Battlespace 'The Romulan Earth War' Battle of Sol

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the date April 3rd the year 21:56 the Alpha Quadrant stands in the midst of a brutal conflict a conflict in which the destiny of the entire region will be determined earth a world which had worked so hard to bring about peace and cooperation between the peoples of this region now finds itself embroiled in a brutal conflict a struggle for it's very survival their implacable foe the Romulan Empire seeks control of the region and its people one by one isolating them and bringing them under the shadow of the Raptors wings until recently the Romulans seemed to be unstoppable capturing system after system but when Captain Archer led a bold counter-attack he succeeded in driving the Romulans from baring Garvey however the war was far from warm in the shadows sharp talons stood ready to strike at the heart of humanity itself earth [Music] while archers victory at Berengaria was far from insignificant its effect was more morale than military in its value while casada had taken heavy casualties the core of his feat remained and had retreated to Denver where he would regroup although Archer himself was far from unscathed losing 7 Daedalus class ships in the battle he was unable to effectively pursue kisara he was instead forced to halt at Berengar here and regroup before attempting any further offensives lest he make the same mistakes kisara had merely five months before attacking altair under strength only to be repelled this failed attack by kisara nonetheless caused alarm amongst the ranks of Starfleet Command and saw the development of a fortress earth policy yet for the moment Starfleet Command still supported archers offensives yet this was far from unconditional and any failure might lead them to reconsider this position another effect of Baron gaara's liberation was the opening of crucial supply lines between Earth volcán and Andoria unfortunately this did not guarantee support from these parties the Vulcans having recently stated their commitment to peace and pacifism was sympathetic to the concerns of Earth but ultimately reluctant to provide military support meanwhile the Andorians had no qualms regarding military action but was stubbornly committed to doing so on their own terms therefore Starfleet Command decided to attempt to secure greater cooperation and support by sending two of its most accomplished officers to win support sending commander T'Pol to Vulcan and Admiral Archer to Andoria leaving the fleet under the command Oh Ramirez who while capable lacked archers experience meanwhile the Romulans were forced to take stock of their situation while casada had been driven back from Berengaria he still had a foothold on de Nova and remained in position to strike earth although he would have to take out hair by no means an easy task and now the humans expected him the humans were fortunately completely ignorant of dida latexes position who had assembled a large fleet and stood ready to strike at the human colony of Tau Ceti on the Tellarite border the capture of which would sever supplies between earth and Telep rai yet Deedle attacks remained cautious having learned of archers counter-attack he resolved to ensure that he did not face a similar counter-attack he did so by ordering casada to attack altair simultaneously with his own the goal of this was ultimately to confuse and delay any response by Starfleet rather than necessarily capturing altair itself fortunately for starfield D de linux's caution allowed them to secure the support they needed from their allies administrator tupou having agreed to provide military support but strictly for defensive deployments nevertheless this was a substantial diplomatic and military victory for earth now backed up with Vulcan firepower while for the most part the Vulcan fleet was composed of scientific and exploration vessels the policy of Defense through deterrence under the previous administration led to the creation of the mighty de kere class heavy cruiser at 600 metres long she was among one of the largest vessels of the 22nd century and would hold the record until the 24th century it was surprisingly well armed for a Valle ship with three dorsal to ventral port starboard and aft plasma phasers and three torpedo launchers the space frame itself was constructed with combat in mind as the normally vulnerable warp ring was placed within the ship's masts allowing it to rotate to a horizontal position and thus protecting it during combat the dakea could further augment its fighting ability by deploying a daughter craft a hundred and eighty meters in length similar craft would not be seen on Federation ships until the 24th century the Vulcans immediately sent ships to reinforce Berengaria and altair while the Andorians had agreed to assign a squadron to archers task force to be led by brigadier Shran a long-standing ally of the humans despite these preparations Starfleet was caught off guard when on June 20th the dura decks brought down a hammer blow on Tau Ceti attacking with fifteen ships including two tavares ten sparrows and three u24 Verona's battle cruisers the u24 Verona's or chowder as it is known by the humans is a three nestled battle cruiser a newer design than the Titanes it was capable of significantly faster warped speeds and as such was an effective offensive cruiser with the length of 126 metres a wingspan of 68 metres and a draught of 68 metres it is smaller than the tire ants but boasts a potent weapons complement of one heavy plasma cannon to light plasma cannons on the wings and six torpedo launchers however it boosts this firepower at the cost of protection with weak shields and thin hull Armour thus in an attack the Verona's relies on smaller vessels such as the sparrow to draw the enemy's attention away from the Verona's allowing it to unleash its firepower without fear of response the Tau Ceti system was lightly defended by Starfleet who believed kisara to be the main threat thus it was only lightly defended by a joint Starfleet Tellarite squadron of five ships to Tellarite cruisers and three warp deltas neither of which were intended for combat nonetheless they would find themselves fighting regardless fortunately they were joined by the Atlantis and Expo 5 giving them a fighting chance also they believed the warp Delta was an old design from the 21 20s as a warp 3 frigate however was now more of a scout and patrol vessel at 120 metres long and 105 metres wide she was once considered top-of-the-line but for the most part was only seen in rear echelon during the war armed with only two laser cannons and no ordnance launcher she was unsuited to frontline service Wendy Durex came out of warp he initially kept his distance and attempted to use his Telecaster devices to turn the enemy fleet against itself however he was unsuccessful both Starfleet and the Tellarite vessels were protected by new security programs these are now known today as the CCP or command console prefix a code which serves as a firewall against computer commands from an outside source DDX was surprised by the humans resourcefulness nonetheless he was undeterred pressing his advantage attacking in a phalanx formation the sparrow squadron under vex --mess led the attack quickly closing on the KO in position behind tau ceti x' moon the coalition forces under captain weiss engaged vex mmus ignoring the advance of deterred x's battle cruisers meanwhile vex must targeted the communication arrays of the coalition doing only superficial damage to critical systems and while he lost three sparrows his efforts made deidara Texas hammer blow all the more efficacious the eternal X was able to close to near point blank range before opening fire with a devastating volley of plasma cannon and missiles destroying three coalition ships and causing disarray in the fleet as they were now unable to communicate vex immers driving his squadron like a wedge between the humans and terrorizing as they fled the wrath of the Verona's battle cruisers and into the sites of the two tavares under Commander Cassie who had been hidden with sensor screens trapped between the hidden Tavarez and the pursuing sparrows the coalition fleet was torn apart ship by ship captain Weiss attempted to lead one last effort but was destroyed by deidara Texas flagship the Imperator in less than an hour the Romulans had taken tau ceti and now stood ready to strike their ultimate objective earth meanwhile casares attack was far less successful attacking with only a single tavar oh and three sparrows against a coalition fleet of 12 ships including a Vulcan heavy cruiser flotilla and kisara lost all his powers barely escaping himself this would be the last offensive action that would be led by kisara during the war as a result Starfleet quickly realized that the threat was from Dido headaches not kisara and as such were able to orientate their defense accordingly between Earth and tau ceti resided Alpha Centauri already a thriving colony of nearly 1 billion Starfleet Command was faced with an impossible choice to risk their remaining fleet in a battle over Alpha Centauri with a potential to leave earth defenseless or abandoned 1 billion people to certain extermination by the Romulans a third option was desperately needed captain Erika Hernandez proposed an ambitious solution the total evacuation of Alpha Centauri colony unfortunately it was determined that a few could be evacuated before the Romulans arrived in order to allow the time needed captain Hernandez proposed that she lead a small unit consisting of the Columbia and EXO to constellation and EXO 4 & 4 intrepid frigates and fight a guerrilla campaign attacking the flanks of D directs as he advanced on Alpha Centauri slowing him as much as possible unfortunately even then they would be unlikely to evacuate everyone there was simply not enough ships however general Casey of Mako command offered a solution rather than an vacua t' the entire population from the system they could instead hide the population amongst the various planets in the system and more and move them with sublight transports the hope was that the Romulans would be so focused on earth they would not question where 1 billion people had disappeared to and even if they found one group of refugees most would likely go safely unnoticed Starfleet Command greenlit the plan On June 27th 21:56 however Hernandez was only assigned half the ships to her raiding squadron consisting of Columbia indefatigable and dauntless D del decks departed Tau Ceti on the 4th of July 21:56 expecting to reach Alpha Centauri by the end of a month his fleet had swelled to 25 ships consisting of four Verona's battle cruisers 14 sparrows and four Tavares supported by three large carriers with a total of 10,000 embarked troops d directs was confident that such a fleet could crush Starfleet and obliterator --the on July 12th Starfleet Command received a report from captain Hernandez confirming she had encountered and engaged Deedle attacks beginning the Battle of Alpha Centauri which should have taken DDX less than a month instead nearly cost him too many of his ships had sustained damage and were low on ordnance and he had lost three sparrows and at Evaro the fleet's that had departed Tau Ceti looked very different to the fleet that arrived at Alpha Centauri on the 16th of August and their problems continued to mount after they arrived wellnot fleet awaited them they were greeted by minefields fighter attacks and continued raids by Columbia it soon became clear to do dirty decks that the longer he remained at Alpha Centauri the less able he would be to take earth and so after three days he departed and arrived in the Sol system on the 1st of September 21:56 having lost the element of surprise he arrived to find a large earth fleet and he prepared depth defense the human fleet of sul was under the command of Admiral black who masterminded the fortress earth policy at his command were a total of 21 ships including challenger and XO 3 Excalibur annex of for 4 intrepid light cruisers 6 Daedalus class frigates and 9 warp deltas barely outnumbering the Romulan vessels many of which outclassed their human counterparts fortunately Admiral black was not relying too heavily in the superiority of his fleet and had several cards up his sleeve as the Romulans dropped out of warp near Pluto they encountered the Neptune line initially it seemed only lightly defended by one intrepid and three warp deltas the Durex was nonetheless cautious and only ordered eight of ro and three sparrows to engage suddenly another enemy formation was detected 3 Daedalus frigates again the Durex responded matching them shipped for ship then another the Delta X realized that Admiral Black was attempting to disperse his forces and fight across a wide front in a series of small engagements not wishing to play into blacks hand deidara decks secured his flanks before throwing his full weight against the Daedalus squadron which was driven back even so only one ship was caught and destroyed and he directs had given black exactly what he wanted revealing the total strength of his fleet black pulled his ships back to the first true defensive line at earnest there the fleet was split into two groups one led by challenger positioned in the planetary rings and the second led by Excalibur positioned around the moon Oberon between the two a convoy of seemingly damaged refugee ships intended to lure the Romulans into a zone of overlapping fire this proved only partially successful as d/dx was suspicious only allowing three sparrows to engage all of which were destroyed by overwhelming fire nonetheless the directs now knew the human dispositions and began his attack by firing a suppressive missile barrage from his cruisers whilst ordering the two Varro's to move under sensor screens to the rear of the human fleet in the Rings he then ordered the sparrows to engage only holding enough back to protect his cruisers which with greater firepower commanded the gap between Oberon and the ring while challenger squadron initially seemed to have the advantage a surprise flanking attack by Cassy's to Varro's swiftly turned the tables against them and they soon lost to warp deltas and to Daedalus and an intrepid frigate although they were able to escape damaging at Evaro and drawing to Spanos Black was forced to pull his ships back and pull a running battle at Saturn for the humans losing to warp deltas black took up a new position in the Jupiter defense line most of the fleet's including the NX's took a position around Jupiter station whilst a small squadron led by the intrepid class resolute and implacable as well as for warp deltas held behind Jupiter's moon hoping to outflank the Romulans the Durex fell for this bait advancing his ships in his famous inexorable fabulous as he did so resolute was able to flank under the cover of Jupiter's moons to the rear of deep turn of X's column meanwhile though black continued to suffer heavy losses losing the Challenger the intrepid class indomitable and to Daedalus losses he was close to breaking fortuitously resolute was extremely successful in her flanking maneuver catching the demodex completely off-guard destroying a transport and a battle cruiser the dirty ex was forced to halt his advance and redeploy his sparrows to ward off resolute although to warp deltas were caught and destroyed yet black was now able to retire in good order through the asteroid belt but now all that stood between the Romulans and Earth was Mars as Dee directs emerge from the asteroid belt in phalanx one of his battle cruisers was obliterated by an energy beam fired by the Verteron array therefore he withdrew his cruisers into the asteroid belt and ordered his sparrows to engage while the Tavarez and the sensor screens moved around the fleet to attack the array however without Cruiser support the sparrows were outmatched and took heavy casualties nevertheless Cassie was successful in destroying the array and d/dx was free to advance it now seemed that the tide was in his favor yet this was not to be another vert honoré opened fire from Venus destroying the white wind running low on ships and ordnance and the human fleet still mounting a strong resistance the dead ex was forced to order a retreat and the Battle of Sol had ended the line had held it goes without saying this was a critical victory for Humanity and while Dida Reddick's had suffered a defeat he would remain a significant threat during the rest of the war in an address to his soldiers after the battle he said this our enemy has repulsed our attack this cannot and should not be denied or ignored any man who does so is either arrogant or ignorant we fight a worthy foe and he has defended his home with admirable valor and zeal look to your enemy for an example for now we shall defend as hard as he did we shall plant our feet and dare him to push but he will fail and afterward we shall stand as Victor's for the glory of Romulus [Music]
Channel: Venom Geek Media 98
Views: 153,061
Rating: 4.8330803 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Romulan, Earth, War, Battle, Battles, Space, Battlespace, Romulans, Enterprise, Season 5, Cancelled, Documentary, History, Military History, Commander, Admiral, Captain Archer, Scott Bakula, D'deridex, Kahzara, person, personality, Lore, Romulan War, under the raptors wings, Battle of earth, ships, Starships, Bird of Prey, 22nd Century, Sparrow, Maseo Okazaki, Fasa, expanded universe, Beta cannon, Chowder, Veronus, Vulcans, D'kry, Heavy cruiser, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Daedalus, Warp Delta
Id: 4-h1wXNnCMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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