Wings of Romulus D'deridex Class 'Praetor Reborn'

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[Music] in the closing days of 2364 the Romulan Star Empire brought an end to half a century of isolation with a dramatic show of force in the form of their latest premier warship the D Dylan decks class warbird at the time she was the largest ship developed by an Alpha Quadrant power dwarfing the Federation's new guarantee class which was believed to hold the record this would be the first of many assumptions the deep dura decks would shatter in the ensuing encounter command at a balk would conduct himself with confidence and authority which he would later go on to credit wholly to his ship which clearly made an indelible impression upon the crew of the enterprise and on all the peoples of the Alpha Quadrant while the d/dx class warbird was at its most prevalent in the mid to late 24th century its origins can be traced back to the very turn of the century in 2291 a seismic shift occurred in galactic politics the impact of which cannot be overstated the Khitomer Accords in which the Klingon Empire brought an end to over a century of conflict with the Federation this caused the entire Romulan defense strategy to be turned on its head practically overnight until the destruction of praxis none in the Romulan Empire had even considered the possibility of peace between the Federation and Klingons let alone an alliance between the two indeed until Khitomer Romulan High Command had been operating on the assumption that I have conflict with the Federation did arise the Klingons would join them as allies indeed while relations between the two empires were rocky both were diametrically opposed to the Federation and both saw the expansion of the Federation as imminent an existential threat this mutual enemy in the form of the Federation led to a cooperation between the two which will otherwise have never occurred this cooperation had two significant outcomes the sharing of Romulan cloaking technology and the adoption of a joint defense strategy nowhere can this joint defense strategy be more clearly seen than in the winged defender class bird of prey which was in fact designed and built in parallel with the Klingon Borel class bird of prey during this time the Romulan Imperial Navy exhibited a preference for large numbers of small hit-and-run birds of prey while the Klingons preferred to operate a smaller number of larger heavy cruisers such as the d7 or storm birds as they were called by the Romulans had a conflict between the Federation and Romulan Klingon Alliance erupted in this period then according to the grand strategy the Klingons would look to engage Starfleet in large set-piece engagements whilst the Romulans unseen which swarmed through Federation space attacking Starfleet's logistics and infrastructure spreading terror among Federation worlds fortunately for the Federation however no such conflict ever materialized had this not been the case it is unlikely that the Federation would have been able to adapt to such a vicious strategy indeed the very ability of such a strategy completely crumbled after the seismic event that was the Treaty of Khitomer all the sudden all the confidence which had hitherto characterized Romulan foreign policy completely evaporated leaving only fear and uncertainty in its wake this led the Romulans to adopt a far more cautious and defensive posture in wider galactic politics and barely two decades later they would withdraw entirely from galactic affairs of the infamous tome ed incident in the ensuing 53 years of isolation the Romulan Empire underwent drastic changes politically socially and militarily the result of which would be a Romulan Empire which would look very different indeed the confidence of the Romulan people was heavily shaken by the term ed incident many Romulans were of the opinion that the present government had squandered many opportunities to gain a decisive advantage over the Federation and that the leadership was inept this would lead praetor Hal Kai to step down in 2315 in the next three years a power struggle occurred amongst the Romulan nobility and in 2318 a young noble of the Denali dynasty took power preto coleus the first five years of his government he spent securing his own position through successive purges political maneuvering and critically through the establishment of his most potent weapon the dreaded tau Shia however in 23:23 in response to the demands of the imperial navy which remained the sole threat to his rule coleus commissioned an inquiry which was to undertake an evaluation of the Imperial Navy's present capability with particular attention to the possibility of defending against a federation Klingon coalition and to propose solutions the inquiry was to be the most thorough in the empire taking seven years to compile and upon its long anticipated completion in 2330 constituted the largest Imperial manuscript to ever be produced the report confirmed the fears of many in naval high command painting an increasingly grim picture of the present Romulan defense strategy firstly it stated that the Romulan fleet was woefully unequipped to deal with the threats facing the Empire arguing that the smaller birds of prey were insufficient particularly against the newer Federation vessels of the period secondly it argued against present naval combat doctrine based on large numbers and asymmetric engagements advising that against both the Klingons and the Federation they could not rely on a numerical advantage nor was an asymmetric strategy likely to properly defend Romulan territory the report ultimately cluded that in order to remain an effective means of defense the Imperial Navy would require a complete fleet modernization program in which the Imperial Navy would move away from large numbers of smaller birds of prey in favor of fewer more powerful storm birds additionally it advised that the Imperial Navy defend Romulan territory through aggressive power projection and pre-emptive infiltration of enemy territory the reasoning behind such a strategy was that through power projection and the inspiration of fear the enemy would conclude that to undertake full-scale war would be utterly devastating for their own people the findings of the report led to Imperial High Command issuing a design requirement the very next year in 23:31 the requirement mandated that the ship would be a heavy storm bird capable of engaging the newest ships of the period as well as having advanced cloaking systems and the capacity for long-range infiltration of enemy territory at the toll re Bureau a young engineer named Jala my proposed a radical design concept based on a theory by the 22nd century tactician Admiral kisara kisara frustrated by the inefficient logistics of the period theorized a vessel that would be able to serve as a battle cruiser and Nitori assault ship able to lock down entire worlds by itself he described the ship to be a warbird however he dismissed his own concept as impractical the technology necessary for such a vessel not even existing in theory however by the 24th century the technology required was entering its experimental stages jala herself having much knowledge of the technology having specialized in quantum engineering she posited that by using a forced artificial quantum singularity they could build a vessel significantly larger than any currently in service with a vast power supply and endless source of energy the ship would be capable of long voyages while under cloak the head of Design at tulare found the concept to be radical but workable and presented it to Imperial high command while they to so much promise in the warbird concept they were hesitant as the timescale for the ship's development was extremely long as quantum singularity technology was still very much in its infancy however the concept was giving the blessing of the praetor who awarded additional funding to allow the development of tol Ari's warbird was the latest storm bird developed by Casca char would serve as a stopgap development of the warbird began in 2332 at tel re Jala my was promoted to project leader only 35 it was an incredible responsibility to be placed squarely on the shoulders of one so young and was hitherto unheard of for better or for worse her career at Allari would live or die by this project the first difficulty in designing the warbird was in its unprecedented scale for the most part Romulan ships rarely exceeded a length of 300 meters as such it was agreed the traditional design doctrine was inadequate for a vessel of scale historically most Romulan ships were designed with a simple single hull configuration with all the vessels facilities being contained within the singular hull it was soon realized that this would not work for a ship on the scale of the warbird instead it was decided that by separating the ship into two or three distinct sections they could better balance the mass of the ship within a warp bubble this concept would also allow a greater degree of modularity within the ship building in a high level of adaptability to the platform however there was a great degree of uncertainty and disagreement regarding the overall configuration traditional Romulan desire mounted than the cells at shallow angles to the hull this made the ship harder to detect but lowered warp efficiency by contrast the Klingons mounted their engines below the center of mass which allowed them to ride the upper lobe of a warp bubble allowing for greater acceleration and maneuverability however the Federation favoured no cells mounted at steep angles above the center of mass allowing the ship a higher overall cruising speed at the cost of acceleration each of these configurations had supporters and opponents within july's design team July herself was however quite uncertain and for some time she began to feel that the project had hit a dead end for a year the deadlock persisted with different designs being successively developed and scrapped this was until one evening when in her memoirs jala recounts a moment of true inspiration and vision it was as if it were through the Providence of destiny reading through casseras manuscript a small illustration caught her eye it was of a 22nd century Vulcan vessel it's annular warp drive in particular it was then she said that she realized the solution to the problem Jala hypothesized that by mounting the warp in her cells in such a way that they may be both above below and between the ship's center of mass the ship's warp field would not only allow for long cruises as well as her higher rate of acceleration it would also be much easier to hide the warp field using the cloaking device a further advantage of this new construction method was that the ship would be more easily divided into modular sections allowing for a greater versatility in its mission profile as well as enabling greater survivability for the crew in instances of catastrophic damage after helping the initial design concept jala and her design team concluded the hull would be split into four distinct sections to habitation hulls at the fore and aft which would connect via the upper and lower wing sections which would be devoted to engineering and cargo and would meet at the port and starboard nacelle while the simulation seemed to show promise there were some who remained skeptical of the warbird project this skepticism would only be further confirmed by the slow development of the singularity reactors that would underpin the entire warbird project in order to quell uncertainty and reassure its supporters tulare was ordered to develop a proof of concept prototype that would be equipped with a conventional Romulan warp core but modeled on the new hull configuration development of this proof-of-concept began in 23375 years into the project after two years the first proof of concept prototype was completed in two 23:39 it was named the Imperial Romulan warbird Vimala after the turn T 2nd century Admiral Imperial High Command was so impressed by the vana lacs performance that they placed an additional order of four more vana lakhs in order to conduct field testing and operational training on a squadron level few Romulan officers understood the tactics that the warbirds would utilize and those that did had no practical experience of such operations thus the Valor Act was used as a training platform for future warbird crews at 515 meters in length Divac Malak served as an intermediary between the storm birds of old and the behemoth warbirds of the future as it was to serve as a prototype and not a frontline warship the VAM Iraq was lavished with a comparatively light almond consisting of a single torpedo launcher and a pair of disruptors however it refused to test the new cloaking device that would be used on the larger war bird for additional vessels were delivered in 23:42 and they were vital in training Romulan crews in the principle of warbird operations while in trials the VAM alack deformed world there were many in high command of the opinion that the warbird should prove itself in combat operations these began in 20 3:44 with the varma lakhs engaging in raids deep in Klingon territory evading the Klingon fleet and obliterated isolated colonies however during a raid on the Klingon colony and nur entre 3 something unexpected happened a federation ship the USS Enterprise C arrived to aid the beleaguered Colin seeing this as an opportunity to test their new warbird against the Federation Squadron Leader tomahawk engaged the Federation vessel in the ensuing battle the enterprise-c was destroyed however it had heavily damaged one of the vana lands and destroyed another yet Romulan command took many valuable lessons from the encounter and obtained critical intelligence from the prisoners they captured the battle exposed several key deficiencies in the war words and their employment firstly the enterprise exhibited superior maneuverability it also benefitted from superior firepower its new phaser arrays giving it a 360-degree arc of fire recognizing that the full warbird would likely share in the poor maneuverability of the VAM alack Imperial High Command ordered that the new warbirds be given a 360 degree arc of fire to compensate they also advised squadron tactics be reevaluated on this basis while the prisoners were not initially forthcoming naval intelligence did garner some valuable insight into the present Federation fleet and most critically that the Federation had yet to develop a reliable countermeasure against cloaking technology this emboldened Naval Intelligence to infiltrate Federation space for intelligence gathering the vomer lakh class would go on to serve with distinction the class remained in production until 23:55 with a total of 30 shifts of even Imperial Navy until 23 70 when they would decommission world of Amalek did much to cement the confidence of Imperial High Command in the warbird project it also had the unforeseen consequence of placing additional pressure on what was already an extremely ambitious project Jala my's project now also being expected to satisfy the demands of not only the Imperial Navy but also the talciao which now exercised considerable power and influence the Imperial Army the science Bureau and myriad other parties while the ship was to be large jala maintained that the addition of further systems to support these demands would compromise either the cloak engine or weapon systems she felt it was important that the vessel say true to cáceres original warbird concept however her word meant little in the matter however she was supported in her convictions by the prattle and in 23:48 the project made a monumental breakthrough with the first quantum singularity reactor being constructed this second winged gave the project much-needed momentum and for the first time Jala felt that her vision would soon be realized the size of the reactor allowed her to finally gain a perspective of scale she concluded that this ship would have to be 1,200 meters in length a monumental undertaking based on this Sheehan visited a crew of no less than 2,000 with the ship being capable of transporting an entire Legion 4,000 troops rather than attempt to accommodate every request and demand from the different branches of the Imperial military Jala contrived a more efficient solution the ship would be built with removable modular subsections which would be contained in the inside facing surface of the warbirds too vast wing sections this decision was in fact inspired by the modular scouting platform built by Casca cha when initially applying for funding to build the prototype jala was rejected on the grounds that it was too expensive however after the praetor intervened tulare was given a blank check to develop a prototype even so it was an enormous undertaking before the ship could even begin to be constructed they had to build an entirely new orbital drydock to accommodate its vast frame as well as arrange new contracts for the shipment of supplies the sheer scope of the project led to rapid economic development in the Empire and in many ways helped shape modern Romulan society construction of the prototype began in 2350 and was completed in 23:53 the ship was named the Imperial Romulan warbird DDX after the 22nd century praetor over the next two years she underwent a rigorous set of trials and tests which she passed with flying colors in 23:55 the determined X was officially commissioned and later that year she was joined by the first of many sister ships because sauna and the deci as' and the warbird through its bold raids against the Klingon Empire and impressive performance quickly established itself in the Imperial Navy as well as in the minds of the Romulan people the d/dx class has a length of thirteen hundred and fifty three meters a wingspan of 995 meters at a draught of 367 meters spanned by a total of a hundred and six decks it has a crew of two thousand I can transport an entire Legion four thousand troops it is a cruising speed of seven but a maximum of ordinary she is heavily armed carrying 12 disruptors with the yield of 67,000 terrible's three torpedo tubes capable of firing photon and plasma torpedoes with a complement of 800 torpedoes its shields of the capacity of 2 million 295,000 terajoules it is a truly magnificent piece of engineering this split hull design in combination with its considerable size and stylized design gives the determine ex a striking appearance presenting as a predatory bird the vessel has an enormous psychological impact upon those it encounters those who live to tell the tale are unlikely to forget it compared with the ships of the previous century ET Dylan X is an extremely exhausting design dispensing with utility in favor of style in many ways the DDX is emblematic of the change of Romulans society when people in the following years the dinner decks was frequently used in border skirmishes with the Klingons the internet acts easily overpowering the outdated Klingon vessels so great was the effect of indeed over decks upon the Klingon psyche that they began calling it by the name vector translating as the devil's knife intended as an insult to be sure but the Romulans greeted it with pleasure for many years the de Ternay decks would pose a significant threat to the Klingon Defense Force and horn psyche of the Klingon [Music] however it would not be until the closing days of 2364 that the name deep Dianetics would begin to pass through the lips of Federation citizens upon deciding to reinitiate contact with the Federation they chose to send a tea demodex as a show of force to confront the Federation flagship in order to gauge their intentions all the while other deidara Dex's infiltrated Federation space taking positions around major Federation worlds ready to strike should War break out before departing on its historic voyage to ship chosen the Imperial Romulan warbird deed Dilla dax commanded by taboc an experienced battle commander and cunning strategist enacted an ancient ritual where champions departing for war past the Imperial Palace where the praetor would show his hand in favor this had not happened for over a century and as the Diderot decks flew over the capital in low orbit she eclipses the Sun and calls the ground to shudder the tremendous spectacle of this magnificent warship assuring in a new era for the Romulan Empire however in the ensuing confrontation between the Dodaro decks and the enterprise hostilities did not break out yet relations between the two did not thaw the encounter would see the continuation of the cold war between the Federation and the Romulan Empire tensions remained high and the daddario decks would always be present at these flash points for the next three years Romulan warbirds violated Federation space with impunity using their advanced cloaking technology shadowing key Federation worlds and installations awaiting eagerly the order to attack the talciao also took advantage of this brief period of vulnerability using modified warbirds equipped with advanced sensors and communication Suites gathering copious intelligence on the enemy this was brought to an end however by 2368 by the Federation's development of tachyon detection grids which was soon placed along the neutral zone making incursions into enemy territory significantly more challenging however confrontations with the Federation continued to be frequent some of these encounters escalating to weapons being locked and warning shots to be fired ultimately however peace prevailed had war broken out the Romulan Imperial Navy would have enjoyed a significant advantage while larger more powerful ships such as the Galaxy class were unforeseen the rank and file of Starfleet was made up of mid-range multi-role cruisers and frigates which neither had the speed nor the shields to cope with the duder Dex's potent arsenal additionally Starfleet crews lacked any real battle experience or cohesive squadron tactics contrastingly d directs crews were well versed in the tactics and doctrines of warbird combat in the same vein the Klingon Defense Force remained woefully unequipped to deal with the dead air attacks the cavort and Katinka classes being completely outclassed by the behemoths compared to its contemporaries in the Federation and Klingon Empire dd-do radix was head and shoulders above anything its rivals could muster in its day it was the premier warship of the Alpha Quadrant and while it never formed the war for which it was envisaged it became indispensable as the backbone of the entire Romulan she uses a warship science ship fighter carrier transport communications relays intelligence gathering vessel diplomatic transport and as an experimental platform the deter decks would eventually see combat during the Dominion War and while it was shown to be somewhat antiquated against the technologically advanced ships of the Dominion it performed with distinction often being credited as the ship that turned the tide of the entire war and its large carrying capacity allowed the rapid deployment of ground troops often far faster than her allies despite its age the d-done attacks defended her reputation as a ship to be feared however the Dominion War did reveal the inadequacies of the deidara decks at the same time Starfleet had modernized with its new Borg Buster line of ships and the Klingon Defense Force saw its strength returned in its newer vor'cha and neg VAR warships it was clear that the Diderot decks could not keep up yet even then the determine X proved to be quite the legacy to live up to the newer neo raxin and catch on ships during inspiration from this iconic vessel it is safe to say that the d/dx revolutionized Romulan starship design and doctrine and has had a long-lasting impact upon the minds of not just the Romulan people but of all the peoples of Alpha Quadrant it is poetic two of the Romulan Navy was to be found in its part the legendary preto reborn in this magnificent warbird [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Venom Geek Media 98
Views: 69,999
Rating: 4.8589005 out of 5
Keywords: Wings, Romulus, Of, Red, Star, Documentary, Starship, Origins, Warbird, Design, D'deridex, Romulan, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Bird of prey, BOP, Stormbird, D7, Ktinga, Andrew, Probert, Trekyards, Lore, B-type, Tomalok, Tebok, Klingons, Plasma, Torpedo, Warp, Singularity, Artificial, Quantum, Star Trek, The next Generation, deep space 9, ds9, commander, sexy, hot, miniskrit, uniform, Battle, Discovery, Picard, Tv series, senate, Politics, Preator, Reborn, Winged Defender, Kerchan, Valdore, Federation, War, Dominion, Vs
Id: 4lDXboVCpFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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