A clear conscience - Yes, Prime Minister - BBC comedy

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the problem is the Prime Minister did try to suppress the chapter didn't he I don't know did it the didn't he don't you remember what I remember is irrelevant Bernhard if the minutes don't say that he did then he didn't so you want me to falsify the minutes I want nothing of the sort I talked to you Bernhard what do you want I want to have a clear conscience I play our conscience yes when did you acquire this taste for luxuries conscience Azhar for politicians Bernhard we are humble functionaries whose Duty it is to implement the commands of our democratically elected representatives how could we possibly be doing anything wrong if it has been commanded by those who represent the people well I can't accept that so humpy no man is an island I agree Bernhard no man is an island entire of itself and therefore never send to know For Whom the Bell Tolls it tolls for thee Bernard so what do you suggest sir Bennet the minutes do not record everything that was said at a meeting do they well no of course and people change their minds during a meeting don't they well yes sir the actual meeting is a massive ingredients for you to choose from Oh like cooking like no not like food better not to use that word in connection with books on minutes you choose from a jumble of ill digested ideas a version which represents the Prime Minister's view said he would on reflection have liked them to emerge but if it's not a true record the purpose of minutes is not to record events it is to protect people you don't take notes if the Prime Minister says something he did not mean to say particularly if it contradicts something he has said publicly you try to improve on what has been said to put it in a better order you are tactful but how do I justify that you are his servant a minute is a note for the records and a statement of action if any that was agreed upon now what happens at the meeting in question well the book was discussed and the Solicitor General advised there were no legal grounds for suppressing it and did the prime minister accept what the Solicitor General had said well he accepted the fact there were no legal grounds for suppression but he accepted the fact that there are no legal grounds for suppression use in oh is that a lie no can you write it in the minutes yes how's your conscience much better thank you
Channel: BBC Studios
Views: 1,101,960
Rating: 4.9363184 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, British, Yes, Prime, Minister, Comedy, types, of, history, hilarious, jokes, classic, humour, funny, channel, political, commentary
Id: jNKjShmHw7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2007
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