RTX 4070 Ti SUPER - Helldivers 2

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hello guys Chris here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing a GeForce RTX 470 TI super 16 GB GPU in Hell divers 2 this one is the MSI Ventus version of the card with the latest V bios so it actually performs like 2% slower than the average 470 TI supers and that's why I overclocked it a little bit here in MSI After Burner so it ends up being slightly faster than the average 4070 TI super I'm also running it with the latest NVIDIA drivers and you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z again we have that 16 GB frame buffer which is very nice and over on the left we're reparing it with a ryzen 9 7950 X 3D with half of its cores disabled so we're only utilizing the 3D vcash cores this makes the CPU about the same as the ryzen 77800 X 3D and it gets a little bit better performance in most games finally on the memory tab we're using 32 GB of ddr5 6,000 MHz Ram in dual Channel and let's get right into the game now out shall we all righty here we are guys let's start by going through the settings of course and we are starting at 1080p resolution but I'm also going to test this one at 1440p 4K and 8K resolutions and I'm using the maximum settings right here it's not the ultra preset because the ultra preset still has some of these set to like medium for example and uh over here I just disabled motion blur as well as dep of field because dep of field was making the image really really soft at the distance and blur basically also I started this with the ryzen 9 7950 x3d with all of its sces enabled and I was getting about like 30 FPS less than what I'm seeing right here so this is yet another case of the 7800 x3d being better than the 7950 x3d all right guys we just dropped and I started counting our FPS down here we get much less frames per second then back at the ship uh and it's getting still a high refresh rate experience but I expected a little bit better coming from such an expensive GPU at 1080p resolution right also it seems like GPU usage in this game is always around like 95% I've also seen other people in the comments uh saying the exact same thing obviously we're not really CPU bound or anything it's just how this game behaves basically with the Intel XC Graphics I was also seeing the same behavior and comparing to the Intel XC Graphics this looks a thousand times better because when I tested the Intel XC Graphics in this game it was broken the game has broken Graphics so I'm finally seeing the game how it's supposed to look like and I I like what I'm seeing honestly guys it's it's pretty soft here at 1080p resolution but you can adjust the sharpness and I think overall it looks pretty all right you know like these textures don't really look that amazing but at least the game runs very well in terms of stability there isn't a single stutter to be seen and you can see that the 1% lows are very very similar to the average FPS that we're seeing right here that's exactly what we want for a buttery smooth experience all right anyway since 1080p is just a Flawless experience let's just move on to 1440p next it's good to see a well optimized title these days my friends I I wasn't expecting it okay here we go we're now at 2560 by 1440 still using the maximum settings and also it could be performing a little bit below my expectations cuz I expected higher FPS as I told you because because of the maximum settings maybe if you set it to like Ultra preset it will perform a lot better I I don't really know for show maybe I'm going to mess around with that in just a little bit in this video but uh yeah even at maximum settings and 1440p resolution you can still play absolutely flawlessly so there is no problem and this is exactly how I play this game cuz it looks really good right now at 1440p all of the reflections as well which aren't really rate race but things are still on screen maybe these are Cube map Reflections actually um yeah VR equilization is also really really good at 6 GB of vram allocation so it's actually utilizing a little bit less than that 16 gigs is obviously very nice to have but it seems like for this game in specific you don't need that amount of VM all right here we go finally some action there we go I'm always killing the same type of enemies in this game it's pretty weird I I really hope there are other enemies other types of of monsters and stuff like that aliens basically because if that's not the case this will get tailed very quickly guys also a lot of smoke effects and explosions and stuff like that it's not really dropping our FPS by too much it's pretty much the same experience every single time even looking at the sky this game doesn't really boost our FPS like crazy like we see in other titles it's extremely well optimized in my opinion in terms of that stability at least what the hell okay I don't even know what I'm doing honestly find terminate brood Commander okay is that you terminate hello no it's not you oh my god oh I'm exploding things around me and dying yeah that's not good I think the major thing that this game lacks is dlss cuz I'm pretty sure it's not present in this game and if it was you could enable it and have an even better experience you know know so yeah if I set it to ultra quality first of all dlss usually doesn't have an ultra quality preset and yeah this is this is a little bit softer but it doesn't look like it's D LSS it looks like fsr1 or igti for example which is found in other games like Spider-Man remastered so yeah in my opinion you shouldn't really use upscaling in this game unless you are at like 4K resolution then it doesn't really make that big of a difference now what about super sampling can we make the game look a lot sharper like this oh yes damn that looks really good so I'm not really sure how much Super sampling it's applying here because it doesn't really tell us but it definitely makes a difference in my 42in Monitor Can you spot the difference in a 27in 1440p monitor probably not so much it's still going to be noticeable but uh yeah just stick to the native resolution once again this is way too intensive and um it's still 60 plus FPS and since the game is so damn consistent it might not even drop from 60 or if it does it's only to like the high 50s but still yeah 100 plus FPS average is definitely way more comfortable in my opinion where are we going guys oh boy oh it's in that direction come on what what all right it's time to move on 69 FPS average by the way that's perfect oh boy oh boy I just kill all of these guys over here oh my God look at that orbital barrage no boy I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine let me just heal myself there we go o so many of them so many okay it's fine it's fine they die very quickly so it's all right guys I'm going to stop it right there set this back to Native and set this to 4K resolution and here we go it's 3840 by 2160 and it's getting pretty much the same FPS as the super sampling at 1440 P so I guess what it does at 1440 is super sample it to 4K and then downscale it again to 1440 making that crisper image happen but hey that's really great news that means that we can still achieve 60 plus FPS on average and most of the time basically even with explosions and so on and a super detailed experience here in terms of graphical Fidelity it kind of reminds me of um Battlefront one and Battlefront 2 maybe two yeah that was the one with way better graphics I think uh come on you know what let's just move on where are my friends there they are I'm just falling behind here I don't want to stay here alone also a little bit of grass doesn't seem to lower our FPS oh my God and the smoke as well it's really well optimized once again seeing the FPS at 1080p kind of got me worried that at 4K we wouldn't see 60 plus all of the time but uh no we can actually get that that's very very good to see and also 98% GPU usage here at 4K Something Fishy was going on there at 1080p I guess uh looking at things from above not a problem still getting 69 wow that's just that's just gorgeous my friends like what the hell 69 hour it's perfect it's basically a perfect experience at 4K I just wish it had the LSS because that would give us pretty much the same Graphics experience at least comparing to other games with much higher FPS and also if you were wondering around the ship at 4K resolution native we're getting about like 20 25 more FPS than what we saw down there so yeah I guess next up we should probably try it at 8K oh no what what is happening what is happening I changed it to 8K and it started the game instantly I wanted to change the settings and at least run around the ship for a little bit as well just to get used to the low FPS again what is happening oh I'm alone again the host has left the game okay well I was not the host all right anyway it's it's barely getting 20 plus I guess and I think down there it's actually going to dip into the teenss but let's see if we can get those cinematic 24 FPS on average okay here we go guys o this is looking way more similar to the Intel XC graphics gameplay with broken Graphics but this this actually looks good still so we're getting the same 20ish FPS down here then we got in the spaceship that's great it's still playable kind of especially because I I managed to do something with intelli Graphics at around these FPS and 1080p resolution so yeah oh my god oh boy my boys actually have a lot of of things gadgets over here Inspector Gadget okay um also with all of this going on it's so sharp and detailed I think like a 4090 should be able to play this game at 8K resolution which is kind of insane especially because it's native R and it has a ton of detail now what's interesting is if you take a look at the vram usage even at 8K R it doesn't utilize more than 12 GB of it that's really nice to see even a 470 super wouldn't be VM Limited at 8K obviously this is well beyond diminishing returns in terms of graphical Fidelity uh you should never do this and these gpus don't really have the horsepower needed to run games at 8K anyways even if they have enough vrm uh but it's still interesting to take a look at this okay so this isn't playable so let's play around with the render scale next I'm going to select performance right here and wow okay at performance upscaling or fsr1 which means that we're running at 50% resolution scale I think if it works like the other ups scalers that we're used to it is now running at 4K resolution in upscaling to 8K but it looks really soft it's softer than 4K resolution at Native so there's just no point in doing this vrm usage is now at 8.5 gab so it's still utilizing more vram than the 4K resolution at Native um oh boy you know what I kind of want to to go back to 4K honestly guys I think that's that's a great experience and we need a little bit of variety as well so we're back to 4 4K native I just want to see it here in this different map oh come on all right start counting our FPS right here it seems like even though this is a different map and uh with different enemies and stuff it still gets around the same FPS although it's now dipping down into the uh high 50s at times but still not that noticeable it was only like 59 so that's pretty good still again dropping like a couple of effects in the settings menu would give you those 60 plus all of the time so that's great to see even in this map with fire effect I guess it's only inside of fire effects that you will see FPS dropping otherwise it's always going to stay at 60 plus quite nice I think that's been it for this video guys there's not much else to test let's try it with high settings then these are the high settings as you can see and it seems like it gives us a quite decent 15 FPS boost or 10 to 15 FPS boost that's enough to put us above 60 FPS 100% of the time instead of like 99% of the time and uh yeah it looks pretty much the same although maybe just slightly softer not sure if if that actually changed maybe it's just because we saw it at 8K resolution and it was absolutely magnificent pin sharp you know and now it's not quite 8K and yes I can tell the difference even though I'm using a 4k monitor is 42 in so the difference is noticeable even if you use the SR on the Nvidia control panel to run 8K uh but yeah if you want a consistent 60 plus FPS experience 100% of the time at 4K resolution this is it it's getting 70s it's very comfortable again 1% lows are usually very similar to the averages in this game and it is just a great experience oh boy little stutter right there maybe it was applying something or yeah maybe it's just loading the explosions or whatever anyways that's been it for this one thank you very much for watching this video Don't don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already I'll be back with more hell risers hell divers I forgot the name of the game I'll be back with more hell divers too and catch you guys then love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 78,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, radeon, rx, 3000, 4000, top, Ray tracing, Ue5, stuttering, 4070s, 4070 super, helldivers 2 4070, rtx 4070 super halldivers 2, rtx 4070 ti super, rtx 4070 ti super helldivers 2, 4070ti super, 4070 s, helldivers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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