The Root Cause Of Failure - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

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so we thank God for that freedom we have I'm okay Pretty Polly kutiman kutiman really idiotic I really got a nom de only condition at the Rome it's always a great responsibility when we come to hear the word of God Namie pretty hoodie when the day-to-day what they converted an avocado puree or pour wine you look at it because God says in Luke chapter 12 look up on eternity are today the only what this algorithm verse 48 not put your Thomas on and the last part it says to whom much is given much will be required I think importantly adikam Capodimonte and the look up final Domini our Napa theatres who was something pretty lady nearly I was sitting on pimp illegally see we've had conferences in Tamil not now for more than 27 years here on De Luca Medina Muhammad Ali predominately the polar non conference coordinate at the very low and sometimes in three or four places no moon Berlin on it regularly the Palais who do wrong and many of us have come for all of these conferences Emily a is a gorilla conferencing equipment under chrome and some come to the Bangalore conference to a little more technical Bangalore conference put on the record and if you total it all up you may have attended a hundred conferences like this in England our trip in England good tea party reply additionally the for a new Republican in 11 three o'clock that means your responsibility before God has increased so much earlier totally neutral they wanna come back to Korea kukuku yo I do get it recorded human awardee categorically because God will not then judges at the same level as a lot of other people who don't have the opportunity to hear these things if we them on a cutting like it for the record turn America the mcclure could an hourly fully with Devon iminium an anger come out no more United Padilla Michael so when we hear God's Word it can either just to a very high level or make us sink to a much lower level now musical timid a particular the one Bray number erv career working Dharam we are in the solution to wipe record they allow the Patchett le are we clear work interim you know key polls I can wipe recorded but it'll never remain the same Kate put the nollie nobody are we clear work in Theravada in la la what about the mirror for the light so I want to tell you that at the end of this conference your spiritual level will either go up or down I mean that Mulliken unknown de Sala called a Brahma grain in the conference put a medium turbine I won't bring on Yahoo Kriya why training or volunteer period law at all today we envision that depends on your response to what you hear in English yeah pretty catchy remember they ported on other DN what do you work on one of the sad things that I have seen in many churches in many countries a not even lay a nigga's having linear non part across the chemo do come on a mushy minute anymore is that people are sometimes more spiritual when they are converted then some years later that sugar whatever the name our Nadia avocado lighter are on a laundry girl currently chale chale now III white koala ye not rocking like it's a good thing to ask yourself whether you were more serious abouts in 25 years ago than today poverty could you retain the undergarment buddha-head are they serious I'd indeed Allah Allah ve poor they are they serious I'd create lock and the second thing I have discovered non-contributing out the karyam is that the quality of fellowship between believers decreases with time not concurrently tell Excel a we swastika layer Korea I get interim core in the one day a power in our partner grain now don't think of your fellowship with people in some other group whom you meet once in a while you know what rumor a Cintiq academic law degree endocrine graphite humor curtain three are they waiting a lot on the part Kevin down think of your fellowship with people in your own church well I soon the Stella savvy lyrically I'm a pro - gray goo Mill Creek agree I came a pre-recording are the people whom you see regularly are you cleaning or parking a muckle data-label today I came a pre-recorded or your fellow elders or fellow workers under the world a wooden really sick in a vertical out of a wooden mu per hour or Oh Monica I came up later it was your fellowship with them better 25 years ago than today in greater put the economy routine down determine Bhutan you know they I came to Andhra here in the solar coordinator credit la no you got to be very honest before God in that they were shakily they wanna come back on you look at the near middle or like a window and the immediate danger is that we may say that's because of the other person's fault what are they are here either in am sandy Korea by my name and ran in acumen sorrowful IKEA three water Chile are the a mandrill and the seguro de Corazon into Nam saloon the program when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden Mamma Mia one of me and totally Pouncy the world they lost holiness first but another however pursuit of their and our girl they lost their contact with God they were overlooked or away under her but immediately they lost their fellowship with each other also Warren De Luca Malay or I came on good I our leader in there with target but not only that other matter Berlin Adam blamed his wife for the cause of that fellowship being loss Angie I am Korea but other Phil Adams on carnem Allah yeah well done colonel monochrome coat on silicon darker so this is a habit that has been with the human race for 6,000 years Monisha worketh early in the product come on of the are idamante de la fere in lower Galilee and unwillingness to recognize where I am at fault now Inc yet our Ukraine in body what the philosophy guru Pamela the wooden la gonna serve it if you learned that one thing in this conference you don't learnt the most important thing in the world character in the conference landing will practical Pithom Ningaloo came on over a karate cutter continually Northam Lord deliver me from this habit I have inherited from Adam to blame my wife blame my brother or blame my sister under rain my husband Kanani only one of you in this ago through Neos ago 300 acre emerald on Parliament ready for a solo career under way and they're perfectly with to Dinoco the achievement help me to have the spirit of Jesus who hung on the cross and took the blame for everybody since a lottery power the Kanani carlomon drill party a 10 mil yet takunda on the east north on the cut triple-negative achievement Oh rain even though he was not to blame even for once in power typical day our male party nam solavei maria de arnold and put our a turk on that dear brothers and sisters I remain a saga that I suppose really have you seen the cross Ningaloo be a partir de la a lot of us talk about oh I have understood the cross never Lonnegan on silver you put in the mundane groggy container then I'm placing wrong you know what the cross is for a silly me and all inland a man took the blame for the sins of other people Matt ray McCrory air-powered takaka and the party a 10 million to close it down sill away now that's a very deep lesson to learn in a cut ripple of the Ottoman or bottom I record it and if you can come up to that level you are very close to Jesus Christ in the Nelly painting and when they were able in the stunningly asuka my friend Erica Martha one the material into Nam Salaam and there is the secret of holiness and fellowship anger done in the pursuit of that come I get the Camilla rigazzi eMCON a program where I learn to see Lord where am I grieving you under rain who may not engage the cooperative under the crane entry Nam Kate karma through Tamar see none of us have become like Jesus Christ yet na mele army nobody s a full of Martinelli not you not me Ningaloo man an animal a so if we have not become like Jesus Christ there must be some area where God has to show us where we have to become like Christ I mean yes you Poland I mean I'm not Evelyn listen al nobody rightly yes you put Amara the polity lyrica done sacred a I'm the father the alien brain they one can be given them I'm seeing new ways to become like Christ almost every month sometimes every week no no more than William II sell us immediately love waterlily me yesupadam r1d a positive memory now on green I'm praying that one day it'll come to the place where I get light every day well wooden Oliver lead somewhere Korea and then a liquid laughter and what are you a nun tonight you better go to the cream but one of the prayers I pray is this non Jupiter or definitely won't really done some 139 Sangeeta multi my bottom one verse 23 and 24 you know the only routine on I want to encourage all of you to pray this prayer in the Djiboutian alarm a typically a phenomenal chopper turning holiness and fellowship are the two most important things required in the church sabili pradhana monetary policy Tom um I chemo now tell you we don't have enough of both of them in the arundel me number two today pull them on already lay into them look at solar grain even in my home church in Bangalore we don't have enough for both of them you know da Stella Saffiano Bengaluru 7 a.m. today for a system of my team on Coleman Allah will lay and if we want more we must pray this prayer edema Hannah McKay the darien al nami the job of the che window and if you're an elder brother you must pray that more than anybody else stop beginning a little more appeal anderson all but IL re cutter nomadic maha New Englanders epic event of what is the prayer in a double search me O God and know my heart under rainy or India near theythey are in the voloom not search the other person watch me under a mockery are in the park event of Indian are in the forum on terrain know my heart you know the aridity I didn't even amount of rain try me and know my thoughts ena so this the Yin synthetically are in the voloom he is not asking that God will examine his external life then really program on a wall key and our Odyssey Park event event our captive lane in the world people don't care about their external life Watauga tell a mucker develop regatta mana work a coup d'etat creep over the lane but I think all of us sitting here we are so concerned about our testimony that we are very careful about our external life in Korean I'm a lot of me nobody has hearts Akutagawa have a level I trauma have a Novelli preserve America Korea war economy Kandahar to Lola now that may not be because you want to glorify God it may be because you want to have a good testimony now less Archie and act event event by the non lethal operative are they already allama their wooden armor Miami governing every one of lame but when it concerns what it says here about my heart and my thoughts you know a UWM you know the symphony in do burden only a person who fears God will pray like this they only could buy product of money then what to me about is everyone Lord I've got a good testimony before people under age then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna load a side shield God you searched my heart and I'll need your nudity alright the part you examined me and see my thoughts under renewed and I saw the team cynically are integral own and see now this is the real meaning of verse 24 see if there is any way in which I'm hurting you you know teen on comets or three-year me on Optima sedan under the hood with the today I mean onto copper tittle crane away than a particular not better than a particular inline tried it develop not am I making you angry oh my Cabo particular mind run let God is not angry with you they're gonna load a copper male let me tell you the good news no no gonna let Sadie solar Tom God is not angry with you they were wrote about at Cobo machi Lane but sometimes he's very sad and ice elemental a hour moving that took a photograph he's not sad because you didn't get a promotion in your job or they available look available to curriculum by than a layover to comfortable in that may make you sad but it doesn't make God said other woman I went to model do cooperate Alam they own arrows look up with a moody ugly because God can do anything they were all along say you Maryam he's not sad because you are not making more money I think my but I'm some particularly in personally they even took a particular Allah he's not even sad because you have some physical ailments in your body only a sorry written I say let sugar vinegar kind of puddles and al quad-a are never to cooperated Elaine as long as we live on this earth we're going to have some type of weakness or sickness in our body in the boom le noir umber in the mum in the surreal Italy air although rubella venom for reality kanaa paadam para para la you know even wearing glasses it's a form of sickness the canary photo the Kraken cannot be put on the corral we are Dino rerekura dance because the eyes are not as good as it should be kangaroo cave and the approximate semi aphelion by John Kennedy can be here long we are on this earth we will always have some type of weakness or sickness I mean the familiar coumarine to me and although we don't wanna believe and I'm gonna put attention and even those who preach the most about healing I've seen them wearing glasses what a metallic but really yamasa pressing cuticle are you put a great on par crane they don't seem to have any understanding on that are they cool like a monopod ah hey there you like what I'm saying is that's not what makes God said that you're wearing glasses ningún conadi potala this they wanted to cooperate Amendola man so leveling out they want to cover that there are things in our heart in our inner life that make God sad nobody a little a kind of particular gardener other de Onate the comforter Maryam so we need to pray Lord what is there in my life that's making you sad under a you know be a white leek on a perfectly into a Guardium and agreement particularly in the under the heck you window I want to ask you to pray that every day overall I'm attending algebra qti quickening now I know you will pray it for one or two days and forget it I wonder you don't not a chubby Peter other could put a model doodle Indian epithelium because we are not used to it yet allow me the epithets jibbity Baraka will name let me ask you something one day not only part the catering do you brush your teeth every day then I'm opening a brush for a gridline colloquial okay red line every day respond agreed lines but didn't don't you have to teach that to your children I don't know we'll take a look in England a swell equal to K 1 da 1 but once you got into the habit of brushing your teeth nobody has to remind you do it every day ha the pulp to look at a product Erica theanine dormir put it taken total other cooperate we are owned by ponder like a Pollock and then I'm gonna solitary let's see if you go to some jungle where they don't brush their teeth but a car to kulakov a little fatter monastery leg a bundle akhada months later a girl and you want to teach them our like bartending elbows it you need rest your teeth every day Jen Endora we're also lucky window they will forget some days however silikal Martha you are here but we tell them don't worry just keep doing it now - ROM cavern a pedometer all day I'm the product thing but I am late for it they going after one or two years one day run down did you bet it did you will do it every day in England or America will say they owned a repeater so here is something which we must pick up a habit just like brushing our teeth are given um ballet well like we go to the volatility or the voila Delon dormir political event new product coming on a petition it becomes a habit are they were Akamai marver a nominee and by to say they only recommend up it can be better than brushing your teeth because we can have this prayer many times in one day now Politico the column is in a lower berth America originally were not in the Aaronic war America MIDI Muhammad a year but a tip on what is the prayer eligible search me Oh God underway an era in the park no my thoughts you know they seem declare in the below and see if there's anything in me that's making you sad oh my do cooperate a credit card email they never play wound our endure a nice part of anything in me making you sad under a way to cope particular carry made up in the white later Cara I tell you by next year's conference your life will be changed completely out their conference what are the Guru Pilar hey Arthur Bravo award came Ruby I'm Mari Rico if you stop searching other people what table are in the purple inning well if you are a father of course you have responsibility for your children Ningaloo top on a doll um philately put it over poverty Purim elder brother you have responsibility for your flock Ningaloo Ramu para Arundel Monday put them all together they are in the party window or your mother you got responsibility for your children Allah dating a guy ironed on silicon e for the developer to pure than the rest of us we have responsibility only for ourselves I don't media will overlook UNAMI the gonna back up or get it so it's a good prayer to pray ahmed tibi brother before knowledgeable search me Oh God under-19 a good heart and unity are unable to see if there's anything in me that's making you sad oh wait the Cupertino the car even rightly unkind are at the bottom adoring there is a very close connection between holiness and fellowship para su totter come I get the communion the near come on dude there are many people in the world who think they are increasing in holiness look at the now Nagar but certain of our little documentary underground a window but they're not increasing in fellowship with other brothers who also think they are increasing in holiness on a long long but certainly one arm they're going to chrome in brand equity a mattress a guru diabolic I am Elaine so then you can't build the church a pre-owned al-safi Academy really the church can be built only by people who are building fellowship others in Geylang general matter uber I get a category low hourly wages and I'm sorry I cut a medium and I want to say that any holiness without fellowship is a deception I KML normal persist them into silicon aquarium are the one journey in developing solar grain don't forget that they work on America went down we can think that we can be wholly without having fellowship I came in la mala none pursuit on my condo current or any Condor Kalam but it's not possible another could have a carry what you call holiness is not holiness mingle pursuit America Acharya mother person terminal and real holiness will always bring fellowship when we are on a perceptive April me right get a condom so if your growth in holiness is not bringing better fellowship with other believers something is wrong with your holiness I'll go in with a a pursuit that it'll be over let's see another mattress our Oracle yeah I keep it low remain me what I say pulled over over lien is null alumina pursue tamale and that could be the devil's way of deceiving Italy we salsify you're like a 1 0 room Maria miracle hour before you stand at the judgment seat of Christ and discover that you deceive yourself the whole your whole life it's good to discover something now no ITP no Leland denying servicemen born in brave are you already what Camus razumihin he wanted to fund any internal internal in a condo particular cut them in the knowledge I come to bury the monitor more than a little and I want to speak to those who consider themselves to be senior brother senior sisters because you've been in the church for so many years non founded like a civilian Agha be non fatherly or Moodle share in the water sovereign who did share in the saga didn't equity or a lacuna for the basic Andhra cream I think you are in greater danger mingle with the periorbital in freedom because you don't have anybody to exhort you put this a little PR me Lane you are so senior that you're exerting everybody else mingled on matter little chopper tell you to put this on a grater laugh away humanely put er put er MLA you need to hear the Holy Spirit more than anybody else but rare Lori Carter omnigul I think i'ma go pursue Davi on Oricon daily curriculum we have to be desperate to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit otherwise we will deceive ourselves our citta be honest I thought they get father came even though he like to Malala I recommend Amin Amin I have seen numerous older brothers and sisters living in self-deception so you have one gently of water could be a honey here was it chair in the southerly Mutasa or the solid rollin and Patrick rain even some in our churches nobody a topically important because they think you're holy but sister Juana you couldn't really control target they're not you laid it's clear to me again like you Bassam tell you I record it there is legalism and gave Romano thermal you are I could you carry a legalistic person is a Pharisee not a follower of Jesus brahmana too thin buddy why I could even order per se and how many s we putting butter on a leg they judge others on a legalistic basis must totally algorithm on a thin body I mean I give two hundred girls that's like the Pharisees condemning the woman caught in adultery which are like ima my pretty important there or a38 who turns out a girl per se le Poulet the Pharisees thought their very holy but it's a it will toggle between the pursuit of 100 any code any last very easy to fall into that condition another Macomb you lead off yeah I would most of all I let me run everybody so if we want to get some benefit out of this conference arguing the conference mullah mafia nama key what none may protect you underwent a knee now let's pray this prayer in the Java theorem stable search me O God under a now write the poem no my heart in Italy tiara never reveal my thoughts to me under we're already ending liana liberato during these two three days I only want to think of myself they don't have one do not record Tavia name of a nun could you see it they go to Kevin nobody else very are a concern on since you know me anymore to make what you have to speak to me I'm never near in order for any piece of Ramu read anybody routine on you know what's right but it's always been a very scary thought for me when I read Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 perturbation sumiran don't predict are only was it murder yep resume in aqui na by omerta Korea how do you got an ally are the kind of progressed and I'll tell you what frightens me here Jenny I think my mother Guardian and Ramallah Kosala green you see these were the Lord's messages to the messengers of the churches every girl derriere do to rely subacute due to solar could be a savior later Crowley all the churches had elders in the first century well they look totally lost Habakkuk a move Portland in progress always more than one you probably wonder comedy human Apollo severe wound pastors in the early days are the earliest possible in real a pastor was a gift God gave to different people in the church pastor in the Salewa the yeah someone a number to look at Dave and protocol Korea waarom Dan and the Polka William just like a passel of profit or evangelist a postman he'll pay the receipts we said chicken in the solo the cola but the leaders of the churches we read in the New Testament were always called elders I'll put the airport is Safi Allah Tala we're gonna put him a move poor Linda occupant our girl weather today was if you know but Christians don't care for the Word of God that's why they don't follow that practice just to know where there was something they could to occur a put over there lay off the way down in the way the mooring let me pin but rule them late so that is why they call them Reverend and Bishop and pastor and so many titles I'll go with them Reverend indirect it out Bishop Inari could have a past and our you know litany opportunity that's because they don't care for scripture where there wasn't as they could to sucker in a mercury barometer with an electronic if you care for scripture you will fall over scripture says when I was about the kuru to mingle personal rely upon national we're also developing but aerial searches and elders of a severe a new portal in trogir and among the elders usually one of them would have the gift of speaking God's Word under mu / relay where cometh a war where they only want a pass a career or what a paternal but many have a gift of speaking God's Word they only want a poem to lure Carnegie recovering early late the primary qualification for an elder is not that he can preach God's Word but that he's got a father heart for people or removal da pradana monitor the they already want a present for the end battle lay a la talla Poldi it'll be a miracle done Hooper agree today do you know that a uneducated man can still be a very good father in a home particular or money 1010 de Coubertin alla Turca monument Ramallah Gaeta Rhema and a very educated man can be a very useless father in a home you know Roku muslin drunk party tomorrow morning an Anna regards him another APPA thumpin iron clad in the same way among elders some who are not gifted with the Word of God can be very good father are they pull a mu Peru directly input dear Rodya warty Priscilla Korea Warren brother moose are sovereign a llama prior Cambrian and some were got great gift as speaking the world may not be have a father heart are they amazing what is a lubricant a little passivity of our miracle um uh Authority me la maleta medium god is her father they have a nun never talked on and he wants elders who are like fathers have a move put a long talk on 1 April Erica vandeman Devon Devon Burma grad preaching gift God can give easily to anybody Priscilla Korea Bharata they were nearly done he articles whatever Maryam it is something that is given it's like a gift are the critical particular particular wonder our Allah the Quran being a spiritual father is something you have to grow up to are we would have equally topple my European brother I didn't know q-ball our equity or over like shock oh it comes as we grow in love now unbeliev one of them were the other were eagerly if God sees that you want to love his people they one family generally in England lazy under maneuver McGraw he will give you his heart operating illness if you went over to Pomona Carranza somebody you rivet they wanted to go to part one of the promises that God gave Israel in the Old Testament for a year particle a today Tom Dayton a look at Davenport Ibaka kazama's in Jeremiah chapter three enemy rocket booster come on drama Nagato Jeremiah chapter three Iranian western Alhambra Maldonado this is a prophecy of what the Lord would do in the New Covenant through the wooden body clearly Carla Tillett they have an assayer for grandmother cora tilaka that is mocking is hollow particularly in the last part of verse 14 but in ungawa certain pin for the relay he says I will take you one from his city and two from her family and I'll bring you to Zion uremia moon dramedy Grampa ungawa sateen pin polity now normally would in one mom sudden de barajas hearing they only see you only connect the condo remain in other words everybody in your family may not be converted you know the poor Elena on trial or they could with like a latte and a chicken put her part let somebody yell and sometimes in a city there may be only one sell us I make an overlay over all done at the club but the Lord will bring one from here and one from there they ring gear room economist a boutique in Iraq just look at the crowd here now if we think about a quota they para here God has brought one from here from there they have an India I can do I condone that from one family another from another family in the London opera and the kuruma turnover number that's what he said he would do in the coming day what I could he not like he didn't say you put it in Robert Sona then he said I'll bring them to Zion not really see only character condo ravine now Zion is a picture he's an old testament expression for a new covenant church who do wouldn't it be sub a kid who like a maggot on Korea what a medical ACU Nanavati by now there were a lot of churches that call themselves ire in reckon a casa beagle technology own sub a and heretical agraja now how do you know whether you come to Zion mingle seona Covanta material i lay under the a pre are in they belong to me there is one mark and a fourth or a niggle co nakum on duty lightly under the water Arya little animal alarm and that is written in the next verse the auditor was another aid about recovery in Zion I will give you shepherds after my own heart see you're really humble opinion Gilligan Theatre Maple Lake proto Payne who will feed you our knowledge and understanding our only are you bored with your MA Parker you not knowledge and understanding of the Bible where that they could Atari will put you all but knowledge an understanding of God they only carita are even buti'm the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom dr. Coe by putting of their knowledge in our mo that doesn't mean Bible knowledge are the way they are you endure parole alike means knowing God they are in the world over there a lot of people who know the Bible who don't know God a nagger they only are where the theoretical artists they only are you late and a lot of people who know God who may not be able to know you know caught verses in the Bible so easily they hurry to the root cellar some ethan a way there was her--they I'm getting trypticon become buddy I wanted it along the devil knows the Bible very well but he doesn't know God he's also where the tenant drive had into the Quran Allah they only have one area he knows about God but he doesn't know God they have any factory under the ground they are evenly so the mark that you've come to Zion is that you have come to a church which has got a shepherd after God's own heart Siana Kunigal 130 limburgian new Reuben amendment ronke they will cater a maple attending another Imperial God's heart is not the heart of a teacher it's the heart of a father they already hear the Amana day or an oscillatory rhythm unless other Takapuna ready am I ready so if your algebra has got the heart of a father you're a very blessed person I will be a Sabine moopan Willa Cather pani poni I regret I would require everybody to be more particular understand all Ningaloo merely my hostility capital if your elder brother is just a good preacher you need to pray for him only ammu per hour impressing gianni mota may require additional arica hundreds every given because preachers cannot build churches pressing your columns of a categorical they will build schools and classrooms our evaporator Liam pearly gallium categorical and that is what many churches are in Turkey put it on my topic on a particular day a big classroom with the teacher teaching some wonderful things up Vidya well go for a I'm gay ah sit here okay apparently not a thing under Quran you know like you can go for some classes in the city and you may not know all the others in the class then maybe thousand students in that class no is related to put in a low poly people among a poly no matter of polygamy are indiadee I'm a little clump throwing a party cope one day the period but in a family you can't say you don't know each other or khuda moment where one of the inaccurate area now area then the Salam edema teachers build classrooms and fathers built families are city area near Baku pouring a categorical and on top or marker put a moat a cataract many churches are like classrooms a nagger topical vulgar purely political there's a lot of good teaching nothing let bother a little there are some churches in the world with 30,000 people now when I get the lady a kiss and a savagely who put Ironwood Swasey little cracker is the leader of father uncle Italia of tapenade Clara no he's a school teacher he lay our Vogel Pass area may be a very good school teacher but now Laura wasa Derek what are you Kalam you can't be a father to so many people over Leviticus our Paula how I didn't come buddy month and I don't think such leaders have any interest in being a father I'm pretty but at a level Tao for a political group for miracle dendogram and in over the lake it's easier to be a teacher then her father the open eye before they cut the mass today right here to put anybody here we go and really know you just teach the students come on it's only could've given if somebody fails never mind you'll leave the school out of the fail and and a pass on and and a mechanic but it's Melissa Thomas pull over to the point whether the students fail or pass I get my salary by n fast funding all and failure on a limb unit we can take you only as someone I'm gonna team together and if I get a better salary in some other school I'll go to that school in the perlier cotton amantha Pollyanna Canales emblem would analyze able to vote on gay boy you doing and that's how you see fathers I mean bastards changing churches nobody can pass them are not serving under calm water it's a particular cleric in many Western countries a pastor will stay in a church only for three years and I get mainly not relatable as severely I think about some would have passed this up in a tank you put the wound over him down because he's got only a hundred and fifty sermons in his book he and elaborate I thought but he look up Oda put her there a new name with the pressing I'm gonna come and that all finishes in three years and then what I'm with the press they pressing money mu D mu del mundo her pseudonym then he has to go to another Church argue very very severe in the coming across a senior haven't up reach those same messages again there are they say really mean to mine Newton will say lay out at the moon running across any bizarre school teachers going from place to place or another we are what we are able to in order to think it's hella Korea what do possibly a girl have you ever heard of her father leaving his family and going to another family saga pun in the kumite with the moon drowned a little carried away room without one I wore the kelipah team and that happens in America nowadays in the Comerica way we prefer to carry not only one regret fortunately it doesn't happen in our country are there shows Samaha nobody not related adopting a Draper over the later except where some Western influences come be able to caucus la Mary not too Adi come top commander caring like tower at what time you had a polite in some slums where they don't get married properly they could you say what positively name Allah Mohammed loved akuti what is a rather Pollyanna never got any father's are committed to their flaw saga form our girl turn em on take a tango cooker to like rocket they never retire what column are like oh boy you in by the lake even if he's 90 years old he doesn't retire our cattle URI white on Allen Korea I wasn't a very way we report like teachers will retire when they're 60 or so acidic are was away Donnell out like a very we will well the efforts after God's own heart means the heart of a father they only use either a tram April in the signal or without cordiality patronum a fertile Northam but in the but you know the prominence very often in a church is for the man who speaks on a lotus appeal a MOOC you owe me a coke additional basis the Rev are a better example so the Lord sends a message in Revelation 2 and 3 to the person who is speaking in every church I could be really put it in our system here on the moon tragically over severe impair security a warrant better or liquid Sadie on Apple Iraq he was not the only elder on gay our bottoms on over a mu for Allah but the one who was giving the world oh no idea what the equal equal to Korea or some other and the Lord says I have something to say to you non-owner today so Louise go to save you record another sonogram and to some of them he says you don't know your real condition only one me on and really would have a theory only and download Silverado sell it ok that is the part that scares me he deposited on any I think my by Martha Corinne because I'm speaking the word so often in done adequately what keep is equal to the crane and I'm really afraid if God has to say to me you don't know your real condition woody a million le Mura k-theory earlier today you know the solute or internal I mean none of they could the by manager claims so those of you who are very eager to preach God's Word to other people only matter only their own a wart a curative pressing G when demented on a Tagum once you've loved a girl listen to this in a calendar it's possible that God has to say to you you don't know your real condition only a minyan an LMA monetary overlay unit they won only Chris Walla could en la ku des moines by program I'll tell you honestly I meditate on Revelation 2 and 3 often adequately not really put it in every system here under moon Dragic are alike Janet the conductor a nun devilicus all agree I have shared that with all the elders in our churches you know sobbing liberty i'ma tell em oh poor little mini puzzle don't agree must read Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 frequently only put innovation me Rhonda mundo raja cara lee i de cadena mas if you went down you must read Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus those three letters frequently because they are written to church leaders subway-tile a will build the patina leaning on wound rear-ended Timothy you matter T through Naraku thoroughly adequate in University window those are more important for leaders the labor adequate mhmm okay Monica because we don't know our condition yen anomaly an aluminum kathiria willing Paul tells Timothy flee from the love of money panel say with the willing woody and reporting what they get sorry gotta do church leaders need to flee from the love of money Sabich talavera policy whatever leggy whatever nirakara Timothy was Paul's most wholehearted worker timotha Upolu the air McCune their Maria Maria or whatever here I am that he needed to run away from the learning about policy with ability whatever need I dunno if you think you don't need to run away from the love of money but I'll see you tonight really you wanna tell me I put a button laa-laa clearly and this one now if you think you have already overcome there yet pretty vain all are they American to attain in this whole Ilana I want to say you haven't understood yourself Ningaloo Molina mikeycal ever enter down to level me to pray search me Oh God under nari Department in algebra given them Paul told Timothy flee from youthful lusts Polly HC with develop you wouldn't poverty want a kitchen ah does a 45 50 year old man like Timothy need to flee from youthful lusts not pertain dine by the way they never be at the motel you Wally Bay take your party a chick you what I don't need a car that yes um how much more younger people are putting on while you were relating earlier Boulevard you might be like you what happened it kind of married people need to flee from youthful lusts didn't what I'm on overlay party you see what telling you what happened in reckoning you know very often the Lord has to say you are preaching to other people you don't know your own condition adequately Devin salute in any matter mechanical processing crime unit en oliviana's material and autograph so if we want to understand more about holiness and fellowship I'm a person that they could at the mic you think with the MIDI gamma healing is running equally when terminal we got to think back in time Nam Harlequin occupy Parker window before the world was created now welcome chica put a moon block here and I'm celibate for the angels were created do their own sushi Kappa document but I hear you know God has given us a mind where we can think back now be namu now learn undercurrent in any any purple with the atomic or melodic or three grass and think back to that time when nobody was there except Father Son and Holy Spirit without come on a pursuit agua north every where the arm a law there under mmm you're not ruling Indiana to thinner any partner what is there or we can even though they did this speak in tongues any but shape it's in our plan no Elaine that they are feeling so Kamala Kalani l da da no Elaine then in their bodies there's no you know healing our lives sorry remain Lee after a coup no material underneath a heavy lot even though if they have money polymer Dada no Elaine think of what is they have banana another novel agree in any partner they had holiness power like a supermodel and they fellowship at IKEA model way back blow Calendar number locking that is what we need as done of namaka TV how did that get lost are they pretty blower got him elected and they never lost it among themselves an idea pre-doctoral Connelly over locked away in the pursuit of the light in the lyric of Father Son and Holy Spirit always being holy and fellowship but Sepideh kumara pursued Aviano a poorly made will persist my purse system I you but I quit the military career the moment they created something on a lip or the one Dre a versatile oh and that also created something with a free will Giardia net equity ceases that they could look the upward wondering back in our lucky for example char llama Genesis 1 verse 1 are the optimal one dramedy Armand promise own we read in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Adi lay there one wallet implement I can an enormous if you know in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth are they lay there and wanna t woman like you know and that is referring to all this Sun Moon and stars and all that other serein Sandra chatter only we will not particularly or delay then one of the ammonium on the salam early no angels no human beings a part of the money their level laser lamellae there was no sin how am willing all the stars were obeying god along they were like you know that the stars not anger every part of the only couple whatever God created they have an inner Lama su she thought everything was obeying God perfect he loved it they were like a poor tomahawk a pretty tonight there was no disobedience there in Genesis 1 verse 1 Adi album on drama dr.aman trauma Tsereteli keep Yami in lake y en because none of these things had choice in Underland the sushi go but i was 200 remain jia theorem in like then he created for the first time some another type of being who had choice before the way with him on I wonder if given or associations that unless typically for the hidden they were little in hey I wonder correctly whatever this is the Angels do the good they choose I would wonder a 10 mm woody this is before he created Adam Halle means his ship at one with a heavy undergo telling this is a new type of creation it would've put it with him on a sushi food now for those choice shall I obey God or not obey God he put it on the only people here tomorrow here preamble for tomorrow in Dunellen over the sea aadheenam see a system that's the first time in the universe that God created some a new type of being that had the power of choice other than the way ahead sisupala a Buddha Lemuria he didn't do a little in gray or a fat if they write this she capital R was three number up till that point nothing he created could sing nothing he created could become holy I need that carla captain Murray I wish it's a Hindu or Acharya mummy Pouncy Emory others into this are they something personal Mahmoud yeah I mean you know the Stars cannot be sinners not just a little pervy later Cambodia MA you've come buddy enter look ethereal and you know they cannot be holy even though they obey God 100% no trip renewals they only keep you put in Dollywood and I just anger I have system ah hoodia they will pave God for so long even though you gonna be put in the one column but I wanna be on they're not holy a lot of pursue my healing you can obey God obey God obey God for a hundred years and not be wholly New England they only put in the queue put in the queue put in the new round another percent of a hominid come buddy it's a question of the reason with which you obey God in England the car with the car that they only keep a deal in bill done with you supposing you obey God to impress other people that you're holy non first it's the one i irrigated and Nuttall a pair a pair of Endermen brother car that they want to keep you pretty llama you're not a holy person legal person the one I left even though you're doing many things according to the Bible may the teen Maria Paula cuddling with a solemn word illegal order pursuit the one Allah so when God created the Angels they had the power of choice they went through the logistic morning sister were they our like here in the beluga lingered on a horse active and he created one of those angels who was the leader of all the Angels undo the relay a guru or a tally would not have Devon who like you know you know some people don't believe in leadership silly to kill tally Matua tane a number K Lane somebody says something no no God doesn't believe in leadership all are equal and only God is the only leader they have a lower rate deliver halfway there and we're at a level Airport to delay a lot of deo neukkim burger some inner integral but so low that it's not true and the million life when he created the Angels he made a leader loser I won back in over they were totally unknown backing up when he makes a when he joins her husband and wife he makes one as the leader Donna one one of you I um documents a your nephew murder their Idol a war over and nobody tally what I have it get out this is not after sin Adam was supposed to be the leader even before sin power to forgive that let power the Goomba thought away Adam and turn the kuba to the tally what I hear comin they were when he creates the family he creates leaders father and mother to be leaders of the children order kumite mundaka boarded an gate open and I am under could embody the tallulah here cragger when he established his society he appoints leaders as kings sort of some of the layers on the airport them were they under sunlight they aren't overly today ordinarily they have an old a clear on and when he creates when he builds a church he appoints leaders something it a rule not converted Saba cattle every Democrat leadership is not man's idea it was God's idea from the beginning darling with two men but other money will be a curtal a other than you argue you got my pair other daily a unit element over cardi my and one of the angels the leader I made there with those Italy would about eight caliber after Devon Amita and we read here in Ezekiel 28 about him he say Kelly wrote a family garden I own a curtain Owosso grown now why am i turning to this passage yeah not in the way the political program because this is the first time in this universe in this beautiful universe that holiness and fellowship were lost Narayana under certain a poodle Maria hay ningún what is September Mikey moon and gay karna milk over I told you there was beautiful fellowship between Father Son and Holy Spirit was perfect holiness without come on pursuit avianna Wanda goodly but it will net what I am imperceptible counterpart I did not know honey but the moment he created someone with free choice or a solidarity where he wouldn't nobody won't back to know what a name very quickly holiness was lost fellowship was lost T word among a secret Amata pursuit the moment all into one of it I'm gay I came home telling the wallet see when God created the head of the Angels we read in Ezekiel 28 verse 12 they can you know time we got a funny note I was a little a novice you know it says here take a lamentation against the king of tyre wonderful training tiller dodge away put the Palumbi only no key this means the spirit ruler of the nation of tyre Rene Portland on an ethereal on the rod and the ratchet through da avi all agree says he want to kill Robbie we read in Ephesians 6:12 that there are rulers over the world and they under God allows evil evil in the solavei ceremony a film noir Seagram a rebirth evil and then under Garth array in the novice Seagram Jesus called Satan the overall ruler of the world in John 14 verse 30 you're one panel on comedy and padam a subpoena what are the teen other body andrea soup we saw Sarita so that spirit ruler of Tyre at that time was sailing high way underneath today under call of the theory way under under there and the alley buddy we saw Sam the Lord is telling him on a party under hologram sailin satanic once upon a time what a colorful aim you had the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty maybe six theorem Isaiah but a moocher a mother I mean Jonathan Aaron that one poor an irregular one you were in Eden the garden of God any Theory thought I'm really here in league in the one see this is the Eden that was created in verse one not the one that was afterwards repaired and reconstructed in chapter 2 in the Hadean and but they wonder what you are today in the hidden first words was a homily Ramona was subtly ended on I hidden how the req portora gave me I'm re other Caracas sorry say about iodine on the season was all destroyed when Lucifer fell Lucifer Kennedy ever in that were they and they their honorary capital Lucifer's in me we don't know the real name but it's a name people have given to the head of the Angels general attitude in Italian okay put it appeared on Lucifer out a paramagnet Riyadh has not revealed his name anywhere in the Bible where the tree in game it the ever known a very really prevailing we will call him Lucifer just because that's we used name although off a pine Bertha putting up a tie here crappity nollie Lucy we're in the nom de rigueur found a paid only but the Braille is not revealed his name and there's no need to know his name day one only a developer thermally aadheenam I didn't even pick over his present name is Satan yet he put on the cuticle reappeared sat on but that was not his name in the beginning our Matheny I wanna come the parallel and he was perfect I want Putin Obama in undone and he was in Eden I want yet any Laden done and it says here yes all upper together then he was anointed verse 14 when I was eleven I will shake him on a pattern in terrassa Chrome he was not a human being he was a kid of Ivan Munson eleven here over here on that and knowing tit I wish a man about Takeru and he he was in the holy mountain of God I wasn't able a perceptive part of the today Iran Donna look at this holiness 1:15 he was blameless in all his ways only ever you'll a honey I am contributing upon away late I want nobody really putting our own Idol done in the park of Monte person that they partner then one day he fell for not only on trend on how did he fall yeah pretty one done verse 17 fine animus honor your heart was lifted up because of your beauty ray originally only already met him EW you've corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor only oniton are a one-minute canal a1 Yana take her to tie and when he was proud in his heart I 128 you didn't put me any more than you know proud people become very foolish pair me Lord and with him their booty narai maharat know that even when God gives them a position of authority our Allah Karim in guru or authoritative and portal and couldn't they're not satisfied with that other layer feeling they want to go higher in the mellah home would see that in the world all elected a partner if a man wants the same is to become the richest businessman in the city in the partner tonight none we have pity upon a car and repair er I went a bit over him we're on and he reaches there understand a theory gear on he's not happy on alum sunder similarly he wants to be the richest man the whole state now he for the muru monolith triumph on a car in LA a day when I went aground if he reaches there is still not happen I'm there to carry never names under Chimel line he wants to be in the whole of the country he pours in not tulip Alucard later on I went I went over ground the same thing can happen in a church in a car iam severe not even maryam that a person again long to have a position of authority superior adhigam engraver his talent Alec Windham it hasn't wanted to conduct Lanvin if he comes there he's not happy April on the sonic one day bargain put asunder morality longs to have recognition in many churches Palace sobbing Lillian I could nullify Rahu endomondo baramura because a proud person is never satisfied what a pity me on I'm not even water column dear David a late and so we see that Lucifer I went on Lucifer a park Rome he said in his heart in Isaiah 14 and verse 13 yes yeah fuzzy non-comedy got a party mantra almost something I wanted military sonogram in verse 12 he scald the star of the morning money Nana was certainly Adi Colleen Marie Yamaha materially a injury yes a polynomial pun and Aloha signal and this is what one of the early translations translated it is Lucifer in the Latin and so we get that name are the altar of love done everywhere Pillai already a portaloo super in this whole opportunity knowledge and I am Lucifer now anionic you know but what is he saying is hard and I want to look at it natural now I will go above the throne of God non-daily a single Sun up the Camilla affair non either way I will make myself like God verse fourteen my long that was another day none another one of the coke oven they will cocoa in Anderson and you need to understand that the origin of sin was not sex sexual see power through da album or a volley whatever Sunday or Power Man Allah does not anger Kabam Allah does not murder coal oil and it was not telling lies we Allah all the sins it was none of the things listed in the Ten Commandments but the kappa ESO la pata indoor palm Allah does not worshipping idols with Carol I wanna go them Allah it was not stealing through the rhythm unless hello Samuel Alito is not coveting your neighbor's property your wife honey air pocket they were turn the air I want a soothsayer only one of your who litter a super Allah the origin of sin is something never listed in the Ten Commandments power but still you are a bumper sticker political opera like it was pride the Permian sin came because of pride bhavam hear me not like Don Juan de Dieu and as soon as sin came Vavoom on the matter telling we read that God cast down this angel David a doula named Hollywood our anniversary grown but not immediately whatever Leah hudley he allowed Lucifer a certain amount of time Lucifer if you select Allah with us at the devil Berta and during that time under colic at a delay Lucifer went around heaven among the other angels Lucifer and a fellow named uh traduz relief way over a terrible grin and collected some people who had the same spirit as him then they fall away our beauty a matter o Lilliput Excel Quran you know there's a saying in English that birds of a feather flock together hooray with him on a year ago led but I will attract a certain element of the normal angle easily wounded crows will be together and doves will be together kirara element raga sin they will mean I mean I thought wouldn't say him at this along you won't find a cross sitting in the midst of doves for our film Athena were to capture a Park MD Latakia metal rock I reckon so the devil went around heaven he wasn't the devil then the Lucifer went around heaven looking for people who had the same spirit as him Dona Paula way avi yard eternal a miracle and a solid theory Allen the Opry a program seeing if there's anybody unhappy here in gr the sand or Sumatra lie to come on out like dill Teatro lie yeah rather rely on the theory partner and he found some angels what is the authority partner who could join him that makes her Lola Padilla was early patron can we read in revelation 20:4 - instead of a circle in Chapter 12 but in a normal thing Adam about Satan here in verse 3 is called or great red dragon in game 4 EI upon by Evolis supplementary we saw Sarika particularly patron and it says in verse 4 with this daily swept away a third of the stars of heaven 10 reevaluate the condo moon delay Rubin a Tanaka said the kannada revathi chrome now in the first book of the Bible which is written which is the book of Job the stars of heaven are called the Angels Moodle with an editor put Tabitha weather today yoga in with the gum I'm gay do they relate one at the natural injury article any part we read that the devil gathered one-third of the angels from heaven I'll give you a dozen wanted today we'll have moon delay would open gate an ACOG at Celtic on down and he got them on his side before the hour Gilliam ton polka by what are we talkin down I don't know how he did it you put our children on any continually I think he must have gone round talking about among the Angels you proceeded upon do the little end up in Andhra hair place the other one are you happy over here in the little Saunders my entire collection I'll never look at that don't you think God is being to Authority Damon OS are whadya ripple and Caray appoleo filburn layer in read Quran know anything he should give us a little more freedom no one just a lien and put it on all length under one how do I know that he spoke like that you put it down south and paste it under and I can put it there even to get great laugh because I've seen some brothers speak like that in some churches Silla saw a little of depends either than a path or grain are you happy with the elders do you feel bit unhappy about what's going on no property economist under so mark Allah day for not only one took a recurring Lakota to order them on a little Theory Caroline you silly boy that's replacing of it I call that a Lucifer ministry is a nun who see for worried about her awakening what should we do now I'm gonna say Lam what did God do they let us say that you didn't do anything how would I be say le said let them let them gather all the people who are unhappy sundar some atomically lump in there you really got a sacred toe and once she had gathered one-third of the angels moon delay would recruit own door over Roppongi yet they were again God put them all out and he letting what the mine tell you time yeah there was a break of fellowship in Heaven's um Barlow with today I a query we had put to the idea Marie we Airport today there was a break of holiness of the break of fellowship and a punch of the memory we had but today I came would even wear particularly but in another way I'll wear the little upon al it was like a weeding of the garden of heaven hung a parliament in I thought that the like Hollywood hanger putting her than the Salah now if somebody comes to your garden somebody enters your house yeah rather than we two go together say I will weed your garden for you freely none eleven some walk away which local authority like Ali put a great in this holy one that I won't touch any of the plants but I pull out all the weeds Nullah Chetty Lilith or even want a and ie to put a colleague a little uh little I'm not putting here and so now he say you don't want any payment for it either I only say that over emblem I went on one degree like why are you doing it like a Samba I meant Phnom Penh against a gray I like weeds I like pulling out weeds Jannik a Cali girl a number particular calling a limp remember Buddhism what do you do and I say we take your eyes go ahead sorry and say and he goes picks out all the weeds and takes it off I'm a poor young a collie a little I'm putting ye are they katakana du motier i canta canta canta by autograph very sorry oh he's taken away all the weeds from Yoel de calais little everything under one end this with the proper degree before the totem many I surrender I'm are even to the house and also for degree heaven became a better place when Lucifer had finished his ministry Lucy portray you rate the mudita biragi para la hermana the mania no riddim I'm are you today and if you are fortunate enough to have some Lucifer in your church doing the same thing your church will become a better place when he is finished is only a civilian good a loose super equal over your cell grupo de Ricky mingled this is salia earring doll only a civilian career or a person a volunteer brother by worker that's not a break of fellowship I like you more evenly in one sense it's a break up fellowship with the solar panel IKEA Marie Moran it's a cleansing analyzer so to get your personal reading al can I get a couple of them I have seen that in almost every church we have planted non little Sabich the wood savvy lame-brained another four they never parted wrong a lot of people come first because they were excited with an hour the alarm what about somebody getting on a lot of moolah they wanted I could have organized and then some Lucifer begins to work there but again the severely elusive a little well I say Arabic and some people go away she'll ever put on you to praise the Lord doctor like a storm how we can start building the body of Christ you pour the non-christian resettled in sabi sabi a Cartier come buddy get it so I wanted to show you how sin originated in this universe are giving the under surah started a power me pretty Arabic cylinder like you can become aware because then we can understand the whole innocent fellowship will come with the opposite of that other ended on earth on participle of Mike you were it'll be Normandy am i le diable any call along that if holiness was lost through pride here Amina Lathon buddy system were you were to the end ray now I'm adding the domina can come back only with humility time in malmö time in Alberta made on spawn a person some thermo my harmonium fellowship was lost through pride it can only come back with human Jeremy gnarly I'm gay boy with the IKEA mana the terminal a tantrum of my Airport the podium that's free I'm JB pom Heavenly Father para Abu Dhabi help us to be gripped by the truths of your world the war team sat eternally tunnel particular for debris and liquidity that we can in these days build the Church of Jesus Christ on earth in the North Valley Academy in the boom le Kirsten sabe nan khatai Umbreon liquidity is phenomenal Java Caramba Davi I mean the bar d & D be important to learning eat honey let it be busy with DeeDee here's to learning we made it
Channel: CFC India
Views: 21,351
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Keywords: zac, poonen, cfcindia, jesus, tamil, thanjavur
Id: AHoCXB3mbyI
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Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2011
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