The Wasteland of Mad Max Explained

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the Wasteland also commonly referred to as the Badlands or the post-apocalyptic Outback everything and I mean everything out here is hostile and wants to kill you so basically just the Australian Outback this is a complete guide to the world of Mad Max we're going to be going over the towns territories inhabitants cars and just basically everything in this sand covered Nightmare and I Tim stamp the video because I have this natural proclivity of going on incoherent rants that frustrated a lot of people but I also did it just in case you want to focus more on aort and Joe's stuff or stuff from mad to whatever your preference is all that I know is now you have the opportunity to completely obliterate my watch time where we must go we who wander this Wasteland in search of our better selves that's a quote from the end of Van Max Fury Road by the first history man but wait who in the dry Barron deser is the first history man wow the first history man founded the history men and women and you already know one of these people Miss giddy the one living in a Morton Joe's Citadel she was a history woman in a Morton Joe's Pet house we see a bunch of books and this is a really rare thing out in the Wasteland because most of the books were burned during the fall of civilization so the wastelands inhabitants are very unliterary and grammatically uncorrect it's poic clipse and that's why history men and women like Miss gidy are caked in these tattoos of Historical Notes their job is to preserve and educate people about the stories of the past so that wastelanders can better navigate the future and not repeat the mistakes of yesterday in the Mad Max Universe it's hard to tell what exactly LED to the fall of civilization just like how it's difficult to tell the exact reason as to why I send these very cryptic photos of myself to my friends at 3:00 in the morning with no context but let's try to explain the fall of humanity shall we before we begin our journey into the dried up hellscape let's talk about today's sponsor betterhelp as they're helping make this perilous Journey possible except better help is out here offering you a more peaceful Journey uh more focused on mindfulness and so care as they're providing the world's largest therapy service that is 100% online better help is trying to make therapy more affordable and accessible and seriously the accessibility is really nice because you can talk to your therapist over text chat video call voice call just whatever you feel comfortable with but I feel like I'm jumping ahead all you have to do to get started is fill out this questionnaire talking about your needs and preferences in therapy that way they can look in their network of 30,000 licensed and experienced therapists and then they're going to pick the most compatible one for for you so you get your own personalized therapist and then once you're matched you can contact your therapist whenever we are talking around the clock we're talking 247 but if you're in the mood to be more organized you can actually schedule live sessions whenever it's convenient for you and let's say you're like my therapist is pretty cool but like they're just not the right fit for me it's just not going to be a problem because you can switch to a new therapist at no additional charge and on top of all this good sounding stuff you're getting more flexibility and you're getting a more affordable price which I think is pretty toasty so if you want to begin your more positive Journey with better help click on this link in the description below the one that conveniently has my name on it and this is going to give you 10% off your first month so go check it out anyway back to the more Dow Journey it can be a bit jarring going back to the first Mad Max film and seeing how normal everything was in comparison to where it ends up it's all like plants and ocean and then suddenly it's none of that but you have to understand that in the original script for Mad Max the director of the film George Miller didn't initially plan to make a post-apocalyptic type of world however the budget for the first madmax film was pretty low to be specific madmax 1979 had a budget of $350,000 not adjusted for inflation and it was all coming out of Miller's personal funds like a lot of these extras in fat ny's Cafe were supposedly compensated with beer in real life May's house was abandoned and it was filled in with furniture that the crew took out of their own homes and this stunt at the end of the film where a semi-truck just plows through to cutters bike this right here what you're witnessing only cost George Miller $50 once again not adjusted for inflation he literally just paid some random truck driver 50 bucks to just run over a motorcycle but the truck driver didn't want to ruin his vehicle for 50 bucks which is understandable and that's why you see this makeshift cartoonish metal plate that's tied to the front of the truck right here this is so it didn't severely damage the front of the vehicle I can't really speak to what happened underneath the vehicle because it looks like that's where the motor motorcycle went upon impact also to save even more money most of toe Cutter's gang was made up of people who belonged to a real biker gang called the Vigilantes they usually had to show up to set already wearing their collapse of society apparel as well as carrying their prop weapons which resulted in them getting repeatedly pulled over by police the production actually ended up having to give each psychist a letter to present to the officer during their inevitable pullover this letter would contain an explanation for the whole situation that they're part of the production of Mad Max Etc in hopes that the officer would be like all right you can go this is why in the film Goose hands the civilian a card and the civilians all like what the heck is this and then Goose responds get a free card that's all that was just a reference to something that the audience would have absolutely no way of understanding but things got better with the local police the more that they learned about the production for example the production would be filming on roads illegally because they didn't have permits heck they wouldn't even use walkie-talkies to communicate with each other that a car was approaching on the same road that they were filming these stunts on because their walkie-talkies may have been picked up by Police radios and this is something I very much do not condone during the process of gorilla filmmaking but thankfully the police got involved and helped out with the production they would block off roads so that Miller and his crew could safely film anyway the point that I'm trying to make is that the production was broke so when it came to the sets that they could afford they looked like this so Miller decided more last minute to make Melbourne and the surrounding area just descending into the apocalypse which brings us to what the history men and women refer to as the fall aka the fall of civilization George Miller stated that a lot of stuff contributed to the fall whether it would be a catastrophic Cascade of economic crises power grids collapsing oil Wars water wars failed States a random nuclear Skirmish Etc the nuclear Skirmish explains why at the beginning of Thunderdome Max uses a scanner to see if any Goods contain high levels of radiation what's a little B at Mad Max 1979 is a film that was made in 1979 and in the opening of the film it states that it takes place a few years in the future so because Public School failed me I did a Google search asking how many is a few and then I saw this answer uh not many but more than one which I thought was given but I was looking for something a little bit more exact then I went to the second answer which was between two and several which once again I didn't help and then it prompted me to look up how many is several which gave me the answer more than two but not many this was getting me nowhere so after 7 and 1/2 hours of pulling out my hair cursing the nights of the old world and then trying to figure out a quantifiable guess as to exactly how many are in a few I found that as around three but to simplify things I'm just going to go with the number three so the events of Max dealing with uh toe Cutter's motorcycle gang takes place in the year 1982 and the events of Mad Max 2 with the whole raid on the oil rig compound take place 3 years after that so around 1985 but the change from green to just full-on apocalyptic desert didn't it just happen overnight you have to understand that madmax 2 takes place more in the outback because everyone was fleeing to the Outback because the cities were being nuked and that's where the oil fields were and oil was essentially the new currency and major resource of the world so it said that the desert sprouted great cities of Pipe and Steel by the way the collapse of society happening at the beginning of the'80s is why all of the cars that you see in the universe of Mad Max are models that are pre 80s the fall is when the power shut off and it never came back on again and this is referring to the nuclear Skirmish and if we're trying to put an exact date to this incident the fall happened on a Wednesday don't know which uh week month or year but in the comics it's implied that nuke time happened in between the events of Mad Max 1 and 2 so the fall happened anywhere between 1982 and 1985 the chief of the Great Northern tribe also known as the feral child claims that the nuclear conflict is two tribes going to war with each other two mighty warrior tribes went to war using the word tribes instead of something like armies or countries the chief is using his pox Eclipse vernacular to describe something that happened pre-apocalypse and the pox eclipse is referring to the nuclear Apocalypse in the language of the Lost tribe it's pox Eclipse so needless to say I'm going to be annoying about it and referred to apocalypse as pox eclipse for the rest of the video in the early ' 80s motorcycle gangs began to take over and the court system became incredibly flawed as it worked in favor of the gangs the main Force Patrol was the last way of policing the population but they were held back by things like regulations and rules and laws the towns people that the biker gangs were terrorizing were too scared to show up to court and testify against the guilty parties because they feared the safety of their loved ones or friends or even themselves the issue is that if no one showing up to testify against these gang members the guilty end up getting a no contest win resulting in bad people walking away free or in this case riding away free so Law and Order was on its way out the motorcycle gangs became so prevalent that gangs became the main word when describing any group of people and a lot of these motorcycle gangs became way more merciless than toe Cutter's crew take a Mor and Joe for example during the fall he wasn't referred to as a Mor and Joe yet he was Colonel Joe Moore the colonel and his motorcycle gang took over highways and raided peaceful settlements slaughtering anyone who opposed them and taking women and children from their homes this is why remnants of society like the nightclub Sugar Town Cabaret May's Farmhouse or fat ny's Cafe no longer exists not even in like a fullon apocalyptic kind of way in the first Mad Max film uh people were becoming a little bit unstable or should I say mad I am the Night Rider starting with the fact that these people just love hanging out in the middle of Highways for no apparent reason the just like all sense of self-preservation out the window why exactly were they losing their minds well inflation's doing that for me right now but in the context of the story it could have been the pollution of the environment dying economy lack of a stable government or their body suffering from nuclear radiation actually wait hold on the nuclear radiation comes later but when it does come along it definitely doesn't make the situation better to Cutter was the poster child for the decline in everyone's sanity go back and watch the first Mad Max film and count how how many times his accent changes something about the whole dropping nukes on each other definitely shape the vernacular of the postf Fall world like in the comics instead of using the word or or they used the word Fukushima referring to the major nuclear accident that happened at the Fukushima daishi nuclear power plant on March 11th 2011 I don't know if you know this but this real world historical event happened way after the events of the Fall so I'm really trying to piece together how it's a relevant term and in the world of madmax especially in post-fall Australia regardless the world devolved from this green Paradise into a less happy place prone to toxic sandstorms with lightning and EF5 tornadoes in the center of them the sandstorm that you see at the end of Thunderdome was very real Sandstorm and it actually ended up hitting the production of the film cities like Melbourne and Sydney became nuclear wastelands and over time they were filled in by these sandstorms the storms also covered Anarchy Road and Highway 9 sector 26 the only time that roads are made out there in the Wasteland now are when cars repeatedly drive over the same path but at the end of the day those are just temporary in the first manad max we start with more traditional cars with traditional Tires Tires that are designed for pavement but towards the Fury Road era every single vehicle had to be off-road as the entire desert became Open Road the last road that was made from tar was appropriately named the last Road and the only reason it was so wellmaintained in comparison to every single other Road out was that it connected The Citadel to Gas Town by the time of Fury Road there's little to no significant Wildlife or vegetation but we got coves some dogs whatever the these things are camels lizards a few insects and this monkey but seriously what are these things the name of these nightmare beings are Crow Fishers and yes they are humans they Rock these stilts for elevation obviously but it's in order to better navigate through the swamp because the sand is constantly sinking the height from the stilts is going to give the sky Fishers an advantage while hunting they're in swamp that's mostly dried up so the way that they adapted was Sky fishing Sky fishing is uh where you can no longer fish in the dried up land and instead you're hunting crows they dress up in clothing that's made from Crow feathers so that they can blend in with said crows then they're going to use netting to capture and feed on the birds the name Sky Fishers must have been inspired from the kid Mr skyfish from the Lost tribe and Beyond Thunderdome in the Oasis Mr skyfish was in possession of a of a kite that was made from the feathers of a crow as well as the face of a crow and the beak of a crow it was basically the entire Crow and the sky Fishers and Fury Road use kites that look exactly like this to hunt crows so yeah the sky Fishers were definitely inspired by that kit the sky Fishers now eerily roam the place that used to be the green place it's not green but this place used to live up to its name fosa has such fond memories of it because it's the place that she was born there used to be a matriarchal society here that was run by the vuvalini the green place was growing an abundance of leafy greens heirlooms of seeds trees flowers fruit you name it but due to the toxic storms like the small one that you see right here it decimated all the plant life and crops in the green place when it comes to the culture and Ingenuity of the Wasteland lead storyboard artist Mark ston goes on to explain that in the world of Mad Max nothing is manufactured well other than food stuffs and bullets it was very much taking stuff which might be rubbish these days and turning it into something practical clothes were made out of plastics and very basic clothes and weaponry was made out of Jerry rigging existing guns or garden implements or whatever which brings us to the second stop of our postf fall tour of the Wasteland the compound also known as the oil rig village located in broken Hill New South Wales Australia this is where papagallo and his tribe reside papag galo's tribe is made up of The Usual Suspects you got kudin who appears to be ex-military and is not really a wise human being I'll talk to this Among Us he's a reasonable man the gyro Captain the captain's girl no idea what she was called before the captain showed up feral child warrior woman this guy the mechanic the mechanic's assistant big Rebecca Nathan and of course Zeta by the way apparently furio's original name was Warrior woman just like this Warrior woman the compound was the structure that was built around a single oil rig and it would go on to become the inspiration for every single settlement in the Fallout series it's revealed that prepx Eclipse popping Gallo was a businessman to be more specific he was the chief executive of an oil company and apparently at his desk in the compound he had a briefcase with a W of maps followed by a copy of the whole earth catalog as well as a book titled teach yourself solar energy the ironies is that papulla was one of the people responsible for the whole economic crisises power grids collapsing oil Wars you know the very things that contributed to the fall and now here he is looking into solar energy in a sense Mad Max 2 is kind of Po 's Redemption story trading his safety for the safety of the remainder of civilization papagallo ends up driving the lone wolf a car that was originally meant for Max to drive like the Dy Captain's helicopter it was less of a modified vehicle and something that was made purely from scratch using scavenged Parts the Lone Wolf really does live up to its name as it only fits one Rider but it had two of everything two fuel tanks two pairs of tires and the vehicle consisted of two Ford 351 engines Max may have been the road warrior but Lord humongous was the warrior of the Wasteland the leader of his gang the Marauders the aola of rock and rolla but I call him Hugh we never got to see humongous his face because he pulls a Jason and wears a hockey mask the entire movie but it's rumored that Hugh was supposed to be Goose aka the goose AKA Max's partner from the original film it makes sense too because the burns covering humongous is head could have been from the whole Goose getting caught in a car fire you remember the one where toe cutter was pressuring Johnny the boy into lighting that match and then Johnny's like no I don't want to be a bad person and then to Cutter is like I'm peer pressure another thing that could have hinted at Goose being humongous was that humongous as Marauders were using main Force Patrol vehicles but humongous was much bigger than goose and at the end of the day he wasn't Goose because they eventually decided to scrap that plan the next stop in our miserable Journey Through the Wasteland would be bter Town it was the first kind of postf fall settlement to establish Law and Order like to the point where it has a function economy don't get me wrong it was still a dangerous place to be but relative to the rest of the Wasteland it was a Haven for trade and exchanging of goods within the walls of barter town you should more fear getting ripped off rather than fear getting shot this was all made possible by the security Force run by iron bar bar Bassie and the fact that you have to dispose of all your weapons before entering the ground the security is what allows them to have fair trade and places like the Atomic Cafe home of the lizard soup and this is the first Cafe that we've seen since fat ny's Cafe in the first Mad Max a good tell that it's the start to civilization again bter Town also holds a stage for people to auction things like stolen camels and other stuff there's tattoo artists Barbers clothing storefronts mechanics more people selling animals oh and they have music so at least there's some culture I couldn't find any clear indication of this but I'm pretty sure there's gambling like I seriously bet that there's gambling especially because of Thunderdome but we get to that in a second barter Town's development began around the early 1980s it's made on top of a big renovated mine explaining why there's a huge train in the middle of the underworld and for those of you who don't know the underworld is the main reason as to why barter town is a thing this is the place that they turn methane from pigs into energy because why not we get to see this entire operation when Max goes into the underworld to work with pig killer and other criminals Pig Killer story is pretty self-explanatory he tried killing a pig to feed his family thus him life imprisonment and a life of hard labor I don't know why it had to be pigs it could have been a reference to the authoritative pigs in the book Animal Farm or George Miller uh was starting his prep work to direct the movie Babe pig in the city which he actually did go on to direct for some reason yeah let's not forget that the guy who brought you this also brought you Happy Feet and Happy Feet too but going back to the whole methane thing even iron Bar's uh Fleet of security vehicles were powered using methane which is why they they are lighter more stripped down uh to like a skeleton frame kind of like really big go-karts I noticed that when it comes to the political leaders in the world of Mad Max so they kind of take on this parental role Auntie entity is literally named auntie and more and Joe was referred to as Daddy throughout the making of Fury Road it's not clear how Auntie entity came to be the ruler of barter town but she was one of the few who survived the nuclear blast and it looks like intelligence and Charisma were her main skills if we're speaking in terms of the Fallout video game series you know what in fact it is her Charisma that got her to that position she could so effortlessly rally everyone together even when her city is exploding and literally falling apart behind her when discussing the character vonte Miller went on to say that we didn't want to fall into a kind of Fairly cliched bad guy and we have a saying that today's Tyrant is yesterday's hero and if you really look at the rhythm of the way things are that's often the case you have political Heroes for instance but if you go back to the classical sense the definition of a hero as far as we can decide is that they're agents of evolution they are the characters by which the world changes to a New Order usually for the better I thought that was an interesting approach When developing a villain and very true to life the conflict between Max and Auntie is more conflicting goals rather than her being a cliche Reckless Tyrant of Pure Evil aunti is essentially max if he ever decided to stay with any of the settlements that he saves Heroes eventually become the villain and the way that Max and Batman avoid this is by not being a hero the underworld was run by Master a man who rested on the shoulder of a much larger man called Blaster together they were Master Blaster and they were happy mastering and Blasting all over the underworld but then one day Master wanted to blast onto the Overworld so Master enforced an energy embargo in order to take over barter town so Tina Turner I mean Auntie was like okay so we got to keep the other guy but blasters got to go she turns to a guy like Max who over the course of three movies goes from biker to more of a Raider and then to just straight up Lord of the Rings what I'm trying to say is that Auntie employs Max to take Blaster out of the equation So Max starts some drama with Master Blaster and in barter town if two people have beef with each other the dispute is settled in the Thunderdome a giant Dome that's 30 ft tall it's where two fighters attached to bungee cords or dropped down into the arena in order to engage in one of the most awkward yet cool fights that I've seen in the history of Cinema the Thunderdome is truly a two crows with one stone kind of scenario it serves as a court of law but also as a source of entertainment kind of like the Roman Coliseum but way more ethical deal good is an Auctioneer and magistrate of Bartertown he administers the law and he's going to hold court for whoever is a law breaker or in this case when somebody challenges someone else to the Thunderdome deal good explains the whole philosophy behind the Dome he states that fighting leads to killing and killing leads to Waring and Waring is the whole thing that made everyone end up in the situation in the first place so it's a less barbaric way of settling disputes within the Wasteland it's said that within the Dome death is listening and will take the first man who screams there are no rules in this Doom bubble besides two men enter and one man leaves two men enter one man leaves in order to liven up the event Spears bats with those really cool classic spikes chainsaws uh cartoonishly big sledgehammers will be passed through the cage into the arena as the fight progresses in Max's case he technically won the fight but upon seeing the true face of blaster someone who reminded Max of Beno from the first movie he refused to go in for the kill but as we all know by now Max busted a deal with a and if you bust a deal you face the wheel bust a deal and face the wheel you know let's see what kind of options we have on this wheel well we actually got a good selection starting with Auntie's Choice the underworld an aquid which isn't so bad amputation death just death hard labor life imprisonment forfeiting all your goods spin again classic and lastly goog if you just give the wheel a little Spin and then you land on goog I got some bad news for you because you're going to be sent out into the devil's hand it tied up on a horse know why we're wasting a precious commodity like a horse in this post-apocalyptic setting but regardless you're going to be out in the middle of nowhere on a horse they do this so you either die of dehydration or you just get swallowed by the sand neither way is ideal the devil's Anvil is supposed to be nothing but sand it's unfathomable that Max would come across something like the Lost tribe in the middle of nowhere it is legitimately nowhere this impossible tribe is led by Savannah Nicks and slake they reside in the crack of the earth which they refer to as the Oasis the idea for the Lost tribe got started when George Miller wanted to make a story about a lord of the fly scenario and that story got Blended in with the world of Mad Max Miller goes on to explain that because of the tribe story the story of madmax Beyond Thunderdome had a softer heart to it Mel Gibson often describes the character as sort of a closet human being who denied his Humanity because he thought it wasn't conducive to his survival and we said well this is really a story about Max coming out of the closet and because it's a story like that it has a softer nature resulting in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome receiving a PG-13 rating when the other two received a really big R rating the Oasis contains a crash ey of a Boeing 747 as the plane must have been taken down by turbulence from a sandstorm or a nuclear blast the surviving group of passengers had everything they could ever need in the Oasis but the adults yearned for the skyscrapers and the videos and basically everything that they found comfort in in the pre-fall world eventually the planes pilot Captain Walker LED like the dumbest expedition of all time which was rounding up like all 20s something adults so that they could completely abandon their children in search of civilization they never got back to their kids too as they most likely died from being swallowed by the sand or that really classic thing of not having enough water or supplies their kids were told to wait in the safety of the Oasis until they return which is why the Lost tribe is also referred to as the waiting ones waiting for Captain Walker to magically appear one day and take them back to tomorrow marrow land also known as to the Australia the Lost tribe has more mythological beliefs when it comes to anything preall as they hold anyone who came before at a much higher level than they do themselves like viewing Captain Walker as this Divine being who can transcend human capabilities luckily the Lost tribe did get their Captain Walker after waiting a little bit they got captain jedadiah and his son jedadiah Jr they operated the transavia pl12 air truck also called The Flying gilapy and I know some of you are going like wait one what just wait a second isn't that the gyro captain from Mad Max 2 I think you have every right to be asking that question starting with the fact that uh the gyro captain in jadaa are played by the same actor and the fact that they both have experience piloting Airborne vehicles but at the end of the day they are two different characters and to be fair it's not the first time we've seen an actor come back for round two to play a different character in The Mad Max series the actor Hugh keyburn who plays to Cutter in the first Mad Max made a return to play Mor in Joe and Fury Road the gyro captain and jedadiah are both Aviation Specialists so maybe they're like brothers or cousins I don't know George Miller has a non-identical twin brother in real life so maybe he just wanted to give the gyro Captain an actual identical twin brother who's to say regardless the gyro Captain I mean jedadiah flies the Lost tribe home to tomorrow marrow land and they save master from his imprisonment in the Underworld so he can help generate power in tomorrow marrow land and restart Humanity I just realized that a lot of the tribe didn't leave to go with Max so most of the waiting ones are still waiting in the Oasis cut to the chase I don't know if you ever heard of it before but it's a pretty common expression it all started in 1968 with the film bullet because bullet decided to come out of nowhere and introduce us to a really cool car chase scene and this ended up sparking a wave of car chase scenes in a bunch of films but many of these movies riding the whole car chase wave were lacking in quality and their budgets were pretty low meaning the big Chas scene would be located towards the end of the movie audience members would become bored with a Monday dialogue and mediocre screenplay and they wanted to skip ahead to the action that was towards the end of the film which is where the term cut to the chase originated from and when creating the screenplay for Fury Road George Miller must have been like what if we don't cut to the chase what if we make the entire movie The Chase and then they just went ahead and did it like furiosa makes a left turn and then it's a 2hour car chase when designing the Wasteland of Fury Road George Miller had this mission of making every vehicle motorbike weapon costume prop every character and indeed their manner of speaking came by way of this unifying backstory in the elemental neomedieval World there is no mass production just found objects repurposed and quickly for those who care about the timeline in this issue of starlog one of thunderdome's writers Terry Hayes went on to say that the events of Thunderdome take place about 15 years after the events of Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior placing the events of Mad Max 3 in the year 2000 then in the book The Art of Fury Road writer Brendan McCarthy went on to say that the events of Fury Road take place just a little bit after the events of Beyond Thunderdome meaning Fury Road takes place in the early 2000s but then the furiosa trailer came out of nowhere and claimed that 45 years after the collapse AKA The Fall young furiosa was taken from her family which completely destroys any timeline that I created but I don't know I think they made a mistake because in Fury Road when furiosa meets up with a vuvalini she claims that it's been like 19 years since she last saw them 7,000 days and let's be safe and assume that like Max was at least 25 during the events of the first movie that means according to this trailer Max was around 89 years old during the events of Fury Road this is more and Joe he resides here and his stronghold referred to as the Citadel when he and his gang were being terrible and ruining the Wasteland Joe ran into the people leader not this one but this one this people leader doesn't fly he just sits in a car the entire movie he's the guy suffering from nose and wearing capitalist clothing in exchange for his life the people leader LED Joan's gang to a fortress that would later be known as The Citadel a place where a lot of weird stuff goes down the appeal of this place was that it has a massive Aqua fire an aqua fire with 20,000 cubic km of water if we're in the mood to be specific it's enough water to last several generations of humans meaning the vuvalini bags of seeds would flourish here beneath the structure are pumps for extracting the water as well as places for storing it it's an ideal place to be especially after all the oceans dried up but the issue was that the place was already inhabited and closed off to the public needless to say the colonel and his army launched an attack and this would later be known as The Siege of the Citadel to begin Joe started sending his more disposable soldiers to start climbing the side of tower one this was so Joe could test the defenses of the locals and figure out where they would be safe from enemy fire if they were to climb up the structure then they sent up a massive lizard with a rope attached to it and then they waited till the middle of the night so that Joe the bullet farmer and other handpicked soldiers could climb the lizard rope the next day Joe's Ground Forces carried out a fullon assault on the front of the Fortress then Joe and his team would flank the enemy from behind the way that they did all this flanking was by running across the pipes connecting Tower 2 to Tower 1 but they got spotted too early and the home team activated a fail safe which were pre-planted explosives that would blow up the pipelines if an event like this should occur this knocked out all of Jo party and made all of the ground forces believe that Joe is gone but then out of nowhere Joe reappeared with the bullet farmer and then emerged from Tower one after slaughtering the enemy from inside the structure Joe's Resurrection is what earned him the name a Morton Joe by the time of Fury rad Miller wanted to create a society that was less focused on oil or methane but more focused on using humans as the commodity which is why the central plot of Fury Road is centered around Joe trying to retrieve the women that he imprisoned as part of his plan for the new world Hugh keyburn went on to say that there's not just a Health crisis at the Citadel there's a Health crisis for the whole Wasteland and that's like the Health crisis we have now in all sorts of ways we don't understand why there's now more whatever there is now the cancers is cancer growing is this growing is that growing those things are much more the whole environment of the Wasteland had been infected by all sorts of bad stuff so Mor and Joe had this idea to restart the human race and save it from a genetic breakdown except he only wanted to preserve and maintain his own bloodline which is as equally concerning as it is disturbing The Citadel is made up of three huge carved out rocks we'll call them Towers the first Tower became Joe's main tower it's the place where he lives and keeps his wife's hostage it's the tower that possesses the three water drains that you see right here sadly Tower one also contains the milking room and it uses the water pumping stuff at the bottom of the structure to create hydroponic Gardens the Vault where Joe keeps his Five Wives is filled with what looks like a classroom setup layered with books and Sheet Music this is where Miss giddy would teach the five wives and would eventually teach the five kids that they have the education process was implemented to help Safeguard the wives against developing any kind of mental illness or depression Joe would read these history books that you see right here in order to figure out how to further grow his Empire and expand on his religion implementing historical Concepts like comicazi into the war boys Tower 2 functions more like a city it's where most of the essential workers of the Citadel spend their time here you're going to find people like the war boys the mechanics and doctors also known as The Organic mechanics Tower 2 is going to contain rooms like the Altar and the Bloodshed a very unpleasant area full of cages where they have forced blood transfusions taking the blood of Travelers in the Wasteland and then giving it to the war boys to help keep them alive the big old lift that goes into the Citadel is in Tower two because that's where the war boys and mechanics are preparing Joe's Armada the third Tower is just not an ideal Tower to be in people who inhabit this one they're recruited from The Wretched and told that they're going to live a very prosperous life in the Citadel they pull the classic Switcheroo and give them a life of hard labor the two major exports of the Citadel are milk and artisian water which Mor and Joe rebranded to Aqua colola and these are typically exchanged with the surrounding towns for bullets or oil when it comes to a more in Joe's Armada their Fleet looks better than anyone else out there in the Wasteland because they're using relatively new car parts somebody one of these people discovered an abandoned shopping mall that was perfectly preserved by the sand and this is where they found an auto shop with relatively new parts in more joo's personal vehicle the gigahorse has two 59 Cadillacs stacked on top of each other as well as twin tractor tires and a very real performance V16 twin engine the design of the twin Cadillacs implies something that's a a non-gr act cuz it literally looks like two Cadillacs getting it on also you're going to notice that most of Joe's prized vehicles are painted black not just for style but to stop them from rusting like the war rig apparently the war rig was uh the most valued vessel of a Moreno's Vehicles so the emperator furiosa was given one of the highest honors which was the ability to drive it we got to talk about the war boys unlike Bartertown there's no rule of law for The Wretched inhabiting The Citadel because they don't really need to because everyone is so passive and docile thanks to Joe and is Gang starving everyone and making them severely dehydrated they reduce The Wretched to one survival Instinct and that it would be survival that's how most of the war boys were obtained parents would trade them for stuff like resources or water but most of the time viable babies are taken from The Wretched parents regardless of trading with them and some of the other War boys are just birthed by Joe's wives the sons of Joe's wives serve as higher ranking officers within the war boys faction most people well actually everyone in the Wasteland is choking on the very toxic air so Mor and Joe rocks a mask with breathing tubes he does this uh for recognition intimidation and overall it's a mask that is symbolic of power but it serves a functional purpose as well clean air has become a highle commodity so Joe has a ventilator on his face to supply him with that fresh oxygen subsequently each of Joe's actual Sons like Rus or this one that I'm forgetting the name of we're seen using the same luxurious oxygen tubes as he's prioritizing his offspring each of the war boys are branded with a flaming skull steering wheel the main symbol of a Morin Joe's Fleet Joe's wives also receive the same brand but the war boys are going to have it a little bit worse because their entire upper torso is going to be branded with a map of an engine when looking at the war boy culture they chant stuff like va8 by my Deeds I honor him V8 as VA engines have become the most prized possession in their society on top of that they have this one gesture that looks like this it's like their version of praying they put their hands together like this and their eight fingers form the shape of a VA engine it also conveniently forms the V for Valhalla the culture driving in the world of Mad Max whether it be the main Force Patrol or the war boys it really hasn't changed make move over I'm driving that's my wheel I'm driving not this again there is this glorification of vehicles but in the war boys's case like they actually turned it into a religion George Miller the guy that we've been talking about for this entire video went on to explain that people who are the warrior class imperators and War boys these vehicular Treasures their chassis and bodies engines and steering wheels are religious artifacts starting with this altar made of 150 something steering wheels all being the keys to Joe's Armada like most of the wastelanders the war boys are dying and they're already on their way out so sacrificing themselves is a common thing out there in the Wasteland which is why they're painted with this ghou makeup like screw loose from Thunderdome as their lives are centralized around this concept of death the war boys glorify those who sacrifice themselves out on the Fury Road before their heroic sacrifice the war boys spray paint their Mouse shin and chrome like a brand new V8 engine using what appears to be silver spray paint but is actually a very euphoric drug motivating them even more to become comic crazies also known as a kamic cazis they're going to shout witness me witness me witness because they need someone to witness them dual worthy sacrifice like one of my favorite moments right here where a war boy wields the classic Thunder sticks which are long Spears with old Jam tin grenades at the end of them so he can then slam into the Buzzard's vehicle and arrive at the gates of alala shiny and chrome becoming Immortal so that he can make Feast with the heroes and also ride with Joe on the Eternal highways of valala music is an important part of the Wasteland whether it be some of the music boxes that Max keeps finding or this guy playing the saxophone that reminds us of Max's deceased wife music reminds them of the world that once was it's a reminder of their humanity and IT Supplies a break from the storm which brings us to the coma doof Warrior a guitarist who is meant to be a mix between Keith Richards and a scarecrow in an interview with Vice Iota the Australian singer and songwriter who plays doof went on to explain that the doof Warrior is supposed to be a really great musician who is a bit mute and a bit deaf and quite blind I mean I would definitely be slightly deaf as well if I was constantly performing in front of the speakers I'm just going to ask the question why does doof wear the mask like what's up with that well fun story it was made from his mother's face he was brought up by his mother and she was a musician and he had a happy upbringing but then one day they were attacked by who I don't know but during this attack his mother was taken away and the next time he saw her it wasn't until some random guy walked by and then dropped his mom's decapitated head into doof's lap this is when a Mor and Joe finds doof grieving over a small percentage of his mother's corpse over time Joe learned about doof's musical abilities and being a big fan of Music himself Joe made doof his battle singer Koma would then exact his revenge on the world with his mother's screaming face on apparently Iota spent 8 hours a day connecting to these bungee cords that were attached at his hips serving as a way to keep him from flying off the stage the guitar that shoots Flames weighs about 60 kgam or 132 lb so it also needed bungee cords attached to it otherwise it's going to be impossible to hold that thing up in those conditions and yes for those wondering the guitar did shoot out real flames and that feature was controlled by the whammy bar there's an old oil refinery north of the Citadel and it's called Gas Town run by the people eader the guy who basically represents the military industrial complex Believe It or Not gas Town's number one export is gasoline or gusoline it's surrounded by burning oil fields but the town also has less onire oil fields and refineries within the city walls the town is protected by a bog of oil waste and sand creating an impenetrable barrier around the property like at the compound from madmax 2 gas town is protected by towers and gates with mounted flamethrowers the only way to get into the most polluted city on the entire planet would be going through the bridge that support beams are wielded together with vehicles of gas Town's Fallen enemies and if that's not making a statement I don't know what is let's see what else do we got here oh yeah there's the big old tower that the people leader lives in speaking of Gast Town Gast town has its own Thunderdome no one ever talks about that anyone who walks into Gast town for the purpose of Thunder doing is granted amnesty remember back in Beyond Thunderdome when the one rule in Thunderdome was two men enter one man leaves well in Gast town they have more than than just two participants they have several so the rule changed to many enter and then one of you leaves they have more competitors in Gast town because if you're fighting in the arena it's not to settle a dispute instead you're fighting for a prize between the events of Beyond Thunderdome and Fury Road Max computed into Gast Town's Thunderdome to get his boss 358 Cleveland V8 engine back so he could drive his 1974 XP Ford Falcon sedan aka the Interceptor again only to have it completely destroyed right after some of the many entering the arena were known as buzzards and they walked into the arena wearing their sacred armor this was an issue for a lot of reasons but in order to better understand this for those sitting in the back of the class let me educate you on the buzzards we don't know a lot about them but we do know that the buzzards speak Russian and they live in the city called the underd which is an airport that's completely buried in sand creating this underground city that is connected by a network of tunnels the buzzards are known to be the vultures or the hyenas of the Wasteland and when out on the open road their main weapon of choice is a buzz saw which is probably what gave them the name buzzards so keeping in line with the theme of Rusty objects their vehicles kind of look like thorny lizards in the outback and if you look really closely at them you may be able to spot some spikes like this vehicle the Buzzard excavator it's a repurpose construction vehicle that they Ed to rip apart prey and it's also equipped with 1757 of these spikes covering its entire body the buzzards suffer from severe skin infections separating flesh and even intense peeling of the skin so they keep themselves together by wrapping each other in Saran Wrap and bandages and I'm over here going like I thought my xmo is bad the point that I'm trying to make is that they're covering every single part of their skin and their armor reflects the design of their cars this is a problem because even though the buzzards are honoring their fellow competitors by wearing their sacred armor they are still walking into the Dome covered in a thousand Rusty spikes which is tricky because you're really not allowed to bring weapons into the dome but the people leer allowed it so I guess like rules don't mean anything anymore the buzzards Auntie security Force the Marauders the war boys the crow Fishers the sandstorms the lack of resources and the dehydration aren't the only things to really be worrying about while out there on the Fury Road no you also have to worry about the rock Riders also known as the keepers of the past they live in this Canyon appropriately titled rock rider Canyon and in real life The Rock Riders are made up of national and international Motocross and freestyle Champions when it comes to the masks that The Rock Riders wear the Practical reason for wearing them would be to cover up the stum performers face as they were constantly reusing the same riders for different characters but in the context of mad Maxs The Rock Riders wear the masks for the same reason that a [ __ ] Joe wears one for power and intimidation oh and fun fact Miller stated that when out there in the Wasteland a lot of the leather that you're seeing is probably made from human skin so just remember that the next time you're looking at the Rock Riders I almost forgot about the most forgettable town that tra with the mor and Joe and that town would be called bullet Farm located west of the Citadel this big teddy bear who runs bullet Farm is Major kalishnikov also known as the bullet farmer he's the guardian judge and executioner of bullet Farm which is why he wears a headpiece of bullets that looks like a judge's wig covered in ammunition according to McCarthy the bullet farmer is an absurdest weapons dealer it's the idea of a weapons manufacturer gone insane the town's main export is surprisingly bullets they create gunpowder by recovering salt pepper and ammonia from human waste the bullet farmer drives the Peacekeeper a valiant chassis from the 70s blended with a Ripa tank it must serve as a homage to his life in the pre-fall world as he served in the military with his friend a Morton Joe so I just realized I've been talking for 40 minutes I want to quickly thank all the crew members on USS price helping support this channel thank you guys so much for the money and if I'm just being like 200% honest with you I really liked making this Mad Max video because Mad Max is one of my favorite property so if you want to see more videos of me talking about the Wasteland and the characters and abing it you know the drill like the video subscribe tell your friend and thanks for watching
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 258,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mad Max, The Wasteland of Mad Max, Wasteland of Mad Max Explained, Mad Max Explained, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Explained, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, Beyond Thunderdome, The Road Warrior, The Green Place, Max Rockatansky, Furiosa Explained, George Miller, Mad Mad Timeline, Mad Max Fallout, Furiosa, Mad Max Saga Explained, Mad Max Saga, The Buzzards, Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Anya Taylor-Joy
Id: DeKBX6g1Ro0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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