The RTX 4070 Ti SUPER is DESTROYED by Cyberpunk 2077!

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hello welcome to the video I'm going to be testing cyber punk out on my 4070 TI super I'm going to be doing it at 4K so we've got that set here we do obviously have 16 gav now so hopefully it should run a little bit better at 4K I'm going to set it to the ray tracing overdrive preset at first then I'm going to also set the LSS up scaling to Quality we've got Ray construction on frame generation on so that's the LSS 3.5 path tracing is on uh I'm going to switch depth field off and motion blur off and then Graphics wise the preset is maxed out so every setting is maxed out apart from screen space Reflections here is just set to ultra instead so uh let's have a look at that okay so it's looking like we're getting about 40 to 50 by the looks of it in that kind of range definitely going to be some dips down into the 30s obviously we're looking here at like a 5 to 10% increase from the 4070 TI 12 gig model I know Nvidia said it was more like 15 but it's definitely closer to 5 to 10 especially in this game with these settings I think on average I think we were looking at maybe like a 35 in this area maybe slightly lower on the 470 TI 12 gig so on the average here that's like 5 to 10% VR is looking okay it's crept up a little bit still under 16 gig obviously we're at 14 here I'd expect to see that creep up a little bit the longer we play uh obviously that's another thing that separates it here between the 4070 TI 12 gig model as well is that would' be way over that vram limit here at 4K that would uh We've obviously have tried that before and the vram does become a big problem I'm seeing a little bit of ghosting still look at this car here behind the car still getting that ghosting issue even with Ray Rec construction on here looks nice though Reflections wise in the road here looks really nice GPU power wise as well doesn't look too bad 240 we're at so round about that it's pretty efficient here's the perfect example of the range of FPS that you'll get in this bit here we're between 50 and 60 and then if we go closer into the city like as soon as we turn the car around here and it's going to get down into the 30s like as soon as we enter in here down to 38 37 36 so you're looking at an overall range of between about 35 and 60 really for the most part depending on where you are land a yeah it's definitely not as definitely not as responsive that's for sure even the frame R is dropping another a little bit 32 here exchanging down I'll also demonstrate here the issue with the GPU usage so it seems like an issue with Ray Rec construction and frame generation on at the same time so if I'm to switch frame generation off here you'll see that the uh the GP usage should be back up to 99% kind of fluctuate between 95 and 99 but it's still mostly maxed out as you can see they're 98 99% so definitely seems like an issue there between having those both on at the same time right so I'm now going to see if we can get any sort of playable frame rate so I've dropped down to dlss Performance still at 4K and we've still got everything maxed out with path tracing so we'll kind of see what kind of FPS we can get with that should be roughly above 60 which it looks like we are between you're looking at a range between I'd say maybe 60 and 80 depending on where you are with even some dips below 60 I would guess in some areas in this game looking at maybe 55 60 at is kind of lowest you're probably going to have to drop it to ultra performance I think if you want to stay permanently above 60 with no drops underneath look at knock our vram is down as well prob about a gig or two from when we had it at quality but it's pretty much doubled our FPS from dlss quality by the looks of it we're closer to the 30 35 I I'm now going to take a look at 4K native so I've switched off the LSS upscaling frame Generations off we've still got path tracing on and then graphic settings are just still set to ultra uh which is the equivalent of the ra tracing overdrive preset that we had before FPS here obviously is not going to be particularly good but I thought I'd just take a look at it anyway without any upscaling and stuff we're getting like what 12 13 FPS yeah really not not not not great is actually a little better than I thought I thought it'd be be like 5 FPS or less I'm now going to take a look with Ray tracing and path tracing off so we've got that switched off here uh I'm still at 4K native so there's no dlss upscaling or anything uh and settings wise we've got everything set to either the higher Ultra here uh so we see the frame rate of that it should hopefully be it's still a very very tough game to run here so 30 35 between there it's obviously a lot better than path tracing you know it's somewhat playable at 30 to 40 FPS you know you could probably push out 60 if you just Dro some of the settings I imagine could definitely room for some optimization of settings there now imagine if we put on something like uh dlss quality can we push 60 FPS might be just under oh bang on oh slightly under 57 55 57 but this easily playable like this if you wanted to maintain quality without dropping the dlss preset any lower you could play like this 50 to 60 I'm now going to take a look at 1440p so we've got that set here um we've got dlss upscaling set to Quality R Construction on frame generation on we still got path tracing on and everything maxed out so the same as what we had when we first tested 4K and it's looking like we're getting about almost 90 FPS there between like 80 and 90 FPS so you're looking at over double the frame rate from the same settings at 4K we had about 35 to 45 five so pretty much double which obviously makes this pretty playable at 1440p I definitely think like I was saying earlier I think this card's somewhere between 1440p and 4K still it's going to struggle in brand new games at 4K especially with Technologies like raid tracing and path tracing uh but then older games I think it should be fine 4K so it's a balance between those really you can definitely make it work with either I think depending on what settings you want to have and if you're bothered about using dlss or frame generation whereas this game I would say is probably more suited towards 1440p especially if you're going to use Raid tracing uh but vram looks fine on this under 12 gig would even probably be fine with these settings on the 4070 TI 12 gig model power as well doesn't look too bad 250 I'm now going to take a look at Native 1440p so we've still got path tra ring on we've just got D LSS upscaling and frame generation off so it looks like we get about 30 35 probably going to dip down into the 20s I would guess in some areas obviously we had about 12 13 FPS at 4K with these settings so it's just over doubled that as well it's it's still not going to be amazing 30 it's still not really playable but I would guess even at 1080p here with these settings I'm not even sure it would be 60 with that either the like maybe close but we could also switch path tracing off so if I switch path tracing off here we just have standard Ray tracing on that's going to give us a lot more frames still not quite hitting 60 but it would be playable like this 50 55 you could do it you get the a bit of The Best of Both Worlds really good image quality and then you know reasonably okay performance as well so this is kind of demonstrating that it's really uh this GPU for this game is really more suited for 1440p so even if I switch rage racing completely off here so we're at 1440p with everything maxed just without any rate tracing at all up into like 90 to 100 FPS which it's obviously a big big difference so that's going to be it for this video thanks a lot for watching make sure to drop a like on the video leave me a comment let me know what you think of the graphics card so far and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Benchmark Boy
Views: 13,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: benchmark boy, rtx 4070 ti super benchmark, 4070 ti super, 4070 ti super rtx, rtx 4070 ti super, rtx4070ti super, RTX 4070 ti super, 4070 ti super benchmark, rtx 4070 ti super 4k, dlss 3.5, cyberpunk 2077 dlss 3.5, cyberpunk dlss 3.5, rtx 4070 ti super dlss 3.5, cyberpunk 2077 rtx 4070 ti super, cyberpunk 2077 4070 ti super, rtx 4070 ti super cyberpunk 2077, rtx 4070 ti super game test, rtx 4070 ti super test, 4070 super ti, rtx 4070 ti 16gb, 4070 ti super cyberpunk 2077
Id: idpdzV5hCTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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