The Right To Know | Yes, Minister | BBC Comedy Greats

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so you think this might not get into the national press well a few lines on the inside page of The Guardian but nothing to worry about actually it's only the urban middle class who worried about the preservation of the countryside because they don't have to live in it ya know this may well blow over but it doesn't answer my basic question which was why wasn't I told about it before I made the announcement there are those who have argued and indeed currently that on occasion there are some things it is better for a minister not to know are you talking about Minister your answers in the house that the press conference was superb you were convincing and convinced the critics were silenced but could you have spoken with the same authority if the ecological pressure group had been a badgering you know whose representative what right have you got to withhold this information from me it's told it's in your own best interest minute something's it is better for the Minister not to no I mean it's outrageous it must not occur again it so happens that I have got a plan here for the reorganization of this department which will ensure that it doesn't indeed yes indeed now if I were to have one undersecretary and two assistant secretaries reporting directly to me Minister please oh just a moment Humphrey let me tell you my plan the plan is immaterial Minister I have something to say to you which you may not like to hear why should today be any different Minister the traditional allocation of executive responsibilities has always been so determined as to liberate the ministerial incumbent from the administrative minutiae by Diwali functions to those whose experience and qualifications are better form them for the performance of such humble offices releasing their political overlords for the more onerous duties and profound deliberations which are the inevitable concomitant of their exalted position do you think I wouldn't want to hear that well I thought it might upset you how could it I didn't understand a single word taken your life put it into plain English if you insist you are not here to run this department I beg your pardon you are not here to run this department I think I am the people think I am too with respect Minister you are they are wrong and who does run this department I do and what am I supposed to do we've been through all this before make policy get legislation enacted and a bubble secure the department's budget in cabinet sometimes think for the budget is all you ever really care if nobody cared about the budget we might end up with the departments so small that even a minister could run it hungry are we about to have a fundamental disagreement about the nature of democracy no Minister merely a demarcation dispute what I mean is that the menial chart Minh tits beneath you your fashion for a nobler calling well I'm quite prepared to leave the routine paperwork to you but I must insist on direct access to all information never again do I want to hear that phrase there are some things are just better for a Minister not to know lectured well minister I do that is an order Humphrey as you say Minister if that is what you really want it's treating cabinet ministers as their there were irresponsible 10 euros you
Channel: BBC Comedy Greats
Views: 170,848
Rating: 4.9296064 out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc comedy greats, bbc comedy, comedy greats, british comedy, stand up, Comedian, Comic, Sketch show, yes minister, yes prime minister, yes minister season 1, yes minister jim hacker, jim hacker, paul eddington, nigel hawthorne, sir humphrey appleby, derek fowlds, bernard woolley, weisel, classic comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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