Phil Breaks Quarantine, the Guy Who Kept Cursing God, and Jase Shares Jesus with a Nurse | Ep 110

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I am punished a what about you by the way J's you and your dad where we way what you supposed to wait put your headphones on I'm six three hundred and seventy-five pounds yeah but you were 220 no I never got to 220 I got back like 205 I said nope I know she didn't say me you just said you YouTube you left me out of that you don't want to get forty pounds overweight cuz it's too hard to lose I and I got ten pounds overweight and I said no well shave at all I don't even want to talk about this but y'all brought it up because I just came from I had to go do a checkup for insurance purposes and my buddy stop right there yeah you had to go yeah by whose instructions the insurance agent who's one of my friend he's a good guy I don't want in church but my wife's like we you know I mean we already get it yeah if I die you get some money right and I've already brought this up before that I don't like it already and they're like well let's just do it you know it'll only take a few minutes you know that was a lie it was one hour look I'll go in there and it's a drive-thru basically I said that to the to the lady I'm like so this is basically a drive like you're getting a McDonald's burger yeah drug test and to see if your health is she asked me 150 questions and look I mean just over there's page after page do you have any kind of cancerous tumors in any region of your body I'm like not that I know of job to figure that out you're the medical professional I'm not a doctor have you experienced you know dizziness aches and pains on my well I hit my head when I was jumping before a frog and I was a little dizzy does that count no I think we're okay with that look so then she said what do you weigh I said I don't weigh myself sway myself to compare myself to it well I said I weigh about the same thing I did as a senior in high school I'll tell you that I said I'm gonna guess at 170 pounds and she said well I have a scale here do you mind so I get up there well I'm 168 so look you know what she says do this in the vehicle or out of it no I'm Ivy I just meant drive-thru as in you pull in you go in there and then there's a line of people and the reason I say this well let me finish that story so she said what do you attribute you losing that two pounds - I said are you serious when did you graduate high school I haven't had breakfast this morning literally she asked me why have you lost two pounds you're supposed to stay on the 170 for the whole show yeah I have some rare disease I've lost two pounds I don't know basically what they were saying via this woman kind of like Alec's own they tell me that there's a woman that knows everything no that's a lexan no Lexon what's the name of Alexa she knows Alexa she knows everybody she does so basically they were trying to ascertain whether they want to take your money on an insurance policy but they wanted you to be perfect Parkay in case they made a mistake yeah Christi and and there was something that they shouldn't have given you enjoy the car there's something wrong ways she asked me 150 to get into it well she asked me 150 questions and the answer to all 150 was no not one single yes I had no she said I don't think I've ever seen well there wasn't one yes well before they took my before they got my cataract out of my hire they wrote down that they had a sheet and they said check which of these pharmaceuticals that you take and I just read down through it and I asked about halfway I just said well it does not apply to me so I wrote down our just big letters none on the whole sheet well when they finally got it they said well you know there wasn't a place for none take something I said that's what she's no I don't take you to what drugs do you take currently tell you I said I don't take anything she says no I mean you know yeah she didn't she went like you know and I was like no I don't take cuz I I will pass the drug test there's no drugs here and alcohol she was the old one off for pharmaceuticals but now that I'm talking to you Jason there's another one but she said do you have like something you know cirrhosis of the liver or something I was like I've already told you I don't I don't have an alcohol problem therefore I think that's what causes it she's like well there's a lot of reasons I was like well how would I know that unless you looked at my liver I haven't looked at my liver ever they were unanswerable questions you know I was like well if I did know if these answers were yes we would I would need there's probably some kind of trick in it's like the they were supposed some embedded things that she was looking for who knows yeah so then we get to that part are you paying them yet Anna I have no idea well I did I did so who's paying for this and she said well I'm sure the insurance company that's like oh so they they do this as a service that's why it's just like a drive-through situation you know and then good to make sure you're perfectly healthy well if they had a fleet of doctors that you were going to all the professional and whatever part of the body all the different ones you know I know zere's though liver surgeon if they had a big one thing but they're just asking you yeah I don't know I feel great I feel fine you know deep but she was asking things that only a doctor would know that I would need an x-ray very face up to it you're fixed to get fleeced by the insurers coming well the insurance guy he's my friend as soon as it was over I put done that's an hour of my life that I would never get back and he responded by you know sorry but you know we needed to do that well how about insurance but my dear to get off the insurance man but I want to bring this dial so so low so the urinalysis she hands me a cup to old deal and I'm like oh I do this and she's like oh yeah she said I'll be there beside you and I said you're gonna be there beside me I'm not sure I can do this with you watching you know and she's like well I mean just right by the door then I was like why why are we doing this but then it occurred to me cuz people who have drug testing that I guess they bring their own urine and B while you or somebody else's it's clean that's what I mean so I walk in there and it's a sign look this big around that you could never miss his do not flush I said what's up with that and she said what I said do not flush she says yeah don't flush well here's what's funny you know I do the business in the little cup and put it in the little well then I pour out the excess well it's just human nature especially come on oh you've did it you broke the rule Wow I had it all in the you know is this she said you flush the Cabana listen something about the people that they check they flushed away what they don't get some something you said I'm saying I am I mean they know their own drug but they know they got it is it a pleasure so she didn't want to that's let's face it this old gal took one look at Jase and she thought oh yeah well actually this is shady city has from dynasty and look you know in a weird turn of event she actually dated Willy in like the ninth grade well she said that a second you out for a see if you're gonna get into it seemed to have morphed on out and you were talking about old times junior high they think I mean basically what happened oh yeah well when you spend in an hour of your life there I just thought I just don't I don't know what we're doing here in our society you know I went through that and thought this is what we're doing so overdue I did not realize this well you realize Jase that all that was to determine how what your rate is gonna be for your lavenders that's why they're trying to hook you on something because the higher the more problems you have the more you have to pay them so does that our that's exactly well our to get the cheapest right well you should if they if they buy it I don't know what the cheapest one is I don't know it was you know some Romney they said Oh well you can get it but here's what you're gonna pay versus yeah they work trying to help me I see you like I like the almighty insurance plan because he gives us life and immortality and if you think about it and it's free yeah so I'm thinking I'm all stick with God on the insurance thing take my chances I mean your greatest line ever on that is people that eat right and work out cuz she said that she said well you must eat right and I said actually I eat whatever is out in front of me I don't she's like oh like you know and again I guess she can't do even that eating right and live and ready you say but still your days are what they are are you gonna die yeah there's a good death that's the problem Jesus sobbed it so I'm thinking I'm going there instead the insurance companies well it could be the healthiest guy in the world in a tree falling well you convinced me that I'm not going any time soon because you know if she asked me what I weighed in high school and that says what about now what what do you think calls that I'm gonna be like Chinese pizza I'm not gonna get I will be paying the super duper rate cuz I got all of moms genetics with the blood pretty much what's so weird about it well you're at the insurance company and you're messing around there my little scared you this morning and what you do this Monday well we're dealt with beavers bears and alligators wills we have bears now yeah bears bears bears have been I just saw the fine imprints in the mud and I said I backed up I said damn I said what kind of track is that son you ought to be a tracker you run with me he looked over they said it looks like bear tracks I said that's exactly what it is I alerted the farmer friend of mine because he was headed toward the corn patch this was just below sighs staying the mud all at the mail tree that first moto he was going to get him some corn do bears eat going out to the corn so I call Wendell he said a lot of the rice is planted and he's going with millet down there on the lorry and he said he said he said what about millet because it's a little too wet so I'm gonna go over he said we'll come over here after dinner I'll show you what we've done but you told him it was a bear I told my bears headed toward your corn and he said oh my goodness them things really are bad on corners yep a bear with anything like when you go to like where they were real populous like North Carolina where's adding them from I mean they'll get in the garbage course they just they're lazy so that they whatever is the easiest to get to that's what I thought you meant like by though eat you know I don't think that Li you know that they say I think if you were by the black bear if you mess with their cubs the mama made you know to protect her cubs but bear not that's a rare yeah now that he's kind of bear you get out in Yellowstone and some of those areas were those obviously bear another is the ogre is you know he may he may do a little damage that Jeremiah if you hadn't seen that maybe you ought to be ashamed of yourself but you'll get it no dad quotes it quite often so we got bears now which that's a state thing they decided to somebody we have a bear season are we still yeah I think they got a little season for Atchafalaya Basin over there not here not here no I we've gone through the what do you do when you encounter the bear that's angry that's it basically says kind of like the insurance you just died about a decade ago you can't defend yourself whatever you do don't hurt the bear use whatever means necessary not to injure the bear I might what about me yeah you don't matter if this equation find all of my speeches I give that order of things cuz because people in our government they they've missed that they in some branches of enforcement they had the animal in his health or above the human you know and that's to me causes chaos in society welcome to a wacky world Jase roamers Romans chapter 1 if you want to check that it's the world we live they serve they worship and serve created things rather than the Creator and they worship bar images made to look like birds and reptiles yeah so which explains why you have the same people that are defending to the teeth sea turtle eggs Eagle eggs you know little hatchlings things and then or totally on the other side on the pro-life issue in other words a baby inside the womb yeah we like turtles yeah I see Turner I don't have anything to see through I was fishing on the beach I'm out of code this toy and called a Setar I remember anybody freaked out everybody went nuts like I'm going to prison yeah I can't help that the sea turtle thought my bait was appealing and I have now landed the sea turtle but it was like a guy came up and like everybody I'm like a sea turtle rescuer yeah he went into that mode oh yeah he got the bait out in like don't record this yeah I got their selves oh don't don't put this on you know he's just like taking charge he's like I sent the sea turtle back out and he's like don't tell anybody I touched the sea turtle he said that yeah he was like worried that you know somebody's gonna come all and I said I wonder why I don't do beaches well there's a lot a good way let's take a break [Music] so today I wanted to go back just a bit and look at something we talked about this but we left a piece out and so I'm working on a sermon then I'm preaching on Sunday from John 6 about this Jesus called himself the bread of life you know we talked about the miraculous feeding and one of the things we didn't bring up John we talked about that is if you go back to mark and Matthews account of this what's going on here in John because not every one of the Gospel writers included everything that happened some left some pieces out and others didn't and there was a there was another miraculous feeding with this associated during this deal you know wasn't just a 5,000 like the next day he fed 4000 which I guess a thousand probably went home and so you know there's actually two miraculous feedings so they've seen this twice which really I think makes this text important in in John 6 no are you sure about that who you think they just got a different version of this no I'm pretty sure but here's why I think it's it was two feedings that the same thing is because he asked the disciples he said how many did you pick up after the verse 1 and they said 12 and he said how many did you pick up after the second one they said seven seven baskets full so we got two feedings and we got 19 basketballs left over because we as we talked about Jesus's miraculously creating this bread and fish yeah and so his point was why don't you believe I mean which makes it even more fascinating to me when you get to John chapter 6 because the people show back up again you remember Jesus went across the thing in the middle of the night we talked about in walking on water he the boat he they meant out their rowing for half a night and they made three miles there's a 70-mile trip across the lake Jesus shows up gets in the boat they worshiped him and then it said immediately they were on the other side yes I mean it probably wasn't aware no I mean they just looked up and I'm said he's manipulating the laws of gravity they had to win him he's thinking about atoms even like all night long trying to get there they cover not even half and he did that's my point till people who read they get to know Jesus she starts seeing that all there's all these little stories have these manipulation of matter like all these laws that we go by as humans right they don't apply so at what point are you saying this guy's not from this planet well and you think it would be obvious right you would think so which is why I'm always bringing up the idea about chasing miracles Yochai no I've offended a few people I'm like if God wants to do a miracle he obviously can do it at any time at any moment I think like it was so difficult for him when John finally got after the Gospel of John when he wrote three little books other books first John if you're gonna call someone you ran with for three years and John's over there watching feeding these people all these miraculous things the bull one or the boat out there he's there watching yeah well when he writes it all down he begins with and this is the word he used to describe Jesus of Galilee that which was from the beginning now if you're gonna start telling someone about an individual you ran up on one day and you begin when you write about him you you say what am I gonna call him what did I just see that which was from the beginning which we've heard which we've seen with our eyes because most people to this day when you start talking about what we're discussing manipulating the atomic structure of all matter and these miraculous days of what in the world who who in the world was it we've looked at our hands have touched he's going through all the senses everything would smell when we had swear we proclaim concerning the word of life the life appeared you'd imagine you got the god of creation walking around on a dusty road and you're like surely you are kidding creator of the cosmos carpenter's son but the truth that point later on all right let's think about the proving that what do you had to do with the life appeared and we've seen it we testified to it we proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the father and has appeared to us we proclaimed to you what we've seen and heard so that you'll have fellowship with us well if you just look at that opening monologue of what he had thought about what he had just seen the closest thing he could come up with it was a that he was that I'm not sure what you see what I'm saying right and of course with Stephen King come out with him maybe was calling it was that yet yet about the crazy clown like but it was like I don't even know if I've seen the movie but I got the concept but it was like he did it from the demonic right now it's like it's this force and so I have added a creepy-looking clown that lived but you I'm saying it's like when you can't when you try to describe something that's not of this world like he went with yeah maybe it like they're saying that there's there's an ef-2 because he said the laughs appeared we've seen it and we testify to it so even well that's what made me think it right when you read it cuz I was like he became a he he morphed into a that and it that's right it was that is correct yeah was some kind of organizes or organism that would as easy for you to transform itself remember because he started teleporting then it said it changed his figure later where they wouldn't recognize you know he's moving boats at like warp speed all the movies and things we watch about you know warp speed Star Trek he's like the human embodiment of all these songs you ever say that John wick you ever seen any of those movies with the piano reason they're pretty good being way so I don't watch john kano reeves movies this is pretty good anyway so he's like disappear like you see him in a crowd and he's gone so I think about that when the the crowd try to get Jesus that he's he slipped away like yeah like a ninja you know you look up in might women what well it's like they were trying to kill him and then but then it says they couldn't get they can get their hands on get their hands on it why not it was a hit he walked this long through and they're like and then a woman who has what I'm saying is how in the word did forty being over this length of time how do you concocted Jesus but I mean you have to you would have to be bigger in Jesus to come hunter so it's that's a great point to take back to the text so in when you get to the first twenty five I set it up Jesus has done these two miracles he's actually on three or four if you include the instantly arriving at the shore and then in verse 25 chapter six the crowd now comes around the lake maybe they went across the lake and so they come around and so Jesus is already there cuz he got no cross just you know he went the short route you know he walked it and then so here's what they said when they found him on the other side of the lake they asked him rabbi when did you get here yeah I love that site what was a fancy meeting you here and so you know Jesus let's say I love he says I tell you the truth which you think about every time you see that phrase in scripture it's like one of us saying I tell you what I mean it's a every time he says it it's almost a disgusted or at least I put out things like people cuz he says I tell you the truth you're looking for me not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate and had your fill and so I mean the jig is up he looks at and says you're miss Kay figure that out I fancied them they will come Saturday my just been stating the obvious I'm telling you the truth yeah well it could be what he's the only person that I actually could say that and be right and 100% that means it every time let's take another break I [Music] always read it as like cuz I've been there like I tell you what well ha no I just never thought about that I never is he's gonna do it again a little bit later but the the what I'm saying he was telling the truth that was but I'm saying I think he's put out with them because it's like all you care about is another meal well yeah that's all they obviously but I'm saying any shot Luke text I'm saying when if somebody says I tell you the truth and then your mind you hear what he says and then it is actually the truth and it were here just for the food well then all of a sudden it becomes more powerful it is powerful but so here's what he says so check this out 27 now I want you to listen to the words in this verse and tell me what you would have focused on because there's a lot of thought see but he says do not he's telling them he kind of gives them a little review thing says do not work for food that spoils but for food that endures to eternal life which the Son of Man will give you will give you on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval now there's a lot of deeps I mean that's a lot of spiritual content that thing and you know with a focus do know what must we do to do the works God requires out of everything he just said he said don't work for food this boils then he goes into the great thing about eternal life they say yeah tell us about those works we need that we're required to do in other words it's not just that I want to work I want to find out what I have to do but what's the minimum cuz that's what prices but it's the modern-day philosophy the exact there's nothing ever change people when you sit down you start talking about their lives they say what I need to do and basically just it's like taking a college course which I've said that our churches a lot of them are like College University you go there you learn the information you figure out the right answers and if you get that you're good yeah it has nothing to do with like how your life is like just you really figure out the information that you need to know out of the book it's like some kind of puzzle that you put together and if you believe it right then you got which is why we say aloud on the podcast most of the questions we get are behavioral questions about how can I stop doing this I'm doing this right there are they're worried about they can't do enough yeah a works type mindset this is Jesus who said all you have to do is believe in me and I'll save you it's it's not a system of how good you are how much you do well he just said I'll give it to you like are gonna give it to you it's a gift and they come back with okay tell us what we gotta do to work this out cuz that's what we wanna know we want to keep getting to this day you want to keep the bread just tell me what I gotta do so here's my illustration so he answers saying the work of God is this to believe in the one here sin but look here's what these fools I just mean that affectionately and the modern day Peter day today a fool says in his heart there is no God there you know what they say oh all I have to do is believe yeah nope you've missed it again even just by saying that even though that's technically right your mindset never change your life okay bleach is some guy all right I got that now let's get back to my life here you said oh man I got to figure out why I need to keep doing this every time I've ever brought that up people I know their heart is not right nor their thinking when they say so you believe all you have to do is believe all right I just read this I didn't assert anything but evidently it's it's made you have some concerns of them hot theology whenever I read a verse and all of a sudden you got that means there's something you're missing I don't have a problem I love this verse so at the point we've made over and over about lifestyle whether it's cursing or pornography all the different things we've dealt with on the podcast that people have asked those questions about it goes back to this if that's the fruit of your life you got to go back further than the bad fruit you got to figure out why what's the relationship issue with you and the Lord because once that's where it needs to be the fruit becomes different is this well because the point is if he has this ability let's just kind of step back from the religious world and just think about here's the in it that has abilities that are beyond earthly comprehension and so now all of a sudden he's he's saying if you want to work for God or whatever you need to believe in this specimen I don't know what to call me this supernatural being yet that be and here's what we do so somehow another we think oh yeah all these powers and he can do these miracles but then somehow he's not knowing what I'm thinking or he's not aware I can say I believe and then go out here and live like a Hellion and then somehow another he didn't notice yeah my life and and I think that's the problem that's why when you ask a question like this what must we do you know what works are requests like he's a million miles away well if he has all these powers don't you think he has the power to know what's deep inside of you and be able to you know the omnipresent part of him but he's he's obviously has a skill set that's beyond you being able to hide from him and he goes back to the garden you know they're like hiding and so to me that's the problem that that's the problem with with miracles you you you you look for a miracle and let's say you get one well does that nullify his ability to be supernatural and see you 24/7 and to know that you're just lying to yourself and to him if you're you know if you're living a hypocritical like this well we've talked about four people people find in the Christian world unfortunately but they find comfort in just give me some rules like I remember a sister when time came to me and they were something going on she wasn't sure about and she laid out her little thing and I was like well you know bowel doesn't reset much about that so just you know you just have to work that on your own she said well I would rather you just tell me what I need to do I mean I'll never forget her saying I really you know in other words I just said you know work it out I've studied this issue whatever they she was I don't even what it was and but she didn't want me to say you figured out she wanted me to say well this is what you have to do and this is what you can't all right another one I remind them repeatedly look all your sins will be removed all your past ones unless it is the man or woman who sinned the Lord or never count against them and I said no look here's the good news it gets better and all your future sins won't be counted against you all you have to do is trust God and try I said he's taking care of everything it's called grace you can't earn it you're not good enough you're never gonna be you're gonna make mistakes before you run upon Jesus you make mistakes yeah I said well after you run up on him do you think you'll ever make a few more as you go forth well you know I'm struggling but I said look trust God and try love God and love your neighbor I said it's way easier than you think of here that's why he said my yoke is easy my burden is light right I mean you know the grace teaches us to say no to ungodliness in a wicked world you know Titus 2 you know that's what it teaches you but it's probably wouldn't you think we wouldn't crave law let's let's take another break [Music] bottom is people go to church building and look you know me I love worship that is passionate and meaningful and emotional and I think when God said or you know Jesus said love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength I think we should give each one of those qualities whatever they may encompass in our worship time or I have a problem is a lot of people believe that they only experience the presence of God in a worship assembly I'm like he doesn't leave once you lift left the building the presence of God is strong he's not he's not Elvis you know yeah he really is a but you know I'm a will but you've been in these church services which I've never said a word up until right now but it just kind of bugs me they're like we get here and they're like let's pray for the God to come or you know our we sing a songs and you know come to this hums come to this place you know where I'm like well he was with you five minutes ago driving down the road when you were practicing the worship song that you're now doing now it's like somehow another in our minds once we leave this setting we left god never confined your worship to a structure that meets couple hours on Sunday morning maybe one hour that night and uh they throw in a Wednesday night well that's four or five hours a week I don't 68 hours in a week yeah man yeah that's God's trying to tell them look before we walked in the door I was with you look you're worshiping everywhere you go who you are it becomes your lifestyle by the way one of the one of the reasons for our troubled some times we are in right now people just don't understand Jesus they don't understand what we're discussing here they don't understand about worship it's just something that they go do and then they walk away from it until the next time they show up at the next appointed time you know they misunderstand the power of God well look that's what some of these people's problem it's like I was telling you you know I did my my insurance evaluation well when I when I the girl was telling me oh I used to date your brother you know she called him Jess you know so I knew that was family way way back and I saw him like why whoa you know are you married you have kids you know she's oh I have three kids and then she kinda then there was an awkward solids and I could tell I'm like she's getting teared up Oh and she's like I mean I just met this person and she's not well I'm not gonna say I'm married I mean we're we're going through problems you know and so I'm like and she she got choked up so I was like okay I mean cuz now I felt told about the presence of God I felt I have to say something about Jesus in this moment I don't know this person she's upset I know Jesus and I know whatever she's going through I know the solution so I said yep I said I think the older we get it just becomes tougher for for people to stay together I said that's why I like me and my wife I said we have nothing in common except Jesus I said but you know what I realized that for 30 years that's enough cuz he offers me he offers a place at a time to start over I just think if you don't have forgiveness well then she said well I'll go to church no I said right there's the money phrase I got right there that's why I telling this story because in her mind she was thinking well I go to church and I was more depicting something that happens every day in Jesus in a marriage and I was a who are you yeah I didn't know her situation and I wasn't trying to judge her situation I was just trying to get a little introduction of Jesus and then I gave the follow-up point later back when we started you know fixed to do the urinalysis that's when I got on the resurrection I was like well well that will bind you to people you know when you share a urinal stalls and I thought I answered a hundred and three any questions no so I'm in great health but I'm not delusional enough to think that I'm not gonna die so I'm gonna finish because I talked about forgiveness with her so I thought okay I can't leave out the resurrection so I said look tell you the truth whether I get this in church or not I could care less I said because I'm all in on the resurrection some dude call about an iReport came up here the phone rings just an hour ago yeah he said what he won't I don't know what he but I've taken I said yeah and he said what do you want and I said nothing and I just hung the phone cuz he didn't say anything I said nothing and I'm waiting on him to say something and it was just silence I thought well now what does this have to do with what we make your make your porn short and to the power we'll be calling you out of the blues here what do you want well I have all I need I have a relationship with the Lord Jesus and do it I don't want anything so you made you since we've gone to since we've gone they already had it all I gotta give you a confession yesterday I'm driving down the road field yesterday I'm driving down the road and you know they got these new what you call them thing roundabouts roundabouts and they're all under construction says chaos well I'm just you know in a trance and I sense a vehicle like really close to me and one of the roundabouts what is I look up that's a guy pull over and I'm like but it's just a guy in a beat-up so just when I reached for my weapon right in America now I did that all over I'm like yeah I'm gonna pull over please say I have a pistol and I put my hand on it now I didn't have one in the in the chamber by the way that says a lot about our code yeah current culture I literally would all right it has to be within arm's length yeah well I had an arms Lee so we and I'm like hey okay I keep well he's he's been dangerous now because it's oh it's like two lanes he and so he just runs up in front he's like pull over and so I roll down the window and look I look he has a cigarette in his hand and one in his mouth a double-dip he had a cigarette in his mouth that's first thing I know and he said hey I'm trying to send you a package what's your address I said what he said I'm sending you a package we're going through the second roundabout yeah I'm trying to yield and look he's like I'm trying to send you a package what's your address I said go to duck commander and drop it off he said okay and literally he hit the gas and went 100 miles an hour I just so I thought what in the world was that I don't know but I don't want him had no in my address and I wonder they say so wouldn't how many times have you been to town and the last 300 you'll never go out in a moment of weakness I went one time little dental appointment they called up because they thank kept ringing I said okay let me get a pair so I want to burn for that and I told that Dennis I said make it fast whatever it is he checks mad he said no you're good so I walk out get back the rig and there I came so let's take our last break so Jase when's the last time you been to Thailand I came from that I'm in town all the time so I just had a not my mission after you told that story I said is that the kind of stuff I'm missing well here's my point Jesus went to towns and he tried to help people so I introduced Jesus while go to the nurse because even though we weren't in church I sense there's a good mood that she was upset and I thought as a son of God even though I have flaws and you know I sense okay she's in pain so you've set up interesting thing Jason to your credit how would you say that's pretty well how Jesus rolled other words you have to be ready at the moment whatever moment there is you know the guy that called me and said said and use God's name in vain about five times or during a duck call and I was thinking man I said look why do you keep cursing the only one that can save you from death well there were just silence about the fifth time he said gd's him I thought why do you keep cursing him well there was silence on the phone he said hey you got me my order I said I got your order so he hangs up ten minutes goes by the phone rings again he said hey I said yep he sets me again he said I've never thought about that I said well you you you cursed God like like he's done something to you said man I said he can save you give you eternal life I said you know what you ordered it and I looked down at his sheet right quick I said you ought to drive over here I said it's about from where you are about eight nine hours I said yo to drive over and I'll tell your story about the one you're cursing as you may change your mind he said well I might do that house I said you ought to a week goes by the knock on the door and the dude steps in he said you know who I am I said he's a husky I said no I don't believe I've ever met you he said I'm the one that was cursing God I said so you did come he said I got a no I said come on in here looks like 17 years when by I'm speaking over there in the state he was from and the preacher says somebody walked up here and he said fear you remember the dude that was cursing God on the phone I said cursing got on the phone I said I said I remember that way back I said that's been a long time ago 15-20 years ago he said he's standing there waiting on you won't talk to you he heard you was coming to this church tonight he said by the way he's one of the leaders of this church now hmm I said my point is just like you and that girl you never know well I mean well you never know how God works in yeah but we believe God yeah is working living and act doing that is hard to do in a church belly its what I'm saying yeah I don't know where we got into the all said making the most of every opportunity because the time is short I mean anything about you know you only get so many opportunities like that in the course of your even your whole life it goes by fast there's a lot more than that guy but that was just one that kind of stood out of my mind or this question I'll hit on this question is the problem in our churches and in our lives is when you're just trying to do the least amount possible to get in that's a terrible attitude you've missed the awesomeness of a life in Jesus where you do have a situation look I didn't know this woman I don't know her problems I didn't know all the history I don't have to know I know who can fix it yep I know the way to fix it unless we Jesus we should I need to remind our audience that what y'all are seeing in our streets in America well the evil one has no problem with getting out in the street and ranting and raving and looting and burning and shooting and all this carrying on you look at that well God's people have to look at that and say we at least need to be ready at a moment to stand up and point them to Jesus that okay who can save them I just say we ought to be a little more what to be the word a little more urgent a little more I was thinking street preacher what well boy they rolled into chop I think it was Chad's bite the end in Seattle he's a street preacher and he waded up into the autonomous zone preaching Jesus and they just beat the fire out of yeah I mean it was so a scene out of a Paul oh yeah Paul and that's why now I don't think you make those type my point I thought you know he's trying to make it I mean my point is if you're just real and in real situations I thought because that's what Jesus did it's what you were where you was where you play just be written I didn't get up this morning thinking I'm gonna go preach Jesus to whoever or somebody you haven't it just happened what's your favorite juice you know beer everybody yeah yeah and then you leave out that last part but do this the gentleness and respect I'm a little blunt respect approach then you have the blunt force trauma well I was like danced on the deal but somebody says I'm gonna be brutally honest and I always say well I like the honesty it's the brutality that I could do with that but you know the but I tell you this data because I hear from our viewers and listeners all the time they appreciate the fact your blood I mean like that oh yeah that's your lame contrary look I'll take blunt as you are this political everyone is sensitive to every little phrase you made and you know any kind of word that you say that might be offensive to someone that literally makes me want to just pull over and dry-heave I mean it I'm so saying I saw a list of movies Jase that now I have to have like some kind of warnings before you watch this about insensitive to all these different causes and about half the list were some of our favorite movies Dirty Harry was at the top of the list well when Ryan Ryan preached Sunday I loved that he said and he because his mom is I guess Caucasian and his dad Johnny he's and he's like he made the point he said I don't go around saying I have a Caucasian mom and a chinese-american dad he's like I'm a mom and dad why do we have to label everybody in every way everybody keeps hollering about justice they're ones in the streets and justice give us just it but actually I'll that what they really need and what they need to be realized is mercy they need mercy and they're hollering for justice God's gonna give them justice 100% you know what I'm saying yeah that's why James the head brother Jesus he said judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful he said you better be merciful towards your fellow man mercy triumphs over judgment he really does mean he actually in that same chapter talks about God doesn't show favoritism and we shouldn't either which goes to oh that's right before with this by the way that's James - y'all need to read that alright well we're out of time that was my fast yeah I've got a few more thoughts I guess I'm gonna bring those back in the next part yeah we get like this for yeah I'm not quite finished with the I don't hope we don't ever replay this insurance story I don't know Jace comes up with a lot um but the insurance story didn't get me all part it's part of life that's the sausage being made of life trust me if you want some in church they're gonna go out there and ask you a hundred and fifty questions they're gonna poke and they're gonna prod and say how did you lose 20 pounds so are you gonna be going next week so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast you [Music]
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 110,040
Rating: 4.9498591 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel, BlazeTV, Blaze TV, Blaze Podcasts, Bible, political correctness, PC culture, quarantine, coronavirus, covid-19, Holy Spirit, Bible study
Id: vsTgrzvxF3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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