The Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - Nov. 4, 2020

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three two hello and welcome to the wednesday bible study from the wrecking ball broadcast plaza and teleport just so thankful uh that you are here uh and if you are you know watching this or listening to it you know during the time this bible studies actually being done uh it will be uh november the 4th which will be one day after a presidential and some senate elections and amendments a big election day uh and uh and for our country uh we do not know uh who the president will be at this point uh i know there's a lot of uncertainty out there and some people are kind of you know according to which way you vote it really doesn't matter because you don't know who's who's going to get the uh the presidency for 2021 that's all still up in the air a lot of uncertainty i don't i wish we knew i thought we'd know today but let me tell you what what i want to tell you right out of the gate uh let me tell you the the one place where there is no chaos there is no confusion and there is no um there there is no concern and that is in the throne room of god almighty uh none of this is out of control it is under his control it was kind of cool i was texting one of my sons back and forth and we were going hey what do you think this what do you think that and he sent back to me he goes well hey i'm not stressing one way or the other because i am in the middle of a perfectly orchestrated will for my life uh and uh i just want to be right in the middle of what god wants me to do uh so as we as we continue in our study today of ii peter i want you to hang on to that we were all laughing uh some friends of mine who were where we are in alabama we start getting excited this time of year uh because uh those of us that like to go hunting for the american whitetail deer we're getting everything just the way we want it we're getting ready for the season and some of us have already started with bow hunting and all that and as you know we had a hurricane that didn't just come into the gulf of mexico and hit those those places that are along the water it came all the way up into the central part of our state so all of these plans that we had set up and everything just the way we want it just like that everything was turned completely upside down and that's the way life and a falling creation works uh so if your hope uh is is clinging you know as c.s lewis says and mere christianity he said if you'll go ahead and make heaven the goal uh you know then then then earth will probably be in its right perspective and you'll get earth if heaven's the goal you'll understand earth and you'll have it in the proper place if earth is the goal then you'll you'll likely miss both heaven and earth so uh today let's be heaven focused and let's take this you know god's revelation i'm holding up the bible for those who are listening god's revelation about himself about us and where our hope is truly found and today peter will continue writing in his second letter uh and we were you know we talked about the first letter was his concern of the chaos and the attacks of the adversary from outside the church and now he is talking and reminding and and you know cautioning us uh be looking for attacks from within the church and and now in a political season like this you're hearing a lot of strange things and pull pits everywhere and some some some bizarre things that uh people are kind of saying uh this is of god when if you look at scripture it really isn't uh and now more than ever uh we must be able to discern those things and peter is gonna continue to talk about that today a couple of notes to take the is rolling what a great time now more than ever during these times it can be quite uncertain godly men i talk about this all the time i remember growing up in a house where my father as long as i saw him standing there or sitting there or sitting there dr you know if we were in a boat out fishing or or skiing i remember as long as i saw him uh there i thought to myself well everything's gonna be all right i was a perfect piece even when a storm might be coming up on the river if my daddy was driving the boat i wasn't afraid uh and and we have to remember that that our our heavenly father is not fretting and and ringing his his hands over anything that is happening he is working out his perfectly orchestrated will and what we need to do is find ourselves right in the middle of it and now more than ever it's time to reach men disciple men and and change everything and provide those men under the authority of god that our world desperately needs so we will be in columbus mississippi this sunday night they're starting the men's discipleship strategy that's november the 8th and i'm honored to be there for their gathering and to kick that off if you want to join us for that the tickets are limited because of the coveted spacing uh just go to and look under events and then you start looking ahead to 2021 i'm excited as we're now over a hundred different churches across this country that are implementing the men's discipleship strategy and we'll be going out and being part of that strategy wherever we are invited to be there and if you'd like for us to help you with a a game plan to intentionally reach and disciple the men of your church and community just go to the we'd love to help you let's dive into what peter inspired by the holy spirit has for us today lord thank you for the opportunity to open your word you are the author of what we are about to consume and peter reminds us that that is the case that we can depend on what he's going to talk about today may we hear it in the way that that only you would filter it through your holy spirit and may lives be changed today in the name of jesus we pray amen so if you have your bible or something with your bible only let's go to second peter uh we are gonna stay in chapter one and we're going to start in verse 12 and work our way to 21. uh that'll be what we'll cover today we'll start chapter two uh lord willing uh next week so we know he's gonna he's gonna say therefore uh and this is for us to look back on what we were talking about uh in in the first part of chapter one and that's when peter last week were saying these are things you need to supplement to your faith these are the things you need to add to your faith so that you will never fail so now that if you missed that that was last week's lesson you can go back and get that so what he wants to say now is therefore after i finish saying all this i intend always to remind you of these qualities what qualities is he's talking about we talk about what we talked about last week all the different qualities that he mentioned he's going to remind us that we should have faith with virtue which means an integrity a face a faith that has integrity uh you should you should then add knowledge you should add to self-control uh steadfastness godliness brotherly affection uh and then just uh a love in general for people and and so he's saying therefore i'm gonna keep reminding you of this though you know them and are established in the truth that you have now let's let's unpack that a minute so peter says that there is a need for his exhortation he says there's a need for me to write this to you there's a need for me to remind you of this and i think we need to have that mindset i think sometimes when we surround ourselves with i hope you do with severe accountability we need to have the mindset that what i want to say to my brother and what i hope my brother will say to me and what i'm going to say to my wife and what i hope my wife says to me is i'm going to say these things not to be self-righteous not to bring glory to myself not to say uh you know i do these things and you should too no i'm going to say them because it's the right thing to do and there's a need for the things that i ha that i'm saying and peter is making sure that we know this and he's talking about severe accountability he keeps reminding them which means that the he and paul had likely covered this ground before because you notice he says this he says therefore i intend to always remind you of these qualities though you know them so he is acknowledging that that they should already know these things and if you look at the writings of paul to these same christians that peter is talking about and we also know this this cool thing uh that paul talks about in galatians when he said when it when he encountered jesus and he was redeemed and now he was ready to start the process of going out and preaching the gospel and teaching that he that he went away for for three years and he was reviewing all the things he knew about the prophecies in the old testament uh so that he would say you know this this is messiah i see now that this is messiah how did i miss it i was blind and he got himself ready then he came back and went and spent three weeks with peter and then asked peter said hey you were with jesus i encountered him on the road but you guys walked with him you you had the earthly ministry for three years you had the 40 days after the resurrection you saw him go to the cross and then they spend some time together then paul goes out and and so here is peter now watching them continue to work together as the brothers peter is saying now i'm going to keep reminding you of all the things that paul was trying to teach you and see that's the way it ought to be guys and i know women watch this too and it would apply to you too ladies that that's the way it's supposed to be in the church is that what i what i thought what i think about a lot just with the men it'd be the same thing with the women is you know my wife is a devout disciple of jesus i am a devout disciple of jesus and and that that's the goal to be a disciple of jesus not just to be a convert but to be a disciple to be a follower of jesus to be being sanctified to be grown and here's what i want i want to set up an environment where the things that i say and the things that my wife says that are inspired through scripture that we say to our children that we say to our friends that we say to each other are the very same things that that my children are hearing that my wife is hearing that i am hearing and every circle we run in it's being confirmed over and over again and if that's not the case then the people who are not saying these things now those people should be seen as evangelism you know sometimes i think that people who are followers of jesus are just okay with having people that are in their life that don't say the right things now it's okay to be in a an acquaintance like that or or to have someone that you you work with but these people should be seen not as people you know like we had a call on the show this week of somebody that was saying that they would be perfectly fine to be around to have people and be around people that that don't even believe what we believe as a matter of fact they reject what we believe and it's okay to be around those kind of people but you just don't leave them like they are i mean do you really love somebody that you don't want to tell the truth to you say well i know that you don't believe you know what you what you need to believe and i know you don't adhere uh to god's plan of redemption i know you don't adhere to the only truth but hey we just kind of enjoy hanging out anyway i can't wait for the lake again this weekend or let's go hunt together let's play some golf or let's go hang out let's go out to eat at some point hopefully i just spent time with one of my closest brothers in christ and i can honestly say with zero reservation i mean we were sitting around and we had intended uh to go out and bow hunt a little bit or maybe go out and see if we could you know take some pigs uh on the land but but we both are so engrossed every time we see each other of talking about this talking about scripture talking about jesus i mean five hours later we're still sitting there talking about jesus and we realize do you wanna go hunt i mean my goodness we've just about missed it but so what i mean i would rather be talking about these things than anything else i can honestly look into this camera i can honestly speak into this microphone i can honestly look into the eyes of adler or anybody else who would be in this room and i can honestly tell you it has nothing to do with me and i'm not saying it for any other reason i would rather talk about these things than anything else if it was up to me that's all i talk about on the show i mean that's not that may not be the best strategy because i need to earn the right to talk about these things but if it was just left up to me i mean i find myself sometimes looking over at the phones going is there anything over there that could get us in a conversation about jesus because that's all that's going to matter and and so so so peter is saying i intend to always remind you of these qualities though you may even know them i mean do you think the kind of guy that i was talking about one of my greatest friends that we spent five hours talking about jesus that i said anything to him that he didn't already know probably not but was it good for us to review it again and keep reminding each other of these truths you better believe it and that's what peter says that's how we should live our lives peter was determined not to neglect the people that he was given to shepherd pastors are y'all watching this everybody listen to this guy guy who keeps watching this every week and your men's ministry doesn't exist at your church uh are you ever going to go to the pastor and sit down and say we need to get a game plan here we don't have it what he's saying is this he's saying and it's beautiful if you think about it because what was that moment when jesus was reconciling peter back to himself after the resurrection we remember this we talk about this a lot because you have to remember that moment when you're reading these letters from peter because of the impact we know it had on peter peter do you love me yes then tend to my sheep peter do you love me yes then tend to my lambs hey peter do you love me yes then feed my sheep so you know what peter's saying now he got his second shot and you know what he says there was a time when you told me to do something and when it came down to it i left you but you've told me to shepherd your sheep and i'm determined to not let you down now is peter doing that to earn redemption no he was given redemption he's doing that because he loves the one who redeemed him and he's obeying jesus not out of legalism he's obeying jesus because he loves him so there there's that question before us again too if i'm not doing the things that my lord and savior has instructed me to do it's only because i don't love him enough to do it when peter abandoned jesus he didn't love him enough to stay with him he didn't understand the deal but now that he had his other shot after the resurrection he got the holy spirit everything changes now now peter who's writing this is our standard not peter who ran away from jesus and you know what he says i will shepherd the sheep exactly like you told me to do now let's go on to 13. i think it is right as long as i am in this body to stir you up by way of reminder peter has an unfaltering determination that he will continue to remind the people who claim to be followers of jesus of what it's supposed to look like to follow jesus i will not stop reminding you of these things and look at 14. since i know that's underline no not not i think or i wonder i know that the putting off of my body will be soon as our lord jesus christ made clear to me now what does this mean back to that conversation what did jesus tell him was going to happen to him eventually that he would be martyred jesus told him this jesus never calls us to follow him without telling us exactly what it's going to be like and and some of us would would never say out loud that we're not willing to do it you know we had a guy call the show today he says i think there needs to be more men of god that start running for office when was the last time somebody ran for office and didn't claim to be a man of god they all do now there's not a lot of evidence of it but they all claim it i'll tell you this america wouldn't vote for a real man of god they wouldn't because you think peter would ever have a shot to be to run for office and win in the united states of america in modern day when he started saying the things that he would say about being a disciple of jesus there's not enough people that would vote for that that sounds good to say that and we certainly should demand that and we should hope for that and we should pray for that but at the end of it all if you think the majority of the united states of america wants to go vote for a disciple of jesus you're incredibly naive we don't we don't really want a disciple of jesus because the standard's too high it's too hard we'd rather have a cultural christian that says the right things about where life begins it says the right things about marriage we're like but now that person starts talking about holiness obedience sacrifice denying self picking up the cross see it's it's much easier maybe to make it to talk real loud about things that don't really apply to us but when it gets down to you gonna have to put a little blood in the game then it gets a little bit different well here is peter and you know what he's saying i know that i'm gonna be martyred and he was most of the historical documentation not everyone agrees on this but most everyone does we know it was crucified we know that and and there's a lot of evidence that because he was going to stand up and say i don't deserve to be killed the way my savior was killed i'm not worthy of crucifixion that they crucified him upside down so so peter now knows he says it since i know that the putting off of my body i know he said i'm not going to be killed i love that see that's the beauty of the redeemed peter doesn't say i know they're about to kill me because they're not they're about to remove my body my spirit is about to leave this body that's all they're not going to kill me they're going to kill the body but they don't kill me and and all they're going to do is just launch me right into the presence of god and he knows this time is coming he said jesus has made that clear listen to this listen to 15. and i will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things now let me ask you hey dad dad y'all paying attention everybody with me dad mom have we done that have we done that what about if you find yourself on your deathbed and your kids come in and you're like i didn't teach them these things my body's about to be taken off and i'm about to go and i'm not dying peacefully because i haven't taught my children or i haven't taught the people that god gave me influence over these things these scriptures these demands so that when i'm dead and i can't physically tell them anymore they'll always recall them because they've been taught it so much that's what peter is saying oh yeah i'm going to die but since i know time is running out we're going to rep this thing i'm going to tell you these things over and over and over and over and over so when i'm my body is dead and my spirit is gone it won't matter it won't you know what it won't be like i ever left because now you'll just be saying the same things that i was told to tell you and i've done such a good job i made every effort to do that you now can recall them yourself even when i'm gone have we done that think about that see the reason why our children or people that we have influence over can do the things that we taught them to do even after we're dead because we taught them the things that we knew how to teach you know you can't teach your children about a jesus that you don't know you can't teach them to supplement things in their faith you haven't supplemented in your own faith you can't run down a list that you've never memorized yourself but peter did he said i'm going to do my job and i'm going to make sure that when when i go and i'm going soon you know there's an urgency with peter he says i got to make every effort because i know the time is coming that i'm going to depart depart but you'll still be regurgitating these things because i'm going to do my job that i told jesus i would do and my question to you and the same question comes back to me like a mirror are we doing what we told jesus we would do or do we get to that dead last and we've done all the other things we truly care about there it is and that's a tough question but it's an important question and and i hope and that's the reason why i'm just i'm getting to the point that i'm almost obsessed with discipleship because jesus said to make disciples he didn't say just make converts he said make disciples anybody who was called a christian remember we talked about this it was already a given that they were a disciple and did you know that being a disciple of jesus is just it's just that's just the foundational floor that's just what's expected i remember my dad saying something that i'll never forget i had friends that used to get paid for making good grades i had friends used to get paid for helping around the house you just get paid for making their bed up it drove my dad crazy and i said well how come we don't get paid he said nobody gets paid for doing what's expected you get paid when you do what's not expected when you go above and beyond your responsibility around this house you should make good grades you should clean up after yourself why should you be paid for that that's just being a son that's just being a student that's just being respectful for what all we've done to provide these things for you so there shouldn't be some standing ovation for the bare minimum and so well done comes from those that go above and beyond being grace abusers and just hoping you've done enough not to go to hell and peter says i'm not that guy and i'm going to do what christ told me to do because of my salvation i'm not trying to earn my salvation you know here he is in verse 14 and he is he is he has that unforgettable destiny which will be crucifixion peter knows his time is short and he wanted his legacy to reflect that that that that these disciples of christ always remember what he was taught to tell them what's your legacy going to be like what is your legacy did you know that's one of the things that i found the most effective and i thank the lord for giving me this you know i'm i'm in a club that i i don't want to be in and i'm in the club of people who bury their children it's in a fallen creation it's a very unnatural thing for a parent to bury their children we've all acknowledged that so a lot of times when somebody's burying their child for whatever reason my number gets handed to them i end up on the phone with them if they're willing and we have a conversation and and you and i i talk to the dad and my wife will talk to the mom and you know what i tell the dad and it usually is an immediate turning point you know what i say don't let your child's legacy be that their earthly death turns you away from god man they don't want that legacy i mean it's already sad enough that that what what happened to them and that they died what we think was an abrupt death and that they that they were taken from us while they were still our children before we were we were taken and the last thing that child would want is for their legacy to be that their daddy now turns away from god starts acting like an idiot don't let that be their legacy and usually a dad if he's worth anything will say you know what that's i hadn't thought about that yeah what's the legacy of the death of your child going to be let's try glorifying god advancing his kingdom now that's a legacy that child could be proud of not a legacy of destruction of the family and mom and daddy divorced because i died that's not the le that's not a legacy so so what kind of legacy are we leaving you don't have to be in that situation with those that we've been placed as response were responsible to for making them disciples for christ he was he was unfailing he was diligent and he would not let our lord and savior down again nor should we i've let him down before i sure have but my response shouldn't be that i'm ever going to do that again verse 16 and we'll wrote through 21 and finish this next theme that that peter's talking about for we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our lord jesus christ but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty yeah so he starts out saying there's integrity to this word of god it's inerrant i'm telling you who jesus is i'm telling you what jesus said you know why i was there there's integrity i have integrity i walked with jesus do we have integrity i mean can can we say to somebody here's what jesus says to do and then they look at us and go well you don't do that where do you get this authority from no we got to have integrity and peter's saying look i'm not this is not something some some some deal that we came up with cleverly to bring glory to ourselves you know that's one of those things i hear this all the time well the bible's just written by people written by people yeah inspired by god well why do you say that because i got to tell you something if god didn't tell me to write down that i abandoned him in his greatest time of need i wouldn't write that down i wouldn't make up a story like that rick you made up a story about yourself and jesus yeah what'd you make up that i did everything right you think i'm gonna make up that i abandoned jesus that's crazy i mean why would i cast myself in a negative light in a made-up story and so peter is saying this is not some cleverly devised myth that that we've made known to you we're telling you about the power and the coming of the lord jesus because we were eyewitnesses to his majesty we were there and you know he's talking about this there's so many things he was there for but but the the he was there on the mount of transfiguration i mean peter looked at at john and james and he's like we got to build some kind of something to acknowledge this here he sees jesus as he's getting ready to go to the cross and and peter and john and james got to see jesus in his glory sitting there with moses and elijah and abraham and and and they know they're not they're dead and and here's this pep rally for lack of a better term for jesus with these men who had these prophets that had gone before them and they saw it and he says i saw his majesty i saw him be glorified i was there and he's probably thinking about you know well john may have told you about this too james didn't tell you about it because james was martyred right out of the gate he i mean james i mean and that was a moment where was james and peter one time and this is god's sovereignty how about this peter you're free to go james they're going to kill you so god god has got his plan and he's working it out but john and peter are still here to tell people about him and so he goes on to say this look what he says after that we we we were eye witnesses for his majesty for when he received honor and glory from god the father and the voice was born to him by the majestic glory of the father father then he gives a quote here's what we heard the father say this is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased look at 18. we ourselves heard this very voice born from heaven for we were with him on the holy mountain so we were there on the holy mountain when for the transfiguration and we heard god say this is my son with whom i'm well pleased where else did they hear that they also heard that at jesus baptism this is my son i am well pleased you find that in matthew 3 17. write that down matthew 3 17. so here is peter saying i have integrity we were there we did see it these things really happen and i'm telling you there's no error in what i'm telling you about jesus he is who i'm telling you that he is i was with him so that kind of goes back to the lesson that we talked about before because some of you are probably watching this or listening to this and you're like well we don't have that story we can't tell people that we were there no but you you can you can find out and talk about the people who were there which is peter who's passed this on to us or more than that have you not seen in your own life have you not seen it the majesty of god i have now i wasn't on the mount of transfiguration i wasn't there for jesus's baptism but i'm going to tell you something the fact that i'm sitting here right now and i'm teaching this lesson is because of the power of god because i got news for you before i was redeemed by jesus if you said now rick here's the things you could do today and you listed the things that were available to me and you said now every wednesday we'd like for you to do an hour bible study i would have said no thank you that that's not gonna make it on my calendar this week it goes back to the time i told you this before and this can happen in all of our lives i hope i had an opportunity to be with a man back to being called to a lot of sad situations when children die this man's small child had drowned at the beach very sad story my wife calls me and we have this happen before and says hey we've got this family i've already been with the mother today what are you doing right now i said i'm in the drive-thru at taco bell with the boys we just finished up some sort of practice i don't remember what sport it was but i remember that was the case she says i'm coming to get the boys you got to go see this guy now now i get up at 4 30 every morning and we're talking 6 30 7 p.m at this point which is fine uh she comes gets the boys i head over there to a guy i've never met before in my life i go through the house i sit down with him in the back bedroom and we start hashing it out and we're hashing it out and we're hashing out he is not a follower of jesus uh he he does not believe that the bible is inerrant and i'm talking through what scripture says when you're talking to a believer it's a little bit easier because they at least believe these promises are true i'm talking to god i didn't believe any of this and i'm i'm going verse after verse after verse and i'm talking to him and i'm doing this and i'm doing that and now i'm kind of getting in this mode of look man i'm an eyewitness to who jesus is i see how he's changed me i see how he's carried me through this i sense the power of the holy spirit there are changes that are taking place in me that i've had no part in uh if i as i pursue jesus it changes and then finally he says you know i just wish that god would give me a sign that i would know that everything you're telling me is true and i looked at him and i said well okay and he leans in like i'm going to produce this sign and i said i looked at the clock i said 11 45 pm i said when this thing hits the top of 12 i'll be here with you and i've been here with you for five hours and i said i got to get up in four and a half hours and i don't know you i'm not that good a person i am your son i wouldn't be sitting here right now if i hadn't been redeemed by jesus you know what i would have heard and i told him this very thing i would have heard about your tragedy you know what i would have said man that's awful and i probably would have never thought about it again because that's not a pleasant thought and i would have moved on with my life with my number three from taco bell and i'd never thought of you again now i'd like to say otherwise but then i'd be lying to you i am your sign you're seeing the majesty of god in a wretched self-centered sinful man who only cares about you right now and is spending this time with you because the lord is providing that empathy that i just don't have and you know what he's a man and he realized that what i said was true and he gave his life to christ that night because see we are the sign we show his majesty we are for some people the mount of transfiguration we are for some people the blind man being healed we are to some people the proof of the resurrection because the power of jesus has changed us so much that we're unrecognizable and we're nothing like the rest of the world so we have our own version of eyewitness so peter goes on he said we ourselves verse 18 heard the very voice born from heaven for we were with him on the holy mountain verse 19 and we have something more sure the prophetic word to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts here hello just what i said now we have the word of god this is directly from god through peter and through paul and through the other writers of the bible we have it written down so we now need to know this so that when someone asks us about who god is and what is this plan of redemption and who is this jesus and what is the holy spirit we say i got it right here and you know what's interesting i find this interesting that peter would talk about being a witness to the mount of transfiguration jesus's baptism god's speaking out of heaven and in 19 he says and we have something more sure more the prophetic word to which you would do well to pay attention to you know he says you're in a dark world anybody believe that anybody believer in the dark world i'm holding toward the camera right now for those of you that can't hear this i mean can't see this but you're hearing it i'm holding up a copy of the bible and you know what i might as well be holding a lamp i might as well be holding a light to the darkness of this world that's what peter said this is the prophetic word of god and everything you need to know is here and you need to pay attention to it and you need to know it because it'll serve you well as a light when everything around you is dark somebody say amen to that i love that he said you must have the word of god to illuminate this darkness or which is his concern here in the second letter or the darkness will consume you you you either take this and push back the darkness with the light or without it the darkness consumes you and it will deceive you verse 20 hey you got to know the word of god and some of you have been so resilient and your commitment to studying the word of god just here in this setting every week and i can't tell you what it means to me and and without fail when i'm starting to drift a little bit and i'm starting to get tired i'm starting to get wore down it happened last night and i start to get tired i start to get wore down and the things of the world and i start thinking to myself is any of this making any difference you know what happens every time every time sometimes multiple emails are text but always one hey man i mean i'm sitting there in the middle of this last night trying to watch election returns and i get a thing about a a a new email and i just kind of look at it and i think in the middle of all this that's going on who's going to lead the free world what's going to happen there's a guy emailing me about what this this bible study has done in his life in the middle i'm thinking i thought to myself what stranger i'm taking time to read this during election returns or that he took the time to write it see he's not worried about what's going on i mean you should get involved you should care about it it matters but but ultimately god's in control this guy's at perfect peace you know what he's thinking i'm sure i'm glad i'm growing in jesus i i just want to give you the encouragement for taking the time to do this i want you to know that god's using it to change my life right when i needed it right then and i want to thank all of you that do that because god uses you then to encourage me and i hope this is being used to encourage you and i know it challenges all of us that's part of it peter's already said at the beginning i'm not apologizing for this exhortation i'm not apologizing for it it's necessary but at the same time we're in this together verse 20 knowing this first of all that no prophecy of scripture comes from someone's own interpretation that's important hang on to that peter's letting us know that this inspiration is not his hey i'm writing this inspired by the holy spirit this is not by the will of man the holy spirit is controlling every single word so we're not hearing this like peter says i'll tell you what i'd like to do i'd like to give you some commentary i'd like to give you my opinion on things no peter has not been to seminary that i know of peter's a fisherman i mean this literally is like you or me and jesus walson says stop what you're doing here and come with me and peter says i'm in and he begins to show peter that he is who he says he is and now here's peter as an older man getting getting to the end of his of his earthly death which will be being martyred and crucified just like jesus was but only worse in in some accounts that he was crucified upside down and he did that to honor jesus he's sitting there he's taking pen he's talking we know in first peter he's talking to silas here there's no indication who may be writing this yet but we know that peter is either talking it or writing it himself and every word is coming inspired from the holy spirit we really are not all that and this is the problem we get we always want to worship the wrong things you you see we've got people in catholicism and we've taken peter and we placed him in a place that he would never want to be placed we see people talking about john calvin and developing a whole theology using his last name john calvin didn't want to be worshiped he's just telling you that god's inspiring him to say some things wesley you know and and and these these people that we all we always just try to elevate these human beings when they're saying no don't elevate us we're trying to point you to god he he's the only thing that makes us worth any anything at all our devotion to him might be something that's an example to you but what we're devoted to is what's going to change you not us and he said i want you to know that this is not something that is my own interpretation i did not come up with this you ever said that to somebody well i just don't appreciate your view on marriage it's not my view honestly i i i could take some things that are difficult in my life and solve them in a 30-second phone call if i just decide that i don't care what god's standard is of things you know hey you know what i'd rather thanksgiving the holidays not be so difficult for family members and friends or whatever people that don't agree with with god's standard on things so i guess if it's all up to me i'll just compromise those standards and we'll all have a nice nice thanksgiving and christmas uh and um it'll all go smoothly no there's difficulty because just like peter had difficulty because you know he's saying it doesn't really matter what i think i just care what he thinks it's not even about those of you that oppose him i'm not upset with you i don't have any agenda against you i just love him so i do what he says what do we say a disciple is someone who says what jesus says to say and does what jesus says to do and he says i just want you to know that it's not me and look at 21 for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man but spoke from god as they were carried along by the holy spirit how cool is that and that's what you have to watch out for i know during these times and there's a lot of end time stuff going out there and we should pay attention to what scripture has to say you know i i've heard some great messages lately from different pastors and different teachers that they're talking about you know the days ahead and the end times and and and all that that's important we should know that um one of the things that peter's talking about and you see this in revelation 17 i heard a message about that i just listened to this last week uh from uh from a friend of mine that is that is a pastor and he says it right i mean in revelation 17 what we see in that revelation is is god's warning of the counterfeit church here's peter saying hey understand watch for the counterfeit church there has to be a counterfeit church for the antichrist so be on the lookout and and don't be involved in a counterfeit version of the church you got to know what god actually says so what i hear someone say and i want you to listen to this that they've had some prophecy the minute i hear based on scripture and based on this that they don't know whether it's of god or not i'm out i'm out because they may not understand it if they've been given a prophetic word they might not understand it but we we we find through scripture there's never anyone that has been given a prophetic word that they don't know that it came from god they may not understand it but they know where it came from so if anybody ever says well i've got something that may or may not be prophecy i can solve that for you it's not because if it's not of god then it might be an interesting conversation but i wouldn't put a whole lot of weight in it so here is peter again saying for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man but men spoke from god meaning you hear that so they know where it came from right what does it say men spoke from god as they were carried along by the holy spirit so if this person doesn't know where it came from and and like we're playing a guessing game like we're on a game show now is prophecy or not prophecy if we play in that game it's not that doesn't mean that they don't know things i mean they might just know things or have dreams about things because they know a lot about the topic they've researched it they've studied it that's fine but let's not get all this drama going that there's a prophetic word that may or may not have come from god be real careful because that sounds an awful lot like the garden of eden is this what god really said he said we don't need to be involved in that kind of stuff if the person doesn't know that they're speaking on behalf of god then i wouldn't listen or if you listen i just listen the way you'd listen to somebody break down a football game or something i wouldn't like they've got some divine word for you if they don't know it came from god if they're guessing because you see peter once again saying this so what's our application today well for one thing if we are in the role of peter then we need to be about god's business and we need to be teaching and discipling those that he's placed us uh to tend to our our children our wives our husbands if you're a woman watching this uh people that we're you know in our circle of influence so are we doing the diligent work of god by saying i want you to be true disciples of jesus and i want you to understand the things that god said and i'm going to keep reminding you these things so that you can always apply them are you willing to enter into severe accountability where someone can come to you and say well now god said that's not the way we handle this one of the biggest things you've got to understand if you're now on the other side if you're not in peter's role but you're on the other side and now you're the people that need a peter in your life you do realize that no one can speak into your life if you don't give them permission to do it i have men like this in my life right now i have men that i work with and i have men that help me and i try to help them you know why because both people have given the other one full permission to speak into their life i also have men that i don't speak into their life you know why they won't let me they don't want me to and honestly that kind of man i use don't let speak into my life either my wife and i even though we're husband and wife she has full permission to speak directly into my life she doesn't have to be concerned about she should say anything she feels led to say to me and i'm ready to receive it and she's given me the same permission as my wife so they're they're there has that i mean you these people right now that are reading this there are some that that got this letter from peter you know if they said yeah i pass i'm not i'm not all for this exhortation are you one of those people can nobody say anything to you yeah you you can't receive any any criticism you can't receive anything any correction uh you can't receive any hey man you might want to think about this well i got news for you you're a prideful prideful human being and god will find a way i mean he'll give you your best shot you know you remember the the great commercial you can pay me now or you can pay me later but you're going to pay me and so god loves you enough to give you your best shot so if these people been placed in your life i would i would find somebody and i would give them full permission to speak into your life i was talking to a guy the other day and and i've seen this work so well who said he struggled with porn there's a shocker a man struggling with porn and he said what i i got i keep struggling with that what do you think i should do i said you should give your phone and your computer to your wife there should be no password she should be able to take your phone and get on your computer and look at the history of your computer and take your phone from you on any given moment and look at what you've been looking at hmm we'll see then you're not ready you you're limiting what what you're limiting how people can speak into your life if you want to be held accountable then people have they they can ask you anything anytime anywhere and uh it goes back to this you know my wife and i were talking about this you know we both try to watch our weight and try to work on things and you know i have this i've had this struggle for a long time and you know what i i said when it comes to things that i shouldn't be eating there's one way baby that i won't eat them don't have it in the house don't have it now i've never eaten a snack that wasn't in the house never because you know what you start thinking you got to get my truck got to go drive and try to get it it's not that important to me but hey baby if it's sitting right there within arm's reach before you know it that big old hand's you know digging off in that bag so what we want to do is we want to live a life if we want to adhere to these exhortations we have to allow people to actually do it you know the peter in your life could say i'm willing to do what the lord told me to do but you could say no thank you you got to allow it so we should be making disciples but we should also be allow people to disciple us that's the way that should be working so i don't know where that hits you today uh but if i can help you in any way you know you can always reach out to me rick rick and bubba dot com we come back next week lord willing we'll begin to look at the chapter two and this is that that that warning that peter has with us again about false teachers and false prophets so um today let's take what he said to us and ask the question where are some areas that we need to adjust based on this exhortation that peter said was so important to him that he would be diligent to the day he died and be so diligent that the people that were under his leadership would always recall the things of god even after he was dead let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for the word from peter thank you for your powerful uh god inspired uh prophetic holy spirit driven and written uh word to us i pray lord that it pierces our hearts i play we pray that we apply it to our lives wherever we need to today and lord maybe there's somebody out there right now that says i got to make an adjustment today i haven't even begun i don't even know that i know jesus i don't know if i'm under his authority and i sure certainly don't know anything about him you know the analogy that that hit me lord jesus was i could walk around all day long and claim that i'm a mechanic but if you asked me how to fix your car and i didn't know anything about it then i'm probably not a mechanic i'm probably just claiming to be and i pray lord that we take this today and we apply it to our our lives but we don't just hear it we make the necessary adjustments in the name of jesus we pray amen thanks for being with us today if i can help you in any way i'm always here and lord willing i'll talk to you next week
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 5,776
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, bible study, bible study for men, men's bible study, trump covid, hope hicks, trump hope hicks, melania, hope trump, covid trump
Id: R8jgphaLSms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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