Phil's Fashion Tips, Frozen Snakes, and Trump Impeachment | Ep 35

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I wanna say what about you so one of the one of the great benefits of having record cold temperatures is the duck season is open in states where it's not open in Louisiana I mean there's my dream life would actually be just to start in Canada and follow the Ducks all the way down but you gotta remember where the lie state on the North American continent with the last eight we're far as you can go the blue-winged teal going into Mexico but most of them they come down Louisiana is in the land well even the mallard they'll stop short of South is you know that's right in there these Ducks are migrating from Canada the Canadian Prairies that's why I'm saying Canadian national anthem never missing a lick when I look up to the heavens and I see these Canadian mallards coming but anyway Jays figured out that the migration was about Mid Continent because getting reports from duck hunters who are saying they're here they're not here well he figured out they were about Mid Continent so Jase tells me the Ducks have migrated down Mid Continent we're down on the end of the continent we need to go north because the Ducks have come south and we need to meet in the middle yeah understand what I'm saying well actually I called you and said I'm headed to Kansas because this cold front I think the Ducks basically what he just said but I didn't think Phil would want to go I don't know what Phil was like it reminded me that sinon Outlaw Josey Wales you know when he said I reckon I'll be coming with you so I'm like okay saddle up partner used to we would we would drive to wherever we went to because and hope we get there with a raggedy rig we were driving these days Jason will drive up you know take about nine ten hours to get up earlier Louise you know I said look it's a new day a new day is don't let's just catch an airplane and do like the ducks will fly north they're flying south we can be there where they are in an hour yes why not just go an hour instead of fact the traffic and a vehicle let's just jump on it can I can I so everybody ran there was flying the mallards were flying we were flying everybody climb can I tell you in the middle can I tell you the real story feels that hey I got a free plane I got three hours I never said the word free I heard the word free no I said miss Kay said she's got a got a plane already booked the money and all and I thought well good night though I heard the word free well Phil wants to fly and he's got a free plane and so what's funny planes are never free okay Kay calls me and says oh I'm excited you feel are going hunting now how are we splitting this this plane and I said no fifty nothing's for free baby another phone she be told me as soon as the phone went Wow she said that cheapskate trying to weasel out of it so Jays went oh hey Oh see a mom when told try but no free play I think I found a shuttle miss Casey what about a third that was our day I said okay I'll pay for the plane on it but when I when she said no we'll just do a third I said I was since you said it was free I was like what you do whatever your conscience linji today this whatever we paid was well worth the money doesn't matter ducks they came out of the from the four winds you know I mean well plus we were I mean sometimes it makes sense because we were reporting to I've cast the day I left and then we were doing something else the day he got the idea was to get these mallard ducks and fool them enough so that they would descend from from 3,000 feet flying by but we wanted them at 20 yards we had the first day we didn't see as many ducks because it was so cold you know in Kansas I mean it freezes it wrong it was cold so we hunted a river it was a great experience we thought we had this huge buck come right up in front of us you know and then the Ducks the whole we were hunting the Ducks kept going to somewhere else and I was like where they go and he's like why there there's nothing back there I thought well they're not they're not lighting on dry ground so I'm the type person when I see something like that going on I want to go see what it is that's like is that your property he's like well yeah so we get out of map no Google map in the blind and we look there's a little pond I said but there's a pond on your property that you don't even know you own us discovering duck habitat with the owner of the property and he didn't even know back there so he's like well I was like he said you can't I think you it was there but he just never had food well he didn't we didn't think it would big enough to hold dogs and he's like what something's happened he said you can't go back there there's a Creek you got across well the next thing I know he's got a trapper buddy of his who traps and we're hauling a boat we cross a creek you know I'm walking half a mile and so when we get to the pond the Beave adults just that's where they were going ducks poured out of there they had made they had kept it unfrozen because there were so many ducks and what was weird about it is that I look up under the ice and I see a snake and I'm thinking look this snake froze to death well I didn't know that my guide the trapper Elroy or whatever his name was he all of a sudden you have a guide named Elroy he's a trapper they don't name you know you don't hear a trapper you don't have a name this normal that dude was highly intelligent he flew oh he was a airplane pilot for you you know what I mean no roads on the Jetsons but it's a few beaver on the side I'm thinking I know so look he's tapping the ice cuz I was like there's a snake that's frozen that you know it was dumb he should have found him a hole you know I'm thinking the snakes dead well he he taps the ice and I'm looking like this snakes not dead and it it was huge I mean big around under the ice yeah so he grabs his net where the snake comes a lot and he just reaches down grab him by the head I'm like I'm out of here whoa what are you doing you thinking man that's what I was thinking but I didn't realize in Kansas they don't have cottonmouth you know cuz you wouldn't ever want to do that so then all of a sudden he turns into the snake whisperer and it's telling me oh no you can tell by looking at the pupils of his eyes I'm like well you I would never get that close to snake anyway because I shoot and then identify he looks bad but he's what we called down here in the south and water rattler yeah but he's non poisonous all right ladies we have in the river you see oh yeah there's a big amethyst there scary-looking I know I'm messing around and they'll bite you so we all they left the river you know when we go that you hunt all day cuz they don't fly to the warmest part of the day and we had a good hunt the first day but the second day they came from the for heaven we literally saw the migration happen and it was in the middle of the day that's probably what noon no he looked up and they literally there were ducks in every direction coming and we had a little problem for the first 30 minutes getting them in the hole because our decoy spread wasn't right I enjoyed the banter between two hard-headed guys in their 40s me and my buddy Jason I'm 50 buddy it's 50 good night but you make me seem old but there you are a banner they were back and forth the old dog I'm just sitting in the middle there listen to them and every five minutes they'd gue rearrange the decoys spread and they'd go back out there again and they go back out back and back and back saying I don't know what the wrong but they finally figured it out and we looked up and they started coming but you think about though berry 20 yards reason jaysus friends a bird he's like Jay he's a northern birth parent of every little thing out when you're looking out there hard-headed are you with the signpost trying to say yeah I'm saying that Barrett is the north over trying to get into the mind of a mallard duck so that they could fool him but we pull it off the horse look every time the Ducks would come and not come in we immediately went out into the decoys and he's like I think water you know move them here move them there I'm gonna go then when we finally got it right then it seemed easy yeah I like the argument though you you got to try to figure that you can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result you know I'm at Barrett back when we used to have phones attached to the walls and we would answer them because you didn't know who was calling he called because he was intrigued by our faith because we've never been ashamed of our faith that's what we're doing here today and and he was big duck on her but he didn't have anybody that likes to duck hunt and he owns this property and so he called which is now that I know him is something he would never do but he was just intriguing he called us he's like I'd like for y'all to come hunting up here and we'd get a lot of those requests and we very seldom would do it but we were on a trip somewhere else and we didn't have a good hunt and we were heading home but I had I put his number in a notebook just in case we wanted to check it out and so I started to call him you know and I was asking phase right now and but then I said you know I'm gonna do it so I call him and he's like oh I got him you know come on and then I'm gonna hung up but field just said now I just don't cuz Bears kind of a high-strung guy you know well Barrett calls back and I forgot where we were and he stuck his phone outside his camp and there were thousands of mallards hollering and then he and Jay showed me a picture of it and I had been saying I too far to go when I saw that I said look that you look at then uh but the bottom line is all these years have passed since the Apostles wrote what I am fixing to quote this is Luke the Apostle he's telling a story underneath that story is how were the Gentiles that's all of us sitting at this table here and out there in the world you say you know our salvation is from the Jews you said well when were the Gentiles brought in and how were they brought in this is the story of how we received the grace of God handed to us because the Jews thought it was just for them you know and they were boy you talk about racism that was going on back then between Jew and Gentile so God in His mercy shows Peter a Jew he gives him a picture of the way it's fixing to be because they had all these food laws under the law of Moses the Gentiles must have heathens they didn't fool with food laws at all so he sent him a stories about noon the following day as they were approaching the city oh yeah well yeah this is Acts chapter 10 and fallen yeah Peter became hungry he wanted something to eat and while the meal was being prepared he fell into a trance he saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down by its four corners the sheet contained all kinds of no lists of this list ladies and gentlemen because last week one of one of you ladies most mouthing off I don't read the the I don't have a cell phone someone gave me this information that we had a naysayer because when I was with the president I said well if you're Pro God and you're pro America and you're pro-gun and producting I said that's all I want out of life so that's all you said and you I won't vote for you and she said the naysayer I love you darlin wherever you are she's the naysayer said I got everything bro God pro-america but but I didn't get the duck part I don't understand where he was going with the duck so listen up and I'll show you about the Ducks Peter he he falls into a trance heaven opens and here comes a movie screen a giant one descending from the heavens and it contained all kinds of four-footed animals which would include bears was this the first movie I guess it was yeah first movie ever recorded and deer for feed squirrels for feet whatever moose four feet four footers it's on the movie screen as well as reps of the earth and listen and birds of the air now we're talking ducks geese pheasants quail doves we're talking birds and a voice coming out of heaven said get up Peter kill and eat a new day has just don't from the law of Moses now everything is fair game now Peters arguing with God I've never eaten anything impure unclean they were very very regimented no pork no catfish and certain birds the voice spoke to him a second time you don't call anything impure that God has made clean from that he was wanted about the vision God contacts him sent some gentiles to him and they end up Peter asked and anyone keep these people from being baptized with water because the spirit just descended on them like I did in Acts chapter 2 and coming out of the heavens it's a while story about how God brought the Gentiles in via showing Peter that there would be no no favoritism toward anything in fact Peter said I now realize how this is verse 34 of Acts 10 I now realize after that vision God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who um and who do what is right no matter what they're eating that's the point yes sinem that visa this is the message God sent that people visual telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ who Lord of all you know what's happened throughout Judea beginning in Galilee after the baptism of John preached he goes through Matthew Mark Luke and John the story that come that they wrote down regarding Jesus's life his death burial and resurrection power I went around doing good by the way this is the code we should live by as members of the kingdom because the king he went around doing good his lifestyle and healing all those who were under the power of the devil because God was with him we point people to Jesus therefore there heal from the power of the devil and you said what do you do in between that time we just do good that's all and these people the first Gentiles were added to the kingdom I want to get that and the and the rest is history that's alright somebody's calling in running her mouth again probably you spark now that's a woman calling in she's their nephew I get the dark because birds of the air honey I've got orders from headquarters by the way if it walks crawls flies or swims I have been given full authority from the God who made the birds and the animals and us and the cosmos full authority kill him and eat him so so you remember the the woman from Time magazine was down a few years ago she was vegan yeah and she was in gun control some other things but she was doing a piece on you for Time magazine yup she she was she is an Aussie but she's lived in New York for 20 years yeah it's always really interesting because good woman and so and did a fair piece on you I like vegans because it's it's more for me Joe and Tommy Tommy but was it really because dad kind of made this case he was look I don't you know I don't care if you eat vegetables or whatever you want to eat you know just don't mind if I eat meat you know cuz you know we're coexisting here we're back to Peter here yeah so you know it's awesome you and her bonded over a a biscuit with mayhaw jelly because you were chilling her all the stuff we make from their land and in that you know I was I was showing her that not only is there deer meat squirrel meat duck meat and we going out in the wild don't forget frogs frogs fish and we're harvesting those things god says love birds of the air the beasts of the earth of a fish as reptiles are there hey if you hey things that some people would need everything is created by God and his good deeds oh so more food losses mostly in Louisiana she had had a self she was trying to self impose a food law that she observed Oh me right cuz you asked her you were like is this for some religious person she said I don't know no I mean so she didn't have any preference for herself even and then so you were say well don't put it on me so it impacted her and so she so you took her I remember you took her and I was there you took in the kitchen she ate them a hall this is great y'all a solar the may Hall came from the same woods right that the Ducks in the deer because they eat that which is very two examples over yeah I said do you not want me to eat meat because it's not biblical I said because I have Acts chapter 10 here and she said I'm not a religious person I said well what about the Constitution of the United States does that forbid me eating meat she said no I said so let me get this right you woke up one morning and you decided that you were gonna not eat meat anymore and you were also gonna bind what you bound yourself with on me I said girl I said I don't like God I don't mind if people I don't like it so here's so here's where the story went which I found really interesting so I'm the contact person she leaves here she's in town a couple of days she leaves she goes back to New York she sends me an email she's at thanks for a raise and everything and the peace will be out whenever whenever and she said and tell your dad that you know he really had some interesting points I hadn't thought about and so I was really curious and so I went to cotton which is a local restaurant here in town and they served up wraps which Earp on Ray's death they're not wild over still ducks with the little piece of bacon Sophie yeah Muscovy with a little bacon wrapped around a little cream cheese in the middle she said and I was intrigued and so I tried one and you know he's right there delicious so I think you kind of water over I mean I don't know that she's eating meat but at least she was willing to say you know that old guy's not as crazy as he looks you know he's like an Airedale dog he and his dummy I didn't hold it against her no and she did a nice piece and and contacted me two years later to write a piece for her about parenting she said you know one of the things I noticed about your family is you guys have a multi-generational connection to one another that impact her because she's not even married and so so she's like would you write an article she was at Thanksgiving which is this time of year she said would you write an article about how you achieved that I said I would love to and talked about how generational faith works into family and that's how you stay close there's something there's something therapeutic about living off the land and providing videos it's I mean my wife always who you know she was a city girl and she wouldn't eat any kind of wild game but you know she once she would try she had had the same response like oh my goodness it's just life changing and now I can tell she she used it as a respectful thing that I can in a in a clean way go instead of just going the grocery store and realizing oh you know hamburger meat is not saran wrap no humans did that that you can actually go take a deer harvest it clean it and be eating it within 15-20 minutes and it's greater than anything you can ever eat in a restaurant for all you listeners out there just remember this this is Romans 1:21 don't forget this old writings 2000 year old writings written in the 50s 50 ad although they knew God the human race they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him which we do both when we go hunting and harvest the animals their thinking became futile their foolish hearts were darkened you say how did that manifest itself although they claim to be wise well there you go like their their authority on everything including harvesting animals they became fools they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man birds animals and reptiles they worship therefore God gave them over to gross sexual immorality and it says they worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator that's exactly what we do in modern day in the United States of America that that is exactly where they are their minds because they thought was changed they thought they were it all came on a basis that we're eating our ancestors which would seem weird I would give you that if we did come from animals well yeah that would be weird we are animals turn on each other I think that's where it all went went down it's amazing that they're killed their own children but they get mad at me for kidding animals pretty amazing and eating them and eat them yeah although you know there's everything's out there we've talked about before you walk in a grocery store and you know all that stuff got there because you know it had to be harvested so people just don't don't know they're not doing the reality it's not a reality check you know I mean look I'm married a woman Hey she was literally not putting the animal with the package it just was like in some kind of weird to now I'm like well you see me clean a frog and you're like oh how can you was like if you saw any other animal harvested that you buy the grocery store but since it's neatly packaged they're like oh it's not it's not that didn't happen these metric tons millions of metric tons of beef pork chicken turkey fish millions of metric tons a day and it's just being killed process packaged and he ends up in the supermarket to just say that's not the way to roll is not logical so we we got our friends that equip that's what they're called they've got an electric toothbrush which is way more powerful than just a regular toothbrush because of what it can do to your teeth I think we're all pretty much an agreement that taking care of your teeth is important yeah you you get basically get two sets right you get the set you get when you're young and they all fall out then you get the next set and that's it that's all you got so we think it's important because you look at you look at this crew and you think man I bet they and brush their teeth and you know years but actually that's not true it's I got a double a battery oh yeah it's got so we need to get you equip we're in close price yeah autumn a a couple of those I'm just looking at him so they told me and all I did was see see one Jase got one his hand trying to get the thing home and look it's even it's even foolproof because it's like thirty seconds intervals in your mouth it hits a little different wine you'll know when to work on the next set and you know you're working on all sets so 30 seconds and then it'll hit another pitch and you'll know to go inside outside and it's a seal because I figured out how to turn it on without you bar maybe give me a Christmas gift like y'all EULA do I want a Christmas gift for a couple of toothbrushes alright so we're gonna we're gonna get dad some quip and that's what you all need to do as well I mean they just sold two if they don't sell anymore right here today and here's the beauty of dad you don't ever have to shop again they're gonna send you some new brush heads some floss some toothpaste right here every three months it's gonna show up three million people have already signed up so we wanna get some more of you to sign up for equip so you get quick calm slash Robertson because we believe in good clean healthy hygiene for your teeth you can also use them on your treasures if you're a metal well I guess that's right did you find the more you so soapy water and get if you're a treasure cleaning in other areas things get clipped calm / robertson basically is gonna get a free refill plan which is great get quit qi p calm / robertson sign up today and clean your teeth your treasures or whatever else you need to like try that I've never had electric toothbrush ever never heard of one till today well and we don't realize how spoiled we are here because you know I'd go to Africa every other year or so for some different you know projects that we support and you know you roll into Liberia which is where I'm going in next week and it's just there is no choice of that I mean in other words somebody you see a few chickens running around and somebody about and you know but everything there's no store but with everything they have doves flying everywhere but the government is crazy you know people are starving to death yeah God said one time all he has to say is at one time do not kill and eat at any time birds animals Reptar fish do not kill and eat them I wouldn't kill him and either you'd be a vegan and I said yeah but we were just I was waiting on a meeting I was like they all have bullfrogs you know he's oh oh yeah yeah I said whoa dd-don't Manisa yes and he referred to AXT here yeah very good the giant we were like planning a profit overseas so you they just tag it with me and you could know for all account that River but I got days days it's a it's not funny started tell about the Black Mamba and yeah yeah there's like it's a mad all the constrictors and I was like they get the king cobra there too while you're there I'll just a little briefing to our listeners let's see where is that Thessalonians let's see the swag bag can only have replica Bob listen this carefully for you listeners out there you said well there's there any any other things about the animal world of a vegans and all that you got to remember you say you don't dislike these people know that hold to their own self imposed food of course we love them look the spirit clearly says that in later times well this is about 50 or 60 ad somewhere in later times this will happen in later times some will abandon the faith that's me where we are kill animals and eat them and they will follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons you're like whew that this is rough such teachings come through hypocritical liars whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron we're not we're not that rough on the self-imposed worship but watch they forbid they do two things they forbid people to marry don't ever do that just use your head their listeners and say is there anybody around in America that won't let certain individuals marry reset research it get back with me don't ever do that they forbid people to make because these are things taught by demons and they order them to abstain from certain foods oh you say that's two things you never want to do never tell a person if they want to marry say you can't marry you have to remain celibate that's you are you are a hypocritical liar according to this is a sizzling your till my light some reverses Timothy for religious where I am therefore when they abstain from totem their people order them to abstain from certain foods everybody going to be a vegan well God created to be received with Thanksgiving foods by those who believe and know the truth now here's the point everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected in the food line if it's received a Thanksgiving because it's consecrated by the Word of God in prayer we thank God every time we sit down for a meal whether it's turkey duck dear fish are just beans and rice we thank God for all the foodstuffs and nothing is not allowed not one single thing everyone in America needs to get that in their head and live by it because life would be far more peaceful and in my case in our case I would say far more enjoyable so you know so dad you're not of the opinion of the MSNBC host that said Thanksgiving is a questionable holiday because that turkey died well she didn't elaborate but she just said it's a question I'm assuming it's because of the Indians I don't know I think it was the Indians may be in the pilgrims what they want to do why would it be questionable to go out every place that serves seafood for all fried chicken places will be gone all hamburger joints gone all steak houses go I mean go down the list and you want to see a downturn in the economy go with this much and you got one gigantic proportions and it includes a massive starvation worldwide well I'm all in for Thanksgiving which we're in that season now and because we do we do fried turkeys here which are amazing we do dad does a big duck and dress and every year and I have to tell you if you ever outlaw duck and dressing you have missed one of the greatest o greatest meals of all and I grew up not liking dressing there now I love it I can't get it so it's a very - dressing as a wet dressing it's you know some people's dressing is dry but dad says well main base for that dress cornbread duck broth yeah with with yellow cornmeal cooked up into cornbread yes and then you add onions celery of edges or you add the veggies to it and by the way the court except for the duck bro salty the vegetables put those in there in you cornbread crumble it all up in with some Ritz crackers and some regular saltine crackers crush all that together and that's the base of it you have your duck broth and your Ducks over here we've done all that makes the best fried it's really dressing their slave really good for you oh yeah it's the death everyone that eats it that would turn a vegan debbye turner him to duck so mom does her sweet potato pies yeah which are fantastic - eats a pie at the Hurst said today it's like a tradition she has them all there just because she makes like a dozen them I take one and I just eat it the whole thing the whole thing is a nice surprise Knicely tidbit what sweet potatoes most people there is an art to making a sweet potato pie yes I've eaten some I'm like you well it for me for many other moms are so good you know I've had some people which I probably shouldn't have gone down there won't anyways you know what I'll go by your rule on this which is we should all have in our world an open policy on well cook food and not so good cook food and I tell my wife early on I was like look would that told us that if you're if it's not good I'm gonna tell you food has to be critiqued because once you brag trying to be kind once you brag on bad cooking you're insuring yourself of bad cooking all their life from that is they own yeah though it's not to tell the truth if it's not good I'll tell miss Kay I can't eat it but if the dogs will with me and the dogs if we say no sir if the dogs won't eat it and you won't eat it you say that's what L said my dad is and he's at least he is not hypocritical because if you missed it on something - Linus nope missed it missed it missed it on my you if you're gonna cook and you're gonna and really take some chances on that you're gonna have some disasters every so often but some of the members of my wife's family they're like oh we heard you love sweet potato pie and so they made one or they bought one and I'm like this you know it's hard for me to explain once you have good ones well I don't even want to try because I'm like I was like well there's a difference my mom has ruined me because this is not that you let miss Kay's weave dead but no they're basically I'll watch it what they're our audience is hearing is that godliness with contentment it is great gain yeah we're content with we're eating things out of the wild there's no limits to foodstuffs if you think about it there's a certain amount of freedom in that and self-imposed worship or denial of foodstuffs it's just not wise but it's it's just not wise no but you know me binding a food law on you one of the ten commandments of and then the law of Moses food laws were there it was a strict code but now all of that is gone by the way some of those food laws I'm convinced I mean we just go with it because God said it but a lot of that was to protect them I mean the reason why there's no pork in the desert is because you'd get trichinosis you call some of this stuff comfort foods and that's what people who miss out on that that you know they they just they're angry because they're I mean they need a box of chicken wings you know it just makes you feel better about life no wonder you're a grumpy and you've blown the horn at me you know wait if all I got up ate was celery and broccoli I don't mind if they want to be a vegetarian but but don't bind it on me well quit blowing your horn at me tell me yeah anger management yeah cuz I've over got gravy dripping down my chin why your dip dipping it in your graduation so so dad mentioned the set having the line at the Trump rally and by the way this I've been wanting to make I have and but I never I don't know where they sell him so well sure his son sent me a box of them I mean why did you tell I've been trying to get one for my I got some kill him he sent me a box it camouflage one no camouflage Mike I love you so dad finally somebody and the Trump team gave you this one dad and I knew you'd never wear yeah you don't wear a hat so I got it so anyway whenever we're loud clothing hats Church are you finished to give a fashion statement because this I want to hear I'm just I'm just with what I do living on planet Earth I just don't want to stand out you're so normal dead no matter whatever I'm so normal it seems strange Phil you're a cardboard sign and a tin can away from people actually putting mine I'm just saying down in the middle of the woods and I think Red Hat on you're saying to all the animals and birds Here I am well we talked earlier Pike you stand out I can literally see feeling air for thousands of people in five seconds so that's right okay you're standing out that's why we can never avoid I must tell you boys it's become somewhat burdensome for me to travel around I'll take I'll give you that is so pills got like it camouflage what is that call like would it be a bandana that's not a bandana that's not a you don't roll it up because they want it doesn't have teeth I've wondering where you got that all I know was is I paid my taxes I'm in Romans 13 verse 6 this is also why you pay taxes it's necessary to submit to the authorities it's not only because of the painful verse yeah not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience pay your taxes obey the people whoever you're operating under whatever it is dictatorship of a monarchy you know whatever constitutional republic gave everyone what you owe him if you owe taxes pay taxes if revenues and revenue if respect then respect if honor then honest and it goes on to say in the middle of all that let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to level in another just get along with people and as far as it depends on you if it's possible try to do what's right in the eyes of everyone that's that's the biblical teaching so that's where I am I don't hate them for coming up with all these cockamamie ideas but I'm just shaking my it is interesting because we've been talking a lot about living in the kingdom of God but obviously we're still citizens of in our case we're United States citizens that's correct which kicks in some certain responsibilities that Paul basically talked about under the Roman Empire yeah Jesus said the same thing you remember when they came to him and they were trying to you know trap him about paying taxes cuz they were like well you know you're you're a Jew and you're the you know but but would you pay taxes to Caesar you know and he just took the coin out Jesus you know easy says who's on the coin they were like well Caesar he said we give two Caesars what Caesars give the guy was God precisely tolerate the story when he said till we pay taxes and because it but Jesus showed that he had knowledge of that conversation I mean you just think about if you had have been around with Jesus back in the day he knew what you were doing whether you were with him or not come in he's like hey how'd that you know whatever he did we pay the taxes they're out there upset he's like go down to that Lake the first fish you catch will have a coin in it and go parrot I ordered maybe was a T coins it was just a coin yeah he said and so not only the nose in the fish he knew was enough like it was a it was a big enough you know denomination it was calling always as an outdoorsman bead that story I mean the first time I heard it I was just fascinated by I mean you know I was like they were probably running as fishermen till the late first one to catch the fish oh it has it gone look here's the coin I mean don't you know that was cool that's pretty cool you're right I never thought about the idea that he knew you knew all the fish swimming he knew which one had the coin that was gonna be the one all that yeah now he got it back you lessly probably dummy it was a miracle actually but it was just amazing he if you read between the lines of that story he was showing that he had not only was he all-powerful he can put a coin and a fish that you're fixing to catch but he was all knowing yeah it's like he'd come in and there was not gonna be a word of that but he revealed that he knew the conversation you just had you know he was showing his omniscience I guess is the Taser so there's a there was a question from Pete that sin he's sent up question in and it was in this what we're talking about because he said he loved what he says I know you guys your main objective is to teach and spread the gospel and he meant on our podcast he said that's the most important and you're doing a fantastic job Thank You Pete but he said like from dead say that's right so he says my question is could you talk about this impeachment we're watching as Christians how should you view that and and he goes on to describe a little bit more but I think he's asking the same question we ask all the time when you see something in the political world how upset should we be obviously we're supporting president Trump at the same time by the way I was respectful to President Obama I didn't agree with his policies he was the president yeah I mean I didn't treat him disrespectfully in my heart or my words but he's asking how do we how do we react to that now I think it's a great question because we've been talking about we're a part of the kingdom of God and yet President Trump is our president he's not a king but he's a elected president the United States so how do you deal with that cuz then these things are upsetting and especially in today's world they're very polarizing as well so what would be your advice for a meet and many others who struggle with that text I've read a while ago let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to level or another but he loves his fellow man had fulfilled the law all of it children honor your father and mother because she loved them you don't murder because you love people you have to hate them to murder them don't commit adultery you love your wife and you don't love someone else's wife you have your own wife and you love the fellow that's married to another woman you love it'll went out you won't commit adultery if you love someone you're not gonna steal from them if you love someone you're not gonna lie to them if you love someone you're thankful that he's doing well in business or his life and you don't want what he has but you love him enough to say man you did well he starts there and then he says this the commandments do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal what I just said do not covet and whatever other commandment there may be are summed up in this one rule you say what is the one rule that the kingdom of God holds on to love your neighbor as yourself and if you think about it logically if the 320 million Americans in 2018 if if they loved God with all their heart mind soul and strength and they loved each other I'll you would see a far different America than you now have true any way you want to slice it this is the best story ever told and no story stacks up to that love God love your neighbor and you'll be okay and like you said earlier from Romans you've got a it was Romans you quote it as far as it depends on you you know that's how you come in 12 exactly so all you can do is is be that person you hope to have more people to be like that my advice to people about political matters or you know it's not wrong to be engaged I think it's Christians we should be it's our civic responsibility James talked about a past podcast about the you know the great right we have to vote which you know helps us to be able to make changes in our leadership but you know you can't just get where it's in the world for everybody if Donald Trump gets impeached oh my god you like like it's the end of the world I mean it's not it's it can't be that bad I'm sorry our country is divided into basically two camps at this stage you know right and layout but I tend to stay out of politics overall me stuff like this it doesn't seem very credible to me I mean to me I feel like any time I put into this it's a waste of time because it just doesn't it just doesn't seem it seems like this is if there's something within the two camps that's unreasonable I don't spend a lot of time with I think the impeachment over some conversation I'm sure if you take every conversation of every president when he's dealing there dissect it to me yeah I mean you you're gonna you know if there's something glaring okay but I tend to stick to the spiritual matters and I think you know I'm gonna vote for people that's more in line with what this Bible says America wins out that is where I'm going pretty fair to say the founders putting in the impeachment Clause just so someone came in and they were the worst villain you ever saw in your life you had a way to be able to rectify that but not because you disagree with their policy of Ukraine and ba-ba-ba-ba well they impeached Clinton yeah and really nothing changed he was still the president yeah because it didn't the Senate didn't ratified and put him out of office and even in that case we were probably looking back I'm sure I was probably more yeah and pizza guy but looking back on it was like well you make the same thing like I didn't agree with the way he was living as but does that make him not fit to be the president yes a mistake back then it's an even bigger mistake - you know what I thought I thought man names Jesus that's the only thing that can change your heart and ultimately change your behavior you gotta have the reason you can't come up with because in the end we're all sinners that's right so I always look at it like the only time I bow up is when somebody you know they're not gonna respect the flag or they're whenever they your country and yeah they do something like that now I'm opposed to that I'll stand up say that's not right because no matter what we disagree on or what political affiliation you're with you got to come together for the people who gave their life so that we can have freedom you know that's good or bad we so I'll go up to that line but I'm like you know what I'm a loving respect you as my neighbor which is what you get spiritual fix out it is America's problems it's they're spiritually but you lose that day by day with your own neighbor I don't get up and rail about you know how you need to do this I introduce Jesus cuz I know he can change the heart and then I'm more concerned about my neighbor yeah cuz I'm like that I can control it can I do know my neighbor good I'll share Jesus with you cuz he can change your heart well we just had a gubernatorial election here in Louisiana it's interesting because last year some people approached me because they knew we were doing the show about running for governor because they didn't really have anybody on the Republican side that was the name recognition and so it's interesting I thought you know and that's an issue then these are people that are asking that raise money and all that so I tend we could ask something like that I spent some time praying about it and then I you know I called him back and I said or they call me in a couple of days I said give me two days to pray about it and then I said you know I think my job is to impact governors and presidents and people in government with this with something more I think I can do way more with what we're doing right here with this podcast and talking to people what you've done to the President himself to impact spiritually rather than to be elected to office so I admire the people that are willing to run it's a great service I appreciate what they do cuz it's hard now we're so polarized but I think our job is to do overdue is to influence for good so as Christians out there you can never go wrong with that and if it's in you to serve in that capacity go for it but for the rest of us I think we have to just provide that pattern you talked about of what Kingdom living looks like so it's yeah anyway thanks Pete for that we want to encourage you guys to keep asking questions we're gonna work those in through our podcast as we go forward in the future so we're excited about that and and try to use your questions kind of help guide our biblical view of what's important so thank you for that keep listening keep telling others about to keep those questions rolling in and who knows you may hear your question on the unashamed podcast and tell us where you're from Jason wants to know so you can build it let's get to know you [Music] 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Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 87,720
Rating: 4.92733 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel, forgiveness, christian, duck commander, duck hunting, America, soul, Thanksgiving, Vegan Thanksgiving, Vegan, impeachment, Donald Trump, impeachment hearing, impeachment inquiry
Id: Zq5tBYMQ980
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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