The Reason Gobekli Tepe Was Buried 8,000 BC

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There are legends about a great cataclysm and flood in cultures around the world. They all point to this timeframe.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/trseeker 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody I have video here for you today and I've been going through Q&A questions and this will be the last video I make before my part to Q&A video so if you have any questions post them in the comment section but the question I have asked I have had asked the most probably is why was gobekli tepe buried and here you get a look at this site that's at least 12,000 years old that is really rewritten history and you know who actually built this and when did this actually start this seemed to be a place of pilgrimage a place of knowledge a place of preserving knowledge but the big mystery of this place is why was it buried in 8000 BC these people seem to have gone through a very very turbulent time we have this pillar number 43 at gobekli tepe that seems to indicate a common impact and there have been a few different story lines about this pillar but they all go the same direction a common impact happens and this would have been at the forefront of these people's minds this was a very cataclysmic time period around 10 to 13 thousand years ago but why did they bury at 8,000 years ago well I'm gonna put out a theory today based on the evidence and this is a theater this is a subject I oven looking at four three four maybe even longer many of you are familiar with Randall Carlson and his work and he kind of became familiar with him over the last two or three years I made a video back in but I think it was 2012 where I proposed an impact into the North American Ice Sheet so this is something I've been looking into for a long time and one of the things that really has hit me in my research is how cataclysmic the Earth's history was back you know seven eight nine ten thousand twelve thousand years ago and the only reason that we have what we have today is because it's been a relatively stable time period as far as nothing really really bad happening that's the only reason why we have the modern progress we have today now more and more evidences come out that we had some really bad impacts maybe thirteen thousand and then eleven thousand six hundred years ago but gobekli tepe was buried eight thousand years ago or eight thousand bc excuse me ten thousand years ago but i think we have another round of impacts and something that came in in the late 7000 bc s that was truly devastating to earth and it may have killed at least half the people on the planet now i have looked at a lot of scientific papers and study of impact events and it seems definitely something happened in the late 7000 bc s and this is just one of the people who have brought forth this evidence and this is christopher knight and robert wall moses book burials machine but it says here that they found evidence that the earth was hit by seven major cometary fragments circus 7640 bc when you go back that far there's a window of at least a couple centuries on either side it says this was initially revealed by the studies of tektites small glassy objects found scattered in SJ patterns over large parts of the Earth's surface irregular shaped rocks tektites are fine formed by molten rock being objective into the atmosphere and then freezing and to flatten and rounded spheres scientists now recognize that they there are remnants of high-energy cometary impacts and that such rocks tend to be very old in 1970 tektites were found embedded in fossilized wood in Australia and also I've read in Vietnam and a few other places that date to this late 7000 BC time period and here is the map of where these fragments hit and there was one impact between Australia in New Zealand the Tasman Sea I think that is the name of it also the South China Sea the Indian Ocean just off the Azores off a son America and down in Argentina and also there was a they say an impact in Argentina on land from a small fragment exactly in this late 7000 time period roughly between 7700 BC and 8,000 BC something really bad happened here at this time period in this website I will leave the link below but it also goes over some of the same evidence and that was confirmed by other people's study in this time period this has scientific studies of the effects of rapidly moving large objects impacting the ocean surface have conclusively demonstrated that way is resulting from a massive commentary impact would attain vertical heights of 2 to 3 miles with forward speeds of 400 to 500 miles per hour and sustain forests that would carry them two to three thousand miles in every direction and that is a pretty reasonable estimate I think of what an impact in the ocean would result in I don't think we can even wrap our heads around it but a tsunami three miles high two miles high there has been evidence on some of the higher elevations in the UK with sediment sedimentary sea life and see material way up in high elevations evidence of massive tsunamis and just off of Scotland here maybe in the North Sea one proposal was but there was an impact in the late 7,000 BC s and there was a massive tsunami that hit Scotland and there is a settlement here a neolithic settlement dating from 7,000 BC and where did they built their community they built it on top of a 200-foot deep tsunami deposit that was relatively recent confirming evidence that there was a massive impact in the North Atlantic around the UK that resulted in massive tsunamis in this website that says incidentally a very strong acid layer in Greenland ice cores has dated to 76 30 BC not too far off in the radial carbon content of tree rings indicated a major event occurring around 75 50 BC the same year as postulated by the Tolman's in their book and it goes over other evidence here maybe an impact near Tierra del Fuego and it says 76 BC Britain Britain and Ireland were still connected to Europe suddenly England separated from Europe by flooding in this period by an emerging RC 7600 BC Egypt according to some climatologist Egypt and the Sahara Desert were still forested and wet in this period in elephants and giraffes roaming the area as well as aquatic animals in large lakes and it says that it was this period that the Sahara Desert changed from wet and rainy to desert and here is that mentioned about Scotland and it says what they say are the Castle Street ruins were built on top of a layer of white sea sand that was deposited by a massive tsunami but it says here archaic myths from many parts of Europe refer to this event by the mention of bright new stars which fell to earth as seven flaming mountains of how oceans rose up in vast waves and totally engulfed the Lance and how summer was driven away with cold darkness that lasted several years but that seems to be one of the underlying myths of this time period hellish winters unbelievable cold and that would explain Daren kuyou this mysterious underground city that only guesses r2 when it was originally built people say it was built because of invaders well would they have spent years and years and years constructing something if they saw an invasion coming in or did they build this up over years and years and years knowing that something truly catastrophic was coming and they wouldn't be able to survive above ground there are some features in here that are pretty remarkable but this is a massive underground city that would have been home to as many as 20,000 well we have no true answer for this I think the people who were responsible for the pilgrimage and the knowledge the preservation of knowledge at Quebec Lee Tepe I think they are the best candidate for building this massive underground city I think they bury gobekli tepe and they built this just an order to survive and going on here it says geology also gives irrefutable evidence that at two times in the recent past around 76 40 BC near the window there and 3100 BC there have been complete reversals of the Earth's magnetic field caused by an outside influence most probably a comet estimates of the decimation of the global human population from this event range as high as 50 to 60% because most people would have lived on the seashores and massive tsunamis all over the world would have taken out a lot of the human population and this period between 7500 BC and like 5000 BC we just don't have a lot of human remains and a lot of things to go on I think the human population was decimated by this event the people who were responsible for globally Tepe and this preservation our knowledge in this place of pilgrimage since they depicted a cometary impact probably in the past I think they saw this one coming and they weren't worried about this place being destroyed by the impact the way it looks to me and what my intuition tells me I think they were worried that there wasn't going to be anybody around to maintain this place and they buried it no to the Egyptians say anything about this time period way back late seven thousands well actually they do in this picture here I just wanted to show you this but I did a video the fourth original structure at Giza and this is it right here and there is a causeway coming down this is all buried on Google Earth pictures but what was under here there seemed to be a pit down here but here's a pic from a few years ago when they were excavating the ancient port and I mentioned that pre-dynastic Kings were mummified in here they were taken down the ancient text says put on a boat god they would sail in front of Anubis and be taken to their burial at Abydos is that a myth well it seems to be a port right in front of the causeway of the structure where they were mummified in and put on a boat I thought that pic was pretty interesting I just wanted to throw that in there but what are the Egyptians say about this time period anything late 7000 BC s well let me read to you from the Abu Hormuz papyrus and this seems to indicate an object entering the Earth's atmosphere and this is what it says it entered near the star regulus there was a great thunder a rain of burning stones when did this happen in the first minute of cancer indicated in this time period followed by huge water or a great flood something devastated Egypt at this time period they recorded it on a papyrus from the cockpit time period but it was written off obviously much more ancient text and that would explain this kind of lull and the period between the original builder gods the sons of Horus and then the neolithic remnants coming in and the dynastic Egyptians starting this would explain the lapse between these two periods even though Kings were said to rule Egypt there was obviously a lull in the building and the accomplishments of a whoever was living here and I did a video a few months ago on and a few people did about a meteorite possibly being stored in the Great Pyramid possibly in a symbolic sarcophagus and we have a story from the 4th dynasty Khufu I believe it is makes a trip down to the Sphinx it was already existing even though was supposedly built by the son and he goes down to the Sphinx to actually see what is described as a thunderbolt and there has been compartments in the Sphinx were they actually storing a meteorite reflecting this time period when their gods were wiped out by a cataclysmic event that they actually recorded was that was a meteorite actually stored out in the Sphinx that is a great question and meteorites were revered by later dynasties of course I think it's a Tut stagger is made of meteor art material but since no standard line of why this place was buried has been put out there there has been a few guesses I thought I would look at all the evidence that I could find from this time period put together the simplest story that makes the most sense what's the number one thing we know about this very very ancient civilization that we have lost track of that gave birth to the Egyptians and the Mayans and the Sumerians and other people what's the number one thing we know their intricate knowledge of the heavens their religions was the skies the Stars what was happening above them I'm sure they saw coming and what is encoded to all these flood myths in a time when the Earth's population was devastated and there's just soul survivors people had forewarning they saw it coming and they made preparations they seem to depict a comet a long time ago at gobekli tepe this had to be at the forefront of people's minds a long time ago they want to preserve knowledge they saw something truly devastating coming they were worried nobody was gonna be around to take care of Gobekli Tepe so they buried it hope you thought this was interesting and you all have a very nice day
Channel: cf-apps7865
Views: 745,981
Rating: 4.5803056 out of 5
Keywords: Gobekli Tepe, reason buried, buried, 12000 years ago, 10500 bc, Atlantis, comet impact, cataclysm, Derinkuyu, lost civilization, why gobekli tepe buried, Pillar 43, vulture, serpent, alignment, great flood, Noah, ur, Turkey, oldest site on earth, Neolithic', harran, Eden, Bible, Old testament, abydos, comet, Younger dryas, Greenland crater, younger dryas, 2019, hancock carlson, orion, cygnus, America before, Rogan, podcast, handbags, docu, sogmatar, 2020 tour, Gobekli Tepe 2020
Id: 8iooYg0LVsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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