From Hope to Horror: The Complete Timeline of SOMA | FULL Story & Lore

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[Music] Way back in the Summer of 1988, on July 16th, in  Toronto, Canada, a child was born. Simon Jarrett   would have not only one tragic life, but many.  As he grew up, Simon became independent like   many people do, got his own apartment, and to  pay the bills, he worked at a bookshop called   The Grimoire. It was a simple life, and inside  and outside of his work, he had a close friend   group. Sean, Kevin, Jesse and Ashley. Some of  who he worked with at The Grimoire. Meanwhile,   the world around him moved on and the development  of technology reached new heights every day. In   his pursuit to understand the complex nature of  the brain and how it worked, in 2014, a Japanese   man by the name of Nakajima Shin developed a  process that allowed him to scan the brain.   Dubbed "Neurographing Technology", he performed  his first scan on March 12th on a woman known as   "Nanami". These were no mere normal brain scans,  the "Nakajima Shin" neurograph was groundbreaking.   It scanned the brain in its entirety and copied  the consciousness, personality and memories of   the subject into data that a computer could read  with ease. This technology had the potential to   revolutionise how humanity understood the mind  and soul as separate entities. Unfortunately,   Nakajima moved away from the development of  "Neurographing Technology" after this for an   unknown reason. As the world entered 2015, friends  and neuroscientists, Dr. David Munshi and Dr. Paul   Berg came upon the "Neurograph Technology". They  saw value in what this could do for humanity if it   was developed properly, and together, they got to  work to expand and pioneer the technology at PACE   Laboratories in Toronto. On the evening of April  9th, Simon and Ashley Hall had enjoyed the night   together and were on their way to their next  destination. As of now, it is unclear if they   were just friends or a little more than that. As  Simon drove them towards the intersection of Bloor   Street and Spadina Road, their good night ended  quickly when they were hit by an SUV that had run   a red light. This was an accident, the driver was  a mother who had been distracted for a few seconds   by her children - the consequence of those few  seconds changed a lot of lives. The mother and   children were mostly unharmed, however, the same  could not be said for Simon or Ashley. As he came   to understand what had just happened, he turned to  Ashley and watched as she died right in front of   his eyes from internal bleeding at the young age  of 23. There was nothing he could have done. As   Simon arrived at Saint Mary Hospital, the doctors  discovered that his head had taken a large amount   of force from the crash and had resulted in brain  swelling and bleeding. When they were finally able   to do so, they explained to Simon that although he  had survived the crash, his injuries were severe   and he had brain damage. At this point, they had  no way to treat this injury and told him that they   expected him to last mere months. Over at PACE  Laboratories, on April 28th, Dr. Munshi and Dr.   Berg believed they were ready for human trials  with their "Neurograph Technology". They wanted   to use this technology to help people with brain  injuries, and in return they would be able to use   the brain scans to further additional research  ventures. Upon hearing about Simon Jarrett's car   crash and severe injuries, Dr. Munshi reached out  to him with the offer of a brain scan that would   allow them to create a treatment plan. If this  project on "Brain Reconstruction" was successful,   it would not only help Simon, but also many other  people change their life expectancy from mere   months to decades. This was a rare opportunity and  the only chance Simon had to survive the aftermath   of the car crash. So, he accepted Dr David  Munshi's offer, and they arranged an appointment   at PACE Laboratories just 4 days later on May 2nd.  Simon knew how important this scan was, and as he   woke up on the day from yet another nightmare of  the crash, he followed the instructions given to   him by Dr. Munshi. They were simple, to drink a  bottle of Tracer Fluid and arrive at PACE. Upon   his arrival, Simon was surprised to find that PACE  Laboratories was still very much early in their   development, and their offices had not yet been  fully set up. After some small talk, Dr. Munshi   explained that the scan would only be as painful  as having a picture taken to which Simon responded   with "Indians thought cameras would steal their  souls". As he sat in the lab chair, the scan   created an identical copy of Simon's brain  up until that very moment. His consciousness,   experiences, memories and personality. This  copy of Simon was then converted into data,   and uploaded to Dr. Munshi's computer. With this  data, Dr. Munshi created a treatment plan for his   test subject. This technology was revolutionary,  but just a month later, it was clear that Simon's   brain did not respond well to the treatment.  By June 1st, his condition had degraded vastly,   and he knew he did not have long left to live.  On his deathbed, Simon spoke with Dr. Munshi. He   did not blame him at all and even suggested that  the scientist use his brain scan to continue and   improve upon his research. At the age of 26, Simon  Jarrett finally succumbed to his brain injury. The death of Simon Jarrett also led to the death  of the development of "Neurograph Technology" in   the Medical Field. Dr. Munishi's treatment  of his first volunteer had failed. However,   the Robotics Field saw value in these complex  brain scans. His Brain Restoration project was   no more, so Dr. Munshi allowed those who  approached him to use Simon's Neurograph   in their research and development into Artificial  Intelligence Technology. Simon's model was a very   valuable asset and became a standard piece  in the development packs of this research.   His death had meant something, just not in the  way he had expected. Over the following decades,   Dr. Munshi and Dr. Berg helped with the formation  of this AI technology as AI became a regular   feature in technology across the world. The  understanding and complexity of AI had advanced   so much over these years, and it was even possible  to communicate with the consciousness of the data   of a scanned brain. Of course, these scans would  only be aware of everything that had happened up   until they were scanned and were unaware that  they were a copy of the original human that had   continued with their life. As Dr. Munshi entered  his 90s, he was interviewed about his work and   how it had impacted the world. His wife and Dr.  Paul Berg had passed on at this point and he was   asked if he would bring them back with this  technology as both of them had been scanned   at one point. Munshi explained that although  their copies contained everything that they   were up to until their scan, they were technically  not human, and if they discovered what they were,   they would become mad and unstable. Even if  he could bring them back in a stable state,   he would still care for who they were,  but they would still not be fully human. As the world once again moved on with new  technologies and branches of scientific intrigue,   in the 2060s, a Multinational Research  Organisation was constructed across   multiple locations in Lisbon, Portugal, Cádiz,  New York and London. With investment from Haimatsu   Technologies, Carthage Industries, and likely  even the United Nations, this station had a lot   of funding behind it. Each land based location  helped with their main research site. PATHOS-II,   an underwater Research Facility located on  the Mid-Atlantic ridge in the North Atlantic   Ocean. This site was groundbreaking, and  was initially built to conduct thermal   mining. As it grew, and as a result of being a  multinational facility, PATHOS-II had a large,   diverse staff base of the best and brightest  scientists and engineers across the planet.   PATHOS-II was developed to have eight separate  sites connected across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.   One of which, Site Omega, was the only site  constructed above the water. Sites Upsilon,   Delta, Theta, Lambda, Omicron were situated on the  Ocean Floor in a region labelled "The Plateau",   and the final three sites of Tau, Alpha and  Phi were constructed much deeper than The   Plateau within the depths of the Abyssal Plain,  labelled The Omega Sector. From these locations,   the personnel explored multiple research projects  from marine sciences, hydroculture, to deep sea   construction. This was a huge operation, and to  keep this advanced research facility on track,   a station-wide artificial general intelligence was  utilised. This system went by the name of The WAU   and was operated by Dr. Johan Ross. Per company  policy, each employee at PATHOS-II was implanted   with a Blackbox device through an auto-injection  system. This was for their benefit as much as it   was for PATHOS-II as it tracked their biometric  data, which in turn helped monitor their vitals to   keep them as safe as possible in the facility.  In brief, Site Omega was developed above the   surface and was the main source of communication,  weather, and feedback for the facility below.   Omega lay just above the top of Site Phi and  reported the success of missions they performed   with the Omega Space Gun. As the only site above  the surface, it was also often visited by the MS   CURIE, a ship that brought resources from the  land-based sites to PATHOS-II, for maintenance.   Below the ocean surface, Site Lambda was one of  the most important locations for the whole team,   as it acted as a transport hub to all of the  other sites across PATHOS-II - through the shuttle   transport system. Site Theta was designed to be  home to most of the staff of the facility, offices   and large laboratories, while Site Delta, was  mostly used to manufacture aerodynamic projectile   shells so that payloads could be launched from  the Omega Space gun in site Phi. Site Upsilon was   PATHOS-II Power Generation Plant. Through the use  of Geothermal Boreholes, it harvested gas, refined   it and generated enough electricity to power the  whole PATHOS-II facility. The workers here also   developed, repaired and made use of robots and  universal helpers to help them with their roles,   each of these were installed with basic AI to  follow instructions. Robotic repair may have   been difficult years before, however, Carthage  Industries had developed a highly proteined,   cross-linked lubricant that acted as a conductor,  signal medium and even allowed those who used it   to calibrate it with a specific instruction.  Manufactured as "Structure Gel", the engineers   of PATHOS-II used it for almost everything they  worked on and it almost was the magic fix for   anything. Electrical damage? Structural  damage? Sure. On the other side of this,   they also found that it mutated living and  dead tissue, even to the point of reanimation.   Something the scientists at Site Omicron explored  along with their other work on Marine Biology   and Hydrophonics, amongst many other research  ventures. Site Omicron also overlooked the vast   Abyss that led to the Omega Sector of the Ocean.  To reach the bottom, the engineers developed The   Climber Rig on the edge of The Plateau for the  personnel to reach the three sites below. Deep   within the The Omega Sector of The Abyss, and  exit point of The Climber, Site Tau was home to   maintenance areas, living quarters and a cargo  transit system that allowed the crew to move   payloads constructed at Site Delta to Site Phi.  As mentioned already, Site Phi was home to The   Omega Space Gun. Although under the ocean,  it had been designed to fire spacecraft into   space in a safer and less expensive manner. This  gun, like many other regions across PATHOS-II,   made use of a pilot seat. A seat in which one  of the personnel sat on and operated larger   machinery and the various other technology and  equipment across the facility. The Omega Space   Gun was extremely large and even reached the  ocean surface to Site Omega from the depths of   The Abyss. This size allowed it to fire a maximum  payload of 10 tons at the impressive speed of 42   kilometres per hour into space. The final and  less known site was the secret Site Alpha. This   location was known only to few staff and home to  The WAU. The personnel of PATHOS-II knew of the   WAU and that it helped them, but they did not know  that it was actually a physical, biological being   operated by Dr. Johan Ross. To adapt, improve  upon and change the WAU, Ross injected needles   with structure gel into white organic matter  of the AI to change its biological code. AI   had come a long way since Dr. Munshi's initial  brain scans, and now this one hung in the centre   of a chamber. For years, PATHOS-II continued  their research, work and experiments with the   backing of multiple nations under the depths  of the ocean to make the world a better place. Moving forward to 2089, Earth's nation's observed  a stellar object in space, and it was on a direct   course to collide with Earth in approximately a  decade. This object, Comet Telos - telos meaning   “end”, was extremely large and it was estimated by  Earth's scientists that if it did hit the planet,   it would cause destruction to an apocalyptic  level. With this news, Earth's nations came   together to build a rocket that they hoped would  push the comet off its course to save humanity.   Not a lot is known about what the planet did  during this decade in their attempts to stop   this destructive force. What is known is that  by 2102, Spokesperson Veiga and Dr. Catherine   Chun had joined the Asteroid Deflection Program  and as a part of this role, they were placed in   PATHOS-II to help in the efforts. Down here, they  worked with the Omega Space Gun in Site Phi with   the plan to use it to launch a projectile to knock  the comet off course. The comet was getting closer   and they were running out of time. By March of  the same year, Mark Sarang, a person close to   Johan Ross' WAU work received a classified  message from Carthage Industries in which   he was told how great of a job he was doing. It  was a part of his role of "Intelligence Analyst"   to integrate The WAU across the whole PATHOS-II  station. With this task complete, he was asked   to leave Dr. Johan Ross to continue his work on  The WAU alone in Site Alpha without interference. Regardless of all of the effort the nations of  Planet Earth had put in to stop Comet Telos,   just hours before the comet was estimated to  collide with Earth, the population and nations   realised they had failed. In these early hours of  January, 12th, 2103, many fled to bomb shelters,   mountainous regions, and other locations  they believed they could survive the impact.   Dr. Catherine Chun had worked hard to  save the planet as a part of the Asteroid   Deflection Program with Spokesperson Veiga.  In this awful moment, Spokesperson Veiga Left   PATHOS-II to spend her final hours with  her loved ones as Catherine stayed behind   within the Underwater Facility. She liked her own  company and felt alone most of the time anyway.   At 05:13am, Comet Telos collided with Earth  and hit the Pacific Ocean. Almost instantly,   the impact triggered firestorms across the planet,  which led to the atmosphere being flooded with   toxic dust and debris. Over the following days,  the surface of Planet Earth became a barren   wasteland and those who had attempted to hide  in bunkers or on mountains were decimated along   with the rest of the species. There was no way any  form of life could have survived on the surface,   however, the population of PATHOS-II and the  animals of the deep ocean remained unharmed.   Within the underwater facility, they listened  to the panic of the world above and heard the   fall of the planet as each of their land  based stations across Earth went down,   one by one as they were impacted by the crash. It  appeared that the personnel of PATHOS-II were the   last humans on Planet Earth. Billions of humans  had been reduced to just above 60. The population   of PATHOS-II knew only what they had been told  during the fall. After the dust had settled,   The CURIE left the facility and ventured to  the surface. From here, they took pictures of   the aftermath, just off of the coast of Portugal  to bring back to PATHOS-II. Having survived The   Fall of Humanity, Catherine Chun made PATHOS-II  her new home and became a part of the team to   keep the facility running efficiently, and she  was given the role of Systems Engineers on the   Omega Space Gun. Catherine had always been a quiet  person and seemed to struggle to be around people,   so she kept to herself. In her spare time, she  kept herself busy and worked on an Artificial   Reality capsule. This was her new life now,  surrounded by the last of humanity underneath   the ocean. As what was left of life went on,  within Site Alpha, the WAU's primary protocol   changed to "Preserve Humanity". However, the WAU  did not understand humanity entirely to complete   this task, and as this system was connected  to every part of PATHOS-II, it got to work.   As an intelligent system, the WAU connected to  the structure gel that had been injected into it,   and the copious amounts across PATHOS-II. The WAU  then connected to every machine it could through   Structure Gel, and it also found that it could  create the substance. With this, it grew and   grew until its restraints could not hold it any  more. After it fell onto the floor of its chamber,   it continued to excrete the substance until it was  surrounded. Over time, the Structure Gel hardened   and formed bulging growths. Across PATHOS-II,  some of the machines fell under the control   and manipulation of the WAU, and Structure Gel  filled the pipes as the substance found itself all   around the facility. The WAU needed access to the  whole facility in order to "preserve humanity". A week after what was called, "The  Impact Event", on January 19th,   Dr. Johan Ross discovered what had happened to  his prized AI and he realised that the system   had gone rogue. It was causing more harm than  good and he needed to stop it. The pipes across   PATHOS-II began to explode as they struggled to  contain the mass quantities of Structure Gel,   and Johan made the difficult decision to leave  Site Alpha for his own safety. So, he ventured   to Site Tau. Unknown to the personnel of the  PATHOS-II, the WAU connected to and adapted all   of the Pilot Seat helmets it could access across  the facility to scan the brains of the users.   This was very similar to the Neurograph technology  developed by Dr. Munshi decades before. At first,   the personnel had no idea that a copy of their  brain had been scanned, but they did feel the   side effects. Over the following days, many  people complained of nausea and headaches,   but had no reason as to why they were experiencing  them. This was the WAU's first plan to preserve   humanity. The first documented person this  happened to was Carl Semken who worked at   Site Upsilon. He was in the process of removing  a heat seal as the Pilot Seat he used to operate   the machinery scanned his brain. Of course  he was unaware that this had happened and he   just went on with his day. The WAU later took  brain scans of Gavin Finley, Robin Bass, Javid   Goya and Adam Golaski to name just a few. Chief  Factor Jane Adams of Site Upsilon noticed that   most of her crew suffered with these symptoms,  and in response, she ordered that they stop   using the Pilots Seats as there appeared to be a  correlation between their use and the headaches.   Having created "neurographs" of some of the crew  of PATHOS-II, the WAU began its next stage to   "preserve humanity". The entire underwater complex  was full of robots constructed to aid the humans,   and with its Structure Gel, it adapted the  machines it could access and uploaded copies   of the crew to them. Over the next few months,  the team discovered robots that appeared to not   only recognise them but claimed to be a friend of  theirs. One of them claimed to be Adam Golaski,   the Chief Engineer at Site Omicron. This was  extremely confusing, and the personnel of   PATHOS-II needed to understand what had happened.  So, Imogen Reed was assigned to speak with and   examine the machine. During her examination,  Imogen spoke with what was dubbed a "Mockingbird"   of her friend and colleague, Adam Golaski.  It clearly had a human consciousness inside,   and spoke to her just like the real Adam. What was  interesting about this situation was that it did   not know it was a robot. As the robot lay on the  ground, unable to move, Imogen asked it to stand,   in which it claimed it had but in reality it  had not moved. She believed that the Adam inside   saw its reality differently in order to preserve  itself. It believed it was human, standing and   talking to its friend. Imogen later called for  the real Adam to speak with the Mockingbird,   and the machine was amazed at how similar Adam  looked to itself. They later fell into an argument   after the real Adam asked questions that only he  would know and his daughter was a touchy subject.   This Mockingbird was peaceful and unable to  move, however by April, the various sites   around PATHOS-II discovered that some were not and  attacked on site. They were corrupted by the WAU's   influence or the personalities inside struggled  to grasp their reality. The WAU had turned against   them in its distorted efforts to help them.  Regardless, the crew were still unaware that this   was the WAU's influence. As a result of this, the  crew at Site Upsilon were evacuated to Site Theta   for their safety as the halls became dangerous and  unpredictable places. Upsilon was still extremely   important to the running of PATHOS-II as it was  the home of the Thermal Power Plant, due to this,   Carl Semken and Amy Azzaro were ordered to  stay behind to maintain it. To keep them and   the machinery safe, regions of Site Upsilon were  blocked off to keep the aggressive machines away. The following days brought more attacks from  the machines. On May 4th in Site Upsilon,   Carl was attacked and killed by one of  the aggressive helper bots as Amy luckily   managed to escape. On her way to Site  Theta to join the rest of the evacuees,   she ran into trouble when her train failed to  power up. During her attempt to fix this power   outage, she instead severely electrocuted  herself in the process. On the ground,   Amy waited for death but then she noticed  something odd. The pipes of PATHOS-II had been   known to move large quantities of Structure Gel  for a while now, and as she lay in the substance,   she noticed that the gel formed itself into an  artificial lung. The WAU, although misguided in   its other efforts to preserve humanity, it still  wanted to keep the real humans alive too. As the   horror and the reality of her situation set in,  she waited alone to be rescued, unable to move.   Approximately 1 month later on June 6th,  Imogen Reed was asked by Catherine Chun to   examine another WAU creation, The Vivarium. She  observed that the machine appeared to be capable   of the creation of an artificial reality. She  also discovered that a scan of herself had been   placed within this reality. This was unsettling  yet remarkable. When Imogen brought her findings   to Catherine, she remarked that this was almost  an improvement of the technology she had worked   on in her spare time. She believed that the WAU  must have used her Artificial Reality Capsule   and improved it. PATHOS-II had become a dangerous  place to live, and using the idea of The Vivarium,   Catherine formed a plan to save what was left of  humanity. For her plan to work, all she had to   do was create her own version of The Vivarium and  learn how the WAU had been scanning the personnel   of PATHOS-II. She later discovered the AI had  used the Pilot Seats to scan the brains of the   occupants, and with some reverse engineering,  Catherine adapted them to scan the personnel   for her upcoming project. Over the next two  months, starting on July 3rd, Catherine asked   for volunteers to scan themselves so that she  would have a copy of them to place in “The ARK”.   A virtual world that would allow its occupants to  live and thrive without threat. With the help of   Alice Koster, Catherine created virtual locations  for the scanned humans to live. Some of these   locations included a modular space, a stunning  forest, a city and an urban park. As Theta was   the safest hub in PATHOS-II, she scanned them  there. Within a simulated reality that felt real,   the minds within would forget what their real  reality actually was. Her whole plan was to scan   as many volunteers as she could across the whole  of PATHOS-II and then launch the ARK into space   with the Omega Space Gun. In space, The ARK could  hypothetically last for thousands of years thanks   to solar batteries attached to it. As the scanning  commenced, and experiments continued, Catherine   learned that there were limits to how much mental  pressure a scanned consciousness could handle and   if too much stress did occur for any reason, it  could lead a copy to become insane, just like the   aggressive robots, or termination. The ARK Project  of course did not save humanity, but it allowed it   to continue in another form. In Site Omicron, on  July 9th, Dr. Eames produced a different variant   of Structure Gel that allowed her to calibrate it  in any way she wanted. Shortly after this, Jacob   Halperin used this Unstructured Gel to reanimate  a mouse. The mouse, although seemingly alive, came   back extremely aggressive and it attacked another  mouse. This experiment ended when the Gel hardened   around the reanimated mouse, and it died again. In  Site Theta, Catherine continued to scan anyone who   came to her. At first it was seen as her small  project, but as more of the crew heard of it,   they approached her and showed interest. She  scanned herself and many other people over the   next week. That was until she scanned Mark Sarang  on July 12th. Mark looked at the ARK Project in   a different way to Catherine. He believed that  during the short period of time after the scan,   the original human version and the copy were  identical, as they were. After this moment, their   different experiences would make them different  people. Therefore, to ensure the copy went on to   continue living an exact extended version of the  original life, he had to kill himself. In theory,   this made sense and allowed another version of  Mark to continue on from almost the exact moment   his original version left off. He called this the  “Continuity Theory”. So, after his scan, Mark ate   chewing gum that contained cyanide salt, and he  passed away fairly quickly. Although Catherine had   only performed the scan, the death of Mark led to  her short detainment on suspicion of manslaughter.   Mark's message made sense, but this was a unique  and stressful time, and many misunderstood what he   had explained of “The Continuity” Theory. Shortly  after, this theory was misinterpreted to mean,   “If the physical body died quickly after the  brain scan, then their consciousness would   transfer over, and they would be able to live  on the ARK.” This however was not the case.   Catherine was released not too long after and she  continued to scan those who allowed it, but due to   the misunderstanding of the “Continuity Theory”,  these scans were followed by a string of suicides.   John Strohmeier, the Security Chief at Site Theta  looked into why so many suicides had occurred over   such a short amount of time, and he learned about  the Continuity Theory. With the safety of the   humans in Site Theta and the rest of PATHOS-II, he  warned Catherine that if there were more suicides,   he would shut down the project. As the scans  continued, another theory was pushed around.   “The Coin Toss”. This theory suggested that when  the brain was scanned, there was a 50% chance of   the original consciousness being transferred  to the ARK. This of course was impossible,   as the original mind would always stay in  the original body as the copy was uploaded   to Catherine’s system in preparation for the ARK.  When those scanned were not copied onto the ARK,   and had seemingly failed “The Coin Toss”, they  began to show their frustration with Catherine,   as if she had kept them in their bodies. Moving  ahead to August, 14th, in Site Delta, the crew   were reassigned to Site Theta for safety, but  their Chief Factor, Terry Akers, decided to stay   behind. Site Lambda was also shortly relocated to  Theta. Within close Proximity to Catherine and in   their new home, these new crew members had their  brains scanned for the ARK Project. In Site Delta,   alone, Terry began to ingest large quantities  of the Structure Gel the WAU pushed through.   This gel slowly mutated him and resulted in  psychotic episodes. Connected almost directly   to the lifeblood of the WAU, he believed he  heard the voice of the AI and as a result,   he followed the instructions of “the voice”  and cut out his own eyes. On August 26th,   John Strohmeier heard of the suicide of Robin  Bass after she had just been scanned. He knew   how much popularity The ARK Project had garnered  but human life was more important than the copies   Catherine created. He warned Catherine that  just one more death would be the end of the   project. This came later on September 2nd,  after Guy Konrad committed suicide after his   scan. This was the final straw and John cut the  scanning phase of the ARK Project short. With Site   Lambda empty after evacuation, a salvage crew was  sent there. This crew consisted of Imogen Reed,   Adam Golaski, Vanessa Hart, Baxter Rogers, Richard  Holland, Jessica Davis, Martin Fisher and Dorian   Cronstedt. As the WAU gained even more influence  over PATHOS-II, on September 13th, the evacuation   of the Site Tau in the Omega Sector was ordered,  and Julia Dahl was asked to assist. During this   evacuation attempt, she heard those she had been  asked to save being attacked by aggressive marine   life that had been mutated the structure gel.  Against her orders, she left them to their fate   and generated a fake report that the evacuation  was a complete failure. Because of this, the giant   climber that was used to enter the Omega Sector  was ordered to stay at the Plateau. Believed to   be dead and without the ability to contact Site  Omicron above on the Plateau Sector, the stranded   survivors of the marine attack had to retreat  back. One of these was Dr. Ross. In Site Lambda,   the Salvage Crew encountered a mass amount of  structure gel and WAU created robots. Imogen Reed   and Adam Golaski spoke to one of these, Harry. He  was extremely confused about what was happening,   but this was a robot and not the person  they had known. So, they shut him down.   Over in Site Theta, the ARK Project was in full  flow. Catherine could not scan anyone else,   but she could continue on the ARK itself. While  this was great, across PATHOS-II, the WAU slowly   took over different parts of the facility with  Structure Gel and created new robots that grew mad   and aggressive. It was also discovered that the  human crew members who came into physical contact   with large amounts of structure gel also mutated,  just like the marine wildlife. Some grew blind and   sensitive, dubbed “proxies” and “Fleshers”, These  mutations kept them alive as the WAU intended,   but they were stuck in a constant state of agony,  madness and aggression. Around December 18th,   the Salvage Crew attempted to escape after the  Structure Gel mutated both Adam Golaski and   Jessica Davis. They became extremely aggressive.  Only Imogen Reed and Vanessa Hart survived this   after they called for the CURIE to escape.  Despite this, the CURIE crashed and sank.   Still stranded in Site Tau, Dr. Ross and another  crew member, Glasser, attempted to reach the   Plateau sites to warn them about how dangerous  the WAU had gotten. Once again, they were attacked   by the mutated creatures and Glasser did not  make it. Heavily injured, Dr. Ross made it to   the climber but as he waited for rescue, he fell  into a coma. On a routine recall of the climber,   the crew of Site Omicron came upon his body and at  first believed him to be dead. To his luck, they   still brought him inside and discovered that he  was just unconscious. Within a containment cell,   the medical crew of Site Omicron did what they  could for him, and as he lay there, the structure   gel from his power suit leaked into his wounds and  his body mutated. He quickly learned that he could   communicate almost telepathically to the people  around him through their blackbox, and he needed   their help to stop the WAU. One person he managed  to reach was Raleigh Herber. Ross explained to   Rayleigh of the existence, location and function  of Site Alpha and the physical manifestation of   the WAU. He believed that if they could generate  a new strain of the structure gel from the   uncalibrated gel and inject it into the WAU, it  could kill it and stop its mass destruction. The   WAU attempted to save Ross' life even though he  wanted to kill it. The WAU itself had not caused   a single death. Each death in PATHOS-II had come  from the derangement of the robots, human failure,   or the aggression of the mutated wildlife. Even  the creation of the proxies or the fleshers had   been done to preserve the humans. Even if they  lived in pain. Regardless, Rayleigh got to work. As December 27th hit, within Site Theta, Catherine  came to the realisation that she had scanned   as many of the crew as she could, and the ARK  itself was ready to house them. All she needed   to do now was launch the ARK into space. To do  this, she needed to reach Site Phi within the   Omega Sector in the depths of the Abyss. Luckily,  Catherine had made some friends along the way,   where Sarah Lindwall, Nicolai Ivanshkin, Ian  Pedersen and Jasper Hill rode The Climber deep   into the Abyss, and they safely arrived at Site  Phi shortly after. Their world had fallen. They   were the last of humanity, stuck under the ocean  in a dangerous facility that seemingly also wanted   them dead. The evacuees at Site Theta feared the  other sites that housed aggressive robots and   mutated crew members. Death surrounded them. This  mission to savour a slice of humanity, despite the   fact the ARK only housed copies of what humanity  was, still was something and the pressure to   succeed was incredibly high. Together, the group  entered the container region of Site Phi with the   ARK. As Catherine made her way towards the empty  shell casing to place the ARK inside, the group   broke out into a discussion about whether this  was actually the best plan of action. Some of   them were not sure if the ARK would survive the  launch and wanted to keep it safe in PATHOS-II.   The ARK was already up and operational, and the  constructs inside had begun their new lives of   peace and happiness. If the launch failed, their  reality would end and this whole ARK Project would   have been for nothing. Catherine had created this  project and argued that they should launch anyway.   Ian disagreed with Catherine and in his anger, he  swung at her with a wrench. Upon impact with her   head, Catherine fell to the ground and quickly  succumbed to this brutal attack. PATHOS-II had   fallen so far at this point, and law had no  longer had any meaning here. Many had died as   a result of the WAU’s misguided need to preserve  humanity. This was a dire situation but the group   still had the ARK to think about. Pederson pleaded  that it was an accident, and the group just went   along with his explanation. As they could not  come to a consensus on what to do with the ARK,   the rest of the group returned to Site Tau  with it as Catherine’s body was left alone.   Imogen Reed had become the final survivor of  the Site Lambda massacre. After her escape,   she had made it to Site Upsilon with a  plan in mind. She had watched the WAU,   or its creations take down the rest of the salvage  crew. Like any other computer system, it needed   power to function, so she decided it would be best  to shut down the power source of the entirety of   PATHOS-II. The Geothermal Power Generator. As she  shut the generator down, the ventilation turbine   subsequently deactivated. This in turn completely  removed the flow of oxygen in the room. In her   final moments, Imogen believed she had finally  stopped the WAU. However, after her death, the   WAU continued to run off of the reserve power of  PATHOS-II. As PATHOS-II entered the new year, on   January 15th 2104, Site Theta received a call from  Site Delta. The survivors heard the voice of Terry   Akers. He had decided it was finally time to join  his team after they had evacuated months before.   Unknown to them, he was not the Terry they had  known. After a rescue team was sent to retrieve   him, only Akers was found, and in a comatose  state, just like Dr. Johan Ross had been. Shortly   after, Akers was placed in the medical ward of  Theta. His doctor, Nadine Masters, determined   that he would not wake up due to the mutilation  of his body as a result of contact with the   Structure Gel. This had been a ploy by Akers  to enter Theta and attack the population there,   and shortly after, he rose and injected whoever he  could with Structure Gel in order to mutate them   so that they would join him. These unfortunate  people became what they feared. Proxies. Together,   they wandered the halls and attacked anything  and anyone they heard around them. Thus, Site   Theta became yet another location claimed by the  destructive preservation attempts of the WAU.   For the few that did survive this onslaught, they  escaped this massacre through the sewers with the   hopes to find refuge in Site Omicron. The next  day, in Omicron, Rayleigh Herber finally managed   to create the uncalibrated variant of structure  gel that could take down the WAU. With trust in   Dr. Johan Ross, she decided it was time to leave.  Unfortunately, in this moment, the WAU shrieked   and sent a huge wave of energy across Omicron.  This shriek and surge of energy locked down the   site and overloaded the black boxes of everyone in  Omicron, and as a result, killed everyone as their   heads exploded. The death of the personnel of Site  Omicron also came with the failure to poison the   WAU. Dr. Ross did somehow manage to survive this.  He just needed someone else to help him take down   the AI. Shortly after this, the survivors of the  Theta attack arrived at Omicron, but could not get   inside as all of the personnel were dead. They  had nowhere to go and were trapped. Without the   codes to get in, these survivors all perished over  the following hours. The deaths of these survivors   left only a handful of people alive in PATHOS-II.  Each one with their own fight to evade the WAU. Approximately 4 months later, on May the 9th,  2104, the WAU uploaded the Neurograph of a   human that had been completed in 2015. This scan  was transmitted onto a Cortex Chip and inserted   not into a machine, but into the body of Imogen  Reed in Site Upsilon. A couple of days later,   Imogen’s body was placed onto a Pilot Seat  by the WAU's creations and the first cyborg   body was activated with a human consciousness.  This cyborg was the perfect combination. Imogen   Reed's body allowed the mind that occupied it  to almost accept the reality of what it was   without going mad. The Structure Gel was also  extremely important in making this combination   work. This 2015 neurograph scan contained the  mind of Simon Jarrett. A legacy scan of a man   with brain damage that had helped generate every  AI development up to this date. Upon activation,   Simon woke up and observed his surroundings.  Just a second before, he had been in a room with   Dr. Munshi, and now he was alone. This copy had  continued on exactly from the moment of the scan,   and he was completely unaware of where he was,  what he was, what had happened to the planet   and how much time had passed. He knew he was Simon  and had no idea that he was a copy. As he wandered   the abandoned Site Upsilon, Simon picked up an  Omnitool - a device the personnel of PATHOS-II   used to perform their roles and access regions.  In his confusion, he encountered an aggressive   mockingbird, and naturally, he hid from it.  In his confusion, and aim to seek answers,   he reached the central control of the Geothermal  Power Station. This region had no ventilation.   This had killed his host body, Imogen Reed, but  he was a combination of human organic tissue,   structure gel and a Cortex chip. Therefore, he  did not need oxygen to survive. Here, Simon came   across a Mockingbird of Vigdis Jonsdottir. Her  robotic frame lay on the ground, connected to   a power port. She was also completely unaware  of her surroundings and that she was a robot.   She pleaded to be left alone, as she was happy  in her state. However, Simon did not know what   she truly was and disconnected her from the power  port in order to reactivate the power plant. He   had unknowingly killed a sentient mind just like  him. Upon activation of the Geothermal Planet,   the rest of PATHOS-II came back online, and here,  Simon received a transmission from Catherine Chun.   This was not the "Catherine Chun" who had been  murdered by Ian Pederson as she had attempted   to launch the ARK into space, this was a copy of  the scan she had made during the early scanning   phase of the ARK Project. The Neurograph had been  taken by the WAU, transferred onto a Cortex Chip   and inserted into a PATHOS-II robot. Catherine  had been preserved just like many others. This   Mockingbird of Catherine was completely unaware  of what had happened after the scan. It is also   very likely that her robotic body had activated  after Simon had brought back power to PATHOS-II.   Catherine wanted to complete the ARK Project,  and as a machine with limited capabilities,   she believed Simon was a human. So, she asked  Simon to make his way to the Comms Centre,   and there, she would explain what had happened.  Catherine was curious about this man. No one who   had worked on PATHOS-II was called Simon Jarrett.  Despite his confusion, Simon ventured through Site   Upsilon and came across and evaded another one  of the WAU's aggressive machines. In this safe   location, he found a stairway that led to the  Communications Centre. The stairway however was   offline. As he explored this floor for a way to  activate it, he came upon the Mockingbird of Carl   Semken. The machine was confused. He could not get  up, and Simon still had no idea why the machine   spoke like a human and believed itself to be one.  During this time, Simon also found the real body   of Carl. It was here that he discovered he could  somehow hear the last moments of a person’s life.   Unknown to him, this of course was due to his  composition of human, Structure Gel and Cortex   Chip. He in reality was able to listen to the  black boxes within the bodies. In Carl's case,   he heard his last moments before his death at the  hands of a machine. To continue, Simon discovered   that he had to divert power from Upsilon to the  Comms Centre to enter it. The first opinion he   had was to activate a switch that turned on the  power, but in the process, the active power line   to the Comms Centre electrocuted the Mockingbird  of Carl who lay on its path. It was a machine,   but it felt every ounce of pain and cried out  loud. Simon’s second option was to disable a   generator’s flow to the Mockingbirds room, this  would give power to the Comms Centre but turn off   the power in the room. Without power, Carl would  go offline. Essentially killing him. This option   also brought the attention of the aggressive  scavenger Simon had avoided earlier to reach this   floor. Regardless of the tough decision he had to  make, Simon made it to the Communication Centre.   After a brief conversation with Catherine over the  computer system, the Comms Centre began to flood.   Catherine was Simon’s only source of information  in this fallen facility, and so, he was instructed   to make his way to Site Lambda to meet her in  person. Although the Comms Centre had flooded,   Simon was surprised to find that he had not only  survived the pressure of the water, but he was   also somehow able to breathe underwater. His mind  continued to make up for these irregularities as   it flickered between his real form and adjusted  form. On his path, Simon came across the Shuttle   Train Amy Azzaro had attempted to use to reach  Site Lambda from Upsilon. He also discovered   the same problem she had one year before. There  was a power issue. In the tunnels, Simon reached   the power source, and to his horror, he also  found Amy. She was still alive, still alone,   and fully conscious. Initially, she was afraid of  Simon and asked him not to hurt her. She saw what   he actually was, and went on to explain that the  WAU would not let anything die. Everything had   to live and be preserved. She wanted help to  leave this place. Here, Simon had the option   to either leave Amy plugged up to the WAU or  unplug her. Which would result in her death.   As far as he knew, the entire facility was lost  and no-one was going to come and save her. After   their meeting, Simon rode the reactivated  shuttle towards Lambda. Unfortunately, his   shuttle crashed and he had to make the rest of the  way there on foot. As Simon entered Site Lambda,   he heard Catherine shouting in the distance to  be left alone as a creature attacked her. The   creature was a flesher, one of the WAU’s preserved  humans that had died and then reanimated. These   grew a cocoon on their head that would have  suggested they were blind, however, they grew even   more aggressive when they were looked at. Aware  that Simon had arrived, Catherine warned him not   to look at it before it left. Within Catherine’s  office, Simon came face to face with her robotic   form. He really hoped that she would be human and  was frustrated and disappointed that she was not.   He voiced his concern and that he thought he  was the last human alive. She explained that   she was human once, and that he should really  look at himself in a mirror. He was “a walking,   talking diving suit with some electronics  slapped on for good measure.” - and when he   thought about it, it made sense after everything  he had experienced since he had woke up in Site   Upsilon. He was also not completely human. Before  she had been knocked to the ground, Catherine had   been attempting to find out what had happened to  her ARK Project. Despite his feeling of defeat,   Simon followed her orders and placed her Cortex  Chip into his omnitool on a computer. She then   proceeded to tell him everything he had missed.  He was a brain scan, the world had ended and the   ARK was humanity's last chance to survive. During  the development of the ARK Project, Catherine had   placed a tracker on the ARK itself. With the help  of Simon, she was frustrated to find that it had   not been launched but it was in Site Tau, not  too far from the Omega Space Gun in Site Phi.   These sites were located in The Abyss, and to get  there, Catherine asked Simon to take them to Site   Theta to use the DUNBAT. A submersible vehicle  designed for deep sea exploration. This would   not only transport them, but help them survive  the pressures of the overwhelming pressure of   the abyss. Catherine of course could not come with  him physically, so Simon kept her Cortex Chip that   held her brain scan in his omnitool. This way,  she would be with him every step along the journey   to guide him. However, she would only be active  when the Omni-Tool was connected to a terminal.   To Catherine, she felt like she was floating,  and time meant nothing. When she was activated   and then deactivated as result of her connection  to a terminal, it felt like no time had passed,   time was just a long line of moments instead  of breaks. On their path, Simon came across the   wreckage of the CURIE. To reach Theta, Catherine  told him that they needed to use an escape vessel   on this ship, but when they eventually reached  one of these vessels, it would not move. The ship,   although sunk, still appeared to be stable  as a result of the WAU’s influence, and thus,   would not release the escape vessels. In response  to this, Simon destabilised the core of the CURIE   that kept it from going into a catastrophic state  and jumped into an escape vessel. As the escape   vessel travelled across Pathos-II, it appeared  Simon’s sabotage of the ship had worked a little   too well, and the core’s explosion knocked the  vessel off course towards Site Delta instead of   Theta. Connected to the vessel, Catherine did  everything she could to keep herself and Simon   alive. The escape vessel crashed just outside of  Site Delta. From this abandoned underwater Site,   Simon called for a Zeppelin to take him the  rest of the way. Out in the underwater site,   he watched as the robots, with human minds, simply  worked completely unaware of what they were. One   of which held the brainscan of Javid Goya. Just  like every other Mockingbird, his mind had warped   his reality around him to believe he was still  human. Upon arrival, Catherine attempted to launch   the Zeppelin but she found that the tool chip  that allowed the vehicle to function was bust.   To fix this, she told Simon to just take down one  of the robots that worked at Site Delta with a   stun baton. Simon argued that he did not want to  hurt anyone, to which Catherine showed her lack of   empathy for the robots and stated that “they were  just robots”, even though both she and Simon were,   and it was the only way to get to their  destination. Catherine could not take down one of   these robots herself, so the tough decision once  again fell to Simon. Take down the UH3 Unit that   contained the mind of Javid Goya or a standard  K8 unit. Having completed this difficult task,   Simon returned to the Zeppelin with a tool  chip, and Catherine navigated it to Site Theta. Upon their arrival, Simon came upon a Mockingbird  of Robin Bass. The WAU had taken a copy of her   scan from the ARK Project. She seemed to be in a  constant state of confusion of whether she was on   the ARK or not, and with empathy, Simon convinced  her that she was. This solidified her “false view”   of reality in comparison to the bleak environment  around her. As Simon entered Site Theta,   he connected Catherine to the system and  she told him that Theta was in quarantine   mode and they needed the Cypher to release it  to access the DUNBAT. To acquire the cypher,   Simon entered the office Catherine had used to  scan the volunteers for the ARK Project. Upon his   navigation of this office, Catherine also gained  a better insight into how her human self had   worked after the scan. Following this, Catherine  instructed Simon to activate a simulation and   place the scan of one of the security team inside  of it to get the cypher. After some manipulation,   they used a scan of Brandon Wan and tricked him  into giving the Cypher Key to who he thought   was his girlfriend. With this key, the simulation  was shut down and Catherine was able to lift the   quarantine. Upon activation of the DUNBAT, Simon  watched as the consciousness inside of it also   woke up. The person inside panicked as it began to  understand its situation. It cursed out Catherine   by name and dropped itself into the ocean. The WAU  had got to this one too. It had used yet another   one of Catherine’s scans and placed them into a  machine. It is unknown who this person was, and   it did appear as if the WAU was working against  Simon at this point, but the WAU in all terms was   not sentient, it was like an aggressive cancer  that covered the majority of PATHOS-II with the   simple task. Preserve Humanity. Without the DUNBAT  to continue, Simon moved deeper into Site Theta to   find another way to Site Tau. Here, he came across  the lab Catherine and her small team had used to   develop the ARK itself. After he plugged her into  the terminal, she activated the power in the room.   As Catherine was “offline” during the DUNBAT  incident, Simon let her know what had happened   and they came up with a new plan. Reach Site  Omicron, get a new power suit that would protect   Simon from the pressure of the Omega Sector  and use The Climber to descend into the lower   sites. While in the lab, Catherine asked Simon to  step into a “Compound Examiner”. It was normally   used to investigate the structural integrity in  payload frameworks but it could also be used to   examine Simon to find out what he actually was.  Catherine still had no idea how a conscious mind   could inhabit another human body, or how she could  transfer his mind to the ARK when they reached it.   The examination told her that Simon appeared to be  one with a diving suit. As he would have to wear a   stronger diving suit to survive the ocean pressure  in the Abyss, Simon asked how it would work as   he was unable to take this one off and replace  it. To which Catherine lied, and told him that   there should be a big one that would fit him. No  suit would fit, but she had another plan in mind.   The examination continued to tell them that the  human body he inhabited was that of Imogen Reed,   an old colleague of Catherine, a Cortex Chip  with Simon’s consciousness, a data reader and   an Occu-Torch had been forced through the skull.  This is how Simon was able to use a flashlight and   live in her body. All of this possible as a result  of Structure Gel that meshed everything together.   The best part about this scan was that Simon  occupied a Cortex Chip, and Catherine could use   this to transfer his mind to the ARK with a Pilot  Seat. This scan also helped make sense of the   aggressive entities they had encountered so far.  Reviving a dead person with structure gel led them   to become extremely aggressive. A mind inside of  a robot body made them unreliable, so, Simon was   the best of both worlds. A sound mind in a sound  body. After this, Simon and Catherine experimented   with a test version of the ARK, and this gave her  a better insight into how the human Catherine had   set it up and generally how it worked. They needed  to reach Site Omicron, and they could only do this   on foot. Unfortunately, on his way to the sewers  to exit Site Theta, Simon discovered what had led   to the fall of this site. The heavily mutated  Terry Akers. Terry was blind but could hear   anything around him. At this point, Simon knew  how to navigate the WAU’s mutations, and quietly,   he moved around the claustrophobic halls and  fixed an elevator as Terry’s wails echoed behind   him. Akers was still intelligent and was aware  a target had evaded him through the elevator,   so he made his way to the bottom of Theta and  ambushed Simon as he wandered around. As he fell   unconscious, Simon had a vision of himself back in  his apartment as Ashely spoke to him. In reality,   Terry Akers had placed him inside of the WAU’s  Structure Gel in order to also transform him   into a mindless, aggressive proxy. Simon was  not entirely human, so this did not affect   him like the others. Simon quickly snapped out of  this, and after he pulled himself out of the goo,   he quietly made his way through Theta, avoided  Terry’s proxies and finally escaped Site Theta   through the sewers. On the Ocean floor, Simon made  his way to Site Omicron and discovered that it was   locked down in Quarantine. This quarantine  had led to the deaths of the original Theta   massacre and Simon found their bodies scattered  around. However, Simon had someone on his side.   A now heavily mutated, but sane, Dr. Johan  Ross. Ross sent through the cypher to Simon   inside of an Omicron substation, and using this,  he lifted the Quarantine and entered the site. Site Omicron had fallen so far, it was  once the hub of experimentation, but now,   Structure Gel leaked through the pipes onto the  walls, the headless bodies of those affected by   the WAU’s shriek scattered across the hallways  and the victims of the structure gel’s mutation   waited for whatever came next. Within the Dive  Room, Simon once again connected his Omnitool to   a terminal and brought Catherine back online.  She instructed him to check for a Power Suit   inside of one of the pods. Inside of Pod D, Simon  found the body of Rayleigh Herber and she wore a   suit he needed. Catherine explained that because  Simon’s suit was merged with Imogen Reed’s body,   he would actually have to transfer his mind  over to Rayleigh’s body, and in a sense,   wear it just like he had with Imogen. To  fix the body and complete this transfer,   he travelled around Site Omicron, evaded  the mutations that lived here and picked   up a Cortex Chip to transfer his neurograph to,  a battery pack to power him, and structure gel to   meshe everything together. From a distance,  Johan watched as Simon put these materials   into Rayleigh’s body. He was also happy to see  that the Structure Gel Simon used to create his   new host was the uncalibrated gel he and Rayleigh  had attempted to use to kill the WAU. In essence,   this new body would be a weapon. His new body was  ready, and to transfer to it, Catherine instructed   Simon to sit in a Pilot Seat to begin the transfer  process. As he sat, everything went white and he   found himself in Rayleigh’s body in Pod D, but  he also heard himself in the Pilot Seat too,   “There must be something wrong. Can’t you  run a diagnosis or something? Catherine?”   The transfer process Catherine had mentioned was  not a transfer at all. It had taken a copy of   Simon and put it into this new body. There were  two Simons. Catherine had intentionally misused   the world transfer to get Simon to help her with  the ARK. The “Simon” in the Pilot Seat had been   put to sleep and would sleep for a couple of  days, as this new copy argued with Catherine   about what had just happened. He thought his mind  would just transfer over like a brain transplant,   but according to Catherine, it didn’t work that  way. This was an awful moment for the new Simon,   he had experienced everything the other Simon had.  It was the perfect “Continuity Theory”, but he was   just another copy in a stronger suit. He had a  tough choice to make. He could simply leave and   continue with Catherine to find the ARK, and as  a result, his older version would wake up alone   in this nightmare, the Power Suit would be gone,  without an omni tool to access anywhere outside   of the room, he would be trapped and completely  unaware of what had gone wrong during his sleep,   or Simon could save him from this and stop him  from waking up entirely by draining his battery.   It was clear Catherine still lacked any empathy  for this situation or for any of the robots they   had encountered so far, and after Simon made  this incredibly impossible decision, he left   Site Omicron and activated The Climber to reach  the depths of the ocean. Simon felt immense guilt   for what had happened back at Omicron, that Simon  would never experience the full journey. That life   had ultimately ended at Omicron, regardless of  which choice he had made. Catherine stayed quiet   as Simon rambled as she did not want to upset  him any more. She had been responsible for this,   she had hidden the truth of the situation up  until the very last moment. To help calm him,   she told a story from her life, well her human  life, about how she would stand on a rooftop in   her home city of Taipei and watch the people below  go about their day as the smells of her favourite   foods rose up to her. She felt connected to the  world in a way she had never before. A feeling of   comfort and belonging. She did not feel that way  now as a machine, but she still wanted to preserve   what she could of humanity on the ARK. This calmed  Simon. On the ARK, both he and Catherine would   make new friends and a new life there despite the  fall of their world. Simon was getting closer to   Site Alpha, the home of the WAU, and as Johan  Ross’ biological weapon, the scientist entered   the cage of the Climber and let Simon know he  would put preparations in order. Of course this   made sense only to Johan, and confused both Simon  and Catherine. In the depths of the Abyssal Plains   in the Omega Sector, Simon evaded the dangerous  mutated wildlife that had taken out many of   the PATHOS-II personnel. He quickly learned  that they stayed away from the light sources,   and having stuck to them, he reached Tau safety.  Inside, he came across, and evaded the reanimated   corpse of Jin Yoshida. In silence, Simon reached  safety in the crew quarters, the home of the   group that had brought back the ARK from Site  Phi. Inside, Simon was saddened to find many   of them had also become victims of the WAU. It  was not all bad news though. In the infirmary,   he found quite possibly, the last living human  on Planet Earth. Sarah Lindwall, and next to her,   The ARK. After she and the others had returned to  Tau, she watched as the WAU took over her group,   one by one, but she refused to die. She wanted to  guard the ARK and protect the people inside it.   She hoped there were survivors across PATHOS-II  but Simon let her know the whole facility had   fallen. She was the last. Sarah offered Simon  the ARK so that he could launch it into space but   she had one request. That he deactivate her life  support before one of the WAU’s creatures did. She   was sick and did not want to live in pain anymore.  With the ARK in his possession, Simon made his   decision and left the Infirmary. To safely get  the ARK to Site Phi, Simon attached it to “The   Cargo Cargo System” and followed it on foot. But,  to get to Phi, Simon had to make his way through   Site Alpha. Inside, he discovered The WAU. This  Biological AI had manifested into a large mound   of flesh that had taken over a large portion of  the chamber. As he stared at it, Ross explained   that the uncalibrated gel Simon had put into his  new suit had turned him into a “venomous snake”.   He could kill the WAU, and stop the Structure Gel  that had decimated PATHOS-II. All he had to do   was push his arm into the WAU’S heart and then it  would spread the poison across the whole facility.   Simon once again had a decision to make. The first  option was to place his arm into the heart of the   WAU. It would rip it off, but kill the WAU. The  second option was to just continue on his path to   Site Phi and leave the WAU to its goal. Regardless  of his choice, Dr. Ross decided to kill Simon   anyway. If he had chosen to kill the WAU, then  Ross had to kill Simon to stop the WAU from using   him to create an antidote. If he left, Ross would  attempt to kill and forcibly feed him to the WAU.   Despite Ross’ questionable intentions, as he did  believe the death of the WAU was something that   needed to be done, one of the marine life mutated  by Structure Gel, The Leviathan, crashed through   the floor and with it, took out Ross. Having  survived this ordeal, Simon left and arrived   in Site Phi. The last stop on his long journey.  To Simon in his mind, he had woken up that day,   had his brain scanned and then found himself a  hundred years later in the future. The time jump   from his perspective had been instant and he just  wanted to reach the ARK to safety. Simon placed   Catherine into a terminal, and she restored power  to the site. Interestingly enough, Site Phi showed   little sign of the WAU's corruption. As Simon  explored the site, he placed the ARK into a shell   in preparation for launch, and then, he discovered  the body of the real Catherine. With his ability   to listen to the last moments of her life through  her blackbox, he explained to his Catherine that   she had been murdered after a disagreement on  whether to keep the ARK at PATHOS-II or risk   launching it into space where it could be damaged  during the launch. Regardless of how she felt,   Catherine now had the full story on what had  happened to her original self, and the fate of   the ARK. With the ARK ready to launch, Simon  entered the launch dome, and sat in a pilot   seat. After he placed the projectile into the gun,  Catherine activated the launch as she scanned both   her and Simon's minds to transfer them onto the  ARK. Just as the gun launched, the upload of Simon   and Catherine completed and the ARK was sent into  space. They had succeeded in their mission - but   Simon was still in the Pilot Seat, in Site Phi, in  PATHOS-II. Not on the ARK. Confused, Simon asked   Catherine what had gone wrong? Why were they still  here? They were going to die down here. Catherine   explained that everything had gone to plan. Their  copies were out there, among the stars. Still in   disbelief, Simon argued that he saw the upload  complete, he should be on the ARK. Frustrated   with Simon, Catherine told him that there was  no way to transfer a scan, only copies were sent   over. He knew this! Just like what had happened in  Omicron. He was in the same position as his older   abandoned version. They just had to be happy  for the “Simon” and “Catherine” on the ARK.   Simon refused to accept this. Catherine had used  the word transfer and as he got more frustrated   and angry, he refused to listen to Catherine’s  positive view of how they together had saved at   least something of the hundreds of thousands  of years of human history. Because of them,   something had lived on. In a heated argument,  Simon shouted at Catherine. He had trusted her and   believed she had lied to him. Catherine, for the  first time, retaliated. She called him ignorant   and that she could not be responsible for how he  had interpreted what they had done. As she got   angrier, her Cortex Chip struggled to contain  her and it overloaded. This critical failure   corrupted the chip and left the omnitool useless.  Without it, no terminals could be activated,   no doors could be opened, and the worst part, the  corruption had taken Catherine with it. He in all   essence was dead. Despite his anger, as soon as he  realised what had just happened, Simon called out   to Catherine even though he knew she was gone.  “Catherine?” “Please don’t leave me alone”.   The fate of this version of Simon is currently  unknown. He would have been unable to even leave   this dome without a functional Omni-Tool. All he  could do was wait for his battery pack to either   run out, or he could pull it out himself. Trapped  within the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, alone. Out in space, the ARK moved away from Earth as  the sun powered its batteries. Inside of the ARK,   the mind of those that had been scanned lived  in peace. No pain, no WAU, no comet. Here,   Simon Jarrett found himself in a cave sitting  in a Pilot Seat. The last minute scan had been   successful. As he left the cave, Simon found  himself in an open forest with a stream. This   was one of the simulation locations he had  seen back in PATHOS-II. This was peaceful.   After he had taken in his surroundings, a  vast difference in comparison to the desolate,   claustrophobic halls of the research facility,  Simon saw a woman standing in the distance,   looking out at a city across the dock. This  was Catherine. As they finally greeted each   other in person. Simon remarked that he could not  believe they had actually made it. They had been   through a lot together. A stark comparison to  the horror that had unfolded just seconds after   this scan had completed back at the bottom of  the Atlantic Ocean. In the real world, the ARK   was a huge success and the remnants of humanity  sped off into space away from Planet Earth. This   artificial life would thrive for thousands of  years to come. Eternal bliss among the stars. SOMA was pretty much a perfect game. I can say  that after I finished my first playthrough, I felt   numb. So many thoughts and feelings. Catherine’s  use of the word “transfer” was always something   that stuck with me. Did she use it to manipulate  Simon into completing her agenda knowing full   well he would not want to be abandoned by  another version of himself, or was that   just her terminology and Simon misunderstood her?  The game plays the line perfectly between horror,   existential horror, philosophy and it really makes  you question. What does it mean to be human? Did   the ARK Project really matter? The copies of the  humans were sentient and they lived on the ARK,   but they were copies. Humanity still went extinct  during the process, even if copies of them lived   in a virtual space. Now the toughest part of the  game was not the parts where you have to avoid the   creatures. The toughests parts were the decisions.  Do you keep someone alive that is clearly in pain   and will not die unless you intervene. Do you  shut down an earlier older copy of yourself to   ease their suffering? Do you kill the final known  human because she asks you to? Do you give up your   arm to kill a cancerous AI system? I had such  a hard time making these decisions and I would   be really interested to see what you guys did. The completion of SOMA comes with that feeling   of numbness. You know the one. While I have  been writing this, I have been asking myself.   Did humanity really survive on the ARK, or  did those who worked on the project lead to   the mass death of PATHOS-II. The WAU of course was  responsible for a lot of the chaos that happened,   but so was the ARK Project. In terms of the  continuity theory and the coin toss, I can   almost understand why the crew wanted to believe  in them when there was no clear way they could   transfer their human mind into a machine. I guess  it is similar to being stranded at sea. There is a   phenomenon in which the thirst sets in and some  people believe that if they swim deep enough,   there will be a part of the water they can drink  that does not have salt in it. I guess desperate   people rationalise their situation in any way  they can. The last humans in PATHOS-II died so   that copies of them could live. SOMA in Greek,  means body. The perfect title for the game. I   could talk about my thoughts and feelings about  the game for a long time but I think I got my main   points out there. While putting this together,  there was so much information and at points,   it was tough to slot events into the correct  order. Judging certain events, I am 99% sure   I got them right. The mini-series “Transmissions”  did not give a lot of dates. SOMA was not only one   of the best games I have ever played, but it was  truly an experience in decision making, survival,   and above anything else, the story left me numb.  Questioning our reality, and what it truly means   to be human. This was a long one. If you  enjoy deep dives into darker games, timelines,   ARG’s and generally lore, then hit that subscribe  button. Depending on how well this does, I may   look at other games from Frictional Games. Amnesia  would be a good one to look at. Now, how did you   feel after you finished SOMA? What decisions did  you make and would you have chosen to live on the   ARK? Finally, leave a like or dislike depending  on how you felt, and finally, I’d like to thank   my Patrons and Channel Members. Jonas, Lewis,  Queen Arby, FluffyTheDragon, ChickenGuy791,   Ruben Mendoza, Mosvelit, Duke, Toadnut, AuronX,  Azu, Karatana, A.J, Vrona, Comfy and BGgames.   Thank you so much! This is where our story  ends. Check back next week for a new one.
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 213,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soma, soma story, soma game, soma story analysis, story, soma lore, soma gameplay, soma story explained, soma ending, soma walkthrough, soma analysis, soma playthrough, soma explained, soma review, timeline, short explaining story soma, soma story in a nutshell, soma recap story short, soma the game story explained, soma history, soma custom story, explaining in nutshell soma story, soma game lore, soma story explanation and analysis, soma horror game, soma delta, Simon
Id: K9tN71Cmeiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 32sec (5072 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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