Redd Foxx on the Brady Bunch Hour (1977)

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our special guest tonight we already did that and our good friend Rick we did that and our own Croft at dances and waterfalls red fog I don't want a hand I just want to ask a couple of questions what are the water volleys oh those are the swimmers red oh well on my show I'll call them Scottie Lauterbach yeah don't you read the papers I got my own variety show right here on ABC tonight no next season tonight I'm just here to see you do a variety show it's okay I just hang around and watch I will get you eight oh sure sure good well thanks a lot maybe I can learn something from us I'm not talking about getting laughs I mean singing and dancing from us I'll just get out Julian watch [Music] do you think I'm pretty awesome yeah I know you're pretty you've got great eyes yeah sure you're just saying that because you're my brother or so yeah I mean it now look if you we're a little older and you weren't my sister yeah sure that's what all the other guys say you must be turning into a woman you don't make any sense turkey now you mr. Fox Winston ball man the guys Marcia brought home oh I'm sorry don't let me interrupt I'm just observing good question sure sandy okay how come we've never had a black president are you kidding the father of our country was black you know any white people mainly cheering George Washington don't tell the Bradys but I'm gonna split now you know and get away before the end of the show you know beat the rush actually that's a lie but I'm really gonna do is get over to ABC and tongues of little suckers about this variety show business I don't know if I can do this kind of show first of all I don't sing or dance which by the way is disappointing my people for years another thing I can't do is act happy like those Brady's they smile too much if I walked around smiling like that I'd get busted about all I've learned what you like is that to do a variety show on ABC I gotta have six five children even if I was white my wife is she's Korean but they'd be half black and half yellow the guy shows about a family of bees what am I gonna do with a big swimming pool they say black people don't swim it's not true we could have broken every swimming record in the world if we'd had a policeman swimming behind us I didn't pass marks fits like this maybe am I sure I didn't have a track I think or we could have an airport that OJ could run through every week or maybe instead of a big pool I just have a huge barbecue pit [Music] one thing I do know I don't want to tell those stories like the babies do you know like the one tonight Hamas here wants to marry that guy but the family don't like him now listen you'll badgered the guys my sister brought on that dude look like a stockbroker nice this guy my sister ever brought home drove a Cadillac right through the living room you think ABC wants to tell that story sure about as much as the brothers and roots wanted to catch that boat to America and not only do they tell stories I hear that sometime the greatest do fantasy production line and I don't let me do that I can't even tell my fantasies on TV much less tack them up look I'm not doing three to five is just thinking about him variety shows not gonna look too much like the Brady Bunch our minds you I'm not putting the Brady's down I like them and I respect them I mean they're real gutsy family they come out here and they sing and dance and tell bad jokes you don't apologize for nothing well it's my kind of people [Applause]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 17,612
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Id: qDK_4vkygFU
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Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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