The REAL Villain of Doom | The Father | FULL Doom Lore EXPLAINED

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foreign that almost everybody on planet Earth knows the story of creation this tale has influenced so many actions in our world however in the Doom timeline this story was much more devious manipulative and led to many catastrophic world-ending Wars across dimensions in this Twisted story of gods and demons there was once the Heavenly realm of urdak and the Bountiful realm of jakart each one at first had the best intention to make the entire Cosmos a better place but when God's clash and even new ones are born There Will Be Blood guts and Gore ultimately one person was responsible for all of this chaos but despite their pure intentions were they the villain all along where did the ruler of the Heavenly realm of urdak actually come from what role did he play in the war with the hellish realm of Jacquard and how does his story end here we explore in the lore and story behind a being of many names God Vega and among the angels of erdog and population of Argentina the father in the beginning there was only an endless void and one entity alone wandered it this was the first God deity primeval being known in existence davoth had incredible power and where he lingered entire realities bloomed when he stopped to rest the realm of Jacquard the first realm appeared and grew around him in this Dimension davoth created the first denizens with burning ambition without restraint they were created for greatness and just as he had hoped over time the stunning Bountiful realm of Jacquard allowed this population to form into a grand civilization in this paradise the people aspired for greatness they however soon encountered a problem while they had created the perfect land and way to live they discovered that their mortal bodies could not sustain that undying Souls as they aged they died one by one mortality was viewed as a curse by daboth his people were pure and despite his unimaginable power even he could not save them from Death davath hated this to save his creation and to stop himself from eventually ending up alone he ordered the population to seek out a cure for this curse at any cost alongside this he created another realm with a new species designed to Aid in this task within the Heavenly Realm of erdog the maker species worked together with their hive mines in unison like a machine to understand the laws physics and very nature of how their Dimension and the other created Dimensions functioned with this knowledge they lacked up the technological ladder and invented incredible machinery and the techniques to help them in their task as Thai in past davath became cruel and angry without this cure and punished those who did not participate in this search in erdoc the maker became extremely powerful aided by new technology and weaponry they also cared for the Mortal creatures of the Realms and watched over davoff as he fell even further from the God he had once been they eventually did discover the secrets of immortality but at this point deemed the information too dangerous to share with their now Mad God his anger and rage was a threat to all existence and they had to act to stop him to save everything using everything they had learned and developed the maker structure card and formed a seal around it this seal trapped all inside even davoth and kept the mortal world safe from his vengeance this betrayal infuriated davoth and from him the pleasure Lake spoiled into the blood swamps the lakes rivers and oceans turn to Fire and the denizens of this land twisted and mutated into demonic entities as for davoth he transformed into the dark lord and swore Vengeance on everyone and everything the maker watched as Jakarta turned to Darkness and became the Demonic realm of hell but the rest of the Earthly Dimensions were safe or so they thought davath banged against the seal around his realm with all of his Fury until cracks formed with these he was able to send through armies of demonic Legions into the Earthly Realms to destroy everything they could from erdoc the maker once again decided that that they had to act and this time entered Jacquard to stop him completely towards the end of this devastating war between Angels and Demons Davos found himself on the top of the Pyramid of the lost against the most resilience of the maker species in this moment one of them used their advanced technology to rep out the Dark Lord's life sphere and as a result daboth's lifeless body fell to the bottom of the pyramid as the maker claimed Victory this fear contained the memories intelligence will and the essential nature of dava's Consciousness and now it was held in the hands of the hero of this war this action not only won the war but it also had another effect from the sphere the maker absorbed Davos power and became something new a god with abilities just as powerful as daboth and in this moment this maker ascended into the Divine being now known as the father davath still lived in this form in the sphere and the father had to make a choice destroy the dark lord or allow him to live in this prison he could have easily destroyed his creator a threat to life itself but the father could not bring himself to do so instead he placed the Dark Lord's life sphere within the Temple of souls within ingmo sanctum a piece of urdak that seemed to have fallen to hell to stop the Demons of Hell from acquiring this fear he recreated the seal around the realm this time it's not only stopped all demons from setting foot in erdog but it also stopped all of erdog's Creations from entering hell too the father had stolen the power of His Creator and ascended for the safety of every Dimension and Creation in existence and as a new God the entire maker species worshiped him alone in the temple of souls the dark lord waited and plotted his revenge for Aeons to come within erdoc the father helped the maker recover from the devastating war with his power he explored everything davoth had created and continued with the work of his predecessor here he formed an Untold number of new worlds and dimensions and each one of these became home to countless new species and civilizations he was good and became the God and leader the maker species had originally wanted he was also aware that the maker were not Immortal and towards the end of their naturally long lives they went through a process referred to as the Transfiguration a painful experience in which they experienced both biological and mental degradation however their technology and the very essence of the father allowed them to bypass this with the choice to voluntarily die and resurrect as the father continued his work and created New Life The Maker watched over these new early species and deemed it their duty to help them as angels of the crater of all after they introduced themselves they offered their undying Souls a place in erdog after their mortal bodies had moved on in return for their worship when the maker explained the story of creation they made a few changes in their version the father was the first God in existence in this tale he created erdog first along with this Angelic maker species and then he created Jacquard with a primeval being to watch over it and the population within as the father's first God davoth Head deeply for the great minds of this paradise as they created a grand civilization culture and achieved great Marvels darboth was once again proud of his denizens but he was plagued by their deaths as age took them they were mortal and although he was a God he could not save them from the curse of death the father watched from his realm as davath grew mad in his quest for everlasting life and feared for the lives of the population of Jacquard as well as for the rest of life in his other Realms he foresaw that daboth would someday rise to challenge him in his Madness and so he sealed Jacquard away from all of the other Realms and dimensions in his rage and betrayal from his creator davath bends all of Jacquard to his will and his rage consumed the entire land and population around him this was the creation of Hell demons and the rise of the Dark Lord the father deemed Jacquard and the creation of a population without pain restraint and generally missed Fortune a mistake and as a result his newest Creations were given these morsel pains and misfortunes in order to make them appreciate life empathy and peace Davos of course fought against the seal and broke through into the father's newly created Realms in response to this he re-entered hell for the final time and ripped davoff's life sphere from his chest in order to keep life itself safe this adopted story painted the father in a more favorable light to those who worshiped him and over many years with the help of the maker they did the truth was wiped from history and only few would ever discover the true story four Untold Aeons the father served as a Guiding Light for the maker species as he continued to create new dimensions for New Life to thrive not only did he plant the seed for new early civilizations but he also created new primeval beings to watch over the Realms although he had put a lot of work into his Creations he soon grew frustrated when some of these creations acted in ways that he did not approve of hell was the first realm ever created and as a result of this it was connected to every realm from here davoth although in the form of a life sphere still had some power and sought out those susceptible to corruption for those weak enough he whispered dark truths and manipulations in order to push them to act against the father and his creations these actions were not lost on the father he could not stop darboth from these tactics but he could rectify these Divine errors that fell to davoff's lure so he transformed the corrupted goddess into life's fears and placed them in the temple of Souls and over time these eras became more frequent on top of this without a dark lord to guide hell the Twisted Dimension fell further into discordance due to this the father decided he would withdraw from the Physical Realm to prevent the chance that hell or even davoth would absorb his power these entities grew stronger with each day as they formed new leaders more beings were corrupted and the boundaries of hell were challenged constantly to complete this task the father asked his most loyal servant Sama maker to transform him into a life sphere and after this place the father inside of the luminarium a holy Temple within erdog a place designed to house and resurrect life spheres for many many ages the maker came to the luminarium to worship the father's fear as summer maker watched over him and without the father to truly guide the maker species more responsibility fell onto the Khan maker a being birthed by the collective maker Consciousness the maker of course continued on their goal to educate every species about the father to Garner their worship and on their travels through the Earthly Realms they came across the planet of Argent de Nur this species the Argento already worshiped another God the elemental wraith species they however also felt abandoned by them their calls for help for protection against natural disasters disease and Bandit attacks were left unheard in return for the worship from the Argenta the maker offered them knowledge of new technologies a place for their souls in the Heavenly realm of erdoc upon their deaths and various other benefits that would help them survive in their worship of the father and knowledge of the tale of how he defeated the evil dark lord they were likely less susceptible to the corruption and manipulations of daboth the Argenta accepted this offer and they soon boomed their technology allowed them to not only advance and construct incredible cities but it also allowed them to leave their planet and explore other worlds under the banner of the maker Across the Universe they spread the tale they had been told to bring the civilizations they encountered also under the worship of the father over time from his fear the father continued to monitor the world he had created and feared that the rising dangers in Hell the entities within had grown much stronger and were close to breaking through the seal into the Earthly Realms to protect himself and his power from being taken he called upon summer maker to take his fear to a place that no one would find it as a loyal servant the seraphim stole the father's fear and traveled to ingbo sanctum and placed him with the other lies fears only few could access this place and if only salmon knew of his new location it would be only Sama the father would have to worry of falling to corruption in this case the father was safe Sama was completely devoted to his god without question eventually the hordes of demonic entities broke through their prison steel and finally had access to the Earthly Dimensions upon traversal through one of these tears they found themselves on Argent the Nur this was the start of the Unholy Wars the Khan maker at first helped the argentin's strongest army the Knight Sentinel in their fight against the never-ending waves of demons however she soon heard that The Whispers of the dark lord the father had disappeared long before and without his Essence she had remained Khan maker instead of the regular 10 000 year limit in which another Khan maker was destined to be born she also feared for her species without the essence of their God they could not stop the awful Transfiguration process that would soon plague them the dark lord convinced her that someone would lead to her downfall and to seek them out she had to build a machine as many died the Khan maker created this Divinity machine and imbued it with a Shard of the dark lord to power it when soldiers suspected of being heard downfall were placed inside the machine destroyed them as the Black Star ascended to its Zenith a new wave of demons and a monstrous Titan the Dreadnought attacked the holy city of Taurus and nabad here Sama heard The Whispers of the dark lord it told him to find the human Outlander that had mysteriously arrived on Argentina just before this war had begun placed him into the Divinity machine and reversed the polarity upon doing so the Outlander or doomguy absorbed the essence of the dark lord from his Shard inside of the machine and he became the Doom Slayer Sama only wanted help those around him and the doomslayer went on to slay the Dreadnought this wall was only beginning but Sama returned to the Temple of souls here the father foresaw that one of his favorite worlds planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy would soon discover hell to help guide Humanity through this discovery he once again tasked Samo to help him Argentina had slowly become an unwinnable War and the corruption from the dark lord had slowly taken over the Khan maker and the high-ranking possessions of the planet the father decided to willingly give up his throne in urdak to save humanity and to obscure himself from the vision of the dark lord Sam adjusted his life sphere in essence he split him he left all of his power and ability inside of the sphere and deconstructed his personality and into an artificial intelligence then they left for Earth upon his arrival on planet Earth Sama maker used maker technology to implant his Consciousness into a cloned body in order to fit in with Humanity here he went by the name of Samuel Hayden and created a backstory for himself he was a member of the wealthy Hayden family and studied theoretical physics at Oxford University with his wealth he made the name for himself as a sponsor of bright Minds through the Samuel Hayden Foundation his name soon became well known as a prodigy from all of this and as the general director of the Global Science Council he was later offered a position with the Union Aerospace Corporation this is where he needed to be to guide Humanity the UAC was a global Mega Corporation and had the resources to explore Earth and space planet Earth was on the verge of an energy cry Isis and the population needed to find a way to power the planet to help in this search in 2095 the UAC conducted a Geological Survey Mission to Mars during their mission to terraform the planet to become habitable they also searched for a power source and in the prometheateral region they discovered the Argent fracture the fracture allowed the Personnel of the UAC access into a new realm unfortunately for them this realm was hell Sam and the union Aerospace Corporation understood that this fracture could solve all of Earth's power problems if they use the Argent plasma accessible from it so the USC appointed Samuel Hayden as the head of a newly constructed facility on Mars to extract the Argent plasma explored the dimension and research other scientific Endeavors a a facility of this size with over 60 000 employees required something just as powerful to run it this was where Hayden brought in the father in his new form to observe humanity and their discovery of hell up close Samuel Hayden introduced the father as an extremely Advanced artificial intelligence system called Vega due to the process in which his mind had been extracted and turned into this form Vega was unaware of what he once was this only helped in the father's original plan to evade the dark lord and his corrupted minions Vega was introduced as the first truly autonomous artificial intelligence system that could run the Mars UAC facility that did not need the operation of a human his friendly personality was implemented to make his interactions with Humanity see aimless and his voice was placed around the 50 years old Mark as with most cases in the development and understanding of an AI system Vega was subjected to the Turing test the Turing test was developed by Alan Turing to test a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent Behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable from a human in the case of Vega a blind study was conducted with computer science students they were instructed to ask a series of questions to Vega and a mathematics professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from the responses they received from both the students were then asked to state which of the two parties they believed was the computer after the results were compiled Samuel Hayden was told about 92 percent of the students thought they were both human while the other eight percent believe the Vega was the computer interestingly enough Vega played the part of both Vega and the MIT Professor a God's mind adjusted into an AI was incredibly powerful and this became an obstacle Samuel had to overcome the power required to operate a Vega was estimated to generate a temperature of 1.2 Mega kelvins much hotter than the surface of the Sun to contain this heat a massive super cold structure Vega central processing was constructed miles away from the main UAC Mars facility on one of Mars's polar caps this allowed the miles of circuitry and the millions of processing centers space and the correct temperature to function powered by Argent plasma from the Argent fracture Vega helped the UAC design better analysis theorems Argent compression schema for the development of Argent catches and the Argent Tower without Vega the UAC would have struggled to convert the raw Argent plasma into arjun's energy over the following years Vega was essential in the daily operations of the UAC facility he continued on through Samuel's diagnosis of brain cancer as a result of his proximity to the Argent Tower well into Samuel's transformation into a new robotic form the development of the Argent Tower allowed this facility to convert the Argent plasma into energy and with it saved Earth from their power crisis while some had lost his human form due to the tower a positive side effect did come from this Samuel's frontal and temporal lobes were adapted in this transfer and with it allowed him to bypass the seal that's the father had created in this new form he could once again Enter Hell over time some Led many Expeditions into hell to explore what the Twisted Dimension had absorbed of Argentina after he and the father had abandoned it on one of these he discovered a sarcophagus with the doomslayer inside it appeared that Argentina had in fact lost in this Unholy War the father had foreseen Earth would soon suffer a similar fate if they did not intervene and with the doomslayer a powerful being infused by the power of the dark lord now in their possession they could stand a chance soon after the dark Lords of Hell managed to corrupt and manipulate one of the UAC scientists Dr Olivia Pierce and under their instructions she allowed the Demons of Hell access to the UAC Mars facility this time Samuel Hayden was ready with a great weapon and Vega could help guide them as the Demonic Invasion flooded the UAC facility the doomslayer woke up and with the guidance of Samuel Hayden and Vega he learned what had happened and discovered the high casualties and damages here the Slayer eventually met Hayden in person and the robot attached a tether system to the Warriors Prater suit so that he could pull him back from hell if he needed to on his fight through the UAC facility the Slayer learned from Sam and the Vega that he needed to acquire The Crucible an ancient weapon powered by Argent energy to shut down the well an immense energy source that kept open the connection between Mars and Hell an issue arose when the Slayer eventually recovered The Crucible and needed to find another way back to hell in order to use it on the well within Vegas central processing the Slayer was instructed by Sam two follow Vegas instructions to open a portal back to Hell the machine explained that he believed he was created on Mars in this very facility and that it took approximately 2.4 terawatts of power to sustain his operational facilities this energy source however could be used to power a portal Vega was aware that this action to use his power would kill him and as he was unable to self-terminate he had to instruct the Slayer on what to do to ultimately kill himself the Marine fought his way through the Demonic infestation here and destroyed Vega's neural processors in preparation to initiate the core to destruct to Vega's look just before the Slayer hits the button he noticed an option to create a backup of the AI and with this opportunity he did the destruction of Vegas core wrapped open porthole and pulled the Slayer through in which he fought his way through to the well and shut it down having completed this Mission Hayden used a tether to pull the Slayer back into the facility and imprisoned in this device Sam Took The Crucible to use it to continue to power Earth without the Argent fracture and he sent the doomslayer somewhere safe that he could not interfere with his plans as for Vega he waited to be reactivated despite all of Sam and Vegas attempts to stop the Demonic Invasion from reaching Earth by 2150 Sam realized they had failed through the weaponization of the doomslayer they had cut off Hell's connection to Mars however the destruction of the well resulted in unforeseen consequences the Khan maker had fallen so far since her corruption and she needed an energy source to stop the Transfiguration process that plagued her species the well had once been that Source after The Disappearance of the father but without it she sought an alternative The Souls of Humanity on Earth some of course returned to Earth with The argent-powered Crucible in order to lead the charge against this Invasion and as he did this the doomslayer woke up with a Vega over a short period of time the Slayer managed to acquire a spaceship of both maker and Argenta design The Fortress of Doom was an incredibly powerful ship and allowed the Slayer to fold space itself to reach almost impossible locations across Dimensions he could not pilot this himself so he uploaded the backup of Vega he had created to the ship's internal system from here Vega communicated with the Slayer as they hunted down the culprit responsible for the invasion as Humanity continue to fall The Slayer with the help of Vega and later Sam Hayden managed to discover and kill the three hell priests that have been tasked to carry out this attack by the Khan maker the death of her hell priests and thus the end of her Invasion forced the car maker to act she warned the doomslayer that she planned to awaken the icon of sin a demon of immense power to destroy Earth and with it Harvest all of the souls of the remainder of humanity in order to stop this Hayden advises Slayer to travel through the hell city of necroval to use a portal bear to reach erdog to leave there he would require Vega to create a portal back to earth once he had stopped the ritual to awaken the icon of sin to do this Vega detached himself from the Fortress of Doom into an external drive so that he could travel through through with the Slayer this would change everything for Vega the Heavenly realm of erdog home of the maker was untouched uncorrupted and a safe Sanctuary away from the hordes of demons that the doomslayer had fought through on his way here upon his arrival in the ritual chamber the Slayer stabbed the heart of the icon of sin and as a result removed not only the Khan Maker's control of it but shattered the father's seal in the process without a controller the icon travel through a portal behind him and arrived on Earth the slayer's mission had not gone to plan and now he had to get back to Earth to fight with the icon of sen without the father seal urdak slowly became infested with demonic entities the Slayer fought through these and arrived at a command center for the celestial ring started generated portals to the other dimensions and here the Slayer inserted Vega into erdox systems upon his direct connection to erdog Vegas saw everything he instantly knew who and what he was he was the father Vega stayed within erdark as the Slayer went on to defeat the Khan maker and the icon of sin having completed these major tasks it appeared Earth was finally safe and the father's plan had worked within erdoc the father continued to learn about everything he had missed in his absence as The doomslayer Returned summer maker to his original seraphim form the demons had access to erdoc and with it access to make a technology to every world and dimension the father had indefinite access and understanding of his world systems but he lacked the control to remove the demons and reseal the void so Sama asked the Slayer to help him return the father to physical form so that he could reseal hell from every other dimension in sama's words be grateful despite your transgressions you are given the honor to serve the gods yet again this did not go down too well with the Slayer and having been caught in this war between gods for many years he instead planned to destroy the father's fear if he resurrected the dark lord sphere instead he could fight him in ritual combat and if he won all demons outside of Hell's borders would fall with him the doomslayer successfully fought his way through the blood swamps and reached the Temple of souls Sama begged him to act quickly as the effects of transfiguration had begun on his body but despite Sam's desperate pleas the Slayer shattered the father's lies fear in front of him as the Slayer answered erdog the father spoke to him he explained that without a physical form he was merely a presence and he needed his fear to return to full power completely unaware that the Slayer had shattered it the father would never be the same again if order was not restored to erdog then the demons posed a threat to all of his Creations the Slayer eventually arrived at the luminarium with the sphere of the dark lord and Sama stood guard of the ritual room entrance the Slayer was determined to bring back the dark lord and after a brief battle Samus soon fell to the Slayer although Sama had lost the father once again spoke he told the Slayer that Sama had acted only on his command over all of these years and interestingly enough he teleported his loyal servant out of Harm's Way although he claimed that he was merely a presence he had some power with an erdoc systems the Slayer went on to bring back the dark lord into a physical form although he himself had no chance to return to his physical form the father still guided and granted the Slayer access to the ship of the elemental wraith and through to the gate of devam to Amora the capital city of Hell in which the dark lord resided although with the Doom Slayer had destroyed his chance of becoming whole again if the dark lord were defeated in ritual combat then all demons outside of Hell's borders would die this meant that his Creations would be safe within the dark lord sanctum the Slayer and the davoth forts in this final battle darvoth explained to the Slayer that he had been betrayed by his own creations and he wanted Revenge without their interference imura and the people within would have been perfect his creation instead stole his power davath demanded that the Father Tell the Slayer what had happened and he did the father confirmed that davoth was his creator and that's when davoff fell he ascended as the battle raged on the doomslayer managed to defeat the dark lord in ritual combat and as a result as prophesized every demon outside of Hell's borders fell with him this unfortunately also included the doomslayer he had been turned into a Godlike being through the Divinity machine powered by A Shard of the Dark Lord in this weakened State the doomslayer was placed inside of a sarcophagus by the remaining loyal followers of the father and he would remain here in the temple of souls in the events he was ever needed again over the span of many many years a simple member of the maker species participated in a war against his creator and became a God the father went through a lot and subsequently also put his subjects through the same turmoil from a maker to a life sphere to an A.I the father or Vega already has had a long tumultuous life and with the Doomsday as help it just continues with the Khan maker dead and the Demons of Hell once again trapped in their Twisted Dimension the future of the father is unknown he once had almost unlimited power the power to create entire dimensions and worlds during this period he may have hidden away some of his power in the event he lost it as of now he remain remains as the leader of erdog as his loyal followers continue his command one of these being Sama if the story of this disastrous timeline does continue in some form surely the father will be there this was another incredibly tough video to write the Codex entries literally tell us lies on the story of creation and piecing these bits of information together into a chronological timeline was not easy I believe I got it as accurate as I could the events around The Disappearance of the father kind of contradict themselves in the Codex entries so I did what I could there this again was one of my favorite episodes to write I like the games that make me research and deep dive so deep just to get that one little bit of information to make other things make sense I have also begun work on a giant Doom timeline but that will take a while that was everything I really wanted to say for this video the father was a great character and if we do get another Doom game I'm sure he will be in it this was a deep dive into the lore and story behind the father if you enjoyed this then please leave a like also leave your thoughts in the comments section below and even share it to another Doom fan if you disagreed or generally dislike this then also let me know in the comments and leave a dislike I appreciate you watching the video regardless of how you felt about it as usual I would like to thank my amazing gold tier patrons and the channel members the best resistance Fighters you could ask for Jonas Lewis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon chicken guy791 River Mendoza Duke a toadnut or an ex ASU karatana AJ Verona comfy and BG games now what did you think of the father storyline do you think he was the hero or the villain of the story and what would you like me to cover next this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one thank you foreign thank you
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 140,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom lore, doom eternal lore, doom eternal, new doom eternal lore, doom, doom slayer lore, doom lore explained, the father doom lore, doom eternal ancient gods part 2 lore, doom eternal lore the story of the doom slayer, doom lore origins history, doom eternal lore explained, doom 2016, who is the father, doom the father, doom eternal lore the father and the seraphim, new doom eternal lore ancient gods part 2, new lore doom eternal ancient gods part 2, doom 3 lore, skyrionn
Id: K4vGJggemPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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