The Royal Family - Midsummer's Night Barbeque (1992)| Redd Foxx Della Reese Larenz Tate Naya Rivera

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the comic genius who loved to make people laugh I personally didn't spend a day with him that I didn't laugh I remember one time he told me no I can't say that on TV but there is something I can't say on TV we are blessed to have the last three pieces of his work and tonight we begin a tribute to Redd Foxx the royal family was Reds dream and we know that your family will continue to join our family every Wednesday night because we're going to be here and if you're not here we will find you wherever you stayed you play tea party with me yeah again [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lord you tomato ugly woman now I'm still better-looking your pigfoot sucking sister this game still on no I need practice it for next week 80,000 people showed up just to watch them I thought you're gonna put those Japanese lanterns up for my barbecue this weekend is a very important church function Victoria weathers is saying the Bible be fruitful and barbecue simrita this could help me become the head of the fundraising committee and I think I could do a good job well I thought old two-faced Nellie pigeon was head of that committee well she has been for the last 20 years but that's just because her husband don't need small sort of money oh and you fresh out of look me and my mind is headed for the bowling alley how can I have a barbecue at our house without you Victoria they having barbecues all over the world without me al where the hell are you it's either the lanterns or a check these people kind of miles I got to put up lemon so they can see what else you did see what they eatin is free oh mama Reverend cook called with a few more RSVPs for the barbecue great who's the name of that guy the daddy was always so jealous of Sidney Poitier Harry Belafonte any other man was ever on the cover of Jack no before you were married the one he said kissed you on your daddy's back porch life's turned white you know daddy sure has a great memory of the things that never happened especially for a man who can't remember to put down the toilet seat well guess who's coming to the barbecue please tell me a Sidney Poitier Oh God Langston white and look at the notation next to his name well he made a big donation daddy's not coming on Saturday right well he wasn't but I just talked him into it well so would so he comes to the barbecue and and so Zoe sees Langston Wayne so I better stop your daddy let's go you four-legged flea circus who the debate daddy the argument is over I've decided you're right you don't have to go to the barbecue oh that's fine wait a minute it's nothing this is we supposed to all go two or three hours did somebody win well here you'll find out soon enough Langston white is coming to the barbecue thanks Jen wait now there's not a woman to drop out of you Langston has become a very successful man and he wants to share some of that success with our church who was he or do you're kissing listen he gave a big donation so he's a big shot and there's no reason to be he's biting your boyfriend here Langston was not my boyfriend Victor he kissed you on the back porch and in the left town he went to college Oh where'd he go to lip sucking you you see that's why I don't want you to come to the barbecue but I'm coming yeah I've waited for this day that's why I kept myself in this kind of shape what are you gonna do hit him with your gut and why does this bother you after all these years anyway why because your parents want you to marry him instead of me my parents wanted me to marry anybody instead of you but see he was their favorite Oh Langston has a scholarship flight soon as a future lexan can see over the steering wheel of a Buick silver his level [Music] can't believe these Japanese Lenin's electricity now inside of the paper he might be trying to get us again well you two think you're going upstairs to my room to study no no there'll be no fellows up in the bedroom cram Caillou great too late what where's my shotgun no gramps what I mean is Lee Jay and I've been studying together for nine months already Oh where's my suite this is Lee Jay this is the first friends I met when we got here so you know we're just gonna study geometry see geometry it leads to biology and biology these do you on the blender let me set your mind at ease don't touch me don't touch me I have the utmost respect for your granddaughter here this has nothing to do it respect is that to do with hormones see Layla Hummels have arrows female hormones have X's and pretty soon arrows are shooting add X's and is there a point to this archery lesson Oh Robin of Sherwood oh yes Maid Marian pretty soon the woman's hormones are worn down as called seduction and then she spends the rest of her life when the man down that's called marriage grandma got a worn down ex we should kiss that damn white dude do your wheels ever touch or do you just keep circling this your granddaughter good night good night button it's gonna get weird in here Li J let's go out to the courtyard to study no no it's much too dark out there you're hey guys take them and hang them and you'd be able to see better yeah gotcha Leonard hyung you are so helpful L know your grabs maps I got an idea how to get this girl dial this number and read her this speech great hello this is dr. Kenneth Robinson if you don't leave me alone you get out here you gonna need a doctor oh hello yes this is dr. Kenneth Robinson speaking yes it's Curtis there oh I must have the wrong number I was calling to tell Curtis that he only has six months to live so if anyone wants to date him I think they should do it right away okay it was a stupid idea Michelle okay okay just give me one good reason why you don't want to go out with me uh-huh save one good reason H equals 40 degrees because the sum total of the triangles parts Wow what did you know that the light from the Japanese lantern makes your eyes sparkle it's kind of doing the same viewers I think yeah I've never looked at you this way before me neither I mean you I never looked at you oh this is crazy this is only because of my grandfather's hormone talk Lee Jay you're my friend you're my buddy you are seriously cute the vertical and supplementary angles equal when a transversal intersects and I need to kiss your face oh my god oh my god we got hot over math I don't think that was it see I've been alone with this math book many times before and nothing you know this never would have happened if grandpa Cupid had to put ideas in our head you know you're right what size is he I'd like to buy him a suit Lee Jay what just happened should not have happened you're absolutely right felt so good no no we should just say good night like friends absolutely good night good night I should be going [Music] is you still mad at me for going on about legs and white at least you're still talking oh but you said uh-huh and uh as more than most married couples say in a year what am I gonna do with you you come over here and I'll show you [Applause] well this is silly sometimes you clamp on to an idea like a lightning bug on a windshield you're right victory that's a field battle Nexus wait although he was taller and and richer and better looking hey you can jump in and stop me to tell you now I made my decision a long time ago and I've never regretted it for one moment don't you know that you're the best thing that ever happened to me I can't imagine living without you really come again so would you good [Applause] hey big you gotta admit I guess better than lights and dumber see I'm gonna tell you something that I've never told you before that will prove to you that I wanted you and just you sit down when you saw me with Langston he wasn't kissing me he was proposing to me he what mother-father you heard me sit down Langston proposed to me a whole year before you asked me and what did you do what do you mean what did I do I married you and you never kissed that's right that's right and still he proposed you and I turned him down because in my heart I just knew one day you would propose well they clear that up okay lights didn't come to the barbecue oh thank you honey and I'll be right back I'm going downstairs and get you a big plate of hot black berry cobbler and I'll put some vanilla ice cream right on the top of you all right he can come with me a goalie [Music] as a parent you need to know the basic facts about aids for more information call the national aids hotline at [Music] - never frigate isn't it as wonderful barbecue I hope you're having a good time as much as can be expected under the circumstances how'd you like to stick around and bothersome briquettes be nice I told you this is important to me I want the Reverend to know that we can handle ourselves in a social situation oh my god here he comes now boom lanky white shows that people need to rebel and on the ticket barbecue is this don't you have any Grey Poupon no we got a semester you're not much of a chef these hotdogs are Oh Winkleman Shimoda [Applause] ain't no man that is the walkway and this is the trash bag and this is Reverend cook ready I didn't recognize you without your church sorry I'll get that no that's okay my life is being garbage lately anyway sister oil would you be so kind as to fix mill I'm certainly having I'd be glad to I'm Curtis what is it they're all trouble how did you know well you're a teenager I didn't think you upset over the breakup of the Soviet Union when did that happen well the thing is Reverend I never have much trouble getting girls I mean getting girls but you know being with Stan I think you having little problem talking to me aren't you yeah well maybe the little Reverend can help well it works with the little ones at Sunday school it's just that I really really like this wrong girl but she won't give me the time of day you know Curtis I have a daughter about your age maybe you should meet her a reverends daughter and me can I talk to the sock again yo baby how you livin as you can see I'm changing my old Lemmy's why you've been avoiding me at school all week so I figured you embarrassed to be attracted to the new fish is to be so late eh that is absolutely not true in fact I'm not attracted to you at all see it was just my grandfather's hormone talk I got us a little confused the other night I was not confused I was hot and you know exactly what you were doing admit it I don't know what you're talking about oh okay I've had enough can watch you just step off all right and take this with you I would like for you to meet my granddaughter someday when you come this you like some height no thanks and white no Barney Thanks trigonometry right you know it's me I have a math lesson for you three's a crowd just a matter kim jealous no I mean yes I mean all right I admit it until my grandfather put those hormones in my head I never even looked at you the way I'm looking at you now I love the way you're looking at me now wait energy do me a favor taught math to me you know that's funny I could've sworn I saw that young man come this way Curtis I know him he's the lunatic who's been calling me for the past two weeks but he seems like such a nice young man to me why don't you go talk to him well actually he's kind of cute Michelle Michelle what are you doing here I'm here with my father what are you doing down there Shh I'm hiding we haven't cooked wants me to go out with his daughter yeah the rebels doors type of guy oh you're not oh that's what I've been trying to tell you on the phone what type of guy who likes to move and groove you know sure girl a good time man or woman's daughter can't do it too bad because I'm the Reverend daughter I'm looking mr. white I'm not white I'd seen it are you kidding my old friend Langston way that is goodness a long time out you finally woke up enough nerve to show up huh well I see you haven't changed much either damn shame well there's no need to mess with perfection right sweetheart Elizabeth wanted to see you big girl she can wait honey no she can't wait make a move baby now you promised me an hour or a little breaks a promise all right the skull may be but never found are you upset because I'm talking to your wife no I'm upset because you proposed her years ago oh excuse me I thought you were being irrational listen this step outside well we are outside well let's step inside make sure nothing expensive gets broken all right if it's a fight you want us to fight you get but before we start you should know something you're not gonna talk your way out of this pucker lips I'll just look around huh you got everything you want are you kidding who's your big screen television yeah you got a great home a beautiful family and a loving wife see I knew it just like old times you still want Victoria back then everybody wanted Victoria oh that makes me feel great Victoria is a wonderful woman and you wound up the lucky one also things didn't turn out so good for you huh alright I got condos on both coasts Oh bunny Mercedes Mercedes and I'm really mad you don't get it do ya I make a living but I don't have a life I never found the right woman to have a family with I should say I thought I found her but I lost it to you so if all this is about Victoria hey it's over you won well let that be a lesson to you what I wouldn't give though for children grandchildren look maybe we can work out something here you take my daughter in the three grandchildren and I'll take the Mercedes see the two of you getting along together well I'm sorry I have to rush off but I do have a plane to catch I'm glad we settled this need to goodbye al by their Lexington five Vicky uh uh let's get the hell out of dinner that guy keep myself in good shape well I want to thank you because the barbecue was a big success and the Reverend loved it oh good and honey I think I'm gonna become the head of the fundraising committee too what makes you think that well sister Nellie Pritchett she had an argument and she choked a little Reverend [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Philadelphia Inquirer says Brooklyn Bridge is the season's best new series and USA Today calls it a sentimental knockout remember family friends and growing up Brooklyn Bridge moves to Wednesday with a special one-hour episode next Wednesday on CBS [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 1,021,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y3gwiqzkba0
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Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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