Your Books WON'T SELL... Unless You Fix THIS (Amazon KDP)

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in today's video I'm going to show you how to double triple or even 10x your book sales what is up guys welcome back to another video so if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I built and sold a seven fig publishing business I sold that one and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want NOS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe so in this video what I'm going to do is to review the books that you guys sent in to me on Instagram I made a post in the community tab on YouTube recently saying that if you want me to critique and analyze your book then make sure to follow me on Instagram and DM me your book so that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to go and review your books and show you exactly how you can improve Book Sales so if you want me to personally review your book in future videos as well then make sure to follow me on Instagram and if you implement these strategies that I'm about to show you in your business then I can guarantee that you'll make a lot more sales than what you're currently making so let's get started all right so the first book we have is here unlocking the secrets of purple star astrology so it has good reviews 4.8 star average at 39 rating which is very very good right but the BS R is quite mediocre it's 414,000 in the Kindle store and for the paperback it is over 1 million so it's barely selling anything now I did a little bit of digging here and the biggest reason why it's not selling at all is because there's no Demand on the topic there's no one from what I see looking up purple star astrology or the other keyword you have which is z way doou as you can see you're number one ranked on this keyword and yet you're not making any sales and there's no other books on this topic that is selling well so if there's no other book BS on this topic selling then there's really no proof that this keyword this book topic is profitable if customers are actually searching for it so that was a mistake that you made is you created a book with no demand so the sad thing is no matter what Improvement you do if there's no Demand on the book If nobody really wants these kind of books then you're not going to make any sales no matter how much you improve the cover no matter how much you tweak the listing right but let's just say that this book has demand then I'm just going to give you a few more tips if you would have improved this uh which is first off the paperback is way too expensive at $32 or listing price of $35 uh that is way too high and I would reduce this okay Kindle can stay at $9.99 I recommend the price point between $16 to $18 okay another thing is the book cover it is a little cluttered uh the text is hard to read so you know if I would fix the cover I would focus more on the title being easier to read and it pops better if you want to improve your book cover designs then I recommend a very affordable but high quality service uh Fiverr gig which is this one Rebecca covers I'll leave a link in the description for just $10 you can get a professional ebook cover that looks really nice so going back to the listing your book has a lot of positive reviews which means that the few people that read it really loves it which means your content is great right and looking at the A+ content looking at inside the the book uh it looks amazing you have a lot of designs and this is something that you know it shows that the book is super high quality so really the only thing is that nobody's really looking for a book like this there's just not enough demand so this is why doing proper keyword research is extremely important but the good news is you have the skill to make a super high quality book and now you can take this and apply it into a keyword that actually has demand and I'm sure you will make a lot of money so the final rating I'll give you a 3.5 out of five right so the next book we have is mobile app development with Ki and Python and this book is selling at $9.99 for ebook $49.99 for hard cover paperback is $23.99 at zero reviews it is still 575 BSR which is like selling once every couple days or less and for the paperback it is over a million so it's barely selling so the first thing that stands out is obviously the cover it is it looks like you made this on canva so you want to improve this once again using designers like Rebecca covers can make something a lot better than this for just $10 or a little bit more than that the next thing is you don't have any reviews and your price point is way too high for a book that has zero reviews 99 is the highest you can go and Kindle $49.99 is super high it's 50 bucks for hard C cover and $23.99 is also very high for paperback which you can ask for a price like this for a topic that's kind of a technical topic like this one if you have a lot of reviews if you have a lot of reviews you can but at the moment you don't so all you have to do is get more reviews now there's plenty ways of getting reviews I covered it many many times in my channel so you know go check out my other videos but if you want a super quick and easy way to get reviews and using services like pubby is a good one I'm not going to explain how it works because I did in previous videos so you can just read the website but this is a super easy way to get you know 5 10 reviews every single week uh so I will leave a link to pubby in the description if you want to check it out the good news is you're getting sales at zero reviews in a kind of a crappy cover so if you improve the cover if you get a lot more reviews then that is a good sign that this book will start selling so that's a two thing that you have to work on so the final rating I'll give you a three out of five all right next book is Greece travel guide so the first thing I noticed is you don't need quotes in your subtitles so just remove that it looks weird uh second thing I think the cover is okay not great not bad I think you can keep it it's kind of a different style than other travel guide and it might be good because you can stand out that way there's absolutely no reason not to have a paperback and hard cover version it's literally just $5 to convert your ebook into paperback and hard cover and you're going to make a lot more sales so definitely do the paperback and hard cover and finally you don't have any reviews so that's like an obvious reason why it's not selling that well so just add the paperback hard cover options get some reviews with pubby and start running low Biz Amazon ads and you should improve your sales final rating is three out of five all right so for the next one the same person sent over a bunch of their uh books I'm going to go rapid fire on you know answering each one but this one we have notary public log book and it is not selling at all at absolutely no BSR and you can see that it's just a poorly made cover there's nothing else to it poorly made cover and no reviews so that is the main issue that we have here the next one is the same same thing notary public log book and it's exactly the same except this time the cover is even worse okay and then there's no reviews and once again guys if you don't have any reviews you want to start off selling your book at a cheaper price and as you get more reviews your goal is to increase your price over time to become one of the most premium priced option in the market but in the beginning with zero reviews you can't do that so you have to start lower the next one is also the same issue right we have notary public record book with a different book cover once again it's not the best cover it's not clear and what the book is about there's a little text right here but it has to be way bigger and way more clear what this book is about which is the notary public record book and there's no reviews so that's something that you have to improve if you want a Fiverr cover designer uh besides the one that I just showed you that actually focuses more in low content books does excellent designs for low content at a very good price than use something like Emmy M I'll leave a link in the description but she has a plan where you can get six high quality low content covers for just $75 so that is a little over $10 a piece which which is a very good price considering that each book you make should make you a couple sales which will make your money back and so much more so especially with low content books like log books where the interior is very simple and there's not much you can do interior wise to differentiate your book uh with your competition the book cover is the way for you to differentiate and stand out from your competition so the book cover is the number one most important thing you have to work on so you can't just whip up a cheap looking book cover on canva doing it yourself if you don't have the design skills and expect to make any sales right especially with zero reviews so that is super important you don't have to Outsource to someone and pay a bunch of money you can learn how to design better on canva and still do it for free right I'm not saying you have to use these Fiverr gigs uh you can do it if you want to save time but you don't have to right but you have to either learn design skills and get better at designing uh on canva or if you don't want to do that Outsource to someone who knows how to all right so the next book we got got is the detectives Pursuit 13 enigmatic Tales of detective arjin Roy okay so it has six reviews uh and it is selling at 78,000 in the Kindle Store this is in Amazon India though so I'm not sure how much uh sales that is you know at 78,000 but it's selling couple here and there okay which is which is good so the first thing is I'm not sure if this is a fiction or a non-fiction book I'm assuming it's Fiction it's a detective story book but it's not clear on who the audience is right it's not clear if it's for kids if it's for adults and you want to be very very clear on that I also would recommend you change the title so that it's SEO optimized so that although it's a fiction book you can still get the passive organic traffic element of a non-fiction book so let me show you an example which is this one right here detective and mystery stories for curious kids so this is a SEO optimized keyword right this is a keyword that people actually search on Amazon to look for detective stories mystery stories for kids right so you can rank for that that okay you can get traffic in sales without running ass because you know it's all organic traffic but it is still a fiction book right because it's not true stories you can do true stories too but in this case it's not doesn't matter though you know so it's selling extremely well I have the book being plugg in and it tells me that it is $7,650 in the bookstore making $100 in royalties every single day so there's potential you just have to Pivot your approach a little bit right so change the angle to you know keyword optimize title once again like m stories for kids detective stories for kids obviously if you're going to Target kids now your audience will change okay and you have to update the cover because a kid wouldn't really go for a cover like this right it'll be something more kid-friendly like this so you have to update the cover as well but this slight pivot can make you a lot of money because you can see this book 20 reviews at 7,000 BSR making $100 a day so the potential is there and you also want to make the paperback version once again there's absolutely no reason not to make the paperback version it's literally just five bucks so the final rating I'll give this a two out of five but with a lot of potential all right next book is food preservation for Preppers from CB uh Revel and this book first off amazing covers no uh suggestions on how to improve it I think this cover is amazing I think the title is amazing right food preservation for Preppers SEO optimized the subtitle is clearly defining what the book is about what is the benefits of purchasing it right 99 simple tips to prep for the future you also have the Kindle audiobook hard cover paperback versions you have all formats and it is adequately priced which is great you're not making any mistakes that we covered early in this video right and lastly you have amazing reviews literally 4.9 average reviews at 251 rating so 251 people reviewed it 4.9 average that is incredible the description looks great you're using emojis as well as A+ content looks amazing as well so the BSR for this book at paper back is 486,000 so it's selling here and there but not great right not enough to make significant amount of money and for the Kindle book it is at 300,000 BSR so also selling here and there but nothing amazing which is very strange because if you look up food preservation for Preppers or canning or you know some similar keyword like that you're ranking number one here but on top of that there's other books that's doing really well like this one Preppers canning preservation Bible $2,000 BSR in books $140 a day right we have this 190,000 BSR in books at one review this one is at $48,000 making $22 a day so that's pretty decent we have this book right here making $100 a day so there are decent amount of demand for this topic right so people are looking for books on this topic you have an amazing book with an amazing cover a lot of reviews right so it makes no sense why this book is not selling until I went to cerebro and looked up your book and I see that you're not running any Amazon as so you know obviously you're ranking number one for this keyword and that's why you're getting some organic sales here and there which is great that is passive income right but now that you know that you have a great book and a topic that people are looking for which is to run Amazon ads because once again you're not running Amazon ads at least from what I see on cbro so what I would recommend is for you to start running as you don't have to spend a ton of money so you can just start with a very lowbudget automatic ad campaign and see how that goes if it goes well you can start trying out manual keyword campaign manual product targeting campaign and then just scale from there but that is what I would recommend and I think if you do that you can improve sales so final rating for this is five out of five besides running Amazon as I would not change anything so amazing job all right guys I'll end the video here for today but if you want me to review your book once again uh follow me on Instagram and DM me your book and I might feature your book in future videos like this so before you go if you enjoy this video leave a like subscribe if you haven't and if you're serious about scaling your publishing business consider checking out out my complete publishing course in the description below uh it is more than just videos and lessons you know it's literally a handholding coaching program because you get free one-on-one coaching sessions you get Facebook group access where you can ask any questions weekly calls right so it's really designed to hold your hand and help you through the process so you can you know scale your business further so if you're interested in that then the link is in the description and once again thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next [Music] one [Music] yeah
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 21,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: -PJAyxtdbGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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