed through this thing [Music] I'm flying I'm a flying jelly car who just smashed my face into a wall I just fine that's totally fine from what I understand uh you can fully customize your car I think you can even add your own sound effects to the the game which seems hilariously awesome I'm gonna climb up here okay yeah yeah no I get it I got you this is this is ridiculous I'm so bouncy boy I love it something about that just doesn't seem right though squishing a car like that but hey we beat the level let's continue car setup what oh I see okay so we can unlock different car shapes it's great and as you can see we can customize our car here there's obviously more things that you can unlock but like I love the idea of having us very scared face on a car that is going to smash into a lot of walls I can also give myself a green wheel I could oh I could give myself a jelly car wheel okay I like that can I have an antenna yes and then my rear tire can be a star because he's the star of the show and then we can go into the sound customizer and you can actually record your own noises for the car what how's this work let's see if this works vroom vroom vroom I'm in the game okay so that is now the sound of our normal car engine now we have to make a car engine going fast vroom that was beautiful [Music] all right all right all right oh this is so dumb I love it car impact small and then car impact large be like oh all right all right I think that's good and then we'll just use the defaults for everything else and just see how stupid this sounds oh this makes me very happy all right all right all right we gotta get to the next level oof interlevel all right here we go vroom how do I do this oh I need to knock this thing down I don't even need to do the commentary anymore I'll just let the car do it for me all right here we go here we go gotta knock over these these sections and then I think I can use this as like a ramp now right yeah what is this thing reach in world 1 to activate I don't I don't know what that means but I guess we'll we'll find out soon enough for now we'll just squeeze this little this giant ball into this section I gotta get back up come on come on there you go there you go all right smash into this we gotta knock this down there we go we did it and there's our stop side there's there's the end of the level this is amazing ow Next Level please more let's go what is this thing is this a like a moving platform wait what what do I need to do with this oh oh okay I I guess I understand so I'm using this as an elevator but it's only active it's only activated when I'm actually on it so that's gonna be kind of tricky I imagine some puzzles are gonna get kind of crazy and apparently it's published by Disney who would have thought okay okay I got I gotta hit the button the button okay there you go jump you did it oof nope stop wait for your moment what are these purple squares you think I gotta collect all these I got a purple Square there was another one on the other side yeah okay what am I gonna do with these three purple squares also what is this why is there an arrow over here now I need to know what this arrow is for where I'm going all the way back aren't I I'm not supposed to do this yeah I I messed that up all right fine I just get to redo this it's not that big of a deal it's actually kind of fun and I might get to hear myself go ow here we go ow oh no okay so I have my three purple squares no idea what they're for but I'm just gonna keep moving forward and okay there you go do I get to keep the purple squares do you think they're like currency of some kind or something I don't I don't know maybe let's just move on to the next level let's do this okay this this seems pretty straightforward I can handle this can I handle this yes again I have another purple square that I don't know what to do with I think I can squeeze through here okay I can let's get the purple Square there you go oh come on buddy come on there you go sheesh these obstacles are definitely getting a little trickier okay now I need to reverse I'll go back up this way and then we go forward we got this figured out look at us solving weird jelly car puzzles oh well this wasn't so bad I get the there you go level 1-5 complete I bet these levels are gonna get real real hard though like this is only the beginning so we're definitely gonna see some some crazy stuff as we progress is this what is this n yeah oh I it's one of those button things that we need to press but we probably have to beat this level in order to like activate it or something I'm about to get squished aren't I oh gosh oh this seems uncomfortable all right I mean in a world where everything is made out of jelly is pretty sweet because it's really hard to get hurt what is this oh you're gonna launch me up okay this is awesome I love these little launch pads wait no I want to go backwards because I did see a launch pad over there and I think there might be like some Secrets over there oh no I couldn't make it you think I can make that you think if we we get our momentum going the right way we can we can get up there maybe if I go up here first oh my gosh that's a really hard jump and then maybe oh it's so close oh gosh I'm gonna fall again maybe I um I don't know maybe I can't do this yet because I haven't unlocked whatever that thing is over there no no okay let's see if we can make this happen there you go no not quite that kind of hurt I thought we were gonna we were gonna make that no we're not gonna make that that is a hard jump to make okay I at least need to just get up here there you go you got this whoo maybe we can fall back down and get it I don't know let's just let's just beat the level for now we can always come back for Secrets later oh yeah there you go we we open the the passage okay continuing on we're getting launched I like how you're introduced to new like obstacles in the level and then in the Overworld in the like after you beat that level you get to experience that obstacle because like you understand it I'm giving it way more meaning than it needs to have I'm literally a car that's made out of jelly what am I talking about that was awesome what is this what what I'm I'm worried that this thing's gonna flip the other way oh okay okay okay okay okay I understand I need to get out of it and then I need to get to the next one and then move on to the next one do you think I can get up there uh we probably do go up there but we probably have to like yeah yeah we have to we have to survive this section wait wait wait I want to stay and then I want to drop down look at me I'm so smart not really but I like to think that I am okay this this is not a great situation please just squeeze through there you go there you go yeah see you got this vroom how am I supposed to get through this okay you just gotta take your time sometimes it's just a matter of waiting for your moment I do see a purple Square down there and I'm gonna get it there you go I got it you think I can get back on top of this thing I would like to just oh come on I think we can I think we can do this oh maybe if I just line it up it'd probably be better for me to just start this section over yeah all right I was really trying to make that work I did not make it work level complete and we got the one little purple square is that good no idea on to the next level go here it is our next set of obstacles what do you got for me game what do you got bring it on I'm not scared I mean why would I be scared everything is just so soft in this world and so squishy there's no risk of ever breaking bones because nothing has bones it's just jelly oh gosh what am I oh I oh okay I see so I basically just have to ride this thing all the way to the top and then I have to hopefully time it so that I can land right on top of the stop sign look at that skill hey I just got a challenge completed tweet oh so the next level seems to be some kind of boss level it's a skull I'm scared oh this is the thing that we wanted to unlock what I can now blow up my car that's amazing so now you can use that ability and go back to previous levels and get things that we couldn't get before but I want to see more of the game I'm also about to battle with a stop sign I love this art yeah get them well done okay so now we have the the ability to inflate ourselves which is gonna make the puzzles a lot more complicated but also very cool let's do this okay was that the right thing to do I I really don't know but I did it and I'm going into 2-1 find the stop sign so it is worth noting though that we can't use the inflate ability unless we actually pick it up so that's what this thing is and then we can inflate ourselves and then we can deflate ourselves I love it and we'll use it again to get up here and then we get a refill okay we gotta save it though I think I might have to use my inflate to get past this this spinning wheel yeah so we've learned something being bigger means that we have like more power basically I I like that and then we can get up here get it get it yes beautiful I mean you have bigger wheels so you have like more traction that makes sense wait for your moment don't get squished just wait I guess there's really no risk of actually like losing but at the same time that just is uncomfortable which way should I go I'm going up although I kind of want to know what's down because like no there's nothing down there okay ow ow really uncomfortable yeah I need to go big wheel I need I need the power of my big wheel there we go you did it oh man also this level is way longer than any level that we had on the first world it's kind of crazy definitely ramping up the difficulty and I like it to the next level get up there okay this is not going well I gotta time my my driving a little bit better there you go don't fall 2-2 let's go what is happening oh I need to go faster I'm not going fast enough no just barely whew up got my next elevator thank you next elevator please I I want to see what's over here so I'm just I'm gonna eat myself off the side because I saw that there was something up here is that you think I can get up there I think I can I think I can I believe I believe no I'm not gonna be able to get up there I want the green yield sign how am I gonna do this I just gotta ah there's one of those hidden in every level and that's the first one we found okay that's kind of awesome let's play again and let's play through this level oh gosh ow no let's start over you gotta wait there we go okay we're gonna make it we're gonna be fine everything's gonna be fine everything is not fine I'm about to get squished okay just ride the elevators to the top ow get in there okay get eaten by the Pac-Man oh I need to go back but then I want the purple Square I want the purple Square how am I gonna get that purple okay you know what forget the purple Square I don't want it anymore get me through this nightmare oh my gosh okay wait for the stop sign wait for your moment there you go you got this whoo and I got an achievement sweet elevator time take me to the next level all right here we go Gears of pain oh my gosh This is Gonna Hurt oh goodness all right do I do I need to go big mode I think I have to go big mode all right let's go oh oh everything hurts gosh and then I think I need to go big mode again to get up this there you go and then maybe I'll shrink myself down I guess it didn't really matter it just seems like it hurts a lot more when I'm in big mode and I'm getting squeezed through these things gosh everything hurts oh that's awesome but also very painful to watch okay I'm going big go big or go home that's what I've always said let me through let me through let me through you're not gonna let me through I gotta I gotta shrink down yeah yeah okay no I got this figured out that one hurt what is this what are these pink squares I guess I'm about to find out oh good they're yeah it's trapdoor of course it is of course it's a trapdoor oh okay okay Maybe I'll take that got the secret exit Next Level the gears all right I'm fine there's a lot of colorful Wheels bring it on what oh I use my inflate to knock the ball yes I love it all right all right so that's gonna fall down I don't know where it's gonna go oh I was supposed to get on top of it you dummy hey at least I got purple Square okay take me back a little elevator ride don't mind if I do thank you all right let's try this again here we go I I should go big I should go big oh I should have gone big sooner okay nope I'm good totally how I how I plan that out I think I just get squeezed through oh my gosh yep wow that was the play no this is not the play oh gosh oh no I died so you can actually lose all right let's do this oh that was not ideal okay I'm gonna squeeze myself through here although I do know and recognize that it seems like there's another like path okay there you go there you go oh you know what I think this is what we need in order to make that that path doable gotta knock the ball into some kind of spot that allows me to bridge the gap Maybe yes yes we figured it out okay what is that thing that's something that we unlock later okay fair enough give me the stop sign and get me out of here that level was definitely tougher than previous ones up the magical wheel ride I love it rainbow Wheels what's next oh oh you're showing me how to like use the little Pebbles to launch myself in the air okay okay I understand yep do it again yep and then you wait and then you do it again beautiful well executed you think I can get up there I think I gotta go big mode there you go okay yep no no oh gosh okay yep let me let me through no I need to be small yes okay wait wait wait wait wait just just wait just just slowly back up look at that look at that well done well done there you go nice and easy all right into the sea now what oh I go big yes this is my elevator where are you taking me though where do I need to go I don't really fully understand I don't think I was supposed to go this way I definitely was not supposed to go this way this way it's so confusing I love it though all right we gotta use the pebble jump there you go okay now we gotta do it in reverse well done look at that okay just do what you've been doing you got this you got this I would love to see speed runs of this game I bet they're insane watching people were like really good at this game they're probably so good all right through the gears of pain thank you yes this is fun this is nice just a nice leisurely stroll oof oof oof diamonds okay they don't seem too difficult to get around this seems slightly more difficult but we survived and then we're gonna get launched okay we gotta go big we gotta go big get the big there you go do you think I can just get over this as a small car nope I gotta go big all right fair enough now what what oh you know what okay we're gonna squeeze ourselves in there by going big there you go I love it oh this is a trap door isn't it no it's gonna take me up wait no there's there's purple squares I need the purple squares oh I can't do that okay so we'll just ride this up and then I bet we need to go big to get squeezed through and what is that thing what is that I gotta know what that is we gotta try and get that okay no chill chill come on we had that no I don't want to be up here I want to go back down oh come on man so close can it be done I'm certainly gonna try oh I messed it up I shouldn't have gone big dang it there we go I don't know what this thing is but man I worked very hard to get it all right let's get out of here I've been here way too long starting to lose my mind thank you you got new stuff for your car it was totally worth it look now I can have triangle Wheels yeah I love it also I can draw my own designs for cars what look at all this stuff I'm gonna try to draw like a a extremely scared face it is completed you can't even see the whole mouth because they're covered by the wheels and I love it it is my design and also my voice what is this gonna do oh it's gonna reverse the track okay okay that's oh you know what no actually if I can get over this box I can just use the box as the thing that's pressing the button there you go all right take me to the top beautiful ow the owl from the car was just perfect timing all right how do I do this I gotta press this button up here oh no oh I see okay there's a button down here and this should send this box down my way but then what then I gotta go get the box am I pushing oh yeah yeah I'm pushing the Box through here so that it gets squeezed down where I was yes okay and then I push it onto the button so that I can get past the blue elevator that's over there holy moly it's quite complicated okay can I can I use this to get out of here let me out yes you're gonna let me out thank you goodbye I'm out of here up the tracks whoa whoa oh I need to get I need to get my wheels on the okay I understand this is like wall jumping for cars oh my gosh this is so complicated for my brain I can do this go yes yes there you go poof this game's awesome all right one more level and then we have the boss I guess is this I feel like I'm going into like a mine or something oh gosh okay we'll open the door and then you just need to go fast enough to get oh I'm fine whoa did you guys see that it was like a a desert or something I don't know maybe it's a portal to another world who knows okay I see what I need to do so I have to block this in order to activate this button okay that's that's a clever little thing that we gotta figure out and I think I no I need to get on top of this yeah you're almost there there you go there you go okay and then I just need to go for it no that's not right oh I need to push the ball maybe yes yes I don't know about this it's like I need to get the ball perfectly situated there you go there you go oh man that was tricky oh I'm about to get squished please don't thank you for not getting squished I'm still gonna get squished I don't like it here please don't squish me we gotta squeeze ourselves through here we gotta go faster I'm pretty sure if that thing gets us it will end the level and our lives but we survived that was awesome that was a really cool level and we're officially at the end of world two we get balloon power what incredible can I control it I can't really control it I just kind of float the way that I'm going okay so I need to get some momentum going backwards and then well that was too much momentum there we go maybe no oh there you go okay boom level two completed ah being a jelly car super awesome
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,355,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, jelly car, jelly car game, jelly car gameplay, mobile game, weird mobile game, silly mobile game, funny mobile game, jelly car max level, car crash game, car race game, car game
Id: NvRk1PyN5Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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