The roving cattle-mustering queen of the outback ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿฎ | Landlife | ABC Australia

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we travel around to other stations to play pulled in their 3000 hit you just opt entertain for someone in the cities it's for the lifestyle [Music] I'm Randy Holcomb and from Falcon contracting and we're here at Humber River Station we've got to stop camps that we're currently servicing in the Northern Territory with this year we travel around to various cattle stations across the top end and complete all the mastery this morning we've just loaded wieners that are being trucked over to - with yards and the boys are currently just walking some heifers that we branded yesterday they're walking them out to their paddock and now we're just going to be packing up camp as we're shifting today over to the RD life in a mustering camp comes with all kinds of challenges big and small like figuring out how to pack up the new shower while standing with your feet up the wide base all right yeah they just travel better like in the paddock they tend to have certain mates and when they travel they get along a little bit better and they don't shuffle around as much and they don't have any arguments [Music] [Applause] [Music] even triple rode trains need some help from a loader circumventing the steep dirt tracks on the station [Music] so for us you've got to have a good team of people you take pride in what you do and yeah so so this year we're running two teams and my husband's chosen to run one and myself the other and just purely because at this point in time we wanted to be able to have that contact with our crew and be able to keep an eye on our business I suppose and make sure that our reputation is is what we want it and we can maintain that sort of level so in my career I've got five others here with me we've got Britt she helped us for a month at the end of last year she's a good all-rounder she's got quite a bit of experience under my belt I sort of coming up here straight out of school so I usually do I grew up in the dairy farms having been mustering farini for two weeks now I've been up in the territory food for youth so yeah but I'm worried you from Tozzi so yeah that was a good change of weather Maddy can just toilet all day she's a really hard worker and she's very thorough and she picks up things which a lot of people miss I'm from Queensland near Clermont and I have been mustering probably all of my life I've sort of grown up with it when you're in a crew everyone just gets along and you just all pitch in as a team and get to do the job and yet the goal is the same for everyone kind of thing to get the job done ash is quite young but she's learning the ropes and yeah she's another toilet she sort of will go all day she's not afraid to have a go it's my third year contracting 15 years in Darwin originally from goondiwindi Queensland I think when I was kid I wanted to be a vet but that was too high up for me Matt Matt's quite experienced as well and he's a mechanic so it's really handy having him around to help me out when things don't go to plan with the vehicles all around this area for a bit seven years damp since the left school at 16 I grew up in the bush family always travelled through on land and national parks and it just sort of in the blood traveling and father an indigenous Ryan decruz there for a long time yeah go I was lucky enough to see that when I was young so I think that's why I appreciate it so much near you and Dylan he's great he's always eager to please and yeah he's really switched on I'm from elf Queensland and I come up here and then she in February living a property at home as well so always down a bit of mushroom bellied takei with puffy yeah get hyman marketplace take it over here spotted and gals over [Music] at the moment I'm just cooking dinner it is actually quite like cooking when I have the time I've shown indirect light as much when you're short on time but yeah there's always dinner to do I like to cook my clothes in advance and put them in the freezer we've only got a couple of chest freezers and fridges so a storage space is small but we're still cooking people and also a big order obviously before I leave town and they're going away for a month I could nearly probably get through a month without needing to do another order thanks to my cooking from mum taught me a lot and I get her out myself damn occasionally they give me a hand and give me a break from the cooking so you do that here last week and it was really nice to me to have a break a day break the team is at VRD processing some cattle that have already been brought in by the permanent station team they're mostly male carbs or Mickey Bulls that need to be castrated dehorned he tagged and clipped and branded along with vaccinated against disease we've got a bit of branding on and we'll be walking them away we'll be tighten up from the previous master that just went on for about two weeks now we probably pulled in about three thousand head over then couple of weeks and yes are we definitely interesting you done the illusion for me about half way and I'm gonna do it about 400 to do today which it should be done my ones fine lovely the cattle stations so big that their own crew of people might be able to conduct all the mustering within the required time frame or if people are short on staff or some people who actually just prefer to use contractors so they don't have to recruit or employ permanent staff for the whole year we're getting a lot of work and I hope it's based on the reputation but yeah it's just been a really busy year what I've been stocking going on just because we've had a dry a wet season and to what we used to up here so I'm people of not panicking as such but being up there pretty proactive and getting in pretty early and wanting justice Carol pretty stressed yeah but yeah I don't know it's pretty challenging obviously obviously the hard any relationship because we don't get to see each other very often but it was so hard in that we've got to sort of I guess branch out into different areas that we're not used to cleaning up the branding the mickey's and we're just that to stop and have a quick smoke okay so we just clean up a bit of the horn and ear marks on the ground and yeah well have a smoke a ham and cheese okay I think everyone's rolling with ham and cheese what do you enjoy about this the work life yeah cows yeah yes it's a rewarding thing yeah that's why I like it I only have any big plans but I do enjoy this job yeah I know what's next thing one hmm oh I just like the simplicity of it all like you can go to work and you already hime and you sort of yeah it always on the ride get to make new same vices and travel around Australia and it's been a really good way to do it I love them they definitely enjoy it and I'll definitely keep on doing or nothing [Music] I actually look at Rania's quite a role-model she's a bit of an inspiration really she can run a crew and then she can come back and cook dinner and she's the best of both really you don't see too many women that can do that and I think it shows great you know like resilience for rural women and that's she's such a great role model for that yeah for someone in the city looking at something like this it's for the lifestyle you don't sort of come here to earn big money but if you want to work hard and learn some incredible skills and meet great people then yeah I'd give it a go [Music] turi man I'm a lazy day [Music] [Music]
Channel: ABC Australia
Views: 391,023
Rating: 4.8310261 out of 5
Keywords: ABC, Australia, Landline, Landline abc, Landlife, Mustering, cowgirl, outback australia, outback mustering, cattle, cattle mustering, cattle transportation, female musterer, jillaroo, jackaroo, Northern Territory, cattle station, Raine Holcombe
Id: iVnF_zlZtxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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