Mario Kart 8's completely normal Time Trial leaderboards

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have you ever heard of Mario Kart 8 wait what no not that Mario Kart 8 I'm talking about Mario Kart 8. on the Wii U this game came out in 2014 but in 2017 it was replaced by a deluxe on the switch with that it was forgotten but not by everyone you see the great thing about the Mario Kart franchise is that no game ever truly dies even when most players move to the next game the scene lives on in the form of time trials naturally we can only expect to see exciting high-level driving from world-class players at the top of Mario Kart 8's leaderboards right what the heck okay so it still works at the very least we can see that there is some very um competitive time trial times on here rambu actually managed to beat this Sunshine airport track in zero milliseconds which I mean that listen that's gonna be a hard time to beat for the next person who comes along yeah it's not gonna let me download the ghosts either oh I can download this ghost I'm thinking we should watch this ghost we should learn the strats we should see we should see what he does all right should I guy with the gold cart oh oh he's not supposed to start yet dude oh well where'd you get that hey the timer is past one millisecond too I don't know what this is all about the interesting part about this it still says he has three mushrooms in his inventory so I don't know I don't know how the item cheats work in this game clearly they're different from League oh see this is how we gotta find the Ultra shortcuts in eight Deluxe they're there you just need to think like this guy he's thinking outside the box clearly I take it most of us are probably Mario Kart Wii players so we'll start off with some Mario Kart Wii tracks of which we have two so I guess we'll just start here moo moo Meadows wow this is really the whole leaderboard [Music] hey but look one two three four five I'm 11th worldwide I like this guy's me character he looks kind of friendly so we'll we'll check his ghost out I mean if I can save what a minute 42.261 on my time like I would be happy to let's see what this guy does oh I never even thought of that what an interesting strategy this guy takes man it's like Mario Kart DS look at how many mini turbos he's getting oh and I guess he only had to drive one lap so I'm seeing that Rambo is on here quite a lot but for whatever reason I don't think it's gonna let us download his time oh well that's that's a new problem wait yeah look see hold up my old time uses the white Yoshi which is DLC just so you're aware yeah go figure and you know I'm pretty sure that's just because it's a 0.000 like there's no ghost to download we need it to be at least one millisecond wait what the heck look at all these people who are like almost tied with me and then there's just this guy got my attention he has no name so we're gonna check his timeout 10 milliseconds seems like a much more Elementary time than the other ones some of the other ones on the leaderboard uh that's an interesting bike wait he's not even this looks legit he's not even using any items he didn't get an early start is there any chance that this is just a legit time and it's like listed wrong like they have it listed as 10 milliseconds but it's actually not cheating at all because it that's that's how it looks to me looks like he's doing pretty good well that's not right that's definitely not right foreign I don't know what how like cheats work in this game but I am seeing that the first lap was one millisecond and the second lap was four milliseconds which is uh seems like that's probably quite a bit faster than his actual driving but I don't know he's got 10 coins he hasn't even used any of his mushrooms oh yeah this is just his shroomless PB that's probably why it's 10 milliseconds I bet if he used his shrooms he could have gotten it down to like one or two oh wow okay yeah you gotta use the shroom there I mean come on pretty much completely normal time I'm shocked that's even there I think the only cheat that guy used was probably to modify the finishing time for the laps because it looked totally legit as far as actual driving let's go with blunt ruins the one Bruins is one of my favorite Mario Kart 8 tracks I love this track FS Doom I think this is actually like a real time by a real player and it was like crazy good back in the day yeah it's not surprised to see Rambo on here yet again I wonder if it's actually gonna get some Miiverse posts no it didn't here we have Sonic SMB smiley face Sonic angry face he got two milliseconds so we'll check his timeout I think you have to have a minimum of at least one millisecond per lap so he probably Skips a lap at some point right I mean he might only drive one lap he might drive two but I don't think he's gonna drive all three let's see though that's just my guess oh I accidentally hit race ghost oh so he's using the Blue Falcon okay and so far this seems like another one that's just totally legit wait a second he's going very fast okay I couldn't tell at first [Music] um all right I think I get it now dude wait he like bounced off he went the other way no he's gonna drive all three it looks like yeah that's nice that's real cool there we go I think that was a shrimless time it looks legit at first just for a second it looks normal you know I'm I'm always a fan of some good old Toad Harbor so let's check Toad Harbor [Music] interesting okay so it looks like Rambo is no longer the only uh zero milliseconds let's go with latte latte is the fastest time it's gonna let me download because I know it won't let me get the zero zero zeros I need to have at least a one millisecond here's Metal Mario always a cool character I'm surprised I mean there's a like decent amount of these oh no he uses cheats okay I was gonna say though there's a decent amount of these that look legit at least for a second or two but uh I was mistaken about this one this one is not legit what is he how is he turning like that he's just like flipping around wow dude yeah where even is he okay I'm wow uh uh okay yeah that was a nine millisecond time might as well have been he was going so fast okay just for reference [Music] when I decided to make this video it was because I remembered old times that were hacked times from like 2017 to 2016 Maybe um I don't think there were ever I don't think it was ever this bad I think there was like one or two one millisecond times in the entire game and now I mean come on really now it's like every track has several one millisecond times a couple zero millisecond times this is crazy and the thing is they're not even actually one millisecond like this guy's going on probably gonna be three minutes before he gets to the end but I guess they probably just use some cheat to like modify the finishing time oh wow never seen that shortcut and yeah black or two just places you right there that was actually really cool I wish that was in the regular game let's see what we got oh my gosh these are all zero milliseconds you know why it's probably because this one's only a one lap track look I can't even download any of the Hacked times let's download me better's time [Music] wait it actually worked it let me download a zero but it's not there I like shy guy falls this is a really creative track let's try this one uh okay look rambu actually has a Time that's one millisecond so maybe it'll let me download it okay okay see if I had Isabelle I'd be able to drive this well but I don't because my DLC is gone now this is what I was expecting this is what I was expecting when I decided to record this that mini turbo sheet actually looks like it'd be pretty fun though just constant boosting man oh okay yeah we're only driving one of those laps don't gotta drive all three all right let's try USB D flare let's see what his strategies are it's interesting I thought this was gonna be a lot more boring honestly I thought it was going to be a lot of people doing the exact same cheats surprisingly people are very diverse with how they're cheating like there's a lot of people who are just using the timer modification there's a lot of people who's speeding up the whole game a lot of people who are using items and mini turbo cheats Before the Race even starts oh this guy's big he has 99 coins let's see this is new and the funniest thing is he's just driving like normal this probably doesn't even save him any time yep and that's it that's the race we're done hope you like that one lap that's all you're getting all right yeah let's try this guy eight milliseconds that's you know there could have been some legit gameplay in there with you know maybe just a couple Corner cuts foreign [Music] my prediction for this one is that he's going to skip left three and lap two he's only gonna drive weapon that's my prediction just because he's already used two mushrooms I don't think he's gonna yeah all right is he gonna be done here no he actually continues going I don't know man I feel like they should the leaderboard should be able to tell that a nine millisecond time they should at least see it as kind of sketchy maybe maybe you know require verification for it you know maybe make him do it on stream or something and what's he gonna finish with not a 221 but uh .008 oh what is with this what is with all of these zero zero zero like I I want to be able to watch the ghost these people have to know that you can't watch the ghost when they do this come on something cool something cool [Music] well look at this I'm the only non-cheated time it's showing they don't even bother showing any of the real times they know that's not what people are here for I like the big Yoshi we're gonna go with big Yoshi I'm hoping here's what I want I want him to have a star or a bullet or some kind of uh illegitimate items and I want him to start before the race starts oh wow well he starts before the race starts I can say that much dude I don't think I'm gonna be able to get out of here oh dang it dude I have to mash start there's only a tiny little window of time because I can't quit out before the race starts or after well played Yoshi that was a very very creative way of doing that [Music] um I like this guy's name please hack Mario Kart 8 Deluxe you know what let's go with him oh I don't know why I find that funny every time you just know like it's not even subtle when they load up a star they're they're any trustworthiness any dignity is gone all right we don't gotta watch too much of this one I think we know what it's gonna be they're just gonna do this we'll just finish the first lap a very very interesting how this has just become a thing if you own Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U I strongly encourage you to check some of these out because every single time is gonna be like this it's honestly kind of sad because they built in this whole system where you can just you don't need the Mario Kart Channel you don't need to wait forever you just go online goes you can download the world record you can race the world record ghost but now all you have are these people who decided it would be better if you couldn't download any legit ghosts except people who are worse than you we're gonna go with this guy I don't know hey hey yo wait look at this guy's name it's Bean man that's awesome [Music] what on Earth is that what is happening I actually don't even know what this is is that like the super horn is that the very beginning of it's not activating a star [Music] oh he went into a bullet for a second there and he lost a mushroom when he used his bullet I think that's interesting well I gotta hand it to this guy this is probably the most unique way I've seen somebody cheat in this game I don't even know what this is uh I seriously cannot decipher this if any of you are Avid Mario Kart 8 or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe players and you know what that is could you please let me know because I am genuinely curious also might might as well just point it out he's got 99 coins and uh it maxes out at 10 in this game it's like we get it all right you're you're hacking very talented I don't see this guy doing more than one lap I don't know I feel like he wants to show off every single hack that has ever been made for this game so he's going to want to just finish one lap but that's my assumption hopefully we'll see relatively soon oh yep see one lap is that the animation for getting a coin is that what's happening because right when it started he got 99 coins I don't know maybe corruptor now that that is the name of the ghost I want to download oh I can only download 16 ghosts by the way can I just say that's a really silly rule they added like you can only download 16 ghosts I'm just saying in Mario Kart Wii you can download all the ghosts you want right wait have we seen this guy already wait a second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he just floated he's holding something he's holding his hand out like he has an item maybe he's just showing off he can drive with one hand all right 12 milliseconds I am doesn't make sense because his whole PB is less than that he also has 99 coins I wonder if they've all just had 99 points and I've been like missing man detail every time I also wonder if that continues to like make you faster like past 10 coins do they still boost your speed [Music] and you know extra kudos to that guy for doing that whole thing shroomless that takes a lot a lot of skill what about clouds up cruise I bet there's some fun stuff on this track ec2 guy Dash G this is one of the only guys on here to have over 10 milliseconds him and chocolate so let's try his time out okay the sad thing is look at the graph look at how there's actually like a good chunk of people who've achieved this time that many people cheated really I don't know [Music] let's check out the ghost ah [Music] isn't that just the Classic just the simple classic strategy just let the bullet play your race for you I like it also 99 cards this has been an interesting little Adventure because like I wasn't sure if Nintendo was going to have patched this kind of stuff out clearly clearly they have not I mean to the point where there's no legit times on the leaderboards so you can't even play this game anymore basically if you wanna You Know download Ghosts and race them for fun this has been a lot of fun actually just Reminiscing on these hopefully you guys have found some entertainment out of this thank you for watching this video I love you guys and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: beanzard64
Views: 942,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8, mario kart 8 deluxe, time trial, leaderboards, time attack, leaderboard, best time, mario kart, mario kart wii, best times, time trials, mario kart 8 time trials, mario kart 8 leaderboards, mario kart 8 deluxe dlc, mario kart 8 deluxe gameplay, mario kart time trial, mario kart 8 deluxe online gameplay, mario kart time trials, mario, kart, mario kart 8 deluxe booster, mario kart 8 code, mario kart hacks, mario kart wii hacks, mario kart 8 dlc
Id: 0JjRHvGh5io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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