Triple Your Book Sales OVERNIGHT by Doing THIS (Amazon KDP)

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if you're struggling with making more Book Sales on Amazon KDP then watch this video because I'm going to show you how you can improve that what's up guys welcome back to another video so in this video I'm going to personally review and critique your book that you submitted to me and tell you exactly what to improve so you can get more sales on Amazon KDP so real quick if you want me to do the same thing for your book in future videos like this then make sure to follow me on Instagram at shond do 13 DM me your Amazon link and I will feature your book in future videos also if you want a free 80-minute master class on how to start a profitable Amazon KDP business in 2024 then check out the first link in the description below all right guys let's get started with the first book you guys submitted to me uh born to be a man a journey of personal transformation fatherhood and Leadership by Oscar uh walstrom so this seems like one of those you know self-help uh for men type of book like the way of the superior men and this whole manosphere kind of book right personal development for men specifically is a growing audience there is demand for it same same thing as you know personal growth and self-help books for women specifically so there's an audience for this however what I would recommend is unless you already have an existing following uh I would not recommend this kind of autobiography style title right so instead of Born to be a man I would recommend more SEO focused keyword focused titles such as how to become a man or you know how to improve your leadership or something like that but I do like the book cover I think it's simple it's clean I like the book title in a way as well although it's you know once again it's autobiography style but if this is the angle you want to go where you're selling books on Amazon but you're also selling backend you know life coaching or dating coaching for men right then the best way to grow this is just doing more podcast appearance right normally I would not recommend this for people like I would recommend Amazon as getting more reviews and you should definitely get more reviews because you only have two ratings at a fourstar average so you should get a lot more reviews and it's as easy as using sites like puppy. uh to start racking up more reviews on your book but going back to marketing once again you can run Amazon as you know once in a while I see these books blowing up like No More Mr Nice Guy uh once again way of the superior men and those books you know does really well but typically they blow up uh because they already had an existing audience or they got featured in different you know articles uh podcasts and then it starts blowing up and then once it starts selling on Amazon Amazon starts promoting it more and it just takes off right so you could do that route you know if you're trying to actually be a coach in the back end in real life as well then you can start reaching out to all the podcasts and see if you can get on and see if you can promote your book that way but if you want to go with the traditional Amazon KDP marketing that we always talk about then you know I would not change your book cover I think your book title is okay you know over time you train Amazon's algorithm to rank your book in proper keywords even though you don't have it in your title uh so I would just get more reviews try and get to 20 30 40 reviews and then start running Amazon as to show your book up to your competitor books such as way of the superior men No More Mr Nice Guy The Laws of Power uh the 48 Laws of Power those kind of like similar books in your Niche start running ass to them so your book shows up and hopefully those people who are searching for your competitor's books will see your book and say hey this is interesting too let me go and purchase it and from there you can kind of you know steal some of the sales and some of the traffic that they got all right next book herbs for healing Mother Nature's Herbal Remedies the comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of herbs for Better Health and well-being uh by DG Smith this book has 222 rating which is amazing at 4.7 average rating right and the description looks good the title is pretty clean and and the only thing I see is the cover is a little messy right typically you know I've seen plenty of these grass flowers vegetables around the book cover right and then inside is the text and so it works however it can be cleaner like there's a lot of empty spaces between the vegetables here that you can probably pull the the vegetables back you know so it's not occupying or even covering up uh the text in the middle here so pull it back a little bit and make the text inside bigger I think that'll make the cover cleaner a good example is this book right here right so it's a very similar style so you know the the vegetables and plants and all those are around the cover and there's a text in the middle but it's just cleaner here you know it's it's not as crowded as as yours right and so the elements are even the color contrast too it's complimenting each other really well so I think you know the concept Works same as this one it's just the execution that could improve on the book cover book cover is something you can improve and update any time so I think you should do that so your book is selling here and there at 618,000 but nothing crazy and the reason why is just you know simply because of the book cover issue as well as your keyword is extremely competitive I mean Herbal Remedies is probably the keyword uh that you're trying to rank for mainly and it has 40,000 results okay so that's like crazy crazy competitive so you know you're competing with all these books that has thousands of reviews right so if you get your book cover up to this level which you can uh for $100 $200 uh probably with 99 designs or a book cover design or an upwork a good one I can do that but you just need to get it there and then start running ads I think you've tried ads and then you gave up on it after a while because of the conversions were low but that's exactly why we're going to improve the conversions with your book cover improving as well as you probably want to get some A+ content inside try and get your conversion rate as high as possible and then try Amazon as again and hopefully this time you can compete with all these books because once again it's very profitable it's just very competitive too by the way just as a side note I just found a book randomly that's selling really really well at $500 a day 2,500 BSR with just five star really crappy reviews I don't know what they're doing uh but it's 1 Herbal Remedies you should know before 2025 so for those who are watching this that could be a keyword all right next book is Caldwell Crow and the shimmering Nest a story of unlikely friendship and creativity uh by bronwin cat there okay so this book is has 10 reviews it is at 4 million BSR so it's not selling at all so the biggest thing I would say once again is the book cover right it looks like you got some basic illustrations in the background and then you got you know a text over it on Cana maybe you made this maybe you got a graphic designer I'm not sure but it looks a little cheap right so what you have to do is make the text a lot bigger make it pop a lot more uh make it look a little more professional so you can try this fiber gig uh they specializes in creating children's book cover is for $25 you can get a uh cover design done and this is just one of many cover designers you can try on Fiverr however I will leave a link to this gig below this video if you want to try this one another thing I see is the book price is extremely high I know that hard cover uh might be high especially if you're doing uh coloring pages right because of the printing cost but the paperback shouldn't be as high as a hard cover you know if the paperback is 25 bucks uh that is super super high especially for a book that only has 10 reviews if you got hundreds or thousands of reviews yeah you can price higher right because you already got a premium product but if you're just getting started with a little bit of reviews you cannot start off pricing this High sometimes you even have to accept a much lower you know profit per sale just so that you can get those sales going get your book ranked and then once your sales momentum goes up then you can price your book higher and higher slowly especially after you get reviews now for future books uh if you're trying to create a children story books just keep in mind that you don't have to make it colored pages you don't have to have it hard cover right that is a the traditional you know children's books are always hard cover and it's in color pages but there's a lot of story books for kids on Amazon right now selling extremely well making thousands of dollars a month that are paperback and black and white so you know just keep that in mind that you don't have to do something just because everybody else traditionally did that so try and find those examples of people doing paperback black and white and perhaps for future books you can do that if you want more profit margin of course an example of a book like that is this one right so this uh has a extremely low price cut so you can't price your book at 345 it's listed at $1.90 so this is just Amazon doing its price cut you cannot control that but it's listed at basically 12 bucks uh it's black and white papers right right so that's why the profit margin is a lot higher than if you do hard cover and it's a story book for kids all right next book is spark Your Serenity journaling for radiant Health empowered wellness and freedom from stress and burnout prompt journal and workbook for stress burnout and overwhelm uh by same person uh Brown win catale just focus on one paino one problem uh per book and then if you want to solve other problems for the same customer you can try and make another book right but in this case you know you got uh this is a journal book for radiant Health empowered wellness and freedom from stress and burnout so there are four things that you're trying to solve and the first two the radiant health and empowered Wellness makes no sense like it doesn't really explain anything what does radiant Health mean like specifically what benefit is that right empowered Wellness same thing specifically what does that mean what is that going to get the customer right so freedom from stress and burnout is a little more clear because you're not going to be feeling stress you're not going to be feeling burnout but radiant health and empowered Wellness is a little too vague okay and then you got prompt journal and workbook for stress burnout and overwhelm so you don't have to do keyword stuffing like this uh you can just clean up your title short and sweet while still explaining you know what the book is about very clearly and who it's for is the best balance you don't want to be too short to the point where the title's vague right you still want to be clear but you don't want to be long-winded like this so you got one review and it is not selling at all once again at 5 million BSR by the way I have this tool called book beam that's why it shows me you know the BSR and everything right here if you guys want to check it out the link is below this video with one rating right it's a 6x9 journal and you're selling it at 2375 so just like the last book the same issue is that your book price is way too high it's just way too high you know what I mean so once again you want to start with pricing your book low and start getting sales that'll show Amazon that hey this book is in demand let's try and promote it more right so Amazon starts promoting it then once you got the momentum going then you price your book higher and higher and higher right so you don't start off with this super high price okay and typically uh you never really end up with $23 for a journal the next thing I see is the book cover right book cover once again looks like it's it's created by you on canva and it's just not good enough uh to compete with all the other books out there so if you want to try and you know get a new book cover I recommend uh using this gig Emmy main once again there's so many other gigs but I you know work with all these ones that I'm recommending and it's good so uh Emy main kind of focuses on low content books like journals she does a really good job it's 15 bucks for one uh cover so if you want to try it out then the link is below this video but this is a major issue that I see with most beginners is that they have a book cover that they created themselves on Kaa you know which is not good enough to compete with other professionally made covers they barely get any reviews if not couple reviews and they don't Market their books they just publish it and do nothing and then they price it super high to where it's like way more expensive than everybody else and expect for their books to sell right and it doesn't make sense you know and unfortunately that's not how it works you got to have some sort of competitive Advantage if your cover is worse than everybody else if you have less reviews your book price is higher and you're not even marketing it then you have zero competitive Advantage right there's nothing about your book that stands out or it's better for the customer than all the other books on the market and the thing is it's not that hard to get that competitive advantage to have your books stand out it's as simple as having a nicer cover or maybe having a unique angle that nobody else is you know hitting perhaps solving a problem that nobody else is solving it right or maybe it's just cheaper than everybody else you know whatever it is or maybe you just got more reviews whatever it is you just need that one thing to have your book stand out and it's pretty easy if you actually put in the work and try and do things and if you know what you're doing uh but people just have to understand that all right next book how to make money shooting stock footage a quick guide to enhancing your income with creativity 2024 Edition earn passive income with stock video production by James Orlowski all right so this book is uh 18 ratings 4.1 average rating and it's not selling at all but it has only been on the market for 14 days so perhaps it'll sell in the future so the big issue I see here is when I looked up how to make money shooting stock footage which is your main keyword right your book obviously shows up as number one and it looks like the Kindle book is selling a little bit here but there's not a single other book actually selling on this stock topic so we got stock videography so this is the same topic but it's not selling at all right uh there's this book is not selling and there's obviously your book and there's no other books on the topic so there's literally no proof of concept like you know you don't know if people are actually looking for this topic right cuz there's no other books selling so that's the mistake number one is you're published in a topic that probably has no demand but what you can do is to position your book as side hustle ideas or passive income ideas right instead of how to make money shooting stock footage right shooting stock footage is just one idea of the side hustle ideas or passive income ideas you know book so when I actually look up side hustle ideas it has 2,000 results which is good and then there are some books that are selling better right so this one is at 251,000 so it's nothing crazy you know but this one's doing good so side House of Bible uh 9,000 in the audiobooks so $72 a day so it's a pretty good topic and this one's selling really well too right $51 a day so if you position your book at as a side hustle idea book right and then put the shooting stock footage as one of the idea or perhaps it's a side hustle idea focusing on shooting stock footage anyways when you title the book that way when you position it that way then now you're appealing to a whole new audience that may be interested in learning about how to shoot stock footage or you know just purchasing the book in general so not checking demand as well as positioning is the biggest issue here I think the book covers okay and the other thing is obviously you got to get more reviews because your average ratio is 4.1 and you want to be at least 4.3 so it's five stars so that's why I get more reviews use sites like pubby or you know use other methods to get reviews uh but you need more there all right guys I'll end the video here uh before you go if you want me to review your books uh in the future once again follow me on Instagram DM me your book make sure you send me your Amazon link so that I can review it as well as if you guys are serious about building a profitable Amazon KDP business you guys can check out my complete publishing program uh the link is below this video along with the free training uh but you know we got students doing four figures a month five figures a month even six figures a month and it's truly a publishing program that focuses on marketing and actually creating books that people want and how to sell that book right so many other people can tell you you know how to create a book right or how to upload a book on KDP that's easy but what truly matters is obviously getting sales and making money from it because that's why we're doing all this right so it's a program that focuses on that if you want cuttingedge marketing strategies Advanced strategies uh then we cover that so if you want to check it out the link is below this video as well as all the tools and resources uh that I recommend in your publishing business thanks for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 12,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: OagCwlzi47U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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