Being On Fire For Christ | கிறிஸ்துவுக்கென்று அக்கினியாய் இருக்க முடியுமா? | Zac Poonen | Tamil

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look at some of the things we have seen so far in these seven churches we do these churches also jesus was trying to repair them i tell you we need a lot of repair in our churches to the first church in ephesus he says your that the devil tries to take us away from simple devotion to christ [Music] because this church did so many good things they lost their inner love for christ you know like a wife who may have loved her husband much the first few weeks after marriage yes and there we learned how god takes us through trial but so even you may be going through some trial now remember god has already put the end date for that he will not extend it even one more day than is necessary and during this period he's trying to break you and humble you so that he can give you grace so wholehearted that the devil said i've got to put my throne there because this fellow is a great threat to my kingdom he must be i don't think our elders have any love of money but for preaching they don't preach for money but they could be preaching for honour so we have to be careful about that also then the next church is katira in verse 18 of chapter 2 the first problem is a man who is controlled by his wife so i want all the husbands here to be kings okay i'll tell [Music] [Music] and all of you young people have got to be very careful about that young boys and girls a lot of immorality in today's young people so i used to try how close can i bring it without touching them if i keep these magnets so far away i can hold it as it gets closer it gets more difficult because it's pulling it now about two three centimeters i can still hold it random centimeters i wanted keep some distance [Laughter] even when you talk to them or just keep a distance [Music] of immorality all over the world married people can fall into otherwise you'll increase the distance if you keep on watching that you'll find it very difficult to overcome that that's like you know you're keeping the if you're a smoker you keep cigarettes in the drawer and you say i'll overcome know that then in chapter 3 verse 1 you read about the church in sardis and their problem was we just spoke about it this morning about having a name that we are alive before people now part of the police [Music] think about i sometimes close my eyes and i imagine i'm standing at the judgment seat of christ and one by one he's calling people and he's saying this is wrong this is wrong you didn't set this right one by one if you do it in the final day the lord will say there's nothing wrong with you in the end if we judge ourselves rightly sometimes when somebody criticizes you who said it is it an enemy of mine then i won't listen to it i don't do that don't have to say i don't ask do you know that sometimes your enemies will tell more truths about you than your friends those who praise me i may not even read fully it's not necessary but those who criticize me every sentence i don't get that my enemies will tell more truth about me than my friends please show me is there anything right in what he says then i want to we read about the church in philadelphia and there we saw about the one who's got the key to every door we don't have to sit in depression saying [Laughter] such people are on the way to hell no matter how much they have done for the lord on the earth because they are not judging themselves i will give you my honest testimony every i don't want just 40 before god gives me 40 for my sermon [Music] trying to increase the speed with which i become like christ yes i don't want to walk i want to run whatever just walk the walk let us run the race following jesus i want to run faster daddy i'm how many of you will say that only let there be a solution with 40 percent you won't get admission even to the most useless college admission you say son 40 is not enough that is enough for passing [Music] so in schools and all here you can pass to the next class if you get 40 percent i'll spit you out of my mouth what do you vomit out of your mouth supposing you get some nice ice cream or chocolate in your mouth ice cream i like chocolate are they superior you see i want it give me some more no when you random while it tourney yeah i don't want it it looks so it looks so nice you look inside there's a dead lizard lying there that is why the problem is and you can say to the lord lord there's only one small bad habit i've got [Music] yes [Music] we're reading the bible you know i sometimes tell people you want me to pray that god will teach you how to get time tomorrow you say you're very busy you don't have time to read the bible please make one of his children sick and put in the hospital and then let us see whether he says no i have no time to go to the hospital no all of a sudden he'll find time in the middle of all his busy work to go to the hospital he said no brother don't pray like that i don't want that i knew no gossip i had no time for that oh i am in the church for 10 years i get so much news i can write a whole newspaper with all the news in the church [Music] don't say you don't have time to read the bible you've become lukewarm fire say lord i want to be on fire from you like i was in the old days like that burning bush that's very often that's a picture in my mind many years ago i said make me like that burning bush will you pray that prayer lord make me like that burning [Music] name yes god may not give you the gift to stand in the pulpit and preach like me mentally he can make you a burning bush in your home foreign but i don't go to the living you're just sharing what god has put in your heart that sister came to your house discouraged and unhappy goes do you know that many many students are depressed and discouraged maybe they didn't do well in their examinations maybe they're having problems at home there was a time when joseph the young man was in jail true story you can read it in the old testament in genesis foreign mosquitoes cockroaches rats all running around no problem no proper sleep at night and he was there for many years i saw two new prisoners and he said why are you discouraged and he spoke to them they told him their problem and joe and they had a dream and jesus and joseph explained that dreams what it's like and joseph spoke to him only two or three minutes you can be a burning bush for god even if you're in a jail and they carelessly they made more fun of me than anybody who'll ever make fun of you you know how evil military people are military in the midst of the military if you're going to be witness for jesus christ that you don't go to the cinema you don't do dirty things like all the others they'll make fun of you the more they made fun of me the more stronger i became my kelly says i was only 21 years old you can be a witness in your school in college those days god if you don't want to be wholehearted for me go and be a worldly person get out of the church and go somewhere else [Music] somebody asked me the other day brother why is it we always say if you want to go away from this church in other churches they were saying please come please come please come but there you say if you want to go please don't bring that here i'm nice and you're gonna you bring all these cold people inside heat is good in one thing cup of coffee you want to live a because jesus says if you're lukewarm i'll spit you [Music] have [Music] but you're not on fire for jesus christ [Applause] once in a while for now this is a little bit of worldliness that is lukewarmness what does the lord say i don't care which church you sit in the crime but if i belong you're lukewarm jesus will spit you out of his mouth why do people think it's a strange doctrine because they don't read the bible i never preach anything which is not in the bible i point out the verses which other people don't preach we want to restore our churches to the fire of god yes on the tabernacle we want to restore the church not just to a pattern to the fire that the presence of jesus is in our midst see you know the story where on the day of the resurrection jesus walked with two disciples to emmaus it was seven miles that means 10 kilometers 11 kilometers another kilometer and it says those three hours he was preaching to them from the old testament what a wonderful bible study that jesus took for three hours and it says here at the end of it they said in verse 32 our hearts were burning when he opened the scriptures to us they didn't say oh what nice illustrations he used oh what a nice outline he gave for the bible study bible study our hearts were burning when he spoke that's how it must be in every meeting of our church when people come in touch with us that they get a little bit of the fire you say but brother i'm just like a small candle you're not original okay you're all clever people tell me one question how many candles can one lighted candle light up foreign inaudible if this candle is not lighted how many candles can it light in the mud so don't say oh i'm just a small little candle oh now it's 11 down one by one by one you can set other people on fire wonder first of i would sit there and share in the that's how i started every week i would go to that room today he who overcomes i will grant him to sit down with me on my throne even as i also overcame and sit down with my father on his throne against yohan be of good cheer last word i have overcome the world he overcame the world what is one john chapter two one inaudible we want to know what jesus overcame yes he overcame the world we don't know what the world is he didn't overcome that came [Music] i don't think anybody here was tempted to fall down and worship if you find that you look at a pretty girl and you're tempted that's not a sin in english turn your eyes away you don't sin we cannot avoid being tempted we can't walk in the world with our eyes but you don't have to yield to that temperature there's almost nobody in india preaching that message and you can also overcome by the power of the holy spirit that's what we preach that's what we preached all over tamil nadu who is preaching [Music] [Music] [Music] he said to the world putting on jake he says in verse 20 previous verse i am standing at the door and knocking nonviolently he is the overcomer now listen carefully go to my gowning the overcomer who overcame everything is standing at your heart's door and knocking whatever at lord come in come in come in come in come into my tv room come into my library come into my should not allow the overcomer to come inside in every room let him overcome you then you will be an overcomer i holy [Music] and then you will also overcome england we must restore the church to this message we must not go back we must raise up another generation that is gripped by this message leaving this message and preaching this message and you are that younger generation many of you sitting here going i want to live till jesus comes yes sure i'm not interested in dying i [Applause] god is preparing you for that today allow the overcomer to come in and overcome your whole life let's pray heavenly father we pray especially for the young people i pray you'll fill them with the holy spirit as [Music] yes you
Channel: CFC India
Views: 9,450
Rating: 4.8029556 out of 5
Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: 1_B1p-SeWvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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