The Untold Story of the Rick & Bubba Theme Song | Brad Ryan | Ep 90

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[Music] hello and welcome to another edition of uh rick and bubba university the podcast now this is a unique podcast most every week in rick and bubba history uh if you are not aware of the rick and bubba show go to we do a uh uh show monday through friday uh and there's all kinds of ways for you to get that uh and this is our unique podcast where we kind of jump into you know uh different guests uh different topics and kind of go long form uh and bubba boy today uh we're going back in some wrecking bubba history today with this guest yes he is probably most famous on the show for a little jingle that we play all the time anybody familiar with this thing right here [Music] pass the gravy please ricky is also an active member of the super group three on the string and a childhood friend of yours please welcome brad ryan brad guys i'm so excited to be here uh but i'm nervous why am i nervous without me nervous no why would you be nervous yeah we don't have any old girlfriends anything on the line not taking any phone calls no we don't do phone calls here because this might make all about us so i'm good i'm going to settle in it's going to be fun no no politics no covid fun memories fun music yeah that's it so and like as i like to say if it's a win-win let's do it again right we won't talk covet unless anybody starts coughing uncontrollably right true so let's go back uh we're going way back uh you and i uh were childhood friends gosh uh you have two brothers of course my brother's now on the show and yes i i think that we had already kind of moved on into our teenage world when my sister came around you guys never really hung with her did you we barely remember i remember you you sitting with her and what you called the content chair yes why that is this memory i don't know right well it was to get everybody calm i got that yeah it was a chair that i everybody needed to be content you would hold her and try to put her to sleep in the content chair that's right and i do remember that it was full of contentment uh but anyway so when we were young our dads uh went to college together uh they both were in the coaching profession out of college yes and so they had established a friendship which brought the families together in fact they had room together when they were doing their practice teaching right out right out of college right and that was at auburn university yes and uh and so tell me this because i i don't i didn't know jerry as long as you have rick but what kind of coaching did he do he was a basketball coach and of course helped with football as you know they all do but yeah he was a basketball coach he was at inslee for a while he was at woodlawn for a while which again your dad may have just left woodlawn by the time he got there but yeah yeah he was a basketball coach can still remember every game and why they lost every game and most coaches can do that you know it's one loss record the whole thing yeah but not real good at what happened yesterday not good yeah i can relate to that yeah yeah but second first taxes first grade is clear exactly clears the bail so your your brother barry which we'll discuss his his contribution to rick and bubba oh yes uh today and i were close to the same age i think within months you and greg were closer to the same age at least in size and yeah were comparing yeah and then you had a younger brother andy uh and of course he kind of received the brunt force of all four of us that's right and and and it made him mean uh and because he and remember this is where the word love came from yes to this day i still use the word lud for children because you guys called your little brother lud blood short for little short for little andy yeah right yeah so we still use that we still use that today uh so that came from the rhine so we we would spend time together and and you've talked about it and um so first of all there was the entertainment side and and we we in we really started what became the rick and bubba show in the basement of your parents and in the basement 1740 english knoll and not only that well i don't know i don't where was that near chocolate creek that y'all live that's what we did in august number one yeah and number two because that's where the money was in the backyard is number one and uh and and i know i know you've heard all about these times i've heard of them once or twice you know most kids if they find a frog they just find a frog right you know play with it for a minute but not not rick no if he found a frog it was time for a full-blown circus yeah you know and uh everybody's got to sit around and watch yeah you know you can't you don't have the option to go do something else no yeah i heard he was pretty good at getting ticket prices yeah absolutely yeah frog the let's say did the frog jump into a bucket it was a frog high dive or something like that i i can't remember yeah we in our book we be big we go back through our childhoods bubbas and mine and really uh my parents and you and others said it was like the childhood version of pt barnum exactly yeah it was it was theme park show time in five minutes as soon as i find a bucket for this frog to jump into right and so and then we started a deal called telling some lives telling lies yeah and that was when i really basically did stand-up comedy child version well that was the night show frog was the afternoon show the frog circus now did the beagle parade go in there too oh yeah and the beagles marched in i wasn't present at the at the beagle parade nothing shocked but guys in all honesty dads hunting dogs i didn't have lines and tigers that's all i had yeah yeah and i would paint greg up as a clown and tell them sell popcorn and that's all you had the beagles and greg and the poor frog that happened to hop along right yeah so it was all that but we rick claimed he would actually sing and then every time everybody showed up he just went back to being a frog hello [Laughter] here come the fans but the bike race you know looking back you you know things come into focus when you look back and we'd have we'd have a bike race in our basement you know just around each pole yeah you know everybody's getting their bikes ready getting their chain oiled up good getting the air pressure right in their tires and rick is over there setting up his broadcast table you know you gotta have play-by-play looking for a set of headphones and i can i can look back and see rick thinking if i get on that bike i could get hurt right but i i will get tired so i'm i'm going to find mia's place right over here and it was in his mind it was up to him to tell the world what was happening in a three-person bike race in somebody's basement they were thrilled it kind of goes back to the early days of this show about how many people were listening on the wall that could be bad that could be bad i remember that so so we and we used to do you know if we did football games there had to be a recording of play-by-play yes so and i honestly you know obviously that you look back and you go well you know there was something that that was given to me about a desire to be an entertainment business that has always been there yes as a matter of fact i i'm no help to anybody i always feel bad when someone young comes to me and says hey i'd like to talk to you about me trying to figure out what i want to do with my life and i'm like man i'll help you find somebody but i'm not gonna be able to help you because i've always known you've known instinctively yeah and i mean i've never really had any plan b i never really well my desire as a kid was to pay the bills right yeah and uh no there was something magical about radio like you said we covered it in the book rick i remember sitting there at night listening to some of the clear clear channel stations that were bouncing in on the skip from chicago and you know louisville and all over the country and just listen to those guys talk and thinking man that that guy must have it going on because he is having a ball and he's got all kind of friends there you know and they're calling on the phone and connecting playing music and it connected you to the world oh yeah yeah you know it did and so i remember that and you guys encouraged it really you you and your brothers are to blame absolutely for encouraging this kind of video you know what's sad about it too there was no way to record it then no no i mean a few reported right here a few people with money would have one of those cassette recorders you can push but when i was little for starting this there was no such thing as a cassette recorder and you had no way to record it you had no way to take a picture of it unless you borrowed your mom's cam camera and had it you know waited a month until she used the whole roll-up and went and got it developed i mean it's just technology has completely changed everything now and i don't know that it's necessarily for the best but it has but i think you make the point on that second cause i look back at our childhoods and and you and i got to have a childhood together and i really do it really bothers me on a serious note that children don't get to have those kind of childhoods they don't yeah i mean our childhoods were magical magical i mean well you you had to make your own fun right you had to have like you were talking about you're covering a big race i mean uh it could have been talladega it could have been three kids on a bicycle in the basement yeah and we had our victories and we had our defeats and we learned how to deal with both of them the whole world was not exposed to it because of social media so we didn't have to listen to 50 000 comments on it but we learned how to lose we learned how to pick ourself back up we dug our own swimming pool one time out in the woods near our near our campsite and uh we didn't understand why it didn't hold water right we had strung together four or five hose pipes from we had gone stolen from all the neighbors sure so my dad comes home from a late night gig and he's going to come out there and check on us well the pool had turned into nothing but a mud hole oh yeah and straight into the mud hole jerry went he didn't see it we all pretended to be asleep yeah well and i and i hate that because you're right and and i think one of the things it was great we went to bed every night knowing that our and i know not everybody had this experience but knowing that our parents loved us yes but our parents also loved us enough we were not the center of the universe and we feared them yeah and we feared their authority and they spent time together and we were told to go find something to do and and we certainly didn't come up in there and tell everybody what we wanted or what they needed to do for us or picture fit if everybody wouldn't give us attention and we we took our imaginations and we went out like you said bob and created our own world yeah and and i think it made us more well more balanced people i remember rick gathering everybody around this was just in the front room there at oxford yeah i could still see the carpet oh yeah that was that was he would put on the elvis record elvis greatest hits and uh i i think it was all shook up yeah i shook up was big and everybody had to sit and watch and rick with panama to all shook up and when it came to i'm in love and he'd raise up his shirt and he'd stick his it stick his stomach out right and it was fun and and we had a blast and now you better that was the night show oh yeah yeah well the night show really featured he had circus in the day yeah bike race yeah and then we had swimming in between yeah and and and and of course a lot of people uh you know still to this day talk about the the sheer joy of frontierland that i put together back in the woods behind our house and that was a walk-through and you went through and it was it was all kind of western scenes and and and people shooting at you with cap guns narrated by yeah narrated by me the entire world you gotta have the narrator so what we're gonna do is we'll take a quick break and then we're gonna come back and we're going to jump in because you know we talked about being kids and hanging out together we're going to talk about music today too but i want to talk about this pivotal moment that takes place because we all you know go into our teen years and now we're involved in high school sports we we don't we don't see each other as much anymore and we kind of go out into our lives we're forming what we're going to become yeah we're we're forming what we're going to become yes and then a cassette tape was sent to my home in oxford from brad ryan who i probably had not talked to in that time probably for years yes uh because we didn't you know we didn't do a very good job because we have cell phones in those days i mean if you didn't know somebody's home phone then you had to go into the home unless you sit down and wrote a letter yeah that was very good we weren't big letter writers no and uh and there was a cassette tape that was sent to my mailbox uh that was gonna be forever etched into rick and bubba history i mean as as we sit here right now i literally had a video yesterday of a child singing the song you're kidding no we get those all the time and and so we'll come back when rick and bubba university the podcast continues all right so let's talk about patriot mobile choices we've got to have choices i mean not so long ago companies solely existed to provide products and services that's why they were here and it was clean bubba i need a product i need a service you provide it and and then we spent money in return for a product or service almost overnight and you we've all seen this happen now everything's changed many corporations have become what vessels for anti-american anti-family propaganda now when you're picking a service you're thinking to yourself this company that i'm thinking about what do they represent what are they going to tie me to what kind of pressures are going to be put on me what flag am i going to see on their website who's going to be their spokesperson and then what do you say well what other choices do we have well let me tell you this you have a choice when it comes to your cellular service and that is patriot mobile a few companies have the courage to stand up for america for for christian values or constitution patriot mobile has the broadest nationwide coverage and uses the same towers as all the major carriers you get the same great service plus they have plans to fit any budget they're 100 us-based customer service team how about that you ever call for customer service oh rick i just want to speak to someone that speaks english well you will with patriot mobile they have the highest rated rating among wireless carriers for service more importantly patriot mobile shares your values and supports organizations fighting for our religious freedoms the constitution sanctity of life veterans first responders yes you have a choice someone who actually lines up with you rickbubba is is where we want you to go you can also call 972 patriot now we're going to get you free activation with the offer code rick bubba so when you call them or you go online use rick bubba they also have special discounts for veterans and first responders support a company that loves america loves you and shares your values rickbubba or call 972 patriot rick and bubba university the podcast brad ryan is our guest and uh those of you if you're you're a fan of what we do or maybe you're getting introduced to it um i remember the day uh because i remember the driveway where i lived i had to go i had an uphill driveway i'll walk up to the driveway there's something in there return address from brad ryan i thought brad ryan how about all brad ryan the wrecking bubba show i mean had just started brand new brand-new 94 95 right in there yes and and it was brand new and uh and there was a cassette tape in there well it starts with jenny lee okay tell us what happened beautiful lovely wife jenny lee she uh she and i had got together and she had i heard her talking about this guy doing a radio show rick burgess it was i don't know what the show was the extravaganza probably that was the rick burgess morning extravaganza rick murder this morning and she so she said she was like okay i can't stand how obnoxious this guy is but i listen to him all the time right so um that was the goal yes that and that was back in the day that was back in the days of shock jocks yeah different this jet was your approach it was my approach you know as much as you could have that in the south so i kept thinking is that the s that's got to be the same rick burgess i know i know it is and so then i i listened and i think by the time i listened y'all y'all two were together right and so i said that's that's rick burgess that i kind of grew up with you know and uh so at about that same time i had started uh messing with home recording because i had watched bobby horton the great bobby horton of three on the string he had been doing that for years so i and i was fascinated by that so i started doing it and so i started listening to the show and i started listening to that song of do you want to go party or what whatever that song yes here's in my marketing mind at that time i said well rick likes that so i'm going to kind of go for that kind of feel you're going to go for that kind of drum pattern so uh and and i can remember i can remember starting to let the let the words kind of permeate and uh we were we were three on the string was doing a show somewhere and uh the words the words started coming to me and i told i said i was driving and i asked jerry i said dad write these words down so he started writing them down and it was just that quick and it's not that it's not that it's some sort of brilliant prose or anything like that it's not a pulse it's pretty good yeah it's pretty good but let me tell you something the hook factor on it yeah the hook worked and uh so so then i started i started trying to put it together and record it and uh i was recording it and jenny and i had just got married and uh she is as i tell everybody she's like lucille ball she always wants in on the show she wants to be part of you know the bob lou show that's right so so i i thought i'll let her in here she keeps bugging me i'll let her in here and put something on here and then i'll erase it and i'll go about my business all right all right and then so she came in there and put that rick and puff of us in the house this is brad ryan's wife ginny rarely [Music] so and as i like to say to my credit i recognized hey that's that's that's going to be that's going to be an ear grabber right there so i said i got to leave that in there that's fantastic and that to me that is is what kind of made the jingle work it was the was the grabber and then you know and to y'all's credit back then you would play anybody anything anybody sent you really and give it a give it a whirl but you you listen to that from home like you said when you got the cassette and and you said i i think we can use this do you remember that when i called you and i and i listened to it just every time when those just you know yeah little jam boxes or whatever yeah and i put it in and and i look you know how it is honestly you know i go to the mailbox i'm like well i mean i know him well enough i have to at least listen to it thinking yes i'll let him know i got it here we go and that'll be the end of it you know maybe we'll get one play can i let him in here and do something then he'll leave and i'll erase it you know kind of like you thought about it but then i mean but i mean this we you need to know this okay we have interviewed oh my gosh in 27 years and people come in here i'm talking about they don't know who we are they don't have any somebody told them this would be a good place to be to sell a book okay or promote an album or what or to run for office or whatever and and they'll be sitting here and you can watch them i'm talking about people who are huge in the music industry and stuff and they'll be going and before you know it you see them and they'll look at us and go that really gets in your head that really has a good help oh they're singing it they're saying that you know i sit here and think of how many people have heard that song oh my goodness and not only how many famous people have heard that song and i and it just kind of i i get to draft in with you guys and uh and and and have that be recognized well listen this there's a perfect example here when misty may was on the show there was the famous you know olympic um uh beach volleyball player when she does her liner listen to this hey y'all it's misty mane you're listening to rick and bubba rick and bubba you should've told me see that doesn't she she had heard that before her interview during the interview then did the drop and she remembered it are you kidding me there's one one segment maybe two right at this time i would like to renegotiate on it and we get little kids you go little kids hey videos you know maybe i should send them on youtube you know what music does and you know you had no idea when you heard it the first time i had no idea when i sent it to you but it it it becomes a connection and you associate it with things and so people associate that music with you guys and it associates with a good fun time yeah you know and then you become interli it becomes interlocked and you there's no separating it as great as your wife's part is in the beginning of that i think what really makes it is the baseline yeah in there yes yes yes so so let's talk about how you got the baseline i mean chaos misty man so you see that right there that's not it [Music] the outro right on on the outro because i kept myself off of it yeah you're saying when i recognized his talent this is your older brother barry who says he's overlooked in the entertainment part of the invisible brothers what i heard him refer to yes play it and i'll i'll tell you a little story about that okay [Music] i'm all buried yeah that's all you're not even not even in there yeah that's it so he uh of course his his joke is he he talks to dad dad how many songs how many albums has three on string had 12 13 somewhere in there how many times have you got me on any of those albums none brad puts me on one song and it goes nationwide so do you remember the first time that you heard it actually on the radio i do and i just remember thinking my gosh he played it right he played it right you know and uh and you know i i don't know what to say other than you had the courage to stick with it and make it and and it became what it was well if you want to go back to just a technological you know say how far we've come and of course i you know bubba had to help me with this i don't even know if you remember this so we couldn't play a cassette oh my gosh on the show like that readily available yeah meaning something we're going to make an intro outro so how did that happen well i'll tell you we at the time believe it or not and i know we're about to age ourselves in those days where this computer there's a computer in here for those who are just listening to the podcast you're not watching it there's a computer that says off to my left that with a push of a button i can now play it yes okay that's called an instant replay that's all standalone that's all ones and zeros digital recording okay well in the old days this wouldn't be here what would be here would be a stack of eight track carts remember the cards remember those cards it was one it was like an eight-track tape and they were short you know some of them were 30 seconds so you had to physically load it up so we had to take the cassette put in the the into because not all of them offered the opportunity to record they were the the the carts you could record buttons most of them were in the production yeah and so we put a card in uh an eight-track cart and then we hit record and displayed the cassette and put it on that uh eight-track cart so that all i had to do is push a button and it would play out of one of those cart machines so you see what i'm doing now and you think but that that's relatively new when you think about how long it was on a car so it had lost a couple of generations by the time it oh sure it made the error yeah it you know it gave it character right yeah yeah it didn't sound kind of too overproduced kind of it sounded homespun yeah it definitely did yeah if i remember right if i remember right when we knew we could now go digital didn't you go back and get us another copy it was only remastered it remastered it it was on the dashboard right do you still have it i still do but it's it's i've got covered with dust that's not working good and i have a lot of old dat recordings of the show uh it was not the main way we recorded the show because it came came along later yeah but i do have some of rick and i doing the xfl football games on the dap machine and i can't retrieve them now see because they're my dap machine it rolls them but it just doesn't make any noise digital audio tape yep it had a short little window in there where it was oh i remember it but it was a game changer oh yeah as far as quality yeah all right so when we come back i want to jump in we should have two more things we want to hit for sure when we come back we're going to talk about the children's album yeah and and that little project that we did and some people in that are new to rick about rick and morty may not even know about that so we'll talk about when you came up with the idea to produce the children's album hey it's for the kids and then and then we're going to talk about three on the string and in a moment a historic tie-in that i don't think people are ready for this kind of surreal it really is so so we'll continue these things when ricky bubba university podcast continues all right so let's talk a little bit about protection now but you've even said this i've heard you say this on the big show okay and that is look sometimes people do get unnecessarily shot if we could come up with a way to protect ourselves that wasn't as lethal even even do some training uh and be like spider-man way yeah yeah and we're not quite to that point yet but i do want to introduce you to taser's line of non-lethal self-protection devices they're small they're lightweight enough to carry with you or in your glove compartment or purse but yet they're powerful enough to to make it impossible for an attacker to continue their pursuit uh guns carry as we talked about look we're not anti-gun we have guns we're licensed gun carriers but sometimes there's unnecessary risk for you and those around you and then you go to pepper spray well that can harm you as much as the attacker and many times it's not even effective but taser products are safer and they're easier to use they use an electrical charge that immobilizes an attacker for up to 30 seconds that's plenty of times all you need to do to get away that's plenty of time to get away and also it will send emergency dispatch to your gps location which is big i see that's that's huge to happen automatically yeah so taser devices come loaded with features like laser assisted targeting as i said emergency dispatch uh which sends that uh uh as soon as you fire it your gps location goes we're gonna try one on brad ryan we are before we are podcasting yeah yeah so uh taser devices are available without a permit most unite and most of the states uh get taser plus plus our taser strike light or you can get either one of those that's two different kinds at use the promo code bubba that's gonna get you 15 off so go to taser t-a-s-e-r promo code bubba and that gets you fifteen percent off restrictions apply see their site for all the details all right so rick and bubba university the podcast we're talking to brad ryan brad ryan uh is an old childhood friend he plays uh in the super group just celebrated 50 years that's incredible 50 years um three on the stream i can remember us having a meeting and saying maybe we can make 35 years that'd be a good career you know before before we get into the children's uh deal what what year did you start with three on the stream 86 86 and how old were you 20 years old 20 years old now your dad jerry ryan had been in it for how long then and you can since 71 so 15 years yeah so at 20 did you have a love for bluegrass type music the secret love for bluegrass okay didn't want anybody nobody didn't want anybody to know about it probably wasn't real cool over time you know when they when they base player left and they they dad kind of tricked me i mean invited me into coming to play something so how did that happen it didn't draw jim leone in right out of the way i think he saw cheap labor right right so of course i i had learned to play the guitar but i had never played the bass and i was not not about to play the stand-up bass that was the most time that's about saying the electric bass has some coolness to it to stand up not at 20. not a big hill i'm 20 years old and i want to play stand-up bass you just don't hear that no you don't i have a 20 year old he's never mentioned it no no uh so well and then you know i think dad at one point said well you you can play the electric bass if you want to but the stand-up bass player gets paid oh and that that that resonates and over on the stand that we went and that's it's those are really really big thick strings the frets it's hard hard to carry it's its own thing in one of my first gigs i leaned it up against against the van and then as i moved into the van to get something it's of course shook and down it went snapped it right into you are kidding me no on the way to a gig at the gig what do we do now uh we scrambled as we always tend to do when something like that happens do we tape her up and we go or is she done you all have a good backup plan you haven't found another there are there are those laying around out there because they're not they're they're they're there but they're not used you know so they are available and the stand-up base for those of you who are not musical looks like a giant violin that he's holding yeah i mean it's as big as you are but you but you can't have a bluegrass band no one it's got to be there yeah for the visual yeah what did you like now i was going to ask what your dad said to you when it hit the ground to snap but wait there's nothing there's no time for that but i bet you i bet you worked to find another one i think he said i saw the look on your face and i instantly had compassion so so we'll we'll get to that because we've got some a big three on the string thing coming up but but the kids think the kids it was called it was a cd at that time cds were yes and you came up with the idea hey it's for the kids and we used to say that on the air that if for some reason if you say you're doing something for kids you can do anything that was a saying y'all were getting into at that time we all had young children at the time oh yeah pants for the kids so yeah you came up with an idea that rick and bubba and all the ricky bubba characters with brad ryan yes would produce and release a children's cd and it is available if you go to apple music itunes all that wherever you get streaming you can find the full album yes hey it's for the kids and i thought this is my retirement right here and uh i will let you know when i see the first dollar on i don't know how that works yeah as you talked about you can't make money doing this you can make it available to people who might want to come here you please then buy a ticket and it's right it's sad because you have to you you know the residuals are not there you have to physically go do the gig yeah asking people to donate to pay the power bill is not reliable and i you know i where how itunes operates to this day i have no idea we don't either and we tried to figure it out who's getting the money for that i have no idea we had it on under y'all's thing for a while and then it was off of there and i said well i'll just put it on under mine right so now it's on under mine but i don't i i i wait a minute brad well here it is this one there were a lot of hits off of it a lot of hits okay yes but but this is probably the most popular and if you're potty training a kid now jenny lee claims to have written part of this song really so so this is this is from brad ryan and rick and bubba hey hey it's for the kids [Music] [Music] and people love it now this one i love too this was bubba teaching kids about going to the doctor i love this one teaching kids about going to the doctor yeah this is going to launch my rap career just a little one going to the doctor it wasn't much fun in a bad mood this particular day i was bound and determined someone was gonna pay my stay go go go and there's the album cover uh for those of you that are watching this and there was one that you did rick what was it the main one let's see have a good time yeah yeah have a good time and now if i'm not mistaken your mama case said this was her favorite on there yeah and uh so this was uh yeah this is a um and this is original right just picture rick walking down the street like sesame street yeah if you ask me too i'll sing for you but i want you to sing too i want you to sing too and we can have a good time everybody if you ask me too i'll sing for you but i want you to sing too i mean i mean i can i mean it's almost got a reggae feel maybe i need to go spruce up the itunes links and you know this this yeah it may be and it also has rick and bubba party which has all the wrecking bubba characters in it yes that's even uh don juan and mickey dean yeah all in there and we actually have your dad jerry ryan doing what we did find out is now no longer have to pay the rights for it is that the only one on there that's not an original i think so because all the others you wrote i think i wrote together i think i wrote the rest of them great little catchy songs if you're thinking when i get into my vehicle i have to ride in my and do stuff that my kids want to listen to we've all been there yes get hands for the kids because that's one i think you might enjoy that's the phase of our life we were in at that time boy we were and there it is so uh so that that you know brad that went so good at one time i was hoping you would produce my solo album after that i'd wrote a few songs and i'd titled the the album picnic for one i love it and if i'm not mistaken didn't you seriously talk to brad about uh engineering this album with your banned chocolate ripple well we had chocolate we did we had and then when we went techno it was more of a digital basement right yeah i forgot about this yeah i thought chocolate ripple was overlooked i mean it's a pop group at one time i felt like i was kind of on the cutting edge of that home recording kind of you know digital yeah i mean it you you get out of that for a year and you're you're woefully behind it's still changing daily it changed so much and the hard drive changed everything on that and i think that's you know the mini disc the dat all that digital stuff was amazing at the time because we couldn't believe how quiet it was but it was just a stopgap measure and the reason they never really developed those formats fully they knew hard drives were coming yeah and it was just a matter of time until and the hard drive is still everything kept getting overrun by the technology yeah it's still the walking dog today and more of them are solid state now than ever so they have no moving parts and you know it's just it continues to move forward it's it's wild when you went into three on the string at the age of 20 uh you get the ricky bubba song we do the children's album and and at one time you dabbled in real estate if i remember build houses yeah you built houses so did it sounds like you weren't sure if you wanted to be a full-time singer-songwriter musician but but you but it just kind of almost did you have the the fire for it like say we had for radio or were you did it bring you in no it was quite the opposite that's that's all i wanted to do and and but to make a living when you have three kids music business is tough a lot and so and work a lot that's why i wanted to that's why i chose to build houses because i could i was kind of in control of my time when i could be there and it was you know you could you could go tend to everything you know in the mornings and then do your do your music stuff at night so let's veer off of this just a little bit uh let's talk about your your wife um jenny lee how did you how did you meet her because you much like us clearly out kicked my favorite gosh i you know i closed my eyes and i swung for the fence that's all i could say i know i did the same thing you know well you did too i mean she was younger than me and you know i had been through a previous marriage it was that had gone bad and you know god's grace is sufficient for all that's all i know to say you know but how did y'all officially when did you first see we she uh we found ourselves both being late to church and bumping it in to each other on the steps walking into church really so yeah well i'll tell you the lord doesn't work in mysterious ways yeah i mean and i tell you i think if you've been on time you'd never met her yeah i know and i thought how is she still available you know and probably just a little bit of fear i'm sure you know no and i know your story of just outlasting right yeah refusing the breakup again i just kept showing up and then of course we did his podcast about that mine i just went to the edge of a stalker and took one step back exactly sherry said she just want to be friends and i just refused that request i said i have friends they're guys you know what i mean and i said i'm actually i i don't really want a female friend so both of our stories is kind of stalky right on the edge i'm not sure but you know what we can tell i would tell my sons this swing for the fence waiting for don't ever think anybody's out of your league swing for the fans you don't step into the box but now you're and you're gonna strike out some but uh all you got to do is hit one time but they can say yes as quick as they can and you're gonna file some off you are you are you yeah some of them some of them you're gonna be thrown out of me close you know but uh but you gotta swing uh yeah that's right you know i i had struggled with my look for quite some time since about seventh grade you finally landed it did you finally land yourself i couldn't get my wings to do yeah they just would not they just would not work well you try something if it doesn't you know if it uh if it gets some attention at school you go with it and if it doesn't doesn't last you have to try something else we'll come back when we come back we've got a moment of music history that you that you may you may not even expect this but we'll be back when rick and bubba university the podcast continues all right we just talked about you got to be aggressive okay well with hair loss you got to be aggressive too i think what happens too many times is that right listen up as a guy a guy starts struggling with his hair but it's too late now he's waited too late to start addressing it right yeah i mean so did you know that 80 million men and women in the united states uh experience some sort of thinning of their hair we all know somebody yeah it's just not openly talked about that much and and you know and some people are worried about it but but here's the deal you got to take control of this situation take 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there's one i sing all the time it's really in my mind yeah you've done how many for businesses i did one for audrey mcmillan yeah that was the first one i did after the rick ababa jingle and he he used that thing for 20 years he didn't i think he's still using it yeah all right so i'm going to give some people something they're not going to know when i was a kid we were little yes so we listened to jerry ryan and three on the string and we heard them play and dad and mom used to go hear them play in fact greg and i talked about this was it you seeing jerry ryan play there was no lady that swallowed a fly that maybe influenced you into the entertainment world i think it did your dad had a great influence on me i thought he was the coolest person ever because he could play guitar and sing and was an entertainer which is what i wanted to be so you really can thank jerry ryan for for rick and bubba in an indirect way but uh he will be glad to hear that and this is another thing and i remember this moment brad i remember it okay so when we were younger we would get the 300 string albums and we'd listen and then and then you have an uncle terry ryan that also played and and there was a group called wheat ridge yes so so and that was terry's group that was terry's group and and jerry and three on a string did this version as well yes well a guy named steve young from where steve young from gadsden alabama from gadsden alabama had written a song that they put on the wheat ridge album and i'm sure the amazing three did they put on i'd probably just put it live well i have to take you back to 1970 1969 70 71 a place called the lone brow which is where a lot of singer-songwriters would go you know apply their trade yeah and they would go do their thing and steve would come down there and uh had written so many great songs but this particular one everybody kind of gravitated to and started doing their their little versions of it and uh my uncle did his version with a with a group called wheat ridge and then three on the string had cut a version uh on one of their early albums and uh people just loved the song and then somebody stole it well what happened was a guy came in from california his name was byron burline and he was a fiddle player and he he had come in and he had brought a guy named bernie ledin with him and some some some out there will recognize that name right now yes but uh so they were in town and they were kind of making the you know the music scene in birmingham at the time was was hot yeah i mean and three on string at the time was the hottest ticket in town and but what came out you know hotel kind of was born out of all that martin phillips yeah and telluride was kind of born out of all that so it was a special time in the the music scene in this city and uh so they had they had come here and uh bernie had heard three on this is this this is this is our version yeah bernie ledin had heard three on a string do this particular song and then later took it back to california and introduced it to a little band called the eagles and uh so then in i guess it was 1980 as you say we we heard this song on the right i didn't believe it i got the eagles live album yes and when i heard them do this song yes i said what version is this yeah they're not because this is the version this is the version that i heard as a kid yes and it heard over and over as a kid listen to this this is from our 50-year reunion show just a couple of weeks ago so i'm a little kid and this is the version i knew [Music] and there [Music] is bridges so that's all i'd ever known yeah and when i heard the eagles doing it i'm like i've nev that's that song from three on the strings yes that's the song from the guy from guests in alabama right there and you know it that that takes that takes me back to the early 70s and that's the way the song was written and uh of course the eagles took it and what we like to say is they they took it and messed it all up you know to change the time signature and all this and messed it up so bad they they made about 20 million off of it so y'all always played the pure version yeah we played the pure version well brad thanks for being with us man man i've had a ball and you know for me to be able to to to live the you know the three on the stream life and influence they have had on me and and not only that to be able to draft in with you guys i mean i could i couldn't ask for more and and to watch not only to watch the chemistry of jerry and bobby do what they have done and i see the same thing here with you guys and it's i'm just i'm tickled and blessed to be a part of it well and you your contributions to the show have been uh they've been incredibly valuable and thanks it's fun that we got to do that you did finally cash that check right did you i know no you all did me good yeah you know it lasted about six months yeah songs lasted i don't know 20 25 years right you know we'd love to give you more if it hadn't been for the coveted year you know that set us back about a decade brad ryan uh a part of rick and bubba history and bubba you and i may have just been paid our greatest compliment we've been compared to bobby horton and jerry how about that don't get any better thank you sir thank you brad thank you thanks to all of you who joined us for this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast [Music] you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 6,295
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, three on a string, johnny horton, 3 on s string, brad ryan, three string, alabama music, bluegrass, alabama bluegrass music, theme song, jingle, how to write a jingle, how to write a theme song
Id: 0-cArgGlXSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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