RTX 4070 Ti Super vs RX 7900 XT: The Ultimate Comparison!!! RT on/off, DLSS/FSR On/Off and more!

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all right in this video we are looking at the 7900 XT from AMD I have the powercolor hellhound Edition running at its outof thebox settings and it's up against the new 4070 TI super from Nvidia I have the Asus tough gaming model the big difference here versus our 4070 TI nons super is that we have 16 GB of vram and some more memory bandwidth uh which I'm curious because a lot of people their main issue with the original 4070 TI versus 7900 XT was vram 7900 XT still has more vram at 20 but it seems like less of a big deal 16 versus 20 than 12 versus 20 right also pricing has been changing on the market the 7900 XT has been a it was a $900 MSRP card which was just stupid as pointed out in original reviews however it has since slipped quite a bit and with the new super series coming in we have seen prices as low as 710 as of today the day of release and filming this video uh I am seeing prices as low as 720 and then going up from there 725 730 and uh the kind of rumor mill is pointing to AMD somewhat targeting about a $750 price which is the the price of the powercolor hellhound that I'm reviewing in this video so I'll give a lot of thoughts at the end on what do I think about all that uh let's run the benchmarks to get an idea of what our performance situation looks like oh and one last thing please actually read the important note at the beginning of the Ben Mark run some people talk about which one looks smoother in the video footage you shouldn't be looking at that you should be looking at the frame time graphs frame rate numbers being produced out of sync with 60fps capture can introduce jutter and Screen tearing and things like that which would not be visible on a variable refresh rate display in person so again you should be looking at things like 1% lows and frame time graphs to judge the smoothness of the gam playay not the visual appearance of the footage let's roll the benchmarks all right we're going to start out with Allen wake 2 we'll start out without the heavy Ray tracing stuff will just be at the high no R tracing preset notice that this game doesn't have a TAA pathway it just has dlss or FSR but you can run them at the native full resolution which is what we're doing here slight image quality differences I do think the FSR uh looks a little more sparkly at times but anyway still looks good on both sides and the 7900 XD is taking a 6% lead although the 70 TI is taking a 7% lead and the 1% lows so I'd call it about a tie I'd still call it about a tie at 1440p resolution again High settings there is no Ultra preset in this game high is the highest non-r traced preset although some individual settings could be turned higher here we're seeing uh 7900 XT take a 1 FPS lead in the averages but the 4070 TI taking a 2% lead in the 1% lows there's really not a lot in the differences here and they're both performing very well honestly they were performing well enough that you might not want to upscale at 1440p uh but I thought I'd test it out anyway just to see what we would get and image quality differences do think the dlss image quality is a bit less sparkly especially as things are uncovered by the character's motion performance-wise though now the 7900 XD does take a 9% lead at 114 versus 105 although the 1% lows are an advantage for the 4070 TI super just by 3 FPS which is 5% at these numbers um if we go up to 4K resolution at high settings no upscaling both gpus are playable and this is a pretty slow paced game uh the averages are pretty close so 5% lead for the 470 TI super but the frame time graph for the 7900 XT is incredibly spiky causing its 1% lows to dip and so you're getting much smoother experience for the 4070 TI super with a 63% lead and the 1% lows now what if we kick on upscaling now performance numbers I think are where people would actually want to be here we're over 60 FPS on both gpus it's only a 2 FPS difference at 70 versus 68 3% lead for the 7900 XD except for those 1% lows again there's still spiky on the 7900 XT side I'm curious if this is an FSR difference or just a difference between the GPU Brands uh but anyway it's a 40 41% lead and the 1% lows for the 4070 TI super but this is one of the big path tracing games so let's kick that on with the RT High preset at 1080p native the 4070 TI super is hardly doing amazing with 54 FPS but it's certainly very very playable at Native 1080p here um and the 7900 XT is only averaging 24 so we're more than doubling the performance in this heavy path tracing workload and the 1% lows are even more rough at 42 versus 16 if we do kick on quality level upscaling the 7900 XT is now playable in the style of a game however at lower resolutions I do think the dlss image quality Advantage is a bit more noticeable also the 4070 TI super does take a 78 FPS uh number versus 41 which is a 90% lead in the averages and more than doubling the 1% lows at 60 versus 28 the game does also feature dlss 3 frame generation if you want to kick that on note that all my numbers uh when I'm doing the percentage differences are without frame generation factored in I'm just showing those results in the middle keep in mind that those do take a latency penalty also I I didn't love how it looked in this game with the flashlight beam but anyway at 1440p with path tracing enabled with quality level upscaling the 4070 TI is very playable at 58 which is also a decent Baseline for frame generation if you want to use it and it's more than doubling the performance of the 7900 XT if we move up to 4K resolution with the path tracing mode enabled neither GPU is doing great even with performance mode upscaling 44 FPS average for the 4070 TI might be uh you know playable in a slow paced game like this but I don't think it's ideal it's also a pretty low base frame rate to try to kick on frame generation where we can see latency going up to nearly 100 milliseconds and that's just the internal uh render latency without you know peripherals and all that let's move on to an AMD sponsored title now with Avatar frontiers of Pandora at 1080p Ultra the 4070 TI super is taking a 15% lead in the averages and 11% lead in the 1% lows although both gpus are doing great I think you'd be happy with the performance here uh but wait why is NVIDIA leading in an AMD sponsored title well this uh despite being an AMD sponsored title does use Ray tracing at all graphic presets so uh you know there is R tracing factored in here where Nvidia does tend to have uh advantages anyway if we move up to 1440p ultra we are seeing a uh 6% lead for the 470 TI sup so the uh the the lead has dropped although it's still there I would call this pretty much a tie the 1% lows are a bit wider Gap at 62 versus 57 which is 9% lead for the super the averag is being 72 and 68 uh not too much in it uh what if you wanted a higher frame rate in a first person shooter well one option is to kick on quality level upscaling where the 4070 TI super is now taking a 14% lead at 108 versus 95 but both are providing a very good experience here 10% lead for the 4070 TI super and the 1% lows but there's an image quality difference if you look at the fencing in the background the far fencing in the base you'll see it's a lot more shimmery and flickery on the FSR image quality if we move uh well this game is a uh one of the games featuring uh f R3 frame generation we're looking at it with quality level upscaling plus frame generation however I've noticed that it seems to enable vsync on the AMD gpus but not the Nvidia gpus which allows me to not really get performance differences here other than saying that both gpus uh could probably lock to a a 120 FPS monitor here uh there's not a lot uh I can tell you other than that cuz it's vsync locking to my capture card but anyway uh 1440p if what if we drop to high settings instead of upscaling well now we're hitting 90 99 FPS average on the ti super and 88 on the 7900 XT which is a 133% Advantage for the super although both gpus again definitely getting a good experience here at 1440p uh 81 versus 72 in the 1% lows which is a 133% Advantage for the 4070 TI super and if you really want to chase the higher frame rate experiences a lot of times going down a preset to high and then kicking on quality level up scaling is a good way to get there uh and we're now seeing frame rate numbers jumped to 138 on the 470 TI super and 115 on the 7900 XT giving a 20% Advantage now to the 470 TI super and a 19% advantage in the 1% lows at 108 versus 91 again and again there's the image quality advantages for dlss unlike the fencing and fine details as well what if we move up to 4K resolution well now the performance here is basically a tie there's a 1 FPS difference uh at 40 versus 39 Advantage 4070 TI super super and 36 verus 35 in the 1% lows again Advantage 4070 TI super uh so basically again it's a tie it's 4K Ultra but neither of these frame rates are the settings you'd probably play a first-person shooter at uh so if we kick on quality level upscaling which at 4K resolution looks very good on both FSR and dlss although in those fine details I do still see uh less stability on the FSR image a little bit more shimmering in the fencing and things like that if you're on a large 4K display uh and now seeing a 10% performance lead for the 470 TI super as well although both are doing much better now at 65 versus 59 in the averages and 57 versus 52 in the 1% lows another way to boost performance rather than upscaling would be to drop to the high preset if we do that we're now seeing performance at 55 versus 50 which is a 10% advantage to the 4070 TI super and a 7% advantage in the 1% lows at 49 versus 46 now this is certainly playable and this is a demanding SE section of the Benchmark so other areas would probably perform even better but in a first-person shooter I would personally be chasing even higher frame rates I prefer to be in the 80 to 90 FPS range and if we kick on quality level up scaling while remaining at the high preset we're now seeing 86 versus 73 in the averages which is an 18% advantage to the 4070 TI super we're probably now approaching uh the settings I would use to play the game here in the 1% lows we're seeing a 15% Advantage at 71 versus 62 and again the small details in the upscaling are uh are Advantage dlss but at 4K resolution there's not a lot in it uh but let's move on to cyberpunk I mainly uh am interested in looking at the RT overdrive mode see how usable that is on the 470 TI super but with no rate tracing enabled at 1440p Ultra the 7900 XT is taking a 20% lead uh at 118 versus 98 and the 1% lows are 22% lead at 90 versus 74 so noticeable win here for the 7900 XT and the that uh is still a noticeable win at 4K Ultra settings again this is no Ray tracing we're seeing 53 versus 45 giving an 18% advantage to the 7900 XD in the averages and a 23% advantage in the 1% lows at 43 versus 35 although in a first-person shooter I would probably turn down settings here and enable quality level upscaling but I'm I only have time to run so many tests and I did want to look at the path tracing mode so that's what we'll switch to here so at 1080p RT overdrive mode we can see that neither GPU is doing great for a firstperson shooter it's 49 FPS versus 27 but that is a 81% lead for the 4070 TI super and it's certainly arguably playable even if you probably would be chasing higher frame rates the 1% lows are 57% advantage to the super at 36 versus 23 so I think you would if you were going to use RT overdrive mode you would kick on upscale ing which I don't love the look of at 1080p although I do think Ray reconstruction is putting in a lot of work here for dlss the image quality is a lot better on this side base frame rates now jumping to 86 FPS for the 4070 TI super which is also a good Baseline for frame generation which I'm showing in the middle without frame generation we're seeing a 79% lead at 86 versus 48 although it was at least playable on the 7900 XT what if we move up to 1440 PRT overdrive mode well you'll definitely want to kick on quality level upscaling at least and now the 4070 TI super hits 59 FPS average without frame generation and that's about my my my minimum for wanting to kick on frame gen personally so you get a pretty good experience here at 1440p with uh quality level upscaling and it is 84% faster than the 7900 XT which is hitting 32 FPS in the averages and what about 4K path tracing well here I think you're kind of stretching it even for the 4070 TI super where our averages without frame generation are only 46 7 with performance mode upscaling that's a 1080p internal resolution so it's 47 versus 26 so at 81% lead for the 470 TI super but I don't think you would use these settings you could kick on frame gen but I don't like it from this low of a base frame rate I think you get more interpolation artifacts and latency let's move on to one more Ray tracing test before we uh just look at a whole bunch of rasterized tests Resident Evil 4 remake is an extremely light Ray tracing workload and here we're seeing uh a lead for the 470 TI super by 8% but both gpus are extremely high frame rates 168 versus 155 4% lead in the 1% lows at 140 versus 135 this is also 1080p resolution which I don't think too many people would be uh buying these gpus for although there's definitely some competitive Gamers out there who are uh if we move up to 1440 pmax settings which again does include a little bit of R Trace Reflections we're now seeing a 5% lead for the 470 TI super at 136 versus 129 both doing really well here I think you'd be happy with the performance the 1% lows are a bit more separation with a 9% Advantage for the super at 123 versus 113 what if you move up to 4K resolution at 4K resolution we're actually seeing it now basically a tie although small advantage to the AMD 7900 XT 4% lead at 83 versus 80 uh 1% low is exactly tied at 73 um I was curious about this I think to me the the biggest thing is I do think you get more memory bandwidth on the 7900 XT which could be paying off here at the higher resolution now I was also curious what happens if you turn Ray tracing off in this game if you go down to the prioritized Graphics preset it Reigns in vram usage and it also uh turns off Ray tracing here we're actually seeing the 7900 XT Tak an 8% advantage in the averages and a 9% advantage in the 1% lows although again both gpus are providing a very good experience here 95 versus 103 80 uh in the averages and the 1% lows even are 85 versus 93 but let's move on to some other games Boulders Gate 3 is very CPU Limited in the demanding act 3 even here with 1440p resolution 1080p saw basically the same results because it was CPU limited even at 1440p resolution here we're pretty CPU limited uh so we're seeing basically a TI in the averages although a 9% advantage in the 1% lows for AMD which can be related sometimes to CPU limited situations where you uh get less driver overhead if we move up to 4K resolution we're seeing 88 FPS versus 81 and we're now GPU limited so we're seeing that the 7900 XD can stretch its legs and provide a 9% performance advantage in the averages and a 6% advantage in the 1% lows at 52 versus 49 um so really in this game the limiting factor is likely going to be the CPU in once you get to act three for most people uh once we hit uh let's move over to Starfield at 1080p ultra settings we're seeing the 7900 XT taking an 11% lead in the averages at 107 versus 96 both of those are very good but we're seeing a larger 29% lead and the 1% lows uh 75 versus 58 uh which is much more noticeable and you do get a bit of a a smoother frame time graph we saw a couple more spikes on the on the 4070 super but I think most people would be buying these for 1440p or 4K so at 1440p Ultra we're seeing very good frame rates 88 versus 79 which is an 11% advantage to the 7900 XT again I think both of them doing very well although the 1% lows are much more noticeable Advantage for the 7900 XD again here at a 69 nice versus 58 uh so again better 1% lows on the 7900 XT now both were already achieving good frame rates but you could kick on quality level upscaling um which does now uh give the 7900 XT 102 FPS versus 95 which is 7% Advantage for AMD here and the 1% lows are 67 versus 63 so that's dropping to a 6% Advantage for for the 7900 XT the game uh I would say image quality advantage in the fine details is still advantage dlss and you could kick on frame generation as well if we move on to 4K Ultra settings uh we're now seeing 58 FPS for the 7900 XT beating the 53 on the super uh by 9% the 1% lows are once again showing a more noticeable Advantage at 49 versus 41 so a 20% advantage in the 1% lows now both of these are very very playable at these frame rates but personally in a firstperson shooter Style game I would be looking for better and one way to get there is enabling quality level up scaling which looks good on both FSR and dlss but I do think dlss looks a bit sharper and and uh more stable in the small details although again at 4K both look uh I think quite quite acceptable uh we got 77 versus 72 FPS in the averages a 7% lead for the 7900 XT and a 16% lead in the 1% lows again a bit more noticeable there now let's move on to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 1080p basic settings honestly at this point performance is good enough on both gpus that uh if you're losing it's a skill issue we're getting 340 7 average on the on the AMD GPU and 327 for NVIDIA it's a 6% advantage in the averages for AMD but a 10% advantage in the 1% lows for the super from Nvidia 227 versus 207 but again I'd call it basically a tie uh let's go ahead and move to 1440p resolution so 1440p basic settings we're seeing 283 average for the AMD GPU and 255 for uh the Nvidia super which is an 11% Advantage for AMD there and now now 1% lows Advantage goes to AMD and by a more noticeable 177% at 195 versus 167 that's a little bit more meaningful of a difference there especially in a competitive game the 1% lows can be pretty important at 4K resolution amd's lead extends uh to 133% in the averages at 179 versus 158 and 23% in the 1% lows at 118 versus 96 uh again both gpus are certainly giving you good experience here but it is a noticeable win now for the 7900 XD seems like as the resolution increases uh the lead increases let's do some Unreal Engine five testing we'll start out with RoboCop Rogue City at 1080p epic settings and I did also turn on the higher detailed Reflections we're seeing 116 versus 112 average so 4% lead for the 7900 XT the 1% lows are 89 versus 88 so 1% lead for the 7900 XT in other words are basically tied at 1080p epic both delivering a very good high refresh rate experience what about 1440p resolution well I think I would also summarize it as they're basically tied and both delivering a very good experience although now frame rate numbers are 81 versus 79 so it is a 3% Advantage for the 7900 XT the 1% lows are exactly tied at 67 and a lot of people would be perfectly happy to play at these settings native resolution uh however in a firstperson shooter a lot of people will be chasing higher frame rates and Unreal Engine 5 does respond extremely well to uh upscaling if you kick on the quality level upscaling frame rate numbers Now bump to 115 versus 110 so 5% Advantage AMD the 1% lows are 89 versus 84 so 6% Advantage but if you look at the image quality the FSR image quality in this game is not good the car grill right now is very shimmery the grading in the background on the on the stores is very shimmery the street is very shimmery in motion but anyway what about 4K resolution at 4K epic settings we're now seeing the uh super Take the Lead but again it's basically a tie we're seeing a 2 FPS Advantage at 43 versus 41 so 5% lead uh the 1% lows are 37 versus 36 so 1% ad 1 FPS Advantage which is a three 3% Advantage so basically not a lot in it there and those also probably aren't the settings you would use again Unreal Engine 5 does respond well to upscaling performance-wise bumping quality level upscaling bumping us up to 68 versus 67 so still basically a tie in performance 1% lows are still basically tied at 57 versus 56 technically 2% lead for the uh Nvidia card but image quality wise even at 4K resolution the AMD image is looking a lot less stable in those fine details on the street the car grills fencing all that kind of stuff and let's move on to Lords of the Fallen at 1080p Ultra we're seeing an 11% Advantage for the 4070 TI super at 84 versus 76 we're also seeing overall lower frame rate numbers this is the most demanding Unreal Engine 5 game I've tested also in all of my testing and other gpus this has been a bit more of an Nvidia sided title it's a 17% advantage in the 1% lows at 60 versus 51 although keep in mind those 1% lows are mostly traversal stutter as you round that corner into the new area moving up to 1440p resolution we're seeing the 7900 XD actually falls below 60 FPS at 56 although the 4070 TI super is only hitting 62 FPS it is an 11% lead but you know it's it's not a mind-blowing difference here the 1% lows are 15% Advantage though at 45 versus 39 again I think the uh traversal Stutter from Unreal Engine has a lot to play into that uh again Unreal Engine 5 does respond very well to upscaling and um FSR here is looking better than it did in Robocop although I still think as the character model uh uncovers objects they look a bit less stable underneath uh and some other fine detail things it's now a 15% Advantage for the super at 93 versus 81 and a 28% advantage in the 1% lows at 64 versus 50 so while I do think that is uh traversal stutter related it does seem to be consistently higher in the 1% lows uh for the Nvidia GPU here if we move up to 4K Ultra settings both gpus are struggling at 35 and 32 FPS average respectively uh so only 3 FPS difference at this low of resolution that is a uh I mean frame rate number that is a 9% Advantage for the 4070 TI super and a 12% advantage in the 1% lows at again 3 FPS difference 29 versus 26 the point is you probably wouldn't play the game at uh ultra settings without upscaling so if we turn on quality level upscaling we're now hitting 61 average on the 4070 TI super which gives it a 17% lead over the 52 frames per second on amd's 7900 XD the 1% lows are a 2 4% Advantage at 47 versus 38 now we could go ahead and move on to one other Unreal Engine 5 game so the last Unreal Engine 5 game we'll look at is Immortals of AVM I think this one's less popular but it is another game that features FSR 3 frame generation uh so uh and it does use the full Unreal Engine 5 uh you know feature set and all that so we'll take a look at it here without any upscaling at 1080p Ultra we're seeing the gpus is fair close with the 108 versus 105 average 3% Advantage 7900 XT slightly more noticeable 7% lead in the 1% lows uh but let's move on to 1440p resolution at 1440p Ultra again we're getting fairly similar results although AMD is edging out the 470 TI super at 80 versus 77 average which is a 4% lead in the averages the 1% lows are 63 versus 59 7% Advantage here so we're definitely seeing a a small win for the 7900 XD but again it's it's pretty similar results and both numbers are high enough here that I don't think we have to kick on upscaling but since we have FSR 3 and dlss 3 in this game I think at this point it's the only game with both or at least it was at the time of testing I thought that'd be interesting my relative performance numbers are are showing just the upscaling without the frame generation where performance is very similar at 109 versus 108 but 7% lead and the 1% lows for AMD the frame generation works very differently here we're getting higher frame rate numbers from FSR 3 but lower 1% lows and I'm not even sure they report correctly to the overlay um let's move up to 4K Ultra where now neither GPU is doing great uh it's you know arguably playable but I don't think you would choose to use these settings it's 43 versus 40 so an 8% lead on the 7900 XT and the 1% lows are 34 versus 32 giving a 6% advantage to the 7900 XT but here I think you would want to enable quality level upscaling and or turn down settings and if with the quality upscaling and no frame generation we're seeing performance now 68 versus 67 giving a 2% advantage to the 4070 TI super so it's basically a tie 1% lows are a uh more noticeable Advantage for um for AMD but not a lot in it uh I mean more noticeable Advantage um uh by like 6% anyway the frame generation once again I'm showing the results but you'd really need to watch a more dedicated video on that topic I think my biggest appointment with the 4070 TI Super upgrade is that it didn't push a larger uh jump in rasterized performance over its nons super predecessor uh to at least catch up to the 7900 XT now granted it's close but the 7900 XT is usually faster in nonr tracing situations uh for example if we kind of just scroll through these these percentage differences in a lot of my non-rt testing you'll see that it's not usually a massive lead but it's often in the 5 to 10% range sometimes less sometimes more and sure the 4070 TI super does get a few wins as well games like Lords of the Fallen which I have noticed does seem to be a bit more of an Nvidia sided title um especially when compared to my other Unreal Engine 5 testing and things like that sure it does get some wins and often times I think one of the best ways to describe the uh the non-r tracing performance here is they're both delivering excellent results that you would be happy with but the 7900 XT is doing better right so if you were just looking at Raw rasterized performance you have no interest in Ray tracing or anything like that then the 7900 XT costs less and delivers a bit more performance seems like the way to go but the thing is we're hitting a performance tier with Ray tracing where I think it's actually a meaningful thing to discuss for example um 144 now now I think this is actually interesting in that I think it's more of a 1440p argument okay because this 4070 TI super is kind of hitting the magic performance tier now with the vram and memory bandwidth Headroom that we don't have below this point in nvidia's product stack where I think buying it for path tracing at 1440p is not actually a stupid thing to do uh in nvidia's lower tier products you have have to use a lot of upscaling to reach good performance metrics in path tracing modes which which in which case you're losing a lot of image quality to get there however uh the 4070 TI super is kind of hitting that magic like 1440p sure you're upscaling but at the Quality setting which looks pretty good at 1440p especially when you have Ray reconstruction in the mix and so you're getting very good image quality uh and you're getting path tracing and you're getting good frame rates while you're doing it you're averaging almost 60 FPS granted in some areas of the game you'll be a bit below in some areas of the game you'll be over it um but that's without frame generation right FG off you're hitting around 60 FPS in 1440p path tracing and only at quality level upscaling and that's kind of the magic number where uh you know kicking on frame generation can start to make sense in single player titles uh and things like that and you can see that 7900 XT just doesn't enable that same experience right so if you are someone who uh you know the the visual uh aspect of the latest AAA games if playing path traced Allen wake 2 is something that is interesting to you then I think the 4070 TI super allows you to do that at acceptable image quality and performance and the 7900 XT does not um our other path tracing test we have out there right now is cyberpunk and with its uh 2.0 update and um uh it's uh new expansion pack it's delivering uh a really uh good game that a lot of people I think would be interested in taking advantage of its uh fully path Trac mode and once again granted it's the built-in Benchmark run which is a bit less demanding than some areas especially in the new dog town area of the Phantom Liberty update and all that but 59 FPS average before you kick on frame generation again giving you a decent Baseline for kicking on frame Generation by the way with frame generation I know some people are like you should be testing the 7900 XT with like the FSR 3 mods which I don't think is fair I don't mod games in in my uh direct reviews we might do other separate videos on that or uh you know how about the driver level frame generation I will mention that that is as of the time of testing still a preview driver feature however I believe the driver updates we're getting I think as soon as possibly tomorrow uh should actually have that built-in as a major feature however my opinion on driver level frame generation is that without the direct integration into the the game it's uh of less quality so I don't think it's directly comparable to dlss 3 frame generation but it has been exciting to see um FSR 3 frame generation now that it's gone open source the uh game adoption rate has increased dramatically so I think that the frame generation difference here is still Advantage Nvidia um overall with the full game integrad versions but I think that that the Gap in the number of games and all that uh will be closing as we uh see AF not AF MF I mean obviously get AF MF in the driver level and like anything but um in uh with FSR 3 adoption rates increasing but that's not really my point of what I'm talking about here this isn't about the frame generation it's about the path racing mode right so at 1440p quality upscaling with Ray reconstruction helping out image quality and performance uh again you're hitting a decent Baseline level here um to get a good experience I think a lot of people would want to use right and so I think that is definitely a selling point point for the 4070 TI super now if you're planning on playing at 4K resolution though I think we're starting to lose that selling point and I think that's important to distinguish if you're on a 4K screen I think a lot of people would be okay going down as low as performance mode upscaling I don't think many people would go beyond that to ultra performance mode and I um and even going all the way down to Performance mode upscaling we're hitting playable frame rates on the 4070 TI super we're talking only in the mid 40s in The cyberpunk Benchmark right and if we look at um if we look back at Allen wake 2 at the 4K path tracing settings uh where was that one again performance mode upscaling were in the mid 40s so if you're planning on buying these gpus for a 4K screen I think that the path tracing modes suddenly become uh not as relevant as of a selling point so that is something to think about however if you're planning on playing at 4K resolution you are more likely to be needing upscaling either now or in the near future as games become more demanding and then I think the image quality advantages for dlss start to become um again more of a selling point now at 1440p resolution if you're just interested in rasterized performance you're often getting good enough performance that you really don't need to kick on upscaling right here we're around 80 FPS in Robocop Rogue City 1440p Max settings Unreal Engine 5 all of that now granted Unreal Engine 5 responds really well to an upscale and you do get a nice healthy performance boost but you might not need to although as time goes on again that might become more uh more of a thing you'll need to do so I guess it's interesting so if you're considering these cards at 1440p I think uh the the big difference is you know how interested in those heavyduty single player Ray tracing titles are you and at 4K resolution you might want to think more about the upscaler um so uh I I guess now when now what does it come down to so which GPU would I rather have well personally I'm interested in a lot more of the single player heavy duty titles like cyber Punk uh you know path tracing mode uh Allen wake 2 path tracing mode those are certainly games I'm interested and have played and am currently playing uh those those games so right that's something I'm interested in so for me that's definitely a big selling point here and again the dlss image quality Advantage uh where you can see uh you know uh RoboCop is a particularly bad FSR example but it's easier to see through YouTube compression you can see the Street's kind of shimmery this car Grill is kind of unstable uh the grading here in the background's kind of unstable you can see things like that um uh again when we're on the dlss so so that was the native resolution so now that we're on dlss watch for stability issues here in the street in the um uh the the fence grading right there um in again the street looks a little bit unstable itself this car Grill looks a bit unstable so then you can go back and compare it to the resolution or the dlss image you can see there's definitely some image quality advantages there right so uh that's my point anyway um so there's definitely some selling points here the point is that the AMD GPU should cost less than than the Nvidia GPU so now we need to get into what actually makes sense so um you know I don't love the 4070 TI super at $800 to be honest but that is what it is and it is improving nvidia's offering at the same price point it's getting a little closer to the 7 900 XT in rasterized performance I would have loved to see it match at blow for blow and rasterized and then pull ahead in Ray tracing but that just isn't what we got I think that's a bit of a disappointment however um you know where do I want to see uh See See the pricing Gap I honestly think um how should I put this if you get around a 20% um uh you know uh a 20% price cut for the uh competing AMD GPU it becomes really hard to ignore right uh which would uh be around like a 650 type price point maybe 675 660 somewhere in there so I think if the AMD GPU went that low um I would just have to be like man you got to really want to do path tracing to have any reason to spend the extra money on the uh on the Nvidia GPU but that's not where we're at again MSRP wise which is kind of irrelevant on the actual Market the the 4070 TI is super is technically less expensive but again msrps haven't been a real thing in a long time on the on the 7900 XT so rumors are that AMD is targeting like the the $750 price point and I just don't think that's that's enough right because at $750 you're only spending 7% more money to get a very similar if slightly slower rasterized experience but a but you're enabling R tracing experiences that are just not available on the AMD Hardware along with a better upscaler and a more wide implemented uh you know uh game integrated frame generator uh there's other things about Nvidia and the productivity workspace uh where that can be helpful things like that now on the current lowest pricing today we have the uh 7900 XT at $720 again if I check pricing right now on the absolute lowest model although to be clear the the models as tested in this video was 750 now if we go down to the $720 price point that I'm seeing today again you have to spend $10 % more money uh to get the the Nvidia GPU at this kind of pricing tier though I don't think people are as extremely value conscious right if you're spending $7 to $800 on a graphics card I think a lot of time you're looking for that kind of Premium experience and the Nvidia GPU is offering like I said playable path tracing experiences once you hit this performance tier and so I think for some people that's going to be pretty hard to ignore I would like AMD at a bare minimum uh to hit 69 99 here uh because at least if you're getting close to that 14 or 15% price cut I think it's a bit more meaningful and will will make people think and like I said I think if you got as low as 650 uh it would have my outright recommendation um other than just be like if you want path tracing you're going to pay a significant premium for it now uh the other thing to consider with the 7900 XT pricing is that the lower it goes the closer it gets against the 4070 super non-ti super right the non-ti super is a um is a $599.99 MSRP so $600 MSRP and the 7900 XT I've already done this comparison can beat it in the lighter rate tracing titles like Avatar although it still falls behind in the heavy heavy like path tracing workloads but those heavy path tracing workloads are less um less usable on the on the non-ti super so that becomes an interesting comparison but um uh again right now it's a lot more expensive to go with the 7900 XT and so I guess what I'm getting at is that uh the 7900 XT is kind of in a in a weird place between the 470 non-ti super and the 470 TI super where there's that $200 price Gap and AMD is going to have to try to thread the needle with the 7900 XT I do think it's a better graphics card than the non-ti super but again it has some of those disadvantages in the feature set so uh you know I don't think it can ask for a large price premium although here you're getting 12 GB of vram versus 20 and that's a pretty noticeable thing right so I think it justifies costing more than a 4070 non-ti super but then you know um then we have to think about where where does it fall versus the ti super I think it definitely needs to be priced less despite a small rasterized performance lead so like I said I think at 650 it becomes my recommendation above to spend the extra $50 above the 470 non TI super and it would also get a big value proposition uh against the $800 TI super and so I think this would be kind of like uh it would just be my Flatout recommendation in the 600 to $800 price point I'd just be like man the best values on that 7900 XT but that just isn't where it currently is and then the 720 to 750 range I think it's harder to justify the the loss to the to the features and things like that I'm really curious what you guys think in the comment section I think I've been rambling on long enough but a huge thank you to viewers subscribers and especially channel members who've clicked the join button to directly support the channel financially uh these extremely long comparison videos I mean all of the gpus I'm testing at this variety of settings and everything like this this takes a massive amount of my time and I get less sleep than I probably should but powering through it knowing that you guys value this uh seeing all of these settings with the upscaling and frame generation on and off and Ray tracing and path tracing and the newest titles and all of that um it's it's really nice um to to know that you guys are valuing that and and I I know I know not everybody is in a financial place to hit the join button and directly support so that is totally okay but huge thank you to those who have and just viewers and subscribers and all of that huge thanks and I hope everyone has an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 115,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uWXbVNsPicY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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