London to Australia: Living the legacy of a 'pommie jackaroo' ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง | Landlife | ABC Australia

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I'm a nineteen-year-old English would on a gap here he's doing things that he's never done before those sorts of things always stick with you I might not even return back home you guys have a good [Music] the big shots they were kind of dim out of space and open roads there takes you six hours to get from Melbourne to hey where is it it could be six hours on a train get to Edinburgh for London which is ridiculous one of the great things it's almost like road tripping innocence I'm Charlie Dipel I'm a 19 year old English boy from London so I'm from the southwest of London a suburb called Putney on the city boy so why not be hearing in the countryside of New South Wales there [Music] we are in a small town called hey I'm currently working in manga Dell which is a sheep growing property [Music] so it's 115,000 hit days it's prominent merino wool operation and old native topless country we've got frantic stem obedient walking losers [Music] I'm currently on a on a gap here this is basically a year between study from secondary school and what what you want to do it later live so it's a time where one allegedly finds himself it's great to have Charlie out here as part of the Markinson program and he's really embracing the opportunity he spends a lot of the time I think awestruck at the sheer expanse and enormity of the landscape out here and the wide-open spaces the magnificent sunsets and the beautiful sunrises but he's been privy to all that [Music] begin with it is the Sun the biggest one man stand up we don't have that back sir or we'll see little of it anyway the country tends to give you that more peripheral view of things going on around you as opposed to the traffic right in front of you just doing things that he's never done before possibly have to do again but that those sorts of things always stick with you simple stuff like situational awareness and just being aware of what's around e rather than just what's right in front of your face you know they're their lifelong skills so he's been able to go out into the paddock induce mustering he hasn't really done any some sheep handling or anything like that previously there's a lot that's been around mustering there's a lot of stressful around mustering well you got to keep the night at all the time and where you're going and at the beginning it's quite hard locating all of them all the sheep throughout the paddock be conscious of your surroundings I hope that I'm gonna be able to use that a lot more when I get home as well you know it'd be different but I hope I thought I'm not used to kind of constantly trying to look out and spot things and 24/7 kind of action I'd survive gave a few new skills hopefully you know I can I can work pretty well with sheep that's a good start and I'm loving being outside all the time [Music] we mustered a four point seven thousand sheep we basically must be fairly small small paddock out into the yard series you can see behind me these are fair few and these are basically all the young kind of year old sheep which we're gonna class and we're gonna sort out I am part of a foundation from the UK it's set up after this chat with Mark Everson who who basically did all these amazingly great things he really did show a lot of the characteristics of kind of one of the old English explorers almost you know the greatness and that's really what this this is designed to promote it's designed to really push people out and about beyond their comfort zones and we're all looking at our phones but why don't look at the world instead right and that's that's really what's what's brought me up here [Music] Mark Everson was a young Englishman who came out to manga dollarsรก jackaroo in 2001 2002 and I knew my briefly played footy with him when I was working on another property in the area just a really good fun blog just go get a really friendly enthusiastic just putting that I have a crack at anything really tom was he's nicknamed yeah pretty pretty simple but a good one and he he liked it he was proud of it often when I'm reading hey and started jacking myself and at moong dal for the Taunton faster okay and yeah lucky enough for my time there my arrived and yeah we grew together from there in the short time will they're together a proper bundles of energy there's a job there to be done no hesitation off in first one hop him get his hands dirty and be a part of it they complaining no ending if yeah just got the job done he was very keen to stay and unfortunately he had no homey protocol to join the army and follow the footsteps of his father and grandfather he was a military man as well so very focused very hard straight knew what he was doing quite a role model from what I've heard on film I've seen seven platoons commander was leftenant Mark Everson a rising star in the Welsh Guards at the time British forces were overstretched in one of the most dangerous areas of Helmand to get a radio signal Iverson stepped into the doorway of compound one and that's when the burst of three to five rounds and come for that doorway he actually just stood took it as if he was fine speaking on the radio until he seen a bit of blood on his hand he actually realized that he's been shot it's faces when pale [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mark Everson died on May the 12th 2009 three days after he was wounded I hope this journal will help to put things in perspective for those back home who want to read it he's not someone easily forgotten very sad to say young bloke if he's character and attributes he had to say what happened today I think he dream will seek it becky one day and night throw it one and fulfill his future in Australia you know in the land I only wish I got a mitten to be honest it's a certain story so I'm just happy to that were out well I'm not here and I'm doing what I can really well I cross paths with a Mark Everson Foundation through some correspondence that came across my desk we sort of talked and came up with that idea that we could run a program as part of the foundation to get someone out here and part of a jackaroo exchange program just trying to keep that tradition alive of that that generation or the younger person who really wants to get out of the comfort zone get out of the family home and away from what they used to and just you know doesn't matter where it is in the world just go out try something different challenge yourself and you know push new boundaries it's just this keeping that alive it's really great to see young people embrace that adventurous side of things and I think it just it's such a great lesson in life just getting involved in everything so become very involved in local communities already playing two codes of football [Music] I joined the league team and the local union team and it's a really big part of really getting invested in getting into your community and I sports it's great and I love the fact that Australia especially takes our sport so so seriously it's just good to be part of good to see these young people who are willing to really challenge themselves and just have a guard anything they just need to see if they can actually do it without their phones for a bit or without kind of internet or communication they put themselves in fairly uncomfortable environments and we go from you know mid 40 degrees and summer to you know zero degrees you know in the winter you know we get out in the cold and wet what up so they just embrace that [Music] to get experience you said that might not even return back home apparently that happens a lot you guys have a good I think opening up the doors for young young people is it's one of the big ways forward right it's the next generation apparently not sure you want it to be in our hands but [Music] a longer distances seem smaller now moving around is just something to do and a long journey very easy what you should do is you should get it you should get out and see everything there's a big world out there and I'd have to say it's something like this you know you got this absent amazing sky you're working kind of on the land you know moving around is really something into something you're gonna remember I'm hoping that I'm gonna have some great memories of this place one you know rest of my life and you [Music]
Channel: ABC Australia
Views: 83,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABC, Australia, Landline ABC, Landlife, Landline, Hay, Pommie Jackaroo, London, outback Australia, outback, legacy, Nari Nari, Wiradjuri, Tim Lee, Charlie Depel, Trainee Jackaroo, Jackaroo
Id: MbLqdE7UfFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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