What Jesus Valued Most - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

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all of us as human beings we are always seeking that which is the best for us now Millar MAME initial array num here presently is inimical surrender they embody a nom didn't know we make many decisions in our life nobody are working late for a clear morning Lee Nam shake it off and those decisions are very important because they can have long-term consequences how pretty but the third one and going to fail in Decorah relatable here put a decrepit in la having a goofy monitor morning good god has made man with the power to make decisions till morning Alesia Korea's Shakti or Dakota David money on a particular crop and we can say that all the sin and confusion in the world has come because of a decision that the first man and woman made with little money than a millennium say it there an Athena Monica nama tamago Don in break a look at the lake carnico dias a girl a Pavan Gollum are then with a condom on a particularly they made one wrong choice over cairo tower on a clear monetise a target sometimes one wrong choice can create so many problems seller something Lily would power on a theorem on a gapper technically inductive it a lot and we should not forget that are they Nevada connemara Corrado whenever you see sorrow evil sin a problem nam trumpet a young female poverty in part Rama remember all came because one married couple made one this is cinnamon I'm on a what a number the year would a thumb around a theorem on earth you didn't read a lot of tongue even a little um wonder the end veneering unable to wake you when you see what a lot of evil can come out of one decision or Athena Monica una Mafia what about theming Alpha Company in partner Abraham was a godly man Abraham never back to LA money that I owned up but he made one wrong decision to have a child through his servant woman because he was not having a child through his wife oh no thunder demon even mullah Mohammed agama freely in in Lane three company over they'll develop in name but on the other below my order Kumar only put nobody on overfeed Amara theater that and like in Adams case his wife fully suggested it humbly and shaken none of the fall away Abraham David telling him money we cannot they you got to be very careful sisters what you suggest to your husband I'm gonna suppose real name only a kind of reckoning also Lakota also really cool boom chocka the area Windham there can be long-term consequences of battles of make use of her other than limit them ahead you won't need them illegally on the airport of a white woman because of that decision they got a child called Ishmael in the tower on Athena monitoring relay Walkerville into the number of kibarim problem that event happened four thousand years ago in the Samba mana the non guide a Montague comin back another day and for 4,000 years the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac have been fighting with each other in the now I demand a lock is melodious anthurium yes are odious on the Diamonds youth uh manacled a rocket some of the biggest fights in the world today are between the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac indirectly not on their make a pretty good terminal a polar in the snow else under the come you sucking Sunday the commandment of tangles because the one in the wrong decision that I have made even Gurley another than the Sunna laburnum say the would have around a theory molecule Matawai like that we can see many examples in the corner in the corner of Paulo without knowing now Parker Maryam and then in contrast to that you see the example of Jesus is that ok wait to me I can hear a little more yoga yes will be a model you know part Rome we know that all through his life he always made a decision to please his father already have our camera with more authority a padam a free opportunity after we our theory morning earlier to talk then I wanted to tell you of one important decision that he made in the garden of gethsemane yes I'm only a total delay obviously then we came on over the pyramid at the in Baramulla can also lock or green one decision or a teen mana shall I drink the cup or not drink the cup the portal a horrible Noah's Ark under the phenomena Kerava that was as important the decision as Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden Haven totally awesome you album yet the theorem on octillion the hello you came out of the water came on a theorem on appears of the crab and he struggled other day I will record a port number another can you imagine Jesus struggling to decide do you know what I would oppose it appear so what article are anybody melodic happening say the part come together not because we have not understood the seriousness of that decision in the tea tomorrow through das seriousness a memory other buddy Nolan ARMA the area monochrome I'll give you my personal testimony in return I put a short she unblocked Isola grain for many many years I only knew the love of Jesus for me from the cross of Calvary Anika on a gondola a salwar a syllable a unit on aren't over and I could convict on bein on that and they won't have an idol name but I never saw till one day the Lord showed me the love Jesus had for me at Gethsemane I get similar totally there were any curriculum there unpaid I would really put it to what I came not gone of the other night ending and I've never heard anybody speak about the love of Jesus in Gethsemane it's a Manilla yes when the unbreak put it the autumn face with you don't care locale you put other Lane have you seen the love of Jesus for you and Gethsemane gets Emily later look I wait to recovery undone by Parker cradle ah one day God opened my eyes to see this why this struggle went on Warren all day in yes you on the pier MonaVie deposited to pour our time over here in the den by the park come buddy having anger later on that was the day I understood for the first time in my Christian life what that cop was with Jean did not want to drink underage on Moodle Moodle ah he'll be a customer vodka lay under a poem for now random into grim Ilana I'm the pastor minion but in honor of the contain many of you have been Christians for many years well our negative lava cryptolocker career can you tell me what was the cup with Jesus did not want to drink yes phenomena will bother on the path from inane drivel alehsalaam edema very few Christians know it mogera silica thoroughly the undergraduate and that's because God does not show us more than we desire to know now mother yeah bungee lava tall they only can't become a tap when you study the Scriptures whether they particularly if you come to a difficult portion or cutting tomorrow what a politic inning over early and the Lord sees that you ignore it and go on to the next verses nail on a potato or something a Kogi remember the other part covers it God sees that you are not interested in finding out what that means oh they already a poorly named where they come to be put into a million but it's Devon Park are so many years it was like that in my life honey on do love anybody or what kill em would have put it on in a little I read about Jesus saying I don't want to drink this cup but not my will but yours underway in the path of like Hanuman Nagar Haveli ie the military system will never listen to me ah how could all that is I read it for many years on a gondola Hill the Wharton on was a theory maybe 20 years before I even began just stop and think no no what is that cup there was enough to be a portal in and the pastor to Napoleon anybody I didn't the whole of it but I he do the underground there was something watching entirely original were-car among in root over like many times I have discovered things in Scripture by stopping at a verse and not going on till I understand it a some England Lane on the way they put her the uppity Anderson all or was it was it the one day what a murder Karina wanna probably went on gay nudity word again remember the country curriculum in my younger days I used to read a whole chapter every day in real wall you are not cool a nun Havas if people donate and that's good to do that so do you go through the Bible at least once or twice guru-murthy modem reality Maria Washington Briana Briana Carmody Gemara I think are among us to put in a look at otherwise you'll never finish we really will never finish reading if we don't do that normally say yeah we're number one whether Washington became reality but when we become a little more mature are we clear what our army commercial you know the basic teaching of all of scripture where the 3 rd place certainly longer monochrome then it's good sometimes to stop at the worse other gay individuals in all of it so sometimes nowadays I read only one verse tell us something you Lily a more technologically and then I I can't move from there it's like a stoplight God says don't move I'm gay holla for you here are the coopering on the manubrium I spend the whole time thinking of that one verse and the world was not a motive a non in my code and the next morning when I get up I'm still at the same words at the knowledge nor anything for the Mafia was something a thank you to cranes because the light does not become green anyone's ever touch a holiday but senator Martha marbling and when God doesn't make the light green you shouldn't move they went relatively Apache leader mahkumat role in the surrounding Alcoa you'll have an accident opium currently Valhalla Kodak Co and a star i winning Milton and like that through these years I have discovered so many amazing truths in Scripture that I've never read anywhere he breathed unknown follow in demon on varsity article accordingly where the film do not cut right into the crane I believe in the next few years I'm gonna learn much more I did the Eau de salón de la fin de Matthew my capital of another great you can do that to Ningaloo Mauricio Maryam but you got to stop watching television a little bit on Ali then say you buddy I gotta get TV powerful you mr. Bundy recovery and you need to spend a little more time with the Bible endemic when you never mingle weather tonight solo say you want it alone Tanny often without any disturbance in the water Thunderdome louder body and wait dr. Kevin together you shouldn't be in a hurry of a sauropod a crazy many of us miss what God has to say because we are in a hurry now million acre I was sorta particular the knowledge they were number two solar Cody accordingly now I'm here on the woulda grow supposing you get a phone call one day what an oddly I manipulate we're gonna do and the secretary to the Prime Minister says Prime Minister wants to speak to you nobody ever does I'm a month in OD Akari there I see hold up your pasty I rake it out what are they my mom what a pest sentiment have to surprise Prime Minister wants to speak to me Oh mother moment you know what I pay several McGraw well actually my record and you want to find out is this a hoax call or a real cop either you know poliana or acquire a little movie on are they pioneering ever look at it and you find it's real Allah Allah may were re particularly and p8 secretary to the Prime Minister's just waived under sorry the return of the air near the we all are taught the role in this photograph how long will you wait your honor for a psychotic dad bring Elaine let you tell me name Lisa Lincoln after one minute you'll say oh he's not coming I'm not gonna be I'm Catherine Lena Callie what I will initially need a funny way to reread ah I tell you you will wait one hour on that phone non-solid oh ma what do many native animal having a collaboration with the Catholic on the air period because it is such an honor that the Prime Minister of India wants to speaks to some ordinary person like you or me they are not in another moment three Sarna one and one is in a politically a homebuilder thickness of a rumba rumba the embroidery organum what about the valle mighty God says I want to speak to you not above Allah will has devil put a pair 70 but the solemn birthday in a sacred how long do you wait everyone I have got the real one or two minutes what amateur and every short speak to me under in over the place of no word party Lee okay let me go and do something else God sees how you treat him like some beggar they won New York a Czech army north oh they put another to the our Park Iraq you told the beggar to come at eight o'clock give him some you'll give him some food oh my god only jnana get too many QR power at the supports all agreed you wait one minute he hasn't come who's going to be bothered if he doesn't come that's his fault Waterloo Michelle I went ah mother why you've done what I will a war at the end now they already are attorney and it's only Niall would agree and if he comes at five minutes past eight yet timoni ing nothing autograph say what I told you to come at eight o'clock now found a WR so named because he's a beggar yeah Nadal Hinault repeat jaycara you won't talk like that if the Prime Minister came five minutes late for Prime Minister a what about our little apple martini God is testing you my brothers and sisters in saga saga relate there were no let's hold it apart crap to see how you treat him already nearly pretty neurotic ritalin but it's worthy to park our reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom Yannick T not Allah make after if you by photograph I am you deal you really want to get free of being religious and become a disciple of Jesus Christ holla me bhakti Allah the Madam's are on the keratin the riddle yaki nearly so position I'm Aravind Amma then learn to reverence God there when a Medicare our but they say yeah at the corner when we reverence God many things change in our life buddy on a muddy pool underwater by thought over and I'm Devin Eon ago birthday on a guitar harmonica we are willing to wait in God's presence to hear what he has to say Alina hurry to run away over know what it'll end up a satiric remember they are in they go the record I'm hot triplet cutter hologram I was sort of putting in the poi wood over the lake think how all these be worldly people cancel everything when some TV serial is coming on look at today a particle is also mu T 1 over TV silver girl in this one all Tommy I really would eat you too are you they plan the whole day around that DBC real timing I mean all guru my Erica go to a steep angle in LA on a TV serial a my mi wait a time when a tell America how many Christians do you find who planned their whole day around the time they must meet with God it's in a customer records that were in Alma Rosa my will occurring late September number yes they ever what about SLO say you're an era men but them I am I wait to say your honor that television is the god of those people they worship with wholeheartedly on the McCulloch the daivam on that TV done are they worried you really thought about I wanna gradual but Christians don't worship like that like if they want to go the lane that is the reason why God never speaks to you David McLeod would have pace are there percocet on karma you know many people say God is not speaking to me on a good day when in order to pursue the latest holographic that's because we can't hear at the end this one now Miss Susan I'm Kate come buddy with a lake just the Apostle John tells us when he was 95 years old yo one pollutant the way I recover the holograph Revelation chapter 1 where pertinacious from Andromeda God verse 10 automata I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day doctorate in our Levite Palani and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet saying write in a book what you see upward then I kept in Dali it called a septum entrepreneur saw that they contain named kangaroo regulate in the booth array for coastal erosion dislocating you know English Bible it says like a sound of a trumpet a call a septum Andrey better than over septum that means a very loud sound various up top how is it you say that you can't hear I don't know but I like it company only under your painting also losing somebody blows a trumpet here yeah nothing you call it the who the Gregor you saying I can't hear that well I let me kick them would even tell something's wrong with your hearing only a fatherly it authoritative John could hear God's voice like a trumpet your one there will be a subtle a curse at them ball ketta and it's so loud that it drowns all other voices but real loss ultimately mobility for a toccata here while you are over the satellite donatism but it was not always like that I'd only afforded me a political a he had to slowly develop that sense of hearing God's voice never he has sought that they enter with a mic it further afield now quite you say Wendy record of it when one day when he started out he wanted to call fire down on the Samaritans because they did not listen to God au revoir mr. bird is somebody a girl they would like to keep monitoring about end is only one Ethel the Honduran anybody thought about it or not he couldn't hear God's voice then there was suddenly our kick come buddy of any Jesus said you don't know your spirit and also Naru now he novel a what I don't hear what God is saying they were in a saloon run run I cut come to your God is not sink one is send fire to destroy these people they were luckily I repeat WI recover more like because God sent his son to save people not to destroy them yeah Nadal McCulloch kappa true boo Yaga Sarah chicken Brianna they want somebody Kumar on your nipple areola I recall and that was where John started he could not hear one bit of God's voice and get on Yavin are Amita Dana 13 would a fully good hour a like a Cobra nearly 65 years it became so clear it was like a trumpet heap order they are within the handle on they really sucked em you call us at that people tell you I don't care that's the most wonderful thing in the world look at today but no more put them on a card even imagine when I'm facing some decision in life I hear a voice like a trumpet saying go this way I feel a were pretty tomorrow at the air to Concordia catalytic converter they it caught us at them what about us at some do nothing it's nothing I wanna clear this one dollar below Bucky my most believers never hear that a was Swahili they cared for the light there even believers for 20 30 40 years you know them before they're not put on a clock it was possible I don't know serving God full time so many things they don't hear God's voice they don't have a message for God's people because they don't hear God's voice they suffocate cause nobody not like they already pull a little intro solo they say they speak messages from their own cleverness somebody solid solid on this ad a little are called what they've heard from other people another about that category a Prasanna take a look at we have read in books or something like that another good I'm gonna wash it other than the city like they are here are very few people who speak what they have heard from God they have one eternal this after they can why is that yeah buddy because the years are there only a Kazakh instead we got so tired of it well this used to say he was ears to hear let him hear yes kala patthar loved and kept a caravan that means he's he's telling us to develop the habit of listening to the spirits world obvious here we go to Korea para Kathy here put it they called I went around our captivity revelation 2:7 money pertinent normally unaware our he was a year to hear let him what this hear what the Spirit says to the churches Oh Yahoo never Sophocles lugar de kado loved and kicked a common in Chapter 1 John heard that voice like a trumpet wonder how I got a today a colorful fact they put on the surface they kept out in Chapter two he's saying you must also listen to that voice like a trumpet mingle and put in the account of stuff that they ponder there was after they kicked you and Wendy run down with the art the McCulloch a telegraph what is it that he repeats to all the churches he lost something will come through but remember what Sola gratia mana next second church you know now is having verse 11 if you have a year to hear listen to the spirit speaking Aviano sabe lo que su lugar de kado love and care of our church mundo sabe verse 17 I mean I don't hear what the Spirit is saying oh yeah no solo guitar verse 29 for church you know hear what this word is I'll be honest all around happy 3 verse 6 moon drama dr.mohammed the same thing are they Akari chapter 3 verse 13 moon drama reporting on drama and chapter 3 verse 22 moon remain open to all seven churches one message in lie here is something like every city listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit I'll be honest at the thickest every ordinary you can hear it like a trumpet you give up your sin when a poverty built over time and you listen to the voice that says don't do this many when you're going towards sin mingle power to Connecticut put them where they are they say y'all then this one look for yourself that there will a cat conversion record it so when you read the scriptures where they also may watch the comparison to this word repeated to all seven churches here sobbing a film about a dome with robots all your Atari in the car and it is said in connection of two overcoming in the aquarium take a look at what ke kula the soul of all these churches before he says here the spirit he says be an overcomer in the Aviano so low that i am the solution but ah hey neat Jake we're gonna eat him the solar graph you have to be an overcomer in order if you want to be an overcomer listen to the Holy Spirit jakey Donaghy look you and Amala lobby on factors like us have you got in early so I wanted to hear what is the reason why Jesus what is the meaning of that cup with Jesus said okay gets in late and the part that they could do something daddy Farnham and I could if I wanted to hear from the Holy Spirit obviously God they were undercover Tom Graham and I said Lord show me what does this mean underage really put it in and it can't be of us Jesus afraid of dying yes you marry pathetic by Patara I mean I have read have so many marchers who went cheerfully to the death it's a new Iraq to the swatch Eagle America virgle sanders at door daily tour air Moorea Moorea under the university not imagine Jesus being afraid of dying oh yes it was manipulated by a particular many not like happening see the parking up the he loved us so much that he'd have been glad to die a thousand times on Calvary for us luckily number two our unborn the unbeknownst America I am what a good hour to marry positive people worried Lemery for the guy come out of the park then I began to think about what did Jesus actually suffer for me the cross Yannick kaga Cal var is silly lay our inner with him on a part of retardant organic cane now most Christians only know that the hung on the cross and died for our sin nobody a powerful will Akaka were silly we lay our chunky merit Ariana Garza really goodness he physically die sarira pro guru maha vaakya Humaira Carmel is on he was not the only one who physically died our sorry program where our motto male there were two three so two thieves also who were crucified with him I wouldn't a color real umm salal area for target so if crucifixion is the punishment for man's sin I mean money Rudy a power thickened ray SIL they are a part of the mahtim done the under knee and this one all then those two thieves also died at least for their own sins on the under color according the which I'm already a powerhouse ilaria but orale if that is the punishment for man's sin money would hear thunder Nika money is a power thing also and Anthony I in the wrong way have died for everybody is sin yes yeah Lana de Pamela Carmelita but those things died for their own sins on the corner ultimately from the power cars in America it is a big question very or can be recurrently what is the punishment for your sin Hungary a power 30 in net than the name is it physical death Serina programa random anima supposing you tell a child you know replace all agree if you fail in the examination punishment is you stay in the same class but Chile need somebody with tall are they well people a recommend don't okay he failed he sits in the same class sorry I won't fight chilly cold wait in the alley of open a thank you Berta grant he's got the punishment out okay don't make it too tough you can't punish him again and put him in a lower-class window mine dun dun dun da are they would act a photo no nobody does that you are where they say were the link so listen to this I'll govern ethically know if the punishment for our sin is physical death number II a powerful Korea Thunder neighs sorry de praga Amon Amarth America man when I die physically I have taken the punishment for my sins no I'm sorry de praga Rama Homeric you murder the energy of poverty buried under a nun Petra contain then I have to go to heaven how party animal Carlo Guzzi event Oh everybody will go to him as soon as they die Oh Maurice every alarm April so if you believe that Jesus physically died for my sin oh yes internet power - gotta study the paragonimus amar number in our internal number now once you he died what about us coming me down there now I'm Erica murder we need to understand this now many blame you can live in Canada did Jesus take the punishment for my sin on the cross or not any a power will it cover your done Danny here Cecilia hit the corner ilayya all of us will say yes Emma Laramie almond us all because if we did not take the punishment then I have to take it until our nobody underneath it's not a lyrical event why do we say we are free from the punishment of sin Wow what's really a dun dun Laoghaire then nobody I hear it chrome and again something wrong because we say Jesus took it yes or the yet to another solo the knowledge that's right I'll study God then I ask you next question how did they can take it what is the punishment for a man's sin whatever you have poverty but is under knee and opposing a man does not accept Christ there what is this punishment how do you tell da Nina is it just that God will kill him physically sorry de praga robber got a monocle what and bottom dollar there are good people also die physically I'm sorry repair American are godly people die they have ocular America we all know I mean our wonder chrome there is only one punishment for sin ma what's it over a wooded under a mat ma once a man dies in his sin what a mob money and volatile American but like Jesus said yes a sauna that rich man goes immediately to hell under I still wouldn't be a hologram the story the rich man and Lazarus both died i Syria one loss or room America larger that was not the punishment for sin ductile you know to me America how is it one when to having the other one - hell yeah but a one Carlo because the punishment for sin is hell poverty Korea thunderlane knock'em know people ask where is hell now I'm a chemical kitchen I'm not interested to find out where it is you know I think particularly and I thought well you know what is the condition of people in Hell in a let me interpret a variation is they are completely forsaken by God will tell the mother they were all and you rather you get what they would target this world is not forsaken by God in the only time it up what our life is a lot of sin in the world I'll get an idea power vertical it's under a curse I think you are that's why you have mosquitoes and germs and sicknesses and diseases are given on Pacific Life Park Rome Metheny of yogic pyramid a formula for wild animals and all types of things octamer even a part removal on a seemingly part wrong but the world is not forsaken by God Allah link the would look upon us they only kept it up but you know if this world was forsaken by God in the ones they were not like I would offer to me on Allen every non-christian would be possessed by demons Oh what it could still a lot over a little piece Australia pretty can put over here the devil has got more demons than the population of this world in the hola Gatito da da octo get caught him South down the cuticle only a unique idea why there are seven billion people in the world there are more than 7 billion demons nearly billion buckle in the lyrical national disaster Otan make a ripple in the comedy gamma helical and the devil would have made sure that every human being is possessed by a demon ok we miss our money they don't miss Australia protect along with any chick then they're fine you look around can you say that everybody's possessed by a demon mingle contrary to power couple more than 95% of people are not possessed by beings only change its other uses the common economic resources particularly are they sick our reality but there's a lot of non Christians atheists who are not sick later on the Nazi occupied they live healthy life alright come on over while they earn money they live comfortably upon a miracle suicide were intelligent our hypothetical or does all these things show if we can allow me they can't be killed this world is not forsaken by God in the welcome honor that they were not like I would have put up like God's mercy on all people they will he recover the allow me the miracle those who receive it get forgiveness on the arrogant a particular all money but the others get so many material blessings but there is one place in the universe which is completely forsaken by God in the entourage certainly word America that the germinal utila my teleport at is hell other than Oregon and that is the worst part of hell it is not navigate we got more someone over quality fire and worms and all are a picture of being forsaken by God a Korean by the monkey Willacoochee girl protocol in with them they will al fayed up another chorus iterable so that is the punishment for sin other than poverty period under and if Jesus did not face that punishment he did not take my the punishment for my sins yes Christian that underly I was unteachable a personal energy of power through Korea tenderly I will recover lay and the wonderful truth the Bible reveals is Jesus did take that punishment on the cross yes acoustical war is silly-willy on the London Eye yet record are in but they wear them are the obviously mechanically Tottenham you know for three hours old Romani marinelli he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me at that time they were a in day when a year in a climate in our car garage and the earth became the Sun became dark sorry and you don't not into the your show Bhumi other they never in the history of the world and such a thing happened the largest hereditary but acharya made reveal a because God the Father had forsaken God the Sun for three hours in additional on the moon doorman emiram without a table from the kumarila here yes it is three okay with your table you know there are some people who say there's no Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit is all Jesus Tillich to amend I won't relay without kumara under that is a blasphemy other dushashana because then who first took the son on the cross how pretty are L on the syllable a yes come on I tell you it to the are I cannot forsake myself now they make a would he not so there was a father in heaven who forsook the son are the way pillar parallel to later to put a pillow or unda over Kumar name who made a comment the Bible says 1 Corinthians 11 the father God is the head of Christ conciliatory RFP Dawa get their miracle I was being forsaken is my head being wrenched off from the body I predict I will do battle this one the circle on the turret to make a particularly spiritually that's what happened to Jesus on the cross how he could he really let that worry she releases on another that was the cup with Jesus said please father I don't want to drink in the past our economy yesupadam and okay get around away in the pasture can a phenomenal move not the physical death or the shame of the crown of thorns or any other program a program on Amarna mo Angela mana one India other Allah Allah why was he so unwilling to drink that cup Yellen the part of the label rupam la da da da because to Jesus that was the most precious thing in his life in value so you put the much late and only a white Willie Willie a Patrick are you little come on Allah dude on fellowship with the father without any I p.m. now I don't know what is the most precious thing for you home but look over a report like a diamond and a negative lane for most people in the world their precious thing is their money their gold or their sarees or something like that McCullough gotta leave later Patrick Ahriman Buddha what do you prefer to put away another navi another Farnum or perhaps that children holiday over like what I'm taking over their house or their car or something I love you I wanna veto power but for Jesus it was nothing like that honest because it won't remain the most precious thing for Jesus was fellowship with his father yes you couldn't hear it but when I came in I went up I thought oh good I'll cook the IKEA and I'll tell you something Nagato Lagrange this is the way by which you can find out whether you're becoming more like Jesus Christ or not in English acoustical are you American director lightly and by the pretty learning will come to Cambodia a lot of you may be thinking that you really have growing spiritually well you are naked are we clear what your non-volatile current into any contract along it may be just a bubble with a balloon with a lot of hot air ah delay will a cartoon ever be our balloon ah here come it may not be real I do me on over to carry my llama this way you can find out all I didn't debilitating eternity long if you can honestly say to yourself nearly I'm only part a so little in trial you can say before God they look upon behead that fellowship with you is the most precious thing to me on this earth under rain the Bhumi lay water below like you've done a declared in the family for that I'm willing to give up everything else other card or Ananya you would do a tiara her crane I'm willing to give up money on a table to devour my friendships number the opinion of my relatives you know whatever nerely prior the opinion of my other church members only a civilian but Rama kurudavva prior and the opinion of 7 billion people in the world in the literally humanely and billion Mercurio be bright they were to write my anything any comfort in the saga soil darlin I am willing to give up anything even help all I could think whatever today I thought well trained but I want fellowship with you on a limb or whatever like a man who can or woman who can honestly say that to God is a spiritual person or no money they don't wanna see oh they wanna come back near Emir hey the Sun like whatever nobody report on this one Allah Allah we could hear I tell you most Christians 99% of them cannot say no and solar tomorrow don't know the more they could several al-salam Woody Allen and the proof of that is they take since or lightly other day yeah I thought you know and I'll power the only now at the calligraphy one dirty thought will break your fellowship with God would also the symphony it's only they would have how many if you take one dirty thought seriously would a citizen the attendant series I think you'll agree how many of you are willing to pluck out one eye rather than lust after a woman three later the part where they cut them in the convene on putting up right away underneath any but somebody in other words you're saying the pleasure I get by lusting after a woman I'm willing to lose it I'm willing to pluck out my eye and throw it away other Lea poorly now and all over those three other know my correctly Cody on the in both in on whatever he went down rather cut off my hand and sing with my hand that's our epsilon a power will say with a partial image anonymity would item ice cream I'd rather become blind then sin with my eyes in thunder lean on a palm saying is a particle of not proton give me twelve people like that we can shake all of India in they pull a bundle independent accordingly India we are sector Maryam very difficult to find very in the country polemical order people come to church sing songs and act very active in doing this that and the other for the role it's a VQ or girl for a leap are you thinking are they shake it out how we clearly about it they don't value fellowship with God our they would have liked it they it was not the most important thing in for them I would either would keep on Acharya Malad I thank God for the day I discovered that not only they contribute the knowledge that they were like an Edison with the grain that that cup with Jesus said I don't want to drink is law father I don't want to break this fellowship with you bonamana would embody on the forum in heaven troll you da way more don't like it they to Medicare none I'm willing to lose anything anybody wanna live it up a little higher right right my money take my life take my mother take my relatives take everything you little Empire ship with you obedience to you is most important underway what Cupid you the inner you why claim buddy I came in white let me come we came out of it he's God fellowship with him the most important thing for you in your life who do ya white clay become a monocot him they all order like Yuma you ask yourself I'm gonna mean look at the partner is that the most important thing it is not only a white lemke Monica remaining Linda Greenlaw then you know whether you're a real disciple of Jesus Christ or not a pretty illallah Ningaloo me on a civilian Bethany gladden they will allow I told your disciple is a learner and a follower now on Sunday no decision in by one dr. Bolger one pin but he looks at Jesus learns from him and does the same thing yes you know keep our Quran out of the curricular other cleric a sneaking on what shall I learn from Jesus yes learning a catabolic that fellowship with the father should be the most important thing in my life you gotta go to Allah I am down India whitely Rosanna Monica Monica America well where do I learn that idiot cemani gets Emily like at for religious people that is not true mother while you gotta cut who me a lab for religious people all types of rituals and many other things are more important are the McCulloch Lee Anthony was starting a freedom that became I record it so many external things every program are occurring many people when they meet me ask me brother with church to your guru so uh naked in a park over there like a trolley in the sava cannot code and then the questions they ask me tell me which denomination they are in in the hobby lay our little indicate crowd they'll ask me on a naked crack do you break bread every Sunday mingle varam doram upper materially in the civilian period I know they are from the Brethren ordinary Yahoo brother than sovereign under the container I know it automatically do you speak in tongues any worship a Sangha this man is a Pentecostal when they were several no never the question they ask you really believe our Petitcodiac held really overly could a very particular girl and then they want to know how many people in your church was happily or whatever looking in these must be people from some megachurch who think that large numbers means you buddy but have are linger in the world and this one mega chat there are pictures means God is with them various having is not there already with Carol on our top if that is true other million Ron I would join the Roman Catholic Church that is Sunday now I'm Roman Catholic is having same double lumen or that is the biggest church you know and he could hear Sevilla periods away and fastest growing churches I think Joe as witnesses I think yeah secret Omar little kappa da sabe Enrique there's only a go was watching those are not like this he wiggled so then he left I have never heard anybody ask me this question in a in the Cal VAR ma kettle a nun popularly in your church do you love one another no snappy no ruin a security law that the nobody is interested in that is the one thing jesus said is the mark of his church already Nadia I'm shushing to carry a let me underline under a sauna nobody in the world has asked me that question that what I get the wood to remain in the Connecticut for that is an indication of how far Christianity has drifted from the truth of God they every a sucky till in the ingre accustomed one of the your bro dude a minute you didn't belittle a they can't be killed do you love Jesus with all your heart only a were you really totally yes you in SE kya is fellowship with him more important than everything on earth the booming a corner what I got a matter in the carding like a little degree I came on of economy despise Jesus Judas Iscariot for selling Jesus for thirty pieces of silver yes excessively costly with report I use Oscar is a non-party Cooper I'm gonna pick you know what about when you tell a lie in your office to earn a little more money in quinn jumpin on somebody for everybody all over like we solu greatly are they couldn't sign a false statement in some document because it's not really true but you can make a little money like that well your honor but that illegal paper okay the poor degree did allow the movie la mulana bigger than barricades to put a greater or your office base you part of your salary as in cash is black money unless a cleric okinawa hair wendy impunity only Allah Allah Karim do samehada target and you don't declare that for the income time Ningaloo a brahmana what he correctly can't be put the lane what is the difference between you and Judas Iscariot I'm gonna do with all started to come analogy awesome you're also betraying Jesus for some money Ningaloo when you're not Akaka is fake article cradle you're telling a lie you know replace already breaking fellowship with God they don't like it you can make a little more money what you I think I'm dumb cut it for the target do you tell lies to gain something for yourself I'm gonna kyndra wonder how they put it equal to Maria Posada get it laughs do you tell a lie to get leave from your office for something only alehissalaam they would open a connect whether to poison a gorilla where are the Christians who say I will not tell a lie no no way solemn out in the Sun like when a curse our language they don't give me leave that means God doesn't want me to have leave today whatever I cook you only understand all they want to go to the room away all over India needs to see more Christians like that either corner I get Chris early India they're sensitive and not just those who have engaged in a lot of Christian activity Nadia could still work really you do whatever role you can be out with a real a Christian activity is not the main thing fellowship with God is the main thing cuz they were creating a you know but it was a piranha Monica I'm Elaine they were like honestly none anyways reading you people understand this anywhere in the world gotta love will get celery they were any equilibrado it's not any different in America it's the same thing they're America or not we care so my alien game you lay upon earth on carrying on the value of a fellowship with God has gone down they would only Authority I wonder we tell you about all types of little sins we think are not serious since it is a power Larissa lugar ami ami all and I'm serious all aimed integral is do you think that having a tension between you and your husband or wife is a serious thing or not going to come on I've accumulated in the mana system other series on Obama the reason why many prayers are not answered is because this tension between husband and wife on a couple garlic a puzzle Kadapa critical Authority Karim Karim on our little girl you must resolve it immediately what are the young at least are you saying a window how long do you take to resolve it tension between you and your husband why what are you looking will work attorney I can open up one of your delivery come layer I rectangle it clear tipped away put it yeah whatever caliber to career let me ask you another question Laura Kelly we get it if a thorn gets into your foot how long do you take to remove it but icarly over with pewter than this one all are there to put it over on air I'm at a period do you pray about it for five minutes and you know mission of debatable to them are they putting you in real I should I take this thorn out or not underway in the Malay will here to pathology Erica tomorrow ray you wait for the thorn to go out by itself Allentown away really a forward them under Carter pirula there should be no difference between the time you take to remove a thorn and the time you take to restore fellowship with your husband only Korea Vega me available on the Vegas today MonaVie you under the commode of what I record yeah it's not even our grand opening because your fellowship with God is broken by that tension yeah Linda I look the monolithic Jesus didn't want to break it for one second yes what are we not gonna die Camarillo but I wouldn't trouble for one hour our votive on in there I'm Veronica do you understand this cup needle in the path that they were going to continue love your fellowship with God is broken the moment you have a tension between husband and wife kinda wanna come on I've eaten what are you looking water ground that never like him would ever get healed same but it was her fault a lot of them aren't already at our in this all along supposing it is her fault my name in death are heavier to me usually even if 99% is her fault 1% is yours that you don't know suppose it's Sunday with them and the tower come on Amy Carnival is not in England the Otesaga with the caramel Abba or vice versa I lay the mantri article on Elaine okay even if it is 100 percent the other person's fault naruse of edom over later aji rocoto so you stand like a big Maharajah and say let her come and ask forgiveness avoided Italy won the Monday picket get a celebrity or you stand like a Maharani and say let him come and ask forgive my honey a polenta or Mo's allow them on the money pick a tremendous elegant in a tension between a husband and wife come on one of you love either you come who should take the first step to restore that relationship authority er Moodle party editor week he went down in Indian culture everybody will say the wife must yeah collage chareth Olivo guru them so legally never not money with her mother all the ones that money placate given don't because the man is the Maharaja in the whole Maharaja canal done Maharaja does not ask us slave for forgiveness mother I do not even dirty money beget para the wife is like a slave in Indian culture in the collage art any money you Radha me pull a crowd okay we have understood what Indian culture says Indiana so let us understand what Christian culture says girl in deep or the world war what is Christian culture say cristela collateral Minnesota when there is a tension between two people who should take the first step in day mcculloch a day laborer Aminata mute come on they were tall with a party or two three four the odd I'll help you with that answer in they even a positive Quranic of the signal when there was a tension between God and you who took the first step whom gonna come they will Akuma day laborer a unit come on the world of the Yahoo the Cordillera three today who yeah God day one he sent his son our timely kumara my apena why yeah here is the answer yeah but locally because he was more spiritual than you will a column over ariga idea of equal Eureka nobody nollie no you got the answer wasn't gonna go into that in a husband and wife have a tension who should take the first step and I want money record they are let them here put them over the our mother put here to make you and Oh whoever is more spiritual yar the are we clear Allah Allah Allah but that was all put you to come into what usually both people think they are more spiritual another come whenever a man angle are equal then they should be running into each others arms immediately but you don't what do you want a good day what do you whenever get you wonder why is that not happening our DNA repair over the lake you're not spiritual Ning lava clear lightly you're a Pharisee you were Mike's you're more spiritual what is seen in red nick parece and I reckon you are we could render any conductivity over but I say do you know the Pharisees thought they were most spiritual than even Jesus Marie Sierra yes we got entangled on Auggie Puri overland n equal to it every Pharisee in Israel thought he was more spiritual than Jesus he said wearily 1/200 s we got llama div couldn't endure a need the pain those are the marks of religious people mother was the unity Arianna mother done that they would even think they are more spiritual than Jesus yes a Catalan or in the RV query or under any counterpart and they don't realize their fellowship with God is broken completely never what I will to put on the I came out of the room Yahoo you go to the light that is what Jesus did not want to break our they turn what they put over there could be release removal a and when we understand that now I'm enabling equal numbers we will hate sin because sin is what breaks our fellowship with bobbum Don nama come there when a couple I get thicker than button on a power Cathy am I not we wrap okay let me ask you another question you know Raquel e-beam animal-etiquette cut-offs supposing you went to a checkup to the doctor tomorrow and he tells you you have got AIDS now I like in England or Italy or Paris or the NICU polka riddle mother to Ursula Ramallah creates yeah and you have got cancer cancer America in this hologram both nd me I'm gonna come under whatever will it disturb you other woman a Sangha Roberto ma look tonight salon Tacoma if you if some doctor tells the same diagnosis to some illiterate woman in one of our villages she will not be disturbed he's a marked over here they are icky but if were you lava for a grommet LOL kappahd / permanently solo or national how are you Michael a comedy a matter why is that again you try when she says while some electric woman in the village you got cancer or a grommet in a particular affinity life way oh like a cancer occurs initially pardon it oh okay sorry and it's a Libra she can sleep peacefully at night here Evan ate some other mother tongue why is that yeah nobody she doesn't know how serious it is and the V on Diablo Cody deny malaria that drive because she's illiterate but ikkyo like Ruby knowledge but if you are told you have a cancer humble if we are all the ones I want to get cancer record in this it disturbs you other color cut they you immediately take leave from work and you go to some other doctor and get a second opinion and you want to find out how to get this treated what a new yoga Engel worried the containing a euro doctor California doctor tell a boy you're pretty sick achiara Michael I'm investigational my Yin because you are educated particularly probably not now in the same way today what padam are spiritually there are spiritually illiterate people and spiritually educated me how the career in a particular little our weekly really predictable little karate this spiritually illiterate people are the people who can commit a sin and it doesn't disturb them how we could really take a lot over every problem see them other or look at Calicut they could hope for the lane they can lust with their eyes honey knowledge they can get angry prabhupada i can tell a lie or a false statement well water away on a putter they gave my god people down over Sunday before it doesn't disturb them other couple they like they are like that illiterate woman they've got cancer AIDS and all and they don't not disarrayed Swindell in a particular and spend money put up a person who is educated but ignorance spiritually how we could really cut right in the one they are disturbed one little thing happens I am someone with all him comedy because they say this is broken my fellowship with God I don't care whose fault it is let me go and set it right are the are we at our are they pertain are not which has left me humble myself now in a chartered oh it's the mark of a spiritually educated person are we could really cut through are in every Arianna most Christians are spiritually illiterate a negative Lobby could be a really a colossal I'll crack that's why they don't take sin seriously Margaret and POW what they see decided upon the lay my brother's sister many of you think you're very spiritual in this house luckily one in our name only a vehicle in there any controller here is the test I will apply to you which I apply to myself Jannik Yunnan put it through non-weighted when the person indicate hologram if you can sin in your thoughts when a sin daily in your palm say you are in a rude word to somebody under the yard it allows the car Sarah my pursuit and that does not disturb you more than if you got cancer cancer over with a Cottle ammaji come on over Calicut they in their power Mona cocooned over only who are spiritually illiterate lee allow it pretty readily Kannada where whatever you may think about yourself I'm gonna curtain England named Nick undergone I'm sorry when some sickness is more important to you than sin or power techotl of move yada-yada will Academy came under so now you are illiterate spiritual what telemarketing a lava clear white clay but each other well you may have a lot of knowledge sorry Ari we went to Milan Lukic alarm Bible knowledge is like these children who got a lot of water in their head their head is so big selling a limited time period I am near poor circum others on whether her even more temperature of disease called hydrocephalus where the water fills the head these children don't live long I draw a calf Alexandra and the vrdr they tally let me record the pre Li shall I being given red wire with a letter I've seen only one child like that are they able to whatever quarantine on partner but I've seen many Christians like that Alana get crystal every part amazing amount of Bible knowledge way they are even so small life on an YT Omega for you you're not as spiritual as you think you are in England Rell awakening lava Caroline Lane the test is so Lenina do you get more scared of sin than of sickness put me on a person in Avenel Ning LVAD cut from poverty Kothari my by prevent oh that's the test others on persona when a small sin disturbs me more than the greatest sickness Mary yeah yeah II cut in Syria power Monica delicate they could come on out and I know I am following Jesus and yesterday putting butter in daredevil allowed because I'll tell you why Enda none available in name do you think anybody will go to hell because they got cancer yeah I recover the cancer on the hotel in the cancer yadi out like nah I got to go to the cinema do you think God will say to somebody you got AIDS go to hell yeah do the path or negates only one to the heavenly navigate upon the Sahara but do you read Matthew 5 anger can take you to hell well Matt the end up on the earth in a partner Papa movin it never got to go to the testing after women can take you there they tore a part of the way now Lord AIDS cannot take you to hell Holly AIDS yeah the cancer cannot take you to hell would I be willing to tell us and if you are more disturbed by cancer and AIDS then my sinful thoughts Bob among Edna take heart lung cancer AIDS say to taro my Bible and the Sonali proves you don't believe what Jesus said in the Bible yes wear it Elena's holy look at beginning a number one builds on other nerdiness take some time to read Matthew chapter 5 and see what I'm saying is not true non-solar guru me allah waliyan by they contradict you Maria with the other than arabic the waters departing a fellowship with Jesus with God is the most important thing in this earth in the Bhumi lay yes the circle of light came down with pneumonia or a carrier for Jesus that was the most important fellowship with his father without water I difficulty I have done here semana de elderly and so in the Garden of Gethsemane yet 7/8 order today as he came near to the cross however on the thought of the Culebra murder he began to realize however now the time has come when my fellowship which I had with the father for eternity is going to be broken for three hours HT HT m RK and on without water go to room that I came out of the inn near today he knew it will come back after three hours one domani native great the term of my government Robert aetherium know there's a false teaching in charismatic circles charismatic kurukulla without a father nirakara that jesus went to hell for three days and suffered their wounded not a year citizen arrived at the center and get part of a darkness because of a wrong understanding of the translation of the word hell in Acts chapter 2 of course on no-nobody endowment agave recovered in argument but in a way don't even Dhamma him go to hell another gate before he went to paradise he told the thief on the cross I'm going to paradise with you tonight or para vcgt on shelter on the collar on a partisan or Indian note about a parody solidify so I'm not teaching that false teaching is a charismatic stage I'll get a charismatic sup in a particular power on a body I'm looking only faced hell on the cross silly me later coop were they and the moon Terminator things I was why he called God God I'll give it on their money our devil a dollar he never called him God any other time we're in the north limit day 180 always said father father father father you probably made their money pitamaha me Narita for three hours it was God Allah on the moon Drummond in a time of the devil because now he was not standing there as the son of the father were they on the pedometer Kumar walk again in heavenly he was standing there as if he was a sinner our annual Bobby a poll and in two hundred that he who had never committed a sin follow me is the other way was treated like the worst sinner on the cross silly Willy McGurk woody a party upon a lava table because of my sin energy of power the cogito God turned away his face they even taught me a book at the therapy condom cause of my sin in poverty caca and then after the three hours were over and the moon Dern and money miracle Monica again he could save father Mindy my about peed away in the Cobra it is finished the morning again our Father I commit my spirit with our unity our be able to currently know once again that relationship was restored in do mine the beekeeper together that is why the charismatic teaching of three days in hell is false argument on mooned Romani Niram it is better not to not a little earrings are under a curse my team are called a poison it's our so I can picture I am trying to use my mind to imagine what happened and get cemani I'll get someone in another the in body not funny lady that funny one of just saying no prayer is a conversation with the father government but the pure water with the worry out of it everything is not written there in loving it is a part of it look I can imagine on a non company see the power company had I've talked to Jesus to now on a mere sort of duplicity and he talks to me about basically I can imagine how Jesus talked to the father I'll give a year stupid over a pretty face another partner in all any part company father Yahweh take this cup away from me the path or the name attending Nikumaroro isn't there any other way we're already leon terrain and the father says is absolutely okay steady you don't have to go there me poker went down orally you have never sinned me pause even from Gethsemane you can come straight up to me gets Emily in the knee ready often in Italy I wonder what about you but on Al Zack ponen will go to hell exact woman or not I get to power and Jesus says it's a packrat Jack Coonan go to hell Zack put a negative para okay father I will drink the cup sorry dude are we not in the Potter Department agree he drank it for me in a car and the pot that they have our money not one day my eyes were open to it or non-linear control is eternal I wept another day I said Lord now I see your love for me and get cemani underrated similarly in a cognitive eight-ton been on Park Lane I will never hold back anything in my life from you under a marathon Endora carry them non right never live for money wanna think about it I will never preach for money one of the oppressing your Martine I will serve the poor now nearly Williamson I will not go to preach to rich people I will go to preach to poor people under a panic are literally crossing here until morning I will preach to those who can give me nothing underwear like a particular booty are you looking on paper us any pain I will make a feast for the lame and the blind and the maned who can give me nothing in return and a coup what a third of my critical moody a little Safari gorilla Condor in a spiritual peace so how we could have run there because you gave everything for me and I'll need a la una caja quality it changed my life about more than 30 years ago well put the under Gilman wallahi that idea what am I to you today I lost my interest in everything on this earth the formula what would occur if and when I could cover they would've put their undoing because I saw the love of Jesus for me on yet cemani get similarly it's really a unbeknown part in authority it's a nun before you can hear me say this none so little in the cut in Catalan and you can understand it in your head you only tell a lame-o only put in table alone but there's a lot of difference when you see it in your heart oh no we're not playing like they can't believe but the ruling in your head only means you're a clever person till a willing equal oh the embassy an Engel put this all in but it's an Arabic editor you will go out from this meeting and continue to live for yourself the court is a retaining alternately if we will accommodate so you think I wonder wonder every day you see it in your heart in the knowledge I will usually throw the party really never again live for yourself mean to my bullet awfully whatever impossible what are the career you will never want to sin even once wouldn't what I got any good palm see every moment in you you will fight against sin with all your heart you really the total what I linger you power to the party you'll be ready to apologize to a beggar if necessary there are you like pizza car until it's a put a money picket put it right amide I have apologized to young people who are younger than my youngest son you know nearly a mihari cartel my their crimes overlay not money but I will not imagine that I am perfect and put on Oh what in basilica policing was not perfect non Corona I'll make mistakes I have to apologize non pounce at our to say the hotel on Monday we got cleaned up but I'm pressing on the perfection automaton okey currently motor crane but my relationship with Jesus is become fantastic in the come here super one of our put the my mark I have no desire to be a preacher I have no desire to be known in the world look at the area put her under one developer but I can lure in India India Valerio Robin in Bangalore Wendel area probably even in the street where I live now watering it down the arugula could I not made our yellow interest to be known or appreciated by anybody in the world look at the Ottoman I hadn't even turned him into a mystical event a man and a group of my lane because my relationship with Jesus has become so intimate and precious Anna come here super what I wanted the Anjali married come on yeah well he reporter the Gotham are you today and I become a disciple no this you should I married I'm inviting you to be a disciple in England the Schuster I'm our buddy are occurring I told you we always seek what is good for us for the main omeka none we unable a drama this is what is the best for you you did I don't wanna quit none me under the men me Anna me to love Jesus more than everything else in the world no party like a tamale yes we have Alice if you do that and they say any more than he will take care of all your other needs our only love table over pooper to think Anwar he's taken care of all my four children you know in on completely our corporation care of our earthly needs in La Plume again something has taken care of my physical health for 71 years you know what you were on decline in a study Laura get the Father got that God will take care of everything but you say Lord Jesus you are number one in my heart under what I guess we need learn a little I have no interest in to be anybody in the world or anybody in the church now look at that I would have put it up here to political savvy no record I did it for the record I do differently I only want you need what - my relationship with you more don't like you because you drank the cup for me in each cemani get seven in a car and the father that I probably need you got up from Gethsemane and went to the cross knee on the Casamayor done the syllabication dream you could have got up from gets Emily and gone to heaven we similar linearity Apollo 300 Cambodia now I said Zack Coonan but you can put your name there in Rio Perry so named Zack you get similarly it's Jerry Kammer the only apparent gaining all protocol in here and then it will become personal for you either already at any protector I'm a model God so loved the world that He gave His Son for me daven Malaga table one is nobody not like gonna kill our Rekha Madhuri loved me our an innocent every doll and he gave his son for me already a kumara la caja gotta make it personal he pretended put a time uh trigger so that you have a personal love relationship with Jesus aubriana yes is to what it would have would like a funny put down mean whatever yet to put them on let's pray now Debbie for Heavenly Father Joey I tried my best to show Jesus to these people yes we know Michael if you can't become oriented under it not good in the rain already also what happening but I don't believe any man can do it all of Roman is announced again but even buddy not above any other way only the Holy Spirit can really show Jesus but saga not what the main issue me I can't become human I can't do it Lord under analysis anybody under way I pray that some athletes here will see Jesus this morning under a miracle uracil arugula yesterday in the holiday hunt bottle in brother in on typically in a way that would change their lives I want the immortal Italy underway or it can work on a Tommy and the devil will be permanently defeated in their lives already a white less often under a market or cricket at home we humbly ask in Jesus name Tommy I used to nominate Ron Qaddafi I mean a supermodel bar buddy but the deeper is learning eat honey BBC then PD people need to learning cool believe me
Channel: CFC India
Views: 29,275
Rating: 4.6656346 out of 5
Keywords: cfc, sermons, zac, poonen, chennai, conference, Jesus, value
Id: cAEp2ILU_R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2011
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