The Rick & Bubba Show - LIVE - September 15, 2021

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[Music] seven minutes past top of the hour it's the rick and bubba show's kickoff hour and we're live thanks for making us part of your day and welcome in we'll get through this hour that's right you helped produce though 866 we be big our number if you want to call their unscreened phone calls but that's an option for you uh if we see them all blinking over there sometimes we'll we'll just hop right on over hey van adler he's got youtube live in hd i'm speedy there's greg there's helmsy it is the good time gang the meat is on the table uh that's there for you today a lot of great stuff on that old wheel that could spin at any time so you want to be uh standing by for that we could go from wacky world to covid oh will of me you never know so be looking for that over to my right as i mentioned there's greg burgess and there's old button up helms it what's up boys how are y'all y'all good went on up to the top all the way up yeah that one lays weird doesn't it huh that one like weighs it does lays weird if i don't the second button is way on down there yeah and i want the forest to flow this early yeah yeah maybe later in the day i listened to us breaking down bubba's silver forest the other day in a bit that i was editing up and um i got to laughing hard bubba you claim i mean uh greg you claimed one time that he walked up behind you and you thought it was a spider a spider was on your neck he's trying to get past you and then we started talking about spider webs and how we hate going through them and you can't get them off of you they're horrible what about when you're in the dark like around the house you're taking out garbage or something you walk through one i know it's on your back yeah you can't see it and where is it you're hopping around and a lot of times there's some big spiders in those webs they are yeah big spoons that catch a little ride on you sure yeah just laying there waiting you can't get the web off of you it's just awesome you got to take a shower yeah that's good stuff good night um so uh y'all day good yesterday i know uh you were talking about wheat eating a bunch over the over these last couple of days yeah i've done i'm a little sore from that you know it's funny how you do anything it's not the next day it's the next days yeah two days out now i woke up this morning like i'm still your back and stuff yeah just leaning over right here it's a big strap without hanging off yeah a lot of weeding got out there and got after it huh i did yesterday was my yard day i uh i spent out right till dinner time and uh just got it done i normally am not a late afternoon mowing person i normally just knock it out midday or whatever but i went a little bit later yesterday just for for the schedule not by choice and i kind of liked it sun was down pleasant got out there and got after it a matter of fact ed my technician from cooks uh that um i've gotten to know over the years started taking video of me uh mowing and weed eating saying i wanted to make sure everybody saw that you did your own yard he thought he thought that was pretty funny mike well yeah i've always done my own yard what are you talking about yeah and now you got a lot less than you did boy hey so you can hear you now it ain't nothing hold up you won ain't nothing nothing do you have too much equipment now well yeah i got rid of some though yeah i got rid of some i gave my big zero turn i you know when you're moving you get to the point where you start off trying to organize yeah then you're like well let's sell a few things get some money for them okay then you're like oh wow let's let's just this is good enough let's go to go to charity with that and then it's the i'm not sure what to do with this okay but you want it gone and um a place had serviced my zero turn from the time i got it and the um the the mechanic the technician that always worked on it um he uh he cut some yards and volunteers some different things churches and all this kind of stuff and i was so i said you can have it i mean because he was having some issues that he could fix because he knew what he was doing and i got rid of it so that's gone so it's just push but some of the power equipment yeah i mean because you got most of the cove comes out with like little bow uh uh battery-powered blowers and you know here i come out with the steel pad knowing you don't have that much to blow no no i mean i'm just still feels good though yeah it looks like somebody's hired uh you know i've like hired me to come cut the yard because it looks that professional commercial grade yes yeah and it's just that little bitty yard but i'll tell you what to knock it out sure hey it means business people know when they hear that it means business put a new blade on my my trimmer and uh it's just i mean i mean it's eating it up it's easy um but trying to get ahead of this uh hurricane nicholas stuff are we supposed to get a lot of rain i don't know down in louisiana i know it's just it's just been a spin and i'm down to rain today and tomorrow okay i'm out trying to get out in front i made that up i don't know question do you all say thank you a lot like when when you get service or when you say hey to people and you you know or whatever do you say hey thank you thank you very much you know that's not that's not common anymore i mean it's right i do that you do well today's national thank you day i didn't know that so say thank you but yeah you know like when somebody comes does it make you nervous if you're having lunch with somebody and like the waiter comes and our waitress comes and fills up the cup with water or whatever you're drinking if they just if they don't say thank you and they just ignore the person that bothers me a little bit you don't know i sometimes say thank you for them i thank you for mind yeah thank you for both of ours national thank you day holding doors open good service i don't thank you dave is there getting good service anywhere yeah that's the thing about it you need to earn that thank you i think but be careful what you got button up well i just i it's the standard is so low these days with things i mean i thank people for things today that i didn't thank them 10 years ago yeah you know what i mean right i'll call and order food and say thank you when i after i ordered it right i don't really think that's necessary yeah i do i had an extremely awkward sexual situation yesterday on the phone the uh colonoscopy uh of doctor um well follow up go follow up make sure i'm doing okay any issues you know and they told you walking funny they told you things to to look for and i'm like well that's pretty noticeable yeah you know um not having that very short conversation mr wilburn we're following up is everything okay and i had this weird moment she's like okay well thank you i said all right well thank you all for doing a good job i don't know what that means no you did yeah i didn't know you said thank you all for doing it again yeah and i don't know i i when i think when i hung up i felt really silly i was like well that was awkward yeah she went well yeah yes sir or you could go thanks for checking on me yeah that would have been better all right i appreciate y'all going this far with it to call and check on them thanks for doing what you say thanks for doing a good job they didn't mow your lawn first of all how do you know they did a good you weren't you were asleep i'm not sore or squeaking thank you for not no i can't even tell it was done which is bothering well yeah speedy that's that's pretty much how they do it right but i mean yeah that was a good thing that's scary thank you that's what that was yeah it was very very awkward social moment and i i it bothered me the rest of the day yeah i was like can i take can i take that what if you would come back look i'm sorry that awkward yeah thank you i gave you i don't know why i said it what drink thank you for doing a good job thank you for doing a good job with my colonoscopy that makes sense that's really happened it really happened when i say it bothered me the rest of the day i was like why did i say that what was wrong with me just let okay thank you see you thank you thanks for calling thanks for checking in appreciate y'all thank you for doing that enough yeah yeah what i can't stand is when someone goes above and beyond and i you'll see it you can walk around just be just be aware of your surroundings when you walk in a coffee shop or a business or whatever and someone will try to show an act of kindness and the other person doesn't acknowledge it that drives me nuts oh wow open a door for somebody and they just walk in like that's what you're supposed to do yeah i'm not thanking you you know doesn't even look at you right you're right that's right i let the door go on that me too it drives me nuts and i see it like that i see it not necessarily with me i see it all over the place right i always think people failed yeah i appreciate it just little things like that hey thanks pal we're so self-absorbed we don't even know what's going on around them i guess somebody just did something nice for you and you want to acknowledge no drives me nuts speak uh speaking of not uh acknowledging me thank you all for doing my knee replay good job thank you saw somebody in the gym yesterday and they walked right past me no headphones on i said hey how are you and they just looked at me that's what that's what that's what i'm talking about straight extremely weird well quit speaking to people well they've been looking at me we were looking at each other and i'm like i was just like it was just another thing it wasn't like it wasn't like hey man how you doing what you're working on today it was just more like how you well if someone's if someone looks at you you make eye contact and you say hey how you doing worst case give me a nod right i don't have to have a conversation but just acknowledge i'm good i'm out to my eye contact stare down didn't say anything hey thank you all for calling you did a good job you did a good really good job of my colonoscopy i appreciate y'all mccullen was really clean thank you all right i'm like right now if you want to go we can come you're saying hey that bothers me too people did that i i don't even like the whole waving thing either you waving somebody that don't wave back yeah or something wrong with your arm can you not lift it up thank you for doing a good job thank you yes sir she i think it threw her off [Music] do [Music] so [Music] treatment [Music] thank you [Music] 22 minutes past the hour kick off our live welcome in as we roll on back uh we are sitting here uh some yawning uh some laughing during the break uh getting through it and uh i could tell greg went and checked on the coffee would you like what you saw in there you kind of looking at it look butler adler got hung up he uh walking there he's got the coffee grounds and all that done and he's got the pot sitting there full of water with the lid up but didn't put the water in oh no how dare him i don't know something distracted how dare him probably next segment america's favorite radio show i could tell he went in you went in there hoping something was there and and you come back empty-handed so i started making the coffee and then uh i hear so alive so you know the intro song i'm like oh this is a shorter intro than i remember yeah so i literally had to put the coffee pot down and run in there so that's what happened again so laughing oh i'm so so on the air right now when i need to be uh i could tell you dropped everything and ran out of the room y'all i i i'm something's wrong with my my home camera or whatever but because i went to try to go find this footage y'all were talking last segment about when you walk through a spider web yeah i i don't know what's going on but there's a spider that loves the air in between my car and the basketball goal that i have in the driveway really that's happening to me around walking into my truck i'm like two days maybe three days in a row now because well they'll build it back in a hurry yeah yeah i thought i got it by walking like this like doing the tomahawk job while i'm walking to my car and i thought i got it i didn't feel anything oh it's 4 30 excuse me and so it's tomahawk chopping as i'm walking and i thought i got it i didn't feel anything on my arm or whatever i'm driving in this morning and i feel something go down like this back side of my arm and in the car so i freak out roll the windows down while i'm driving you got to be kidding me i mean it's dark out so you can't really see in the car unless you turn the light on then you can't see out the car right it's so dark outside it's so dark outside and the but the one the day before that just got me right across the face to where i dropped my backpack and i'm just like pulling i'm just pulling invisible threads from any direction that you possibly can but yeah the footage i wish we had that footage it would have been it's amazing how fast they were oh there could you imagine they're just i mean i mean well i don't know what it is they are going nuts at my house right now like the back deck when i go back every single time in between the little railing of the stairs every single time so you just walk around screaming and i'm just like again why me do you think they make it then sit back and like i've got [Laughter] so i got a picture of it i mean i should have brought it out here but the little ones are like the black ones but on the underside it looks like almost like a spooky skull face have you ever seen these before i'm saying the black and yellows black and yellow that's what i'm talking about what is that what is that that is i don't know that's a it's like an adler spider is that one of those oh yeller you know black and yellow oh black and yellow um are those one of those ones that maybe bites you but it just kind of is like a mosquito bite no it'll kill you great great i got many of them i think it's a little worse than the mosquito bite by the way on average it takes 30 to 60 minutes for a spider to weave a web that's it wow that's amazing what about that that's dedication all right stupid question here we go now when you got how did they how did they get it from like me to helmsie i know they're like just in there i mean they do i mean because they got to do something is there like a really good idea if they start in a corner i get it yeah you're talking about like like you're talking i've done a walk to my truck and it's going from my truck to the trash can is there like a really athletic spider that can jump i wonder i mean it's a basketball goal to the car is what they're doing that's the one you're talking about how does a spider dunk that's the one you're talking about that i have too that with the long legs yeah yeah that's a zipper spider i believe yeah i mean but do they like hang hang like hold on to one one side of the web and then go down and then go up and then tie it off i gotta be honest i have spent some time watching some time lapse of a spider web making you know the little real quick time lapse and you you just got to watch that it's amazing what they do it's like in the woods you'll catch one but me and rick were down at his place last week uh checking cameras and all and they're everywhere we kept driving through but the ones that are really amazing they're like you got like four reaching out to the tree and then in the middle is the big yes yes like a bull's eye they've got scaffolding [Music] it's amazing maybe they just sit there and just shoot it and you shoot it to this you know it doesn't come out of their mouth right well i know but in my mind i'm just saying they're just it doesn't come out of their wrists either it's more like this belly button yeah hey on on the hunting trail stuff i'll always get me a twig or something and grab it and i feel weird but if i'm on a four wheeler i'll just hold it yeah i'll hold it up so it knocks it down you got to do it i used to go for walks as a kid with just like a little mini stick like a harry potter walking through the woods yeah but it's for spider webs guys right not here well what you need to do it looks like you need to lay something there as you get out of the house and carry it to the car every morning what if i just carried a broom to my car every day just do this that'd look real i felt like there was something on me the entire way to work this morning i wish you'd walked in and when you went down the hallway and was trying to square your back one of those zipper spiders though they call them a zipper spider it was from texas where i'm from but you can see like the line on the web you'll see it looks like an actual like zipper on the on the web like a little zigzag have you seen this before yeah okay and they're big they're they're real i cut down a bunch of trees at my house i guess you know about a month or so ago and i'm walking before i cut them down i walked through the woods in the trees or whatever with my father-in-law my my wife's dad because he's a big tree guy he knows everybody you can point at any plant at any time i wish i was that person and he'd be like that is this from this region that's oh that's rare wow keep that keep that yellow leaf keep car wood keep that get rid of that so we did that as we're doing that we're surveying the area and there's a spider that like the biggest one i've ever seen as big as my hand i get to cutting down these trees like the next day and i forget where it is because i lose my spot y'all i'm walking through and the entire thing goes across my face the big spider was on my head i backed down and he was still on the web looking at me like yeah that's right that was on your head just now [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] 25 minutes till top of the hour they uh uh all of you for being with us today as always making us part of your daily routine we do appreciate it well greg how'd you sleep last night kid i slept good did you really know why helix helix of the rick and bubba show is sponsored by helix bubba great company from north carolina that uh we want you to experience and support uh and greg you said if they make it pretty easy not only does it come right to your front door uh but right now you can save 200 on your new mattress so uh don't put this off any longer folks if you are in the market for a new mattress let us suggest uh helix bubba now they they have you take a little quiz or survey to see what type of firmness you want soft medium firm mattress that will help you stay cool and they even have a helix plus mattress too if you need something a little bigger to sleep well but you say you sleep good right yeah i sleep great you know why custom-made you pick what you want you like firmness what type of firmness you like where you sleep on your back your side yeah you know what it is custom-made that's custom-made so you know when it comes to the door it's just for you it's about a two-minute online quiz that i was talking about it matches your body type sleep preferences and all that kind of good stuff and when you visit helix sleep dot com slash bubble you'll save 200 like i mentioned plus you'll get that 10-year warranty and 100-day free trial nothing to lose folks helix will ship right to your front door and you'll save that two hundred dollars at bubba and get a truly amazing sleep like greg and lisa uh you can also find a link at under the sponsors button now what do you what do you got a beer face for what are you looking at i'm looking at an article mm-hmm all right marilyn manson oh okay he's been accused of blowing snot on this photographer this is they've taken him to court about it okay and his lawyer argues that she was one of them photographers you know that are up in the front in the pit that if you are in there you know that you can be exposed to bottom if you're that close to performers to bodily fluids falling on you that's their defense that's gross first of all the fact that she's actually taking it to work i mean i i you asked i wasn't gonna bring it right well you had that look like he argues that that type of filming that that lady was doing commonly exposes videographers to incidental contact with bodily fluids what okay of course she claimed he come up like i mean he he spit on him and then he did the oh you know like your granddaddy used to push into one nostril yeah really get it out yeah yeah and we called that country style do y'all know what marilyn manson's real name is i do i'm reading it right here it doesn't fit well it doesn't and that's what where did his parents and where did his upbringing may not even been his parents but where did he go wrong you know what i mean for brian hugh warner by brian brian get in here i i don't know and that's something i've heard um horror stories though on people that have booked him oh yeah what he leaves behind yes you remember what was down here in birmingham it was a little area in the background they said the cleanup was wow yeah basically didn't they they say they had to like change the carpet and i mean had to totally redo the range it was just so disgusting um but i mean good night y'all of course you know he's he's had a lot of charges against him lately you know with these women and this snot incident yeah and got a lot of a lot of court time yeah he's 52 o'brien hey so he's my age he's he's me okay he calls it art but what he does is the most untalented mess ever i'm gonna shock you anybody could do that that's art buddy that's my heart you must enjoy it a lot of people have i guess you know that's just total disregard for anybody if you're doing all that i mean i think that's been established by you know if you went country style and the wind blew it on them that's one thing you didn't mean for it to happen i always was really grossed out by that i was too yeah well get a nap the process of it too that's the thing yeah it wasn't necessarily it was flying out it was the process that got it there you think i didn't work with a lot of people that did that for sure oh my goodness there's almost a requirement to work there that you must go i'm gonna change gears all right well here's what you're looking at why don't you just taste it i had no intention of sharing that story well what was greg looking at there you go this morning greg said that he uh got into that mets 30 for 30 lessons oh you did yeah but of course asleep is it worth watching oh yeah what part you saw yeah absolutely i love that kind of stuff about that face you got going right now y'all thought it wouldn't be i don't know see i remember that run because what happened sounded amazing cable uh now we're screaming the cable system that we had at the time where i was strong i know it uh you had obviously the braves on wtbs right well we got i think it was wor out of new york and it was the met station so you got to watch the mess just you know like ray's raw win with the mets where too and i remember when strawberry first got on there and they showed dwight gooden and he was 19 years old and was unhittable yeah unhittable i mean they weren't going to set him up but davey johnson the manager was like i need him now yeah we can't wait yeah anyway so it's just i was just now getting to the part where they're you know they were horrible i mean i didn't realize how bad the mets were they were terrible they had that run i think 72 when they won it was tom siever tried to bring him back i didn't work out i didn't realize i brought him back in like 83 he was nearly 40. but anyway so i'm to the point where they're starting to get good this is a two-parter yeah and you i think it's the first part was last night i'm what i'm yeah they're going to repeat it what i'm going to end up doing is dvr that's what i'm saying later yeah i knew i couldn't stick with it last night i got several emails about it so dexter shows out a good bit in it doctor's got them and this is this is espn right yeah yeah so espn plus should have it right yes okay i think that uh uh did jimmy kimmel have something to do is he the producer of this i think he is that's weird but but it is a 30 30. it's a 30 it is a 30 and the promo looks really good i mean really good so you're in they were they were handles yeah boy they were good too think about it they weren't was it strawberry goodin dykstra yeah keith hernandez carter carter wouldn't handle he was just good yeah they i i heard the reason i said jim became i heard him in an interview talking about it so i think he's got something to do with it and they were saying how carter didn't fit in the others but yeah they were quite a bunch of characters all right well i'm in i'll watch it greg says it's good well actually i've only seen about 40 minutes of the first one i wouldn't have thought it would have been bad yeah the first one concentrates on how horrible the matches were yeah you know except for i think 72-73 when they won it but any other time they were terrible and then they got really good and their strawberry wow and i and i know we can't play it today but this bizarre uh statement this alabama player made yesterday oh i don't know i'd have been approached i had heard before in a different interview it was another player now and i i couldn't remember but i looked it up it was actually josh jacobs he was on dan patrick or something and he was talking about how you wouldn't believe it but coach saban has a sense of humor and these particular jokes this is funny this is our kind of sense yeah and it makes it even better because you don't expect it to come from him right and they say that that he i just wasn't when when the the player yesterday yeah the way he explained it he might give me something that that coach saban says that we may never hear out here or whatever however he worded it right and he went with this i could not believe what yeah i couldn't either i thought so that was your answer to that question well here's what i can't believe the first appreciation the first one was okay and then he kept going thank you and i'm like wow that would the first one was our kind of humor but then he took it to a level i was not expecting yeah yeah i don't know what he was thinking i don't know i don't know but i know you we can't play that i know greg's definitely i can't believe we've gone this far without him it doesn't matter and it makes it even funnier because of who it is because he's so serious yeah and he even said they even interviewed saban about when josh jacobs when saban was on dan patrick he goes yeah he said he likes to cut up with some of them but it's more of the offensive people he said i'm the defensive coach i'm harder on them i cut up a point that makes sense yeah you know well it's i mean it's funny it's just i just thought it was funny that that's been a running theme on this show that phrase yeah but he'll take it yeah that's one of his josh jacobs made the point he because i hadn't heard that since middle school right and i couldn't believe who said it he said i thought it was great he obviously didn't listen to our show i know i'll just say this i'll say this for those that are frustrated because we won't come out with it is it has to be we might as well say it hasn't said it has to do it has to do with d's yeah okay yeah yeah yeah we got saving thanks that's funny yeah and then he'll use it in a variety differently the player should have stopped it there right that would have been enough yeah yeah would have laughed at that everybody would have been playing that today right but can't play that but his next couple lines we cannot play hilarious it's almost like he forgot what did you know you were brought did you know you were behind a microphone in front of a bunch of people we're not sitting in the locker room but look hey like i say the fact that so serious that makes it even fun funny funny stuff all right we'll be right back i wanted to say it again but i did [Music] bubba [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ten minutes until top of the hour it is the rick and bubba show 866 we be big our number eddie van adler he's here you've heard from him this hour or seen him when it comes to spider webs uh and being attacked by a spider at this house uh you've got to get video footage of that please please make sure your camera's pointed that way i need him like it looks like he's you know fighting nothing digging yeah uh we've uh covered a number of different stories just kind of hopping around a little bit um and and this one here i want to play it so bad but it would be a slip queue and i wouldn't know what it's going to do until i play it but can i give you the headlines on this uh they have they have on this website um viral comedy uh way back wednesday i know we hate stuff like that uh how about a yodeling throat singing duet enjoy a way back wednesday from 2009 when a yodeler and a throat singer combine their skills in in one fabulous uh display not big on yodeling i wish speedy could yodel that was what he did i wish you were an auctioneer okay even behind i'm asking the question are there people out there that are like man let's go watch the odle concert tonight cheers oh yeah crazy you don't like good job is that a big okay give me y'all's burst but you're i'm not trying to first play along not trying you're not gonna do it and do it i can't do it unbutton one button and drop but that has nothing to do with it which is true okay i don't know i don't know how to yodeling get back to thanking your assistants for your colonoscopy thank you for your service thank you for your service cleaning out here's me i drive my dummy trout here for taking a peek well i can do that now what is that 2009 a yodler and a throat singer combined what's a throat singer i can do that speedy i can throw something singer i needed more than this i needed more than that is there a video oh there's video [Music] i need i need to get in with you i need i need to really get into when they're just really getting i would rather have just a yodeler yeah i'd rather just have you leave that leave throat singer out yeah what is a throat sing or anything i've never heard of that [Music] it's a throat singer anybody can do that yeah okay totally the guy is a an asian man with a ponytail that is the throat singer yes i thought that would be better than that the headline got me that's the guy they do they do that good wasn't that good it will it really wasn't would you [Music] would you rather go to the opera or a yodel concert opera yodel rightly uh opera that drives me nuts i've never been to an opera and yodle doesn't i can deal with yodel way before i can that really all that mess i've never been to one i haven't either so i'm just saying i have not been to either one i think i would rather go to an opera than i would but i don't really know i don't know how to say this in the nicest kind of way i feel like the yodeling crowd would be more my people uh there's no doubt yeah i agree with that but but i i would like to go to an opera because i've never i can't take that when people sing like they do in the opera i can't hear that yeah it bothers me really does it like physically hurt you it does it physically hurts man i know that's considered really talent i'm sure it is but i just can't take it i know people that like put it on in their house and they'll be you know they just love on it and i just i can't have mental problems okay they do they got mental problems mental problems so when they say you have mental problems now what i'm saying i love yodeling but i said if i have to choose between the two i'm going with no what you just said because people that listen and enjoy opera have mental problems exactly i'm standing behind that most of them really don't like it no he really it falls into this category i really don't like it but it somehow makes me look you know like i'm above everything because i actually like opera when i i don't think anybody actually i think there are people out there that actually enjoy that greg nope i don't but i think there are people out there look at me i like opera when they really don't like they don't but that bubble has to burst at some point you stop doing those things if you don't enjoy it have you heard that i don't get in the habit of doing things i don't enjoy i'll tell you and the operas are usually packed with people that actually enjoy listening to that now i'm not one of those people i don't think it does everybody there is faking i will tell you this have have y'all watched and i've asked you this and i think both of us it's a no did you have y'all ever seen bosh did y'all have that amazing mentally you know he's into jazz and so every time he comes home he throws a record on some kind of you know whatever matter of fact there's even bosch jazz playlist that you can go and see what i'm not into jazz but i get that yeah but opera i don't i don't see how there's any human and his his uh his home overlooks los angeles and so every now and then from his place when he's kind of calming down he'll throw some jazz music on sit down and i'm like that but now some people do try to be sharp and claim they like jazz yeah but you do have i wish there are some who try to jump on that bandwagon that don't like how about this do y'all see yourself because they're coming back do y'all see yourselves getting a record player because they're coming back i have one not a big musical period does it still work and we're plugged into anything or just if i wanted to it would work well you got to talk down to it it sits out in the in the corner in the in there okay so it's already hooked up to a system yeah it's nothing now it's nothing huge it's just got little speakers it's not like oh stair i had an old stereo that was a big nice steering wheel it had a turntable and i found it but i lost the the rubber mat that goes on the record i can't find it i don't know where it went but you can go into places i'm talking about like best buy or whatever and they have a complete section for just that i'm not you know i mean they're back i grew up with vinyl but i'm not that one of these people hey vinyl you know i used to have crates of vinyl oh yeah back in the to me still my favorite was the cd and i love it it's durable it sounds great yeah i like the cd yeah i do too but the we have a little section i'm like you know if if we got a turntable or record play or whatever like we could put it there and put it into the system but i'm like everything's so easy now it's like oh pull up a song click play but i mean i remember when i was a kid especially trying to get it on the cut you wanted to hear it yeah maybe it was three deep into there you try to put it on the line and then your needle will get dust don't then slide all the way across you'd have to clean the needle yeah right sound yes i do remember that oh yeah what about you ever try to do it when the when that the little arm the magnet that would hold them up mm-hmm and it would drop on one yeah when that one's supposed to but it normally would drop more than one you know and did you ever have one that's a little bit warped you put a quarter on top yeah um so back where i started at 92j and that comes up a lot the jacksonville state radio station the cue speaker which is is what you use to to cue things up and to listen to them and pre-screen them before they go on it was underneath the counter well the the turntables were over here so i'd be leaning trying to get it and get it queued up and and and then you know to where when i hit play because you can't you got to get it to where it's supposed to be and then do a turn yeah or it'll go ring you don't want that i remember uh when rick worked at that i would go up there i wasn't working there but i'd just go hang out and watch right yeah queueing them up yeah you had to do that you don't have your two turntables from your dj days no i got rid of all that i wish you'd brought it back where are you at on the classical pieces greg are people mentally ill for that too no some people actually like that it's that singing they don't like i if i made myself there's probably find one of those i could i could have that's singing that high s that high pitched singing that's unbelievable ain't nobody likes that the person singing it doing great i don't like it either how about the people out there crying in the stands the audience that when they watch these trying to be operas and trying to be sharp you can't come up with a tear greg trying to be sharp little mozart you know i could i could i'd rather hear that than the yodeling i'll tell you that oh one hundred percent not often there's nothing i want to do beethoven mozart you'll give that a little bit i'll give it a little bit greg likes the classics yeah i'm not gonna sit around listen to it but if i had to i could chopin bubba [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] six minutes past the hour the rick and bubba show thank you for being with us a brand new hour has begun day without him we start this hour ever since the attack on 9 11 20 years ago with the national [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is eight minutes now past the hour rick and bubba show and here we go [Music] unpacking another day in the uh bizarro fake world in which we now live will of meat still in play hasn't happened yet this week [Music] uh we'll uh could spend that baby today on the program wednesday bible study returns today live on the youtube channel archives soon after to the youtube and the podcast channel uh we continue to walk through the book of first corinthians today is a controversial topic in the word of god it's one of those that'll stir and one of those that the bible pretty straightforward about that makes us all pretty uncomfortable so uh let's uh let's walk through that today uh right there he sits look at that look at him look at him he rocked back like it ready to go uh the silver tongue one the man with a golden voice professional lunch eaters man of the year the inventor a pizza and a cup of shakespeare's worst nightmare and a master of kang's english ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for beale [Applause] how about it rick burgess friends neighbors associates everywhere come on in what am i saying [Music] [Applause] i think he's about in he doing or some kind of clay sheep pretty soon or something oh yeah he's got something going on kevin he'll have him a golf tournament he'll have him a clay shoot you know why don't you he likes been outdoors why don't you do it all the time he loves you because he loved you you know loved he loved her he loved jesus more so so today uh one thing uh you know believe it or not and it really is hard to to think how quickly time is moving and the older you get the more that seems to happen and we've we've covered why we think that's a truth and why it feels that way but bubba it's time for another rick and bubba cd did you know that i mean we uh we speedy is working on it he's putting it together and it's time to send another one off and now we we get into that dilemma now how many people still want a hard copy of a cd uh you know so you have to you have to think about that uh do we ever get to the point that that's just straight out to the digital world uh so we'll still do some hard copies don't know how many probably not probably not a lot uh but you got to have the the hard copy but you know what we need and we're going to talk about it with the show a little bit today we need a title yep gotta have a title so uh we we've been throwing some around um speedy now we're discussing this a little bit yesterday when i saw him in there putting it together number one i thought especially the times we're living again still not cancelled right yeah right okay which is pretty prevalent that's right up there with you know uh 14 years there's still no awards that happen on year 14. you know i i think it would uh it might be helpful to set the tone for coming up with the title for this year if we read off the titles of years past oh my gosh we can pull them up pretty easily yeah okay yeah uh so let's do that for fun that will be fun to relive some of these titles by the way uh another one it's a fake world uh that that that that's that's that's a good one uh and by the way and that's never been more true i look around now and i'm just like so this is just all the show now ev everything is just a show it's it's inconsistent no there's no consistency uh it's just we're just kind of pretending so many things what about uh i was thinking about one coming in this morning called these bits okay he went there it's a good one i like that guys that that's when when let me tell you and it was hamsey i think right when that was sent to me yesterday and this is the press conference with somebody from alabama talking about coach saban we can't we can't i think he's i think he is a player okay so it is a player okay one time we thought it was a player then then we thought it might be a graduate assistant but we're back to it's a player by the way if it's a player it makes it even more outrageous it's almost like i don't know did the player not know what he was does he not know what that is especially when he put the second phrase in there which i mean we can't play it i mean you can't play it on the show really um when he's asked about some of nick saban's favorite sayings and i don't know if the like i don't know if the young man just you know maybe he has um we've talked about this bubba and this is one of the one of the things you've been researching for a long time spatial displacement yes yes uh where you don't really understand where you are and what's going on um i think it's it's that feeling you get when you get a bad batch of tamiflu yeah right yeah and i i don't know if the young man just because they kind of pressured him that you could tell they wanted something funny uh and it's like i gave it to him but you know how sometimes you you're asked a question nobody told you you were gonna be asked before the room got quiet didn't yeah and like later on in the day you come up with some great answers to the question it's just right then you couldn't quite grab it yeah and uh and so you uh and they backed that up with uh i don't know if it was a recent interview or past comments from a former player that's in the nfl now and he he was very clear about some of that yeah i don't remember that but you're right it was in the meaning there's some consistency right what yeah it was on a yesterday yeah well yeah what i'm saying is though when when the young man made the second phrase yeah uh the first one was bad enough because you think well you know he may not know what that means but then the second phrase that he used and i want to be sure i have this right at a press conference yeah just want to be yeah media days i mean like the difference yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there it is right there you have that day after the game you see on a tuesday i guess that's what this was that's where they discussed the game and they send you a few players over and the coach comes over and has a few words my guess is he won't be back so so i don't think he'll make the week in the press conference anymore um will he have to run what about when a kid says something on the weekly press conference that you can't play on the show but yet it was there yeah um it's just um i i couldn't believe what i was watching and hearing i know what to do with it i mean it just i in just a minute i thought greg was at the presence i had to turn it up yesterday at one time that little humor line yeah well greg at one time i thought to myself well this is the edgiest sec shorts i've ever seen [Laughter] that one i thought was funny so wow that's so 15 minutes past the hour eight six six we be big is the number more of the rick and bubba show coming up right after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my clothes how [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] 21 minutes now past the hour the rick and bubba show 866. [Music] uh we be big is the number and thank you for being with us today as i mentioned the will of mead is in play we'll spend some time on the program today discussing potential names uh for the next rick and bubba cd which will be out just in time for christmas uh so we'll we'll try to get a name for that uh today or at least names that we'll consider so uh there was some there were some that they were hoping uh that uh some way somehow that californians enough of them would be tired of the direction of the country i heard on my way in today i was listening to someone who uh well steve ferrar steve ferrar you know was from california and he was talking about how he spent time as a truck driver even in san francisco and what a beautiful city it was and he said that's always been immoral he said there's no that's not what i'm talking it's always been immoral he said uh in comparing the state of san francisco when he was a young man driving a truck there uh delivering air freight he said compared to the san francisco today he said today it is it is not a beautiful city it is a dangerous city it is crime ridden it is nasty some of it looks very third world-like but i guess the people of california are going to say we'll have another please the people of california have spoken they voted no to the recall election and gavin newsom will remain governor they threw all the resources they could including the president coming to support that and californians uh voted to keep him so you know you get you get what you ask for in that case i thought larry elder did a great job sure he did in his campaign and uh he also was uh was very he he even said let's be gracious in in defeat so um but he he also said we lost this battle but uh we're not gonna lose the war so he he will still remain a force in california politics and he he really is one of the classy acts out there yeah no no doubt and so but here is governor gavin newsom and again uh there seems to be this delusion uh that trump is still running for still still running against trump yeah all right so here we go and i think about just in the last you know few days and the former president put out saying this election was rigged democracy is not a football you don't throw it around it's more like a i don't know antique vase you could drop it and smash it in a million different pieces yeah you can and that's what we're capable of doing if we don't stand up to meet the moment and push back i said this many many times on the campaign trail you know we may have defeated trump but trumpism is not dead in this country the big lie january 6th insurrection all the voting suppression efforts that are happening all across this country what's happening the assault on fundamental rights constitutionally protected rights of women and girls it's a remarkable moment in our nation's history did this guy talk about people's rights did i hear that correct did he did he literally talk about the government trampling individual people's rights he did did governor newsome just say that yeah see what i'm talking about the fake world we live in yeah it's just a bunch of i mean he knows but by the way he actually governs that he is a ruling class elitist but this is not words these are not rick's words these are the way this man has lived out as the governor that we all saw that he didn't think we'd see right back to the great line from the avengers that guy was playing galaga he didn't think we'd notice but we did and and so it's um you know so anyway the word these words and all this you know and i love this the fact that that trump is the one who who tries to get in the way of the will of the people the that party doesn't you know that you remember that one you about remember when the people voted trump in what did they say in the beginning the election was rigged yeah right oh yeah yeah yeah it all just depends who ends up and they tried to undermine um what what appeared to be the people's choice by just like it appears to be the people's choice with biden okay so but they they tried to undermine everything because the candidate wasn't who they wanted the people to elect the people went rogue and went outside the normal politician and and of course the ruling class got furious with all of us about that and uh and again there were times when trump's personality did it didn't help him yeah but but they uh they tried to take all that and look for some kind of stronghold you know that he was some evil tyrant that was coming to take over the world while they were growing the central cove government into a tyrannical government that you see now is trying to take over your all of your lives and then but he can look you in the eye and say that he's here to stand up for people's individual liberties but what he's doing is he's picking and choosing the emotional topics so he'll he wants to step in for for what they'll claim is women's health choices when it comes to whether we just want to have a conversation about where life begins scientifically like i said it doesn't even have to be a biblical worldview we just need to as is is walking around humane human beings is this something we should be doing as birth control or not well see he wants to be sure that nobody infringes on that right but if you really watch his life he doesn't mean he doesn't want the government to infringe on everybody's rights well he doesn't want your government to infringe on a woman's reproductive organs but to have no problem grabbing her arm putting a vaccine in absolutely see the inconsistency of all that it just depends where you're touching i guess yeah but thank you yeah but anyway so uh this is the the trumpism is is still alive and gavin knew some yeah isn't it funny that the whole thing he even makes out like we defeated trump and trumpism and all this how has trump how has trumpism affected california at all not much you see that plays to the voters you're two to one democrat right i doubt there is any republican of any statue with any elected office in california i don't know but i assume that there's not i haven't heard of any long time but rick here is uh you know after the big victory that uh the governor did go out and celebrate at the french laundry so oh my that is funny by the way but here's here's the bottom line here's here's what we believe the people of california have the right to be governed in their state from a state level however they want to and and if and if this is what the they want to run it in the ground running the ground if the majority of the people of california have a nice day want this type of government then they just said that's what we want and that's fine some of the people of california didn't want it but there weren't enough of them right okay so so now the people who don't want this you either stay and try to win future elections or if you think there's no hope that this type of governing will ever end you leave and go live somewhere else yep and um so so there it is the people have said that's how it works we don't we don't declare that we need to uh stack the supreme court of california because they rule in ways we don't like it and all of that look you you had your voice and you uh you spoke and that's it i do think and i i heard uh one of the uh he's from one of the universities there they they have a basically a think tank that's coming up with suggestions for things in california and one of them is that they raise the bar on these recalls because we've had this before and you know you won what i don't know what the number was 61 percent newsome won with noes last night which is a pretty big majority um and you know it's very expensive to have these uh recalls so uh maybe they need to raise the bar for a recall maybe you need more signatures or maybe you need to do away with it just live through a bad governor for four years and then change it then i don't know so governor newsom will not be recalled he remains the governor congratulations california you have spoken you have spoken bottom of the hour more of the rick and bubba show continuing right after this [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do do [Music] do do [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] good job thanks for being with us [Music] all right we'll continue to unpack the stories of the day uh i do want to point you to bubba if you are uncomfortable with your smile and you've got some uneven you know crooked teeth that you've been meaning to address and you just never got around to it or maybe and you're like man when i think about traditional braces maybe you've gotten a little older and you're like ah well maybe can do for you what they've done for so many these are comfortable they're they're practically invisible they're removable aligners that are designed specifically uh for you by an orthodontist not a general dentist we love our general dentist but uh their expertise is not tooth movement uh and so uh some of the competitors uh with with bubba keep claiming hey we go we got some over here too for you uh but they're using general dentists so be aware of that because that's not the expert in in this particular field so uh orthodontist with you from the very beginning you have the same orthodontist the end the entire time the the treatment takes uh for it to be finished about six months but you'll start seeing results away before then and you can do it from home or you can go to one of the studios near where you live if they have one so so go to bubba if you use our code bubba uh you will uh get um 75 off the starter kit that's candid bubba uh using the promo code bubba to get 75 off the starter kit you also can find it at right there under the sponsors button so bubba did you want me to just cut greg's mic just so i can get this information in without being totally uh thrown off here i've turned i've turned i've turned his mic off just so you can have this moment uninterrupted two stories today greg won't get to be in this is one of them okay right yeah the other one i am it's history today spacex is set to make the make history with the first all civilian crew launched into orbit and the launch window on that tonight should start at 802 eastern daylight time so it'll be uh be kind of late they've got several hours they can go and they have a backup window for tomorrow night so we'll see how that goes we have four civilians no professional astronauts are going to be shot into space how about that well i i i'm not playing the role of greg here and i promise this will be brief okay so i want you to look again at the team picture well i i know that picture's not a good no look right there now listen to this because this is what hit me when i see this picture of the team and i don't know why they took it this way it may be uh who's spacex what is that that musk they may just be having fun okay yeah but it you know what it looks like it looks like a new series a new sitcom on cable that is making fun of of the space race yeah and this is their cast it's like spaceballs yeah yeah exactly that's what it looks like it looks like you know like that cop show that that's got them all acting like a bunch of doofuses and all that i forget what it's called but uh what's it called uh uh what was it reno nine one yes yes that's what it looks like it looks like spacex 911 yeah again mr peepers is piloting this i think there he goes again i'm taking his my back down now rick get this there especially if they're going to orbit the earth for three days uh they'll have an orbital orbital attitude i can't talk greg 360 miles higher than the international space station or the hubble space telescope at that height the dragon crew will circle the globe every 90 minutes at a speed of 17 000 miles per hour or roughly 22 times the speed of sound moving on moving on greg greg sorry can i hear you can't now i've got you cut off i'm sorry green i'll tell you one thing it i bet little ellis will enjoy watching that well he might get he might get excited about that now i hope it's not too loud to begin with you know and then but once he settles in as a matter of fact i i c here's the here's the good and the bad bub the good news is i cut greg's mic off so he couldn't comment especially when they just showed a picture of the rocket but unfortunately i just got a text from nick saban and he's got a funny joke yeah sure but i'm sure he's got a good line about it you think steven didn't like that uh was it blue orbit or whatever it was i know greg just i'm cutting back home that's it i'm turning it back down so we'll see how i go with all civilians going up that's right that that is boy i hope this all goes off smooth all right greg i'm powering your mouth back up all right what why did i get turned down for that it ain't now if it had been the blue origin rocket no but what i'm saying is greg this is space and this is like this is one of the the few the jump in and make negative remarks when you're talking about your grandkids right this is here's where you're in you're in a bit of a dilemma because he's dangerous i watch apollo 13 every time a song but honestly you don't fall for this if you get in he's trying to draw you in no i've always liked space i just want to make a a statement and agree with greg but it's fake stuff but it's dangerous but it's dangerous because really honestly honestly just being completely honest and i don't know adler's view of it that that much but when you start talking about this stuff really greg on the team is the most interested yeah you know but he's well but he's dangerous his interest is not always uh but it's kind of like stomping an ant that's my point yeah you don't want it to be too stiff i mean it's got to be well there's nothing about spacex it's stiff i mean they launched a car into orbit right yeah yeah but i mean as far as the topic he's probably the most interested other person on the staff yeah i like spain i don't know about taking four people just randomly picking them up in space you know what that's like though it's like yeah she's the prettiest one in the room she's crazy yeah yeah you know i do like space i know you do i like more of the history the old stuff he does you're making you're seeing history mate yeah that's it yeah you're living there something about that it just to me it doesn't live up to like the mercury and all that you know it just this is some rich guy and i'm throwing rockets around right you know it's a must who's he think he is kim jong-un yeah i'm saying by the way you said that today yeah we're all basos i got one of course i'm you know i'd like to see a different design all right okay buddy all right nick shaping but you know i got we're throwing rocks listen to me it's dumbing it down this is what i what i really like about this for 10 years we've had nothing i like saying that's nothing now we've got three private companies that are actively involved in space we got other minor companies trying to get stuff into orbit we got nasa going to launch something here their new space launch system soon so you know what we're just we're launching rockets again we are that's exciting but i'm just saying you you see people like buzz you had those now we're taking old big ears and some some guy that got a contest now he won it because he's in a contest right it's just you know what i'm saying i want the heroes well they're they're trying to open space up to where's dick with cool nicknames oh my god gus we've got to open now we gotta i heard that mr peepers and some guy who looks like he's got a look on his face like somebody broke wind around him really i mean and they went with him i'm sorry well that's how he does it he brings you in right he told you but you don't see the point yeah i think to me and i appreciate you know his own private industry and i think it appears to be it's losing a little prestige right well what i'm saying is i think what bubba's trying to say but and i think this is what i hear is that maybe these people will force the heroes to come back that's right well they are becoming heroes it's the next generation and it's not it's going to be there's going to be a lot more heroes hopefully well i think greg's saying look at the state of our world these are our heroes well let me tell you goofy looking maybe uh and a bad pitcher for sure oh no doubt but when you strap into that thing you got hey yeah okay there's another lie there's another line i'm not he likes space and he likes chicken yep that's right i hope i hope ellis stays up and watching by the way did greg just say i like space yeah he did yeah he did i do yeah you know i like all that especially the old stuff right i got you i can't believe bob you didn't watch apple tvs for all mankind i can't believe you didn't watch that irresponsible that you had not watched well it ain't real well neither neither is star trek i mean but you're like walking on the moon yeah here we go you know there is one thing that i love about this mission every time we have somebody go up that the flat earth people have to come up with oh bobby please don't open that again because they will and see when when it comes to the international space station they always say well they're not high enough they're not high enough well see this is going up quite a bit higher than they are right i don't know how they'll deal with that can i just tell you this can i get a picture of the ice wall while they're up there no can i tell you this bubba and this is nothing i like to add to the fake world we live in because we're living in a very frustrating world right now but i don't guys can i tell everybody out there whatever happened to i believe something which is perfectly fine the more information i got i realized that that was wrong and i've changed my mind on it when's the last time anybody changed their mind on anything i mean they'll just when they lock in they'll just stay in their tribe and you can't go you know i see that different now yeah and then you say well you know i think this refutes that no that's still what i believe no that's just that's uh that ain't that ain't right yeah yeah okay it's all proof in the world you know there used to be a time you'd develop a point of view and then if it stood to the test you would move forward if it didn't you'd go ahead i guess that's wrong it's like just any point right now somebody has to has to debate right you know 15 minutes to the top [Music] [Music] [Music] a new language [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] it's uh nine minutes to the top of the hour the rick and bubba show 866 we'd be big thank you for being with us we're going to talk um uh naming this year's cd a little bit coming up next hour so we're we're gathering all the information so we can look at what names have already been there and it really kind of ties in to this next deal is because a lot of you you know last year it was uh you know the um uh follow the science of radio pandemic and some of you are wanting to stay with pandemic boys stuff and um one of them uh in our covid update today the ever confusing fusing ever evolving ever uh i don't even know what to say about it it's so hard to follow ever politicized i guess i should put that out there uh so um so now a little video and audio of dr fauci because some of you are suggesting and i'm seeing some of these um and we'll get to a full-blown look at it coming up next hour uh that that we should name the cd it's problematic it's problematic uh but but so two years ago now remember i'm gonna tell all of you and this is gonna hurt some feelings out there because i'm gonna have to be the adult that walks in the room with the children and and tells you some things that are true that you don't want to believe okay because especially when your health's on the line okay uh and and that is that i just need all of you to know based on statements that we had and that's not we're about to listen to if donald trump would have been elected for a second term as president just so you know the same people that want to force you and mandate you to take a vaccine would be against it and they would hate it because trump's presidency rushed it to you know the operation what was it called operation warp speed and they would all be saying we're very concerned about a vaccine that was rushed to market by this tyrannical president so that's what everybody would be saying just so you know the only reason why they're for it is because trump didn't win if he had won they would not be saying the things that they're saying unfortunately because remember tell me one time if you don't believe that's true tell me one time that anybody in the current administration has mentioned that donald trump agrees with them and he thinks everybody should uh be vaccinated he doesn't believe it should be mandated he never said that uh but he is pro-vaccine he said he said it on this show yeah he said have you heard anybody on the left say well you know donald trump even agrees with us yeah i mean you haven't heard that he said it at his rally in coleman got booed right so yeah because he you know you need to know the room uh but anyway so this also uh is is you know a little bit troubling when when we go two years ago you're about to hear dr fauci it's probably negative you're gonna hear uh dr fauci uh two years ago and the funny thing is that adler put on the videos today that are available to us he sounds like joe rogan uh so that's funny so here is fauci uh from two two years ago here we go to prevent getting an infectious disease and having to have you as my doctor is what um wearing a mask no no no no need to do that um somebody's i can see they're getting ready to sneeze or cough walk away you avoid all the paranoid aspects and do something positive a good diet b you don't smoke i know i know you don't drink at least not very much so that's pretty good get some exercise i know that you don't get as much exercise as you should that's correct get good sleep i think that the normal low-tech healthy things or the best thing that you can do david is staying all right well i'm gonna he's a wellness guy yeah so so all of a sudden you know this is a medical breakthrough yeah but yeah but this is what joe rogan has been saying he goes we you know we've become a people that say my neck my next pharmaceutical please and rogan said really you know your body is set up to naturally really fight off a lot yeah and probably if you kept your body healthy uh and you kept uh you know and you kept yourself exercising eating well and avoided some of the uh uh the things in life uh that are vices for us that are not good for us you probably and you remember what the guy said to begin with if you if you heard the first part of the video the guy's saying should i put a mask on yeah and should i just you know uh isolate myself away from people all these things by the way the government says we should do now and fouchy even agrees now yeah that's not what's laughed about it like i can't even believe you bringing in you know what he's saying don't become some paranormal person that wears a mask all the time right and you know now he now has two masks on don't don't miss that oh yeah we went through that right and so uh so anyway and that that's the thing that makes us hard to follow we we also have uh you know somebody sent me the story they said one of the things that they are now researching and and i said this statement on the air and i'm saying this because like the rest of you you know i'm i'm working through all this too in the times we're living in and i'm not going to sit here and pretend that there's never been a time that it hasn't gotten to me and bothered me and had me going man this is just so depressing and so um you know and hey i'm at times i've been fearful and you know and concerned so i'm not acting like that's never happened to me but i also have to remember through the prism of what what i believe is true that this anxiety and this fear is actually very unhealthy for me and anyone and and i said on the air i said i've come to the conclusion that i can make myself sick worrying about being sick you can't you never really can right and so they actually have a study that just came out and some of the people they're dealing with that have not done well they're noticing and look we all know this that obesity is a big mark against you okay and the other one and you could really put under that being unhealthy okay i know that's the first thing we always throw around but really because there's a lot of people that don't that are not overweight that are grossly unhealthy but but they're using that as almost an indicator of if you're living a very unhealthy lifestyle you're probably going to have a harder time with this than someone who isn't and and some people you go well that person seemed healthy but they might have some other kind of um genetic uh they may not make sleeping that is the line and that's probably the average but not always i mean we've seen some of these cases that are just mind-boggling where these very healthy people have come down right yeah and sometimes somebody's called very healthy though that we don't know very well we're going to know how much they sleep we don't know what we don't know whatever but anyway i understand what you're saying but and they said but i was really getting to the bigger point of this that was something we all need to look at is they said in the number that one of the things they rank just as high as your health is fear they said these people that have lived their life terrified about this have done very poorly yeah because being terrified look guys we all know and i know this is more depression but but it's in the same line about how your emotions and your psyche can affect you we all know i've i know it in in people that i know there are people that have been married for a long long time and have this outstanding beautiful marriage the way god intended it no marriage is perfect but you know what i mean and they will have a spouse that will die from some sort of sickness and they're they're on by all accounts perfectly healthy and they die within a few months or a year because just the death of the person they love killed them and literally dying of a broken heart correct yeah and we all we all those those things and so they're saying with this disease with this virus the same thing and you know and it's funny and i know some of you don't believe what we believe and that's fine but it is interesting that what we believe is the word of god tells you that be anxious about nothing i did not call you to a spirit of fear in this world you will face tribulation but remember to have peace in your heart never lose that never lose the joy because i've ultimately overcome this don't be surprised that a falling creation that i told you was falling that i'm going to refine is falling apart remember the how this ends you know and so it is interesting that's that how many times have things that we believe come from the word of god keep being affirmed yep and uh because i mean when you start thinking about that and that anxiety and fearful and paranoia and all that is actually sin yeah you see it in a whole different way now some of you that's not your view but i would just say it's unhealthy for you then if you don't believe that it's almost like god knows what he's doing and he kind of knows well he designed the product that's what he's top of the hour [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] two two three [Music] that's not a good sign there gentlemen uh six and a half minutes past the hour rick and bubba show coming to you from the rick and bubba broadcast plaza and teleport speedy the real greg burgess helmsey eddie van adler the gang all here for a brand new hour and we're thankful that you've joined us so let's welcome back there's bill bubba bussing rick glad to be here and as i look over these cd names over the over the years i have a smile on my face well these are good well let's take a little trip uh through rick and bubba history the show's 27 years old will be 28 in january 2022. uh we established this show as i was trying to play there and and it was for some reason this thing delayed uh but um since so 1994 it was all created uh bubba and i did uh about a year and a half uh with you coming in on yeah as a as a character and um then we became the ricky bubba show in 1994 in january uh the first whatever day that was that we came back from christmas break uh and that's when we celebrate our anniversary going forward it's somewhere in those first few days of january yeah um so anyway so when we started out because it's getting time to name this year's cd we uh you know we were very very um i think it was it had to be hilarious to the people that we were working with i love that picture because you have to understand what now has become the rick and bubba show uh and rick and bubba incorporated was just a local morning show on a local station but bubba and i always you know learn and i and and i know some of the things i'm about to say is is going to sound odd but that we are odd because of some of the places we draw from and we always had the mentality of the super group kiss uh is you know get get you a a a following and then that following you know merchandise we were before we started charging for t-shirts when no one had t-shirts that anybody i mean the audacity that we thought anybody wanted to buy but the fact that you now have t-shirts for sale not some cheap t-shirt you're giving away people begin to think what well this must be big time even when it wasn't rick i wish you wouldn't give away all the details we also learned greg uh if you act big time people think you are that's right and so what we did is we kind of built this and that's the beauty of radio i talked about this when i got to talk to that corporate uh deal in destin is i said i still believe radio is the greatest medium because even though tv is is fascinating we all like tv i don't ever feel like i know the people on tv but i always felt like i knew i knew the guy on the radio there's just something about that so you can create this world in your mind and i think it's a disservice to the generations now is they don't have to imagine anything we had to imagine everything and radio would take you into a world that you were seeing in your mind that was a lot of fun and and so we created you know what isn't you know continuing now thank you lord uh to to be so we started out we said you know what why don't we take some of the parts of the show and create best of cassettes cassettes yeah there were no seconds yeah there was nothing else that was a state of the art yeah so so we we started in 94 i mean right out of the gate we were i'm not making this up people would come to the lobby they would order one of our best of cassettes and this is how big our audience was and bubba because i don't think it was me that did it no i didn't yeah it would run into these the studio little production i had my office in the engineering room i had a high speed dubbing yeah and he would dub you and i had a bunch of blanks i had a box full of blanks and i got from long's electronics i remember that and bubba would dub your best of seed uh cassette and we'd walk out to the lobby yeah we didn't even have stickers on it but yeah that was later on we got fancy yeah so uh now i remember the first time someone made this one that we could put in there wow look at that so anyway so we're gonna give you every single name including the cassettes year by year and then we're gonna we're gonna name the the upcoming cd now for those of you that are modern day you're new to the show you know i'm we're meeting new people all the time which is exciting uh however you're getting the show now and there's so many ways to do it uh you can go to itunes and um and all of our past cds now the cassettes aren't there because we we were not able to ever get them in the digital domain domain but all the cassette all the cds are there so you can see if we put it out from 98 ohm they're all there uh and now if you're looking for hard copies some of them we still have stock of uh especially the one that we did the walmart deal with because they really burned us on that we got plenty of those some of them we have hard copies still at rick and bubba dot com into the store some of them are only available in the digital domain so bubba did we walk through it sir yeah we begin uh with the cassette tapes in 1994 but naked christmas okay that was so that was actually a forerunner of the modern version of the wrecking babble show and to no one's surprise uh this was two years before i was redeemed by jesus that's it okay all right and uh then we moved to the best of rick and bubba 1995 that's when we was more official than at that point past the gravy please 96 living large in 97. see that one i don't i don't remember uh smell of success that was 98 staying at volume 1 and staying at volume 2 both in 1999. hey buddy you're broadcasting 2 000. thank you greg that was a that was a big landmark here gosh that was good so then we start 2001 a radio oddity she commenced to shaving we got it like we like it how about that pull our finger in 2005 radio gold volume 1 2006 dot dot dot and cake 14 years still no awards radio revolution don't think we got the tools to pull this off that was 2010. good night look at that 2011. triple option again let me be clear one score in several pounds ago in 2014 wow what a wheel who's got it better than us that was 2016. can't have nothing 2017 making radio great again 2018 25 big ones for 2019 and last year in 2020 follow the science a radio pandemic so there they are that's all the names that have been used so we probably want to stay away from anything that would be similar to any of these and we certainly don't want to use some that have already been used so i've been looking over some of the things that people have been sending in and we can start that process on looking for the name and then we'll kind of decide and honestly based on the time we wanted out uh the actual bits are pretty close to being done but the artwork has not begun and we can't and we can't start the artwork until we know what the name is uh and that artwork takes some time so um uh if you start looking over some of the things that people have have suggested you got some that that are talking about the pandemic still here's a pretty good one we'll circle back to you uh that's that's a tribute to sake uh you have the other name it problematic and anecdotal but i don't think we'd say anecdotal yeah problematic and anecdotal oh it's hard together but problematic will be fine yeah problematic uh that's good doing the editing i will say this a couple of lines that were in it were uh okay still not canceled uh because we were talking about something and the other one is uh we've made it this far yeah uh that that was um when we were talking about a subject and you know you're always worried you're gonna get cancelled because of something we say greg and uh and that was just brought up in one of them so those two stood out to me just as themes of some of the um almost said songs yeah bits yeah here's a good one despite all appearances we are not confused that's pretty good if you build it greg will crush it yeah gosh that's good good night look at span yeah that was there that was that part of that bit yeah you got that um so so these are these are some pretty good ideas and the other one we had is uh it's a fake world we got that one and so uh so we'll take some some suggestions from you when we come back at 866 we'd be big yeah here's somebody having fun too all natural free range yeah i like that yeah i like that yeah that's good um all natural free range right here somebody suggested that we just call it antibodies [Music] so we'll come back we'll take your suggestions and we'll kind of work our way through it 866 we be big uh all 10 lines are available we'll chat with you when we return what should we name this year's best of cd 2021 we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] past the hour the rick and bubba show thank you for being with us all right lots and lots of titles coming in for this year's cd let's let's go the phones first and then if you guys want to add you can read the many that you're all seeing and that i am seeing coming in on on email uh so let's go to greg out of the great state of mississippi hey greg welcome to rick and bubba how are you buddy i'm great guys uh in honor of the best line i heard on this show all year the title should be get your head out of the way and we'll get started yeah that's [Laughter] that's a good one that once i've i heard all kinds of things that were similar from my own dad uh let's go to tony in alabama tony welcome to rick and bubba go ahead sexiest antibodies alive okay all right anything we were laughing uh and this is one we were playing with ourselves and the break vaxxed me baby yeah uh i like mask me baby or vax me baby yeah and then go yay let's go to gene uh in dothan newstalk1039 gene go ahead i'm vacillated between necessary and unnecessary but i'd say rick and bubba an unnecessary shot in the arm well there you go i would say necessary now sir yes please uh nick uh in alabama nick go ahead welcome good morning gentlemen i think my world is pretty well summed up by through the donkey okay all right let's go uh chris in alabama chris go ahead i think you need to say big boys to the moon all right by the way ask me in the break about a theory i have okay uh stacy in alabama uh stacy go ahead good morning mikey grass hey thank you so much stacy for the call what's on your mind um i think you should call it rick and bubba the natural antibodies rick and bubba the natural antibodies okay or something along those lines maybe word it differently like that parker uh in alabama about swallow the science parker go ahead hey fellas um i think you should call it just kind of an honor this is in honor of speedy here in honor of you guys who've done this the rick and bubba show roll over and tuck okay brandon in west point brandon go ahead antibodies against ignorance says it all i'm not sure uh carrie in huntsville carrie go ahead hey uh guys good morning i think politically incorrect politically incorrect pretty straightforward uh let's go to uh alana in texas oh it's alan i'm sorry i'm sorry you got an a put on your name there on the board go ahead alan oh come on man okay all right all right guys uh we got oh come on man it's just a radio show yeah we're gonna write one in the email i'm gonna say right now emailers are beating the callers they are okay this one here is pretty interesting yeah right yes 19 call it covet 27. because of our 2017. oh i got you oh yeah yeah okay see i had to think too much about that one so that one's down that one's on i just didn't think it was any good right yeah can i tell you something despite all appearances we are not confused that one is really hanging on uh but um the uh a lot of come on mans like somebody said the uh because of the president uh looking in here i like radio mandate that's pretty good mm-hmm [Music] no mask required all right so let's go to uh jennifer uh don't tase me bro that's a throwback uh jennifer in alabama jennifer go ahead antidotes for the soul all right there you go let's uh what about you know rick there's one i like that ties into this herd immunity that's good yeah i like that by the way that's not bad yeah i like i i like that too and i'm picturing the the the artwork to be funny uh well we've got two names together which one you think it is jeff or randy no jeff randy jeff randy how are you doing uh this is randy all right hey randy what's good hey randy we ain't got no band randy [Laughter] yeah uh how about oops your variant is showing okay remember don't let's not get too wordy i mean it's got to be out we gotta have it on cd there uh let's go to john in alabama john go ahead amen i like it short sweet to the point it's uh mask optional i'm sorry mass required sanity optional mass required sanity optional that's not bad uh brett uh brett welcome to ricky bubba what do you think hey guys hey buddy uh dude uh just jab it or take a jab at it by the way nick saban just text me a name we're not going to use all right i'll just go to keith in alabama keith welcome to the rick and bubba show what's up i'm sorry that's booker booker go ahead what's up hey good morning man how about trying to do a little better trying to do a little better that's not bad i like that that's good that sounds like us keith in alabama keith go ahead how about better than a colonoscopy steve in illinois how about it's not a baseball cd uh steve go ahead morning fellas it's uh humor humor canceled okay all right all right a little nervous cam and macon damn go ahead rick i never say it again neanderthals back to run back oh i got you okay uh you with us you you making this call us damn uh jim in alabama jim go ahead hey uh how about 20 21 a year of bad medicine or just bad medicine what if it was just called bad medicine that's not bad uh let's go to christy in birmingham christy go ahead how about nab or jab okay anything any of those are good uh you don't have to say that uh andrew in alabama hey i got two we care about your health or rick and bubba is still spreading that that we care about your health i like we care about you a lot of these are good felicia go ahead organic free range radio that's good yeah it's problematic yeah yeah that one that one's pretty and that that may be that that one's getting a lot of momentum uh let's go to hank and prattville hey go ahead we the sheeple we the sheeple yeah that's pretty good that's a good one uh we the sheeple in order to get a new government mandate and glorious antibodies yeah jesus go ahead that's good judy you guys are missing the best one yet right good i'm glad you got in you never did one that said sorry america from adler's road rv trip yeah we're getting a number america is the perfect one sorry america yeah that's that's it that's pretty good too lee in alabama lee go ahead chris eagle flies again that's good let's go to norm out of nashville norm go ahead rick and bubba loss of function loss of function yes as opposed to gain a function that's good uh let's go to rick rick go ahead it was rigged we won okay that's good uh let's go to ron ron what do you think colonoscopy tour 2021. [Laughter] what about this radio insurrection that's good um that's really good well i like that one back to the emailers uh-huh i think they have time to sit down yeah well i think they're probably at work and they're actually focused and thinking that's right rick what about this rick and bob is still out on the lake 90 miles from santa fe [Laughter] by the way radio insurrection that's that's a dandy boy i was pretty good well i like that one that's pretty good i got a little edge to it it's pretty good okay so uh we'll take what you said we'll keep looking at the emails and these are good and we'll unpack and some you guys have come up with some good ideas uh uh bottom of the hour 866 weeby big is our number uh more to cover when the rick and bubba show continues right after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're back 35 minutes past the hour the rick and bubba show thank you for your calls on the cd titles we will consider those uh we'll look at more in the uh in the email we're already breaking down what we think which ones are going to make a play off uh bubba gabby g a b i stands for get a better insurance so bubba go there and it's free to use doesn't cost you anything and what they'll do is they will help you to to look quickly uh and very very inexpensively meaning meaning nothing wouldn't cost you anything but it could save you money what about something that's free to use but yet it can save you money that's kind of the best of all worlds so go to gabby enter a little bit information about your homeowners and your automobile insurance and when you do they will pull up 40 of the biggest names in insurance and you will see what they would charge you for the exact same coverage and you take the one that's the best on average on average uh the uh supporters of this program uh that watch and or listen uh are saving about 80 a month on average so so why don't you make that move now go to g-a-b-i dot com slash bubba or rick and bubba dot com you'll also find them right there uh under the sponsors button that's all right so are you picking out a few faves over there well i'm just laughing at some of them they are funny i don't know that they'll ever make it right yeah some of them are fun some of them are funny but they'll never be a title but they're still very funny um where did this go oh hang on just a minute betting on ivermectin that's funny knock me out before i see it uh deplorable radio i like that one look mama no worms get right right i think out of all of those so far the ones i was jotting down that kind of hit home with me would was mask me baby herd immunity problematic radio insurrection radio super spreader or don't vax me bro okay those are kind of one two those are good how'd you like bad medicine that was okay i'm afraid when you search it you're gonna get tangled up into you could no that's a good point that is a good point but it in any i don't know be you like super special is that the name of the album that he did yeah it is i think it's not was it called greg i'm wrong about that greg new jersey new jersey okay all right so thank you don't fax me greg's always there anything that you can go yeah yeah at the end of it so you like that you could just call it that but that's already being used so um so yeah super spreader you like that one just right across the ceiling for spreaders couple that i always look for y'all's reaction and i just kind of put a little dot bomb um it's problematic i had a dot beside that one uh a radio mandate y'all perked up on that oh that was a good one too uh the bad medicine we all talked about uh the radio variant uh rick and bubba are the rick and bubba variant that y'all perked up a little bit on that um radio insurrection y'all liked super spreader um either vax me baby or don't vax me bro uh either one of those were up uh for that um release the crack and y'all thought that was kind of fun yeah i forgot about releasing the crack um we could have a picture that could be completely different yeah yeah that's a good one um we'll circle back to you um that one kind of it's a fake world was early yeah early on and then we had some about uh we're still like here doing what we're doing so we've made it this far uh not canceled dot dot dot yet you know but most of them were more around the pandemic and everything i would probably we care about your health with one that y'all perked up on yeah if i said you had an antibody would you hold it against me cut your song right now yeah it's problematic we got that one yeah yeah so so anyway there's things to work i can't smell nothing that's good can i tell you we could pair that one up with pull my fingers yeah we could can i uh we identify as a radio show that see that was funny that was that's pretty pretty good uh the one that i that made me laugh i'm not saying that i don't think it would make it but it just made me laugh i sanitize my hands for this for dumpster fire that's another case why do we love dumpster fire i don't know we don't want honey it's just funny you know why we like it because there's another one that can be used that you just can't use right yeah right yeah and uh it means the same thing right just you just can't use it so dumpster fire always suffices because when something's a dumpster fire it's just so yeah big bodies with antibodies that's good i tell y'all are a creative bunch yeah oh sure there's very little we can't read no you're right you see the one about never mind year of the donkey and the hummingbird that's really good if i had ordered a truckload of stupid people right right so no immune to stupidity yeah i'm not sure we can claim that all right so uh so there's there's definitely some good ones updates from the basement that's pretty funny reminds me you know can i tell you something i've been testing some of the things we've used over the years and we saw that in the damon johnson podcast last week right when it came to all the names of the bands that we fictitiously say you have been in chocolate ripple kills and i know digital basement was good but i think i think chocolate ripple still seems to especially if you say it was your funk man right yeah yeah yeah i mean that that is just a good one you know and that is fun all right so uh so i think i think we'll we'll take all this we'll we'll bring it in uh and we'll process it i think we've got more i mean we got multiple winners so i don't think i i have no concern whatsoever we're gonna have a great name this year oh all of those yeah now you guys and you know we'll have to fine-tune them well remember this what you got to remember about cd names you have to remember this it's kind of the thing that we said about the written above a challenge it's very similar you know people said well the written bubble challenge is i just need to get a sign on the tv broadcast that has them on it right true right true but then really you get down to it when it's all said and done if all if if multiple signs had about the same amount of coverage uh then we went to what just the one we liked better right you know and then and with this one you have to think about kind of like match moultrie find the answer moetry is looking forward to necessarily the right answer and then the other one is this see when we take a name we immediately our minds start working what will the cover look like you know what would the artwork look like because you might have a name that's great but that you can't think of any artwork that would work right how would you get that and it doesn't have to be you know cartoon we've had some that are cartoons we had some that aren't we haven't done a picture in a while you're talking about a picture yeah yeah photograph okay guys at one time and this is how you and i operate you know that is we got at one point where we were mad because we weren't doing cartoons anymore right so then we went real heavy cartoons again now we're kind of back to hey you know what we haven't had a show picture um but do we really want a picture of ourselves in this current state uh rick how about this uh as a name so she ate a bat that's funny so she ate a bat what about this one the one you said what about and this one works better on the cd because it's simple bat sandwich [Laughter] how about bad sandwich hit you just see it it's funny it's funny yeah all right so either one of those yeah and what if the artwork was you know how the apple logo has an apple with a bite out of it yes you just put a bat on there with a bottom yes that's associated bat yeah that's funny um yeah now people are adding things that really don't go together all right some of y'all are awful okay come on now uh there we go i don't even know what that one means and i don't think i want to bro i think yeah i think somebody just hit me with a with a a phrase that i don't know what it means yeah i'm not and i'm not going to research it i know i know i'm afraid don't repeat everything yeah well look it's it's the state of our you know i know a lot of you as and we agree you're very upset with the state of our current society and you kind of want this cd to reflect the state of the society in which it was produced so i think we can work with some of these suggestions and get there uh here's one i says happy 14th anniversary please wish my husband martin hathorn a happy 14th anniversary oh that's an anniversary shout out [Laughter] it is funny when one of those one of those are dropped in in the middle when you're you're going through all these names and i thought i don't know about a minute ago because what we said a minute ago i was like well you know this is a cool name but i'm just not sure it works so here's somebody's suggestion we call it what's those bible verses you know what i mean oh wait a minute that was back from the top so happy anniversary right yeah and i'll and i'll get those to you uh all right so we'll come back 15 minutes to the top uh we have more to cover on the program today uh what about uh getting back into what's going on in the world uh a couple of things that we'll cover uh and then of course we'll continue with more your phone calls later as well will of me has not spun this week that could happen today as well we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so many of our friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ten minutes to the top the rick and bubba show thank you for being with us still processing potential cd titles and we'll do that uh but bubba and i and the guys were laughing in the break pretty good one if you remember the meatloaf famous album bad out of hell to name the cd bad out of wuhan yeah that's funny so anyway uh so let's uh bubba let's let's take a look-see uh at the state of our country here sorry buddy sorry buddy [Music] general mark is it milly milly chief of staff uh general mark milley uh we have people today calling for his resignation including retired lieutenant colonel alexander is it vidman yeah you remember he was the star witness in the uh trump impeachment trial the first one and remember we impeached the president over alleged comments made over a phone call here it is but we've come a long way from that haven't we here is uh former president donald trump responding to these allegations of a betrayal that he's now finding out about from general mark milley here it is number one number two it's totally ridiculous i never thought of it you were there you were you knew what was happening in the white house you have plenty of friends you never heard the word china mentioned in a thing like this you heard a lot of anger about china on trade and we made a great trade deal you heard a lot of anger in china with the china virus but uh for them for him to say for him to say that i would even think about attacking china i think he's trying to just get out of his incompetent withdrawal out of afghanistan the worst the dumbest thing that anybody seen probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to our country where they they killed our soldiers they we left with embarrassment on our face we left americans behind and we left 85 billion dollars worth of the best equipment in the world that i bought because i was the one that rebuilt our military and then biden gave it away for him to say that i was going to attack china is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard and everybody knows it and i have to tell you i don't know if they have him on tape saying this but i found woodward and i found his cohorts to be extremely dishonorable people that's why i didn't do an interview with him i think he's highly overrated this guy is one of the most overrated guys he's a sleaze but i did not ever think of attacking china one other thing i just read a report about a week ago where they said donald trump was the only president in decades that didn't start a war so there's trump and and what he is responding to is now rick there's a book coming out called peril yeah and uh and and woodward's in on this and several other guys and they you know they they're having all these behind the scene things that went on in the last days of the trump presidency and they are saying that the chief of staff uh general mark milley that he reached out to the chinese communist to his equal over there whatever the general in charge was to let them know that even though trump was acting crazy that they were in control he even said at one point sometimes democracy looks messy but we're not going to let him launch some crazy attack here in the last days of his presidency and if an attack got launched we will give you advance notice on it so basically you have a general saying i'm gonna call a potential enemy and let them know what we're doing which is by the way treason that's what i was going to say now and here here is the problem with this so the retired lieutenant colonel alexander venman who is no fan of president trump was the star witness in the impeachment he says that if this happened millie should resign immediately i will say this he ought to be tried for treason because and millie i mean vinman here points this out he usurped civilian authority over the military he broke the chain of command he violated the principle of civilian control over the military it's an extremely dangerous precedent you simply you can't simply walk away from that and so him an outspoken critic of trump is saying if this happened millie should retire immediately and step down and and even possibly face charges so rick keep in mind if you and the reason that that that general milly is so out of line here if this happened okay we're going to say if this happened he can't he doesn't have that authority right that's not his call if he thinks the president is unhinged okay we have a way to deal with that the 25th amendment isn't that where they declare him uh oh we're all stable and they take it off we're all reading it yeah i know we've all brushed up on that lately yes we have so that's the way you handle it not i'm in charge i'll make the decision i'll let everybody know i'm we got it together and we're not going to attack you and if the president does something crazy i'll let you know about it i mean rick that's that you talking about dictators this guy's is off the hook and i i don't know what in the world his deal is do you think this is the guy who is in charge it's his you talk about the buck stops here he is head of the joint chiefs of staff he is over all the military so he is responsible for that debacle in afghanistan remember he was the one that said he was concerned about uh uh white this and you know he's all into the woke thing oh yeah what was it he what was the term he used uh um it was something about he was wanting to study that in other words he's doing he's he's you're talking about critical race theory yeah in that but he said he's worried he was uh wanting to know about wide anger or something and all this instead of having a plan for getting out of afghanistan which you should be doing right leave the woke stuff to somebody else no we've said this before you worry about the military assets you left behind yeah see we've said this before and we and i and it's one of the and this was not a political issue this is somebody uh that we've heard this on people who served in our military that may have who knows what their worldview is but what they keep saying is the military is a different deal and like bubba just said about wokeness and the quote that i heard used was we should not with all these societal experiments we are willing to do as people we should not practice these social experiments inside the military because people get killed and and our security is is at risk because we're worried more to bubba's point about if we have the proper wokeness or political correctness as opposed to how do we get our people out of out of afghanistan and not leave them behind and let's please not arm an enemy of our country uh with weapons that we intended for those that would oppose them uh probably a better use of time so it's an allegation in this book i guess now would it be some sort of process to try to confirm whether millie did did say and do these things because well i'm sure when when the book comes out there'll be a lot of questions i'm sure a lot of people in congress are concerned because this is a total break in the chain of command for the military for our nuclear weapons and nancy pelosi's in on this too see she called millie and said hey this guy's unhinged this was after the riot that got out of hand at the capitol and um basically wanting him to take the nuclear football away from trump which you cannot do the president has that authority now there's a chain of command he can't launch an attack by himself none of them can but for him to say and pull on these well the president's looking unhinged i better step in i'm in charge that's exactly what our whole chain of command is set up to prevent that's crazy yeah look and if he called the chinese to say anything he is he is guilty of treason that is ridiculous i don't care how woke he is well again if you have the star witness fellow military personnel in the impeachment of trump who also thinks you should be removed then this seems to be pretty non-political it seems to be just right and wrong because as you said a country uh cannot have the military breaking the chain of command of civilian authority because we're supposed to be the people who govern ourselves and if you think the president is off the farm we have a process for that it's not i'm in charge i'll call our enemy not once but twice and tell them what's going on that's not his job top of the hour he ought to know them [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] six minutes past the hour from the broadcast plaza and teleport team rick and bubba all here uh we will do the wonderful will of meat before the week is done so it could be today tomorrow or friday speedy the real greg burgess helmsey and eddie van adler all here wednesday bible study back today watch it live on the youtube channel at uh noon central time one o'clock eastern then it'll be archived uh not to about an hour hour and a half later uh and then we put it out on all of our social media platforms uh you can get audio or video and then you can catch it on your own time uh here's bill bubba busey back for another hour rick glad to be here and thank you for letting me pull up a chair here behind ole mic number two bubba you know we all are concerned and again before i say this we all are concerned um but on this show we have several several more than one teachers uh that are represented uh and and i'm talking about teachers that have been in public education uh you know my our dad who you know i know you know coaches teachings it feels a little different but but anyway still there uh greg's great son daughter uh my sister greg sister um so we we we've spent our family spent a lot of time and they're in education still doing out there trying to doubt they're getting after so we're not anti but i'm very very all of us are concerned about the type of education not not so much the teachers but what what the department of education which we should have never allowed to be creative uh our what's going on at our colleges and some of the things uh now i'm about to play a video or we are about to play a video uh audio and and video of a teacher that is going to tell you that she believes we need to stop encouraging students to behave uh and you will not believe why you will not believe to behave here it is so if pbis concerns itself with positive behaviors um we have to ask ourselves okay well what are those positive behaviors and it's things like making sure that you're following directions and making sure that you're sitting quietly and you are in your seat and all these things that come from white culture the idea of just sitting quiet and being told stuff and taking things in in a passive stance is not a thing that's in with many cultures so if we're positively enforcing these behaviors we are by extension positively enforcing elements of white culture which therefore keeps whiteness at the center which is the definition of white supremacy what an e i don't even know i don't even make sense let me ask you sitting there in an orderly fashion and not just disrupting the class is white thing that's a white thing you know i wonder is getting a paycheck a white thing because we could solve that for him right yeah really you catch the flag in the background all right so i didn't have it i didn't need to fly but anyway so he had me his first word i had it so this is someone who is a teacher now adler we don't have a written part of this uh but you i don't know where this person teaches i don't know if you knew that uh where it came from or whatever but uh it's in our country right that's all i need to know this is this is again this is this is part of our american educational system guys do you realize and i just want to be clear because these these woke white people yeah and people worse by the way and pay attention please pay attention the number of times that i have looked and watched video of someone who is standing up against whiteness on behalf of minorities if you notice when you look at these crowds most of them are wall or woke white people uh and you know that that are guilty they feel guilty about their whiteness by the way and this is them overcompensating yeah okay for some guilt they have about being white uh but but here's the thing that i that that's i will and i know this is just going to just crush the heart of the white woke okay because they think they're so loving and they think they're so but what they don't understand and here it comes they don't understand how condescending they are exactly two minorities okay they stand up and speak on your behalf and the things they keep saying is you are in in you're too inadequate to make your own way you can't even sit and behave in a class that shouldn't be asked of you because that's not your culture and this the white people want you behaving is white because you know what that really means you know you're not capable of that yeah and white people expect you to i mean you know anyway really wow he's really saying some other things now i want to be said if you exactly that's where i'm going uh but i'm trying to be as delicate as possible but all right he he he teaches at blackbird high school in blackburn virginia and blacksburg i'm sorry there's an s in there you're right blacksburg which is that's ironic but anyway so uh that's our honey it's almost like a babylon bee head there really is a white teacher from blacksburg uh it says that sitting and behaving is white let me go back to this again okay now listen all of us went to school and i had teachers that were both black and white okay and i'm sure if i'm sure there were some that that were some other ethnicity um you know that i can't recall but i do know that i had black teachers and i had white teachers and both of them told me to sit down and be quiet exactly uh and and i did uh the the ones who could paddle good i was quieter yeah the ones who were weak with the paddle or never would discipline i i was rowdy and loud and talked a lot and wouldn't and wouldn't sit down as much ms lawler made you come up front and down that only happened well miss lawyer who who was a black woman who taught me they would put her in jail today if she was teaching oh yeah because let me tell you what she wanted an orderly classroom and she demanded it and she made sure it happened and it did and can you imagine i want you to call me greg and i know we've talked about this but i want you to imagine today because you know we always make the joke and and it goes over going to speak to these different men's groups and when i always if i do any of the dad humor i say if you don't know my dad and i did this in texas if my dad was coaching today he would be in jail you know i mean that that kind of thing and he's not the only one there's a lot of coaches that came from that same era well well miss lawler i mean bob i just want you to imagine the the these soft some pathetic parents of today if miss lawler had their child as as i did and my mother applauded ms lawler yes my dad applauded miss lawler she would make you come up to the front of the room bend over and touch your toes with your rear end facing the class and you stayed like that till she was ready while she was going through her monologue having them read a chapter she would go over to her drawer pull out her paddle or ruler still reading out of chapter four for the for the class walk over the class sees her coming you don't even know it you know and because they're not going to gas because if they make noise now they're going to be up there with you and then she would rare back and she wow and she would she would light that honey up and tell you to return to your seat and i told you to sit down be quiet a lot of times she making stuff had been over for a long time yeah and i don't know how to break it to this little little snowflake here but that was a black woman in charge of a class and i i think she knows the black culture uh most of of people that i know that were raised by parents who were black they sounded a lot like my white parents that they did not tolerate foolishness that's right i don't know where that he gets that your child not acting in an orderly manner is a white thing i have not noticed that i think he's completely wrong yeah and and how about the audacity of even saying this this is a guy who has been spoiled and babied and had had oil rubbed on him so so he don't get out in the sun and get something on this this this person has been raised in such a soft ridiculous society he's literally had to get on tick tock and invent a problem that doesn't even exist yeah uh you know making kids sit down and be quiet now if you want to come back and say that's whiteness white supremacy that's how he ended it right did you see him walking and do you realize how disrespectful that is oh yeah when white supremacy actually exists this is a god that is comparing children to to sit down and be orderly in a classroom he's comparing that to movements like the kkk can you believe that i mean and that's how far we've gone i think we've done such a good job to eradicate white supremacy we now have to invent it and now the problem is as we've said a thousand times the boy who cried wolf now when there's something we should be concerned about somebody says hey you know i see some white supremacy groups building people god's probably what that a teacher is talking about ain't going to be concerned about yeah what were they going to say everybody sit down and be quiet uh and so the damage that people like this do and that's the reason why on this show they're always going to be called out i mean we can't let statements like that go because if you if you let the statements like that go unopposed they get ground but surely is there anybody that watches that video and says you know he's got a point probably hey bubba probably so i want you to know there's a teacher teaching today in blacksburg virginia that believes it is white supremacy that's where children behaving in class came from white supremacy i can't even comment you don't even know it's just so silly i've never heard anything we'll be right back so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] 21 minutes past the hour rick and bubba show thank you for being with us [Music] i hear the bed music i saw the story where the governor of alabama has uh had her facebook page attempted to be taken down uh because of her saying that this mandate that the federal government is considering and trying to push through will not happen on her watch in the state of alabama uh and i look up and i see miss kaye is on the phone i mean so i mean let's let's go to miss k miss k you there welcome back miss k good morning richard good morning bill good morning speeding ms stams and mr alan mr greg it's a rainy day in the state of alabama how's everybody doing well you miss k we're doing great uh how are you doing are you doing okay well i'm just physical and um they just thought they were gonna be real sneaky snake and take down my post on my facebook page about um my new campaign but they just failed they said i'll miss them so so miss k let's be clear you you put a post up about the president's vaccination mandate and you told him that you wouldn't have that in your state and basically to bring it on and facebook didn't like it and took it down well yes they did they said that it goes against community standards it's what they said but i'm going to tell mr mark zuckerberg i got your number oh wow it's not against our community standards well he's on my list now he don't know what to do when he's messing with a hostile [Laughter] so you uh you made a few phone calls and you got it put back up though right yes i did i guess i did you know and not only am i a house temple but i'm an auburn graduate and you know i'm an auburn tiger and you don't mess with uh what tiger oh that that's true you that's right that you better believe it well and bless his heart oh forgetful joe he just needs a big old bottle of preparation he does you know a double ball as a matter of fact i'm talking to my doctor about when can you start on it myself but yeah uh miss k i bet you were quite the character back in college well um you know some things you know what they say in vegas what happens in vegas stays in vegas for what happens in the college stage stays back in the college state yeah was it called auburn then yeah i don't remember it was a polytechnic institute oh my goodness oh my god well um so you you the people of alabama you're clear there'll be no vaccine mandate here this is true i'm you know i'm not going to make you drop trail and stick a little uh needle in your head it's just gone it's up to you i i would recommend it but if you're unable to do it i i that is your choice but we just have to do what's best for ourselves well said well said well i like the fact that you're not letting the president overstep his constitutional bounds and tell you what you can and can't do in your own state well listen i felt like i'm slaves and blessed heart that's right he tried to be what did you say the sneaky thing they tried to do they just made a little sneaky snake okay well yeah thank you well i've got to get on i've got meetings today but i just wanted to say a little uh make you know make my peace with it and tell everybody that uh you do have the choice and that the choice is yours well you keep standing strong as a bull for alabama thank you thank you very much miss k well that's all i got to say about that as my friend parsonalt would say that's true that's that that's true i'll tell you what good luck trying to trip up a high stepper all right then well i love my high-stepping friends and we got live step one out of here together all right thank you miss kate it's so great to hear from you all right bless you now thank you from sweet home alabama there's missing there she is thank you miss kay all right i tried to build a little sneaky snake snake rick well and adder just put it up here is the tweet that uh the the governor of alabama actually put out and uh and and so you know it he kind of had miss kay drafting with him a little bit she does think everybody should be vaccinated yeah but she when when the mandate came in then uh that's that's when miss k start drawing the line you know miss k is uh in the record books now too did you know that she is the eldest serving governor in the united states of alabama i'm not surprised and there it is it ain't one of them you go hang really you got to be kidding me right now who thought greg you know how you know somebody's cooking when you smell the smoke i i smelt that if you would have said greg named the oldest governor in the united states you probably would have went with yeah right you know i felt like that guy standing on the pier with chicken throwing it out in the water yeah alligator yes she did speaking of that did you see um you know here's the tweet look at he says she here's the governor of alabama you bet i'm standing in the way and if he thinks he's gonna move me out of the way he's got another thing coming i'm standing as strong as a bull for alabama against this outrageous washington overreach bring it on that's that's that's gotta pull down for a while rick quoting the metal band judas priest got another thing coming yeah so so again let me ask you this how how does the people who run facebook if they're you know putting this out there for everybody where do they become the orators of free speech absolutely where do they become the person that says the governor can't say that yeah i know and and that's what they're trying to do and of course you saw and it was right under the the tweet uh that we just put up there i see once again the by the administration being being they're being as wrong as they can be on trying to convince people who are not sure about the vaccine of saying you know what i think i do need to go ahead and take it i mean when he start and i think a lot of this has to do goes back again with with his age which i mean miss k her faculty seem to be much more under control than the president which i know that's not saying i mean that's that's that's that's not no i'm just saying when you're comparing yourself to what we see with the president i mean that's i think that's not even a great compliment but but what i'm saying is when he starts the if these governors don't like it the buddy all you know he starts talking about he's gonna push the governors out of the way and here's here's the video listen to this if they'll not help these governors won't help us beat the pandemic i'll use my power as president to get them out of the way do you see what i mean i see statements like that yeah i mean you know what that does that takes the missed case of the of the country and they dig in yeah you see how dumb that is facebook is claiming that they got or they took her page down for about an hour they're claiming it's because they thought that it was an imposter page an impersonator page of kivy uh but the k iv uh campaign and people are saying no the reason the initial reason that they got from facebook was for like bullying and misinformation so there's no bullying bullying how about this that had the word bull in it but i mean uh rick they said that that's an imposter they mentioned the wreck above the ship this this goes back to we have a few very few people you count them on one hand deciding all the free speech in our country for the first time ever yeah you're right and they're unregulated and they're getting away with it and i'm shocked we've let them do it bottom of the hour we'll be right back [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dollars here [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] 35 minutes past the hour of the rick and bubba show thanks for being with us man church is going on everywhere tonight uh montgomery alabama montgomery alabama andy blanks from team man church will be kicking off the men's discipleship strategy at landmark church tonight montgomery join andy uh also coming up tomorrow uh you've got more man churches going on i will be in fairhope alabama first baptist church fair hope kicking it off there todd jones on the 19th of september we'll be speaking at winfield uh first baptist church in winfield alabama that's their second manned church as they continue the 23rd we got three different man churches going on in three different places i'll be at lakeside baptist church speaking there in birmingham kicking off the men's discipleship strategy uh helmsey will be in opa-locka they're in year two of the strategy he'll be speaking at their man church coming up on the 23rd of september and rich wingo will be at northside baptist in jasper alabama all three of those man churches three different places pick the one that's nearest you find those by going to click on the upcoming events and you'll see the events a link there click that it'll show you all the man churches that are going on across the country and find one and attend and if we can help you with your church implementing this discipleship strategy you can certainly contact us so bubba i know we were watching a story today you know we had a 16 year old that had been bitten by a shark somewhere on the arm he survived thank goodness but but adler's got a couple of videos uh out there and this is one with actor orlando bloom uh he's on some sort of paddle board uh and there's a great white shark that is swimming underneath him that that's of a pretty good size yeah this is off the coast of maui hawaii yeah and he he really is just kind of paddling along with the the shark kind of seems the sharks checking him out yeah but would you be doing what he's doing he's just kind of you know being kind and not not concerned not getting away from it oh no you think i had him you think i had an outboard on that baby right so you be you would you be going absolutely nuts absolutely so uh yeah i just i'd be like i was digging a hole to get in but could you make more noise and racket with the paddle that may cost you uh i hope it would scare him away but see what i don't like about this is not that they're being calm but that they're staying there yeah i would calmly be moving out of the area of the shark do you realize how easy that shark can turn over this paddle board i mean oh great it could bite it rotten too we've seen it so uh so anyway that's a big that's that's a pretty good-sized great white right yeah leave the heaves so then here's another one you know how we love fight videos so this one uh there's a full-grown man you know if you're going to attack somebody what he did not know is that the the 16-year-old that he is attacking and bubba i know you love this kind of stuff is a multiple-time junior world champion and brazilian jiu jitsu uh and this man picks the wrong person to attack and the 16 year old with a tremendous amount of composure uh gets the man under control pretty pretty easily so you you see him going over to attack now he doesn't know that this six oh my goodness bubba did you see that dump wow did you see him dump that grown man i mean you talk about picking the wrong person to mess with and look he's just remaining calm and the guy's kind of standing up now pulling his pants back up and he thinks he's going to go more at this point do you think he realizes okay this kid knows this kid has some skills that i don't know what he's thinking look look at him he just takes him and just keeps slamming him over and over again are we sure this is real because yeah i think most attackers would break away watch this right here when it doesn't go like this right here and boom oh i mean buddy he gets dumped out of the game boom really really bad see he gets off of him lets him up i don't know that you do that in real life yeah yeah i i i'm a little fishy about that greg i know you got a meter on it greg what's your meter on this one i mean because we we now have a full-blown face-off going i don't know who these other guys are yeah are they who's video on it why did they just happen to have their camera on yeah well unless it's happening out there in in benches on the street but um um so i don't know and and and and but i mean well right there that's a pretty good but what i'm saying is if i'm on fake one am i going to let you dump me like that on the concrete because he knows a guy can't do nothing with him right he's got that but most of the time an attacker wouldn't it's one of them when i leave you on the ground and go hey look i'm gonna let you up i'm gonna slam you down again or you're gonna have to calm down so maybe like i used to do rick when we were growing up right great okay so really what might be going on here is it's not an attack they're just i don't know because you see the guy dude he tries to knee him and then and then it's one of them i'm not gonna let somebody do that to me just for fun but yeah i mean it's like hey buddy this ain't even fair you know just quit what you're doing i'm gonna let you back up then here he comes again slams him again yeah but but wouldn't an attacker run off at that point if it was an attacker if it's a guy what's he what he said it was attack did not just get an argument getting a fight that's what i say it may just be a fight between two guys uh but the uh the guy goes after he picks the wrong guy they might have got a mouthing on the street or who knows but here comes the expert right here comes the brazilian jiu-jitsu give us the mindset of when you're putting brazilian moves on people textbook double leg take down friends yeah you get behind the knees you lock your hands and dumpy doo yeah but i mean he he had the upper hand no matter what yeah he laid him up it didn't matter cause he could just put him right back did you see how quick when once he did that big dump he how quick he got to his back and just had a knee right behind his head just like i could brain you at any time is that what that's called yeah when you're raining here you guys use that sling when you lay blows down on somebody's brain cause you have their back yeah yeah i mean it's just oh he's he that kid has done what he did just then he's done that a dozen times probably today right uh but this guy is 16 year old alex williams he's a bjj champ and uh his professor actually posted that video and was like buddy way to go you you exercise brazilian jiu jitsu in the way that you should and that is you do what you got to do and then you back off and then you do whatever you say you learn to fight so you don't have is there exactly right correct right from you yeah that night you remember that night you had that guy up here when you were doing this story and y'all were doing it boy you was really taking it to him he was a purple belt and he wrist locked me and over and over and over again destroyed me and old man old man came in here and and greg was here doing the dining room all right you got to watch this you got to watch us but you beat that girl and lonnie i'm sorry i called you an old man lonnie you're you're not an old man you'll come get yourself you do repelling instructionals for police officers you're a host well i'm sorry i called you an old man what belt are you now i'm still a white belt y'all since you guys stopped or anything i got three stripes on my white belt if i was consistent before the lockdown i would have gotten my blue for sure but i was not consistent and you got to be consistent gang you got to be good have you been in any more tournaments like you had that video of i've not done any more tournaments you had a one you got a you won a match since the lockdown i am so ashamed to say since the lockdown i have been to jiu jitsu four times well since the last house feel about that webby doesn't even know me anymore he's given up on you yes yes he's like you know the whole saying if you love something you got to set it free and see if it returns and that's i think what webby's done because he's wise jiu jitsu may be the most anti-social distancing right yeah i don't know if he's real popular especially when you pin somebody's head between your legs i mean you're just breathing the same air as the people like the exact same thing that's not called social differences i can't only think of maybe one thing that's even more that's right that's right and unfortunately it looks similar it does look similar look too so what what belt is that that move that you wrestled that time where is she now i've i've she's a blue belt now so she's better than me because she's yeah she's more committed she's much more consistent and committed than i am yes but you beat her that time y'all went head to head i'm not trying to brag but yeah i did but what's what happened you know i tried to break him make myself look good but that's what happened that's just what happened so there you go but um jiu jitsu i know we do a lot of stuff on the ground but it does you know especially at tournaments when you get to that kid's level you're right you do standing takedowns and things like that and you take the best from wrestling and you take the best from jujit uh from judo right and that's what he was doing yeah no he did and you're right and that took away the joke that i always have with you you know and which you're showing me that rick that joke's not going to work see we do takedowns too i got you yeah because i used to have the running joke like i tell you what if adrian can ever get me to sit down i'm in trouble yeah hey watch it or i might make you do crisscross applesauce and then it's on but so is there anything that the since this was his instructor or sensei or whatever it is did he specify was this a argument between friends is this a random guy that got mad at him who is this other guy that he that he keeps slamming the other guy i don't think he knew him or whatever i don't think he was involved in their you know martial arts community or anything like that because the guy didn't look like it no you think this is just a guy that maybe smarted off to him and they got into and the guy tried to take it to another level yes yes and then got slammed yeah and he might have been a little bit drunk you know drunk people want to fight all the time and they also have a greatly most people have a greatly inflated sense of their ability to fight that is correct because they haven't ever before so they think they're good at it i'll go back to this i'll quote from the song from the who who are you i remember throwing punches around and preaching from my chair yes and uh as he is now with the law enforcement who says if you'll just stop all this and go home we'll leave you alone uh and he and he and he turned down and a breeze blew through his hair and then breathed and he remembered throwing punches around and preaching from his chair but who are you right you know and uh so yeah yeah people intoxication as we call it they've been sipping courage you know and uh i didn't help him in that i had an encounter like that one time at the track when i was beyond those days but this guy's was still in those days and he got he got a little courageous because of the courage in the can and i didn't know brazilian jiu jitsu but i was willing to make life miserable but you had been on a football line many many i just said man i'm telling you just you're drinking courage it's about to get real ugly just man just move on just just move on don't ever go against somebody that has a lot of reps no if they got a lot of reps pushing other people around they're going to be better at it than you yeah yep bad bad leroy brown nobody learns a lesson to them no they don't we'll be back more wrecking by the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] it's nine minutes to the top of the hour and there is the phone troll music which means all 10 lines are now open and you can reach us at 866 we be big uh you can make a comment you can ask a question you can bring information to the show comment on what you've heard bring up your own information uh it's all designed to go through a lot of callers quickly 30 seconds of pop at the end of 30 seconds the buzzer sounds your time on the program comes to a close we go to another caller and we continue to go through rapid fire there are no meaningless shout outs or shameless plugs allowed in the phone troll they will garner an instant buzzer or if for some reason the person screening the phone puts you on the board knowing that you're about to try meaningless shout out or shameless plug i will simply ignore your call uh so this is about making comments asking questions bringing information to the table as you were getting lined up relief factor uh has been teaming up with the rick and bubba show for many many years and we love the product it's all natural it helps the body's inflammatory response uh with four botanicals that have all you know showed signs of helping on their own but now they're all together in a power pack and pamela who is listening to the show out of west virginia says i can't take a lot of the prescribed medicine because i get side effects i heard you guys talking about relief factors so i thought that i would get it and since i started taking the product i can actually sleep again i had not been able to to sleep on my sides or my stomach which is how i prefer to sleep for over a year because of the pain in my shoulders radiating down my arms i love this product because it's helped me with this pain and i'm now sleeping if you are a listener and you're thinking about it i would suggest that you give it a try relief get you a quick start pack for 19.95 the reason why we do three weeks because inside three weeks you should know if it's working for you or not uh you also can refine it by going to rick and bubba dot com looking under the sponsors button the link to relief is there as well all right so let's uh let's go to dallas out of springville dallas welcome to the rick and bubba show how are you good morning guys uh real quick i couldn't get in with the cd earlier so got a good one uh for y'all to consider uh miss a uh just called in and remember back in january uh let out a little burp at a press conference so how about rick and mother letting him out a little air laying out letting out a little air that's right because i think somebody had sent in better out of the attic than the basement that is correct uh as a matter of fact that bit does make this year's cd yeah it was it was a winner randy is in nashville randy welcome to rick and bubba how are you sir hey guys uh good morning to all all of you listen quick question two things two things that are gone uh in the studio when are you gonna maybe let people back in as guests in the studio and then thanksgiving is coming turkey toss uh in nashville uh you guys ever planning on coming back uh there's no plan to come back any time uh that's on a date as far as turkey toss the way you get back in the studio is to bring us food no we're just kidding you know i i don't know i'm not speaking for the entire show but uh we have been open about this and we'll keep discussing this you know we're the broadcast plaza and teleport is about to come to an end uh at the end of this year and sometime next year we don't know when because you never know how long these things take but we'll be uh moving to a new studio uh sometime at the first of next year so if if this spike and the variant and all that doesn't level off we hope that it does and in some places it has um start has leveled off a little bit but it's still an issue and all we're really trying to do is just minimize uh the number of people that you you know spend in close quarters together um so uh so anyway it could be that you don't see that again until we get settled in the new studio i don't know yeah we you know we've looked at the numbers and there's even been several studies on it the number of people you interact with each day uh your chances of of catching or spreading the covet goes down remarkably if you go from like 50 people you normally contact to down into the 40s and really it's just about keeping the show on the air we just we didn't want everybody here to get possibly infected at one time and nobody be here to do the show so conditions on the ground are going to kind of dictate that and as soon as it rolls back off hopefully in the near future we'll be able to do that if not we'll just have to hold the line until yeah and the game changer really was when we realized that the vaccine cannot keep you from getting the variant right so because we have people fully vaccinated we have people with natural antibodies and so the natural antibodies you know who knows whether that you know do i know anybody with natural antibodies that knew they had antibodies that got the variant i don't i'm not saying it doesn't happen yeah i'm sure i'm sure it does but when we found out that the variant really couldn't be stopped as far as you getting it it can be managed where it's not bad for you right that kind of that kind of changed it because you know you can i'm really don't like don't feel at risk at all even going to a ball game and being outside or being at some sort of gathering where people aren't sitting close together for long periods of time but this in here in the studio you bring in 12 people a day that i mean you're in close quarters you know for four hours uh three hours if they come at the time it says on the ticket so so uh you know that that just we felt like was an unnecessary situation to even put the golden ticket seats in yeah i mean you know what what if the person sitting next to you in the golden ticket seats is the one that gives it to you and you're sitting there next to them for three hours so and the bottom line we we need to have a show there so we gotta have make sure that we can do that and you know we've tried to manage it best we can and so far we've been you know semi-successful so as far as turkey toss uh it it feels like turkey toss is over uh some things have a lifespan on the show and they don't come back um i'm not saying that'll never happen again but there's no plans to do it uh but that not this year i don't think you're going to have any extra curricular activity that would encourage a crowd at this point yeah i know we're going to ball games and that's good yeah i'm glad turkey tossed wouldn't really bother me because i think it's outside and and but we really just don't seem like that there's a it just feels like it had an expiration date i'm not saying it's over in my mind but i'm just saying i don't think we're going to do it this year right yeah all i was saying is he asked the question do you have plans to do turkey talks again and the answer is no no but that doesn't mean we won't ever do it right but but to answer your question do we have plans to do it no uh let's go to uh anita thank you for the the call and the questions anita go ahead it's the way you do the troll he did it perfect go ahead anita uh yes sir i got an idea for your uh cd title okay uh on the road to damascus and spelled the damascus and hyphenated beasts that's funny how about that it's very really good uh let's go to uh anonymous and meridian 97.9 go ahead hey guys i just wondered if y'all had heard that new song by um fire for fighting it's kind of like a protest song against biden's uh surrender in afghanistan first protest song i've heard in 45 years let's put it that way oh is it it's a protest song yes it's by called blood on my hands or blood on his hands you know what i have not fantastic so so you're we thought you were setting up a joke so you're being serious no no no no this is this is an actual song that's been released by fifa fighting no i haven't seen it so thank you for that i'm out of the loop uh top of the hour if you're if this is your time and you're done with us and you want to try to know how to get all the rick and bubba content every day go to all the details are there if you got more rick and bubble we'll be back and bubba [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] i [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it is six minutes past the hour from the broadcast plaza and teleports speedy the real greg burgess helmsey eddie van adler team rick and bubba all here and to get everybody on the field somebody signal him there's bill bubba buster rick glad to be here and thank all of you for joining us for the little thing we call the rick and bubba show bubba i know you can't announce it saturday night live alum norm mcdonald dead at 61. yeah he uh thank you for announcing that rick he'd had a nine year bout with cancer uh and very few people knew about it um you know i saw him more recently on the middle he was the brother of the husband on there and he would show up and he was pretty much a deadbeat now he played a good dad yeah he did yeah he did very dry very dry delivery greg i know your uh standard for comedy is extremely high uh did norm mcdonald make the uh the cut he uh i liked him on a weekend update on saturday night live yeah and his yeah his old dry delivery was pretty good did you like him i went like an uber fan but i i wasn't anti you know he was the anchor of the news part of saturday night live when bill clinton was in office and oj happened so you talking about boys yeah yeah that's a lot of keepers right there you know what else i think that you you like and you've forgotten bert reynolds on celebrity jeopardy yes yes yes yes and he was good at it those are very funny so uh he went on in uh i know that um uh some of you i are not as sad because he didn't die of covid but he did die of cancer uh and uh so uh uh norm mcdonald and this leads into this next thing that we were discussing and i know this is is this an apple plus original show yeah so i remember when somebody sent me the video uh and what's the comedian's name again girl he said sedakis they say his last name yeah i'm thinking of neil siddaugh i think it's the dankest but i could be yeah that's probably right right yeah all right everybody knows who we're talking about he's he's funny he's been in a lot of movies yeah i mean a lot of them so somebody sent me the video when he this character was created ted lasso and they sent it to me because of my disdain for soccer and and and it was hilarious like you said bubba we watched it the uh the american football coach comes to some soccer team or what do they call them clubs and he and it was a very funny bit it was just a video and i thought that was kind of the end of it so i'm i'm going to all my streaming services and i see ted lasso and i saw it several times and i didn't really pay attention to it because i thought well that's that video i've already seen that and then i started realizing no somebody has created a full-blown series about this character ted lasso so he plays it this is his show this is his show yeah and so it has been so successful it has earned 20 emmy nominations and bubba guess what we always talk about in the whole entertainment business oh you'd love for that contract to run out when you were at the top of your game oh yeah oh yeah and so this thing had been radically successful i've never seen an episode of it but i thought the original video was funny not maybe have a high yuck factor i don't know the the language in it um you know the um there's i don't know how to say i'm not going to say that never mind it really tries to bring you into an english soccer club and so some of the language that they use they they like to use certain words but he's but he's he's an american football coach that has been assigned to european soccer correct so now uh they're looking to a third season the first two seasons have been radically successful and how about this oh jason and the gang are sitting there in a place of leverage and it looks like they're going to get a very lucrative deal to do a third season for apple plus and they teased even the fourth season they're like we're making this long term but he went from making a couple of hundred thousand per episode to now i think it's gonna be a million one million bubba he has negotiated on a show that was developed solely on streaming yeah i remember the original commercial where he was he was being a football coach and he kept getting demoted and finally ended up in europe as a soccer coach yeah and knew nothing about soccer right and he even said he didn't know anything and it was like a little comedy bit but now it's become a full-blown show two full seasons 20 emmy nominations and now the lead actor who created what we one time thought was just a funny comedy bit ted lasso he will get one million dollars per episode and ain't no that's seinfeld money you know and ted lasso the character has this uh optimistic demeanor about him where you know he's always positive he's got you know these you know silly little american folksy saiyans or whatever and he tries to win over the english with that personality and it's just kind of funny because they're all kind of coming along to it but you know you got different cultures colliding um but it uh it's very good the comedian himself put out that he's very excited because it appears that the i money truck is pulling up so and even the other cast members uh they will take they will get raises as much as 50 to 75 75 000 more per episode for them as well now what is the name of the series ted lasso it's just called ted last year saw ted lasso yeah i haven't seen any of that part of it since it's become an official show well let me tell you you know what he's been in so many movies the last few years i mean he must be really busy yeah i'm trying to get all that done but i guess the thing that threw me is the time that video was sent to you and me and we we were years ago and we laughed at it i never knew that it turned into a full-blown no i didn't know series to like i said i look up at the selections and i look on top of my tv and i'm like well there's that guy doing that ted lasso thing again right and uh but it's a full-blown now two full seasons uh show that has been extremely popular so what you're saying and what you saw is it um promos for nbc's sports coverage of the premier league he was playing a character is that where he was first portrayed i guess and then somebody said and it kind of grew legs and developed a series to your point that apple plus ended up getting so um i don't have apple plus so i don't see some of these series but really bill bubba bussey doesn't have apple plus no i haven't i haven't i've still got some of the more traditional uh viewing habits but i'm you know i'm always looking for a change so yeah again i haven't seen you and apple i just i thought that no i have the i have the apple tv that's what i watch some other stuff on but i just never got the apple plus yeah because it's subscription right well but they what you can do and that's how i found out about it is you get to do the the trial right and so i i've looked at some of the stuff on there and there's some pretty good programming on there that's original but again it's really really really hard yeah to find anything that you watch and feel good about yeah well that's the thing so that's why i'm kind of like and i have because i see them after me now are you going to start paying for it and i'm kind of yeah that's i guess the closest i've come to that is youtube tv and that's kind of where i've been uh but i'm always still looking at them you know the fact that they're doing all their so many i guess apple plus may be the leader in original programming for the streaming people right at least lately since they went all the money into it i don't know i don't know if they've got more original programming what i would say they started out with original programming only so they they don't do other people's stuff i don't think do they how's that do they still offer other people stuff i thought it was all their own stuff well it's it do they have a ton of original programming but through apple plus you can see a couple of a number of different things and so like you've got you know the discovery plus paramount plus uh you've got um you know amazon prime netflix i mean you get the list goes on and on but through amazon plus you can get a variety of different things but they have their original programming as well i thought they'd get you out there well i mean my goodness yeah okay so think apple plus bubba as netflix or amazon prime right their version but that's what i thought okay think that don't think don't compare it to youtube tv or or you know or fubo or fire's direct stream yeah don't don't see we need a ted lasso who's trying to figure out streaming by the way you know what what's all this fire stick stuff i keep here that's just a that's just like a road boy my kid my kids will carry a fire stick from one from one apartment to another yeah that's the roku that's the amazon yeah that's the first round of apple tv they love a fire stick yeah because you can plug it into any tv but what i didn't know because apple plus for me when i when i tried it yeah i immediately went to the original program because honestly honestly and yeah i love going to watch stuff that i already know all mankind is on the original program that's one reason i haven't seen it because i don't have it and the one that drew me in is i really wanted to enjoy but it was so nasty that it became childish it's almost like the language was so over the top that it was childish i mean it felt like that they were even pretending to be fouling them it was the one that was going to be that had jennifer aniston and the news uh morning shot michael scott michael scott that guy yeah yeah uh that actor what's his name michael scott right yeah i gotta tell you exactly who you're always michael scott yeah right yeah that's down there the one i love you know because i've got this thing now where they pull up these clips from the office and i just think the office was of course it couldn't be on the air today because it was so politically incorrect but funny though when they go to his office he says i tell you i just don't like very much when i if i disappoint someone and i really don't like when i disappoint everyone uh and when he said that he's not superstitious he's now i'm a little stitching a little stitches but anyway that that morning show it was about a network spoons in it yeah and i thought this is going to be really really good so i thought it's something original because you know i kind of get tired of watching things i already know what they are like somebody do something worth the crap that's new and good luck and and i thought to myself well this looks like a kind of show i would like but again the language was so horrible i just was there's two shows on apple i mean for all mankind yep you don't like stuff like the mosquito coast that's a good show too and you don't have to deal i mean there's a cuss word ever blue moon but not like what you're talking about because you're gonna get what you're talking about with ted lasso too yeah that's why i didn't i figured that and i didn't go there i thought the original comedy video was funny uh we'll be back more rick and bubba next [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pass the gravy please all right we're back 22 minutes show here we go pandemic updates some of the weird pandemic stories and some sad stories and ironic stories and confusing stories and all right so let's uh let's work through it uh first of all under the dang the luck uh greg i don't know if you saw this story i did uh we we have a man uh in louisiana kind of cruel that uh had been wrongfully uh put on death row by the way these stories always i can't imagine what it would be like to be on death row and you're like i really i did not do this i know everybody on here says it yeah i really don't know i really honestly didn't do this uh it is finally proven that he was wrongfully uh put on death row dna evidence helped uh to prove that he was innocent of the murder how many years uh after 15. he'd been sitting there 15 years 15 years but then here comes the dang the luck 16 years in jail 15 on death row wow oh bubba oh and he's innocent right yes he is greg but he finally gets his freedom but guess what happens what's that he died of coving so i hate to bring this up right right right the picture of him being released here and one of the gifts that he got was a minnesota vikings hat right um i kid you not greg you're a fan well i mean he must be uber fan if if the first thing i do when you get off death row for being wrongly convicted is give you a minnesota vikings hat that means the vikings mean a lot to you evidently yeah well he moved i guess back as he made something he moved to minnesota and that was one of the gifts oh i said okay restart his life gotcha eventually uh he eventually settled down with his family in texas but died on september the second of complications from coven 19. he was 47 years old so louisiana spent a minute behind bars yep to texas and and i and i i don't want to this is it's awful what happened but really he was safer in jail uh he got he actually well he became a death row because he's pretty much you know in solitary yeah but yeah he became a long-haul trucker after restarting his life was on the road to um in early august when he landed in jacksonville florida hospital with covid a few days after getting his first dose of the vaccine so he got the first dose and and then got covered went long enough yep and uh did he catch it why it was behind bars or did no after he got out he was on the road he was a long-haul trucker and on the road again was in jacksonville when he fell ill you know what though i'd rather be out of jail and and and dive cover than to stay in jail on death row you know especially if i was innocent if i've been on death row for 15 years i think i'd want to be a truck driver you did freedom on the highway i'm just driving yeah i've been sitting in a sail for 15 years now i'm driving how about that i get that's why he took that we're going to get to the fouchy because you're not going to believe that dr fauci and now nicki minaj are at odds but yeah i can't even believe i'm saying that but let me get the easy updates first because we'll probably have to spend a segment on that other one uh covet 19 vaccine boosters the fda is saying probably unnecessary for most they're saying over 50 well this is this is that thing where it looks like the biden administration is out and and he's saying we're going to start boosters we're going to oh he's going to talk about that for a while and you know the fda is saying hold on we haven't approved that and we have people over it the data doesn't show that and they had two of the commissioners quit and said we're not going to be a part of this so they're basically saying that when the booster is ready the fda is saying i really believe this should only be given to people that are in you know have immunity problems are at high risk it was probably just a third dose of what they've already got yeah there's not nothing different they said if you got fully vaccined and you're pretty normally healthy you probably don't need the booster because it's not really the thing that they were originally talking about they're backing off that you know they were saying eight months is about looks like they figured if you've been eight months you need to get another one yeah they this doesn't they now seem to say that most people do not need a booster meaning it's not gonna change the situation you already know i heard i heard a lady who was in this industry talking about this on a show and she said you know we're not saying you're gonna need a booster every year like the flu shot but she said a lot of the boosters you get even for other diseases takes two or three to you know to fully be covered and kicked in so i i don't know you hear different things from different people some people saying yeah it's gonna be like the flu because you have to deal with it every year i don't know a judge has blocked new york's vaccine mandate for christian health care workers right and on the grounds that it interferes with their religious freedoms and this judge has ruled if christians object to receiving any vaccine because of the cell lines of aborted fetuses were used in the testing then they have a religious right to do so and you can't make them take it so religious exemption actually supported uh by new york uh by a judge uh the district judge uh and uh from uh from new york says that new york cannot mandate a health care worker who is a christian to take a vaccine that violates their religious convictions so that's that that's you've opened the door there yep uh so so there you go and i guess as i predicted we're we're so late in this segment don't you think fouchy versus nicki minaj it needs his own segment yeah because if you if you read this that's a battle you know we do have um i think it was with jake tapper i think we have the video too of fouchy responding to that how this all happened yeah or just the response of the accusation that you know this is what's going on with her family and there's two stories that we're gonna have a difficult time updating yeah one of them was the nick saban player press conference we can't really play that audio and what nicki minaj is concerned about is also going to require some kid gloves yeah we've also got the story rick about big meat hits back at bodies big mead is tired of being plain blamed for inflation they're saying hey it's not big meat's fault it's biden's fault everybody's blaming big meat yeah well big meat's going to cost a lot it's unhealthy yeah but it's short for snot i love yeah give me a steak bottom of the hour more rick and bubba next and bubba rick and bubba [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] 15. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do do thanks for being with us cook's pest control and centra con teaming up for termite protection that is second to no one you literally build a fort around your property and termites cannot penetrate unlike the southern border it is secure uh but cook's pest control can also help you uh with your month-to-month pest control at your property your home your business whatever the case may be even new home construction contractors all you have to do is go to and they'll give you a free no obligation inspection and evaluation of the property uh that's or also look for that link at under the sponsors button and you can sing with us looky looky lucky here comes cookie all right so we continue with our bad medicine update uh from fauci and the good time gang uh so now i i just didn't think i would read this headline vouchee is at odds with nicki minaj yeah i just didn't see that that coming about out of this rick uh you uh she and i'll just i'll i'll really really take greg's mic down again but she says that her cousin's friend uh in trinidad yeah and trinidad had a bad reaction to the vaccine involving the male reproductive uh capability her cousin's friend in trinidad yes and and you know their neighbor and there have been some people that have said there's been some concerns uh on a on a side effect which fauci seems to ignore in his comments that there have been some young women that have seen some issues uh that could be a side effect of the of the vaccine involving their reproductive um system so anyway and i'm not saying any large degree but to say there's been nothing is is really not true but but anyway so fauci uh is asked about this by by is it jake tapper asking this cnn uh and so courtesy of cnn here is the conversation that i never thought i would hear dr fauci discussing nicki minaj dr fauci is there any evidence that the pfizer the mederna or the j j vaccines cause any reproductive issues in men or women the answer to that uh jake is a resounding no there's no evidence that it happens nor is there any mechanistic reason to imagine that it would happen so the answer to your question is no how can health authorities even attempt to combat this kind of misinformation coming from somebody who is a huge and beloved international star like nicki minaj bit of a stretch it's very difficult the there is a lot of misinformation mostly on social media and the only way we know to counter miss and disinformation is to provide a lot of correct information and to to essentially uh debunk these kinds of claims which you know may be you know innocent on her part i'm not you know blaming her for anything but she should be thinking twice about propagating information that really has no basis as except a one-off anecdote and that's not what science is all about there's anecdotal again now i want you to hear what he said and adler pointed to this in the break and he's right he is saying that the way that we combat this information which is that we need to have more information from us what he's saying is what we need to do is we we will give you not just here's all the information available and then you do your job of vetting it out and and look at the resource because honestly okay let's just get real let's get real rick i do believe that that if i was you know listening to a scientist and a medical doctor i would probably go into the medical community and i'll tell you there's an opportunity for those you in birmingham to listen to some i would listen to all the different doctors and scientists of equal credentials and then i would listen to what they agree and disagree on and i'd look in there and say well i would see where i was i don't think i know that i heard tapper uh earlier in the video says you know and this should tell you a lot about the world that nicki minaj has 180 million people who follow her on social media wow i'm gonna say 180 million again all there's 180 million people in this world that want to know what nicki minaj is doing today and that's shocking but didn't explain life hey does it explain a lot things are clear now but but let's say that i'm somebody that says hey she's got a few pop hits i like i don't say that but i know people that might so she must know about it still doesn't mean look i really really really enjoyed the music of tom petty and the heartbreakers but there was never a time that i thought that tom petty's opinion on something scientific or morally uh you know mean anything to me i just you know thought hey these are some good songs but when i saw him holding his no nukes sign yeah i realized that that was preposterous because to say that we we shouldn't have nuclear weapons you know this is that this left version of foreign policy that if we'll play nice everybody else will play nice and i wish things were that way but they're just not so you have to be prepared because the rest of the world can be unpredictable okay so anyway but that didn't make me go well i don't like american girl anymore by tom petty but i never thought because tom petty had a big fan base that i should go to him for lots of information on other things that's common sense yeah but but but but but nowadays our worship of our celebrities they must be right you know when her when her reference is my cousin's friend and trinidad had you know that's you know got swollen this yeah i don't feel if you read the whole thing he was about to get married and now his soon-to-be bride called off the wedding my cousins friends dogs owner and trinidad knows his aunt but the the thing that should concern us is that what fauci is basically saying is we must combat these people by us putting out more stuff from us and um and and and look we are living in a time see and you said in the break greg and i agree with you we need to get back to the time that people can say whatever they want to say and you may not like it and it may hurt your feelings it may even be damaging uh but then you you know i'm not talking about we do know you can't yell fire in the theater which means you can't put people that and cause panic and and outrage but as far as people having opinions let's just see but what fauci do he does the same thing that he claims that nicki minaj is doing the fouchy doesn't want you to hear from another doctor or scientist that disagrees with him you know he declares them now to be to be less a scientist see it's easy to say nicki minaj didn't know what she's talking about because we all kind of go yeah he's probably right but what he'll also turn around and say is that peter mccullough doesn't know what he's talking about uh and other doctors and others right or well you know you remember how he said that common sense is a superpower and i do realize that there seems to be and i hope this is true and stays that the vaccine can be a good treatment that may keep you out of the hospital uh and and increase your chances of not having a hard time with the variant but it is a fact that it does not keep you from getting the variant so that's that's an absolute fact right and so greg said in the break which was hilarious who is fully vaccinated yeah i'm everybody that's complaining about people that don't want the vaccine and they're demonizing these people and all this one of the greatest selling points of the vaccine would be that it actually works there's there's nothing that that could make the vaccine more desirable it doesn't then for it to actually work that you get it and you're done with this right you don't have to wear them asking go what you do what you want to do and just head on i'm still for the facts as it is but it works but you know what i'm saying you're just saying common sense yeah they're acting like the way they talk they act like the vaccines and that's confusing that the vaccine is is it to deny the vaccine is for you to deny a a cure that is right there and you could be safe and not have any issues with this variant or variance to come if you want to be safe you get the vaccine and because because but but that really isn't completely true now but you could also say if you want to be safe try to get the infusion when you get it hey if you want to be safer take care of yourself health-wise which fouchy said two years ago and if you keep falling on the part well hey if you have the vaccine it will help you probably not go to the hospital that's a good thing you know do we do we know fully vaccinated people that just ask for the infusion because they were in such bad shape yes yeah but if you if you trust the numbers the numbers are higher see they won't do that greg i totally agree with that the numbers show that it's i totally i totally agree with that but they don't do that but they don't do that they come back and act like that no one has a bad time if they're fully vaccinated and that's not true and they've just you can say you can say i'll tell you one thing the percentage of people who are having a hard time with the variant that are fully vaccinated is very low yeah but don't act like they don't exist you know what i mean and then and then go back and say uh over here you know here don't sell it on if you refuse the vaccine you have signed your death certificate you know for of when it comes to coven and the in the delta variant and don't do the thing that it feels weird saying that people who aren't vaccinated that they are causing the problem see that's again saying that people who are fully vaccinated don't pass it yeah they do i mean i mean they do pass it so if you want to say the people that are unvaccinated are are putting themselves at a higher risk of problem hey and they put other people who aren't vaccinated at a higher risk of problem okay you you can you can make you could take your numbers and show that and say we believe that to be true and you can even say that and say but i'm not for mandating i want people to be fully educated and know all the risks and know all the advantages and then make their own decision with their own doctor and even if the doctor tells you to do something you can still disagree with him or her but you know the biggest thing about this i think it's been the most aggravating for me and i know you guys too is that the so-called experts have completely acted like natural antibodies don't exist and that's a huge and if you remember this do you remember when the vaccines first came out what the cdc said if you've had covert wait 90 days and see that's going away there's no weight now at all get it just get it everybody get it and that's when they thought that your your antibodies would only last 90 days and the reason why they said wait 90 days is they didn't think you were in at risk for 90 days right you know why they didn't think you were at risk because they thought you had the animal right yeah but now that we know the antibodies last for up to a year in a lot of people and we're just acting like that but do you know that some school systems are still stuck on the 90 days if you are in a classroom that has somebody that that tests positive to covet and you go to the office they they figure out do you have the vaccine have you had it within 90 days or whatever if you meet some of those guidelines you can go back to class if not they send you home see the 90-day thing is so disproven and so over that shouldn't even be mentioned anymore i mean see the cdc doesn't mention it anymore they act like it doesn't exist or never exists right when they said it every i mean few are the people if any that their antibodies last 90 days or less but they tell you on cdc different disease don't get the chickenpox vaccine if you had it as a kid i know you know why you got anybody you know what the vaccine's supposed to give you anybody okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] it is eight minutes to the top of the hour the rick and bubba show 866 we be big is the number so we'll put this in show notes uh today for those of you in the birmingham area uh the home market 1047 wzzk and certainly we're just informing you about this this is something that the focus on america and the eagle forum and this is their branch in alabama uh they are bringing in medical doctors and patient testimonials uh and they're doing this coming up on september the 19th it'll be at the marriott in birmingham uh you remember us talking about uh dr peter peter mccullough yeah uh he is one of the doctors he'll be uh coming to you from on a live stream and then they've got uh md dr uh jordan vaughan dr ryan mcquarter uh dr david calderwood uh and uh also dr michael it's like is it y-e-a-d-o-n uh jaden eden uh and also some testimonials from patients and uh they're just wanting to say here is a group of doctors now you can kind of see what we were talking about doing on the radio one day yeah we were we wanted to get all these like we were just talking about in the break and i won't mention the two names we did but they're two doctors who we believe you look at their credentials their credentials are equally impressive okay and they have completely different views so frustrating on the on the uh on the pandemic and so so i i think i've said it before i think we're gonna be the the guinea pigs and i believe that those that are down you know out in front of us they'll look back on our experience with all this and then they'll probably have more of a truth than we ever have yeah because we'll be the ones that tried all the stuff this worked this didn't work here's what we found yeah i mean we're experimental we're we're hey we're my side is 20 20. we are making it up as we go uh with the best information and you would think once you take a novel virus the longer you keep dealing with it probably the more you'll find out about it right so anyway so if you're interested in that and you want to go and listen to some of that we put it in show notes and again it's being presented by focus on america in the eagle forum and it's totally up to you if you want to go and be part of that and get some of that information uh all right so uh we we hadn't talked about big meat uh big meat is hitting back at the biden administration because big meat is sick and tired of the biden administration blaming uh those that bring us delicious meats they are tired of being blamed for inflation now why are where is he getting that at where is he getting i haven't he has he has accused the biden administration has accused uh all the the big uh profiteering is uh are pandemic even what i say panderic panderia well a lot of people don't know that's when you're in a pandemic he's accusing have a panderic response and this is this thing we always talk about where they get accused of you know uh but they're saying that it's pandemic profiteering uh but it says that the government is is refusing to acknowledge the real problem uh they're saying surging prices are a result of a nationwide labor shortage not a consolidation of the meat industry they're not putting together a monopoly they're all and i hear this from every business out there they can't get people to work now why can't they get people to work well part of it is that we have a bunch of big government people that have decided to give people really good checks i mean i mean it's not a great check if you were at a job but but it's a great check if you're doing nothing and and there's people that are saying well look this is as much money as i'd make at some of these entry-level jobs so i'm just not going to work at all now i think that's sorry uh because you're forgetting but we've done a good job of making sure you don't have the concept of this that's actually somebody else's money that's tax revenue that came from your fellow americans who are working to give you money when you can physically mentally and can find a job and you physically mentally can do the job you're just refusing to do it maybe you've lost sight of where that money comes from it comes from all of us who are working okay so that's that that's intended for people who can't work or when jobs aren't available it is not designed for when the market is back and the jobs are open and you won't go do them uh so in the meat industry said that's what's raising the prices uh and i've had many people even in the construction deal i said well we got a shortage on lumber they said no we don't have a shortage on lumber we can't get it the process has been bogged down we can't get it to you i told you the stuff we needed for the bathroom sat on the dock for four months because they couldn't they didn't have people to get it to me now what what the biden administration is claiming here what they don't they're not being able to connect the dots they're saying that farmers are losing money on cattle hogs and poultry and you're seeing higher prices at the grocery store and now as this is played out they're seeing record profits or near record profits for those in the middle so they're trying to to in their mind i guess try to figure out how that's happening yeah well that's what they claim well it's a story as old as time uh leftists and big government people always blame the entrepreneurial spirit and capitalism in the free market for high prices and then the free market says no the prices are high because of all the regulations that are coming in are the roadblocks that have been put up by the giant government the left believes the government uh is the answer and those on the right believe the free market and capitalism is the answer but there's a truth in there somewhere yeah uh some of the folks in the meat business said they have been meeting with the white house on a regular basis to talk about supply chain and the white house has a supply chain task force um with the usda to make sure our food supply is good and without all the problems we've been facing through covid and she noted that during these meetings when they've been sitting down with the white house staff they've never mentioned this once and this accusation by biden came totally out of the blue well that said they were totally caught off guard by it you know what no telling with joe he may have caught a lot of people off guard with it yeah this may be something that he thinks is going on that no one even his own people haven't told him what's going on i i i don't know we don't have time but i'm looking on the board and i'm seeing that there are some calls coming in they're saying the nicki minaj uh cousin's friend in trinidad that that that that is going on in some place not not not i'm sure not a big number greg i remember you said you knew somebody said they had a little little burning down below yeah right can't talk about it power says no that's right foul said that's not happening yeah a little burning below the deck there huh i mean hopefully it wasn't any big well it wasn't any problem coach saban [Music] hey thank you for watching rick and bubba live on our youtube channel we're here live every monday through friday be sure to subscribe and hit the little bell for oh notifications brings me to my knees [Music] very far [Music]
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 16,482
Rating: 4.8814816 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, bible study, bible study for men, men's bible study, biden, we be big, mens bible study, kamala, harris, joe biden, bible, jesus, rick burgess bible study, the man church, man church, saban, conservative, rush, shapiro, rogan, aliens, bigfoot, aoc, auburn, roll tide, football, rogan covid
Id: JttmLW_zD70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 292min 44sec (17564 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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