How to Sell 1000's of Childrens Books on Amazon KDP | My Key Tips for Success

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one of the best publishing decisions that I made just over 12 months ago was to start publishing my own children's picture story books now these are just a couple of examples of the books that I have been creating and they've had a huge impact globally I've been able to sell these books through KDP and also ingramspark plus some other online platforms to sell thousands of books now in a moment I'll jump on to Amazon and I'll show you these books across platforms such as the US the UK and Australia and I'll show you one book in particular that is performing well now if you haven't been to my channel before welcome my name is Romney now I'm here to help you with your self-publishing be that with Amazon KDP or with ingramspark and in this video I want to go through some of the steps that I've taken to help publish and launch my children's picture story books so let's get into the video right now if you've been following my channel for the last 12 months you might have seen the Archie the bear book series that I created now Archie the bear becomes a big brother has performed really really well now it has fluctuated between 15 000 BSR or the book ranking on Amazon up to maybe a hundred thousand but it tends to probably rank it around about average of 30 000 but that's just 12 months in so if we scroll down on Amazon and we go down to the ranking 66 000 at the moment if we go to uh which one's this one this one is Australia if we go down on this one it's ranked at thirty thousand in Australia and if we go to the United Kingdom then it is currently ranked at twenty six thousand two hundred and twenty so you can see just across these markets it's performing really well so what can I teach you from the experiences that I've had in launching Archie the bear and riding Archie the bear that can help you with your publishing of children's books so the first question most people ask is can you make much revenue of publishing children's picture story books well the answer is absolutely I've even had one bulk order of over 1 400 books through ingramspark so it just shows you the power of ensuring that you don't just publish on one platform publishing on multiple platforms such as Amazon KDP and ingramspark and even electronic platforms like drafter digital who are also actually publishing uh paperback books now we'll give you a great opportunity to expand your publishing so bringing it all back though what can I teach you about publishing children's picture story your books that will help you to go to the next level well the first thing is to complete thorough Niche research you need to know what your audience is what keywords your customers are looking for so therefore when you do create your title and your subtitle and your seven back-end keywords you can use this research to put everything in place because those keywords that you find during your Niche research will be critical to put in the description to help feed the algorithm of Amazon the algorithm needs to know what customers are searching for so if you have the right title and the subtitle with those keywords then your book will hopefully appear early up in the search of customers when they're searching for it so thorough Niche research is one of those key areas that I would highly recommend when you're first planning out your children's picture storybook the next thing is to know your audience are the books you're creating for two to three year olds is it eight to ten-year-olds just make sure you know the audience because this will dictate the kind of writing style that you have and the way that you put your book together it may also be important to know your age group for the size of the book whether it's going to be a glossy cover or a matte finish cover is it going to be full color or is it going to be black and white you need to know your audience your avatar and that will help guide and give you direction for a lot of different things so that's the next key consideration that I have when I plan my books for publishing children's books through Amazon KDP and also ingramspark the next thing I would suggest is if you're planning on creating some complicated illustrations or having continuity of illustrations then Outsource that to an illustrator you could use AI technology to create illustrations I decided to go through the route of actually getting an illustrator that I've that I located and she's created some amazing illustrations and created the continuity as I was talking about through each of the pictures in each of the pages of the book so if I grabbed Archie the Bear right here as I drop all my documents you can see that Archie has the flow as you go through the book as well so the same characters are going through all the time and you can see that flow and that's important when you're creating your books you don't want to have different characters that you're pulling out from say canva or using AR technology to do that kind of thing as I mentioned at the very start publish wide it'll give you the greatest opportunity to reach a wider audience don't just publish on Amazon KDP if you can avoid it I've even got a video about ingramspark and how they've removed their 49 upload fee you still need to pay for an ISBN or a unique ISBN if you publish a paperback and another unique ISBN ISBN if you're doing the hardback so if you're publishing with ingramspark that will be your financial outlay of buying those isbns but if you're confident in your book and you spend a lot of time creating your book why not upload it to ingramspark because they've got such a broad distribution across the world in so many different places and places that Amazon just don't reach so again worthwhile considering publishing to various different platforms that help you to scale your publishing as well now I'm going to give a bit of a plug for my own course it's a best-selling course on udemy on how to write create and design and publish your own children's picture storybook now that course is available on udemy so for the cost of that course the fast track of knowledge that you will receive to get all the information you need to publish successfully is it right there so I guess my tip would be to lean on the knowledge and experience of other people that have gone down the pathway that you want or the the goals publishing goals that you want to achieve follow those that have already been down that path and hopefully I can help you during that path of learning and you can actually gather some great information from that course to bring everything together and to publish successfully across those major platforms so make sure you check out that course next thing would to have an intentional plan that you want to follow write it down make sure you have some structure about your book and may most importantly have an intentional launch plan as well a lot of people create their books and can create some stunning books but they just put them onto Amazon and expect Amazon to Market them for you but you do need to have that launch plan and that could consist of getting reviews having Amazon ads and doing other forms of marketing to ensure you get into the algorithm as quickly as you can and to get those reviews because social proof will help you with your sales and you need to be able to get those consistent sales over the first 30 up to 90 days for it to be liked by the algorithm of Amazon so consistent sales over a longer period of time will definitely help you with your organic ranking The Next Step would be to go back and have a look at some of my previous YouTube videos about publishing children's picture story books so I've got some video playlist of videos that will cover your launch strategy getting keywords doing Niche research and then publishing and launching a book so that might be something that could really help you that will allow you to create the book and hopefully get it successfully launched my other tip would be to create a book that's Evergreen that and what do I mean by that don't create a book that's specific to one particular time of the year so it might be a Valentine's book for children I personally like to publish more broader so that I'm selling potentially 365 days a year and I can reach International markets as well now if you wanted to convert your children's picture story book into different languages then that is a possibility now I've struggled with a few of my children's picture story books to do that because they're rhyming poems or rhyming words so trying to get the consistency within different languages across the world is very difficult with uh poultry so just be careful and mindful of that if you do want to publish broader and wider to International marketplaces and you're considering translating your books into different languages so finally what I would say is that I've thoroughly enjoyed being able to publish children's picture story books Revenue wise it's a fantastic way to generate that passive income I enjoy making them I enjoy the process of creating and thinking of ideas and doing that Niche research and trying to find those books that children are really going to love finding those illustrators as well is an exciting journey and process and to get illustrations that just you love is something that I really enjoy when I finally get those initial files from my computer and I get to check those out and all of my imagination and all everything that I've wanted to create is now coming to life and finding the illustrator to do that for you is uh is really really exciting so I do hope you've enjoyed this video there's a lot of things to learn about publishing children's picture story books as I mentioned I do have a best-selling course on udemy that might significantly help your path to publishing as many books as you want to in this area of children's picture story books and I think it's going to have some great potential if you publish in the right areas so I really hope you've enjoyed this thanks very much for watching and I look forward to creating another video in the near future until then goodbye
Channel: Global Self-Publishing With Romney Nelson
Views: 24,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon kdp, how to make money online, How to publish childrens books, amazon kdp publishing, children's books, kdp, kdp low content books, kdp publishing, kindle direct publishing, amazon kdp tutorial, publishing a childrens book, how to write illustrate and publish a childrens book, childrens book illustration, childrens book illustration process, publishing a book, publishing a book on amazon, how to self-publish a book, how to sell a book on amazon, low content books
Id: HSO-sOiJAv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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