The Remake Is Almost Done | Remaking Hit & Run #9

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foreign welcome back to episode 9 of remaking the Simpsons hit and run this is the last episode before the finale and we're going to add some awesome stuff in this video so let's see what we're adding first [Music] things that really lets the map down is the lack of scenery on the ground the map looks great but if you zoom out the illusion is very quickly ruined you can see these huge gaps in the map like this and this and that and even this early on I added this huge plane of water but I mean that only gets you so far right the map doesn't look like a proper Island so my plan is to turn the map into like a beautiful island where you can go anywhere in the map you can fly around in the sky and you should not see any holes or gaps or seams it should just look like a nice normal Island if you've always wanted to learn how to make video games my new course make games with Rubes is now out you can be a total beginner zero experience and I include everything you need out of the box I show you how to download Unreal Engine we jump into the training Hall where we code the basics like making a simple character adding some pickups learning how to add animations and then at the end we grab some free art from epic games and throw it all in there and we end up with like a pretty epic adventure game you can even send a copy of the game to your friend and play the game together the best part is you can do the course in about five hours I stripped out all of the filler I only show you the essentials that you need to know as a beginner and you can get the calls for 19 on the patreon and you get lifetime access even if you cancel right away you'll always have access to the course so come learn and make some games with me the links down below I put a lot of effort into this and you're gonna be super happy with your first game most people make like pong for their first game you're gonna make a way cooler game than that so click the link below to get instant access to teen lessons narrated by myself and in five hours you can learn to make games and make this exact Adventure game everything you need comes right out of the box so click the link in the description to try it out so let's get back to episode 9 making an island to make an island you need to use unrelentions landscape tool I told myself the basics raise lower flatten and smooth god I'm an expert at this using what I learned I connected the new terrain up to the 20 year old terrain from 2003 forming one Mega terrain also known as an island so that fixes our gaps now when you look at the island from a high up view it looks like one Island rather than 50 different zones stitched together the edges of the island are grass but these steeper bits should probably be Stone I can actually paint the stone onto the edges but there's a better way to do it here I'm using a Shader and I'm using this node called World aligned blend we're all blind blend lets you blend between two different materials depending on the angle of something if I put it on this sphere you can see that grass grows on top of the sphere and it slowly Fades into the Rock as the angle gets steeper if I put that Shader on my landscape check it out these steep parts of the landscape are automatically Rocky just because of the Shader so cool and so now you can see that the edges are Stone and I don't have to go and paint it all by hand I'm loving this island man we got an island but we need some hills because Hills always make games look great so let's add Hells so I'm on this website here it's called and basically it lets you go to anywhere in the world and I'm just going to zoom into the remarkables mountain range which is this mountain here and it's in Queenstown in New Zealand and I'm just gonna take like a screenshot of this and just Chuck it in the level [Music] foreign [Music] you can see how much sort of depth just having the mountains in the background lends to the level it's a really nice Improvement nice mountains and all but where are the trees I could go ahead and I could paint all the trees on and it would take hours but again you guessed it there is a better way so let me show you the better way in my material I've set it up and I've told Unreal Engine hey only put the trees where the grass is and I'm gonna sit my tree density to 0.03 trees per 10 square meters and now there it is it's populated the landscape with trees and it hasn't put them on the rocky bits it's only putting them on the bits that actually have grass on them Unreal Engine is not smart enough to realize that there's water here and there shouldn't be trees in the water but remember I told Unreal Engine to not put trees where there is Stone so all I need to do is come under the map here and just paint Stone under the water and now Unreal Engine will not put the trays and the water right simple [Music] [Music] now funnily enough my Simpsons Hit and Run remake doesn't even have the hit and run system it's literally the thing the game is named after it's basically the Grand Theft Auto wanted system except instead of being obliterated by police you just get a parking ticket because I mean the game is literally for eight-year-old children because the system is quite complex I'm gonna start by adding that little hidden run bar that fills up that cannot be that hard to add right Unreal Engine actually has something that does this for you it's called the progress bar it's this really fancy bar you can change the fill amount the color even the fill style the problem with unreal engine's progress bar you can't make it a circle seriously it has to be a straight bar nope if you want a circular bar you literally have to code one from scratch so that's exactly what I did all right fine I stole it off this website but still look I'm not smart enough to know how to make a circular progress file but I am smart enough to understand how Tom did it let me show you it's actually really really cool this is a circle it's generated using only math this is another Circle don't worry I'm not just showing you photos of circles see if you subtract the two circles from each other you get this ooh finally we use this thing called the radial mask to mask out parts of the circle essentially allowing us to control how full the radial progress bar is oh my God ladies and gentlemen we've done it and finally I'm going to modify Tom's radial bar to make it pulse if it's above 80 full just like in the original game see I'm not just stealing stuff I am doing stuff myself as well all right it was mostly Tom we already have destruction in the game like running over pedestrians [Music] smashing mailboxes and lamp posts [Music] amec and Flanders flail around when you kick him you know the essentials so now we just hook that destruction system up to our head and run meter and if we destroy enough things [Music] oh yeah I haven't actually coded the police to come after you yet whoops but before I code in those police cars let's have a look at some of the brand new art that Corey Lon has done for this episode me and coryland talked about the best things to remake and these skyscrapers were really a good thing to remake because they're so simple they're basically just cubes with textures on them and a lot of them are repeating so you can remake them quite quickly I almost forgot about coding in the system that lets you zoom the camera out and you can see just how good the Island's starting to look now when you turn the camera out next up we have the houses from Lisa's levels same problem right pixelated textures no real geometry and man these came out good I'm just gonna let Corey lawn's art speak for itself here foreign from Lisa's level is the Springfield Observatory I absolutely love how this came out so nice foreign [Music] police cars so I've coded cars that can chase the player in the last video the more difficult problem is actually where do we spawn the police cars we don't want to spawn the police cars in front of the player that looks terrible you should never see anything spawn in in a game I also don't want to spawn the car behind us here because the cars always have to come from the front that's how it works in the original game it seems really obvious right just spawn the car around the corner here but it's actually really tricky to write code that does something like this and epic games must agree because they added an experimental tool to the engine called the environment query system here's the system I've come up with these spheres are spawn points for the police blue spawn points are a no-go we have a line of sight to them you never want to spawn a police car there zoom out though and we can see plenty of green spawn points that aren't in their line of sight which would be perfect finally we give each spawn a score which is that weight number you can see next to the spawns spawns closer to the player in the right direction gets scored higher and this spawn is really close and in the right direction so has the best score that's the system I know that's a lot unbelievably thanks to that experimental system I used I didn't write a single line of code to make that entire system I mean that is just crazy I've actually captured a little bit of footage of the system here it still has a few little bugs but ultimately I think it works pretty good the main problem is you can still sometimes see the police cars pop in but it seems to work pretty good I like it one of the other cool things which I haven't done yet but I can control how difficult the police are to get away from so in the future I'd love to have difficulty modes in the game and depending on your difficulty the police steer more aggressively and drive more quickly and this clip here is an example of me not getting away and here's what happens if you get caught it plays a little animation and I also coded the coins to animate down so a little bit more work to do on that too but yeah I think it worked out good I forgot that I had this system that I built where if AI can't get to their target they teleport to you but obviously for the police that's the whole point you're trying to get away from them they can't get to you but I forgot to turn that off and so that was kind of a hilarious bug they would just teleport to you and bust you but I have no idea why that happened it spawned like a little go-kart car wreckage that you could drive I don't know how that happened that was such a weird bug so good though the physics on this thing are just hilarious the other thing is I managed to finish pretty much all of Lisa's missions so those are done the missions are really easy to create now I could really see myself finishing every mission in the game although I don't think I will I'm gonna give you guys a few Clips here but I'll give you a lot more gameplay in the finale which will be next episode I'm going to give you lots of raw uninterrupted gameplay so you can really see exactly what the game's like instead of just these little Clips but that's gonna be it for this episode thank you very much for watching I appreciate you all coming along and enjoying this 20 year old game that we all still love also if you're curious about making games try my course it's really Noob friendly and it's the only course we actually make a good looking game as well as learning the essentials too
Channel: reubs
Views: 849,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal, Engine, C++, Tutorial, Beginner, Game, Programming
Id: tTPPB1ilm5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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