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accessing library computer data [Music] despite the tragedy on corydon prime minister samuels with assistance from captain archer finalizes the details on the first trade and security pact of its kind in known space on march 11 2155 the coalition of planets compact is signed in san francisco charter members include united earth and her colonies the alpha centauri concordium the united planets of telar the andorian empire and the vulcan confederacy as the coalition worlds celebrate their new alliance admiral valdor's fleet is well underway towards barangay 7 a world recently chosen by the united earth space probe agency to serve as a location for earth's first star base united earth star base 1 also known as station salem one was located in non-aligned space near several major trade routes used by the space faring species across the region unlike the other two star bases operating during the war salem one existed for one reason to demonstrate that earth was ready to become a key player in interstellar affairs the station offered a variety of services repair resupply there were surely facilities hydroponics aeroponics there were tours to the planet below which was as close to rhiza as you could get within four parsecs all of this went a long way in demonstrating that earth was absolutely committed to the ideals of peace and mutual cooperation [Music] the romulans however had other ideas about earth's rising new influence in interstellar affairs this is united earth starship atlantis to unidentify alien ships alter approach immediately if we would be forced to take action captain i'm reading an energy spike all hands of battle stations we've lost computer control radiological on the outer marker they have nukes this is the commander we are under attack all starfleet personnel report to emergency stations at once this is not [Music] [Music] we have women and children on board deploy pdc's full speed ahead now you're doing something to the reactor you can't engage the warp truck oh [Music] [Music] nearly six thousand were killed in space and on the ground at beringaria it was the largest single loss of human life since the zindy incident in geneva the united earth parliament security council votes unanimously to declare war against the romulan star empire later that day the ue general assembly approves the war resolution which directs prime minister nathan samuels to form a war cabinet samuels immediately turns to his most trusted advisers admiral gregory black of starfleet command and general george casey supreme commander of the mako black and casey have their work cut out for them an industry based on exploration and commerce must be transformed into a military machine virtually overnight starfleet command scrambles to recruit crew members and to build or refit ships as quickly as possible to face the romulan navy [Music] meanwhile admiral valdor is given new orders by the praetor to secure an unexplored star system known as aldron its location is strategically useless to valdor and yet the praetor demands elder on for reasons known only to him take her out mr mayweather starfleet captain jonathan archer whose ship and crew had survived a hostile first contact with the romulans leads the coalition of planets first expeditionary force their mission to engage and repel the romulan threats the coalition combined wasn't ready for a war against the romulus it had only been a month since the destruction of salem one not nearly enough time for starfleet to get on a war footing not that it would have mattered what happened there was it was a humiliation archer to fleet that's alert when a listening post at algeron goes dark the coalition fleet finds itself up against the romulan war machine for the first time there was no way for captain archer to know for any of them to know what we had in store for them attack vector one seven seven five the device was a highly sophisticated computer virus which could incapacitate and then take control of an enemy ship's main computer functions immediately acting like a virus the romulan's new weapon leaves the coalition fleet helpless primary systems have failed since most of the other advanced races the andorians the tellurites had appropriated vulcan computer technology over the years the romulan's telecapture weapon was effective on them too ironically starfleet ships were able to recover the quickest because the vulcans hadn't been sharing their computer technology with earth completely unprepared for the romulan's insidious new weapon the coalition fleet is forced to retreat and once again captain archer must yield to the romulans the romulans barely fired a shot they had nearly complete control over a dozen ships from four different alien navies that is that's just amazing i mean how do you defeat an adversary that has that kind of advantage over you the battle of algeron wasn't just a military defeat for the coalition of planets it was a political defeat as well the debacle gives first minister to powell the reason she needs to withdraw vulcan's military forces from the conflict indefinitely back on algeria on four romulan science teams find a key piece to a puzzle they have been scouring the beta quadrant for buried deep in the ruins of a long lost debris colony lies an ancient map one which has obsessed the daderadex family for generations for in the words of the poet the seekers shall be unsundered and all shall dwell in the shadow of the raptor's wing a map created a deredex believes will allow the romulans to rule the entire galaxy [Music] captain's log may 4th 2156 it's been six hours and still no sign of our escort i can only assume romney break off your attack more medical [ __ ] we have no means to challenge you i repeat this is the medical ship nightingale we're on a mission of mercy we mean you no harm break off your attack over the next several months admiral valdor's fleet continues to apply pressure on earth by attacking cargo ships along the major trade routes in the region i've been attacking boomer ships in the earth cargo service that is is is stretched thin and even when they can give us an escort they have gun where did they come from make a run for it we'll give you some cover [Music] strategy to target only earthships makes it difficult for starfleet to rally support from the other coalition powers i have received very specific instructions from my government the andorian imperial guard will not aid earth or earthaline vessels at this time earth now finds itself alone isolated during her darkest hour and the worst was yet to come the alpha centauri concordium of planets was home to the largest settlement of humans outside of our solar system by 2156 alpha centauri was the hub of interstellar travel trade and commerce a shining symbol of humanity's trek to the stars starfleet command had warned the elephants to shore up their defenses but they wouldn't listen these were people who'd earned their prosperity and they weren't about to just walk away from it on may 22nd 2156 a romulan attack fleet walked in at strategic points across the alpha centauri cluster they refused to believe that they could be a target they thought the romulans were earth's problem not theirs a beautiful summer's morning on alpha 3 and not a cloud in the sky just bombs there was no warning whatsoever these were just civilian colonies with no way to defend themselves the romulans butchered them it had been over a century since humans had seen the effects of nuclear weapons firsthand they were crude but effective weapons designed to instill the proper amount of terror and fear into the enemy the centauri massacre was the largest single loss of human life in the entire war nearly half a million innocent civilians were killed in less than an hour the attack on the centauri colonies was motivated by politics however the centauri massacre only served to enrage the humans and strengthen their resolve the call for romulan blood was deafening and it was one that starfleet could not ignore the united earth security council unanimously approves the use of earth's nuclear weapons stockpile which had been mothballed for nearly a century earth decides to fight fire with fire their only hope for retribution lay in the unroth system four years earlier starfleet made first contact with the romulan star empire at unroth when captain archer's ship enterprise hit a cloaked romulan mine this time at unroth starfleet knows the lay of the land using captain archer's previous scanning methods the starfleet task force is able to quickly clear the minefield around the planet starkly scanned the planet and found some kind of mining operation that was a good enough target for them the human's need for revenge prevailed and that was fortunate for the empire the truth is that there was no mining operation on unraw iii it was the site of an archaeological expedition that had concluded and was preparing to leave the planet head starfleet investigated our presence there they might have learned of the predator's obsession or humans bloodlust made them impulsive and our scientists were able to continue the search for the final key without further interruption even though only a few dozen romulans were killed on unroth the praetor uses the incident to move his people to action citizens and subjects it is with great sorrow that i must reveal to you now a new threat the likes of which we have never seen before humans a savage and belligerent slave race of the vulcans launched a nuclear strike against the peaceful inhabitants of our outpost on unroth iii more than one million romulans men women children were incinerated in their homes as they slept wheels alien butchers these humans must pay for their treachery and they shall i call upon you citizens and subjects of the romulan star empire to stand with me now as one death for the humans and their vulcan epic masters rulers by the end of the day nearly 70 000 romulan youth had enlisted in the imperial armed forces a major propaganda victory for the crater [Music] altair six an m-class planet in the alpha quadrant where earth scientists discovered the remains of an ancient alien civilization attracting earth's finest scholars and scientists the mysteries of altair were the foundation on which an entire archaeological tourism industry was built it had no strategic value and yet the romulans wanted altair six and they wanted it badly [Music] with reinforcements weeks away task force delta is quickly overwhelmed the colony is under attack evacuate to an emergency shelter immediately while thousands were killed on altair the romulans inexplicably spared the colony from the mass destruction that inflicted on alpha centauri the romulans are dozens of light years from their core systems and here they are digging in the mud on at least three remote planets why what are they looking for how does all this help them win the war the reason for the romulan's interest in altair algerian and the other worlds in coalition territory would remain a mystery for the time being as admiral valdor's navy campaigns through earth space back on romulus domestic issues are beginning to spin out of the praetor's control when a mining accident on remus kills hundreds prater doderidex exploits the disaster to his own political advantage he claims the accident was a sneak attack by earth forces which demands a strong response against valdor's opposition the prayer to orders a direct assault on the andorian homeworld the romulans had good intel on vulcan and earth they had virtually nothing on andoria they didn't know the enemy's fleet strength or its deployment they didn't know if their approach would be detected hell they didn't even know if there were navigational hazards in system and there were as they'd find out for the first time since the conflict began the romulans were going into battle without the tactical advantage earth and andorian forces were ready and waiting captain stiles and captain tran were preparing for a counter offensive and they were on training maneuvers when the romulans arrived so not only do the romulans have bad intelligence they're also attacking an enemy on their home turf while they're in the middle of a war games exercise the timing couldn't have been worse attention all vessels station has reported unauthorized movement on the designated vector we are switching to condition black this is not a drill our sensors show 12 cruisers approaching confirmed captain styles to the fleet reconfigured for combat operations this is no damn drill we're at red alert this wasn't a colony or a star base it was the enemy's home system battle of andoria wasn't the first time politics got in the way of good military strategy and it wouldn't be the last but it was certainly one of the romulan's largest blunders of the war our ships open fire stay on top of them don't give a chance to use it we want computer control main power is fading our shields are down we've been targeted they're carrying atomic [Music] the rest of the fleet they're matching us engineering enforced whip drive is down we could use some help [Music] you have here inbound hustle in your position take your face action immediately this is stiles what's the situation general the marauder took down half the fleet systems groups three and six are trying to regroup and finish off the cruisers but that dreadnought has pushed through the skirmish line it's on a direct course [Music] capable of fighting the enemy missile carrier must be stopped captain's log final entry we're out of torpedoes and our phaser batteries are drained but the engines still have a little left in them styles to engineering speed i still remember the words which assured a grieving nation some 150 years ago when the first spaceship named challenger was lost sometimes painful things like this happen it's all a part of the process of exploration and discovery the future doesn't belong to the faint-hearted it belongs to the grave we shall never forget them as they slip the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of god captain style sacrifice was not lost on the andorians and thanks to the actions of challenger millions were spared while the battle of andoria proved that the romulan navy could be beaten some harsh realities remained after two years of fighting earth had lost nearly half her fighting ships three earth colonies had fallen and starfleet commands still had no idea what their enemy looked like or where to find them if something didn't change soon all would be lost [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Romulan War
Views: 108,194
Rating: 4.9261589 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, The Romulan War, fan production, fan film, Romulans, Starfleet, Federation, science fiction, Enterprise, NX-01, Earth-Romulan War, Praetor, starship, special effects, Mark Naccarato, Samuel Cockings
Id: xlR6QUlZDfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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