Seeing The Seriousness Of Sin - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

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God has had a desire for man right from the beginning that he should reflect his image money didn't money then somebody is highly prolific he went him Indra Devin Audie didn't they were one Jake entrada and if we don't reflect his image already is Aileen operability of Italian whatever else you may do for God is a waste of time they only condemn a tree in the car attaining all say volume other ryojun amazingly we must understand that they Pradhan of offending and when he called a window the primary purpose with which God created Adam was to reflect his image daven other me Ishita Pradhan and locum somebody is sigh late for the big event but the DA he did not say let us make a servant nomnom a key or a valet car named duck woman turned out so lovely because he already had millions of angels who were serving him how funny would he say a quarry a quarry Caracalla do that yet maybe our karate but do you know none of those Angels could reflect his image Mallika terima on the loser a army daily asile a purdue became really the first person he created in the universe to reflect his image was man in the Bhumi Lady Ria's Sally Padilla cambria hey Suki bottom oodles of sheep a Adam Dunn money then very soon he obeyed the devil and stopped reflecting God's image a DC kid American sauce if you keep it in the deli a solid Purdy bleep Lee and money the narrative a Targetmaster made a heart of God very sad in the regime another daily will atrophy of lo Duca taken under the cone just like you will be sad if your child goes not only leaves your home and goes away but turns and becomes your enemy or a wit they with a volley Mahan way with ton with negative earlier in the mood to malama goombella kiss her through a hamari Krieg LeCours atomizer is equal to null you put here echo I mean even if your children go astray you'll feel sad when April anybody willing upon Ally well oh do come let's go to the petrol returning and become your enemy think how you will feel under polygamists at through I'm are you tall over here never cook then you know how God felt when Adam fell away you put it in England autumn winter were they played they were no longer the partner they want to dig into that and for 4,000 years none guide Amanda Clarke I ain't never found a man who would completely reflect his image would Amiga Tom Lee si leaper deeply Korea would wanna get him over Carnival 8:00 till Jesus came to the earth is what I'm worried and as a man obeyed the father completely or money did not hit without Kimora miacca with creeper a girl that if you don't believe that he came like us you will not have the faith to walk like him now me pull away our home and our in body with swastika the goose was a million personal I already put a 100 milligauss Watson Mercado one of the greatest things I have sought to proclaim in India for 35 years for putting down the block this is Allah Arabic you mean on vitamin a car I mean haven't drawn to things in the book of Hebrews you Bri narubu today-- you don't accordingly none are weak a room green one chapter 2 verse 17 only run WR appointed almost no Jesus was made like us his brothers in all things in love with Italy I'm Tom Brokaw walk away yes whom are wounded in the Vieira's brothers number nam already saw a little and he was made like us in all things love with the tell him our number pull away marina because that is the only way it says that he could be a merciful and faithful high priest for us nama Kaka our when we only pradhana Asura died he did a weary in malama he recovered even to the park Rome and verse 18 when he was tempted he was he suffered our slowly apart over the part of a torrential atomiswave Asik Rome therefore he is able to help us when we are tempted are given now so he can put up with ABC of Allah where I want to encourage all of you to meditate on Hebrews 2:17 and 18 if you want to have faith for a victorious life they drilled a white kickable to visvasa went among every rerun damodaram pollinated planet of a thoroughly Yanik UTI he tripped by it ningún even on a particular where Jesus made like me in everything in love with the telomeres so in April of a marina you ask yourself do you hear anybody preaching that nowadays the not well a Priora the procedure online training and Philopator Zumba in all my life I never heard it in India in Milwaukee Milwaukee the what I India will a depressing critical to the life that Jesus was made like me and everything in love the television April event the pumpkin Zara and Hebrews 4:15 he was tempted like me and everything every an uncommon erm Pauline is I was Senator day in a poll away I were in love with Rome swadhyaya pitar and because he was tempted like me in everything our allows it to remain a Palazzo Chigi but a pretty gnarly you said there for war argument net therefore were 16 I can also go to the throne of grace and give the same grace that he got all helped me in my time of temptation you know Dias ordinarily an echo there you get a cue Medea Howard said to the pond and normally through Bazaar attended ady poi with the VA particular Marie what is our biggest problem nobody a pre a Brazilian a our biggest problem is that we fall in the time of temptation nobody every oppression in heaven are so you put him were they were unable to grow he fall in our thought life we fall in our speech we fall in so many ways Cindy white 11 they were to grow on pitch you are clever in the wrong color cutting level never grow because temptation is so strong yeah and also many another volume unit I representation is like the Giants of Canaan too big for us Sunday so that en body gone on this is looking Iraq surely pull a number to Paradise wondergirls we are like David and temptation is like go Leah now I'm Davide Paulo or chrome so Donny Kolya tiepolo periodically when all of Israel trembled before go Leah its original ruled amok away go Leah to Khun Baca binding in order except one young man called David who said in the name of God I'm gonna bring you down the only animal to knowledge not only creates hell up again Davi the motor luncheon are can you be like David name is Davide Poland come Rima look at the big temptation in your life and say in the name of Jesus I'm gonna bring you down only a white layer covered a makeup area so that a part the would make here a ton up overhead so nobody won we have faith for that by looking at Jesus yes you know keep our pocket on either economic abyss was over most of the Christian world does not believe this a Cousteau obligate in pinball or a poverty they number the lake even though it is written in the Bible here we are the telling her portrayal of Cora the number of the lake I went doing I was talking to an elder of a believers church what it was was sealed subpoena Liam Hooper a trainer Norma Rae pensacon her name one of the good assemblies in this country in the distillate accordion Allah Sobhan are a category over subpoenaed a move but they call themselves New Testament pattern who do what Americans suffer in the time I reach the corner I said doesn't it say here in the book of Hebrews like this everyday lady the Apollo soul upon table and out to dedicate a you know what he said or an action our dream our book of Hebrews is not for us believers we saw similar Kadapa Tabitha commemorated with a camel a brother in this map that is written to the Hebrews are the apiary look at what other brother oh I see oh-ho then Philippians is not for me because that is written for the Philippians silly pyramid again but another believer here is a part of it I don't see any book written for Zachman and Zack put on a container but about the miracle entertaining but that inlay in which book is for me up pretty early in the book of non-irrigated a part of it you know there's so many clever ways when they find something inconvenient in a book they say oh that's not for me that's what the Jewish people get out the tangle react IRA to go to or other one they went to the National on the book atomic any other user leaders of the Jewish people is not a religion it's only use earlier but about them as a nama calendar so look at our girl there's no book written for by Paul to the Christians in Tamilnadu coming out roller coaster obligated look around and it's only pole another Buddha danger Kirara no healing what shall we read upper the nozzle for the weather today he's all deception going on in Christianity conserve the later Co put your money in the car no product were together when technically dear brothers and sisters I mean a saga so very late if you want to live a holy life but since the working water went to mana I can tell you in Jesus name yes you anom Italian all over look at some agree you will never be able to live it till you see Jesus came just like you yes we only pull away one garden beginning a condom what coming the vodka whatever the other otherwise you may be a holy man like Joe but God's standard is higher a little Ningaloo yogi pullover pursuit over la mano de bernalillo the Underland even if you come to jobs level is pretty good new over like a one dollar are the weight al akkari I'm done but even though job could control his eyes that he didn't look at a woman yo booth or a Candela cut to body theory each other part only in Trollope you read his book you see good cannot could not roll is done Nicaragua our deposit they washes the partner of Nazca would cut to put them really just like Adam he blame God also Adam Paulo um they own a quarry salar with but in the New Testament who the ordinary giggle Italy one of the wonderful things is we can control our tongue I put the one I carry when I went on the Murray now mean I'm cutter Berta Maryam if people ask me generally part is that one of the main results of being filled with the Holy Spirit but sutrayana Allah never Papa will rip Perdana mana Bolivian indicate karate I see you remember on the day of Pentecost when they go see a holiday Nevada there were tongues of fire on top of their heads or little arabella Cochran novel wandering ready that is what I believe editor number Green many Pentecostal speak about speaking in tongues I think it when they were save a career on me about shape is equal to the basic dragon I thank God for that gift on the vertical Democratic sanity rain but this is not just babbling some syllables that is speaking in terms honey about she faces ever the Yellow Sun accordingly so lacunae upon the lay some babbling babbling two three like little babies Nicole Nalepa and eliminate 90% of the tongues I heard in public is like that was why paste a particular you know solid irony of our she put it on internal it's all fake we all have polio no I don't believe it I mean number went up let me tell you a noble extolling a genuine speaking in tongues is like a language with me on it Annie awash never remember this or a worry a piece of the ball you know America you may not understand the language I'm Dave Marshall equivalent gambler clam but if a man is speaking in Chinese here you'll at least recognize it's a language or imagining a scene a partially paste content al you know where every person brown : when I see some people speaking in tongues in some assemblies that is not any language that is even the babies can speak better than let's have a lesson our neighbor suppressing the Khitomer the other bar-shalem utila I'd seen depending on what everybody in Korea were a working late Saturday tournament in Iran would have received by that evenly partying wench ago but I went down when God gives you the gift of term david mulligan a passive are they could aparna begin with a few syllable just like baby you speaking shindig one day passes over a what is like working in an army just like that baby develops into speaking a language and equality you put your bar she pay zakat Ricardo will become a full language I'm gonna come on down near Waterloo bhashya come on otherwise God has not given it to you he lay in personal Oregon davara under protocol I don't worry it is not a gift God gives to everybody I only put I went down with the alarm protocol whatever Amalek but something God wants all of us to have autonomy alarm a particular one day one day one day is this tongue of fire I couldn't now we will prevent America really that means a tongue which is totally pure and a poorly known trial go till a persistent potato novel never gets angry Cabo parada one truth that never speaks evil about it but all they put the TVI person that never says something to humiliate others muttering what underdog ah ha pasado wonder that never stands up in the pulpit to shame other people sitting in front no Munna who can the homeowner / - Maria apesteguía novel a that never tells lies wasteful of another that will always speak in love it puts me on board with basically or novel I like this beautiful phrase in the book of Proverbs chapter 31 maybe more you put it on with the girl in the Ramayana wasallam in our numbering and none other like a premium this is how our tongue should be he put it animal in our commendable proverbs in chapter 31 needy more England would Tacoma put the automatic are its speaking here about a a godly woman or a dybbuk ulis 3 a critic adding Lane that you got a mystical but it's a good example for a man also money Dilip Kumar then a little muddy I've had one verse or wasana verse 26 he wrote ER emotional 31:26 needing regal Maputo a Romany girl you know she animus opens her mouth in wisdom then why a neon orange attract our and the law the law the law of kindness is on her tongue irritating pramana holiday love poem our novel a lyrical it's a low adore pramana a low of kindness nothing on her tongue you're a cotton vide a levira cotton pramana or a Naveen Kennedy brothers if you got a wife like that you're a lucky man so lame I'm gonna get evandro / monavie collecting pollen is not merely bending Allah this is a legal Donna there are not many women like that other one are naked see really late then many men like that a unkillable a if you got a husband like that in a one driver a portion will occur doll who never speaks an unkind word Erica Metra what they could have a celebration you're a lucky woman mingle distress are you good this is what God wants our tongue to be like you put it on nobody now Rick you underwent a room there's a law the law of kindness on gay you're a cutting die in pramana on the novel anybody never speak a word that will shame others or hurt others but roll a pun but at the Korea one more report a Korean Martin's record category award wat a good apace other categories no sharp sword against in enough parliament to wherever they are the Korea patent but full of kindness towards sinners enough are you Linda remember the you're not controlling me right there were no kindness toward sinners but a sword against sin Bob Eagle community York ultimately a war till what a modern power maneuver murder the Korea potato Jesus was like that yes nobody got even that God wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit I'm pursuit Aviano Papa died when demented devil McGrath and Jesus God sent Jesus exactly like us so that he can be an example for us yes no matter Ahmad really happened no maypole away yes we even the bhoomika empanada so when we think of holiness what a pursuit that they could arrive any burden what is it a DNA it is the image of Jesus Christ are the se feel thoroughly asile done I searched through the Bible to find out what is the best definition of sin poverty Erica Korea biggest Iran develop comedian Vaseline and whether I'm OTT repotting here are some verses I saw nonpartisan I was suddenly Monica con beacon I knew that in the Old Testament they did not have such an understanding of sin like in the New Testament Pierre part the caller today Martha Corey Ellicott they put a Puryear particle in Lane the New Testament understanding of sin is perfect who the air particle a today power take for each other and nobody able to come out of the poor no one I wonder in the Old Testament understanding of sin was only the external life RA a particle is a power medicinal put our key someone de patata here come so here's one definition of sin India poverty guru Licata coordinator estimate for the airport link 1 John chapter 3 1 RIA one one dramedy Garo and verse 4 non Gamez no there it says guess all about a to the scene is transgression of the law yeah I promoted a miracle a poem 1john 3:4 one drear one mantra man you gotta be honest one sin is transgression of the law I have Ramanath amiracle a poem that means you go against God's law David Lee a prominent a miracle is not power you do something which God told you not to do wonder I say when Domino silica Neal Miri say a little other power another definition of sin poverty key recovery inner alaykum James 4 verse 17 Yakubu non-comedy got empanadas Muslim this is the opposite the other ponary the reality you know the right thing to do but you don't do it none may say yeah are you run them but they say yeah but they don't like a power mind there are two types of sins you don't ever someone a 501 is you're told not to do it what you do it wonder I say you haven't done it sonal are they say with you me together the other is you're supposed to do it but you don't do it nor with them on a power I they say a window ah nothing is he ever late for example don't commit adultery without a map here but Sarang say otherwise I do it niall verse how to take it it's a sin other power another is honor your father and mother but you don't do it that's is in tog appointing him time gonna wonder why I hear they say every others wrong these are two definitions of sins evil in under may poverty career and American good things that you should not do that you do say you could all the carrying legs say they were to get regular things that you should do which you don't do say yeah kudi acharya say yeah when I wonder if I could eat garlic and save of the lake now most of these type of sins we don't even confess you put it a powerful array now America gotta save of the lake there are many things we should do which we don't do now my name is Karli say you better what I'll say what the lake but we never confess it I don't know the color but they re can see with us we don't get convicted about those things yeah and Allah be the one occurring Lakota diamond are we late because we are so far away from God I'm Devin avert a blow to my reckoning a yarmulke relay for example without no market do you know there's a verse in the Bible which says encourage one another every day Oh burn Allah whatever to petition gallantry well roster America the Hebrews 3:13 every airman dramedy gaura purnima thomas animal Hebrews 3:13 every a moon dramedy garper demon Thomas is that in your Bible oh dear paper lerka encourage one another every day / no Lamoreaux recur over bootie solution is a particular wood shop or a single see that word bootie solanell means the best booty we can give to other than a person is to encourage them metrology celebrity a memory and allah booty invented in n by general n Roll Hotel new chopper to that encourage one another every day overall a beauty salon ID now tell me a person whom do you see every day / Nala Nayyara puckering a denim we are a party taking it not your brothers and sisters in the church sub you'll notice how this whole Adama puckering la even the work people at work you don't see on Sundays me where is he great the liquid ahead not again I'm gonna pack a delay leaving on the path but who do you see every day overall opening Lee are apart Regan the people in your home or a crew module on Orion your husband like an oven your wife or maybe your children the paralegal what should you do to them I want to get there no / - a window encourage put this on the window how often you get a say only let's say you went up every day over na low now you ask yourself you put any angle something early even though you read that in the Bible mingle weather today they were Sundaram it's possible that the whole of last year you never did it once mingle cuttin down the Guru the one who wouldn't worry could se llaman there come satya one day now did you know that you were sinning every day of that year and they were shuttling over not even a palm-sized erica lynn toler agreed lon no Elaine we don't confess the sins that we don't do naam say yada carrying away nobody can save on the lane we don't confess that as sin are they father mentor in America see with the lake when was the last time you said lord I should have courage my wife yesterday I didn't do it under a metronome money which operated in the given to other I'm saying only under a delicacy they should have encouraged my husband yesterday I didn't do it under a Newton on infrasonic which our brave and Imran it's a volley under a normally I didn't do it I criticized it none say yahwism whatever booty soul omelette is about a melon on gurajala green Pollock or a No I'm not asking you to give a big 5-minute message now what I need is a DNA forget they relate I am asking you to have a spirit of encouraging others but prolly would show put the curry overall RV a particular intimate and unbury we must learn that brothers and sisters sagas whole idea of curricula window learn to encourage others whatever a woodshop or that category there are two types of sins we don't know the more powerful in cutting one is things we should not do which we do wonder now say you could other caring lampshade over to grow and the other is things we should do which we don't do you don't know the Korean from say a random are the Namsan llamada so now we must learn a little more about the sins which we should do which we don't do Agha be a Nam say you India cardigan all the things I will do Tom are they done practical event but the highest definition of sin patron email or overlock of an iron rod is in Romans chapter 3 Roman dramedy gara Romans chapter 3 Robert one dramatic ro and verse 23 he wrote the moon drama solemn all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romar one dramedy army wrote emo drama solemn alarm Paul say they they have a mahiette of likey how many people have sinned it any verily policy that all have sinned a lot of pulsated they come short of the glory of God the only am lucky me eternal I'm re playing so this is the highest definition of sin I mean poverty put email or never liked about the done to come short of the glory of God nearly a maximal a choreo Brody what is the glory of God nearly a much me and all in there this is the best definition of sin in the whole Bible Maria damata name career kaput is random black America Rudy we saw two other definitions in 1 John and Jane Andreea one le Jakub le well eternally part on poverty gritty but this is the highest holiday doesn't mean on over like us in is to come short of God's glory power meant by the daily a Maha Malik whatever whatever dude what is God's glory nearly my minute see John chapter one your 100 ero John chapter one yo one on dramedy Garo verse 14 Arirang gamma son John chapter 1 verse 14 no.11 dramedy gotta hold on gamma Salam it says here yes all about a garden the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth underwater Imam Samar he criminal him satchitananda and Orion imma play was so money not Nam on the meheecan dome other a piranha or cat Romania where the ring so the glory of God is seen in Jesus Christ our history among you mean David iam I mean yes we lived on a part of it so anything that comes short of the life of Jesus Christ is sin is equal to da y t la for everybody the world Popham we need to understand this now many willing equal even though the highest definition of sin is this poverty under the motto rubella comedy done to come short of the glory of God nearly a mile a craven the glory of God was seen in Jesus Christ did only imagine me out of the a successful a car a particular anything that comes less than the life of Jesus Christ is sin obviously to Celia underwire Killick what are you Brenda would a car emu pollen no 100 I got a polygamous now the word became flesh and we saw his glory underwater mom semana de nom on the Mahima condone and that glory is full of grace and truth under maha me on it kerubim satellite under do anything less than the fullness of grace and truth is sin only we could be knowledge at eternal them right there and then a little the quarry over degree do we follow that we need to see that now that a party we're going to see that we will see the highest definition of sin it in a parking where the power 2003 another man of Locati Park Rome then we will become convicted of sin every day a penny on a lava wooden element the power takes everything I'm not to be a party every day there's some on Christ like in my life well we're not immunity a white clay cuz to kathira the other wonder kind of / than what will happen is every day my life will be one of repentance in another conditional Mugen Illuminati a white key under the Merlin theorem but the non-linear in the woodwork AI will have no time to look at the faults of other people arguing muhtaram authority a correctly popular care near America why do you have so much time to find fault with other people you put in ma truly a correctly a partner but I think even many of you elders are guilty of that only a millionaire crazy cooter cooter blow later please because you're not seeing the glory of God de Maria Mahim a popularly holy spirit has come to show us the glory of Jesus Christ yes it was me my he me atomic economy Cambria gotten pursuit Aviano Roderick lad and when we see that we will feel convicted of our sin now I'm at a park you more than hombre poverty corner 103 capital will be convicted of our Sin Nombre power like were two or three capital one and will repent now Melander more the truly godly man is one whose life is one of repentance everyday over no Harlem modern dilemma Korea or the money then not me on at they already have money them please remember that you always elevate to college and if you're not like that you're not a godly with man or weren't in England the snarling a dear Bertie no - no - you are like so many things God will convict you a correctly grew today we're gonna talk one word that you spoke Klingon personal you are take was not christ-like I think us to go ta Hornbuckle had under one lorry in number that is not Christ's life I think was to reality brulee or some handling of money I let apart up they bringing over to Korea that was not Christ like I think it's to putting another Lane do you find the Holy Spirit telling you that what's its Aviano like a solid attending a party Neela if you don't hear it it ending early and now you need to pray that God will fill you with the Holy Spirit they will a pursuit Aviano letter Pommery I Debbie Kevin dome that could be the tongue of fire where your tongue is under the control of the Holy Spirit is inaccurate now vermelha whatever the ball I only allow one of the pursuit ah be around a cutter Paula Paula Rico don't be satisfied with anything less than that they cut Lorena endure white lamb 50 whatever everyone just be satisfied I spoke in tongues and babbles something therefore I'm filled with the Holy Spirit noneya bascially pace we're in nobody noby Sharon Erica render something in Sullivan down now Oh Elaine make sure you got a tongue of fire that never gets angry mingle luckily no one will be the one thinkin a cheesy particular always speaks with love kindness you putting me yeah you're a category a premonitory Biswas it's got a heart full of love for people general media unbeknown in the worrier idiom otherwise you're not filled with the holy spirit no no matter what tongue you speak in allow the punches landing lean on about shaping our livin la vida wrap up whatever late you're living in the deception Ningaloo what am i when generally wonder what the critical don't be fooled by all this false teaching in the booyah no Buddha Sutra imatra prevent the Holy Spirit has come to make us holy pursuit Arianna may pursue the become the Holy Spirit has come to give a supernatural gift to spread the gospel throughout the world and the hola camera the YWCA para poder go pursue Tavia or Electra to leave that to building the church in there in the McCauley sabe category are holding out the window I mean that's what we need to seek God for either Karim directory Wyndham I want to show you some 29 sangeeta me wrote your number they only convict every ROM 29 sangeeta meter with your own body see this verse Psalm 29 and verse 2 sangeeta meter with your body here on da muslim ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name and worship the Lord in holy dress Carter II and no matter Korea maha me over Casella tingle para su the langar to Renee cartilage or the memory the word here is holy dress angular tray pursuit the Ala garment by developer stange re in the park rock that means when you come to worship the Lord nikidik everybody if you don't have holiness well it's a pursuit of malaya while you're naked mingle their money iron cradle did you understand that bring your tada we all say we come to worship the Lord on Sunday na mälaren night economy Arabic ever government Ursula Rome how do you come on Sunday to the church night dear me Ningaloo tagalog everywhere agreed we are so careful about our external clothes nobody heavily program on our audio Lena magical governor malloy Chrome you look into the mirror and comb your hair Connery poor totally Civic olorum you take care of your external dress really I will re bring out here if you want American energy I recommend Evan Drake governor below light across that's good then another done but here is an inner dress on a leg a whirling arm under color is called the dress of holiness adi pursuit they re England help his holiness in the pursuit are a liberal we are naked before God now Dave look boom ba hair need warning light it wrong did you know that well like a three-month any time in your life when a white leaned over net alone it's not only when we come to the meeting who take a look over most multiple lives we should be worshipping God all the time now Ilana limit the own accountability like you went on any time in your life and there is no holiness in your heart in the ordinary today Millett la pasta million Ron you are naked mingle nirvani I did eat this before you approach made a molarity polymer the only dress God wants in my heart is the dress of holiness davidic Italian array are a partisan grout a sin makes me naked poem na need one yacht you ready we know that as soon as Adam and Eve sinned immediately they felt we're naked Adam a mere wall impound say the name of a girl in the running like one on another do you have that sense when I can I record on as soon as you commit once in water palm say their name one word what about this another name one wrong look what a tower on a par way oh god I'm naked under rain on everybody roads are gone under and they re waiver today we must have that sense of alertness to holiness from now on you poured it in the person that they could it be pretty worried whenever you put on a cover see my there is only one dress one accepts day one yet to qualify whatever our date on a because it's holiness a lot Paris atomic and one sin will make me naked would have power more than a mid-morning I got this way as soon as I'm aware of sin I must confess it to the Lord I'll go at that power bomb say they've obtained another one don't name matter today and on our case even if I've hurt somebody else I must immediately go to that person and ask that person's for gone where over a non-fun body clear gonna do gets into everything money we get cubetto and put my dress on again window mine reorient on protocol a window thinking from now on you say Lord I never want to be naked in a single moment of any day underway in the wooden olive wood it chana for the wood or a non everybody I look at what I always want to be holy you put the may not personally always going to have a dress in my spirit your preliminary Avila what are you come upon a window I believe your life will be fantastically effective for God otay Keanu did they only Miguel I don't know what I am iam and the name of the Lord will be honored through you Oh Marcus Daly and na mam gonna put a couple to Miami but the dog will be pleased with you like he was with Jesus yes in order to live yes they haven't premyer into the ball I'm only a wifely pretty wide apart you don't have to be a preacher pressing yet I recommend whatever you don't have to heal the sick the audience tomorrow and over at every link keep your heart pure now let a person to my particle is the most important thing it doesn't make up read on demonic valleys how you keep yourself ready for the coming of the Lord you put it on local didn't Leah what are you only I to my castle nobody 1 John chapter 3 1 3 a 1 1 trauma theorem 1 John in chapter 3 Andreea one mantra with legato and let's read verse 2 and 3 in underwater was only nawasib 1 John chapter 3 verse 2 and 3 1 3 a 1 1 drama Jaromir underwater it speaks about the coming of the Lord in yes whenever you go to the Salah Potter Kennedy we know that when Jesus appears we shall be like him yes when we put him over the number I poured over here appointment right under the chrome what's going to happen when Christ comes again yes he went to my whatever is in another couple little shalt be like him now mama didn't care about no mafia no mere poem and if you have this hope in the number hovater con you want to be like him about a polygon or near apparent Anna BK you will purify yourself as he is pure our suitable arrival of all Italian suit agree to cooling Ron how do you know you have the hope of Christ coming there's truly a wearing equal to Mb community record Elaine Melia pre-render according to this verse you purify yourself till you reach in the standard of purity in the vicinity nada por la already air pursue the Tim DNA are you arena with the great even their poor job standard of purity you're barely a person 13 Oliver not Elijah's not John the Baptist alia whoa Warren already personal over a male none of them are my standard our Lily Army energy inelia here kappa rally Elijah and John the Baptist our million times better than most believers I think it was suave silicon merely album your wants no no no million much merengue a yellow like that but even they are not my standard a lava will Caray you know the a thermal a my standard is Jesus Christ nah no Peter Parker could he had thermal another yes occurs to purify yourself as he is pure our soup tomorrow Riker WT critical you know one of the accusations I've heard people make against us no more no matter other my Sola Korea will put a chart in heaven troll is this it is on ah you people are always purifying yourself Nene poppet Oliver in English 52 near collision that is like saying are the other co-pilot ah you people are always obeying 1 John chapter 3 verse 3 Nene a poppet Allah one do one muna with the RM una was nothing motivated but anyone degraded I say is that a big sin to obey 1 John chapter 3 verse 3 1 3 have one more normal you are a Buddha was another cupid is a very a Power Man to get creamed you're actually giving us a certificate when you say that ninguna parte order charts all over the English at Al Arab but the word is not charge not charge a quick reading because it says everyone yeah number one if you have the hope or to say I'm coming of Christ in them now miss you need not worry number one you will purify yourself Ning and one in English so theoretically I mean when will you stop you refine yourself Ningaloo x2 t great by dinner table more than when you become as pure as Jesus Christ yes you tomorrow are the polar suitable embargo down near the window so then people say it was an anagram so that means you don't do anything you don't serve God at all happening on again and the only good image here the layer so chicken air Kingler what are we doing right now we put our - heading on to crow we are serving the Lord I'm Devon according I'm say they're gonna drive why do we spend so many lakhs of rupees en let you gotta kind of politics LOC grow without taking any offer from anybody harder to living in the car Nicki Masucci Emily any procedure Oh have you ever seen a meeting maybe don't take an offering Nina Tonica Vasiliki over kuta record a particular that's what we have done in all our meetings for 35 years but they don t laugh nobody here acutally let me put it on say to the chrome whether we have 2000 people or 20 people we never take an offering you do we're putting all I'm sorry you don't I remember putting on I'm selling a motor column Carnegie muscle save of the leg I'll tell you why yeah and Ursula green I'll tell you why it's completely wrong to take a bag in front of people to take an offering mingle Carnegie muscle say with a co2 per year if you want a macaroon appointed for the tower Indian solar yen in the sauna grain I'll tell you why it's completely wrong to keep a box here and make everybody come one by one by one and put it in front of me Munna Lowry Carnegie but they await secondo alarm party in the Reform Party was a lot of what is say I won the Carnegie Porter with the polenta salute the towering anybody able to consolidate because jesus said in Arizona in John Matthew six what they are about the atom when you give money wanna take recover they don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing well I think he could have put the Ithaca area the typical condition on I remember when somebody said that to someone what am I in a pastor or postulate so noggin ah he said oh it's an ad pastor is a very clever bastard girl put this elegant he said jesus said that is only when you give to the poor Eric he could have more than one - nobody could have known so I am and you give to God everybody must see how much you are giving me as they only put it over the I would have particularly a lot of bark event Amanda tuna wrap how clever the devil is to put such ideas in people's head you primatech erythema Claudia monitor a photo the Cassata new booty Sally that means the poor are greater than God Hodel they only carton we had a Michael Dunn very ever get that when the poor you give you shouldn't let anybody know yeah you could come for the argon 3 hominem when you give to God let everybody see it everybody see how much I'm giving party LAN on de Puerco boreal our partner in a sorry for water deception in never even Johnny it's a principle whenever you do something good don't let anybody know it you're poor the omnigul done me on over carcass a lugar madacorp Dario and Amador court party that's the reason why we don't take an offer ah give a ton Nam Carnegie what's will stay with the lay you don't pass a bag around we don't pass a plate around no more Tata yo Allah do organic FIO na minha VAR CI suitable delay don't make a people come row by row and put money in front verse saver CI when they part they put to go to Poland enough solo the lane we don't judge any other Church that does that because we are not anybody's judge now me already a needy buddy off me layaway if we say good a sophoclean online jerk or delay at the number value art is their judge whether they obey his word or not already water take in the Soviet period earlier but indeed Allah father could they even done only in our beauty is to see that we obey God ourselves nobody here really in heaven um they would be pretty grim oily and verifiable second reason is you don't know the Cardinal Menard revival says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 in Decorah our model you are 10 available later seven yama sorry what loves a cheerful Giver which are my cuatro death particular on with la carta premolar aircraft you could have bagged in front of someone named overcome by entering a you may look this side and that said he has to give something he's not very cheerful about it never come back around I'll Gianna baccarat is up what happened to me how I could've put a late night available correctly she has put some pipe Iser inside - so the do nobody gonna kinda base I have ordered that can economies are doing it cheerfully our Chairman disabled early if you make them come in line in front and drop the money in front of you LRO angel Engel what a CIP one day Carnegie boring little null and the people are moving in line you can't say no I'm not going a lot of homeboys in a bomb attending and get in return you now well ago when you're caught me into my pre impregnated so for the sake of honor you'll go and put another pipe ice inside I got at the guy could have thought I could a nonpolar pipe or ammonia what is left over Guinea so the people don't see the firefights you put your hand like this nobody can see it hey put a chi I did what I are mahkumat hang it Angie be supported apart more time is this the Church of Jesus Christ or some type of deception the devil has led Church in years because Teresa why are all of the pieces of Angie through Tana so what do we do then now I'm gonna say you know we keep a box now Betty wake you know you don't know who puts it when they put it yar photograph you put the pot I'll stay put you know put it under here nobody puts doesn't matter Yahoo bought out a lumpur hotel God sees they even par craft is enough if he sees our portal forum does Jesus see his war Kirara yeah a barker see mark's gospel mark association and chapter 12 pnina WRO verse 41 not put the what I was home Jesus sat down yes on your karna where did he sit down a ring gave come down he sat down opposite the offering box karna keep it together ah who'd come that uh-huh oho does Jesus sit opposite the office o karna cuber together rocky a so Caracara he doesn't take a bag around our carnegie buy anything to boil a he doesn't make people come in the front makélelé what is he a moon a what I went to minister love only but he sits opposite the offering box karna keep adding in rank and order crab and what is he watching everything I wanted to grant carefully don't know my partner he's not observing how much they put inside he is observing how they put inside yeah well what I'm quoting wrong body our party will a Annalee body photograph whatever Parker our what our difference in out yeah so the pastor is watching how much is he putting inside posterity go naked I'm sorry yeah but upon a moon a photograph even under par Quran but Jesus is watching how is he putting on yes who you put a photograph in the park RAF is it secretly enduring a my photograph is it joyfully Santosh samaipata grata is it only two paisa and if i somewhat am Donna wonderful well here is a woman who had only two paisa indiarose 3r and a pencil eraser and darling she put it in her father's 42 now patent domicile Jesus called his disciples yes domination haiku program I want to tell you something wonderful I saw just now Nanako Potter put the 100 carat over Gazzola pouring one we don't worry by the way she had only two pies I will occur in Holland a my saga she put it there mechanic Padilla for target I tell you non over like a hologram all the money in that box cannot equal this to price and the Carnegie but layer can have a difficulty opponent is here the bar column the rent depends how a dacha verse 43 now human drama have you ever heard a pastor speak that in the world well I got a yellow or a posture develop basically parter Kerala that is how we believe offering should be given you put it on Carnegie could open a window and within am secretly under and getting only for Jesus to see yes what they may have party buddy are carefully woodchuck a my if it's little little went a mile dollar whether you cha mind there are many people to whom I've said like this I named a conical anybody salir de creme brother don't send any money to a church every sub aqui para telephone talks a lot of needs for your own children when it's under crew motor de película de get Erica you're a poor man in England political take care of your children but appellee poor particular provide for them for their food education brilliantly a party Pocari to come only a supporter Cajon England slow seen God has got enough David Colvin upon America he has got enough he's the owner of all the gold and silver in the world look at the iconic map undercover lick him over done and turned the car there are many rich people who are his children and they will take care of all those means on a upon a cardinal a political are Lavagirl the curriculum poor particular we operate differently in the area of money from all the other churches because of this reason in the world Carmen cinema tamargo Parliament get a Cara Maria damata Sabella cartoon on Matthias Amano cause we believe Jesus sits opposite the offering box to see how they put not how much they put na wonder a number grow miss Wasserman a mandrel karna keep it together who can recover Ieyasu our he able to put him in a purple a yeah pretty portable me they John Parker are he then I'm number wrong he's interested in holiness I work a personal group of every area whitewater Polly Liam we must purify ourselves I mean I'm a satiric ever know whenever we seek honor and something we do you pretty long time say it over the character like garlic a telegram opposing you did a good thing you're not a character setting and you sort honor for it from people other Kaka general the gonna tell you are crazy for you supposing you're praying in public pull the podium integrity to go in the meeting what are the big nice you are praying you know jimmy kimmel your mind is going what are these people thinking of my prayer names a particular article on Edina syndicated a yeah jabot uppity Paula Anna Karenina sold Ronnie you have immediately become naked what are you kidding onion everyone yeah Marie material your clothes dropped off you didn't know well neurotic here everywhere today your brother's stop your prayer I mean a saga rage about the negativity put on your clothes again before you continue your prayer a job at the Torah to say whether the holy or any would it be cool how many of you recognize this Nagiko look at it as soon as sin comes into your life your naked power one the master training a little money I'm are immaterial imagine if your physical clothes dropped off while you were praying here mingling in Djibouti Connecticut were they when we Allah may will dress it you listen I appear clean any particle brother is supposing your pant drops while you are praying means everything American words the loose on a pent-up tequila hearing it is not what will you do will you stop praying or not German a little ping littering landed the budding la supposing you're sorry falls off sisters while you are praying how arranged a beacon was a sorry calendar will receive will you stop praying or not a woman in it aimed at the wedding laughs of course you will stop um there was a nativity really look at sin like that poverty prefer hard your I was praying I was seeking honor right Jimmy Cooper Dame a critic not a teddy day I mean I mean why him I want to put on my clothes again I'm in a bind a dress afford Oh Lord forgive me under any money so Tyrion next time I pray I'll be more careful to keep my clothes before I pray ultimate shipping more than a condom are delayed I'm gone alone I pain just like you tie your sari tight and put some pin and all that and tie a belt so that your clothes don't fall off oh yeah sorry we recognize another cargo here a Canadian Erica cutting a pendulum boutique on to polar the black light a bill to pour over the polar keep your heart holy like that in a ball I only irritate a person to my category you become naked as soon as you sin Nepal say the matter today and anyone yeah I'm whatever degree there's something else I want to show you from the Old Testament only apparently no one really can't become great God wanted his people to know how serious sin was how remember the able to could even be termed a gentleman equally when demented even vermin are Leviticus Navy Rahu I think Leviticus is a book which very few believers real migas silly this was really super nervous possibly of acitivity our Buddha may be Rama but there's a lot the main in subject of Leviticus is holiness unto the Lord dr. Kapoor suitum invaded on levodopa territory a corporal if you can understand the spiritual meaning behind Leviticus leave it armed about 30m a week we are telling our belong equally longer see there's one emphasis in Leviticus levied are whatever or carry multiple holiness what is the Lord that's like a party system I don't have time to show you the whole book guru Buddha America can't be politically an animal but if you understand English I'm getting angry telling you continue on up we have a CD called through the Bible in 70 hours you do with the money Adam through the by blender than I would a city record and there is a whole one hour I've spoken on Leviticus Navy Rama pathetic good morning animal in a pastry cream you can listen to it nearly killing it in a little while we will be publishing it in Tamil also you know when you knock tell it come really important every day actually I write we've already got it I think in Tamil I don't know whether it's being released here yet tumble a window to that level a critical end of the reeling in Leviticus chapter 4 levira home run comedy Adam listen to this govern Engel and read it slowly it's not a difficult thing to understand a willing equal to the customer I carry with me the why was hinder you take some time to read Leviticus 427 onwards lady raha mom non-comedy garam hero tiara muscle nothing the gospel and she's never really believed it very slowly me go boom but the water was even talking about the common people committing a sin put the buckle presume a girl power sing a really good thing if ever you are all common people now I'm allowed I put on a McCullough McCullough and anyone yah-yah-yah Ryan golem any of the common people commit a sin for the wanted general a gavel order when pounces along and it's not a deliberate sin it's an unintentional sin I give in diamond ray in the shape our lay or alter Aeon will see the power accidentally that J ligase the power any of the common people committed a sin accidentally saw Darla during relay in Darwinism touch Allah for POTUS a doll in doing in thing which the Lord said should not be done Andre saya could all the in personam acharya theory ml season doll Aria Manali let's read that slowly again window mile in a Medina was suppose any of the common people sadhana generally ruin sins without knowing Aria mean all covered in Qatar illegal in Jihad remarry because something which the Lord said should not be done after say you could all in the Sun a character on Satan becomes guilty immediately our Lord area Haku travaglio Quran but he doesn't know he's guilty honest on Sega the poem interconnected theory relay but verse 28 you don't hear Thomason when he becomes aware of it Tom say you the power mentor thelike theory over him brother I will take some time I reckon you not read potassium he's guilty from the time he did it I would say the Northland they want to travel he thought he may be aware of it only after 24 hours or two days later or one week later I mean he wrote R alluminium predict over Korea World War I'm pretty toda now look at area were together God says you don't have to do anything until you are aware of it near they are eager what I want to say yet Ivy Lane but as soon as you're aware a theory over in Brazil oh I spoke in a rude way to my wife your money in little a car sorry my pace obtaining Kenya Gaurav a pace obtaining that thing I signed and got some money in the office was a false statement a low Leggett rake hired to put apart a particular name Tehran au revoir the ticket paid that anything I did in the church was wrong Sybilla no say the name at the tower that time I preached operate it was from my honor uh naked on pressing it in a Tibetan II you know they got the caucus 18 I didn't know it when I was preaching a brain unlike Jamaica more doe pressing you come early on making a video and it becomes aware other que para ganar the area where model is guilty from the time I did it alright let's say the North London on patrol alley but I god holds me responsible only after I know it all alone are in there than even a poor Polly I pre Kara how merciful God is damn near come on all right now even though you're guilty doesn't hold you responsible until you know it niku travaglio earrings all and Kure well has a theory in what I want a quitter all you have a proposal when you come to know it didn't ever agree if you were living in the Old Testament Neil Peart Al Fateh college I wanted you do anything you went down get a goat or a article T where the vendor would say Lord I'm a farm I don't have any goats under no reverse ie Aniki article Amelia go to the market and buy a goat okaaaay keeper you will not die y equal to R what is the price of goat meat nowadays incoming our governor at Lee Haeri article auricular never lie 250 rupees a kilo curricula are no tomorrow Maya okay tell me what is the price of one goat who are today when I was holding it 4000 rupees for committing one sin guru power signal I drove aiya Oh yo ha ha I will stop Sydney very quickly what did he have false a derivative ate and tomorrow another sin Ronnie you know to power another goat nor Allah or not I'm not on it do you see how the Lord was trying to tell people sin is a very expensive thing power say any olive oil costly Malaya DeYoung and rayon dora boji can i party like we have not understood it now mother willing you could have a let me say brother I'm trying not to sing what I sing sorry wait you say remember there are not empower bounce idea number they try to speak kindly but I think aa place in akhira allah karim opposite i tell you if you have to buy a four thousand rupee gourd every time you speak rudely to your wife you will speak very kindly to your why from tomorrow onwards Larnaca solar gain over a moraine money you never take any agora ye needle Pacey now later Rubaiyat a bank event demand all are sharing in the holiday link stop sinning Warren holiday power say the negativity really what do we say Dominus early diagram I don't have to pay goat now for your heart a cocktail of buddy said that every layout of Jesus in case you North America what is that word are they already in night to paisa identify Sarang quote means four thousand rupees heart is why I went with a long iron wine blood of Jesus huh it's like tap water yes and rotunda de azúcar write an ad for a president normal arm in a career equal to lamp you see how you treat the blood of Jesus less than the price of a goat or a Hearton or evil a catalog brave offending is undeterred Emily Kayla that is why you never overcome see aagama Daniel power the miracle over they lay you understood now for the bling Attila why these Old Testament people took sin more seriously than today's Christians in Dre Crystal Lake carlopa rare particle of McCallion power they series I hear takunda interval : gurga hey one last verse work adhesive Asaram ji Bruce ten never a photometer god verse 29 he wrote another muslim how much greater punishment do you think he will deserve who has tried and underfoot the Son of God and treated the blood of Jesus like a very cheap common thing and insulted the spirit of grace even in phenomena Carmina Burana Muslim David Kumar make Colin humidity turn a party system say the word American ratatouille suitum Andreini karubian navien indicate on Youku diesel mechanic keep a thorough an eye upon that word anybody OSHA the partner that unclean means the like a common thing like tap water in gay assume an aquarium a system and a needle in the North America right and a report knows it the real word in Greek is common thing Gregory Lamia noir they got a name a system say there a suitor Montano then personal was one of the Indians you're treated the blood of Christ like something cheap yes you in brother they whatever a query one day what tomorrow riccati my annuity really if you were in the old covenant you bring a goat for your sin but I had particle a 100 on only a power through our taken door ever and it is so expensive that you stop sinning at the overlay I think my ear everything on a power saying the until today right now people though because it's the blood of Jesus for the Ace Ventura thumb Lonnie you treat it like some common tap water that your hand got dirty you can just watch it hey Erica you tell my cry Evita mirakuru polo yes you know that they put on a sovereign or carry my immaterial says you have insulted the holy spirit but it's obviating Linda tivity realistic Rome you deserve a greater punishment than all those Old Testament what referee Airport mccurdy categories under Nakata putting on the underpinning of Palawan but our message is not a message of condemnation nobody has Sadie when a heart can I could put some cereal and there is forgiveness with God they would agree money pond let us repent now Mon Andrew Oh forgive me Lord for taking sin so lightly under a vow what they not nearly that I did to condone any money you Monterey indicate phone helped me to take sin most serious wow what the under a series are you did to go over the reach am value the blood of Jesus more easily not at the unerring nobody my will a muddy paw good okay and equity mother scream now Jimmy Paul Heavenly Father but Lopez away help us to take sin more seriously in our life when a vertically power the under a nobody is serious i editable evolution cut the terrain jesus name is phenomenal java crumpet away I mean so the lovey need a buddy system on the bar but it come on it's alerting Kinari like BBC 15db important is to learning we make any me why were you
Channel: CFC India
Views: 27,921
Rating: 4.7245178 out of 5
Keywords: zac, poonen, cfcindia, jesus, tamil, thanjavur
Id: eVwi_3N0Vf8
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Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2011
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