Shopping For PCs In 2023 Is A COMPLETE Minefield...

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now it's been about 2 years since I've done  a video like this where we just go onto the   internet and buy content basically for videos so  I'm pretty excited to do it although this time   I've done a cursory look on Amazon so far even  though that's not the main place we're going to   look but buying a PC Today is much more of a  Minefield than it was 2 years ago what is all   of this stuff like if you're just a filthy casual  looking to get into PC gaming how are you supposed   to figure out what to buy here you need like a  Zetta stone for terrible gaming PCs to decipher   this madness before if you wanted this kind of  confusion you would just go on to eBay and then   get scammed into buying one of these things but  that's not even the case anymore now it happens   on Amazon and it gets more confusing because  you go on to you go onto this you click on it   the same seller has five different versions  of this Optiplex thing that we've we've had   a look at various iterations of on the channel  but it's gotten more confusing because for $39   Canadian dollar you can buy one with an rx550 in  it but if you're feeling a little bit spendy and   you want to blow some more money if you go up  to this one for $40 more it is a gt750 in it   so you're paying more money for a worse graphics  card let's see what happens here 380 oh so this   one is a 550 with an i7 in it um what happens  over here oh you actually get a 1050 TI in it   for but I mean it's still the point is if you  don't know what you're looking at how are you   supposed to decide what to buy here and the thing  is this kind of price point it's really difficult   to kind of recommend an alternative cuz if you  go and look for an Optiplex that hasn't been   like gamer swagged up and then you want to drop  your own graphics card in it you realize that   like low profile graphics card prices still look  like this you're still looking at paying 230 CAD   for an RX 6400 okay let's quickly do the math  here as you can see I'm on on I'm on firefox's   porno Vision so that I don't accidentally leak  my address so the MSRP of this Graphics carde   was supposed to be 10 oh that is what it costs  this is like a reasonable price for it but then   you're looking at dropping one of these in an  Optiplex so let's say it's about 300 for the   alplex it's about 220 for the 6400 that's over  500 Canadian dollars that you're paying for the   system and is it worth paying that amount for  that kind of configuration so in my opinion and   this may be a bit controversial considering that  I have a PC gaming channel essentially if I had   less than 500 C to spend on a gaming PC I'd buy  an Xbox series S I don't know I I feel like this   is probably the way to go wait is this all still  part of the intro I guess that means we need to   play the ad and then we'll actually go shopping  for Content now that I've got that right out of   the way today's video is sponsored by corsair's  new IQ link McGuffin being able to daisy chain   all of your RGB and fans together with a single  cable run makes life so much easier I recently   swapped a bunch of IQ link fans into a test  system and had a great frustration free time   magneting everything together and because  of all the heartache I saved dealing with   RGB clutter I didn't blow an artery struggling  with a corrupt Windows install so if you want a   great looking easy to ous premium RGB solution  check out IQ link using the link in the video [Music] description so now that I've had a bit of  a rant about the mine field that is Amazon when it   comes to gaming PC shopping let's go and have a  look at eBay for Content I'm curious to see how   it Compares now to the new eBay which is Amazon  so if you just say search PC gaming it's like the   same St stuff but here you're getting an RTX 2060  see that's where they get you it's a second gen   i7 so I think by that they mean a 2600 which is  not a good match for an RTX 2060 I can tell you   that in fact I very recently dropped various new  graphics cards into a system with one of those in   it and it didn't go great okay eBay eBay still is  a hell hole this is just Intel Dark Ages quad core   Intel Dark Ages quad core again Intel Dark Ages  quad core Until Dark Ages quad war and it's just   this is this is all that there this is just all  of it oh so here you actually get to choose the   graphics card so if you choose it's $880 Canadian  dollar for an RX 550 with some i7 in it let me let   me guess it's a second gen oh never mind it's  Sixth Gen so a 6700 but that is a lot lot for   a PC with an RX 550 in it it's because they know  how the buzzwords work you know you put i7 and   like the biggest in video graphics card name you  can fit in the price point in the title and then   somebody's going to think it's a good deal but  okay let's do four parts and see what kind of   deadish nondescript PCS we can find cuz this is  always a fun video trying to figure out how to   make these systems work that's a very interesting  shot of them to use for the main picture the PC   it's just like the back of some Wi-Fi antenna  oh oh look at that it's an old Alienware so   this is something that I am quite interested in  looking at because this old Alienware actually   has nonproprietary kind of shaped Parts in it  so I could do a video where I buy one of these   in cyborg green and then turn it into like a  crazy modern gaming system uh one thing that   I am curious about in terms of of radiator space  there's not a whole lot we can do to this system   but putting that aside I just noticed this has  quite interesting Hardware in it this looks like   an 8800 GTX going off the Dual connectors here  this thing was a complete beast when it initially   came out what is the CPU yeah so 8800 GTX with  Core 2 CPU but going by the 2.1 GHz it's like   a an e6400 oh this thing looks fascinating okay  I'm almost going to buy this without your input   but we'll see let me know in the comment section  down below if you want to see something like this   I then spent a while combing through a bunch of  eBay listings of broken systems with a suspicious   amount of broken Intel KN but the wildness of the  eBay listings were starting to grow tiresome as   you can tell by the degrading state of my hair you  can't say that it runs great but also doesn't turn   on anyway had a look at a bunch of this stuff  let's go on to AliExpress which is one one of   my favorite places to shop for random PC crap  and there's actually some stuff that I have in   mind for this cuz there's been some interesting  laptops and things on AliExpress that I may want   to check out but again we're just going to type in  PC gaming whoa look at this thing so this little   guy has a 12 900h and a 3050 TI in it which as  far as I understand is like a mobile version   of the GPU but that is a beast of a hardware  configuration for this kind of little thing   so if we go for the yeah that goes to a th000 with  no storage in it but that does look re oh going to   have I I censored that this looks really exciting  every time I go on to AliExpress I see this thing   recommended I really want to buy it cuz I'm very  curious to see what the cooling solution looks   like in it and what kind of power we're getting so  let me know in the comment section down below if   I should get one of these and what configuration  we're looking at see there's a whole lot of them   and then you also get like these systems which  has the coolest looking power button on it ever   I actually think this was in the last one of these  online shopping videos that I did and uh I there's   something about the power button on it that  really draws me in but what's more interesting   you can get them with some of the new AMD uh kind  of like mobile chips in it got a 680m in it which   as far as I understand is a very power powerful  integrated GPU so this could also be interesting   uh cuz it's a much cheaper alternative but it's  not going to be nearly as powerful as the the   the this one um but let's see wow this is actually  mostly mini PCS y look at these mice look at this   one this looks like an old rat gaming mouse this  is another one maybe I should do like a gaming   mouse Roundup off AliExpress cuz there seems to be  some crazy examples of them popping up everywhere   wo that's pretty cool it's even got the the  Apple cheese grater effect on the side but this   has a 6600m in it this thing looks like a beast  aiming on this thing must be wild oh there's a   lot that we need to sensor here oh no but so this  doesn't actually have any hardware in it as far as   I understand supports VGA 800x 600 resolution I  mean for people that know more about this stuff   than I do is rs23 2 compatible with just normal  VGA stuff I mean I can probably Google it but   this seems like it would be the ultimate gaming  peripheral because you've got your like mouse bit   although it doesn't have a click which may be a  bit of a problem but you've got your like Mouse   control bit and then you can bind all of the keys  for like actual gaming purposes that looks really   cool oh yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh okay okay so the  thing that I wanted to show you which then sent   me down a wild rabbit hole of look looking for a  thing I once saw on AliExpress it's on my phone   right so I'm going to I'll screen capture this  but you can see it's got like what looks like   a full mechanical keyboard in it with like very  interesting speakers and stuff and then a 1440p   display 16 in but it costs 500 CAD like look  at that thing oh but it's it's got a seller   on in it so it means it's going to be really good  for gaming as well okay so that was the one thing   that I've been looking for now this is something  that Asus has been doing for a while but it seems   like there's a lot of AliExpress options for  these so you see something like this which I   mean I I just really want to see the AliExpress  implementation of something like this uh because   th this is I mean it's got quite old Hardware in  it but if you spec it with kind of Less storage   and stuff like it's not that expensive I then  got distracted Again by the the bizarre world   of AliExpress Hi-Fi product some really weird  knockoff stuff on there but eventually I managed   to pull myself back on the topic look at this  thing it's like a really cheap version of the   RTX A2000 but it doesn't quite make sense cuz it's  got like a different memory configuration so is it   just the same chip oh this is this is the brand  of like Ali Express necrom monster graphics card   makers but just like that I got distracted again  getting back on track I I don't know how I ended   up on farm machinery so this is like a foldable  phone that you can buy on AliExpress but instead   of having the main display on the inside that you  open up the get to you've just got like a folded   around main display on the outside and it's like  460 CAD for a foldable phone look at that look at   how big the fold is what a stupid looking device  oh I really want to check that out as well now   I've been on and off looking at temu for stuff  and I just I can't find gaming stuff cuz as you   can see here it just wants us to buy panties and  woman's underwear for some reason but let's see   if we can get like graphics card the only option  and this is a recent Edition is something like   a gt610 but I don't even think that's going to  make an interesting graphics card oh they also   have what looks like one of the best connect  like adapters I've ever seen look at that yeah   there isn't really anything interesting on here  yeah the pre-built Market has stagnated so hard I   feel like 2023 we're back at the point where like  if you need a gaming PC you have to build it like   look at this the new Acer loser Nitro suckface  Edition 1,800 CAD for a system with a 360 in   it and a 13400 a 3050 and a 5600 G 1,000 500 CAD  I don't know how you buy a PC as somebody that's   just into prils at the moment I then headed over  to NZXT site which seemed a lot more promising   oh that's pretty cool on NZXT site they have an  a770 based preil for about $1,000 which pricing   wise seems pretty good compared to what we were  seeing on Best Buy and it's cool that they have   that option available oh the new Alienware looks  so lame and pedestrian it seems to have better   ventilation but it just looks like a PC yeah I  don't know I feel like an Alienware system needs   to look like a 13-year-old designed it and then  it was built to the lowest bidder not just this   also the cheapest configuration is about 1,800 CAD  for a system with a 4060 and a 30700 which is air   cooled in it I I'd love to see what the air cooler  in that system looks like considering that they   very suspiciously don't show you any pictures of  it which I think brings me to the end of the video   I wasn't expecting to make today I was busy with  with a different video which didn't pan out at all   terrible things happen Okay so we're we're going  back to the other adapter now but that oh that   doesn't fit I bought so many adapters but none of  them are going to work and I am going on holiday   for about 2 to 3 weeks so you won't see any more  videos from me for a while and then when I come   back we're going to see the conclusion of that  Madness and hopefully a bunch more content on this   stuff that we looked at today so let me know what  want to see videos on and until the next video byebye
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 268,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: Q0QI-edBmwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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